The Love Shack


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"Besides," she said, "I've had a crush on you from the first time I saw you. I used to get so frustrated when Jules would come home after being with you, giggling, hair mussed, walking a little carefully. I knew you wouldn't hurt me."

We snuggled and kissed for about twenty minutes before we checked on the others. I always thought someone looking like a fucked-out mess was just an expression until I saw the oil soaked bunch in front of me. They were all pretty well wiped out except Will, who was sliding into Vickie from behind. Annette was sucking one of her huge nipples, which shocked me until Earl told me he'd bet her twenty bucks she couldn't keep it in her mouth the whole time Will fucked her. Still looked like she was into it to me. Cherry was sliding around, sucking on anyone she could grab, trying to get them up for one more go.

Jules was lying on the edge, almost comatose, leaking. We shook her a little, and Bonny helped her to the shower. They both dressed, and we left. Smoking pot and screwing for two hours sure gave you an appetite. Three huge Burger Barn specials and a ton of fries later, we were finally full.

By the time we got back, everybody had either left or crashed on a couch. I took the girls to the back and showed them the foldout I favored, complete with sheets. They took one look, stripped down to their panties, ordered me to strip to my jockeys, and get my ass in bed. I went to sleep with two mostly naked girls snuggled up to me. We were out in minutes.

The next morning we woke up alone. It took some doing, but I managed to get all of us in the shower. There was a lot of bumping, gasping, and squealing before we got clean.

Jules wouldn't let me put my clothes on. "Not yet. Bonny told me you got her cherry last night. Now you have to show her what your tongue can do."

She huffed, she moaned, she came three times before I let her loose. While she lay there recovering, Jules had me doing her. They didn't seem to mind the taste when they kissed me, and as a reward, Jules taught Bonny to give head. It was a long, torturous session, because Jules wouldn't let me come until Bonny got it right.

What can you say about an experience like that? Nothing. We showered again, separately, and went back to normal life.

Earl brought it up a couple more times, but by then I was hooked up with Bonny and didn't want to share, and Jules had found what she thought was true love. Annette rolled up pregnant, and Will turned into an asshole by not standing by her. The band didn't as much break up as fade away.

I married Bonny, Jules lived with her guy for a year before he slapped her, and she moved in with us for six months before finding true love again. Cherry drifted away from Earl, and he was happy to see her go.


Flash forward five years. I still worked construction and was assistant site foreman. The economy was booming and I was doing really well. Bonny and I had been married three years. She worked a part time job, and we took all my overtime money and used it to put her through the nursing program at the community college. When she graduated with honors, she got a weekend job as an ER nurse and stayed in school until she was a registered nurse, working in the operating room, and was bringing in as much or more than me. It was my turn, and I went for a degree in construction management. We also managed to bring a daughter, Joy Marie, into the world. As soon as I got my degree, we added Jason Paul.

We looked for and bought a house out in the country, and I added to it as often as I could, and when Bonny got pregnant again, an oops baby, July Jane, we sold it for more than twice what we paid for it. It got us in to flipping houses.

Not the way you see now on those shows, but conservatively, buying a distressed property, remodeling, and selling. I got a lot of the labor from the groups I worked with at my regular job, weekend work for extra money, and as soon as the kids were big enough, they learned how to push brooms and pick up trash.

When I was thirty-five, Bonny and I reviewed our finances, and I quit my job and we went into it full time. I bought some undervalued property on the edge of the town and built two hundred and forty storage units. I have six different locations now, almost a thousand units with an 80% capacity rate.

I still hung with Earl, when he was in town. In fact, we stayed a tight knit group for most of our lives. Four years after the band broke up, we all went on vacation together. Earl, his new girl, Bonny and Me, Jules and her current flame.

We were in Daytona Beach, months after the rally, and the place was fairly quiet. We had tickets to see Out Cold, a really good group in their day, but now over the hill. They had gone from a headliner in huge arenas to working the smaller venues.

They cancelled the show due to 'personnel' problems. Seems their bassist had gotten stoned, trashed a motel room, beat up one of the cops who came to arrest him, jerked a girl out of her car and took off. It was Friday night, and the traffic on the main drag was bumper to bumper. They literally walked down the sidewalk, yanked him out of the car, and arrested him.

He was looking at so many charges and the bail was so high the band refused to pay it. As a result, they were holding open auditions the next morning, trying to at least find somebody to fill the spot for that night's show.

"Dude, you gotta try out. If nothing else, it'll make a good story. What you got to lose?" We had to almost drag him to the audition. Four tried out before Earl, but only one was worth anything, and he was kind of mechanical. They handed Earl an old Fender Precision, plugged him in, and started playing. It was a song we covered back home. Earl never missed a note. We had covered the next two, and he did even better. Then they ran through two songs he wasn't familiar with, and he missed a note or two.

There were five more guys waiting to try out, but they shut the audition down. Out Cold had a new bass player. They offered him a twelve-show deal to see if he fit and could handle road life. Three dates a week would net him more money than three months at his regular job back home.

After they were through with the business end, they asked him if he knew a guitarist who could maybe help them that night. Their rhythm guitarist was getting over food poison, and they needed someone to maybe play on three or four, to let him rest. Earl told them I knew four of their songs.

That night, I finally got to see what it was like to play for a large crowd. I was scared shitless the whole time. I'd practiced with them that afternoon, and they lumped all four songs into the middle set. I played, while the regular guitarist puked into a bucket. It seemed that was all he needed to recharge and finish the night.

I've got lots of pictures from my only claim to rock warrior status. Earl went on to play with them for ten more years.

He joined at exactly the right time. They had just gotten a new guitarist five months before, and he and Earl clicked as the 'new guys' in the band.

They roomed together, and soon they were writing music. Four of their songs made it to the next album. It restarted their career, and they were back to playing stadiums again. They made four more albums over the next ten years, and at the end put out a Best Of, Volumes one and two. One was pre-Earl and Jason, the second was mostly all them.

Booger became a financial planner, and Earl put a bunch of money with him. When the band broke up, he was worth a million seven in investments, not counting his other holdings, like the four thousand square foot house I built for him, and the acreage he'd bought from his family.

Earl married once, and it lasted about a year. She tried to make it ugly, but all the stuff he made her sign did her in. She complained she really hadn't realized what she'd signed, which got her no sympathy with the lawyers.

The kids grew up, all out on their own, the two oldest with families. Bonny didn't think she'd like being a grandma, but one look at the first child and she was off to the races. We kept them often, I think she would have moved them in if she could have gotten away with it.

She had stopped working when our business could support us, helping me all she could, coordinating crews, making sure we had the right permits until she knew almost as much about construction as I did. When JJ went to college, Bonny came to me with a plan. She wanted to go back to nursing. She got her certifications up to date and worked as an Emergency Room nurse for about a month.

I came home one day to find her crying on the couch. Our town was small and pretty quiet, but a couple of gangs from the big city spilled over into our area. They'd run in to each other and things went bad pretty quick. The Emergency Room was overrun. They tried to save them, but three died before they got to the hospital, and a fourteen-year-old literally died in her arms. Bonny finished her week and never went back.

The local cops weren't very sympathetic to the gangs, making it very clear that they needed to stay out of their jurisdiction. One gang tried to flex their muscle, and two went missing, never to be heard from again. Seems the local law was like all small-town Southerners, they might fight like cats and dogs among themselves, but if outsiders tried anything they got hit with a unified front.

The national leader was some kind of computer genius, and his best model showed a takeover probability under thirty per cent, and a possibility he could lose as many as forty members to jail or worse. He did what many CEO's would do, left us alone and went by us, gaining a foothold in the next town.


About a year before Out Cold released their last album, the band took a three-month break, to rest, recharge, and write some new material. Earl brought his writing partner home, introduced him around, and soon he was one of us. We even jammed one night. It put a gleam in Earl's eye, and soon he had a two-night gig booked at the biggest cafe/concert hall in town. He called me to tell me about it.

"Bored, I take it? Who's going to play with you?"

He seemed surprised. "You and Jules. Who else would I need? "

July hadn't played in years, but we got her a kit and practiced every night for ten days. We had people sitting in with us, just jamming, trying to get our licks back. Earl added a couple more amps and another keyboard station, just in case they wanted to show up.

The place was so full they were turning people away. Seems everybody wanted to see the hometown boy who'd made good. We played a few Out Cold songs that he and Jason had written, then drifted into old rock and blues. Jules sang lead on a few, including "Tell Momma", an old Etta James song that had the place rocking. It was almost a high school reunion the next night.

In a typical Earl move, he and Jason donated all the money we generated to local charities, further entrenching him as a local legend.

They went back out on tour recharged and their next album went platinum, thanks mostly to three songs Earl and Jason wrote while they were with us.

Earl told me he and Jason were getting tired of the road and were thinking about hanging it up after the next tour. The decision became moot when the lead singer, the drummer, and the lead guitarist died in a car crash. It wasn't their fault, and autopsies showed there was no drugs or alcohol in their systems. They were coming back from breakfast when they were hit. The guy that ran the red light, however, tested hot for weed and had a blood alcohol content almost twice the legal limit. Facing three counts of vehicular homicide he asked for a plea bargain. He still did a bunch of time before he was released.

Earl came home and brought Jason with him. They lived together and put out one album, simply titled "Jason & Earl", that sold about 250,000 copies.

Jason came to me wanting a house.

Unlike Earl, he wanted a small cottage with a big yard. I built him a fifteen hundred square foot house that featured a lot of outdoor additions, like an eight hundred square foot patio with an eight-person hot tub. There was a covered walkway to his pool and outdoor kitchen, and the yard was landscaped to perfection. He was very happy, and we ended up spending a lot of time with him. Annette had moved back to town and we dragged her along. It wasn't love at first sight, but the interest was pretty plain, and no one was really surprised when she moved in eight months later.


It was really a surprise when Earl passed. He didn't drink much, loved to run, was close to his ideal weight, but when his heart decided to stop working none of that mattered.

We found him in his music room, surrounded by his memorabilia, the gold records, the tour posters, his battered old Fender Precision bass in a lighted cabinet. He was in the middle of writing a new song and had the recorder on. We got to hear his last breath and his final words in this life. "What the fu..."

He got a big spread in the papers, and the funeral overflowed. Of course, he was a minor celebrity, but most came because he was genuinely liked, just a good ol' boy like the rest of us who happened to make good.

To my surprise, I was named executor of his estate, and he had a pretty detailed will. He left Jason all the stuff from their time together. He left a few of his friends small remembrances. He left me his old bass and the love shack, complete with the nine acres it sat on. He'd left me a letter.


Well shit, so I'm dead, huh? I thought I'd outlive you all. We had some good times, didn't we bro? The best part of my life was when we were jammin' in that old building. I bought it from my family when they wanted to sell it to a developer. I wanted you to have it if something happened to me because you'd appreciate it more than anyone else. Maybe you could have an Earl Memorial Mazola Party. That would bring back some memories, wouldn't it?

I hope to see you again one day. Maybe we can jam with Hendrix or BB King. Tell Julie and Bonny I said to keep an eye on you, and that I loved them like the sisters I never had, even though I had carnal thoughts about them.

Later bro,


I read the letter in my office, and Jules and Bonny were with me. I'm not ashamed to say tears flowed from all of us.

The bulk of his estate, almost three million dollars in property and investments, went to the county, to be used for the sole purpose of expanding kid's activities and upgrading two parks. Typical Earl.

There's a life size bronze of him, standing, holding his bass, at the entrance of the park that was renamed for him.


I went home from inspecting the shack, telling Bonny it was in pretty good shape, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it. Bonny and Jules said they would look at it, and maybe we could make a decision.

Projects started piling up. We'd survived the lean years, even buying a distressed property here and there, and now the economy was inching upward, and people needed places to live. I had four new houses going, remodeling eight more, and buying even more as the opportunity presented. Jules seemed to always be at my house, and the girls seemed to be in a good mood, laughing at things I didn't understand.

On Wednesday they demanded I not work Saturday, no matter how far behind we were. We'd worked six days a week for fourteen weeks, and we all needed a break. In fact, I let all my crew off Friday and Saturday, paying them for Friday so they would draw a full check. I was instantly the best boss in the world, at least until Monday.

July was living with us again, her latest relationship crashing around her. She was still a good looking woman, still had a nice figure and a pretty face, even if it had a few lines in it. She was a loving, kind woman who just seemed to fall for the wrong guys. We used to joke that I should make her a second wife.

She moved in to a spare bedroom and made herself comfortable. July didn't have the drive Bonnie did, and she just sort of drifted from job to job until Bonnie chewed her out and gave her some property to manage. She surprised us all by doing an outstanding job. After a few months, she came to us with an opportunity to take over a failed development, eleven new houses, all but two of them complete. Only three had sold, and all were now in foreclosure. The bank had taken it from the developer and was anxious to unload it. We got it for about 40% of what it would be worth when the market rebounded.

We put July in charge, and the first thing she did was get a real estate license, operating under our company umbrella. In six months she had sold five of the houses, recouping all our investment. After that, we gave her 25% of the profits after her realtor fees.

It hit me one day that July had been with us for over a year, even though she had the means to move out. I asked her about it once and she teared up, thinking I was throwing her out. "I feel safe here, Jimmy. I love you guys and the stability you have. I think maybe I'm trying to figure it out, so I'll be prepared the next time I fall for someone."

I assured her she would always be welcome, and she relaxed, to the point the next time we opened up our hot tub she joined us, naked, both girls giggling at my expression.

"Calm down, Jimmy. There isn't a square inch of this body you don't know in detail. Bonny said it was okay, as long as all you did was look."

I looked over at my wife, noting for the first time she had lost her suit and was as naked as July. They were both grinning, waiting for my reaction. I just stood and yanked my trunks down and threw them across the yard, settled back, and grabbed both girls. Soon they were both settled under my arms, and all the years seemed to melt away.

Just to be clear, there was no sex, although body parts did come in contact, with the normal results. Four nipples stood out hard and proud, even if the breasts they capped had a little sag, and I had an erection that refused to go away. They looked but didn't touch. When they got out and perched on the side, I noticed both girls had trimmed, not completely, just matching little strips, Bonny a blazing red, Jules a soft brunette. "My compliments to your barber," I told them, laughing when they both turned red. Jules recovered first.

"Glad you approve. If you're interested, I'm sure we could arrange a little trim."

It was my turn to flame red. They retrieved the wine and slid back in. We had done two bottles in when we called it a night, already wrinkled like prunes. Jules gave me a full body hug, kissing my neck, her hands sliding south. I jumped, and she giggled, before letting go and turning to Bonny. "There you go, sis, all primed and ready to go. I expect a good report in the morning. Before you go, do we have any batteries? I think I'm going to need them."

She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her waist. My eyes followed her all the way into the house. Bonny gave my dick a little jerk. "Hey! Eyes where they belong! Now, let's go see if we can't do a little something to take the pressure off this, what do you say?"

I picked her up, and her legs wrapped round my waist. Surprising her, I plopped her down on the picnic table, pulled her towel open, and slammed in to her. Bonny let out a little shriek before switching to groans and gasps. Feeling eyes, I looked up to see Jules standing in the patio door, one hand between her legs as she watched. I think we all three climaxed at the same time. When Bonny had recovered enough for me to help her off the table, Jules was gone.
