The Last Car


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"Plea...please, gawdamaymn," Orlando moans while keeping an eye on the fat woman occasionally glancing over at him.

Amy shifts her lip service into high gear, plunging faster and deeper on her lover's tool, feeling it grow harder, and stiffer, knowing she was pushing him beyond the point of no return and then.

In an act of sheer desperation, Orlando extends his hand, takes hold of a metal milk container, and squeezes it with all his might. He squeezes the container so tightly that it literally crushes and sends cold white liquid all over his hands, just as his cock splatters hot white liquid right down Amy's hungry throat.

His cock fires blast after blast of the white juice, as his traveling mate immediately drains the cum from his gushing tool.

Orlando's forced to roll his eyes to the back of his head and when he finally opens them, he spots the older woman standing only a few feet away.

"Are you alright baby," she asks with a voice of concern.

"Oh...oh yeah...I'm...I'm o...kay," He answers through clenched teeth.

Amy holds the pulsing flesh spear in her mouth, occasionally sucking it as she listens to the intruding woman.

The woman continues to stand there for a moment or two, carefully observing the young man whom reminds her of her son, then finally turns and goes back to her duties.

Amy licks and sucks his cock clean before sliding to the side and back up to her feet. She leans over to her shaken lover and said, "Meet me in the bathroom in the next car.

Orlando tries desperately to regain his composure, and stop his body from shaking. He glances up once again to see the face of the disappointed dinning car clerk as she watches Amy walk from the car.

It took him nearly five minutes before his cock finally diminishes to a semi-hard state. He quickly slides it back inside his pants, holds his coat over his lower body as he dashes out of the car.

Orlando makes his way through the car, ignoring the curious onlookers wondering why sweat ran down his face profusely.

He notices the bathroom door slightly cracked and as he reaches out to take hold of the knob, a hand extends out, grabs his hand pulling him inside.

Amy wraps her arms around her lover, locking the door behind him then throws her arms over his shoulders and gives him a kiss so powerful, his knees shiver.

"You're a hot little bitch huh, you damn near got us both busted," Orlando scolds as he pushes away.

"He didn't mind," she counters clutching his growing cock.

"I never came so much in my life."

"Tell me about it, my belly is full with it."

"Wow you're a little freak huh," he snaps.

"Yes, a freak just for you."

"Well it's time I return the favor."

With that said, he turns her around by her shoulders then takes her hands, places them on a air vent handle, squats between her legs, slides her sopping wet panties to the side, then thrusts his head up into her hot wet pussy, wraps his arms around her thighs and literally lifts her into the air as he attacks her honey well.

Orlando's long wet tongue flickers and slaps rapidly about Amy's erect clit, causing her to squirm and shake in his arms.

"Oh shit...ooooh shit're eating're eating my pussy sooo goood!"

Orlando's tall dark muscular frame holds the woman steady, with his head buried between her legs.

"Eat...ooh gawd Lando, eat my pussy, tear it up daddy...sss...good lord," Amy cries lustfully.

The wet sucking sounds fills the small space only adding to the waves of lust passing between them. Lowering her body slightly, Orlando attacks her tight dark pink ass-ring, probing inside the cavity with his slippery wet tongue, which sent shock waves through the distraught woman. He backs up, pressing his back against the door, allowing Amy to drape her legs over his shoulders, while she uses her hands to descend the wall and plant them on the floor.

One of the elderly ladies from the dinning car slowly approaches the door, leans forward to read the occupied sign, and hears the sounds of two people moaning inside.

Orlando increases his efforts, feeling her funky sweet pussy tremble and cover his face with her love juice. Knowing the sexy young woman's pussy was ripe for picking; he guides, then bends her over the commode and drives his throbbing hot flesh spear right inside her wet waiting pussy from behind.

Fully aware that her three month long abstention from sexual activity might catch up to her Amy realizes any penetration would prove literally a hard task, however, taking this huge cock would prove an especially daunting challenge for her and in spite of how sloppy wet her pussy felt, it proves no match for the massive cock invader.

Feeling her tight pussy stretching open, Orlando fully anticipating she might scream, leans forward, covering her mouth, just enough to muffle a cry that would surely alert anyone in earshot what was taking place in the restroom.

Orlando's long thick ebony lumber plows deep inside Amy's pussy, pries her open and if not for his hand beneath her stomach, she'd fall helpless down into the bowl.

Amy reaches out desperately trying to grab anything in front of her and pull away from the massive prick thrusting inside her quivering hole.

With his cock drilling deep inside her along with the constant motion of the train, the torrent hot couple experiences a virtual wave of passion on a tsunami scale.

Suddenly the train rocks violently, knocking them both off balance. If not for Orlando's quick reflexes, thrusting his hand against the wall they would both collapse, nevertheless, the loss of balance forces his entire cock inside her pussy balls deep and with his hand removed from her mouth, Amy releases a scream that shakes the walls of the tiny room.


With the tight pussy squeezing firmly around his throbbing man flesh, Orlando's unable to control his rising orgasm and before he can stop himself, his pulsing fuck tool explodes and fires his white load, splattering all over her pink vaginal walls.

The elderly woman slowly backs away from the door. Small droplets of her urine and love juice cascade down her legs.

By the time the couple exit the restroom, nearly every passenger in the car has their eyes squarely fixated on them. Amy and her strong black lover ignore the eyes staring at them as they quickly leave the car.

TO BE CONTINUED.................................................................................

The Last Car

by RonDixen©

Amy and Orlando stagger back and then collapse down into their seats. After a long deep sigh, Orlando exclaims, "Damn shorty, you ought to bottle that shit and put it on the market.

"Well after what you just put me through, I'm considering a rape charge."

After laughing with a child-like mischievous zeal, the hot couple shares a deep soulful kiss.

"Listen I need some rest before we pull this job off, but first I think I need to check this punk out that's got your money."

"Actually it's diamonds, but either way, they're very valuable."

"Well who is this guy anyway?"

"His name is David Jerkewitz, he's sitting in the rear of the last car. You can't miss him; he wears a tacky toupee, big pot belly, fuzzy mustache and can't go more than a few minutes before he starts coughing. I think he suffers from emphysema."

"He's gonna suffer from a lot more than that when I get my hands on him."

"Wait a minute Lando, don't get carried away. This is about the diamonds. I don't mind you bouncing his fat ass around a little, but not so much that you inflict critical damage and get authorities involved."

"Yeah, yeah I got, I got the program, just so long as he goes by that program, cause if he doesn't I'll give his ass the scenic view and dangle him out the window.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are approaching the Newark, New Jersey Station. All passengers getting off the train, be sure to take all your belongings with you. We are not responsible for any items you leave behind, also, passengers exiting the train for refreshments, restroom or to smoke are expected back on board in ten minutes, thank you," the voice buzzes from the intercom.

"Listen baby, I'm a sweaty stinky mess, I'm gonna run into the station restroom and freshen myself up and when I come back on board, I'm gonna call my sister. She's supposed to meet me in D.C. to bring me some cash."

"What's wrong with the restroom on board," he questions.

"It's great if you're a sardine. I could use some space and real running water, if you know what I mean?"

"Why don't I go with you, I need to freshen up myself, and while we're at it, maybe we can have another opportunity know."

"Oh daddy, don't you worry, by the time we reach Vegas, you're going to have your name on this thing," she takes his hand and rubs it against her sopping wet panties, "but I really need to get myself together. I know you understand...don't you?"

"Yeah I guess so shorty but damn. Okay do your thang; I guess I'll take a nap while you're gone."

"You're going to check out Jerkewitz right?"

"Of course don't worry, I got that shit."

"I hate to leave you right now Lando, my pussy's still aching from this black steel pipe." She kisses his full lips and runs her fingers along his growing cock.

"Take care little lady, you keep doing that and you'll bring that wolf out again."

"You keep him on a leash until I get back okay."

Amy quickly gathers her bags and moves toward the exit as the train enters the station.


Michael Norfolk took one last but long drag from his cigarette before flicking it away and boarding the train. He patiently waits for an elderly couple to climb up the steps, but as he raises his foot forward he catches sight of a stunningly beautiful brunette. Wearing a lacey white blouse, displaying plenty of cleavage, skin tight black jeans, and a pair of Melanie red, polka dot wedge heels, a casual appearance by any account but to Michael, she displayed exactly what he looked for in a woman, gorgeously hot, sexy, but didn't take her appearance too seriously. Perhaps that's why he misses the first step and nearly fell.

"Are you alright," the woman asks curiously.

"Yeah...yeah I'm cool," he answers, feeling a little embarrassed, as he extends his hand, offering her to go first.

"Why thank you."

"No problem," he replies, struggling to find a way to strike up a conversation.

As they make their way into the 7th car, Michael notices a polka dot wallet fall from the woman's purse and immediately seizes the opportunity to play hero and return it."

"Damnit, that's the third time, I guess it's time to find a better place for you," she said as if speaking to the wallet, then slides it back inside her matching purse. "Thank you so much," she smiles warmly at Michael.

"No problem," Michael answers, feeling dumb for repeating the same words and sounding like a robot.

He tries to recover his perceived loss of 'cool', "I like that outfit you're wearing, I think its cool."

"Really, some might say it's a little too flamboyant."

"Do you feel comfortable?"

"As a matter of fact I do."

"Good then forget about your critics and concentrate on those who like it, like...." he points to himself, confidently. "How far are you going?"

"I hope to a damn chair," someone barks in the growing passengers forming in the isle behind them.

"Uh Oh, I think we better find some seats," the woman suggests.

Michael quickly points to seats in the next row. "How about right here, I mean if you don't mind."

"Why not," she replies.

Michael offers the window seat to the lady, allows her time to set down her bag, and passes the larger one to him to place in the over head rack. The crafty young man eye fucks his new travel mate as she bends, twists and squats giving him plenty of eye candy.

Finally once she's set up asks; "So what's your name jock?"

"Jock, what's up with that," Michael returns fire.

"I don't know, you just remind me of some Hollywood guy. You got this ruggedly handsome look, spiky dirty blonde hair, thin mustache, that Yankee t-shirt stretched across your chest, and those jeans grip you in all the right places."

" about sizing someone up. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were a cop," Michael laughs, but all the while checking to see her honest reaction to his own assessment. "Michael Norfolk," he extends his hand to meet hers.

A sweet smile glows on her face as she answers, "Ashley Willington. "Well I did spend two years at John Jay."

"So did I, when did you attend," Michael asks inquisitively.

"96 through 97, but I realized it just wasn't for me. I did some probate work for Legal Aid, and could barely pay my rent, that's when I decided maybe I needed a more financially lucrative line of work," she laughs.

"Yeah I know what you mean. I was there between 93 and 96, who knows, maybe I saw you there."

"It's a small world, so did you join the force?"

"Yeah for a couple of years, but like you, after a couple of years I found it to be an exercise in futility, he lies"

"Would you care to elaborate on that," she smiles displaying her inquisitive nature.

"Well for one thing, the system's shot, between the bureaucracy and the hypocrisy it's a miracle people get their trashed picked up every morning."

"Many times they don't," she chimes in.

"Right, the city's run by a billionaire, how's he going to relate to the average Joe, then you have your educated privileged bullshit politicians creating laws that everyone has to follow but themselves. I arrest a high level drug dealer and he's back on the street in a couple of hours. I arrest a politician and I'll probably lose my job, so in the in end you have prisons filled with low level dealers and no count citizens, who lose all their potential to do something worth while and now they're just part of the system."

"Has anyone ever told you, you sound like some radical advocate from the 1960's?"

"No seriously," he continues, "The people who profit the most during prohibition and the so-called 'War on Drugs' are the very same assholes that bitch, complain and make laws about it."

"It took you two years on the force before you figured all that out?"

"Yeah, I know, I know, everyone knows there's a rabbit hole, but not till you climb inside do you realize just how deep it goes."

"Corruption's the name of the game," Ashley replies. "So are you escaping or just taking a break from the rigors of city life?"

Michael shifts in his seat trying to find a credible response to the question and then blurts out, "To tell the truth, I'm going to Vegas to start all over, I mean for the first time in my life, I'm going to just live, relax and have fun."

"Well unless you have money like those bureaucrats you spoke about, you're not going to survive out there very long."

"Hell, maybe I'll open a P.I. firm, or become a bounty hunter, maybe even a Repo-man, I'm leaving all options open."

"Are you...serious, is that actually your plan?"

"Fuckin...excuse me, yes that's what I plan to do. Anything's better than just another brainless robot with a badge, serving the wealthy, and ignoring the needs of the people who require your service the most."

Ashley extends her hand on top of Michael's arms and exclaimed, "I like that Michael, I like a man who lives by his conviction and to hell with the rules."

Michael's glances down at her soft fingernails, painted with a beautiful shade of pink.

"Well the way I see it, weather I'm a Repo-man, a bounty hunter or a P.I, I get the job done, get paid and move on to the next thing."

"Of course you realize accepting those jobs aren't very different from a robot cop as you call them," Ashley challenged.

"True but with these jobs, I'm not so invested in the system or the process of the bureaucratic hypocrisy and correction. In other words I do the job, get paid handsomely, and let the guys in suits and ties have their way. I work and get paid on my terms and I play by the rules that I see fit."

Ashley smiles and gently strokes his arms, feeling his hard bicep. "Like I said before, you're a man with conviction. I like that," she smiles as she stares up sweetly into his eyes.

"You know it's kind of funny, that you feel so passionately about hypocrisy and corruption. That's partially the reason I'm on this train in the first place."

Instead of asking her directly, Michael simply gives her a look which conveys his interest.

Ashley slowly kicks off her shoes, places her soft feet against the back of the chair in front of her while stretching innocuously and giving her fellow passenger a full glimpse of her deep cleavage.

Michael's eyes grow wide as he stares down and feels his cock come to life; however his policeman's instinct keeps his focus. "So I guess you're not going to elaborate on your last statement."

"What's that," she answers, pretending not to know the question.

"You said you were on the train because of corruption, would you mind expanding on that statement?"

The sexy young brunette smiles at Michael, "In all honesty no, all I'll say is of the three choices you named in reference to a new career, private investigation is probably the best way to go. You do your job, get your money, and still keep most of your dignity."

"And how would you know this," he presses.

Once again she disregards his question, reaches into her bag, and pulls out a container of yogurt. "Would you like some yogurt?"

Now it was Michael's turn to ignore her offer.

"Michael," she cries, gently rubbing his muscular arm, "Don't turn into a sourpuss and ruin the journey. Fact is we don't really know each other. Perhaps after a while, I'll give you a few more details, but I sincerely hope that the spirit and temperament of our trip doesn't hinge on how much we divulge ourselves to each other. Unless you lied to me. You are a former cop, and guess what, and even you still are, should I remind you that you're way out of your jurisdiction. Come on, lighten up babe."

It took a moment for her message to sink in, but eventually Michael manages to smile, and calmly refocus his thoughts at least for the moment. "Can I at least ask you a more general question?"


"Are you afraid of the friendly skies?

"In other words why the train, right, well I'm not in much of a rush and I had a few days to kill so I decided to try something different, and believe me, this is definitely different. "How about you, how'd you come to board this iron horse?"

Michael appears to yawn innocently, it wasn't, "Perhaps I'll elaborate a little later, right now, I could really use a nap."

Ashley laughs, to herself and stands up, "While you're in slumber land, I'll go to the restroom and freshen up, if you don't mind."

Michael takes note that she picks up her shoulder bag. "I hope you're not ducking out on me."

"I'm not that shallow; remember my other bag is in the overhead. I sincerely hope after your nap you'll shake that suspicious policemen's attitude."

Michael's actions appear strategic but not totally insincere. His traveling companion barely leaves the car before; he closes his eyes, answering her question as he privately recalls the events that led up to him boarding the train.


Somewhere in the Bronx, NY on a dimly lit street, a midnight blue Jeep sat curbside at a corner. Occasionally a plume of smoke rises from the window, highlighted by sporadically passing vehicles.

"This old bastard called me a curbside shit waffle, can you believe that. He said if he had a gun he'd blow my fucking head off, the prick. All the while I'm trying to be nice, and this fuck, slams the door in my face. I stayed calm, I really did. I kept my cool and knocked on the door again and you wanna know what this prick does, huh, he sics his fucking rottweiler on me. It's a miracle I made it over the fucking fence; I didn't think I could jump so high."