The Last Shapeshifter Ch. 06


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At that, she yanked down his underwear and briefly stared at Lance's one eyed monster. Then ever so gently, she placed a hand on his shaft and began slowly stroking. She looked up at him again. "Does that feel good, baby?"

He moaned softly and nodded.

"Do you just want me to use my hand?"

He shook his head back and forth.

"You want me to use something else?"

Again he could only nod.

"Tell me what you would like your mommy to use?"

"Your mouth," Lance said quietly.

"You want your mommy to put her mouth on your big, hard cock?"

Lance nodded.

She smiled at him so sweetly. "Anything for my good boy." She licked the tip of the head, and loved how it made him moan again. Then she formed a tight seal with her lips as she accepted his pulsing member inch by inch. She didn't flinch or stop until it hit the back of her throat, then she began moving it in and out. She kept a brisk pace, occasionally stopping to lick around the tip again while making eye contact. It did not take long before she felt an overwhelming urge to stop and lean back. Her hand kept stroking him as she thrust her tits out at her boy, trying to give him exactly what he wanted.

She wasn't disappointed as moments later, a thick spray of jizz erupted from his cock and coated her breasts. She cried out in ecstasy and began stroking herself frantically. "Such a good boy! Cumming on mommy's titties! Good boy!"

And then a dark cloud settled in. The pleasure was still there, but it faded, as the horny mother remembered that she was not a mother at all, but an eighteen year old male who had just sucked off his mortal enemy. Trevor/Jenny stopped touching himself and fell backwards. He was coated in Lance's jizz. How the hell had this got so out of hand? He had thought he could control himself, but he realized now how arrogant and stupid he had been. He slowly got to his feet as Lance stood there in a post orgasm stupor. Lance's lust had dramatically faded, but had not gone out entirely. Trevor needed to leave, to run. He backed out of the room and turned as he got to the door. He passed the bathroom, turned, and walked past the master bedroom. After that he had a clear view to the entryway, and he locked eyes with Sabrina who stood in the now open doorway.

Sabrina knew she wasn't seeing a naked Mrs. Connors, but Trevor. She understood what had just transpired upstairs, and mouthed silently, "What the fuck?"

This brief exchange was interrupted as footsteps could be heard coming from Lance's bedroom. A second later, Sabrina had disappeared in the room to her right, and Lance appeared a moment later. Trevor couldn't believe it. The hulking jock had his boner back already. Trevor wanted to bolt, but he couldn't run outside naked as Mrs. Connors, and he didn't want to shift in front of Lance. Instead of making for the stairs, he stepped swiftly into Mrs. Connors bedroom. It caused him to come dangerously close to Lance again, and the lust was back and growing stronger.

"Lance," Trevor/Jenny began as he/she began scrounging for clothes to put on, "that was a mistake. You know that, right? It can never happen again." Trevor/Jenny saw Lance had followed and was dangerously close again. "Lance, I, I mean it. Get out. I need to get some clothes on."

Lance did not listen to his mother this time. The thought of only ever having her once had driven the obedience from him, and he stalked towards her with intent. He watched as she drew back to a corner of the room. Her eyes scanned for a way around him, but there would be none. He wouldn't hurt her. He would never hurt her. But she had started this. He would finish it. She made a desperate lunge to get by him, but he was too quick. He grabbed her sweaty, naked body in his muscular arms.

The fight seemed to go out of her immediately, but her lips were suddenly on his again. She kissed him and a hand fell to his rigid cock. She suddenly seemed struck with an idea. "Put me down, son." He hesitated. "Do as your mother says. I'm not going to run away. I have something for you."

He reluctantly put her down, and watched as she went to her closet. She looked back at him. "I think there's an outfit you'd like to see me in. Am I right?"

Lance was confused. He had been thinking about that a moment ago, and now... He awaited her next move with rapt attention.

"Give me one second, sweetie." She popped behind the closet door, and true to her word, a second later, she appeared in the leopard print bikini that she had worn on vacation last year.

"How did you..." Lance started to ask. He wondered how she had changed so fast.

"Is that what you want to do, son?" she purred as she walked back towards him. Each step made her boobs jiggle and her pussy wetter. "You want to ask questions? Or you do you want to take an up close and personal look at me in this bikini?"

She loved it when all he could do was nod. "This is what I was wearing in those pictures you took, wasn't it?" She laughed as he nodded. He was like one of those bobble head toys. "You couldn't take your eyes off me when I wore this, could you? You just kept staring at all of mommy's curves. You wanted to touch them, didn't you?" She was in front of him and his nods now. "Did you ever touch yourself while looking at those pictures you took of me in this bikini?"

"Yes m-mommy," Lance stammered.

It was so hot how much control she had over him. "Well, you don't have to look at a picture anymore. But I will pose for you." She got on the bed, on al fours. She positioned her ass towards him and lifted it, then looked back at him. "Is this better than a picture?"

He didn't nod this time, but grunted. He stepped towards her. She rolled over and spread her legs wide, then used a hand to slide the bikini bottom to the side and began fingering herself. "What about this? Do you like this pose?"

He was on the bed now with her. She could feel the heat of his cock against her leg. "I guess you do. Are you going to slide that big dick into mommy now?"

"Uh huh," was his answer, then he did just that.

She screamed with pleasure as the first thrust gave her a powerful orgasm. Her legs wrapped around him and pulled him deeper. She grabbed his firm butt and urged him on as he began to thrust. His stamina was amazing and she knew that he would last longer this time around. She put a hand on his face. His expression was a mixture of rampant desire and love for a mother. "I need you to pound mommy's pussy son. Can you do that for me?"

His thrusts sped up and the desire in his face overshadowed anything else.

She kept on. "I wore this bikini for you, sweet boy. I wore it because I knew how hard it would make you. Now I need you to do something for mommy. I need you to bury that hard cock deep into your mother's dripping pussy. Come on son. Shove it in me. Fill me up. Mommy needs it. Mommy needs you to cum inside her!" With each sentence, she felt him grow more rigid. She saw his eyes widen and his face grow taught. He put more into each thrust, truly pounding her pussy.

She came again before he did, and then a third time when his body finally lurch and spasmed as it gave way to his climax. He fell beside her, panting. She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and said, "See what happens when you're a good boy."

They stared at each other for a moment, both completely loss in the afterglow. But then a figure in the doorway disturbed their post coital bliss. Mrs. Connors saw it first and moved quickly to cover herself. The person in the doorway was pointing her cell phone at them, no doubt taking a picture or recording video. "Who the hell are you?"

Lance struggled to his feet at the sight of Sabrina. He thought she and Trevor had left. He was spent, but was determined to do something about this unwanted house guest.

Before he could make a move though, Sabrina gave her warning. "I'm recording Lance. One touch of my finger and it's on the internet."

The fog lifted in Trevor's mind, he was himself again. It had taken longer this time. Not a good sign.

"How long have you been there?" Lance growled.

"Long enough to see you being a motherfucker," Sabrina answered. "Here's what's going to happen. We're leaving here with Trevor's phone and anything else he thinks we should have. You're going to leave Trevor, Max and I alone for the rest of your life, otherwise this video gets plastered all over the internet."

"Oh, wow, Sabrina," Trevor/Jenny said in admiration. "It's a reverse blackmail. I love it."

Lance looked back at his mother in distress. "I don't...are you a part of this Mom?"

Trevor/Jenny looked him dead in the eye and said, "Oh sweetie, I'm not your mommy. But I can sure fuck like her."

Lance watched in horror as his mother's body glow softly and quickly transform. Her hair shortened rapidly, her breasts shrunk to pecs, and a penis seemed to spring from her vagina. Within a few seconds, a naked Trevor Burrtrick stood in front of him.

"Was that wise?" Sabrina asked.

"Well I figure we got him over a barrel now," Trevor said confidently. "And he'd figure something was off when his actual mother couldn't remember hooking up with her son."

"That's fair I guess. How are you, uh, doing? I mean, after having just fucked your school bully and all?"

To Trevor's surprise, he was able to smile. "Don't get me wrong, there's a part of me that does want to throw up a little. But for the most part, it was worth it to see the stupid look on Lance's face right now." He turned and glared at Lance threateningly. "Understand Lance, I can be anyone. I can be the principal." As he said it, he shapeshifted into him. "I could be one of the many girls you take out and bang while thinking of your mother." Trevor shapeshifted into three of the girls they had seen Lance with, one after the other.

Finally, Trevor shapeshifted back into Mrs. Connors, completely clothed and looking very motherly. "And I can be your mother anytime I want. I can act just like her. Think about that. I could destroy her reputation if I wanted." As he said this, the clothes dissolved and she sauntered over to Sabrina and began to grind on her leg. "I could make it look like your mom was the biggest slut in the state."

Sabrina pushed Trevor/Jenny back. "That's enough Trevor."

"No, it's not!" Trevor/Jenny persisted. "He needs to know that I'm the one that can torment him now. I could ruin his whole life if I wanted to!"

Sabrina put a firm hand on her friend's arm. "You could, but you're better than that."

Mrs. Connors eyes locked onto Sabrina's with a fierce gaze. It remained for only a moment, then the eyes softened, and seconds later, Trevor was his own self again. "You're right. I'm...that's not who I want to be." He looked back at Lance. "Leave us alone, and you never have to worry about me or this video getting out. Understood?"

Trevor grimaced as all a shell shocked Lance could do was give him an all too familiar nod.

"Oh, and did you do something to Max?" Trevor asked.

Sabrina fielded that one. "Yeah he did. Max called and told me the whole thing before I came into the house. When we didn't show up to school, Lance confronted him about our absence between classes, then took his phone and shoved him into a locker. When a teacher rescued him, he borrowed a phone and called me."

"Poor Max," Trevor said. "I bet that was a tight fit."

"He says you owe him," Sabrinia laughed.

Trevor laughed too. "I'm sure he thinks so. He'll probably have me turn into your mom again."

Sabrina punched his arm hard. "Let's get out of here."

The next few days passed normally. Lance said nothing. He wanted to, very much, but he feared the retribution it would bring. He also couldn't help but get a boner every time he was in the same room as his mother. Needless to say he gave Trevor's friends a wide berth.

Trevor made good on the debt Max felt he was owed, and shapeshifted into a bevvy of Max's fantasy women that weekend. When he wasn't having sex with his friends, Trevor was trying to make the most of his time with them, because what they didn't know, was that he'd be leaving. He'd been thinking of little else the last two weeks, and would have left sooner if they hadn't been surveilling the Connors. Money would have been a factor too. But on Monday, if his father was true to his word, it wouldn't be.

On Monday morning, he didn't say goodbye to his friends as they left for school, at least, not a goodbye that meant I won't be here when you get back. It was a casual sort of see you later goodbye. They would have tried to keep him from going. They would have been content to keep up the current pattern of using him as a sexual party favor. He knew that thinking wasn't entirely fair, as he often enjoyed it immensely himself, but not always. They were his friends, but the benefits seemed to be growing more and more one sided. His mother's warning to get away for a time seemed wiser each day.

But that was only half of the reason he knew he had to leave. The other half was to do what his mother had never done. He needed to find out why this was happening, and if it could be stopped. What he eventually had in mind was too dangerous to subject his friends too. He knew they'd probably try to come if he asked, but he would put their lives at risk, only his own. He dared to think optimistically, that all of the threads he felt connected to would prove as benign as Lance and his mother had been. But he had his doubts. When he felt he was ready, he would seek out one of the dots that glowed brighter than most. He confront whomever he found at the other end, and get an answer, or meet his fate. Either way, he didn't just want to be a shapeshifter. He wanted to be the one to break the curse, and become the last shapeshifter.

Steve Burrtrick heard a car pull up beside his house, and shortly after that, the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, he got a start, as his elderly mother was staring back at him. In truth, it should have affected him more than it did, because she had been dead for five years. "Come in, son," he said.

The elderly woman shuffled in, and when the door was closed, rasped, "I understand you have something for me."

"Trevor, can you shapeshift into literally anyone else. This is very unsettling."

The woman shook her head emphatically. "I thought this would be the best form to keep you from thinking any...any perverse thoughts."

Steve tried to keep his voice from becoming too stern, but it was difficult. "You don't need to do that. I'm perfectly capable of..." his voice threatened to break as he changed course. "Please, let me see my son."

The woman stared at him, and tears formed in her eyes. A dim glow and a few seconds later, and Trevor wiped his eyes while he looked at his father. "I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry about everything."

"It's okay son," Steve said, and went to hug his son.

Trevor stepped back quickly. "No. I'm not going to be touching anyone for awhile. I'm sorry, but, it's what I need to do."

"Son, your mother tried this, it didn't..."

"I'm not her, dad. And I have to find out what works for me. You were right though about getting away. I'm just not going to go where you wanted me to, and...I have to do it without you, or anyone else."

His father looked at him for a long time as he weighed the implications of his son's words. Finally he nodded and said, "You're an adult, and it's your burden to bear. But know son that I am always here, at least, as long as I can be in your lifetime. If you ever need me..." Steve suddenly found himself unable to speak.

"I know dad. I know. Thank you. I'll definitely be in touch."

Steve pulled out a piece of folded up paper from his back pocket. "Here. Take this to any bank, and they can transfer money from any of these accounts your mother set up. I've taken the liberty to put some of it into an account locally that you have access to, and you can move it to anywhere at your discretion."

"This is different than the speech I thought I'd be getting if I had gone to college," Trevor quipped.

"You were never going to get that speech, son. Because your life will be different than anyone alive. I just hope you find a way to make it a good one. It took your mother a long time, but she was happy in the end. I hope you can be too."

The silence hung in the air, as they resumed staring at each other for several more seconds. Then Trevor said, "Well, I better be going."

"Take care of yourself. Try not anything stupid."

Trevor sighed, then said, "How about just one more stupid thing." And he hugged his father. His father responded in kind. It lasted a few seconds. It lasted for several hours. It was a perfect moment. Then it was over, and an elderly woman left through the front door.

To be continued...

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gkrishnagkrishnaover 1 year ago

The last few chapters have been disappointing. This was shaping up to be one of my favourite stories on this site, but them still having Max around is making it a much less pleasant story. Max is dumb as a rock, unsympathetic unless it's beaten into him, and now doesn't even respect boundaries they'd agreed upon. Not cutting him off is only one of the several dumb decisions Trevor makes, but it's definitely the most frustrating one.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 3 years ago

"They were his friends, but the benefits seemed to be growing more and more one sided."

Sheer badassery in this chapter. I love the fact that he's finally taking charge of this situation and acting as... someone acting in his own interests, like anyone would. Well done, amigo.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

When will the chapter 7 arrive? :'(

freakydaughterfreakydaughterover 3 years ago
Television Shift?

Would it be possible for Trevor to become someone famous just by pleasuring himself while watching tv? I'm hoping for Kate Middleton for a little while...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Keep going!

I can't wait to find out what happens next!

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