The Magnificent Eight


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We spent the day on edge, With Amy trying to start conversations while I returned monosyllables until eventually it was night. I climbed wearily up the stairs undressed and found an old pair of pyjama bottoms that I sometimes took on trips and put them on. She was in the bathroom for a long time and when she came out she slid into bed fresh, naked with a hint of VIP perfume and curled into me. "You, you're wearing pyjamas" she said hurt. She started to say more, then relented. "Please hold me, just hold me." She asked and she snuggled into me like a wounded animal. I lay there for a while feeling her naked body against me but all I was getting were images of her lying on her back with Jarrod on top of her and sucking her nipples while his cock pounded her cunt. Amy on all fours while Jarrod fucked her doggy style. Hell he may have even fucked her ass for all I knew. She turned her head to kiss me goodnight and I could see her lips closing over his cock and I nearly threw up.

I jumped out of bed to a despairing cry from Amy and went to the guest bedroom and closed the door. Sleep eluded me, made worse as I could hear Amy crying during the night. In the morning we both looked like hell. I had a long shower and dressed casually as I intended to work from home for the next while. I made a pot of coffee and was on my second cup trying to clear the cobwebs in my head when she came down in a conservative suit of skirt and jacket with a silk shirt underneath.

"Is there some coffee for me?" she asked I nodded and poured her some. We drank silently for a while. "Are you not going into the office today?" She noticed my casual look.

"No. I thought I'd work from home. The last thing I want is to talk to the rest."

"Ok." She nodded sadly at my words. "Michelle's flying to Detroit and Olivia and I are meeting with a media group later today. We hope to negotiate a good rate to advertise and agree an editorial on Drive Tek in their trade publication." She tried to kiss me good-bye but I rebuffed her I couldn't get the image of Jarrod's cock in her mouth out of my mind. She left visibly upset but then again so was I and no-one seemed to care too much about that.

I spent the day wrestling with the battery problem. We needed high temperature to get the fluidized Tungsten Vapor to bind to the substrate but Gary had reported that in early tests, the high temperature caused clumping. The correct term was agglomeration, which then defeated the whole process and I just couldn't see our way around the problem. Eventually I called Robert Holt, one of the pioneers of lithium battery technology and we spoke for a long while. "Leave it with me." He said. "Sometimes I need to let it stew for a while."

By then it was afternoon, I hit the German Deli and picked up smoked pork chops that only needed a short pan or oven time, some German Weiss beer and soft Pretzel breads. I then stopped at our local store and came out with baby potatoes, red cabbage and some wine for Amy and went home to cook. It would keep me busy and reduce the stress and tension I was feeling. The battery concept just wasn't working, My friendships were in the toilet and my marriage was circling the drain.

I had the cabbage braised in olive oil then drizzled with vinegar and seasoned with salt, pepper and crushed Caraway seeds. The baby potatoes had been boiled then cooled down, lightly smashed and fried in garlic butter with fresh parsley from our garden. The Pretzel breads warmed gently and the Pork Chops doused in BBQ basting sauce and roughly ground black pepper and ready to be finished in the pan.

I was drinking Weiss beer from a glass mug I had picked up in Munich and the local radio station KWPQ was playing blues that suited my mood when Amy came home. She stepped into the kitchen. "That smells good." She proclaimed and disappeared up the stairs. Soon I heard the shower running and in a short time she padded back barefoot wearing a satin robe without any make up. I poured her a glass of white unoaked California Chardonay which she gratefully accepted and I started the chops. We ate and she recounted the meeting and the discount they had obtained although that also meant that we had agreed to a six edition advertising bundle.

After we finished, she rinsed and packed the dishwasher while I went outside and sat on the bench we had installed in back garden. The full moon was clearing the far tree-line and I was watching it thinking of Neil, Buzz and Michael on that fateful day in July 1969 when Neil first stepped on the moon. Word was that Buzz expected that he would be first and that had caused a rift between them. Anyway, Neil was the Commander and he invoked his rights, went first and the rest is history. I was still considering the whole thing when the kitchen door opened and Amy came out and walked towards me. I watched her and wondered if we were history or if there was a way back.

She sat down next to me and tried to put her arm around me and I shifted away. "I can't go on like this Tim!" She said bitterly. "Why are you avoiding touching me?" I wanted to say nothing. Anything I said would only make things worse but she turned towards me more angry than sad this time. "Why?" she shouted!

"Because every time I look at you all I see is him fucking you! You sucking his cock! Him cuming inside you"

"Oh, God" She started to cry but came back fighting. "And when we first got together? I wasn't a virgin! I'd had sex with other men! It didn't bother you then!" She accused me.

"You weren't mine then." I shot back at her. I'm not sure if you're mine now I thought. We argued around in circles without actually addressing the issue properly. We were both too frightened to delve too deep in case there was no coming back.

"Do you still love me Tim?" She was the first to broach that subject.

"Yes. But now I'll always be asking myself if you preferred Jarrod's cock, if he fucked you better if, if, if..."

"Oh God no baby. It was different, it was fun but it wasn't you! It wasn't us!" She grabbed my hands as if to steady herself. "It was meant to be a single fun evening that we would all treasure, and nothing more."

Instead of making me feel better her words made it worse and I stood up angry once more. "Well why don't you go join your friends and treasure it all you like!" I snarled at her. I went inside grabbed my car keys and headed off. I drove about aimlessly for a while before I found myself on the outskirts of town. There were no more street lights but the moon was full and bright and I drove for a while longer until I saw a sign proclaiming 'The Jolly Roger'. I pulled into the parking lot and went inside. It was quiet, but it was a Monday night. I ordered a beer and leaned up against the counter scoping the room. There was a smattering of couples, four groups of guys and few hard drinkers sitting alone around the bar.

I was on a second beer when a group of 3 women all in the forty to fifty year old range came in and grabbed a table near me. They got drinks and started feeding quarters into the juke box. I ordered a third beer and a shot of bourbon for good luck. Soon I was feeling loosened up so when one of the ladies came over and asked me to dance I said yes. Within a short time I had joined them.

"So, what brings you out here tonight honey?" asked the busty one with the faded red hair. She leaned forward in anticipation of my answer spilling her breasts half out her dress.

"Woman trouble" I said.

Immediately more drinks were called for. The women were squeezing all sorts of info out of me and it felt good to talk to someone considering that I'd hardly uttered ten words in the previous 48 hours. A few drinks more and a couple of younger women had somehow appeared and joined the party. The first one was called Ruth and she was a fiery redhead, who shared a strong resemblance with the older redhead. She looked about twenty or so with cut-off denims which left most of her ass exposed, cowboy boots and a tank top. She whisked me off to the floor and I pulled some of my best moves. She looked impressed and soon was rubbing her ass and large breasts all over me. I finally noticed that my phone was ringing.

It was Amy. "Go away." I slurred slightly. "And stop calling me."

"Are you drunk? She shouted. "You already have a DUI."

"And who's fault is that!" I shouted back and switched off.

"Who was that" asked Ruth?

"My wife." I answered.

"The one who cheated on you with your friend?"

"That's the one." I confirmed.

She declared that I needed Tequila for the pain and she called for a double and climbed onto the bar counter. Next thing she had a belly button full of Tequila and I was doing a body shot. And then a whole lot more. She informed me that It was my turn. After the first shot she said the hair on my tummy tickled her nose. Then her friend, the similarly aged brunette said she also wanted a body shot and things were going great with dancing and body shots in between until I heard a voice that said:

"Get your hands of my husband you skanks!"

I hadn't considered that she'd find me by the tracking app on our phones because of some of the trips we took and places we went to. But Ruth was as fiery as her hair suggested and wasn't about to give me up without a fight.

"Fuck-off bitch, He's with us now"

That was followed by an almighty crack and Ruth crumpled to the floor crying and rubbing her cheek which sported a raised handprint. The rest of my new friends had pulled back in fear. Amy caught my arm and dragged me off the bar counter.

"Is it safe to leave his car here?" she asked the bartender and getting an affirmative pulled me unwilling to the door. My knees buckled halfway, but she held me up and helped me walk outside to her car. The top was down and she pushed me over and in without opening the door. "What's it going to take Tim?" she asked angrily.

"Hah... More than you know!" I slurred. "I hate you... No, I love you." Something was making my nose run. I sniffed hard and sat up to look at her. Her hair was loose and blowing silver in the moonlit slipstream. She was wearing no make-up but the moon light gave her skin an ethereal glow. She looked beautiful yet tough like a Valkyrie and I reached out my hand to trace her jawline before I pulled it back. No touching, was the rule, if you don't know where she's been. Well, actually I did know and it only made it worse.

"What's it going to take?" she repeated.

"Oh, If you go out and have fun." I raised my fingers in parentheses or was it inverted commas, one never knows. "Then it's ok but if I go out to have some fun, that's not ok?" I glared at her then urgently tapped her on the arm. "Pull over, I'm gonna be sick."

We got home, I went to the spare room and passed out. By the time I got up the next day she had left for work. Other than getting a lift from my retired neighbour to collect my car, I puttered around achieving nothing except watching time pass. I waited for her until it was six o'clock and there had been no call and no Amy. I left my phone in my home office, got in my car and headed for a small soul food dinner called Southern Soul for a meal of fried chicken, mash, gravy, biscuits and collard greens. Afterwards I went to the back where they had tables set up with chess sets. Some played for fun and some played for money. Those that played for money were sharks. I watched some games and then played a couple myself.

I got home after ten. Amy's car was in the garage. She was in the bedroom lying in bed texting on her phone. She glanced up as I walked by on my way to the spare room and said nothing. I climbed into bed and tried to sleep.

Wednesday was the same. I woke up and spent the morning at Gym. By the time I ended the session I could hardly move. I ate a bowl of crunchy granola with nuts and raisins, topped with yogurt at their Breakfast Bar helped down by a fruit and vitamin smoothie. I caught up with some old friends who owned a small sailing boat on the lake and spent the afternoon sailing. After, we went out to the Red Lobster for supper and I got home past eleven. Amy was in bed and appeared to be asleep.

On Thursday I got a call from Gary asking me if I'd be coming into the office? I said 'no'. He asked if I was working on the Battery concept? I said 'no' to that too. He asked me if I realised how serious the battery concept was? I said 'Then best you try!' and put down the phone. Then Jarrod called me repeatedly and I ignored every-one. I went to gym again, then went shopping and bought myself a pre-paid cell phone and after transferring some numbers dropped my original at home. I suppose I could have removed the tracker app and blocked all the numbers I didn't want calling me but the new phone and new number felt like I was making a statement, if only to myself. I then spent the rest of the day playing chess behind Southern Soul. That evening I came home to an intervention.

Well, I didn't realise it was an intervention at first because there were no cars outside. I parked the Jeep and went in. Amy was on the couch in the living room texting on her phone and ignoring me. I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I had just started eating it when Amy called me, so I reluctantly picked up my plate and went through to find all the girls had somehow snuck in while I was in the kitchen.

"Please join us Tim." Asked Michelle in her very best and most non-confrontational manner. It was almost like she had been coached then remembering her attention to detail I realised that she probably had. I sat down with a mouth full of sandwich holding onto the plate and chewing carefully trying not to choke.

"We all realise how badly we goofed and can only apologise Tim, but we all thought it was a good, fun idea at the time, even though it was stupid in retrospect." She took a deep breath. "But please, we'll do anything to make it up to you." She sniffed. Carla was looking down. Olivia was watching me intently and Amy was halfway between hopeful and fearful. "You and Amy are the best of us and we want you to go back to the loving couple you were."

"I don't see how she can un-fuck your husband." I stated the facts making sure I did not shout or show any emotion.

"Please Tim. This has driven a wedge in all our lives." That was Olivia. "Gary and I are saddened and concerned about you and Amy and it's impacting on us as well and we're arguing about everything." She made as if to stand and reach over to hug me but something in my body language stopped her. "Surely you're big enough to forgive her one mistake."

Carla was sniffing. "It's all my fault. If I had made more of an effort it would have all been fine and we wouldn't be in this situation right now." She wailed.

Amy gathered her in her arms, kissed her face and rubbed her back telling her it wasn't her fault. "I thought you liked me Tim and that would be all that was needed. But instead you found me repulsive." She started crying again.

"I don't find you repulsive Carla. I think you're stunningly beautiful. Any man would be lucky to be with you."

"Then why Tim?" That was Amy. "Why did you reject Carla?"

"Because I was blindsided and wasn't given a choice in the matter and no time to think!"

...And back to Michelle. "It's all on us Tim. None of the guys knew what we had planned until we jumped into their cars. Amy was certain you'd love the surprize of finding Carla waiting for you."

She took a deep breath and re-grouped. "Let us make it up to you. You want another shot at Carla? You want to sleep with me? With Olivia?

We could ALL go upstairs and you can fuck all three of us if that would make it even? Or, maybe you would prefer something else?"

"Seriously, tell us what it is and we'll make it happen!" She was in full negotiation mode, the same ability that made her so formidable when dealing with clients. The offer of a win--win. But this wasn't really a win--win.

"So Garry, Hugo and Jarrod are all ok with this?" They looked at each other like deer caught in the headlights. It took a moment before they rejected the lie that was forming.

They shook their heads negatively. Michelle spoke up. "No. It would be our little secret." And they instantly realised it was precisely the wrong thing to say. I stood up my forgotten half eaten sandwich hit the floor.

"So now we've gone from making mistakes to actively cheating. Please all of you leave before this deteriorates any further than it already has." I scooped up the remains of my sandwich and went through to the kitchen.

Behind me I could hear Amy berating herself and the rest... "His damn logical brain..." She was saying. "We're making things worse..." There was more hushed talk that I didn't catch as I threw away the spoilt sandwich and switched on the coffee maker. By the time I was pouring myself a cup of java I heard the front door close and Amy walked into the kitchen.

"Can I also have a cup" She asked gingerly. I poured her a cup and we stood sipping whilst assessing each other. "We're not winning are we?" I shook my head. "Can we try counselling?"

"Why? So I can hear how sorry you are! You've already told me."

"Nooo, Tim. Don't be like that. So we can get past this. There has to be a way."

"I'm not sure how I'm going to get past this Amy. Every time I want to reach out to you, to touch you, to hold you all I see is Jarrod on top of you. Kissing you, fucking you... I don't think I can be in the same room as the two of you without it becoming ten times worse" I rubbed my forehead to ease the pressure in my brain. It felt like my head would explode.

"I don't know what you think we did Tim but it was pretty vanilla. The excitement was about doing it with someone else." She trailed off... I was glad it wasn't more but the images in my head were still running riot.

"Why didn't you take your phone with?" I barked. "One call would have stopped it."

She shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes. "I forgot it...Really, that's all it was. I actually forgot it in all the excitement. But I... I don't know... It probably would have just complicated things for everybody." She took a shuddering breath. "Please think about what it will take to make us whole again Tim. I love you but I can't and I won't live like this."

We finished our coffees without any further talk. I went to the living room while she took her phone and went to what had become her bedroom. I watched some TV. It was a repeat episode of the original CSI with Grissom but I wasn't paying much attention. I was trying to think of a way to keep my marriage alive. Eventually I went to bed. My whole body was tight as a guitar string with desire for her. I hated her and what she had done and I was repelled by her and at the same time I wanted to push her down and fuck her so hard that she would walk bowlegged for a week. I wanted to hurt her and I also wanted to tell her it would be alright. But I didn't know where or how to start. I slept, dreaming that Amy's warm body was in bed with me. Her hard nipples rubbing against me while her warm lips enfolded my rock hard cock. I reached out and ran my fingers over her skin. Yes baby, yes, swallow me. I've missed you... I want you so much. I felt her body against me, her hips straddling mine and her warm wet cunt sucking me in.

I went from dream to awake to find Amy on top of me, sliding my cock into her. "I love you Tim, I love you." She intoned in time with her thrusts. I reached out to touch her but within seconds I felt my cock deflating and it popped out of her cunt with a plop. She looked at me with surprise than fumbled between us and found my deflating cock. Her eyes flashed with pain but she resolutely scooted down and sucked me into her mouth attempting to resuscitate me but my cock wasn't responding even though I tried to will it back to life. I eventually fell back accepting defeat.