The Lecture Ch. 01

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A Silky Adventure
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/25/2022
Created 10/18/2010
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A Silky Adventure

So I told you I had been allowed to take osteology as a sophomore. That's because I'm good at biology. I also told you about screwing the teaching assistant, and how he didn't believe my father spanked me (whipped is more like it) for not using a condom. Then I had to get my sister Jessica to screw him to prove I wasn't making it all up. It was confusing, and I suggest you read my earlier adventures if you don't follow this.

Anyway, in spite of everything, I still had the best grades in the class, and when an opportunity came to get extra credit for presenting a student paper I jumped on it like a nymphomaniac on a hard dick. The presentation was in Mobile, Alabama, so I would have to stay overnight.

"Puh lease, George, I'll get extra credit! And it'll look so good on my résumé," I begged.

"I can't go with you, and I'm not comfortable with you going there overnight alone."

"You're worried that I WON'T be alone, aren't you? You don't want me to fuck Craig again, even if I use a condom. That is SO unfair. I can fornicate with your friends anytime, you even let Doug sleep with BOTH of us without condoms but can I fuck someone of MY choosing? No, I guess not! You are being so mean and cruel and..."

"You're being rather short with me, Silky."

"Oh, so now it's about being short, is it? I KNEW it. You love Jessica more because she's taller, and has blue eyes. It doesn't matter that I keep my pussy unshaved just for you..."

"Silky, I'm just worried about your driving at night."

"Wait, what? I'm a good driver!"

"You are, but you get distracted if you don't take your meds and if you take them late you can't sleep."

"So I won't sleep, I'm young and healthy." I stuck my chest out to emphasize the healthiness of my boobs.

"Why don't you let Jess go with you?"

"Me? Why do I have to baby sit?" interjected Jess.

"Babysit!!!?" I exploded. "I am a grown woman with tits way bigger than hers. I don't need a babysitter!"

George held up his hands in what was becoming a frequent behavior. "Girls, please! I just want to keep you both safe. I agree that Silky should present this paper that she hasn't written yet..."

"...." Was all I could say.

"Anyway, I want you to write the paper, present it, and be safe. I can't be there on that day. So Jess, as a sister, you need to go with her –not to babysit, just to hang out. Ya'll can go out to eat, visit the Museum, and maybe go shopping? You can take the Volvo (the C-70 convertible!) and if you want, you can offer Craig a ride."

This sounded very good to me. I turned to Jessie and held her hands, looking in her eyes.

"Puh lease, Jess! This will be way fun!"

She grinned and I knew I had her. "Fine, I'll go," is all she said.


"So, Silky, what are you going to present on?" George asked.

"I have decided to do a review of the determination of sex from skeletal remains. I mean, like, male or female, not activity."

"I figured that" said George. "How long do you have?"

"Fifteen minutes."

"And how much have you written so far?"

"Let's see," I flipped through my notes. "Two hundred and... thirty four pages." I smiled.

"You're going to have to be shorter."

"I can't BE any shorter, thank you, this is all I have!" I pirouetted and spread my arms.

"Your paper, baby girl. You can't cover two hundred pages in a fifteen minute lecture."

"Two hundred thirty four," I said under my breath. My lower lip poked out, I couldn't help it.

"Give the lecture to me, Silky," he said.

So I handed him my notes.

"No, I mean – pretend I'm the audience and present it."

I stood up as tall as I could, all five feet of me, and squared my shoulders. I looked at my notes, and began to read:

"In field studies determining the gender of skeletal remains the average error approaches 34.7%, with a margin of error of + or – 5%, with the primary identifier used being the obtuse angle of the pubic rami, while in studies with both pelvis and upper jaw remnants, the accuracy increases to 78.4%, that being the inverse of the inaccuracy..."

"Silky, there is no one on this planet as alive as you," George interrupted. "You can't stand there like that and READ your paper. You've got to show them."

"Like this?" I pulled up my tee shirt to expose my breasts.

"I'm sure those would get the audience's attention, but I was thinking more in line with how you told your story. What do you want them to remember from your talk?"

"That you can identify a skeleton's sex from either the skull or the pelvis. I mean gender, not..."

"I know." He said. "So you need to tell them that, and tell it again, and tell it clearly and memorably."

I've told you, George is really smart. He teaches us lots of useful things.

--- - --- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- -- - ------ --- - ---- -- - - --- - - -

So we wound up tooling down the Interstate towards Mobile. I refused to do rock-paper scissors for driver, so we flipped a coin, and the bitch cheated on that too! But it was okay, because George made us follow the stupid change drivers every hour rule, and Craig went with us, and he took a turn, so in no time we were pulling off I-165 onto Water street, and then down Government. The oak trees there have Spanish Frost on them; it is so cool, hanging down like beards on the trees! We checked in to the Renaissance Hotel which overlooks the bay. We were on the tenth floor!

Craig asked if we had a room for him, and I just smiled and said, "Silly Boy, you're in with us."

We went down to the Blind Mule, and I ordered Shrimp and Grits. It was great. We were so sophisticated, eating out like that with a hot guy who was over 21. While we were eating I slipped off my shoe and started running my foot up Craig's leg. I didn't look at him; I worked hard to keep up the conversation so he would be really aroused.

"So, Jess, do you want to go for a swim when we get back?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe tomorrow."

I stuck my foot under his pant leg, where I could push down his sock and run directly on his leg. I heard him kinda chug on his beer when I did that.

"Did you like your fish, Silky?"

"I had shrimp, remember? But it was really good!"

"How about you, Craig?"

"Great!" Was all he said.

I scooted around a little, and slid my naked toes slowly all the way up his leg on the outside of his pants to his crotch. He was so hard! I started massaging his erection with my toes, and ran into an obstacle. Another foot! I swung glaring green eyes to Jessica, where I met absolutely innocent looking blues, which she had the nerve to bat at me! She smiled so sweetly.

"Can we leave shortly?" She asked.

"Are you making another crack about my height? I'm taller than the average in Asia! And besides..."

"No, Silky, I just meant 'let's roll' that's all," she rolled her eyes at me. I think she was poking fun.

When we got back to the room, I felt that there was some tension in the air. Craig wasn't sure what he was supposed to do, but he had already had sex with both of us so anyway he figured something was up.

"Silky, why don't you get the rubbers while I get Craig interested? They're in that box George sent with us."

I opened the box, and although the whips and dildos were there, I found NO CONDOMS! I searched the box, and finally shook it upside down. A scrap of paper fluttered out with a note from George:

"I've checked Craig out. Ya'll have fun, no protection needed. Love, G."

That sly dog!

"Um, Jessie, have you like looked in here?"

"No, why?"

"The Boss says we don't like need any condoms tonight. That ok with you?"

In response, Jessica removed her panties and draped them over Craig's face.

"Can you guess what I've been thinking, lover boy?" she asked.

Craig either was carrying a gun or was happy to read her mind. I started removing his clothes while he unbuttoned, unzipped, and unclasped my big sis. They were lip locked by the time I got to his shoes, and I thought it was funny to watch them roll around on the bed with his pants tangled at his ankles and his erection bouncing free. I managed to get his laces loose and removed the final barrier, while Jess ran her hand over his phallus. I already knew he was nice and thick, I've been there, thank you.

He moved on down her neck to her left breast, and sucked for all his might. I quickly dropped my drawers and lost my linen and the rest, and climbed to her right side, so that he and I were parallel in our nipple nudging. I replaced her hand with mine, and she sprawled back to enjoy the excitation. Her tits are directly connected to her clit, and licking them really gets to her. I slid down to nestle between her legs, and boy was she ever gushing from the attention!

Craig moved up to entice her with his cock, and soon slurping noises filled the room. Light from the setting sun colored us in shades of maroon and sienna, with her areolas burnt umber in the shadows. I tugged on his arm, and he finally joined me at her symphysis, where we traded turns pulling on her clitoris with our lips. Jess was throwing herself in a nympholepsy, and finally shoved us both away and sat on his penis, guiding it straight into herself with her hand and its blue painted nails.

Craig fell back on the bed, allowing Jess to ride him cowgirl style, which she can do better than anyone. Not to be left out, I squatted on his face, and fountained freshets into his able mouth. Jess and I swapped saliva that tasted of her cunt and his cock. My sister ground her inferior pelvic aperture against him with all the strength of her magically long legs, and then began the imprecations that foreshadow her nascent climacteric.

"Gesú Bambino! Jesus & Mary! Buco di Culo di Gesú!" Jessie exploded.

I followed her with somewhat less vituperation, and I assume Craig reached his climax as well; once I cum I really don't care for a little while.

There was perforce an interregnum.

Our trio sprawled supine as we caught our breath. Since I'm so healthy, I recovered first. I offered a breast for suckling, and he appeared to gain nourishment from that, or at least he liked it. Jessica rolled him over so that she could straddle his butt, and she tantalized his back with long delicate strokes of her fingernails.

"Dawg, bitch," she said. I understood her completely, this was no curse.

I crawled around to fold into a koala position, little legs bent up under my body, and scrunched back until my little pudenda abutted his face. Jess leaned forward so that her nipples turned into small rocks against his back, and she ran her tongue along the outer edge of his ear.

"Look at that fine little red bush, baby. Wouldn't you like to feel that wrapped around your swollen dick? I bet you could push it right in, she's all wet and ready. And she's so tiny! Damn, I bet she's tight! If you make her cum, you could pop right into her ass hole. Wouldn't you like to get your meat into that little crack? I don't even know if she's ever had it up the back door before. You wanna be the first?" All this was said in a favonian whisper, an evil ruse which made me horny as hell. I figure it drove him crazy. (She lied about my asshole cherry, but I understood, this was for show.)

Craig lifted his head and blew gently upon my incarnadined labia, which was followed by a lick to my clit. Oh, do that some more!

He migrated to a kneeling position, and I felt the resilient tumescence that he offered ease into the lubricious moiety between my legs. I was stretched circumambient to his induration. He began to stroke into me, and we naturally adjusted our positions and motions until we had a mellifluous movement, and he was able to skate all the way to his balls and all the way out with each pump of his swollen purpled head. So nice!

Jess advanced to my face and put her lower lips against my mouth so that I could tickle her as I was tickled. As Craig sped up the pace, I found myself unable to do much with her hard little knob, as simply getting air in and out of my lungs took all my focus. He was perdurable, which made my orgasm importunate, and quickly I began to mutter incoherently as is my wont when I approach apogee.

"Argh! Yeeesss! Fuckmefuckme! Oh yesyesyes!"

Craig managed to outlast me which won for him the prize of which he dreamed. As I remained trembling in a knee-chest, Jess traversed to be alongside, and lifted his adamantine flesh to my nearly virgin little bud.

I had just cum hard, so I was able to adjust to his invasion of my absolute privacy, and enjoy the feel of his smooth bulb as it stretched my anal ring. He pushed assiduously and urgently at this laborious task, and was able to invade my hinterlands with his tumescent pole. Eventually his testicles bounced against my labia, and then he withdrew to enter again. I made my ass a nefarious oblation, and he accepted my gift.

This time, it was he who fell, he who lost the competition, he who was unable to sustain; He filled my posterior canal with eddies of turbid spume, and the warmth I felt was superb. So good when I'm ready!

Again, we lay in an inchoate pile, each drenched with sweat and gasping. My mind wandered to the lecture I was to give and to Russia, and chocolate and spiders and like, stuff...

"You think we have to like use him up tonight, Silk?" Jess asked languidly.

"Well, we won't like have time tomorrow to do much." I replied

"That's like, true enough," she answered.

"So does he like get some of that big old loose butt hole?" I questioned. She was too tired to hit me; I was too tired to duck.

Eventually we rolled together, melding into a moving mass of bodies, with lips and fingers touching various places that give pleasure to both participants. By now there was so much pussy juice and cum on us that nothing short of bathing would remove the sinful stains. ( I don't think they're sinful, but what else goes with 'stains'?)

I had to pee, and then Jess did, and finally Craig took his turn. It's silly that we would share all our fluids, but closed the door when on the toilet.

Finally I knelt against Jessie and we kissed, our lips swollen with the pressure they had sustained already, and both cunts sopping wet and dripping with a number of fluids. We probed each other gently, for those lips were bruised as well, having been well used that night.

Jess and I are not lesbians; a lot of the kissing and touching we do to each other (though we certainly enjoy it) is to put on a show for various men, who seem to get very aroused at watching two nubile young ladies kiss and mutually masturbate. It worked for Craig, though he was feeling the load of his responsibilities. We had to finger, lick, 69, and suck each other's nipples before he was able to return to duty.

Jess stayed on her back, and I aided Craig in placing his re-invigorated manhood into her rectum. I harass her, but her hole is as tight as mine, just more experienced. Craig did his job, but I noticed a flagging level of energy. (did you notice the horrible word play?) He nearly had apoplexy by the time he shuddered and discharged his load into her rear entrance. He fell to his back, huffing with his rod completely wilted.

"I am so done!" He sighed as he smiled.

Jess and I locked eyes across his chest.

"Craig, honey, couldn't you puh lease try one more time?" I asked.

"I'd love to Silky, but I am so drained I may never cum again."

"Pay up Chatoyant. I told you he wouldn't make five times."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Give the thesaurus a rest.

OneSilkyOneSilkyover 13 years agoAuthor
I have to respond

I prefer to not do this in public, but I don't like to delete the comments of someone just because they don't like what I wrote. This comment led me to re-read the entire story; I'm sorry, I didn't have any words that were inncorrect. Others might choose less sesquipedalian language, true, but I enjoy writing that way, otherwise it becomes pornography rather than erotica, in my mind. If you want to argue, please feel free to email me and tell me exactly what you didn't understand and I will explain it to you.


PJPerkinPJPerkinover 13 years ago

That's absolutely unreadable to the extent where it just annoyed me. not only had you thesaurus'd every fifth word, but some of them were just wrong! Sort it out, or get a decent editor. Please, do something. You almost had a somewhat good story there.

Foote47Foote47over 13 years ago
This is teaching?

I'll take that job.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 13 years ago
Another superb

story by Silky. Funny, sexy, fresh, original, even informative. A must read!!!!!!!!!

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