The Long Wait


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Mac felt Emily's hands on his head trying to move him and hold him on her clit. Her hips were writhing and thrusting. Emily moaned, "Please Mac. I need to cum. Please."

Mac smiled again and placed his lips around the top of Emily's cleft. He moved his thumbs in and worked them into her dripping hole. He began to rapidly flick her hard little clit with his tongue. Emily moaned and tilted her hips upward as she pulled his head tighter to her crotch. Almost immediately her whole body stiffened and Emily screamed. Her hips began thrusting and writhing madly. Mac felt her become even wetter and her tight little cunt contracted and relaxed against him as her orgasm burst through her.

Mac pulled back and watched Emily work through the remainder of her orgasm. He was smiling as he watched her cunt repeatedly contract and relax. Finally Emily let her head collapse back against the mattress. Her legs splayed widely open as she let her hips drop back onto the bed. Mac stood and crawled onto the bed with Emily. He helped her slide farther onto his mattress and lay her head on the pillow. Mac then lay beside her and pulled her into his arms.

After they had rested a moment Mac rose on his elbow and moved his lips to Emily's still hard nipple closest to him. He sucked it into his mouth and gently bit down on it. Emily moaned. When Mac flicked the hard little nipple with his tongue Emily arched her back thrusting her breast upward toward Mac. She moaned again as he slid his hand down her stomach and onto her still wet snatch. Mac found her still hard clit and began gently rubbing it. Emily moaned and began thrusting her hips upward as Mac flicked her clit over and over.

Emily moved her hand to grasp Mac's hard cock. She pulled on it and spread her legs farther apart. Mac felt the arm she had under him pull upward. "Now please Mac. Please love me now," Emily moaned.

Mac smiled and gave her nipple one last nip. He rolled toward her and crawled between her thighs. As he positioned himself Emily drew her knees up opening herself to him. Mac settled into the proper position and nudged his cock forward. It slid into the crease of her leg and crotch. Mac heard Emily gasp as he adjusted his aim. He thrust forward once more and felt the head of his cock part her nether lips. He pushed and felt his cock dip into her hole. Mac leaned farther forward and thrust driving almost half of his cock into Emily.

Emily gasped and clasped Mac's hips in her hands. She pulled downward as she thrust her hips upward. Mac met her and drove his cock all the way into Emily's dripping pussy. He held himself tightly against her as he bent forward and gave her a deep sensuous kiss. Emily was moaning and writhing against him as he rotated his hips rubbing her clit between them.

Mac pulled back then thrust forward using long, slow strokes. Each time he was fully inside Emily he would move from side to side before withdrawing and sliding back into her once more. As their need built Mac began thrusting into her faster, harder until they were moving against each other in a blur. All that was heard was Mac groaning, Emily moaning, the bed creaking and the slap, slap, slap of wet skin hitting and parting as they slid together in the dance of love.

Emily screamed and arched her back. She thrust her hips upward and strained holding herself off the bed. Mac felt her cunt contracting and releasing as her orgasm washed over her. He felt the added wetness as her cum flooded her cunt. Mac pulled back and slammed into her one final time. His cock throbbed and he felt his seed rush from his cock to splatter against the walls of Emily's cunt. They strained together for seconds then Emily relaxed and let her hips fall to the bed once more. Mac held himself tightly against her as the final throbs of his orgasm washed through him. He held himself over Emily on his elbows and gently kissed her.

Mac was exhausted. This had been perhaps, the most tiring and robust piece of ass he had ever had. He collapsed to the side and lay in the bed along Emily. She rolled toward him and placed her leg over his thigh, her arm over his chest and her head on his shoulder. Emily looked up into Mac's eyes and smiled. They lay holding each other and drifted off to sleep.

That was the beginning of Mac and Emily's love affair. For the next month they still slept in their own rooms the nights they did not have sex. They found however, the nights they cuddled and kissed were becoming more and more frequent. They began sleeping together every night and more and more of Emily's clothes and feminine items showed up in Mac's en-suite bathroom.

By the first of July Emily and Mac slept together nightly. They were fully a couple and were married in all but legal terms. Summer was Emily's busiest time of the year. There were many streams nearby and several canoe outfitters. She got a lot of tourists in to purchase beer for their float trips. She even stocked several snack items, sandwich and other picnic items for sale to the tourists. Mac, of course, stayed busy helping keep the local farmers equipment operating through the summer. They were busier than they had been since Mac moved home and both were happier than they had been since childhood.

On the Sunday after the fourth of July Mac and Emily were relaxing at home building up energy for another busy week. They were sitting on the covered porch looking out over the little stream flowing between Mac's home and Emily's business along the city limits. There were several cars in her little parking lot. "Mac I should go to the bar and see if Teresa is doing ok. It looks awfully busy over there today."

"No Honey. She knows our phone numbers. If she needs help she'll call." Mac pulled Emily toward him and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Emily said, "Mmmmmm. Mac I'm so glad you talked me into hiring Teresa. I'm not so tired now as I was when you moved to town and with the longer hours and staying open on Sunday now I'm actually making more money even after I pay her salary. I can't believe how much better I am doing. I can't believe how much I make on the snack and sandwich items you had me stock to sell either. Mac everything about my life is so much better since you came. Oh, God Mac. I love you so much."

Mac smiled down at Emily then bent to give her a gentle kiss. "I love you too Emily." Mac looked down at Emily a moment longer then stood. "I need to go inside for a minute. Be right back."

Emily smiled and watched as her man walked back into his house. She heard the toilet flush then heard him rummaging around in the kitchen. When he came back onto the porch he was carrying a glass of her favorite wine and a bottle of his favorite beer. He handed her the glass of wine and sat beside her once more. He took a drink of his beer and set the bottle on the table beside the swing. Emily heard a little scrape or clink when he did that.

Mac turned toward Emily and looked at her. Emily was surprised at the serious expression on his face. She wondered if something was wrong. Mac licked his lips and said, "Emily I never thought this day would come for me. You know I was sick of women and the games they played when I came home. You told me you were different but I had trouble believing"

Emily felt fear surge through her. Oh my God what had she done? How had she hurt Mac? "MAC! I am different. I told you that. You KNOW that. What did I do wrong Honey?"

Mac placed his fingers on Emily's lips to quiet her down. "Shhhh Em. I KNOW you're different. I've known that in my bones for months now." Mac reached out with his right hand as he continued, "Emily it's way past time to say, to ask this. Emily will you marry me?"

Emily was still worrying about what Mac had said and only half listening to him as she tried to figure out what she had done or said wrong. All at once she realized he had asked her a question. "What?" She looked up at Mac's questioning face then down at the hand reaching toward her. She saw the ring and what he had said sank in. "YES, oh, yes," Emily said. She didn't even let him put the ring on her finger. She threw herself against him and wrapped her arms around him. She smashed her lips against his as their tongues wrestled with one another.

Emily pulled back and looked at Mac's face then she held out her left hand for him to place the ring on her finger. Mac said, "Emily this was my mother's ring. She gave it to me for my wife. I would be honored if you wore it but if you want a new one we can get that too. I hope this ring will be with us through as happy and long a marriage as my parent's."

Emily held her hand out and looked at the old ring gracing her finger. "Oh, Mac. This is perfect. I'll treasure it forever and wear it with the honor and devotion your mother wore it with. Thank you so much Mac."

Slowly word of Mac's and Emily's engagement got around town. Most people were happy for the couple and told them so. There were three old classmates who frequented her little bar however that seemed to always make snide comments about her engagement. One night one of them made the mistake of making one of the mean comments while Mac was in the bar.

Silas had never been known for playing with a full deck. He had just barely made it through school. He still was on welfare more than he worked and spent way too much of his families money in the bar. When he made his comment it was almost closing time and he was drunk. When Emily delivered his beer he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against him. He looked up at her and smirked then said, "Damn Emmie. I just can't believe you found some idiot dumb enough to marry the town slut. How did you ever convince him to marry some slut that gives it away on the riverbank like you do?"

Emily had started to pull her arm back to slap him when Mac surged from his seat and took three steps toward the little table. Emily's eyes got larger and she felt Silas's arm pull from her waist as Mac grabbed him and pulled him from his chair. Silas was stumbling and staggering as Mac pulled him toward the door. Silas grabbed Mac's arm and tried to break his grip on his shirt.

Mac pulled Silas through the door and into the dusty parking lot. He turned to face Silas and held him at arm's length. He heard the door open and several of the men inside followed them into the parking lot. Mac pulled his right hand back and slammed it into Silas' face. As he hit him he let his grip on his shirt go. Silas stumbled backward and fell on his back into the parking lot. He lay there and looked up at Mac.

Mac squatted down and grabbed Silas' shirt once more. "Listen to me asshole. If you ever insult Emily again or put your hands on her I'll beat the crap out of you. I don't want to see your worthless ass around here again. We don't need your business. Now get the hell out of here shithead."

Silas scrabbled backward on his elbows and feet in a crab walk. He collapsed onto his butt and sat watching Mac. Blood was running out of his nose and dripping onto his shirt. He rubbed his face with his hand and looked at the blood. Silas levered himself upward. After he stood he wiped his bloody hand on his jeans. He spit out some blood and turned to stagger to his old beat up truck.

Silas got into his truck and roared out of the lot in a cloud of dust. He didn't stop at the highway and almost hit a car nearing the drive. The customers who had come to watch the fun turned and went back into the building. Emily came over and wrapped her arms around Mac. She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a gentle kiss. "Thank you Mac but that wasn't necessary. I've handled him before and could have this time too."

Emily turned and followed her customers back into the building. After she was out of sight Mac pulled his cell phone out of his shirt pocket and called 911. He reported a drunk driver heading west from The Mustang. He told the dispatcher of the near accident. Mac stood with a smile on his face when he saw the sheriff's patrol car roaring out of town lights and siren blaring.

If they caught Silas this would be his last DUI. He would lose his license for over a year and get some mandatory jail time. Mac smiled and walked back into the bar to wait on Emily. It was almost closing time before Emily had time to sit with Mac. She slid into the booth beside him and laid her head on his shoulder. She sighed and said, "I had forgotten how tiring these long days were. I'll sure be glad when Teresa bets back from her vacation next week. It's about all I can do now to work the morning shift. Heck, six to three is a long day for me now. I don't know how I ever managed to go to eleven when I did it all alone."

Mac and Emily had married the second weekend in September. Labor Day weekend was one of Emily's busiest. She spent a lot of time in the bar helping Teresa that weekend then took the next two weeks off for her wedding and honeymoon. Money was still a problem for the young couple but Mac did take Emily to Florida for their Honeymoon. They spent five nights in a nice resort on the beach at Ft. Myers.

Just before Christmas Emily became ill. She tired easily and threw up a lot. Much of what she ate seemed to disagree with her. Her stomach was painful. Finally Mac delivered an ultimatum and forced her to go to the doctor. That evening after work they were sitting in their favorite place on the swing overlooking the little stream. It was cold but not too cold the way they were dressed and they loved the view enough to put up with the cool weather for short times. Mac wrapped his arm around Emily and pulled her to him. He looked at her and said, "What did the doctor say this afternoon Honey?"

Emily looked up at Mac and her face turned white. Mac felt a surge of fear rip through him. He asked, "You're ok aren't you Em?"

"No. Yes. I'm ok Honey but..." Emily took a deep breath and continued, "I'm pregnant Mac. I thought that was what was wrong but I wanted to wait to be sure before I told you. When you made me go to the doctor today he confirmed it is all. I'm fine Honey." She looked up at Mac and said, "You're not mad at me are you?"

Mac smiled and pulled Emily into his lap. He wrapped her in his arms and said, "Oh, hell no Honey. No I'm not angry. Surprised, but not angry. What happened? You haven't been off the pill that long. I thought it took a couple months for the pills to wear off."

"Sometimes it does or sometimes it just takes longer to get a woman pregnant. I know I had only been off the pill a few weeks but you caught me the first month I guess. I know we didn't plan on this for another couple months and I'm sorry."

Mac kissed Emily and whispered, "I'm not. So it's a couple months sooner than we planned. So what."

Emily and Mac had a son that summer and two years later a daughter. Once again The Mustang and the McLaren home reverberated with the cries and screams, the laughter of a growing family. The Mustang was never wildly profitable making only six to eight hundred a month profits for Emily. Mac's business however was still growing and provided a very good living for the couple. Some years Mac cleared more than others of course but his profits fluctuated between $20,000 and $60,000 per year with the farm production. The McLaren's were not rich in monetary terms but they had enough to live on and even managed to save some every year. They were rich beyond measure in happiness and love however.

Summer evenings Mac's and Emily's favorite place was still the old porch swing looking east over the stream toward her business. Now however, instead of spending all their time staring at the scenery they also watched their two children happily playing in the yard with the dogs. Laughter blended in with the drone of summer insects and neighbors tractors. Jar flies sang in the background and as evening deepened lightning bugs flashed as the children attempted to catch them to save in a jar.

Mac and Emily sat wrapped in each other's arms and their love in their perfect part of this old world. Their long wait on happiness had ended years ago. Now their lives were full.

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6King6King4 months ago


tonyneatotonyneatoabout 1 year ago

Very happy ending for Mac & Em. 5 stars

MarrttyMarrttyabout 2 years ago

I like the stories of the regular blue collar folks. But I think you paint the picture a little too bleak. He is a welder and a deisle machanic. And farming on the side. With her place too, they would have very low taxes, and one of the highest incomes in the area. They may not be multi millionaires but they would be high middle class.

I find people do not understand income and wealth. And overestimate what real wealth is. But that aside I like you stories about regulare people finding love, and living blue collar lives in nonstandard way, IE the guy with the mine in Colorado. Good work .

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang1955about 3 years ago

I am a. Sucjer for these type of stories.

etchiboyetchiboyover 3 years ago
Even the sex scene was kinda romantic, not just pure fucking.


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