The Log Cabin Ch. 01

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Two guys on the run get lucky, or do they?
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/27/2013
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This is my first story in this category, I originally posted this in non consent/reluctance as one off but now have decided to do some subsequent chapters and feel erotic horror is a better fit. This story is told from multiple points of view, the name of which appears before their section.

Chapter two was submitted the same day and should be close by.





She sat cross legged, naked in front of the mirror brushing her hair. It was an evening ritual that stretched back to her teenage years. As she brushed she studied her reflection, not a teenager anymore.

Some lines had appeared, particularly in the last twelve months. It was just under twelve months since she had sat and listened with her partner as they were informed he would be dead inside twelve months. The year had passed slowly, she had felt in limbo. Impotent, unable to help, merely able to watch as he went through the agony of his death sentence.

When the end had finally come, she had been guilty at the sense of relief as well as the sorrow.

After the funeral she had retreated to the cabin in the mountains they had obtained two years before. It was nestled in the pines just below the snow line. They had renovated it themselves, upgrading the living quarters and adding a studio basement for them to practice their craft. Unfortunately they had only got to spend three short months there together before they had to return to the city.

Away from the limelight she had worked through the grief and loss. Gradually she had rebuilt her life to the point he felt she was ready to face the world again and she was planning a trip back to the city in two weeks time.

* * * * * * * *


Why the hell did they build a jail on the other side of this damn mountain!

Constable Steve Hautann was driving his patrol car to Mt Hutt Correctional Facility up the winding mountain pass. It had stopped snowing but it still made the the road a slushy mess.

In the back were two inmates that had been in the local lock up after court appearances. An influx of bikers had the sheriff worried that he needed the lock up empty before the weekend. Hence this trip to take these guys to Mt Hutt.

Normally I don't mind doing this drive but not at night, especially a Friday night, even worse with the bad weather on the mountain. Anyway I was almost there, another ten minutes and I should be turning into the high steel gates. My two charges had been silent in the back, hand cuffed and shackled to the floor. There was one tall skinny kid who was a short timer in for break and enter and assault. The other guy was older, thick set and covered in tattoos. He was a bad arse, in for rape and murder. He was half way through a twenty year stretch and the police prosecutor was keen to add another ten to that.

I know you should never relax while driving and as I was sliding towards the tree and time seemed to be slowing down I wondered if I could have done something different. I had seen the deer in my peripheral vision a split second before it charged onto the road. My dad's voice came back to me.

"Don't brake, better to hit the fucker than slide off the road!"

Unfortunately I had braked, I missed the deer but ended up in an uncontrolled slide. I was off the road and into the slush, fighting to get some control. I saw the tree and knew I was in trouble. My door was heading straight for it, I put the pedal to the metal hoping that the wheels may grip and get me back on the road but to no avail. I braced for impact but I hadn't seen the low branch heading for my window. Before the car hit the tree it had broken the window and pierced my neck. In that instant I knew I was fucked I mumbled sorry to myself, then the car hit the tree and I thought no more.

* * * * * * * *


I had been sleeping when I heard the cop swear as the car started sliding. I didn't know what was happening then suddenly we broadsided a tree off the side of the road. I was thrown across the back seat towards Big Kev, however the shackles stopped me from ending up on his lap. Initially I was dazed but as I got my senses back I took in the scene inside the squad car.

The cop was dead, a branch had penetrated the side of his neck and was now protruding out his throat. Blood still came out the wound and ran down his shirt. From the angle of his head I think his neck was broken as well. Big Kev was out to it, it looked like his head had hit the window hard. Blood trickled from his temple but he was breathing steadily. The car was still running its lights pointing back towards the road.

My wrists and ankles hurt from the wrench of the cuffs in the crash but when I looked down it appeared that the bar I was shackled to the floor with was loose. I lifted my hands and it definitely moved so I began alternating between lifting it up with my hands and stamping back down on it with my feet. Just when I thought it wasn't going to budge it gave and I was free. Well almost, I was still hand cuffed and in the back seat but the barrier between the front and the back had been knocked askew in the accident. I lifted my feet and began kicking at it until it broke off completely. Reaching over the front seat I got the keys to the cuffs from the dead cops pocket and now I was free.

I was about to bale out when a hand closed over my arm.

"You weren't thinking of leaving me here were you Timmy?" Big Kev said menacingly.

"No! No! Of course not Kev." I replied quickly.

I undid his cuffs and shackles then got out my door. He slid across and exited the same way.

"How long before someone comes looking for us? I asked feeling the cold now I was out of the car.

"Probably an hour but we will be long gone by then." Kev replied as he open the front door of the squad car.

He reached across and undid the cops seat belt then dragged him out of the car. The branch coming out of his neck made a sickening sound and I vomited on the snow as Kev dropped his body in the slush.

"I might stay, my lawyer thinks I might get parole next week." I said wiping my mouth on my sleeve.

"No fucking chance boy! Your coming with me, you might be useful." Kev had moved closer using his bulk to intimidate me.

"Well I" Kev grabbed me by the throat.

"Your coming with me or your joining him in the slush!"

"Okay! okay!" I stammered and he released me. "How are we going to get away? They will catch us in no time on foot."

"If we can get this car back on the road then we can be across the state lines before they know we are gone. Get some branches to put under the back wheels and we will see if we can get it off the tree and back on the road."

We got some branches and I got in the drivers seat. I hit the accelerator in little spurts while Kev threw himself at the back end of the car. It took longer than I thought but eventually we get disentangled from the tree and back on the road. Big Kev then went back and picked up the cops body and started back to the car.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I exclaimed.

"It's too late to go for the state line tonight, by the time we get back down they may have discovered what happened and block the road." Kev explained.

"So what's that got to do with his body?"

"I remember on the way up in the prison bus there as a cliff face we drove along the edge of. It dropped into some pretty ugly country. If we push the car over the edge with him in it, it might give us two days before they work out we are missing! So open the back door so I can get him inside."

Kev heaved him into the backseat then jumped in the passenger side and scooted across to the drivers seat. I stood hesitating until Kev showed me he had the policeman's gun and I reluctantly got in.

"What are we going to do when we ditch the car? We will freeze to death out there!" I was starting to get a little hysterical.

"Just follow Big Kev, I have a knack for getting out of trouble!"

Coming from someone doing twenty years in the big house that wasn't a very comforting statement.

We drove for about twenty minutes until we left the trees and were on a rocky pass. Kev stopped the car and pointed for me to get out, I did and he turned the car so it was aiming for the side of the road towards a gap in the safety fence. Getting out he opened the back door took the dead guy out and placed him in the drivers seat.

"Give me a hand!" he ordered as he bent down behind he car to push it off the cliff.

I lent on it too and it trundled towards the edge then over it. We stood and listened, it took some time until we heard a crunch as it slammed into the rocks below.

"Right follow me!" Kev said as he headed back up the road we had just come down.

"Why that way? Isn't it back towards the jail?"

"Trust me." Kev bellowed over his shoulder.

We walked back up the road about a mile until we were in the trees again. Kev had the cops flashlight and pistol and he was playing the light along the side of the road.

"Here it is!" he said proudly pointing at a track that led off to the left.

"It's probably just a fire trail, it won't take us anywhere!" I whined.

Kev moved the light to show something else. An old mailbox.

"Fire trails don't have mailboxes, and this track has been used, not a lot but I reckon there is a cabin up there we can hole up in tonight."

We started up the track and after another two miles I was starting to doubt Kev but then he killed his light and held up his hand to stop my progress. Around the corner there was a log cabin, there were two light burning in windows.

"We will take it slow from here, check out who's home before we invite ourselves inside."

I went around one side and Kev went around the other. It was all quiet my side, the cabin was larger than it looked from the front. A new wing was built out the back with big glass windows showing an open plan living, dining and kitchen area. In the middle of the lounge room floor sat a woman. A naked woman, brushing her long luxurious hair. I was getting aroused when I felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Anyone else your side?" It was Kev.

"No, all quiet." I reported still staring at the beautiful creature through the window.

"Looks like we really lucked in tonight! Follow me there is an open window around this side."

We went around the side Kev had come from. The open window was fairly high up so I had to give Kev a boost. Shit, he was heavy. He then leaned out the window gripped my forearm and lifted me up. We appeared to be in a bedroom, slowly we made our way back to the main living area where we had seen the woman. Along the way we checked the other rooms to make sure that there were no other people we didn't know about.

On the threshold of the main room Kev stopped me.

"The woman is mine, it's been five years since I've had some pussy and I'm going to enjoy this one! You stop here so she can't run back this way." he grinned an evil grin then he moved into the room.

For a big man Kev moved swiftly and quietly. He was on the girl before she knew what was happening. Looking up to see a hulking figure standing over her she tried to stand but he slapped her hard in the side of the head sending her sprawling. She squealed and tried to scramble away but he followed her aiming a brutal kick into her stomach. Now curled up tight in a ball with her hands covering her head she panted trying to get air back into her lungs. Kev lent over her prone form.

"Now listen up darling! From now until the end of your miserable life you are going to be my slut. If you behave then we might get along, if not then I'll still have my fun but you will be dead a lot quicker!"

The woman didn't respond merely tucked her knees up tighter.

"That's not the response I was looking for!" Kev bellowed, he reached down grabbed a handful of he ladies hair and dragged her to her feet. She tried to kick out at him but he hurled her towards the dining table.

She crashed into it sending chairs crashing over. Before she could regain her feet he was on her again, grabbing a fist full of hair again he bent her body over the table. Holding her head hard against the table Kev began unbuttoning the front of his prison overalls. He hauled out his hard cock and laid it on her buttocks.

"Feel that bitch! That's going to be inside everyone of your holes tonight!" he hissed.

The woman closed her legs shut but was only rewarded by Kev lifting her head and viciously slamming it back down on the table. Blood flowed from her nose and mouth but there was no more fight in her. Kev kicked her legs apart again and lined up to fuck her.

"I'll go easy on you for now and stick to your cunt. I won't last long at first but we have got all night to get better acquainted." He thrust forward to emphasis his point forcing a grunt from the poor woman.

He was right about not taking long, within a minute he was stiffening as he pump his first load into her. She didn't make another sound after the initial entry nor did she move to accommodate him. Once he had pulled out he released her hair and she propped herself up to to wipe the blood off her face.

"Don't you want to know my name?" She asked blood dribbling down her chin.

"No you are either slut, whore or darling. So darling, into the bedroom with you! You have got a lot more work to do before I'm finished."

Kev grabbed her arm and half led, half dragged her to the bedroom we had entered. As she went past me she looked at me, more than looked at me, studied me. It felt like she could read my thoughts and feelings. She winked at me then Kev pulled on her again and they were gone.

* * * * * * * *


The assault had been a lot worse than I expected when I saw them outside. Not the worst, the big bastard was no where near as rough as my step-dad. I was going to enjoy him later. His partner was also interesting he might be nice to play with as well.

My immediate future was brought into sharp focus as the big guy pushed me into the main bedroom and onto the bed. He set about getting his prison overalls off completely.

"Righto slut where do you want it next, mouth or butt?" He asked with an evil chuckle.

"How about a massage?" I suggested innocently.

He laughed, "Alright darling, relax me then you can decide."

He lay face down on the bed and I straddled his body. I started rubbing in the middle of his back slowly working my way up to his neck. He gasped.

"Your really good at this! Have you decided which place I get to fuck you yet?" He enquired.

My hands were at his neck now and I slid them around feeling for the sweet spot that I had learnt in my martial arts class as a teenager. Pressing my thumbs into the spot at the base of his skull caused him to go rigid beneath me. I leaned forward so I could whisper in his ear.

"You know you really should check out who your fucking with!" I hissed.

Keeping the pressure on with one thumb I reached across to the bedside table. Opening the drawer I felt around for the syringe I kept preloaded for exactly this purpose. Taking it out I pulled off the needle cover with my teeth and then held it in the fat pricks line of sight.

"Have you heard of Karl the Carnivore?" His eyes widened. "I thought you might! Well I'm his loving wife!"

I pressed the needle into his flabby bicep. I could smell urine, I hope he didn't shit himself too, that was always a bastard to clean up.

"Don't worry, this won't kill you. That will take probably a week, is amazing how long the human body can stand losing bits before it shuts down. You should keep me and your boy fed for some time!"

A tear appeared at the corner of his eye.

"It's great that you bought him along, since Karl got the lethal injection I've been in mourning but I decided just today that I needed a new puppy to train. He looks perfect. Now it's time for you to go to sleep for a while. I need to get you down to my studio so I can start dinner preparations. Have you heard of prairie oysters? Junior is going to love my variation on that theme! Nighty night fat boy!"

I pressed the plunger and the next chapter of my life started.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very well written - good start

danoctoberdanoctoberover 6 years ago
Very nice.

Very interesting beginning.

DaddyslittlesweetnessDaddyslittlesweetnessover 6 years ago

WOW!! that was not a turn i expected!!! i'm off to read the rest!! thanks for the surprise!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
log cabins

Great write-up, I am regular visitor of one’s web site, maintain up the nice operate, and It’s going to be a regular visitor for a lengthy time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Oh I have GOT to follow THIS one!!

Nice solid lead-in, great character development, fantastic perspective shifts, then....POW! One of the best plot twists I've seen in a long time.

I eagerly await the continuation of this story!

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