All Comments on 'The Key'

by callmesparky

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RhomanovRhomanovalmost 7 years ago

Not a bad tale. Good bit of run on and entirely predictible.

Still I enjoyed the read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Not much of a burn for the ex wife but

Liked that there were some consequences for the group that encouraged it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good job ****

Some people will say that the wife was portrayed as unrealistically stupid, given everything he said to try to deter her from cheating. Maybe that's the only flaw in your story: who were these people before the night of the party? I think we could have appreciated the story better and maybe found it more believable if we had some background on the couple.

Was she used to thinking that hubby was a pushover? It's hard to believe that she had never crossed a line before, given the way she behaved that night, like a petulant child. Had someone talked her into doing this? (If we are to believe it from the stories here, apparently many women are seduced into the idea by their single/divorced female friends.) How is it possible for a woman to live with a man for ten years, have three children with him, live in a town like Biloxi, and think that foisting this on him so suddenly was not a big deal? Was she raised with a distorted view of men, even married ones, as unable to pass up free pussy?

But then, cheaters are pretty selfish stupid people. I am not disparaging people who have non-monogamous sex in their marriages; that's for them to work out. I am talking about the real cheaters, who do it behind your back or shove it in your unwilling face, as this wife did, and then expect you to forgive them as if you had forgotten to get milk at the store on the way home from work, because "you love them."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
so so so so dumb

this story is so stupid I won't even try to explain why. also, you need to get a good editor or to learn some grammar - not that it would make much difference seing how idiotic this plot is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Not only the wife is displayed as stupid!!!

Your protagonist is discribed as an idiot!! Who will argue and argue and argue without a point!!! She was cheating finito!!! Whats more to say??!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

There's no depth to these characters. The woman is as dumb as a cow tied to a post. The rest is just old tropes.

Not too much of an effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
" Your lyrics lack subtility! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

The dialogue starts off alright, but often comes across as stilted as the story goes on. For example "My God Frank why did you tear up our marriage license and you smashed your beautiful wedding ring"; The first half is fine, but "and you smashed [...]" does not sound like a person talking.

A more natural phrasing might simply be "and smash your [beautiful] wedding ring"

266xxyz266xxyzalmost 7 years ago
Ok story!

I liked it. She was dumb beyond belief and cruel to boot. No remorse or apology either. And she was dating again soon after. Real emotional depth on her part huh?

I thought the ending was a little rushed....but it's your story so thanks for the effort and the read.


tdert1tdert1almost 7 years ago
Lot of build up

Ending just fizzled

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Build it up then let it fizzle out.

ju8streadingju8streadingalmost 7 years ago

would have been nice if there had been a couple more pages.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Sick shit

Another I hate women story that should be in Non Erotic.Why post this crap in L.W.?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Over and over again.

This story was so repetitious that it was painful. "It's not cheating!" "It is cheating!" over and over and over.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I got a sense that she learned her lesson from the divorce.

No, really!

As predictable as this story was, the not included epilogue is probably just as predictable,

She dates around, auditioning for good step-father material for the kids. When she finally settles down into marriage number two, she reveals the biggest lesson learned: talk more openly and plan accordingly with hubby about these open marriage activities. Since she shopped around for the "right guy" he is the type of person that would be more than happy to participate in the swapping. They set up rules for each other and consider each other's feelings when engaging in any extra-marital activity. See, she learned something from her first marriage and goes on to experience happiness and contentment, realizing that her first marriage ending was the best possible outcome.

Whereas Frank remains damaged and never can fully trust or commit to another women ever again. He never remarries, and tries to hold on to his time with his kids. It is hard, and the financial stress of his divided income takes its toll. Over time, the kids start to resent being FORCED to spend time with him, as he is never outwardly happy, suffering from depression and low self esteem, while their new dad and mom are much happier and that part of their home life is much more balanced in comparison.

Yep, the divorce was the best thing for these characters, by far!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
My take

She hasn't learned a thing and she is not sorry, She's entitled and he is a unfair person to expect fidelity from a wife. Women can do as they please, but from the parents reaction where did she learn this crap? How did the first 10 years even exist?

Another great ending about a man with balls.

boatbummboatbummalmost 7 years ago
Predictable Plot But Well Done

Apparently the delusional skank will never understand what she did. Oh well, sorry about that....

What seems a bit odd to me is that the "fallout" includes other divorces between the WILLING participants in the swapping parties. Moving away in shame I get, but if they were happy doing the swap thing, why divorce just because it's now "public?"

Thanks for this funny, yet poignant story. At times it felt outrageously tongue-in-cheek, HDK style, and at others serious as a heart attack. Well done, sir!

kimi1990kimi1990almost 7 years ago
A pretty good story

It was repetitive as hell, and seemed to cover the same ground way too many times. Still, a little ray of sunshine on an otherwise dark day. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
oh my

the sickos and walking dead are going to be mad at you. ha ha

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Appreciate the effort, but the wife is just too ridiculous.

Even the author had to admit that the wife was acting totally out of character. It would have made more sense if he had included the scene with the flying saucer and the Martian slut ray. Damn I hate those little green fuckers!

Of course fucking another man is a total deal killer, but I think an equal or larger issue is that she totally blind sided her husband with this outrageous idea. Why would she do that? Easy, because she KNEW he would object and refuse. So the whole claim that it was just sex and didn't mean anything and shouldn't mean anything and was a complete lie that she understood from the beginning. If she really thought her husband might enjoy his own fling they would have anticipated and discussed and shared the thrill of getting some strange. Its obvious something happened to her brain before she arranged for a strange cock to enter her cunt. The husband might have agreed to counseling while still proceeding with the divorce just to determine if her changed mental state might be a danger to the children. It obvious she somehow totally changed from the woman he thought he married.

Sure, the plot was cookbook and by the numbers, but at least it portrayed the husband as a normal loyal man who reacted in a way any intelligent wife should have predicted. His ex wife became a whore, sure. But her real disqualification is that she became so incredible stupid. You can't fix that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Personal property?

Love the part where he says he considered his wife his personal property. He deserves to die alone, lonely and frustrated.

QuietlyLurkingQuietlyLurkingalmost 7 years ago
This one is just not up to snuff

Dialog is too cliche ridden and incredibly long winded. Also, adulteress is a female who commits adultery. Adulterous is the word that should have been used. I don't normally harp on that sort of thing but the misuse was repeated so many times in the story it became distracting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
You mad bro?

Skim, skim, skim...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Painful to Read

This was a very well-written story that I absolutely hated. Should have been in the non-erotic category because there was nothing erotic about the sex in this story.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

"I apologize to all of you for my husband's rude behavior." - Her HUSBAND'S rude behavior? She didn't tell him the nature of the party because she KNEW he wouldn't go, then finds it rude when he refuses to go along?

"No it won't Frank, I won't allow that." - LOL, how can she stop it?

She's in Glen's wife and her partner? How long before they swap off?

Like he says, she CAN'T break her promise to Glen, but she CAN break her wedding vows!

"you promised to wear it forever" - And you promised to be faithful forever. Promises obviously don't mean much to you.

I don't - recall anything about health certificates. She's having unprotected sex with a man who has had multiple sex partners.

"I don't know why, but I didn't think I was hurting you." - She CAN'T be that stupid! He told her over and over that just the IDEA was killing him, and she didn't think actually DOING it would hurt him?

"I deserved a special night just for me." - So, you go to a spa and have the "works." Hell, go to a male strip club and have a lap dance. It's also interesting that while it was ostensibly a swap, it was REALLY just for her!

"you were supposed to love me enough to support me and let me do it." - It's been said many time, YOU were supposed to love HIM enough to not want to do it, or at least not do it over his objections.

She says someone "nice and safe." How does she know that, besides possible STD's, she's in his house where nobody knows where she is. ANYTHING could have happened!

Why is she saying "him or her?" I thought the men picked the women's house keys. How does a "her" get into the picture? Did she hook up with Glen's wife?

At least the "cheating wives" have the excuse "if he doesn't know, he won't be hurt." She KNEW that he knew, he told her not to do it, that just the thought WAS hurting him, and she did it anyway!

Why would their faces have to be blurred? They're walking on public sidewalks with no expectation of privacy.

@boatbumm, I thought the same thing! Why are other couples divorcing? Weren't they in it together? Or were some guys bringing a mistress rather than a wife?

@Anonymous Re: Sick shit - Get over it already. The Category Wars have been fought, and the Mods have declared a truce. You don't think that this belongs in LW, I don't think that Cuckold stories do. C'est la VIE!

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 7 years ago
All we needed was a Mustang...

...and this could almost be a StangStar story - totally out of it first wife. Sad for the kids. My guess is they will both find somebody else eventually.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Okay, 3 Stars 🌟🌟🌟

The story concept is great, setup and scenes were manageable, and the actually writing wasn't aweful. Both of the main characters were very poor in substance and capacity. It was, frankly, hard to imagine as a real scenario based on the dialogue written. For future efforts a suggestion of using an editor or a proofreader for story consistency and structure. I understand that neither of those professions are geared towards saying, "Hey, this shit your writing is stupid and neither Sharon or Frank are believable!" So possible asking a friend for help and having that person read it first before posting may be wise. Good luck in the future!! Cheers!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Angst a plenty

Interagency (the wife) and rage (husband) over and over again are not enough for a 3 page story. Frankly he needed to dump her as much as she needed to dump him. This was a good divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Thanks for the effort.

However, it's very formulaic. ***

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 7 years ago
Sadly, it's the children that suffer and

the children in this tale need to be prevented from procreating as the gene pool they are swimming in is so shallow it is more of a hill than a pool. How two people could be married for more than a week or two and not realize these basic personality traits in each other is simply beyond the reader's ability to accept. I always liked to read Superman and Spider-Man comics, but I was able to suspend disbelief. I cannot do that for this tale. How many times must he tell her that he will divorce her? How many times does he feel the need to tell her that she cheated? What could have made her think it would be okay? For a story to succeed, the characters need to act in a believable manner. These did not.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I almost liked it.

He stuck to his guns good, but declaring to still love the scank is horse poo. A woman who would do that is unlovable! If you can not figure that out you still got a problem.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
To Anon "Sick Shit" ....

.... NO it is NOT "Another I hate women story that should be in Non Erotic.Why post this crap in L.W.?" CUCKBOY!

It "IS" another cheating WHORE wife getting what she deserved!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good story!

Enjoyed it. Thanks for posting.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 7 years ago
Dialog is the weak point

Most people just don't talk in paragraphs that big. One or two long rants over the course of events, but not over and over again. It's especially unlikely when one of the two people talking is trying to dump the other. But this could be solved easily enough through some enthusiastic use of the delete key.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Rather dumb

and totally predictable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
a common lw story with nothing remarkable

You made the wife way too stupid and the husband way to condescending. All that talk with her for what? He should share the audio and expose as the selfish self centered cheater she was. She should share the audio with her boyfriend too. they deserve to know what they are getting into. Not satisfactory to me.

tazz317tazz317almost 7 years ago

physical and mental where the ache is the greatest, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good story

I especially like the last sentence.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
REALLY a loving wife wanting a fling with 3 kids

is there any wife that stupid that would do this with a husband and 3 kids in a good

marriage. after coming clean and warned of the consequences she still did it. That's the way this writer wrote it. but it's totally unbelieveable anyone could be that stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Started very well but,

Frank became Stan for a while at the beginning and then as the story progressed Frank (or Stan) went from the angry loving husband that told his wife that they were going home to the man who decided to do a U-Turn and throw his marriage away instead of going home to have a very intense discussion with his wife. From that point on this stroy got to be a little too moralistic (religious right style) and we have Frank (or Stan) going Rambo. Nice but, almost unrealistic relationship in a loving marriage of 10 years with three children that all of a sudden blows up to oblivion.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 7 years ago
Good Premise

The author's good premise was, IMHO, screwed when he answered his cell phone the 'Night Of!' Actually, he did HIS Due Diligence in their private meeting when Hubby finally figured out The Plan! He went nicely beyond when he got their key out of the bowl. Hubby went TOO far beyond when he almost forced her to leave with him. Then, even further too far after he drove her back to the Key Party and repeated his position yet again! Sometimes, too much repitition is just an insult to We-The-Readers' capacity to remember two paragraphs back!

There were umpteen cases too many of repetition of Sweetie's unwillingness to admit to her selfish behavior. Any one of those was sufficient to guarantee that she was unfit to be a partner on a lemonade stand, let along as a spouse!

3.6 = 4*

cpetecpetealmost 7 years ago
Rock and a hard place

Good rundown of the hubby's thought process and trying to convince wife of bad thinking. But as humans we can rationalize anything, and author had wife rationalize her actions, but not enough to save the marriage.

nice read

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Not bad.

The wife was pretty dumb, but he's not the first man to marry someone pretty and dumb, and won't be the last.

The dialogue could use some work, but all in all, it was an above average story.

In response to the anon's epilogue - sure. The divorced, not terribly bright, on-record adulterous mother of three in her late thirties that never held a job outside the home will have NO trouble finding a great new husband; and some people thought the author's story was unrealistic!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Good story

A wife goes nuts and feels like she's "entitled" to have an affair. Who knows why? She never apologizes or admits to making a mistake. If that isn't entitlement I don't know what is. The ending wasn't as satisfying as the rest of the story. It felt rushed. She didn't fight him, but she did get the house? Did she get alimony and child support? Was he able to protect most of his money AND his retirement? If so, how was she making ends meet? Did she have to get a job? It seems likely. And why wouldn't he tell her family and friends what caused the divorce? She's going to paint him as the bad guy unless her family sees the reason (adultery) he filed for a divorce. So while I enjoyed this, you rushed through the ending. Thanks for the effort.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 7 years ago

To try to be a little more helpful ... The author describes Sweetie and Hubby's marriage as 10 perfect years (not likely for any marriage, but that's OK). However, every piece of evidence WTRs are given about her is Selfish Irrational Slut! It might have helped to show a little more rationality in her, so we could see why Hubby loved her deeply for so long! Shades of gray instead of Coal (Sweetie) and Platinum (Hubby).

Also, after the divorce, they were sharing the kids. A little demonstration of them working well together in child-oriented decision-making. Hubby, nonetheless remaining resolute, and Sweetie finally gracefully accepting her blame! No need to keep kicking her after she's down!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Raging Ego

Frank, who admits thinking of his wife as "personal property", who repeatedly breaks into tears and who has a mean, vengeful streak, acts like a spoiled and petulant teenager. What a loser. And his wife is no prize either.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60almost 7 years ago
What happened?

When did "Sharon" become "Susan"?

Yeap, you need could use an Editor.

You made Sharon too selfish and stubborn.

MaFreplerMaFrepleralmost 7 years ago
You either don't know or don't like women.

How else to write a female character that is such an unrealistic combination of stupidity, selfishness, and sense of entitlement? This is an of told story on this site, and none of them work.

CrkcpprCrkcppralmost 7 years ago
Retro LW

This could have been written in the early days of the evolution of this genre , at least on this site .

First few years , this genre was mainly voyeur driven stories of watching the wife have sex with other partners. Probably most of them had seen life in the Penthouses forums .

Then , a change happened. Lots of commentators began to grouse about the moral dilemia and the outcomes of the stories . Thus was born the Cheating & Consequences storylines that have such a strong following here today .

The fact that this story has very good scores for this notoriously low scoring Hub just goes to show the appeal that these stories exhibit , much to the chagrin of a few very vocal minority . Ah well , the majority still rules here .

Thank you for this trip down memory road to a time in this genre that wasn't as fractured as it seems to be now .

4.2 / 3 Ish , but hey for old times sake ,

5 *'s

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Not a very Good story

First off, this plot is so plaid out, it's a boring read. Neither one of these characters are good characters. We want to make the husband out to be a hero, but he's a little bitch who can't inspire his wife to respect him. Both he and the wife are heartless. He puts all of the party goers on blast when it was his slut wife who made the decision to COME TO THEIR PARTY IN THEIR PRIVATE DOMAIN spread her legs. There were other people in the party who were probably glad they didn't pull her key because of the embarrassing childish display of the husband. I am a very monogamous person and don't condone what went on at the party, but that's their business BEING CONDUCTED IN THEIR HOME WHERE THE HUSBAND AND WIFE DECIDED TO GO. My wife and her actions are my business.

He was on his way home with his wife and for what ever reason turned around to take his wife back. That's nobody's fault but his own. He should have kept on home and let his wife make the decision to go back if she wanted. Don't think he had the right to put the party goers on blast. Bitch move from a bitch dude...

bruce22bruce22almost 7 years ago
Very Good Read

The circumstances were extreme and the wife showed a lack of feeling that were completely inadmmissable, as well as being completely stupid about how she set up her fling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Its a good read

But overly verbose. A lot of the voicemail messages really, really went too long. And the thoughts of the protagonist were drawn out. Good story. And with all of the 2.00 crap these past few months you done good. Seeing your name on any story gets an immediate read.

One pedantic bitch I have is the word 'adulteress', where you clearly intended adulterous.

dyonysosdyonysosalmost 7 years ago
The story and woman

I said it before and i say it again : most stories are written by male authors,nothing wrong with that exept these authors use male reasoning to discribe female explanations,to a guy sex is just sex,no foul and no harm done, to a woman however it takes a lot more to agree on cheating ,it takes feelings,some level of love among other things all inwolving the female psyche and this psyche is complex,very much so,i knew a lot of cheating woman,none ever said " it was just sex"

sdc97230sdc97230almost 7 years ago
The swing partiers brought about their own downfall

Not making moral judgement about their sexual activities, but they should have known that as prominent citizens in what appeared to be a bible-thumper-leaning community they needed to be especially careful to limit their party attendance to discreet, mutually consenting couples. This meant taking precautions like interviewing the couples together to ensure both partners are informed, willing participants and securing both their signatures on nondisclosure agreements prior to their receiving invites, and excluding both members of a couple anytime either partner withdrew consent.

Vandemonium1Vandemonium1almost 7 years ago
Well done Sir

I haven't seen an author write a wife so dumb since my last story.

Fairly original story line, well done. See, they are out there. Well done also for the husband sticking to his principles, although you had me worried.

Keep em coming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Never read THIS story before - LOL

Same old plot. Repeat the same dialog about 10 times so everyone gets it. Borrrriiiinnngggg to the max!

luedonluedonalmost 7 years ago
Re: "It was just sex" -- Dyonsyos comment

I'm inclined to agree, Dyonsyos, that women rarely go into an adulterous sexual relationship with a feeling that "it was just sex".

But they can come out of it understanding that it was indeed "just sex" and they were seeking it for motives they didn't understand beforehand.


oatzaboatzabalmost 7 years ago
First it all freedom to decide

Such lifestyle (Wife swapping here) wants two members of the family have to agree.

Similar to the swinger lifestyle.

People! The freedom means to decide freely.

BTW the cuckolding lifestyle is neither wife swapping nor swinger lifestyle. The closed circle wife swapping and swinger group are similar mutual connection as the monogam connections. The important the closed circle!!!!!

The open marriage is similar mutual, but STD danger, bastard danger (RichardGerald "On the Lam" = pregnant german woman with bastard) divorce possibility high.

A lot of investment was into alternative lifestyle accomodations in the USA and the market experts try to mix the cuckolds with the swingers and the wife swappers.

The cuckold lifestyle is not mutual connection (except for the husband is HOMOSEXUAL) similar to the CHEATING!

One more time: 2 spouses have to decide about their life. If one of stuborn about his/her opinion it is better to divorce!

njlaurennjlaurenalmost 7 years ago
Pretty cliche plot

Swingers parties would likely vet the participants and if a husband balked like this I doubt very much anyone would sleep with the wife for the reason that they know a non consenting spouse could blow the whole thing to kingdom come, it is much the same way w bdsm groups.

The other problem with the story is promoting the idea of a moral majority as if this swingers group represented some elite abnormal people. Hate to tell you but in small towns like this in the bible belt , there tend to be more of these kinds of things then in bigger towns, the more repressive, the more this kind of thing goes on, but in secret.odds are more than a few of the loudmouth bible thumpers would be part of things like this, what these towns are are pretend morality.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

If the husband was so strong, in his convictions and his moral high ground, why did he take her back to the house in the first place. He says she broke his heart, and that she had thrown all of this in his face, but he was not willing to take the heat for just taking her home in the first place.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Not a very Good story"

"he's a little bitch who can't inspire his wife to respect him" - So, it's HIS fault his wife doesn't respect him? As for the other party goers, they knew her husband didn't want her there, and they disrespected him by not telling her that ONLY consenting couples were welcome, and that she should leave. Thank you sdc97230 for your agreement. Glen's insults shouldn't go unpunished, either!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Enabler"

He took her back because he needed it to be HER decision to, as the cheaters like to say after the the fact, FIGHT for the marriage. If she didn't go only because he kept her away, well we've seen her attitude!

gordo12gordo12almost 7 years ago
Over the Top

I'm not sure why authors think that over the top writing makes it better. Sort of who sings the loudest in church is the most saintly. Not really! 2*

nonethewisernonethewiseralmost 7 years ago
The wife was just too dense

I have really enjoyed most of this author's work. Up this was pedestrian. And the wife's recaction, before, during and after was just so unrealistically dense that it made it hard to not see this as farce. By comparison, today's' story by BigGuy33 was also a fairly standard setup, but the wife acted like a real person might. In callmesparky's story, I just couldn't suspend disbelief, which is - to me- a key element of non-fantastical stories.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmalmost 7 years ago

She was the first one to mention the keys in the container. Not him, he begged her not to do it...she laughed in his face. Where's the enabling? Not from where I am reading did he enable her. Oh he took her back, but only because she wasn't going to stop there. She would have done it sometime in the future. So no, she was just a selfish bitch who didn't think she would get hurt by her actions. Good for the husband.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 7 years ago

The swing party depiction is dicey. These are supposedly prominent members of their community, not some random bunch of newbs who stumbled onto each other on Fetlife or Craigslist. They'd be taking precautions against admitting couples with only one consenting partner, or just couples who weren't at their same social strata and therefore wouldn't have as much to lose by being indiscreet. And even if Sharon had somehow tricked her way past their precautions by seducing whoever was supposed to be doing the group's vetting and forging Stan's signature on something, when Stan made his announcement the angry glares would have been directed not at him but at Sharon as people realized how she had endangered the group. And then someone would have stepped forward to protect their interests by placating Stan and assuring him that Sharon would be banned.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

I think you misunderstood me! I believe that we are in agreement that the group is at fault for letting the wife of a non-consenting husband into the group.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 7 years ago
No, I got that

I'm just saying it wasn't realistic for a swing group like that to behave the way they did.

Impo_64Impo_64almost 7 years ago
I agree with some comments...

I agree with some comments...the story is good, but fails regarding the swing group...They knew better than accept a woman alone, more after the husband had clearly told them he was against it...being all important people in the city, they would avoid at all costs any kind of problems that could bring bad publicity...3*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Needs a total rewrite

Some glaring errors. Once the husband went off like that at a key party, the wife would never have been allowed back in. It's both dangerous and upsets the balance.

NO respectable newspaper in the Confederacy would have followed this story as described, because they're all in with the elites. That's for a tabloid or blogger.

Any newspaper in the South which ran a story like that would be sued into bankruptcy.

Sharon's hook up would have bailed out after the first phone call. And no woman is dumb enough to keep going with an absolute divorce threat, unless she wanted the divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
This isn't a story, it's a tiresome rant.

You seem to have a lot of pent up anger towards sluts. Did it feel good letting it out?

I could only read page one, but I hope writing this helped your mental state.

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 7 years ago
What the others have said

And it could use follow up to explain what the hell was going on with Susan???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Great story, I loved it. A BTB story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
What an asshole

This guy is. He needs to get over himself, she is not his personal property. All these insecure guys commenting, thinking that one person is supposed to be everything to someone for a lifetime. Humans are not wired to be monogamous. The sooner people realise that and stop making others miserable, the better.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 7 years ago
"Respectable newspapers in the Confederacy"

Very few newspapers today are purely local. Biloxi's major paper, the SunHerald, is owned by a conglomerate headquartered in Sacramento, CA that publishes other papers all across the country, including states where readers love to laugh at folks in Mississippi. So the local news editor might not want to print the story, but it'd still be in the corporate news pool, and wind up being picked up by wire services, cable and online news. In today's media environment, there's just no way to keep down a scandal involving prominent political persons and "deviant" sex.

rightbankrightbankalmost 7 years ago
Close but not quite

Others have identified the errors made by not paying attention to detail, i.e. names.

The narrative was strong and his position was made abundantly clear. Then you said the same thing again when she called while with Glen. And again the next morning, and again that evening, once more when served, and then when . . . . . After the first six or seven times we understood.

I too have a different interpretation of the wedding vows. imho you each agree to be exclusive and faithful for as long as you are married. But, title to your body is not ceded, ownership of your body is not transferred. His body is still his, her body is still hers. You each agree to not share your body (and all parts internal and external) with anyone else.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Regarding: What an asshole

While your assertion about monogamy may or may not be true,it seems clear that those who do not wish to be so confined should not enter into matrimony. In brevis, don't sign a contract if you do not intend to honor it....asshole.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 7 years ago
Anon 7/14

I think you're right. What's your wife's cell number?

oatzaboatzabalmost 7 years ago
The besr comment here

On Schwanze1's comment I LOL.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "What an asshole"

Yeah, right, and if we reverse the sexes the wife wouldn't react the same way?

SHE wouldn't consider him HER "personal property?"

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

I agree, and even with a local paper, while they might suffer loss of ad revenue and circulation, you can't be sued for printing the truth!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Regarding: What an asshole"

Excellent point, wish I thought of it!

ken philipsken philipsalmost 7 years ago
Worst Story I Have Possibly Read Here

Your so called hero Frank is the BIGGEST CUNT of all time. Where I come from in Australia the courts would have murdered the fucking idiotic dipshit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

why is it that on all these stories are either the husband is as clueless idiot. or the wife has an IQ of about 60. i know a few idiots in real life. no matter how stupid they are they are 10 times as smart as the people in these crappy stories.

looking4itlooking4italmost 7 years ago

My first thought was that there is no way she'd have been let back into the party. For the exact same reason of a pissed off spouse taking retribution on the group. I'm not saying that some asshat at the party might not have come calling later more discretely but as for that evening no one would have let her stay or taken her home. I did enjoy the point that she felt her promise to Glen was more important than her promise to her husband. She was never sorry and that was the, um, key.

In regard to "ownership" complaints he did drive her back and gave her the choice and made very clear the consequences. He could have continued home and been demanding but he realized, perhaps even subconsciously, that if she didn't make her choice now she would, at minimum, do it behind his back. Her character was dumb as a brick and selfish as a toddler.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
No Fun

Not much of a happy ending! Is this story based on a real life incident?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Do people really believe that women think this way? It is so far fetched that it becomes pure fantasy. The type of fantasy that stupid men will start to believe.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreealmost 7 years ago

I liked the story, the writing

and the built up.

But the repetitions really

damaged this story.

I'm sure the writer can

do better than that, and

look forward it.

There are a lot of husbands

and wifes that "know" what's

best for their marrige.

Hopefully not so many

this dramatic!

Thanks writer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Not bad

but 1 thing an editor can help you with is the difference between adulterous and adulteress.

RuttweilerRuttweileralmost 7 years ago
Fill in the blanks?

Could you possibly stuff more clichés into this poor little story? I guess we could have army Rangers or karate masters, so, I suppose it’s possible.

The characters are cardboard cutouts, with no realistic personality evident. The husband is simultaneously a whiny, crying, clueless, rigid simpleton, with lots of money he would have little ability to earn, given his apparent lack of intelligence. His wife is apparently the stupidest, most obtuse human being on the Earth, really just a “straw woman” that the manly protagonist can triumph over. Given how empty-headed the husband is, I guess she would have to be for him to best her.

This is so tedious that toward the end, I just started skimming. I can’t find anything the slighted bit original, or even interesting in this story. This is the “literary” equivalent of paint-by-the-numbers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

You may be right but look at the score-and learn something about LW! You don't have to read it (and you admit that you didn't read it fully) but dumping on it shows you are out of touch with the majority of readers and is just a waste of time.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous 07/14/17 Re: "Needs a total rewrite"

"NO respectable newspaper in the Confederacy" - Um, What Confederacy? There hasn't been a Confederacy since the South lost the Civil War! Maybe that's part of our problem today, that so many in the South still feel more loyalty to their "traditions" than to the USA, despite all their shows of patriotism!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

1 page woulda accomplish the same ending. not avery good tale telling. have read similar tale as this before. names were changed to protect plager.

2 stars cause only skimme thru last 21/2 pages.

RuttweilerRuttweileralmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous 07/15/17 Re: “@Ruttweiler”

I understand quite a bit about LW and its readers. I recognize that many of these readers are looking only for stories like this one, the sole criterion for excellent marks being that a woman suffers and that a righteous husband triumphs over her for her unfaithfulness. Many of those readers are trying to project themselves into these stories and derive a vicarious satisfaction as a compensation for the failures in their own lives. I get it.

While I sometimes enjoy reading about a truly warped and twisted human being suffering for their misdeeds, and a good, basically decent man emerging victorious, or at least relatively unscathed from his encounter with the “bitch”, I like my stories to have believable characters and plots. Immersing one’s self fully into a story requires a “willing suspension of disbelief”. When I am reading about one-dimensional people who act only against their own self-interest to further the hackneyed plot, that kind of jerks me out of the flow. It just seems to ruin it for me. Go figure.

So, let me see if I understand your point: if I have an opinion that differs substantially from the mouth-breathing, he-man-woman-hating norm that belongs to a substantial portion of the readership of LW, I should not bother to share it? I share it precisely because it differs. I am sure there are others here that love good writing, and need to call out bad writing when they see it. I'm out of touch with the majority of readers and pleased with the difference. I should also point out that advising another commenter that they are out of touch with the majority and therefore should not bother to express their opinion, is a perfect example of “just a waste of time.”

By the way, as to admittedly not fully reading the story, when you look closely at the first half of a turd, you need only glance at the second half to see that it is still a turd.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Very intriguing.

Very interesting and well written and I really enjoyed the entire story. Oh and 1 page would have been a newspaper article not a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Great, he figured out that she didn't respect him let alone love him, so why was the husband in such a rush to let the cheating skank off the hook? He should have used the recordings to keep all his money and only had some child support from the divorce. But make no mistake, she should have been burned to the utmost in the most public way ossicle. And how about a little retribution for goog old Glen?

shaman43shaman43almost 7 years ago

The wife again has no empathy or understanding that a marriage is an agreement in which both partners have a say in its boundaries and limits. Again the hubby is the angel who would not touch another woman. Reminds me of the now boring westerns I watched a kid when it was the good guys and the villains. White hats and black. Then the fools who cannot even read the damn thing without wanting ridiculous consequences for the wife. Like the one who asked why the husband cannot be a man. Hell he divorced without wavering and got equal custody. These nuts sound like the clergy in the middle east. When the women do it they can still be stoned. This story seems so dull so soon after another legends compendium. That was something to turn on the computer for.

Mari55Mari55almost 7 years ago
Same old story

Just as the story where the husband is a clueless wimp cuckold is very boring, this type of BTB where the husband is cheated on but manages to come out on top due to having some advantages, is also getting old. Not only it makes little sense for a husband with so many resources, smarts and attitude to get screwed in the first place but some of the actions taken would have been ilegal and brought harm to him, like stalking the swinger party and using that info to destroy people's lives. Seriously, why didn't those very powerful people that got screwed as collateral didn't go after the MC? Sorry, I didn't like this one much.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Mari55 Re: Swingers

If they're photographed on a public sidewalk they have no expectation of privacy and have no cause of action against him. Now if he spied through the windows they might have a case, but he didn't.

I don't know what you want for an outcome, there aren't that many possibilities!

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 7 years ago
no testing???

The swing club didn't require a test for any STD?

To call them the elites must mean a strictly hereditary position as they are clearly too stupid to get there on their own.

I can just imagine the conversation of her asking her faithful husband to get tested.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Pathetic American Writing...

...about pathetic American males.

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