The Keeper of Secrets Pt. 03

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Eric spends the day- and night- with Jake.
2.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/11/2018
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I rose groggily from sleep and crawled out of bed, heading for the bathroom with a piss hard on. Standing over the toilet, I waited for my hard on to subside, then started pissing. I was about half finished when my roommate, Lupe, burst into the room, dancing the funny little dance he always danced in the mornings.

"Stand aside, Bitch," he insisted, pushing up next to me as he fished his big, semi-hard cock out of his pajama pants. He let go as soon as his dick was free, his stream of urine joining mine in the shallow well of toilet water.

The two of us often started our days standing side by side at the toilet in the bathroom we shared. It might seem odd to others, and it wasn't always so with us, but that's how close the two of us had become after a year of sharing a home. We were more like brothers- or sisters- than roommates.

After he finished with his morning piss, Lupe walked out of the bathroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I looked at myself in the mirror above the sink, wondering if I looked any older. My blonde hair was messy from sleep, my green eyes looked bloodshot from crying myself to sleep. I was lean, but not skinny, and virtually hairless aside from the thick hair in my armpits and crotch.

On this day, my birthday, my thoughts were preoccupied with Jake. I had done a relatively good job of getting over his dating the white trash I had seen him with lately, but the memory of him would not fade entirely. And it wasn't even the memory of him fucking my brains out that kept me up at nights. I was worried about him. His father had passed away, and it didn't seem to affect him much. Then there was the fact that he was clearly exploring his sexuality with me, then abruptly began dating a woman. It just seemed to me that Jake was building walls when he should be breaking them down to enjoy the freedom his father's death afforded him. Preferably with me.

I even purchased a basketball and started shooting hoops when I found the time, hoping he would cross the street and join me. I wasn't looking to get laid. Jake had already fucked me in a way no man ever had before, and I couldn't imagine him topping that. I just wanted to spend some time with him.

I shucked out of my clothes and jumped into the shower. Might as well do it now, before Lupe and Brian used up all the hot water, doing God knows what together. I soaped up my cock and stroked off to the memory of sucking Jake's big cock, of riding that big dick into the ecstatic heights of lust. It took very little to get off when my mind was full of thoughts about Jake, his strong, muscular body, his hairy chest, those dangerous eyes. I had even become fond of his twisted nose. The beast he once was to me had transformed into the man of my dreams, and I was haunted by his memory constantly.

I toweled off, then wrapped the towel around my waist while I combed my hair into place, brushed my teeth and shaved. Afterward, I dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, then made my way downstairs to the kitchen and started working on pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Lupe and Brian entered the kitchen just as I was stacking the last of the pancakes. The three of us grabbed our food and sat at the kitchen table. We rarely used the dining room table for anything but putting puzzles together, or the occasional board game.

"Are you sure you don't want a big party?" Lupe asked me in between bites. "I'm sure we could throw something together by tonight."

"Nope," I answered, "I think I've outgrown the party scene." Lupe shook his head incredulously. "I just want to go to the flea market for a while, then come home, get drunk and have a nice dinner with you and Brian."

"And what about Jake?" Brian asked, looking at Lupe for validation.

"What about him?" I asked back.

"Are you going to invite him over?"

"And watch his new girlfriend fall all over him?" I continued our annoying game of twenty questions.

"Maybe he won't bring her," Lupe interjected, "And if he does, it may help you to get over him. I mean, my god, it's was only one night."

Because I adhered to Jake's insistence that what happened between us was strictly between us, Lupe didn't know about the second time Jake fucked me, or the events that led up to that.

"I'm telling you, nothing is going on between Jake and me. Would I like it to? Yes, I would, but the guy is clearly straight and not interested."

Lupe was about to say something, but I shot him a look that dared him to continue this conversation and he shut up.

I sat and ate what remained of my breakfast in leisure. The house loomed silently around me, reminding me there was a chance that Lupe might move away if he and Brian became much more serious. I loved the old house. It had character, and I was pretty sure it was haunted, which added to its cool factor. I was afraid the owners might tear it down if we moved out. There was a rent to buy option open, if I wanted it, but I didn't make enough money at the bar to swing the cost. As it was, we were barely getting by.

After I finished washing the dishes and putting them away, I headed outside to tend to the yard work. First, I watered the potted plants that littered the back porch, then cleaned and refilled the bird baths before wandering around the flower beds I had planted to give the yard some character.

By the time I finished with my morning chores, Lupe and Brian were dressed and ready to go. I met them in the driveway, looking forlornly at the basketball hoop above the garage. We were about to all pile into Brian's fuel efficient compact when I saw Jake coming out of his house. He was wearing a white t-shirt and faded jeans. And he was alone.

I thought about what Lupe and Brian said at breakfast and decided to invite him over for dinner. I wanted to at least become friends with the man, even if it meant putting up with the trashy little tramp he was currently fucking. God, how I envied her.

"Give me a minute, guys," I said as I crossed the street. I was only half way across when I felt my body begin to tremble. It was no longer fear that made me tremble in the presence of my high school bully. Now it was the raw lust I felt just being near the man I had come to know. I was no longer afraid of Jake Turner. I was no longer the scared little gay kid who coward at the mere mention of his name. I was the grown ass man who longed to feel his hard body pressed against mine.

"Hey, Jake!" I called to him before he slid into the driver's seat of his car. Jake looked at me, his gaze as hostile as ever.

"It's my birthday today," I told him as I approached, "And we're going to be having a big dinner later this evening and I wanted to invite you to come. Of course, your girlfriend is invited to."

"I don't have a girlfriend," Jake scowled at me, "What makes you think I have a girlfriend?"

"That woman you've been hanging out with?" I asked in a knowing voice.

"You mean Sheila? That's not my girlfriend, Eric. She's a realtor. I've been thinking about selling the house, and she's keen on buying it and flipping it or using it as a rental property."

"Oh, I see," I was stunned at the possibility that Jake might move away, "It just looked like you were extra friendly... if you know what I mean."

"Well, I was making some moves on her, hoping it might jack up the price, but when it came down to actually sealing the deal, I couldn't, um... sign on the dotted line."

He was talking code, I realized. For some reason, he wasn't able to actually fuck her, when he got the chance to.

"I hope I had something to do with that," I told him boldly. He smiled one of his rare smiles.

"Oh, I'm sure you did," he answered, "What time do you want me?"

"Any time after about three. We're heading to the flea market for a while to do a little treasure hunting."

"Oh, really?" he asked, a tinge of excitement in his voice, "Do you mind if I tag along? I'm in need of a new couch. The old one, as you know, is in bad shape, and there are cum stains on one of the cushions."

I blushed. He smiled.

"I'm just kidding," he laughed, "About getting a new couch, not the cum stains."

"You're more than welcome to come with us, if you want."

"Okay, then," he said, shutting the car door, "It's a date."

We crossed the street and climbed into Brian's back seat. Jake was sitting with his knees practically in his face because of the cramped space.

When we arrived, the flea market was bustling with people looking to find their own treasures before it got too hot. Lupe and I hovered around the vendor's booths in cahoots, pointing out tchotchkes, vases and paintings to one another. Jake found a set of mounted antlers he decided would look great in his bedroom, now that it was clean and no longer looked like a frat boy slept there.

At one booth, Jake found an ornate, oriental styled urn covered with a hydrangea design. He held it up for me to see, and I cooed.

"That's beautiful," I told him, taking it from him to examine, looking for any cracks or chips.

"I figured you would like it," he told me, smiling proudly over his find, "It looks like the kind of stuff you have all over your house."

I thought about it and wondered when he saw the house. My bedroom, yes, but I had never given him a tour of the house.

"When did you have the chance to check out the house?" I asked him, confused.

"I may have wandered around the place, getting a feel for you, after that first night together."

"Oh, I had no idea."

"There's a lot about me you don't know," he smiled.

I took the urn to the vendor, and I was about to pay for it when Jake handed him the money he'd asked for.

"Consider it a birthday present," he told me, taking the recycled shopping bag from the vendor, "You deserve to have things that are as pretty as you are."

"Stop it," I said, punching him playfully in the arm, his big, muscled up arm. Jake took my hand in his and pulled me along, trying to catch up with Lupe and Brian, who had wandered off while we were paying. When we caught up, he released my hand.

We wandered around the booths, Lupe and I each making purchases while Jake and Brian held back, talking conspiratorially among themselves. Jake seemed relaxed, maybe even happy. How'd you tell when someone is happy if they perpetually wear a scowl on their face?

Back at the house, Lupe and I headed into the kitchen, leaving our treasures on the dining room table, and handed out cold beer all around, Jake sidled up next to me, leaning against the kitchen counter. He was the most relaxed and happy I had ever seen him. His normally gruff facial expression faded with an easy, open smile. You could have heard a pin drop when he leaned in and whispered, "I had fun today," before kissing me on the cheek.

"Well, I'm going to start working on dinner," Lupe announced, breaking the silence, "So all of you bitches need to clear out of my kitchen."

"I'll help you, babe," Brian told him, setting his half empty bottle of beer on the counter.

"How about you show me that new basketball I saw you with?" Jake asked me.

I grabbed the ball from the garage and joined him in the driveway. We played a couple of games of horse, then dared to venture back into the kitchen for more beer. Lupe promptly shooed us out again after we got our beer, so we went back to shooting hoops.

Lupe out did himself with my birthday dinner, surprising me with a small cake after we had stuffed ourselves with fajitas and margaritas. Jake was the same, strong and silent man he generally was, but he listened to the three of us with interest, occasionally asking questions to encourage us not to stop talking.

As Lupe and Brian cleaned up, Jake grabbed me by the hand and led me upstairs. In the privacy of my room, his walls came crashing down and our clothes quickly fell to the floor.

I sucked his big cock again, hopelessly determined to swallow him whole. Jake allowed me to go hog wild on him, coating his cock with saliva before positioning me on the edge of the bed. Lifting my legs, he sunk his thick cock into me and began fucking me like a wild man.

"I've missed you," he told me, driving his cock into me hard.

"You knew where to find me," I moaned.

He encouraged me to wrap my legs around his waist, then leaned over me, impaling me on his big shaft. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up, pulling me from the bed. Holding me in the air, my body wrapped around his, his cock snug in my ass, he began bucking his hips. I bounced on him, my body crashing into his with the force of gravity.

I screamed with pleasure as he fucked my ass mercilessly, as I bounced up and down his manhood, suspended in mid-air. I hung onto him for my life, my breath ragged and raw with the dry air. His face was determined, menacing. I saw the bully I had known in high school emerging as he climbed closer to his orgasm and smiled in my ecstasy.

He took a few steps, pushing my body between his and the wall, reminding me of the many times he had pushed me out of his way in the halls of our high school. He increased his tempo. I felt helpless, like a trapped animal. Jake fucked me hard, only slowing his tempo as he came inside me. I felt him quake with his orgasm. He held onto me, pulling me into him as he walked me back to the bed.

He pulled out of me as soon as he had me lying down again. I watched as he crossed the room and picked up his pants. My heart sank.

"Once again, this never happened." I muttered, watching him.

"Oh, no. This fucking happened." He said, digging his hand into his pants pocket.

Jake returned to the bed and climbed in, pulling me next to him.

"I don't know what this is, or where it's going," he told me, drawing me into his arms. I snuggled my face into his hairy chest, enjoying his continued presence. "I don't know if it will last forever, or if it will just play itself out, but I want to give it a shot." Jake took my hand and slipped a gold band onto my finger.

"I found this at the flea market," he smiled down at me, "It's not an engagement ring or anything like that. I'm just sort of marking my territory. I want us to be together. No other guys... no realtors," I giggled at that. "Just you and me. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms, and I want to wake up with you next to me."

On the verge of tears, I pulled him in for a big hug. I knew what it took for him to open up like that to me, and despite my doubts and misgivings, he came through, He wanted me as much as I wanted him, and now I was his.

Jake flipped of the bedside lamp and snuggled in for the night. I slept in his arms peacefully, waking to the feeling of Jake's morning wood pressed against my thigh.

After that day, Jake and I were inseparable. Our lives intertwined effortlessly, never bothering to define what we were, other than together.

Lupe eventually moved in with Brian, and Jake moved in with me, putting his father's house, which he no longer slept in, on the market as a rental property. Together, we took the rent-to-own option on the old Victorian, and are happily living there together to this day.

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julianmarquezjulianmarquezalmost 5 years ago

This was both a really sexy and a very heartwarming, cute story.

Fantastic work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Happy ending

Lovely, well-written with rounded characters. I could feel the emotions through the screen. I'm so happy that Jake came to accept himself and did so with the one person who was brave enough to take a chance with him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
All good things come to those who wait...

..or cum to those who wait? Jake and Eric belong together, and perhaps Eric actually showed Jake how to fall in love. I think Jake always had the tender side within him, it just took a while for it t come out. It was very heartwarming to see their tender love emerge, and I imagine them happy together forever in that house. It was a privilege to see their love develop from "this never happened" to "oh yes, this did happen" and to the point where they take up living together as a loving couple. Loved Jake's muscular hairy chested body. Great story! Write more stories please!

jtownmanjtownmanalmost 6 years ago
A good read

Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I love your happy endings. (Both the literal and euphemism)

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