The Hungry Wolf Ch. 06


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"I almost didn't believe it when the rumors spread this week about him finding his one. The entire pack was buzzing about how he was smiling again -- really smiling -- and laughing, and I didn't want to believe it because I didn't want to see him hurt again."

"You believe it now?"

"Oh you bet I do," she looked at Charlie with a big smile. "You are his as surely as he is yours. Try to remember that when people will get in your way."

"Did you two date?"

"Date?" Anna echoed, tilting her head and considering her words carefully. "Sort of. We paired up occasionally at ceremonies and hunts when we were younger, before Stacie got her claws in him."

"Paired up as in went to homecoming and prom or paired up as in had sex?"

"We paired up sexually, Charlie," Anna said, watching the other woman's face closely. Charlie noticed the scrutiny and gave a soft laugh.

"Don't look so worried, I'd already figured as much." She shook her head and slid off the table, leaning against it next to Anna. "After what Eva told me about pack behavior, I have to assume there are few here who haven't been with him."

"Not quite," Anna laughed. "Most of us are pretty selective."

"I see. It's just a select few that give the goings on that 'free-love' vibe?" Charlie teased, making Anna laugh again. "Sounds like a couple of my former band-mates."


"They would actually get their junk shaved and pedicures before we played a wedding if the parents of the bride were divorced."

"You're kidding," Anna chuckled.

"Not at all. I have never met two bigger sluts in my life." She smiled at Anna. "They were good guys, though. When they thought with their big heads, anyway." She sighed, stretching her arms out in front of her.

"You were in a band?"

"For a bit when I was younger." Charlie gave Anna a nostalgic smile.

"What did you play?"

"I sang, actually."

"Really?" Charlie nodded. "Do you still sing?"

"Only when I'm happy, apparently."

"So you've been singing lately?"

"Yeah, I have," Charlie laughed.

"What next?" Anna asked after a few moments of companionable silence.

"What's going to happen to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean after the mating thing. Damien said I would become a werewolf, too?"

"Yeah, you will. Not right away, though."

"That's what he said. But he said some things would change right away."

"Oh, well yes, that's true. You will take on some traits almost immediately." She cocked her head, her brow creased. "And you'll likely notice some transient changes. Mostly in your personality."

"Such as?"

"Intense mood swings is a big one. Extreme fatigue. Increased appetite and sex drive, too. But those usually fade after a week or so."

"You don't have a pamphlet or something on this, do you?"

"A pamphlet?"

"Yeah. You know, like they give out in doctor's offices? Something like 'So you've decided to have breast implants', only it would say 'So you've decided to become a werewolf'? It would list what to expect and how it happens. Pretty helpful for possible pack members and non-werewolf mates."

"No. But it might be a good idea to write one up. I could sell it to the other packs and we'd make a fortune." They laughed together and fell back into silence again.

"What next?" Anna asked.

"You know -- I can't really remember now." She shrugged. "I'll most likely think of it as soon as I leave."

"You know where to find me when you do." She smiled as Charlie stood up and moved towards the door. "And as soon as I have any further info for you on your other questions I'll let you know, alright?"

"Sounds great." Charlie paused, her hand on the door lever. "I want to thank you for being so honest with me, Anna. It means a lot."

"You're welcome." She followed Charlie out towards the lobby. "I'm so glad he found you. Not because he found someone, but because he found you."

"Really?" Charlie turned to look at Anna closely as they came to the center's doors. "Thanks. That...thanks."

"I'll see you soon," Anna said, watching as Charlie made her way towards the main house.

Charlie walked through the ornate wooden doors to the main house and made her way up the stairs. She tried to keep her eyes down as much as possible, unsure how to acknowledge those around her that seemed to bow their heads. She saw the doors to Damien's apartment and almost sprinted to them in relief. She walked in and quickly closed the door behind her, leaning against it and chastising herself for being such a ninny.

"Damien?" she called, walking to the entryway to the great room and poking her head in. She didn't hear him. "Anyone home?" She turned around and looked at her boxes and bins that were stacked along the wall of the formal sitting room. "Might as well get started," she mumbled, sorting through them. She stacked all the containers of clothing and shoes on one side, and her containers of household goods on the other. What pitiful piles they be, she thought.

"We should go ahead and take the clothes and stuff upstairs," Damien said from behind her, making her jump.

"Godammit!" Charlie said, turning to face him with her hands on her hips. "Would you stop sneaking up on me? I swear, one of these days you're going to give me a coronary."

"Sorry, my love, but I just couldn't resist." He smiled at her, his eyes twinkling mischievously, as he approached and took her into his arms. He bent and brushed his lips against hers softly. "Did you have a good talk with Anna?"

"I did." She put her arms around him and looked up into his eyes. "I appreciate you being so understanding about that."

"I wouldn't say I was understanding as much as I was aware I had no choice."

"Smart man." She rested her head on his chest and tightened her arms around him.

"Charlie? Is everything alright?" he asked, somewhat alarmed by her behavior.

"Better than alright," she sighed contentedly. They stood like that for a few minutes until he broke the silence.

"Why don't we take your clothes upstairs and unpack?" He put his hands on her shoulders and leaned back to look at her.

"Sounds good," she said, stepping away from him and turning towards her stuff. She picked up a box labeled 'undies/jammies' and put it on top of a bin labeled 'dresses/skirts/foo foo', squatting down to pick them both up.

"What is 'foo foo'?" Damien asked, stacking three big boxes labeled 'boots/shoes/belts n junk' and picking them up.

"Show off," she muttered, making him grin at her. "It's fancy clothes and stuff."

"Why 'foo foo'?"

"It's what my mom called it." She followed him upstairs, walking carefully and rolling her eyes at the easy way he ran up the stairs.

"I ordered a dresser and vanity for you, but they won't be here until early next week. In the mean time I cleared out a couple drawers for you and some closet space." He walked into the bedroom and put the boxes by the high boy.

"That was nice of you, cow- oomf!" Charlie stumbled and nearly fell over on top of her stuff, but managed to right herself at the last minute, sending the box tumbling down to land upside-down on her foot instead. "Ow." She looked at Damien, giggling.

"How do you manage to trip over your own feet?"

"I know. It's like a skill."

"That's one word for it, I suppose," he said, making her laugh and stick her tongue out at him. Charlie put the bin down by the rest of her stuff and went back to get the box.

"Thanks for going to all this trouble for me, Damien. I appreciate it."

"Trouble?" he pulled out three drawers he'd emptied for her to use.

"With your room and everything." She picked up the box upside-down, and the top became untucked, spilling the contents onto the floor between them. Damien groaned when a pink rabbit vibrator landed on top of the pile of bras, underwear and pajamas. Charlie dropped the box and slapped her hands to her face, her cheeks bright crimson.

"I guess I don't need to ask if that's yours?" Damien said, his voice low as he moved towards her. He knelt down and picked up the vibrator, looking at her closely for a moment before running it under his nose. "It smells of soap and plastic. You must have washed it well after you used it last."

"That's...that's private, Damien," Charlie whispered. "Please, may I have it?"

"Oh, I'll let you have it, dolcezza." His voice was guttural, seeming to growl directly from his chest, and Charlie felt a wash of heat spread through her groin. She raised her eyes to his and gasped, his gaze so heavy on her she felt it's weight and her breathing became fast and hard.

"Damien," she croaked, her mouth suddenly arid.

He rose and stepped to her, throwing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her to him. He looked at her for a moment, the way her breathing pushed her chest out, the residual blush in her cheeks, the way her eyes shone and his mouth slowly spread in a predatory smile. Charlie thought it was the same smile a tom cat might give a mouse before he pounced.

Then his lips were on hers and all other thoughts flew out of her head. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, stabbing into it, his kiss a rough, almost violent parody of sex. Charlie's knees grew weak and she grabbed his shoulders, anchoring herself to him against the storm he was creating inside her. She heard the vibrator turn on and felt him rub it along her pussy through her jeans. She tried to pull away but he held her fast.

She whimpered against his mouth, but he only let up from hers enough for them to gasp for air. He stopped rubbing and just pressed the vibrator against her pussy, the twisting and vibrating shaft pressed right at her opening, and Charlie stopped trying to get away. She began angling her hips, trying to bring it closer to where her clit was -- swollen and oh so sensitive -- under her jeans. Her whimpers turned to whines as she felt him lift her up, pulling the vibrator away from her completely.

Damien carried her to the bed and tore his mouth from hers. He gently dropped her on the bed so she laid across it sideways, her calves hanging off the edge. He climbed on top of her, his knees on either side of her thighs, and reached out to grab the collar of her shirt. "Are you ready?" he whispered, that predatory smile back on his face. He pulled at her shirt, not waiting for her answer, tearing it down the middle and spreading it wide, making her suck in her breath, before grabbing her bra and ripping that in two down the middle as well. He bent over and sucked her right nipple into his mouth, biting it roughly as she arched her back and moaned. She went to thread her hands in his hair and he stopped, letting her nipple fall out of his mouth and grabbing her wrists. "No, my Charlotte. This time, you are not allowed to touch me. If you do, I will stop." He pushed her arms back until they were over her head. "Keep your hands up here, my love." She whimpered at him but grabbed the blankets with her fists.

He returned his attention back to her breasts, holding her left nipple with his teeth and flicking his tongue on it before sucking it hard and pressing it against the back of his teeth. Charlie moaned and writhed beneath him, but kept her hands above her head. She felt Damien climb off the bed and raised her head.

"I'll buy you more," he said, confusing Charlie until she felt his hands at the waistband of her jeans. She felt a hard tug and tightened her grip on the bedclothes as she heard the fabric of her jeans rip. He tugged them down her legs, leaving them hanging off her calves.

"Damien!" she groaned as she felt him rip her panties and toss them behind him. He climbed on the bed, straddling her thighs again, and she heard the vibrator start up.

"Tell me, dolcezza, did you use this?" he whispered, dragging the tip along her collarbone. She nodded, her eyes shut tight. "Tell me."

"Yes," she whispered.

"Did you make yourself come from it?"

"Yes," she groaned, turning to bury her face in the crook of her arm.

"Do you know how hard that makes me?" He dragged it down her chest, rubbing it around first one nipple then the other. "The image of you fucking your sweet little pussy, your hands slick with your delicious juices as you pump this in and out, rubbing the little rabbit on your clit." He dragged it down her torso, stopping to stick it in her belly button briefly. "Imagining you moaning and coming, your beautiful cunt spread open and dripping."

Charlie moaned at his words, turning her head back, her eyes slits as she watched him move down her body. She gripped the covers tighter, her knuckles white, as she resisted the urge to grab him and kiss him and beg him to fuck her. He slid off the bed and Charlie felt him kneel between her legs, pushing them wide and raised her head. Her hips twitched as he ran the tip of the vibrator up and down her lips lightly, barely touching her. Their eyes met, and Charlie forgot to breathe for a minute as the look of pure undiluted desire in his gaze sent her pulse galloping.

"Open your legs for me. I want to use this to fuck your perfect little pussy," he growled, pushing the tip of the vibrator between her pussy lips and running it up and down her vulva. Charlie obeyed instantly, lifting and bending her knees and planting her feet on the edge of the bed.

"Oh...oh god...please," she moaned as he began to use the toy on her. She immediately began moving her hips against his hand.

"So fucking beautiful," he ground out. He spread her lips open so he could watch the vibrator work her clit as he fucked her with it. "You're so wet, dolcezza. I can see your pussy juices run down your ass." She moaned at his words, delirious at his sexy words, her hands still fisting the blankets over her head as her hips lifted off the bed.

"Yes! Oh yes! Don't stop!" she cried as the vibrator was quickly replaced with his tongue. He fucked her with it, stabbing at her opening a few times before roughly lapping up the length of her pussy repeatedly. He just as quickly pushed the vibrator back inside her and began pumping her with it.

"I want you to fuck yourself while I watch." He reached up and captured her right wrist, bringing it down and forcing her hand around the toy. "I want to watch you make yourself come," he groaned. She was so wet the squelching sound of her cunt was louder than the sound of the vibrator. Her hips began thrusting in earnest and he let go of her hand, moving his down to undo his jeans and release his cock. He slowly stroked himself with his left hand as his right spread her pussy open.

Charlie was moaning, maintaining contact with the rabbit against her clit as she used shallower thrusts. He watched as her thighs and abdomen tensed and she gave out a small cry and shuddered as her orgasm swept over her.

"That is beautiful, my Charlotte," Damien whispered. He pulled the vibrator out and dropped it on the floor, pushing her hand back above her head before turning and burying his face between her legs. He softly and slowly lapped at her pussy, gathering her juices, drinking from her, forcing her orgasm to continue as her body convulsed. He rose from his knees as she quieted, and kissed his way up her body. He stopped when he reached her face, reaching up and forcing his fingers through hers, pinning her arms next to her head and hovering over her. Her mouth was open, her skin flushed, eyes glassy with desire as she looked at him.

She raised her head and kissed him, plunging her tongue into his mouth and sighing at her taste on his tongue. "I love to taste myself on you," she whispered against his lips. She let her head fall back and looked into his eyes. They were dark, darker than usual, and his lids were heavy as he looked back at her with an almost feral expression on his face. She could feel his cock resting against her lower abdomen, just above her mound, and she shifted her hips, trying to force it where she so desperately needed to feel it. "Fuck me, Damien. Please."

"I can't," he groaned, squeezing her hands. He looked down at her -- flush and open and aching for him -- and groaned again. "It's too risky." He let go of her hands and sat back on his heels.

"Risky?" she asked, propping herself up on her elbows to look at him. He was still dressed, his pants undone and his cock out and hard.

"I want you too much, dolcezza; my wolf is desperate to claim you and I can't be sure I would be able to control my instincts."

She sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. "Please. I want you, Damien. I need you." She reached between them and stroked his cock gently, reaching into his jeans and cupping and squeezing his balls.

"Charlotte," he breathed against her lips.

"Please," she said, pulling him further on to the bed until they knelt together in the center. "We can stop if you feel you can't control yourself, Damien." She tugged his shirt up and he took it off, tossing it on the floor behind him.

"I don't know if I will be able to stop," he said, helping her push his jeans down below his hips. He allowed her to push him back on the bed, kicking his jeans off as she climbed on top of him. She bent down and kissed him, her hair falling about them like a soft, dark curtain.

"I trust you, Damien," she said, sitting up. She grabbed his cock and held it still as she rubbed her pussy back and forth along his length, wanting him to feel the heat and the wet. "I love you." She slid herself forward along his shaft until she reached the head, angling her hips back to ease it into her opening as she took her hand off. She poised herself above him, the tip stretching her deliciously, making little circles with her hips. Her eyes were on his, questioning, and he nodded.

She lowered herself down slowly, throwing her head back and sighing contentedly as she came to rest against him. She raised her hips up slowly until only the tip remained inside her. She moved herself up and down for a few moments, not allowing him to penetrate her more than a couple of inches.

"Charlotte," he groaned, putting his hands on her hips and kneading her flesh.

"That feels so good, Damien," she breathed, shivers chasing across her spine and shoulders as she continued to shallowly fuck herself on him.

"You like this, my love?" Damien whispered, watching her nipples harden as the chills raced across her chest.

"Yes." She looked at him, the golden flecks in her eyes contrasted against her dilated pupils, making them look like they were lit from within. "Oh god, yes, Damien." She planted her hands on his chest and threw herself back, impaling herself on him fully.

"Oh fuck, Charlie," Damien moaned, flexing his hands on her hips to try and still her. "Stop for a minute."

Instead, she tilted her hips forward, pressing herself against his pubic bone. "I can't," she panted, tilting her hips back and raising herself up a little before slamming herself back down. She tilted her hips forward on her downward thrust to push them back again, grinding her pussy against him before raising herself up a little again. She rode him this way, grinding herself on him as she fucked him, his hands helping steady her as they both rushed towards orgasm.

"I'm going to come, Charlie." He slid his hands up to her breasts to pinch and tweak her nipples, making her moan and move faster. "That's it. Come with me," he breathed. He could feel her pussy starting to spasm around his cock, tightening around him like a fist, and he knew she was close. He slid his hands back down to her hips and kept her from raising herself up again. He moved her back and forth, pushing and pulling on her hips, guiding her to grind against him, only relaxing his hold when he felt her start to do it on her own. He thrust his hips up at her as she moved, her back arched and head thrown back.

"Fuck," he grunted as he came, his hips jerking against her as she shuddered around him.