The Long Walk Home


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The pagoda was lit by fairy lights and Bonnie put her wine down on the sandstone plinth and rummaged in her purse looking for her smokes. Her hand was shaking as she extracted a cigarette from the package. She regretted that she hadn't insisted that Christy come with her. Bonnie put the cigarette between her lips and struggled to find the Bic lighter in her purse.

"Here. Let me," the voice surprised her and she physically jumped.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the man laughed.

It was the man who had been staring at her so intently at the party. He leaned in and offered Bonnie a light from his gold lighter and then he lit his own cigarette.

"Steve Marshall. I moved into the house across from Lyle and Kathy last week," the man said by way of introduction.

Steve was tall and handsome and Bonnie could smell a hint of cologne.

"And I am..." Bonnie was about to introduce herself as Mitchell Scottsdale.

"Bonnie Plunket. Please don't ruin the illusion for me," Steve cut her off.

"You look just like her. Tall, attractive, slim and sexy," Steve smiled; his brilliant white teeth set in a sensuous mouth and tanned face.

Bonnie found it strange that she should think of him this way but she supposed it was all part of the complete immersion in her character. She took a gulp of wine and returned the smile.

She could sense Steve studying her face and admiring her body and her nervousness returned. She shook her head.

"You know I'm just a character from a television show," Bonnie whispered but Steve stepped into her.

"I'm from DC. Did you know that DC has the largest population of transgender women in the continental USA? I should know; I've dated a few," Steve said, apropos of nothing.

"That might well be Steve but I'm not a transgender woman. I'm a..." Bonnie stammered but Steve cut her off.

He gently took her cigarette and wine glass from her and put them on the plinth and then he took Bonnie in his arms and kissed her.

Bonnie was stunned. She knew that she should fight back. She knew that she should knee this guy in the balls and kick his ass or at least attempt to; he was heavily muscled under that suit. She could feel his strength as he held her in his arms.

She didn't know if it was the booze, the raunchy clothing and makeup she was wearing, her total absorption and preoccupation with her character or if she was just flattered or a combination of them all. More frightening was that she was genuinely attracted to this man. Whatever it was, instead of fighting him she allowed Steve to kiss her.

The kiss was tender and sensual. His lips were soft and he held her against his hard body and she seemed to fit right into him. She always felt feminine when presenting as Bonnie but she felt downright womanly in Steve's embrace. Her mind was swirling with the enormity of what was happening to her and when Steve slipped his tongue into her mouth she thought it was the most seductive and arousing thing that had ever happened to her.

Bonnie was intently aware of the provocative way she was dressed. The feel of her silky panties against her diaphanous pantyhose, the caress of the hem of her skirt stirring against her gossamer--sheathed legs, the smell and the taste of her makeup and perfume, the soft flutter of her hair on her neck, the way her high heels caused her to stand proactively. She intuitively put her arms around Steve's neck, lifted one leg, and leaned into him. She opened her mouth and offered him her tongue.

Bonnie was becoming concupiscent, her penis becoming uncomfortably bloated between her legs. Steve put his hand on her buttocks and squeezed. Then he rubbed her skirt against her ass and she gasped. She could feel the hard lump in his trousers pressing into her and she relished the idea that it was she who had affected this man that way. She had beguiled him and she revelled in her seductiveness.

"What the fuck!" Christy screamed as she strode across the granite flagstones.

Her screech dissolved the illusion and Bonnie came to her senses and pushed Steve away from her.

"Hey, we were just having a little fun. You know Bonnie Plunkett can't resist a handsome man," Steve tried to make light of the situation.

"Fuck off!" Christy snarled and Steve did exactly that.

He retreated down the pathway towards the lights of the house.

"She fucking loved it! Give me five more minutes alone with her and I'd have had her sucking my cock," Steve taunted as he disappeared into the night.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing?" Christy hissed at Bonnie.

Bonnie was mortified. She knew that what she was doing was a terrible breach of trust and more importantly it was downright offensive and bizarre. As people often do when they are caught doing something that they shouldn't, Bonnie deflected the blame on Christy.

"It's all your fucking fault! You dressed me like this. You turned me into a slutty tart to win some stupid fucking contest. You feminised me and insisted that I act and think like a woman!' Bonnie hissed at Christy.

"Yeah but I never expected my husband to turn into some kind of homo! If all it takes to turn you into a sissy fag is for you to put on some nylons and lipstick then I wonder what kind of person you really are?" Christy spat and immediately regretted it.

She wished she could take back her words so that she and Bonnie could sit down and talk about what had happened like two sensible adults but it was too late.

Bonnie snatched up her purse and stormed away without so much as a glance at Christy. She found the back gate to the Benning estate and let herself out onto Maple Street and walked away without looking back.

Christy knew that she should go after Bonnie and apologise and talk sensibly to her but she was just too downright angry, and if she admitted it to herself, she was also insanely jealous. Instead she followed the pathway back to the house, intent on taking Steve Marshall to task. Unbelievably she still thought that she and Bonnie had a good chance of winning that trip to Cabo. Maybe it was all worth it.

Cedar Park -- After the Party

Living in an exclusive suburb like Forest Gardens had its advantages but there had recently been a startling development. Some of the criminal element from the nearby city had started to drift into Forest Gardens attracted by the affluence of the community. There had been a string of car thefts and break-ins. So far there had been no violence committed on the residents of the community but a man had been robbed at gunpoint a few weeks ago. A Neighborhood Watch had been established and police patrols had been stepped up but a sprawling development like Forest Gardens was a difficult place to police.

Bonnie guessed that it was two members of this criminal element who had accosted her and forced her into the Cedar Park pavilion. Under the fluorescent light she got a good look at her assailants.

They didn't look like gangbangers. They looked like anyone you might pass on the city street. They were wearing jeans, sneakers and hoodies and appeared to be well groomed. Bonnie guessed their ages to be mid-twenties. They seemed more like opportunists than hardened criminals. That said, they had forced her into the pavilion and their intentions seemed far from honourable.

"Sit there bitch!" the two men forced Bonnie down onto a bench made from recycled plastic.

Forest Gardens Developments liked to advertise that they were an environmentally friendly company.

The two men towered over Bonnie who tugged modestly at the hem of her skirt. They snatched her purse and scattered her belongings on the picnic table. Bonnie's flight or fight response kicked in but the two young men would easily catch her if she tried to run in her heels and she realised that there was no way that she could take on these two young men in a fight. She figured that once they realised that she wasn't a woman they would let her go, after stealing everything of value from her of course.

"What's this shit? Where's the cash and credit cards?" one of the men growled.

The contents of Bonnie's little purse were pathetic. Her 'essentials' consisted of her iPhone, a compact, a tube of lipstick, a hairbrush, two sticks of gum, a package of Marlborough Menthol Lights and a Bic lighter. The Scottsdales were going to a party and Christy was driving so Bonnie had not taken her wallet or any cash with her.

"There aren't any. I've been to a fancy dress party and my wife drove," Bonnie realised that she shouldn't have said anything but it was too late.

"Show me that fucking watch," one of the men grabbed her wrist and snatched her watch.

Bonnie knew that resistance was futile and if all the men took from her were the watch and her phone it wouldn't be the end of the world. Both could be replaced and the security features on her phone made it virtually worthless to them but she supposed they knew people who could wipe the phone clean.

One of the men picked up and began to examine her iPhone while the other studied the watch Mitchell had bought Evelin for their anniversary. The watch was gold and valuable and it was engraved on the back.

"You know I'm not really a woman right?" Bonnie whispered.

She wished that she had not drunk as much as she had, her head was still swimming.

"Yeah we kinda figured that once we got you in the light. You're pretty hot though, better looking than some of the trannies working the streets in the city," the man holding her watch didn't look up at her but what he had said sounded a little ominous.

"What are we going to do with this bitch?" the man holding Bonnie's phone said to the other.

"You ever fuck a tranny?" the man studying Bonnie's watch replied, grinning evilly at Bonnie.

"Hey, hey, hey! I can get you cash. Give me my phone and I'll get my wife to bring all the cash we have in the safe at home right here. We don't live that far away. You take the money and I can claim it on my insurance. I'll give the police a bogus description I promise," Bonnie began to plead.

Bonnie didn't think the man was serious about fucking a tranny. He'd said it flippantly and she guessed it was more of a threat to scare her than it was a real proposal.

"You hear that Mike? She's going to give us her cash and tell the cops it was someone else," the man holding her phone said sarcastically.

"Sure. I'll tell the cops it was two gangbangers who robbed me," Bonnie hung onto a glimmer of hope.

"Sounds kinda racists to me Jerry. Kinda like... what do they call it... racial profiling," the man using the name Mike sniggered.

There was no doubt in Bonnie's mind that Mike and Jerry were not their real names.

"Let's go back to my original question. How you ever fucked a tranny before?" Mike said.

"No but she's hot. She's pretty and she's a tall drink of water, check out those legs," Jerry leered at Bonnie who tried to pull the hem of her skirt further down her legs.

"What's your name honey? Not your guy name, we don't wanna to spoil the illusion. What name were you using at the fancy dress party?" Jerry asked.

"Bonnie Plunkett. You know who she is?" Bonnie answered trying to turn their threats into nothing more than banter.

"Yeah, I caught the show. You do look like her," Jerry replied.

"Open your phone," Mike handed Bonnie her iPhone.

Bonnie was relieved. It looked like the men were going to agree to her proposal to give them cash. Evelin was going to be pissed but there was no doubt that she would get the money to save her husband.

The face recognition didn't work so Bonnie typed in her password and then Mike snatched the phone from her. He fiddled with it and put it down on the table beside his own phone.

"Don't you want me to call Christy?" Bonnie was not going to use Evelin's real name.

The less there men knew about her and Evelin the better.

"Not yet. Stand up and let me get a good look at you," Mike held out his hand and Bonnie obliged.

She got unsteadily to her feet and had to hold onto Mike's hand. She wasn't sure if it was booze or fear or combination of both but she found it difficult to just stand upright.

"You having some trouble there honey? Let me help you," Mike pulled Bonnie into his arms and held her close examining her face.

In her heels Bonnie was a half head taller than Mike.

"Damn you are a good looking woman for a guy," Mike chuckled.

Bonnie didn't know what to say. Steve Marshall had been enamoured by her at the party and now this thug was coming onto her. Bonnie hadn't thought that presenting herself this way would have this effect on men. She knew that she looked very similar to Allison Janney who is an attractive woman but she didn't think that men would actually find her romantically appealing. Despite her predicament she was rather flattered.

Mike leaned in and kissed her and Bonnie was shocked. She pushed back against him but he held her tight. He was strong and muscular and Bonnie was unsteady on her heels and still drunk. She was no match for him.

Mike held Bonnie in a stringent embrace but his lips were soft and yielding. Just like when Steve had kissed her earlier she felt herself feeling very womanly and she melted a little. She could taste her lipstick and smell her perfume, her undergarments and pantyhose seemed to be caressing her skin. She was aware that the hem of her skirt was tickling her thighs.

Being held like this against her will seemed to give Bonnie licence to capitulate. What could she do? She was in the clutches of two strong men who were menacing and predisposed towards violence if they didn't get what they wanted.

She clasped her hands together behind Mike's neck, just so she wouldn't fall of course. She returned the kiss and opened her mouth a little, just so that Mike wouldn't hurt her of course. When Mike slipped his tongue into her mouth her tongue met his, just so Mike would think she was willing, even though she wasn't of course. She rubbed her body against his, just so she wouldn't fall of course.

Bonnie knew that she was lying to herself and trying to justify her actions but she couldn't believe how exiting and exhilarating this was. She'd been aroused when she first started dressing as Bonnie. Christy had to masturbate her to stop Bonnie ruining the ensemble because she kept tenting her skirt. But it wasn't just the clothes, lingerie, makeup, heels and the wig. Something else was going on. She couldn't imagine Mitchell Scottsdale kissing this young Lothario but Bonnie Plunkett was enjoying it immensely.

She felt herself becoming uncomfortably tumescent; her cock was hardening along her perineum, only the gusset of her pantyhose and tight lycra-nylon blend panties held it in place. Mike's hand went to her buttocks and he began to squeeze it and Bonnie felt herself becoming harder. She could feel Mike's erection pressing against her belly.

A thousand unrelated thoughts ran through her mind: What was Christy doing now? What would Christy do if she saw what Bonnie was doing? What was Jerry doing with her phone? How much longer were these two men going to keep her captive? What was she going to do if they made her do the things she suspected they were going to make her do? Why did she like it when Steve Marshall kissed her? Why did she like it when Mike kissed her?

More importantly, why were her fingers stroking Mike's cock through his jeans?

Bonnie came out of her reverie and became startled. Her hand was indeed on Mike's erect penis and she had no idea how it had got there. Mike was squeezing and stroking her ass, the rayon lining of her skirt sliding up her panties exposing her buttocks. With her skirt rucked up she could feel the cool night air on the tops her thighs and her genitals but Mike's hands were warm and they stroked her panties as his tongue wriggled in her mouth and his cock throbbed in her hand.

Bonnie broke the kiss.

"If I do this will you let me go?" she whispered in Mike's ear.

"Depends what you do and how good you are at doing it?" Mike gave her a cute grin.

Bonnie kissed him again and squeezed his cock. She knew that what she was doing was wrong. She was married to Evelin. She was a respected member of the community. She was a heterosexual male. She was horny and dressed like a slut and it was exciting and she felt something she had never felt before and she liked it.

These were all truths that Bonnie did not try to deny. Why she did try to do unzip Mike's pants? Because she wanted to feel what his cock felt like in her hand. When Mike put his hand on her thigh and stroked her flesh through the diaphanous fabric of her pantyhose she wondered if it felt the same for Evelin when he did it to her. Did she relish the feel of a man's strong fingers lightly caressing her leg so it felt like a thousand butterflies were stroking her skin with their wings?

Did her vagina begin to moisten like Bonnie's cock, leaking pre-seminal fluid into her panties? Did Evelin feel her feminine frailty when she was in the arms of a strong man who held her close, fondling her, pressing his manhood into her, kissing her with passion and need? Were the feelings that Bonnie was experiencing the same as what Mitchell's wife felt when he did those things to her?

It didn't matter.

Because it was what Bonnie was feeling and nothing else mattered.

She moaned into Mike's mouth as he stroked her thighs. She had finally released his organ from his jeans and she took it in her hand and felt the raw power of it. Mike sighed as Bonnie traced the veins with her fingertips. She paused to express a bubble of pre-ejaculate from the eye and massage it into his fraenulum.

For a brief second she wondered what Jerry was doing. Was he watching? Was he disgusted? But thoughts of Jerry and Christy nee Evelin dissipated when Mike rubbed the front of Bonnie's panties. The perfect V in her panties felt deliciously decadent. Mike had not intended to treat the creature he was holding in his arms like a real woman. Wasn't she was just like the other trannies Mike had picked up in gay bars? He'd let them suck his cock and if they were pretty he might even fuck them.

No she wasn't. Bonnie was exceptional, not only in her appearance but in her innocence and naiveté. He and Jerry had forced the woman into the pavilion with the sole intention of robbing her. When they had discovered that she was a transvestite at first they were amused. They found the story of her dressing up for a fancy dress party humorous but then something else had happened and all Mike could think of was his need to possess this woman.

Bonnie began to stroke Mike's cock and it engorged to full tumescence. Her own penis was swollen and uncomfortable, wedged between her legs. She gasped when Mike put his hand inside her underwear and freed it from between her legs. He didn't want to touch her raw flesh but stroking it though her panties and pantyhose wasn't gay, was it? Not that it mattered. There was no one else to witness what was happening in the pavilion except for his buddy Jerry.

Bonnie felt her knees buckle when Mike softly kneaded her cock through the layers of satin, lycra and nylon. She had never felt anything this wonderful, not even when Christy had put a stocking over her cock and masturbated her.

She kissed Mike with earnest passion and stroked his cock a little faster. The evil part of her psyche wanted know what it would feel like when Mike unloaded his issue in her hand.

But Mike had other ideas.

He took his hand out from under her skirt and placed both hands on her shoulders and gently pushed. Bonnie wasn't stupid, she knew what he wanted and for an instant she panicked and thought about trying to run but she'd come this far so what did she have to lose? No one was going to see her. Didn't she want know what it felt like to suck a cock? She was aware that she had initially been hesitant and non-compliant but there was no way that defence would stand now.