The House off Finsbury Square Ch. 02


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I sat quietly. I was still in shock from the revelation that I was to go to a finishing school and move out of the flat. It seemed so unreal.

"Is it all just a wind up Claire?" I asked as we pulled up in front of a parade of shops. "I mean am I really going to St Hilda's?"

"It all depends on you really Anna. Aunt Maud is certainly thinking that you need to be taken in hand as you're slovenly and not making the best of yourself. But I'm not sure your going to St Hilda's quite yet. She just wanted me to get you the uniform for now."

A sense of relief washed over me, and I was on the edge of tears hearing this.

"Come on Anna, we need to get your sports gear now," she said opening the door to get out of the car.

I followed her meekly into the garish looking store. It was very down market and seemed to be selling discontinued lines judging by the colour schemes and the prices.

Claire really enjoyed bossing me about in the changing room. I was soon down to my knickers again and being squeezed into a sports bra and then leggings and a pink leotard with a tiny crotch strap that felt like it would cut me in half if I wore it for long.

Another bag was soon on the back seat of the car. I hoped that my ordeals for the day were over and we were going to go back to the apartment, but Claire did not get in the car and announced we were off to see her friend Fatima.

"Who's Fatima?" I asked as trailing behind her as she strode off down the street.

"A friend," she said as she stopped in front of a Barber's Shop. "Come on we'll be late," and she opened the glass door and virtually pulled me inside.


I'd never been in a Barber's before, so the minutes that followed were eye opening. Abdul's was a Turkish Barbers. It was quite big and spacious with a row of four black leather barbers chairs in front of mirrors and a row of seats for prospective customers facing them. Being Saturday it was busy. The four barbers seats were all occupied with men being attended to by men in white shirts and black aprons. They all looked of Mediterranean origin as their hair was dark, their skin olive in tone and their faces swarthy.

It was a male domain, The smells and sights so alien to me. I felt uncomfortable.

Claire steered me to one of the chairs facing the barbers chairs. There was a dark haired youth sitting in the seat next to mine. He seemed to be disinterested in what was going on around him as his attention was occupied by the porn magazine he was studying. A double page spread featured a large breasted blonde sucking a huge black penis.

"What are we doing here Claire? You're not going to have your hair cut are you?" I said, turning away from the hideous image. I was aghast just thinking about the size of the penis in the picture.

Claire looked at me and with an evil grin said, "I'm not, No...."

A sick realisation started to come over me. "Ohhh no, wouldn't... I mean...I'm not...I refuse...I mean I'm going..." and I made to get up.

Claire's hand grabbed my upper thigh and squeezed hard, making it hard for me to stand up..

"Sit still Anna, and stop making a scene. Maud will not be happy."

I sat back in my seat. I felt a large hole appearing in the pit of my stomach. Maud was party to this too. How I was beginning to fear and loathe her.

I stared blankly in front of me trying to pull myself together. I watched a youngish man have his neck shorn to the skin by an older barber wielding electric clippers. Hair was cascading on to the floor in large clumps, and the powerful electric clippers hummed threateningly.

I started to feel sick...

And then the door opened and a young Middle Eastern looking woman walked in. She was dressed in impossibly tight black jeans and a red floaty blouse.

"Claire. You're here. Sorry I'm late." Claire stood up and they embraced.

"How are you Fatima, it's been ages?" Claire asked. They were clearly old friends.

"Yes great thanks. Busy busy busy. The business is going really well. How are you doing?"

"Yeah great. I'm really enjoying the job. I got promoted last month plus a great bonus. I'm going to plan a holiday soon so I'll deffo be in touch."

"And this must be Anna," Fatima said patronisingly and she smiled broadly. Perfect white teeth emerged through her generous lips.

"Hello," I said awkwardly.

"Hi to you. Sorry I'm a bit late. Let's go on through," and she walked past me to the other end of the shop and stopped at a wooden door.

"Come on silly," Claire said virtually pulling me behind her.

We entered a smaller room. It was brightly lit and dominated by a single black leather barber's chair in the middle of the room. Beneath the frosted glass window was a matching black leather massage table, and in the corner was a hair washing basin.

Claire steered me to the chair and virtually pushed me into it. My poor bottom reminded me of the previous day's ordeal.

Fatima went to a cupboard and extracted a black nylon cape which in a moment was draped around me.

My heart was racing. I was sure I was about to endure a humiliating haircut. Why else was I in this ghastly place...? The only good thing about it was that the room offered some privacy from the gawping Neanderthals out the front.

"She's not here to have her hair done Fatima. Well at least not today. Maud hasn't made up her mind yet what to do with that yet?"

"So what are we doing then?" Fatima asked as she started to pull the cape off me.

"She needs a tidy up down below. Maud's insistent. I've tried to persuade her otherwise, but she won't have any of it."

"You want me to wax her then?"

"No, not exactly. Anna, get your jeans and panties off - now!" she said, raising her voice. i fumbled with my belt, button and zip and eased my jeans down.

"Panties too, Anna."

I did as I was told. I was embarrassed that I was exposing everything to a complete stranger.

"Come on Anna, hurry up," Claire said impatiently.

Fatima settled me back in the chair, scooped up my jeans, trainers and panties and handed them to Claire. Claire put the jeans and shoes on the massage table but then, to my horror, turned my panties inside out so the gusset was uppermost and visible as she held them in her hand. Fortunately there were no embarrassing stains....

Fatima meanwhile was arranging me in the chair, pulling my sweat shirt up on to my chest and then hutching me down so my nether regions were at the front of the seat.

She reached down to the side of the chair and pulled a lever. I felt the back rest recline slightly, and then she pulled two knee supports out from the front of the chair and twisted them into position. Each of my legs was then picked up and draped over the knee supports.

It was hideous. My pussy was now lewdly displayed. To complete my humiliation she then wheeled two large spot lights on stands over and pointed them at my exposed vagina. When she switched them on they dazzled me and flooded my lower body with even more light.

"Right then let's see what you've got Anna," she said matter of factly.

Having never been in a Beauty Salon in my life I found my exposed vulnerability too much to take. i wanted the earth to open up and swallow me...

Fatima started to poke and prod me gently around my vulva, pulling my pubes this way and that. Fingers dragged against my inner labia and even around my clit. Looking at what she was doing and watching her face, it was apparent she was studying me as a specialist studies a patient. Her face was riven with concentration.

I lay there mute...

"She's got a lovely mat of hair hasn't she? Clearly she never even trims it does she?"

"No never. I'm rather found of it really," Claire chipped in. "I love pulling it when we're having sex. That seems to get her turned on even more."

"Please Claire..." I whispered, but she ignored me.

"So what does Maud want then?"

"Well, what she said this morning was that she wants her labia shaved not waxed, and you must do it dry and collect the clippings. The same for her bikini line, but you are only to remove the hair on her thighs and in the crease.

"OK, and what about her anus? She's got loads of hair on her perineum and around her bum hole. Must be a nightmare to keep clean when she has a poo."

I nearly died at this point...

"Yes, I know," Claire said grinning broadly. I'm rather fond of that area. It's such fun to tell her she hasn't wiped herself very well..."

"Oh Claire," i exclaimed.

"Stop complaining Anna. I know you love all this attention," and she then bent over me and rammed my panties into my mouth.

"Huh..." was all I could get out through the lump of white cotton that now filled my mouth.

"So what does Maud want?" asked Fatima.

"She wants the hair round her ass and below her pussy clippered down to about three millimetres so it's nice and bristly, and the main bulk of hair on her pudenda to about six millimetres so it can be epilated later. This little treasure trail down from her belly button needs waxing," she said, leaning over and yanking a few of my sparse hairs cruelly.

I squealed vainly.

"OK, I'll get started. What about legs and armpits?"

"No, nothing, you're to leave those. Maud will insist she lets the hair there grow. I think she has a few little hairs around her little nips though. You're to tweeze those out please."

"How deliciously nasty Maud is," mused Fatima. "That'll be painful... I think it we will be best if we restrain her, don't you?"

"Mmm yes. What a lovely idea. I'll help you, and I think then I'll take a couple of shots to send to Maud."

"Claurghh..." I uttered.

In what seemed like moments they had secured my arms and legs to the chair with broad leather belts. I found the complete immobility the bonds created mildly arousing, and started to worry my pussy would start to seep...

Claire then found her phone and snapped a load of photos of me. All i could think of was what my Mum would say and do if she ever saw them...

"Right, lets get started," said Fatima when she was happy i was trussed up to her satisfaction and she collected a small trolley with what looked like two saucepans on it.

"We'll do the waxing first Claire if thats OK?"

"Fine, I'll leave you to it and collect her in half an hour. Is that long enough?"

"Perfect. See you later.." and the door opened and closed behind me.


Nothing that happened whilst Fatima attended to me was particularly unpleasant until she tweezed out the few small dark hairs around my little nipples. That was excruciating and made my eyes water...

I'd never been for a wax before, so the momentary pain of the hot green wax as it was applied and then ripped off was a new experience. By far the most time was taken up with her using her. sharp scissors and a comb to pull up and trim away the bulk of my pubes. I watched, mildly fascinated, as my pubes were sheared off and carefully gathered up and put in a small plastic specimen bag.

As she worked on, the scissors were replaced by large evil looking clippers that hummed menacingly. I couldn't eally see much of what Fatima was doing as she moved lower, but the coolness of the metal blades and small vibrations as the blades brushed my labia and clit had a predictable effect.

"You're a wanton little slut aren't you Anna? I can smell you're getting turned on, and if I'm not mistaken you have cream leaking out of your pussy. How disgusting is that?"

She knew I couldn't answer, which she seemed to enjoy.

When she finished, she fetched her phone and took various photos of her handiwork. I could see that my once luxuriant curls were just an ugly scrub of stubble. I wanted to touch myself, but of course I couldn't. I was still quite aroused and hungry for release. The cumulative effect of the caning, the pounding from Claire's strap on and Fatima's poking, prodding and vibrating clippers seemed to have directed all my desires to achieve an orgasm.

"Fatima...pease," I struggled to say through my wadded mouth.

She reached over and tugged my panties out.


"Please what?"

"Please could you do me...?" I smiled at her pleadingly.

"Do you? Why you dirty little slut Anna. Do you think I'm interested in your sort? Well I'm not. You'll have to hope Claire and Maud treat you leniently when I tell them how you've behaved to me after all my hard work."

"Oh please don't say anything....please..." I started to panic.

"And what would you be prepared to do to help me change my mind?"

"Anything, anything.."

"Alright, I won't say anything for now. I'll think about what your penance can be and send you a text about where and when you can do it. What is your mobile number?"

I told her and she keyed it into her phone. My arousal evaporated and relief washed over me.


Fatima released me from my bonds and ordered me to get dressed. i was able to touch the bristly scrub on my mound momentarily as I pulled up my rather damp panties. My pubes felt odd...incomplete...punished...

Claire soon reappeared and after thanking Fatima and pocketing the little bag with the hair clipping in it, we collected our shopping bags and went home.


We were scarcely through the front door before she ordered me to strip.

"Can I go to the loo first, Claire? It's urgent." My bladder was full and my bowels were growling.

"No of course you can't. I want you to try on your new Gym clothes and send some photos to Maud. She really liked the set Fatima has sent her, she's going to post them on a porn site."

"What?" I was shocked by this relevation.

"You heard, now get your kit off and put the leotard on."

I went to my roomand unpacked the uniform. Laying it all out on the bed it looked a bizarre collection.

I undressed. Standing in front of the mirror I ran my fingers through what remained of my pubes. The textures felt strange and unfamiliar to my fingers. My prominent inner lips seemed huge now they were unprotected, and my little buttons hood seemed to have grown in size and were very exposed and vulnerable. I darted one finger lower still, and it rasped against the prickly hairs around my bum hole creating a rather stimulating sensation that seemed to go straight to my clit!

Reluctantly I pulled the pink leotard on. It was at least two sizes too small.

I became quite hot and bothered wrestling with it, but gradually got it to fit. The final task was to connect the press studs together of the front and back crotch straps. I had to pull them hard to connect the poppers. The material stretched to its limit and the rear strap pulled tight between my cheeks. I managed it in the end and relaxed the strap against my pussy. The strap was so tight it pulled between my labia, forcing them out to either side. My poor pussy was, without my thicket, on display for all to see... I could see exactly why Maud wanted my pubes removed! Wearing the leotard in public would be truly mortifying...

Claire banged on the door. "What are you doing in there? You'd better not be masturbating." The door flew open and she marched in.

"Good. You've got it on. Now let me take a look at you."

She spent ages inspecting me. Her fingers ran all over me pulling and tweaking me. My poor nipples were pulled till they became erect. Every little contour could be seen through the stretchy material... I blushed with the blatancy of it.

Then she moved lower and fingered my pussy, running her fingers over my clit and labia and insinuating one finger under the crotch strap into my hole.

"I knew it!" she exclaimed. "You're wet. You love it don't you? You're such a slut Anna. I can smell your sex from here. You're so dirty..."

I blushed even more with the coarseness of her language. It was true...I did love being humiliated...i couldn't help it.

"I don't suppose you'd finish me off would you Claire? I'm very close...."

"Certainly not you filthy little minx. Turn round so your bottom faces the mirror."

I did as I was told. I'd forgotten all about my bum. The rear strap had forced the cheeks apart slightly tightening the skin. The cane marks were plain to see...

"Excellent. Maud will be very pleased." She said and pulled her phone from her back pocket and took more photos.

"You'll make an excellent pupil you know Claire. I think that bottom of yours will get top marks from all the teaching staff," and she giggled at her own pun.

"Now bend over and touch your toes."

I did my best to oblige my tormentor but touching my toes proved to be harder than I thought it would be. The crotch strap seemed to cut in to me even harder as it had reached the limits of its elasticity. The shoulder straps now bit into my flesh unpleasantly.

"Come on," urged Claire. "You can do better than that," and her hand grabbed the back of my neck and pushed my head lower.

The stresses and strains of the leotard were starting to have alarming effects on my bladder. I was now desperate to pee. i tried to relax my muscles a little hoping that the building pain would be less. I felt panic starting to rise...

The first swat across my right bottom cheek caught me completely off guard...

"That's for asking me to masturbate you," Claire said icily.

A rain of further swats across alternate cheeks rained down in quick succession.

I winced with the pain of each blow.

"No Claire please...nooooo...I'll have an accident. Please no more."

My appeal for mercy appeared to have just the opposite effect on Claire than I wanted. She increased the tempo and the force of my spanking and then cruelly reached underneath me and grabbed the leotard just above my tummy and yanked it hard.

All of the pain and the pressure on my bladder was too much, and i could no longer hold it. my poor straining sphincter let go and warm yellow urine sprayed from me.

Claire stopped spanking me, and let go of the leotard.

"You're peeing Anna. You're doing it again! I don't believe it! You disgusting little girl. You need to be in nappies...

I stood up and faced her. The pee was just running out of me, down and on to the wooden floor. The relief was wonderful....

"Maud will have something to say about this Anna. Stop it now...,"

"I can't Claire, I can't.."and the warm liquid continued to run down my legs.

When I'd finished, I looked down. I was now standing in a pool of my own wee. Claire was just looking at me speechless.

I couldn't help myself then. The leotard, the spanking and the exquisite relief of letting my bladder go was so powerfully erotic I reached for my clit and started to rub myself.

"Don't Anna, don't...I'll tell Maud....Stop it now..."

But I was too far gone by then. I'd endured a day of sexual torment and needed relief. I pulled the snaps open on the leotard. I found my opening with my other hand and started to fuck myself with two fingers. My loins were screaming for relief and I soon felt my orgasm starting to build.

I was lost in a world of self gratification. i didnt give a shit about Claire or Maud...I just needed to come.

And when it fingers rubbing and pumping so burst over me like a thousand stars...

I sank to my knees and in to the puddle of pee...and it was ecstasy....


I was confined to my room for the rest of the day. Claire delivered me bread and water and a bucket. I was banned from the bathroom and told to clean up the mess and not touch myself again if I knew what was good for me. I had to strip out of the leotard so she could wash it.

I lay on my bed dreamily..

I couldn't stop caressing myself. My clit and labia felt so accessible, so different now Fatima had removed my pubes. I was a bit smelly of course...but I even got used to that as the day wore on

I'd cleaned up my pee puddle with a towel. There was no damage to the floor.

It was all rather peaceful and nice. The only clouds on the horizon were going to lunch with Maud the following day, the talk of me going to a Finishing School and the inevitable reckoning up....