All Comments on 'The Incident Ch. 02'

by Blue88

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Great Writing!

Story keep me into it untill the end. Great to read good stories on this site. Thank You for your effort!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Oh please!

i find the husband pathetic. more pathetic than those 'wimpy' ones. and for a story w/ an unoriginal plot, its too long and really not that interesting.

well written, but a bit boring.

skipperrskipperrabout 17 years ago
Great build-up, then . . . .

This started out as another great story by Blue88, then the ending just was thrown out there. It reminded me of some movies, where they spend an hour and 45 minutes building up the characters and the story line and getting you intrigued, then realize that they only have 15 minutes to end the movie, and just fit a quick ending in to get done on time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

This is the way the story ends: not with a bang; but a whimper.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

A waste of time.

LazylonerLazylonerabout 17 years ago
too close to formula

The quality of the writing itself is very high, unfortunately Blue88 has used many of the same plot twists in recent stories, and usually with the same results when it comes to character development.

Once again his husband is supremely confident and capable in every aspect of life except putting the marriage back together

Once again there is an older man with words of wisdom about how its worse to walk away than to accept being married to a woman after the trust and love is gone.

I can see something like this happening, and if I hadn't read other similar stories by Blue88, I probably would have enjoyed this story more. Instead this story feels too much like many of the others I've read, and lacks anything special to make it stand out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Blue88, I was at first disappointed in the ending of the story. But as I sat and thought about it, the ending was something real, not contrived to swing the readers emotions. Most relationships do go out with a whimper not a bang.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Well written

With the type of circumstances AND characters you created for this story, I was so looking forward to where you were going to take this story and how it was going to end. And all I can say is...well at least it was well written.

The husband says that his wife probably enjoyed being a martyr when he does just that - he gives us all the details of staying faithful throughout an empty marriage for the good of the children. Years and years go by, his children grow up, and he stays in his home as a guest, letting us know that if he gets a sexual urge he goes running or take cares of it by masturbating. Oh the pain, oh the saint...and the wife did not do much better. You have to wonder how much this coldness affected the children's lives - yes, the ones both idiots remained in the marriage to protect which had surely noticed that their parents didn't sleep together nor had one ounce of tenderness or caring for each other. Talking about fucking up your children's lives, I doubt any of these kids would know what a normal relationship is.

Let me put it like this, for the first time, Blue, I could not feel any sympathy for either character - both spouses deserved the misery they created of their lives. And in my opinions both characters were fucked up. Supposedly the wife for a childhood incident, but you got to wonder what was the husband's excuse...

You created an interesting situation with maybe what some might consider unrealistic characters. Good for you! In a desert of literary crap you aroused our curiosity and interest. You did your job, author. We, the readers, were grateful to the point that the comments from the readers were as interesting as the story. But sometimes an author doesn't deliver - and in this case, Blue, you didn't. Maybe you were rushed to finish the story, maybe you lost interest, maybe you didn't think it through, maybe the problem is that I expect better from you because you are a good author whether I agree with your ending or not- who knows - Blue, you rushed the ending. Heck, in this second part you rushed the whole darn story so all I can say is that it was well written.

Thanks for the story. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Yep can agree she was mentally ill. Cant agree

she was raped doesnt fit the scenario of Laura pushing for the job and putting it out in the open. Hope he is glad he was stupid enough to give everything he had in accounts and all to a wife who actually hated him and was very mentally ill. They say one is born every minute.

DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 17 years ago
Very good!

This is a well written story with an interesting plot. The fact that it ended with a whimper is closer to the truth than most. The only thing I have trouble with is his time of exile in the so called home. Atonement for a while is understandable but I think a confrontation would have occured after a year, when there were still some feelings left. Most people would have made some attempt to salvage something. Then the illness would have come out and been delt with. That's my take but it's your story and you did write a good one. Thanks for sharing your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
doesnt work at all ; Harry was right again

Well at least there is no forced reconciliation THIS time.


if the wife was mentally ill and / or traumatized by what she saw as child dont you think the husband has a right to know? funny how after all those years Before the INCIDENT occurred he was never told....


There are other huge gaps in this rather ordinary tale. We still dont know WHY he stayed long after the kids were gone. The author has the husband answer this by shouting to Reg one sentance of incoherent bable but that is just a clever ploy .


from chapter 1 I think Harry's point still hlds. I cant see ANY reason why the Husband would stay for years.


Supposedly this guy went 10+ years or is it 15 with No sex from any woman... sure... happens a lot.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
good stuff

I liked your story very much. Don't wait so long between stories, no short ones please.

The NavigatorThe Navigatorabout 17 years ago
Excellent story

At first I was not going to comment, but after reading the other comments I thought this needed a little of balance.

The story was engaging, well written, well planned. There were flaws in the character developments, but not inhuman flaws. The plot was quirky at times, but so is life. The ending was acceptable. I would have enjoyed their getting back together, but they really did fall out of love. Maybe they never were really in love with the real persons they were. She brought a clouded past into a marriage and did not level with her husband about it. So he was in love with one person and she was actually another. We never did understand her until the very end, if we did then, but it appeared it was the demon in her that was in love with her husband. The other part of her never really got exposed to a real life.

Thank you for providing an entertaining interlude in my life and a moment to reflect on some things in my own life I wish had been different but which I must accept as is....

Risq_001Risq_001about 17 years ago
Well Blue, I see you gave reality this time.......

<p>And some folks might not like it</p>

<p>I know of about 2 guys who are living in sexless marriages and I know for a fact one of them would rather cut his *winkie* off than cheat. If it wasn't for the kids he would have divorced years ago. I know because he works with me, lives close to me, and he's always at home, never going out, and just goes to work and comes home. So personally I know someone who's life so far has turned out like this. But in his case it was his wife who was stepping out. He just doesn't want to get screwed by the state with his kids. Personally I think he could get past it (the few times we talked), but his wife acted liked what she did was no big deal and because it just <i>happened</i> only a few times with different men, and because she claims that she's no longer doing it and it happened well before he ever found out about it, so he should just get over it because she no longer has the desire to do it anymore. That's what killed the marriage for him. That she's really not remorseful for what she did and doesn't seem to care how what she did effects him. He could be lying to me about her how she feels, but her personality tends to lend to that "Just screw 'em" attitude she has when she deals with anyone, so I could believe him. So women just don't seem to intrest him anymore.</p>

<p>But this second part of the story at first started me to not like it because of the exile the husband put himself in and the fact Reggie seemed to being trying to mildy "push" him back towards is ex-wife. But with all the hurt of this story, I couldn't see this happening. Nothing I read to this point showed that it should happen. So I can't understand why so many are mad that they didn't get back together, unless they wanted reconcilation at all cost</p>

<p>But speaking personally, how many folks here have talked "extensively" about anything negative with their mates or girlfriend/boyfriend before they got involved? Usually at that time your trying to sell yourself so they will be intrested in you enough to want to spend time with you. Later they want you to marry them so they dont' want to appear <i>flawed</i>, and something some folks migh consider embarssing enough to require a shrink, I could see people wanting <b>No one</b> to know. If some of posters think about it I'm sure there are somethings in your past your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend may not know and possibly may *never* know. So I don't see this discovery as a problem to the story.</b>

<p>I liked the story Blue. If only because it felt more real than I, and possibly others, might have liked it to be</p>


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
another great story

as they say shit happens or better yet life happens.

thank you for taking the time to write and entertain us.

Mike from Texas

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
I liked this a lot, Blue!

The level of detail added a richness that made the story more interesting.


I agree with Risq that this story has a sense of reality to it ... like it's something that could have happened. Her visiting the island gave him the closure he needed to get on with his life.


Nicely done and a fascinating read.


Regards, Jack

rooster1rooster1about 17 years ago
it was over long

ago they just didn't bury it till long after it quit stinking. yes he made a mistake & she would have been ok to dump him but to keep him around that way was too cruel. casey should have either ended it or agreed to talk about all of thier problems.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
what so much gibberish nonsene

there's no coherence to the "story." it's mostly blah blah nonsense... even scrolling down quicky still wasted some minutes.

cageyteecageyteeabout 17 years ago
Thanks for a great read . . .

I liked it even more as I was unsuccessful in predicting an ending. None of the scenarios I imagined came to pass. Thanks again for all the time, energy, imagination and talent you put into entertaining us.

acs_1acs_1about 17 years ago

I was majorly dissapointed with the ending though. You see, both these people suffered far, far too much to end the story there. The issue was that their suffering was in no way proportional to the damage they inflicted on one another. But to end this tale where they live in such a farce of a marriage in this way, made it even more wastefull. Shouldn't the clouds clear a little and let the sun shine just a bit for people who've been through such a horrible time? Don't they have the right to just a little happiness? The thing is that they suffered though most of this relationship together. That's saying something. I feel that after everything else, they've EARNED the right for a little more compassion from both sides. Nothing gets to me more than this sort of overwhelming feeling of waste, particularly if they walk away into the sunset -apart.

NucleusNucleusabout 17 years ago
The end

<p>is not what I expected. Hope dies last.</p>

<p>Good story</p>


HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 17 years ago
Boy, do I enjoy Blue's stories!

I loved chapter two. I bet that I will enjoy chapter three. I saw no words like "The End" or "Conclusion" that Blue uses in his final chapters. (Go and check his page with his body of work and notice the word "Conclusion" frequently used. I've spent the last couple days re-reading Blue's stories, so I know.) It could end here, but it won't. This was a marvelous story that made me late for work, but that's okay! We, the readers, are extremely fortunate that Blue takes the time, energy, and effort to entertain us so well. I greatly appreciate this story and thank Blue for it. (Don't make me eat crow by not having a chapter three in the next few days!) As far as I'm concerned, these two have to reconcile. Who else would want either head-case? They are made for each other. I suspect they aren't even divorced. I'm feeling warm and fuzzy!

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
Reality RISQ? No I dont think so...

WHAT a huge LET DOWN...


I have to wonder about the husband's supposed VENGENCE? I dont see you? The beginning of Chapter 1 stated at all this grand action by the husband...


<b>Even at the end the wife never learns what reallty happens all those years ago at the INCIDENT. She still THINKS her husband WANTED to have sex with that other woman in the bathroom.... she never apologizes for falsely accussing her hsuabnd of an act he did NOT commit . </b>


His action about the whore trying to blackmail him with the photos... going to the CEO and the DA etc is Justice. How was what the husband did qualifies as Vengence?


There certainly was NO Vengence against the wife so essentially the author lied to us.


Dont get me usual Blue88 story are detailed well wtitten and filled with great TANGENTIAL character development and a set of seriously flawed Husband and wife.


what is the purpose of the REG character?


I have read the assertion that well this was realisitic. REALLY?


Yes in the STRICT sense given the mental damage the wife was operating under... her LYING by omission about to her husband and what he went through for 2 decades.... this ending kind of makes sense.


But the problems from chapter 1 remain. The way Blue88 developed this husband... <b>given his anger and rage it makes NO sense that he never WANTED to explain to his mentally ill wife what happened. Of course it would not make any difference give the wife's mental problems but there is value in seeking and stating the truth for Truth's sake. Honor does matter when you are falsely accussed. </b>


It is hard to see why he stayed in this marriage LOOOOOOOONG after the kids were old enough. Sorry Risq the fact that you know some guy who has gone years without sex with his wife deos NOT make THIS story realisitic.


When the kids reached 18 or 20 why wouldnt he leave... "sorry kids 20 years ago I was attacked by another woman in bathroom Mom walked in and she has not wanted to have sex or any sort of touching in since then. She has never asked me what happened and doesnt care if I live or die. I am gone... "


Lastly why should he believe she was raped? I would not. for 20 + years she held a Major piece of her life and trauma away from her husband and Made HIM pay for an act he didnt even commit.


How does the rape excuse what she did to him for 20 years? Yet essentially that is exactly what happens. At the end of the story he spends all this time talking with her walking on the beach... again why?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Get an editor.

Because, God, that was plodding and ridiculous. 25% again for not making my eyes bleed with typos.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
one of your best

i agree with Risq, this is a fine story you have written Blue88! <P><P>

especially the Reg "reflection" of what happened to our hero, with Reg trying to reconcile but too late, it led me to think you would do another reconciliation story, but you didn't. <p><p>

kudos for the story.

daluentdaluentabout 17 years ago

The reg character was really a wimpy British girlie man. I skimmed his bullshit. The ending sucked. What man would put up with a mentally ill woman for that long is really pathetic. You write so well I'm jealous. Luis

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
The Roman candle went off but where's the bang?

The story had a beginning, a middle and an ending. That's the good news. The bad news is that the beginning was good, the middle was okay and the ending was... um... not so good, to put it kindly.


Some folks liked the story because it was realistic. I suppose it was. Hemorrhoid surgery is realistic too but that doesn't mean I like it. HDK thinks there'll be another chapter, maybe more, to the story. Maybe so but I'm uncertain as to what Blue would tell in further prose.


Some people liked the story because the characters were well-done. They were but the rather uninteresting plot more than pulls the storytelling down. His wife is mentally unbalanced as a teen because dear old Dad was humping some strange. She's traumatized by the event and undergoes six years of psychoanalysis. This explains why she's so hosed by his infidelity? I guess the wife didn't watch much television because there sure are a lot of cheating spouse stories on TV. Just think: she could be watching <I>Desperate Wives</I> and have a psychotic episode. We're left to assume that she never discussed her psychosis (some sort of non-specific trauma) with her husband because it was too embarrassing or too painful. At least this does highlight the stigma attached to mental illness in our society. Ultimately this lack of communication blows up the marriage.


Some folks opined that they couldn't figure out how come the husband and wife didn't get a divorce earlier. I wondered about that too. The author suggests it was because of their kids. I suppose staying together like that does happen but I have to believe the sterility of their home life left their children scarred in subtle and unpleasant ways. Imagine what their children must believe about how marriages are supposed to work. The thought makes me shudder. I believe divorce would've been a better solution when it was clear that love and affection were dead.


I scarcely know what to make of the wife's rape and the attempted blackmail by the heretofore unknown and unsuspected villains in Laura and Bob. Resolution of the story's central conflict didn't require it so I felt like that whole business was superfluous and contrived. The good news was that, just like in those <I>Gunsmoke</I> episodes of days long gone, the bad guys got theirs in the end. I suppose this scene did give Alex a reason to head south for the winter but overall it seemed unnecessary.


The story was less than I expected. I thank you for your effort, Blue88.

Risq_001Risq_001about 17 years ago
Well Harry I said it like that because........

<p>......of a couple of things</p>

<p>On the part where you said "She falsely accused the husband for an act he did not want to commit" lets look at part one a second:</p>

<p><i>"I stood there, my mouth open, looking at Terry in that outrageous swim suit. I just stood there, I had no idea what to do. I made a motion to pull my trunks up, but she stopped me. She sank to her knees and to my utter astonishment, she started to suck me. She took my limp dick in her hand and fed it into her mouth before I could even start to comprehend what the hell was going on.</i></p>

<p>I'd give you that he was forced if it wasn't for the next paragraph:</p>

<p><i>Well, I'm as human...and as stupid too I guess, as the next guy, and the old peter didn't take long to get hard. Terry was slobbering over it like a starving bitch <b>and I just stood there enjoying whatever the hell she was doing.</i></b></p>

<p>Then he threw in this for good measure:</p>

<p><i>C'mon, sweetie. Feed me that dick, I need it.'</p>

"I looked down between her legs and sure enough, no hair. Her pussy was bare and wet, jeez, she was wet. Like an automaton, <b>I</b> just <b>moved forward.</b> She then grabbed my dick and before I knew it we were fucking. <b>I bucked my hips and slid my cock in and out of her</b>, listening to the slurping noises coming from between us.</i></p>

<p>Harry, at what point does it stop being his fault? Because he was drunk? Not drunk enough that he didn't remember his part in it, and no one forced him to oogle that woman and get drunk. And lord knows that once he started no one "forced" him to continue. He could have quit "bucking" his hips forward at anytime and walked away. He didnt' have to stick around till he completed the act. If he was drunk enough to know he screwed up and his wife was pissed, he should have been able to put up some form of resistance at some point earlier before his wife caught him. As it stood he was drunk, saw a woman who turned him on, and alcohol removed all good sense so he jumped at her. He started down the path when he was, as he phrased it, 3 sheets to the wind. That wasn't remotely the wife's fault that he had sex to completion, and he wasn't falsely accused of having sex with someone who wasn't his wife Casey. The only thing the wife got wrong was the <i>Why</i> he did it, but certainly not if he was guilty of the act or not. To be honest if it was you would it matter why someone was having sex on you? I mean at the time that is, and you walked in and saw them?</p>

<p>So he was guilty as far as I was concerned</p>

<p>And at least the wife did try to appolgize later, even though it was too late by the end of the story:</p>

<p><i>"I really needed to see you and tell you that. I'm truly sorry, Alex. I know that being sorry isn't very much, but you had to know that. Everything that happened, everything that destroyed our marriage was <b>my fault</b> and <b>I'm truly, truly sorry.</b>"</i></p>

<p>I mean she hired a detective to find him so she would finally take responsiblity for the years of what she did too him. Was she wrong, most surely, but the husband started. Like I said in my first comment to story one, I thought the wife took it too far. She was really wrong for keeping his hopes up for so long, but the fact that he didn't walk away either doesn't get him off the hook. He could have said at any time "This doesn't work for me" and left. But because he felt guilty and thought they could work it out he stayed</p>

<p>About vengence I disagree. Laura wanted his job and he get even for her trying to blackmail him. What happened with him trying to get even with her lead to her getting jail time, not because of what happened with his wife. In his wife's case he thought she was cheating after years of ragging on him. But I recognize that in the wife's case he was just tired and this was what it took to give him the strength to finally "walk away" from a marriage that he had to finally admit that he had no chance of saving. And at that point he had been skimming from his checks and squirreling away money so he would have alot left over when they got divorced. He wasn't above board the whole time himself. Not everyones to crush a former mate, specially if they have a secret stash the wife doesn't know about and he's leaving her with less than what he has hidden.</p>

<p>And I disagree that she couldn't have been raped. I mean why offer that, then give him a list of contacts, that he used by the way to intially get Laura and her husband arrested, that he could check with to verify her story. I probably would have verified it, but the fact that she made such an effort to finally appoligize would have been enough for me in the end</p>

<p>Sorry Harry I think we're both going to have to agree to disagree on this story.</p>


Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
well we disagree Risq and I agree with Alvaron

surely the antichrist has arisen...ROTFLMAO!!!



Risq you make a reasonable argument that some of it was his fault. However if you go back read the posts I made in chapter I never ever said the hsuabnd was totally innocent! SOME "punishment" was justified.


However there IS a double standard here. Suppose this was a teenage girl at a Frat party... she goes there dress provacatively with some Girl friends she does not really know then gets drunk and ganged banged. Surely everyone HERE would say it wasnt her fault. There would be no talk that maybe 19 oe 20 year old women should NOT get smashed at frat parties with guys she doesnt know.


Same thing in this situtation here. The husband in this story does hold some responsibility but the wife was supposedly traumatized as a kid by seeing her dad banging someone else. .... which is NOT what the wife saw her husband doing when she opened the bathroom door.


Risq I didnt say the wife could NOT have been raped... I said that it seems to me to be reasonable to doubt that it was Rape AND I said that it was unreasonable to uses that incident as reason for the husband to start talking.


IF it was me and she told she had been raped I would say ...<i> "so what the fuck do you want from me?... did you have an orgasm? did you come here to rub it in my face? havent you done enough damage and hate over the past 20 years?..."</i>


Maybe its me but I dont give out love warmth and kindess and compassion to someone who has been at war with me for 20 years


Seriously if we accept the premise which as Alvaron pointed out is damn silly.... he married a Kinard... a LIE. She was this severely scarred woman that he never knew anything about because she thought so little of him she never bothered to tell him...

Risq_001Risq_001about 17 years ago
But I do have to say

<p>I think we're saying the same thing, but disagreeing on rating and semantics</P>

<p>Lets keep with your analogy a second.</p>

<p>Lets say we used the Drunk Frat girl example you used. If some guy(s) hold her down and have their way with her I'd have to agree with you. But lets say she's at a party with her boyfriend (or husband) and goes to the bathroom and in walks a guy she has always thought was cute suddenly walks in and starts kissing and feeling on her. And then he pulls down her pants and starts to play with and lick on her. And during all of this she stand there letting him. Then let's go a step further and say that after that, the guy pulls down "His" pants, pulls himself out, and says to the drunk co'ed "ok reach over and put me in" and then she does. <i>Then</i> lets go even one step futher than that and have the guy sit down on the side of the tub so that the girl is doing a "reverse cowgirl", where at any time she can get up and leave, because the guy is sitting there with his hands behind his head. Now after all of that, lets say she has a quiet orgasm, and just as she's finished, in walks her boyfriend. He takes in the scene of the girl sitting on the guy, and the guy with his hands behind his head, and the girl yells out "It's not what it looks like, I was drunk and he took advantage of me". Would you believe that? At what point would someone call that a rape if she was bouncing up and down on him? At what point does she become forced or tricked if she is doing most if not all of the work to be put in that position? Is the answer: "Well since everyone was drinking heavy and was drunk its not her fault if she starts having sex with people in bathrooms"? I have seen people turn down sex with others while drunk so it can't be that impossible.</p>

<p>That's all I'm saying about the husband here. He wasn't raped. He wasn't made to do anything, according to the story, just because an attractive woman came on to him while he was drunk and in his drunken state he said "Ehh, what the heck" and had sex with her. To me he wasn't forced. He wasn't tricked. He wasn't held down. He wasn't even drugged in a way that made it somehow totally impossible for him to resist. He just took advantage of a situation and stopped letting his big head think for him. I'd hardly call that out of his control. If your drunk enough to remember it in great detail and have remorse over it, you not too drunk enough too stop. If your too drunk to know what your doing, often thats right before you pass out and your brain has long since shut down to protect you from yourself.</p>

<p>But in the analogy you used you used a girl who had attention <i>forced</i> on her because of the way she was dressed and because she was drunk. But if she was given the chance to start the gangbang, and she does, and she has the chance to leave halfway through it, and she decides to stay, at what point does she start to believe: "I could have stopped it before it went to far, but I choose to finish having sex before I stopped?"</p>

<p>I belive the wife in the story holds the blame for the greatest amount of damage done in this marriage. If I had to rate it, I'd say 75-80% of the blame. But this is like a domino effect. The husband started it off and then it went down hill from there.</p>

<p>A woman came on to the husband, but she <i>asked</i> him to put himself inside her. And he did. He could have stopped at any point, but in part one he inferred it felt to good to stop, so he didn't. That doesn't make him trapped or forced into sex with the other woman. Just stupid because he lived in the moment without thinking of the long term of "What if I got caught"</p>

<p>Oh and everyone agree's with Alvaron once or twice in our life. It's like the old saying goes "Even a broken clock is right twice a day"</p>

<p>But I think Harry you feel I'm trying to shift alot of the blame on the husband. I'm not. I just think it shouldn't be overlooked that the marriage was going great in the story till he had a stupid moment. Then the wife abused the crap out of him for it. She should either have forgiven him or divorced him, but not kept him on the hook for years letting him think she would eventually forgive him till he no longer cared what she wanted. That's all I was saying.</p>


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

This story has to be one of your best because the realism was rock solid throughout the plot. I am so glad you did not try to form some sort of reconciliation. Having gone through 6 years of therapy you would think that she would recognize how aberrant was her response to "this incident." The marriage was toast after her demands were met when she took him back. There is nothing worse than a loveless relationship. The ending promised that now the two of them can truly move on with their lives! Sweet!_______________


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Good lord...

What a convoluted, ponderous, verbose story. Nothing ever gets developed. You seriously need an editor. One that will level with you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Sad but well executed

We have yet another well written story from Blue88. Was it realistic? I thought about that for some time, then I recalled a story about the stage actress Carol Channing (of Hello Dolly fame).

Ms. Channing, in her divorce papers claimed tat in 41 years of marriage she and her husband had had sex only once or twice. Sadly, sexless marriages over a decade or more ARE NOT uncommon. But do they make for a good story? In this case, with Blue's deft writing skills, they do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Both 1&2 dont say much 4u myfriend

Your writing shows a flaw in your understanding of the meaning of 4 better or worse, right from square 1.

A good story would show a male who was capable of trying harder to help his family as a unit regardless of the state of mind of his lady and in doing so drawing on the information shared when he turned to family members for help as soon as he stumbled. He could still fail, but still deliver a quality , real feeling story with all the twists yours has.

I would like to find a writer that can leave me feeling that they understand what it means to feel love for their spouse through good and bad without huffin and puffin as a male/female and still write well. Thanks for your effort and this story.


The realworlder

SalamisSalamisabout 17 years ago
Well Done!

I read this entire story in one sitting, and like any good yarn, it tended to stay with me long after it was over. I then read a sampling of comments before putting my own thoughts onto this page.<p><P>

Alex Seagill is the rarest of all characters; he is a REAL MAN. He is the farthest from a wimp that anyone could imagine. After having been caught in an adulterous act he accepts his punishment knowing that he may be in for a LIFETIME sentence. He only ends the marriage when he believes that his wife has been unfaithful. In the popular vernacular, he ‘mans-up’.<p><p>

The Alex character is not without flaws. For one, he never truly forgives himself for causing the problem; and more importantly, he stops trying to get his sentence commuted. Instead, he throws himself into his career.<p><p>

As for Casey, the wife, she is 1000% blameless in this entire depressing tale. She had every right and justification to terminate the marriage immediately. Instead, she chose to the only level of forgiveness to which she was capable. Her attitude towards Alex does thaw over time and he admits that. We only learn later that her capacity for forgiveness was muted by an earlier trauma. <p><p>

It was her right as the aggrieved party to designate WHATEVER legal punishment she thought appropriate. If that meant YEARS of being a marital outcast for Alex…then so be it. Alex could have voluntarily ended their relationship, so this state of coexistence they lived in was tolerable to both. For anyone to think that Casey was cruel tells me they lack an understanding of the depth of meaning in the marriage vows. <p><p>

I found it particularly distressing that those trying to extort her husband eventually raped her. Though some might question the rape; the story is clear on that, it is a matter of public record. She was raped.<p><p>

The role alcohol played in the adultery will probably be a point of contention. It is said that alcohol lowers your inhibitions, making decision making more difficult. I will grant that, but state that alcohol does not give one blanket license.<p><p>

I recognize I am in the minority about my stance towards being drunk. As evidenced by the way in which we give light sentences to those that maim and kill while inebriated it is no small wonder that some thought that the husband in this story should not have been treated so harshly. I disagree.<p><p>

If it were up to me, all drunk drivers who kill would get life sentences, and no one would be able to use alcohol as an excuse for bad behavior.<p><p>

As for going over a decade without sexual companionship, I found that aspect of the story extreme, but in the realm of reality. There are indeed sexless marriages. They exist all too often. That both Alex and Casey would abstain for such a long period is not surprising to me, sad, but not surprising.<p><p>

I personally like happy endings and though that these characters deserved some degree of solace from one another. Casey’s apology did not satisfy me, nor did I buy Alex’s claim that there was no feeling left for her. That admission was a lie. Why else would he have exiled himself as he had? In the end, I wanted them back together; the final breakup was the ultimate sadness.

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalabout 17 years ago
Not enough on the plate

'Blue':<p>As to the "mechanics" of your story, it was done very well. I enjoyed all of your primary characters and felt that you depicted them well. I also enjoyed how you alternated scenes from recollections with 'Reg" to 'Alex's' private reminiscences. Dialog was a continued strength from Chapter One, and there was consistency between both parts. All that being said, it reminded me of eating at a five star restaurant where the presentation is exquisite but the food is fairly sparse.<p>At the very beginning of the story, 'Alex' describes himself as fairly content, feeling not yet vindicated, and unsure of whether or not his need for vengeance had been satisfied. I don't think unreasonable my assumption that all of this pertained to the dynamics of his marriage. His contentment aside, I didn't read anywhere in either chapter that vindication was in order. By his own admission on more than one occasion in your story, 'Alex' accepts responsibility for his part in the marital dissent. As to the vengeance, the only exacted about which I read was taken against a couple who had attempted to blackmail him. This scheme had no intrinsic effect on the state of his relationship with his wife. I felt misled by this passage.<p>I would have believed that 'Aunt Sunny,' who loved her nephew and niece as she would her own, would have informed 'Alex' sooner of his wife's traumatic experience as a child. She stated how obvious it was that their marriage was floundering. As a social worker she had to be aware of how being raised in such an environment could adversely affect their children. And, when 'Alex' recollects forgetting to call 'Sunny,' he notes that she never did call again. If she were so concerned, why didn't she?<p>I have a real problem with the drugging/rape/blackmail scheme. Husband 'Bob' enlists the help of a client in drugging and raping 'Casey.' Really? This client has no problem in being a co-conspirator in committing a serious felony? Not likely. Then I find the risk-vs.-reward factor of the scheme to be wholly without merit. 'Bob' and 'Laura' have committed this same crime a number of times so that she can receive promotions at work? Not in my world. I know that 'Alex' was well paid, but this is asking too much a suspension of disbelief.<p>I also have difficulty with 'Casey' having to hire a P.I. in order to find her husband. Their children knew of their father's whereabouts and yet didn't share that information with their mother upon learning of their mother's violation by 'Bob' and 'Laura'? I have to believe that since both children were now attending college, that they were up to speed on all that had transpired regarding the crime committed against their mother. Not betraying their father's confidence was more important than his learning of her being raped? Hard to believe.<p>'Blue,' I suggest you end the story here. Despite all that I listed, I still found it entertaining. Hell, you could write out the grocery list and I'd read it. I really believe it's over for this couple. Too much water has flowed under the bridge. As Thomas Wolfe wrote, "You can't go home again." And for these two "home" is long ago and far away. Each of these two have hardened themselves against the other, if for no other reason than to simply deflect the hurt. This husband and wife relationship dissipated into one of their simply being roommates. Both of these folks seemed to be pretty decent. This is a sad ending. But as all of us know life isn't fair. And for some it's less fair than for others. Let them do what they can to enjoy what is left. Let them be. (For HDK)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
the future?

I loved "the incedent".thank you!I am also very sad.Somehow they should have been able to get back together.

waratahwaratahabout 17 years ago
Good but... was a shame you went down the common path of blaming the date rape drug, at this stage of the story it looks to me as if that eliminated a huge sourse of dramatic potential. But I remain eager to see the rest.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 17 years ago
Well-written, good score; a few peeves

I have a few 'pet' peeves about this story. It was really well-written, good imagery, good grammar, etc. However, I agree with other commentators that Alex could have declined the sex despite being drunk; the fact that he did not suggests he really did have the hots for the other woman. But let's say alcohol clouded his judgment. If so, and if he's an intelligent and capable person in his business and in his relationships with others, then why doesn't he realize how much trouble alcohol can cause him? From the story he clearly has a drinking problem, despite his denials. Everything requires a drink (or more than one) for Alex to cope. Escaping to the Caribbean is analogous to escaping into drinking (especially when it's Scotch). I also question that someone who drinks regularly can run nearly every morning. I don't see how he can avoid depression when his domestic situation is in the dumps. Why would a successful businessman who is good with people in his job be so dense as to fail to seek help with his marital problems? Lastly, I don't see any way for the children not to notice the strained relationship between the parents. Such pressures inevitably lead to behavioral problems for the kids.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

very well written. but the story is crap. would you really live unhappily for so long? especially, if you have choices? he is not a martyr or a saint, he is just plain dumb.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
As a nurse

nurse/relationship counselor, I run into stories of situations that last "years" almost daily. There are a large percentage of the population that just live with bad situations rather than do something about them. Kudos to the author for a well written story with a high level of believability.

katibkatibover 16 years ago
Almost Perfect

Nicely structured and well-written. Only flaw, to me, is the somewhat contrived ending. Nevertheless, it is one of the best!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Oh geez...

the main character is a dispassionate and lazy person. well written, but the characters are....dry. now what kind of a man( or woman) would stay in a marriage w/o love or even passion? Kids are not an excuse.

well, the story is pretty much....crap. too bad, it could have been good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Re: Well Done! by SALAMIS.

Re: Well Done! by SALAMIS.

You're right on with your comments.

I agree there should have been a more pleasant ending.

Hang in there!


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Good writing... but not satisfying

You writing style is good.. but the story is not satisfying... i just can't find a reason why don't they part thier ways long before????...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
my five cents :)

It was a good story, you missed out on the wife though. I would have liked to see her a little more. she became a 'cartoon figure' to me. But you write mature story's, not wimpy even though those guys you create sometimes seems to have an unlimited patience.. To many Writers here seem immature to me, giving us wimps and reconciliations all over..It is very few of us trusting partners that really starts up surveillance, PI:s etc on their spouses.. That kind of behavior comes more natural to guys/gals that already lost their trust or perhaps never had any (including love)...So I do find your story's near the truth and you are becoming better with age :) Beware for giving to many viewpoints though.. Keep the stories clean and crisp... Cheers Yoron.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
An excellent story of people who stay together for

the kids. I find it unusual something so important as her mental sickness was never discussed before their marriage or even during their marriage. Seems you never know what your spouse is hiding. I am sure the rape bit was thrown in to make the wife look better. And am very happy that the writer did not force a reconciliation between two people that had not been in love for many years. Had she actually been raped and it came out in court his lawyer would surely have informed him. We can assume he was in contact with his lawyer as he knew he was divorced. That minor missing bit by the writer doesnt really ruin the story but it does throw it off a bit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Where do you get your ideas from these people are running big companies but can't solve a simple problem at home.No wonder the world so screwed up if people think like you.

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
Another well written tale

Again it is a case of improbabilities but very

well told. Salamis said all that had to be said,

though I admit I would have accepted the divorce.

Perhaps I am too selfish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
lets see

The kids were now young adults, preparing for college. Damn, they grew up so fast. YOU ARE A DRUNK MOTHERFUCKER AND YOU THE WRITER IS A DRUNK, A DRUNK WRITER HAS TO WRITE ABOUT DRUNKS...HAVE ANOTHER DRINK...THE BATTLE CRY OF THE BUSINESS MAN THAT CAUSED THE ECONOMIC MELTDOWN...DRUNKARD SON OF SLUTS You drink and loose your self in drink..YOU ARE A DRUNK,,,A DRUNK....A DRUNK...A DRUNKEN no good for nothibg nother fucker...a drunkadrunkadrunkadrunkadrunkadrunk

eliocecheteliocechetalmost 15 years ago
Hoped a happy ending

I hoped till last page for a happy ending (i. d. reconciliation). Altough very sad, the conclusion of the story was still logical and consequent. Compliments Blue88, you are one of the best novelist here.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 15 years ago
why would he ever want to

She is a sick selfish bitch who ruined two lives with her fucked up attitude. If she wouldn't have been so cold and hateful they may have had a chance. As for her being raped, she didn't say a word until the shit hit the fan and then she yells rape, fuck her let her rot in fucking torment, maybe she will slit her own throat and let everyone forget that the slut ever existed.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 15 years ago

The writing of this story was great as usual. Not too believable to me. A sexless marriage is a breach of contract as one author wrote. How he could accept that for all those years makes him less of a man than is believable. There may be sexless marriages around...but I tend to believe that those are consensual for whatever reasons. I have a basically sexless marriage because my wife lost interest in sex. Yet, she feels a duty as my wife and we do have sex whenever I feel I need it. It may not be great sex anymore, but it is better than the fist! To be completely denied sex? I don't think I could respect myself as a man or a husband if that occurred... He should have left the marriage when she kicked him out, or at least when she told him how it would be. Didn't the love die anyway? Still, you write a good story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

only an idiot could write this story and only an idiot would read it so i guess we are even.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Probable outcome

The probable outcome was not a kiss and makeup scenario. 20+ years of hell are not resolved by a kiss on the cheek and a parting as friends. Certainly a parting but not as friends.

fern501fern501over 14 years ago
A story

I didn't like the story not based on any literary factor but out of the pleasure I derive from it, the story that is.

We all act differently faced with a situation, and it is also based on the experiences we were confronted with before.

This how we appreciate a story, and let's face it we consider a story and only think of the way we (I, Je, Ich) would have acted had we been the main character, and if the story fits the mold we love it, or, hate if it doesn't.

norcal62norcal62about 14 years ago
A dreary tale of two stupid people, sick or not.

The author must be trying to rid himself of demons here. Why else make otherwise smart people continue to act so ignorant? With the guy wrapped up in self pity and the woman sick and self righteous where else could this story go since the author hadn't the imagination to break out of self imposed bonds?

Author sounds British with all the lack of communication and constant boozing of the characters. No wonder they have relationship problems. It's really past boring to have these as excuses for bad actors.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
too little too late

SHe had these issues and compounded problems. He stayed in an unhappy situation, with how much time not well used. Good, no warm reconcillation and the reality recognized for them. Friends? I doubt they are that, civil works.

VulcezVulcezalmost 14 years ago
Life can be.... just sad

If only...

Story was well written, touching and just so frickin sad.

norcal62norcal62over 13 years ago
If you wanted a reaction from readers, you got one from me.

What demeaning things can I say about the male you created for this story? Heartless, insensitive, cowardly, stupid, immoral, clueless? Why? Until the end of the story you had him saying "I didn't know what to do." This guy was supposed to be a "people person" salesman. Someone who could "read" people. That was the fundamental inconsistency in the whole story that wound down to a whimper of an ending. Actually, the ending was consistent with the male character's lack of action, lack of introspection, lack of internal fortitude. The writing was excellent. Few LW stories are as technically clean as this one. You even corrected yourself after the British use of mug of coffee to later referring to a cup of coffee. For a purportedly American character I found a lot of characteristics seemingly across the pond. Total lack of communication between spouses, lack of interest in each other intimately, and no curiosity about each other.

What husband would not know about his wife's childhood; especially of a major trauma and subsequent therapy? Why didn't the wife use those six years of therapy to at least talk about the incident with the husband? I was grossly disappointed in the intellectual content of the story.

jasonnhjasonnhover 13 years ago

I agree with the comments about the ending being unsatisfying however it does seem to fit the story. Alex certainly got the shit rolling with his infidelity. Yeah, it was a stupid drunken hookup. He didn't instigate it. A normal reaction would have been for Casey to be pissed for a while and then to set it aside. Unfortunately Casey had a problem. The explanation for that problem is poor, in my opinion. She sees her dad screwing someone and she is traumatized for life???? That's pretty weak. I also find Alex's response weak as well. As noted by others, he is a businessman and should know how to cut his losses. Maybe not immediately but within a couple years Alex should have recognized his marriage was gone and gotten a divorce. Who would sentence themselves to live in purgatory as long as he did? Casey's rape was almost a silly plot game. He was unfaithful so now Casey was. He blows up and runs away. This is out of character and doesn't fit. He has endured a shadow life for years. He really doesn't care about his wife anymore. Now he is so upset he has to leave? It doesn't fit the situation. The ending doesn't surprise me. After schlepping along for so many years it's no surprise that there was nothing left of the marriage. A reconciliation or vengeful confrontation would have been out of sync with all the rest of the story. Alex does not have my sympathy because anyone, male or female, who sits in a recognized bad situation beyond a certain point is, in effect, supporting the situation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Ending ruined what was a good tale.

Until the ending, was a very good story. Ending just not acceptable. She puts him through a life of hell and now it's understandable? Afraid not. She is one sorry woman and he desired better than the flat ending.

JustForPostingJustForPostingover 13 years ago
Well, let's see...

I can only summarize this story by asking "so what?"

First, it's very well written.

Second, while I can't believe he'd go sexless like that for over a decade, not get fed up and say "enough's enough," well, I lived through something sufficiently similar to get it.

Third, at the end, I was forced to say, "That's it?" It was almost a verrrrry long story outline.

I mean, how does he know she didn't track him down because she somehow got wind of his stash? Or maybe there's some other motivation? I mean, it just kind of stops.

I liked it, loved the writing, but I can't give it much of a recommend.

saratusaratuover 13 years ago

This last one left me disappointed to the extent of giving this story a one star rating. It was well writen however.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
a very well written story

i would urge the people who tend to berate others attempts and try to pick apart their characters and plot lines to try to remember the goal of the author, which he has i might add succeeded very well, you made an excellent and well written story that has had a lot of people with different opinions all commenting bravo

ArshanArshanabout 13 years ago
Excellent story

Complex to be sure; but believeable. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Is there a Part 3 coming?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Like it..... I guess

Maybe you could mix in a real epilog once in a while. I'm not talking about one where you add a bunch of new characters and get into a new story line. I'm talking about an epilog that sums up your story and sees where your characters are two years, maybe ten, or whatever down the old proverbial road.-


roscovichroscovichalmost 13 years ago
Superbly written.

This is one of those jewels you so rarely find. Most entertaining and enjoyable. Well met.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Not happy

The ending made me feel like I wasted time reading this saga

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Two chapters, six pages, and it went nowhere. What a waste of time!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Here is a story, probably based on a truth, put down as fiction. Telling the tale of a union living without love,trust or devotion. The ending was another probable event, when that 1 straw finally did it. It makes no difference the REAL REASON was only false in nature and sickness was no excuse. TK U MLJ LV NV

saratusaratualmost 13 years ago

was a number of chapters that seemed to not follow the rest of the story, and neither could I. I got fed up with it and high lighted it the rest of the way through the story. Not your best effort in writing.

bigguy323bigguy323over 12 years ago
How much shit does one of your protagonists need to eat before he can be a man?

Is there any level of abuse that will finally at long last cause him to realize that he was married to a total bitch? At long last is there any justice for your guys?

Guess not. Yet again a one trick pony.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
This story is a bit of a metphor for learning, listening and patience but it would be nice.....

This story is a bit of a metphor for learning, listening and patience but it would be nice ... if there was an reasonable Addendum - An expanded ending. It is very resonable that when they return, that they become friends and friends with benifits who have finally learned to listen, be patience and trusting. As Reggie has about to point out, it is clear that he still and always has loved her, regardless of all the shit. Who would be safer for Casey to come out of her dark shell with that Rick. Then the future can be left to be as it would be.

MarvinSMarvinSover 12 years ago

This is a very engrossing story and well worth anyone's time to read it. *****

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
two chapters of pure bs

its a bunch of psychobabble, its this and its that, he fucked up and she fucked up , life goes on. if she could forgive him, kick his ass out and move on

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago


norcal62norcal62almost 12 years ago
Not only do Brits not talk to their spouses, the men don't listen to each other.

At least that is the message our author leaves us with.

The story is told in bits and pieces tossed around like a salad. For interest? For suspense? Doesn't work for me.

Then, the drugged rape scene that is/was all the rage in LW for too long. Supposedly explains everything, still with no one talking to each other; family, friends, coworkers.

Too much to accept for the plot to work.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdalmost 12 years ago
Nice Ending

The conclusion & denouement gave this the feel of a short novel; plenty of hurt and debris but not much satisfaction...good job.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
Well bitch

Im sure glad you got that off your chest and I hope you feel better after fucking up my entire life.

Mr WolfMr Wolfover 11 years ago
Just a couple of pointers

We Brits know what 'three sheets to the wind' means, I'm not 100% but I think you'll find it originated with us (Britannia Rules the Waves and all that) also the term 'feedbag' or 'nosebag' as we call it is also well known (cavalry expression) but these pointers are not meant in a hostile way just as useful feedback.

Also whilst it may be your intent to leave the ending open sometimes it does need a little more detail before it is left, just my humble opinion, 4*.

HardFeltHardFeltover 11 years ago
This is a WHAT? Story

Good writing. I read the whole sad story. Too bad you made the cuckold wimp husband such a pushover. To work your entire life and say 'Sure she can have it all! No problem I just want away.' Wow, all I can say is wow, talk about a waste.

Dubby49Dubby49over 11 years ago
Can't Figure Out

1. Why he should want to remain in the sham marriage once the kids grew up.

2. Why the wife's supposed infidelity should suddenly cause him to run.

sbart921sbart921over 11 years ago
Really Not Sure What to Make of this

A couple of things. The story was inconsistent and the wife needed to either leave or stay and shut up after the first encounter. The other thing (and only an issue in my part I'm sure) is that the story teller is a Brit not a Yank. That's OK, just make him an ex-patriot. I do not know one "Yank" that uses words like "terribly" and "rot" in conversation. I know what it means, but it loses credibility in such a well written story. Thanks for sharing your story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
fine writing, absolutely bad story.

Spend your time developing a story before your fingers touch the keyboard. This stoy is a waste.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20about 11 years ago

Why I stayed with this one. Any man in his right mind would have split the sheets in a month. I wish I could write as well as you but you need to get out and get some mileage on you.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
As happens too many read but do not see -

He gave her nothing of value when he left - he only gave her the shared accounts none of the hidden assets -

He explained the inertia, the lack of impetus to leave - it happens he was clinically depressed so he did nothing much proactive in that part of his life and let it happen to hm - people do that a lot.

The story was a good one where decent people let their lives decay to dust - maybe they can develop a new relationship based on functional people - who knows - they are certainly not who they were when they were married.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You bet

They are always raped. Uh huh. Or they 'drank too much'. Or caught at a weak moment when their husbands weren't paying what they consider 'enough' attention.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A painful waste of a life poorly sad a tale,to much punishment.

To much pain , a really messed up. Life. For both , never finding the happiness , never sharing a loving life, getting old and finally breaking sad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
She was raped..BULLSHIT

Just another bullshit cheating slut story and a wimp husband. One star.

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 11 years ago
A well constructed let down.

Almost like you were following a template.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Another pussy

A willing pussy all along. or anyone for that matter by giving in to wives demands. period.

javmor79javmor79almost 11 years ago

I don't get why commenters feel the need to attack the author if they don't like a story. They make stupid judgements about the author's personal life and feel the need to attack him/her. Why? Of course 99% of the people who do it have NEVER written a story. I enjoy reading the different stories up here. When I feel as story is not what I enjoy, I give it 1 star and move on. Comments are made so that the author can learn and write better. Not for ignorant assholes to vent because they have a need to be heard. Its a wonder anyone posts stories up here anymore.

I for one do have some comments about the story, but not all of them are good. I do feel that it was way too long, just for the sake of being long. There was information that didn't add anything to the story line. Like the other character telling about his love life. That could have been left out. Then there was a lot of insignificant filler material. Like Laura trying to seduce him and letting him know that he could have fucked her if he wanted. That was useless. Also, some of the interaction between him and Casey could have been left out. Nothing changed in the relationship, so why even add it?

I do think the ending was the only logical option. Putting them back together in the end would not have been a realistic ending. I also thought the writing was good.

I hope this author keeps writing. I also hope that the people who leave derogatory comments get some professional help, or simply go get laid. By a real person. Stop taking your frustrations about your pathetic lives out on the authors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Closet cuckolds abound

Having never had a woman in their pathetic lives they turn their rejection into hate for the fairer sex much to the relief of us normals who thank christ that those closet-cucky genes are self-deporting from the gene pool.

potsherdpotsherdover 10 years ago

She says:

"Everything that happened, everything that destroyed our marriage was my fault and I'm truly, truly sorry."

I should have liked to hear her explain how she was solely responsible for his adultery. Was his sex partner her glove puppet? Did she funnel drinks down his resisting throat? Was he hypnotised?

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

messing with ones libido; TK U MLJ LV NV

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

This was an outstanding story. Heart wrenching. This seems like it could continue. How terrible that they were not able to reconcile. The old guy had invested quite a bit in trying to convince the guy to go and restore his marriage. At least that us what I think he was trying to do. And yet, in the end he says nothing. This is why I feel this is unfinished.

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