All Comments on 'The Making of a Cuckold'

by RipRespon

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FullCircle56FullCircle56almost 11 years ago

" just how far I'd let this go". HaHaHa You moron, it's gone too far already. Cut your losses, run, not walk, but run as fast as you can to the nearest divorce lawyer. The sad truth is there really are moronic husbands like him out there. Decent writing, terrible story. IMHO.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Allow Steve some dignity

This is sad. At least allow Steve some dignity. His wife could never love him and treat him like that. If you write part 2, far be it for me to suggest what you should write as the author but at least let him have some reasonable revenge then divorce her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Just in case ?

There is a cure for people out there that have this cuckold fantasy or for the ones that are really living it . WHat is it you may ask . Well let me tell you . First if you don't have one already . Buy a high quality handgun .After that get your wife and her lovers together and blow their heads off . Now if you was being cuckolded and did not want to be everything is finished . If you like it then the next step is for you to blow your head off . Good writing by the way .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Another total idiot with need of a brain transplant.

Crawl back into your slimy little hole you sorry excuse of a subhuman. Better yet, stand in front of a speeding freight train.

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 11 years ago
Real simple solution:


Unlawful restraint can be proven if he struggles against the handcuffs, and probably illegal detainment and probably even kidnapping! Neighbor Asshole, his Asshole friend, and WIFEY can all be at least charged, and Hubby can get a solid divorce. Oh, and he can LET HIS IN-LAWS KNOW what kind of slut whore daughter they have!

KenisshyKenisshyalmost 11 years ago
How far?

You should let it go as far as your gun, put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Absoluely not. This was gross. Non Consent. Non Erotic drivel. I feel orry for anybody ho would write this and think it was exceptable.1* for being a putz

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 11 years ago
I agree with others who have asked for a special category . . .

This story should be in its own Wimp, Cuckold, Humiliation, Creampie, etc. category. Can't imagine what in this individual's background caused him to feel a masochistic urge for this type of treatment -- why does he feel no sense of self-worth? His family now knows what deviant behavior he craves, as do at least some of the neighbors. Why is he married? His spouse clearly loves only herself. This hubbie needs help before he gets labelled as a sex offender, which could screw up his life even worse. Yuk.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago


JackorChuckJackorChuckalmost 11 years ago

Yes we need a seperate category for wimp,cuck stories, this drivel does not belong in Loving Wives.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
why carry on most single car accidents are suicides, just bring her with u

people like this need removed from the gene pool

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
This isn't "Making of a Cuckold"

This is non-consent and grounds for divorce.

This story is nothing but junk.

Put this in the appropriate category: fetish or non-consent.

This is not a "Loving Wife" this is just another story of a despicable slut, scum of the earth, not worthy of being called a human. The woman in this story should be placed with other common animals not in society at all or, like some countries drug out in public & stoned to death.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Not bad at all

Not the best, but not at all bad. Ignore the little pussy boys who need to use the internet to throw insults around. You can be quite sure not one of them would have the balls to do it in real life. I quite like this kind of story, and I doubt one of you little pansies would dare to say boo to my face. Abusing strangers online for no reason is feeble!

To the author: Keep on writing if you enjoy doing it, and I am sure people with a little more self confidence than the other posters will enjoy it too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I don't understand

I guess the author must really hate men and want to portray a 'strong' woman who has total contempt of them using them all for her own reasons. I guess I must lead a pretty sheltered life because I have never heard or seen of such a despicable character in real life. Its a good thing this is fiction because I would think we are doomed as a civilization if there were really women (or men, for that matter) like this in real life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Hey Not Bad t All!

So you throw anonymous insults to the other commenters? What the fuck does that make you? A pansy as well? Hey tough guy! Is this story about how your wife treats you? Hope so moron. BTW This story was poorly written and has been done way to many times. Formulaic cuckold tripe.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

wish it were my wife, let me know if you would like to chat. you can reach me at

my wife is very conservative, 50y/o who I fantasize about daily being taken, used, seduced while I am forced to watch

EgoTrixiEgoTrixialmost 11 years ago

Obviously there are more than just a few "cucks" on this site, so that it´s bound to come around to comments, pro or contra, that will inevidably end up as insults. OK, I alsmost hate stories like this one, but that is my problem. Nevertheless I would suggest either a Topic "Cuckolds" or at least some kind of tag suitable to "warn off" men with a dislike of these stories. To the authors: Please be as kind (or wise) enough to warn off in the introduction - it would help everyone. No one must read what he dislikes..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
re: anonymous-not bad at all

So people with confidence will like this story. You're a sad little dick who things only your opinion counts and wants to deny and control what others think. Got some advice for you. Don't read the fucking comments if they bother you so much. 1* for this dreck. Just another writer polluting the loving wives category with non erotic crap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Another sad day for "loving wives"

This category has been going down hill for some time. Literotica is allowing every scum wimp ass cuckold writer to throw fetish, interracial, gay and non-consent into the loving wives category. It's becoming almost impossible to read anything decent in this category. The sad part is these writers, especially the new ones, have to know the backlash their stories will receive but yet every day new ones appear. They seem to thrive on negative comments and low scores. Figure that.

m48gunnerm48gunneralmost 11 years ago

Really, why would anyone consider continuing a relationship with someone who so disrespected them....and how someone could be excited when they are abused that way is beyond my comprehension....different strokes I guess, but as for me the storyline of the humiliated husband where the wife shows no real love or concern for them, but only abuses them pretty much sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Wondering just how far you would let this go?

Obviously too far already. Emotional sadists and masochists, it's a beautiful thing when they find each other so that they are not destroying other people's lives.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 11 years ago
mindless idiot dumb as shit author

if he married her BECAUSE she did fuck around on him during the marriage THEN why does he fell humiliated by her fucking around ?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Loving wife?

This may be in the wrong category...she is anything but loving.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I swallowed the salty bitter goo that had been forced into my mouth thinking of the guy who it had belonged to

Like that's the first time you've swallowed another guy's cum

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You do know this is the wrong category right?

This is more like fetish or gay male or non erotic even, not loving wives. And unless he is gay or gets off on humiliation, what's in it for him? Why wouldn't he tell the other wives that their husbands are fucking his wife and he has proof? One logical reason, that's all.

If you can't do this then stop writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Average Score

of "loving wives" stories today is 2.18. Tell you anything author? What happened to all the good erotic stories in this category?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A new low in story telling

Even for a fictional story, this is so unbelievable as to make it laughable. You really think any man would put up with the abuse and humiliation from his wife? That he had lost his sense of pride or self respect? That she was actually a "loving wife" (this story probably belonged in another category but I don't think they have a "Dumbass Story" category.) and not a self-centered cheating whore? What a waste of time to read this bollucks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
man card revoked

grow some balls, and maybe we'll consider putting you on probation

NemosFollyNemosFollyalmost 11 years ago
Nothing ever changes...

Many years ago I wrote an essay about these negative comments (it's still up if anyone wants to read it). It's just ... it's frustrating reading them, and I honestly don't know why I do. Probably for the same reason that the negative-commenters feel compelled to read a story entitled "The Making of a Cuckold" and then complain that it's a pro-cuckoldry story!

To those who hate this story and believe that the narrator should kill himself, or something similar: Of course I respect your right to voice your opinion. I believe in freedom of speech and I believe in your right to comment, and I would never suggest you stop commenting. But I do wish that you would be a little more tolerant of what turns us on. Some men are turned on by being humiliated -- especially alpha men who are dominant in their professional lives and have always been sexually and personally dominant, and then find that the contrast between their longtime public persona and deviant, demeaning sexual behavior is particularly exciting. You may find such desires to be disgusting. Many gay men, for example, find heterosexual sex disgusting, but you do not see them going to the "Erotic Couplings" category to shout: "This is not erotic! Ewww! You sick heteros!!"

It may well be that you, who believe in the sanctity of marriage, in monogamy, and that a man should punish any woman who cheats with the full fury of his masculine righteousness, outnumber those who are turned on by the prospect of being humiliated and cuckolded. But being in the majority doesn't automatically make you "healthy" and the others "sick." It may well be that you, who demand realism in your stories, outnumber those who would prefer to read and fantasize without thinking about the risks of pregnancy, STDs, or the repercussions of such an encounter on a marriage. Again, however, being in the majority doesn't automatically make your taste superior to the taste of someone who prefers an outlandish fantasy. Yes, it is unrealistic that a man would want to be treated this way. It is far more unrealistic that a woman would have sex with a ghost, and yet there is an entire category on this site devoted to those kinds of encounters.

This category, for better or for worse, is about any sex that happens in some way related to marriage. Anyone who's been on this site five minutes knows that. Whoever runs apparently wants it that way. Don't blame the authors; blame them. And while you're at it, while you're touting monogamy and justice and fairness and reality and equal treatment and "being a real man" and all that, please remember -- you, like me, like everyone on this site, you're sitting at your computer alone reading porno. Call the author sick, call him a faggot (which isn't an insult in a world that openly embraces homosexuality, as this site does), call his story stupid or unrealistic or disgusting or non-erotic (a matter of opinion) if you must, but please don't pretend that you are any better than anyone else. You like porn, I like porn, we all like porn. There is no need to be so fucking serious about it, and there's no basis for pretending that you follow any conventional standards of morality.

As I said, you have the right to free speech. But I believe that what you post here for posterity to read does far less to demean the author (who, I might point out, apparently likes being demeaned by other men, so why do you think your attacks even hurt?) than it does to make you seem foolish, closed-minded, bigoted, and above all, deeply and perversely hypocritical.

firas01firas01almost 11 years ago

I noticed your comment in the comments section and i wanted to say a few words about it, I actually didn't read this story because cuckoldry is not a turn on to me, but i can understand that it may turn on others if they read about it and there are even OTHERS who live it and promote it as a way of life, each to his own and whatever rocks your boat as long as it is between consenting adults and the partners are of age. However, I don't like cheating, and I strongly condemn it and left some very strong comments to authors who promoted it as a minor mistake that can lead to reconciliation. I guess this is where the other readers come from, they are mostly husbands who have been wronged and found themselves helpless in the real world, so they come here to vent and to find so sense of justice. Do they take their frustrations far and start acting like Sex police...yes, I totally agree with you, everyone to his own as long as there are no deceit and no betrayal, but put in mind that cuckoldry as a concept and a way of life is new to society, and like everything new there are always people who fight it and people who push for it. again, I didn't read the story so I am not going to comment on it or rate it.

bobby9909bobby9909almost 11 years ago
Cuckoldry is a fetish

and us such, stories that have cuckoldry as the main theme are mis-categorized when placed in the Loving Wives section. This mis-categorization results in the negative comments expressed - with venom and rancor, I might add - so vehemently when they are placed in the Loving Wives sction.

My thoughts are that the authors place them here intentionally and in full knowledge of the mistake just to spark controversy. Otherwise they would be placed in Fetish where the scores and comments would be much better.

ADVOCATE70ADVOCATE70almost 11 years ago
Loving Wives is the correct category

Cuckoldry and hotwifery are not fetishes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
which category?

Doesn't matter to me. Gets 1*.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
How far?

Wake up you idiot! It's too far gone NOW! Gather what's left of your pride and self respect and divorce the slut. She has clearly demonstrated, by her actions and words that she has neither love nor respect for you. Your marriage is toast. BTW - you should get to the clinic and get yourself tested for every disease know to man.

Really ugly story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Hot story in the RIGHT section

Loving wives : married extra marital fun : swinging sharing and more

If you don't like it - don't open and read it for fuck's sake! How dumb can you people be?

FullCircle56FullCircle56over 10 years ago
Husband was an Idiot

So he knew she was a "Slut"? And married her anyway. Hope he had her sign a pre-nup. If not he is more than screwed. Have a nice life retard because what you got now is no life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
hey illiterate cocksmoker

"You're" a tranny cum-drinking, turd-burgling, ass-bandit fairy fucking godmother.

L2Grammar you goddamn retard.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
three words

dump the bitch

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
That was ugly.

Both the story and his questioning at the end how far he would let it go. It already had gone too far. BARF!

HeartDrivenStillHeartDrivenStillover 10 years ago
To The Author

I'm not sure why people who write stories like this can't see the truth and refrain from being such a sad person. For the privilege of having an erection..Thats all An erection ..Thats NOT going to be turning even into an orgasm...The person who this story depicts is willing to TOTALLY DESTROY EVERY OTHER PART OF HIS LIFE!!!

Thats stupidity on a level that's just difficult to believe its anything other than Fantasy Because I can't believe anyone is That STUPID!!!.. IF it were true..Friend the wife despises you Not just doesn't think your a man But actually despises you..She will make your life worse and worse and worse..Until she convinces you to take your own life ..which it looks like that's the plan she has asked Brett to help her with here ..Or until your so disgraced to everyone who knows you that she can Kick your ass out of Her House and Everyone will congratulate her and you won't have a legal leg to stand on because you will by that time have gone public with the FACT YOU ARE WILLING TO DO IT and let her see other Men.

If It were me..In theory, I would set up a camera in the bedroom secretly and make an excuse to leave and bolt out leaving the camera to get your evidence then I would track their movements long enough with Film footage evidence to nail both their cheating asses to the wall and Move out after the next session in your house with him there fucking her..and Find someone who thinks your worth more than Used Toilet paper

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you people? And by "you people", I mean all the folks spitting venom and insults at the author. These are STORIES, as in MADE UP, FANTASIES, NOT REAL. If you read a little bit of a story, and discover you don't care for the theme, style, etc., just move on to another one--there are plenty here to choose from, and something to fit everyone's kink.

These are not deep autobiographical inquisitions of the authors tortured soul, they are not speculations about the detritus of America's cultural substrate that drives our subconscious maladaptations-- they are freaking STROKE STORIES. Yank it already, and get on with your life.

And to you RipRespon, is thought you did a fine job. And frankly, I suspect that most of these critics liked it as well. I don't think many people would read something this long if they weren't enjoying. That much barking usually points to a guilty dog! Thanks for the stroke.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Keep it up! Great story. thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you continue and ignore the Neggies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

The majority of the anonymous comments on this story share a similar tone; I strongly suspect they were written by the same blinkered individual who believes that the only valid fantasies are his own. No doubt the idea of letting other men have sex with your wife doesn't do it for most men, but there is a sizable minority for whom it's pretty much their main fantasy (me included!).

The anger and violence punched out on Anonymous' keyboard are quite disconcerting. I wouldn't want to meet him in real life. Although he's probably a weedy little shit with a tiny cock.

As somebody already pointed out, its just a porn site. Men come here to masturbate. That's it, get over yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
To the previous anon.

Not everyone is here to whack off you moron. Just because others find this story to be offensively BAD does that mean they can't share their dislike? You're free to express your love for this garbage, others are free to express their disgust. Don't want to read the rants and raves on both sides of the fence? DON'T READ THE COMMENTS YOU IDIOT! If the author doesn't like the comments then turn of the comments or delete the ones you don't like. It won't make the story any better (notice that all this authors stories are lowly rated) but at least you can save your blood pressure.

impo_61impo_61almost 8 years ago
Just a question...

Just a question: Would the lover risk to lose his family like that? Really? 1*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

nice story

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

pathetic cuck shit.

etchiboyetchiboyover 6 years ago
Holy cow! What a bunch of cuck crap.

But it has 2 saving graces:

1.) He’s very descriptive of his thought processes that allow him to be cuckholded. And it’s done fairly well. Agree with them? No, but it is interesting.

2.) The last sentence. It gives me hope he will come to his senses, and beat the shit out of his cousin, and the neighbor Brett. Then tie her to the fucking bed, or over a sawhorse down in the basement, and rape her again and again, and when he can’t keep going with his cock, to switch to giant dildos, vegetables, house hold cleaning equipment (I hear a toilet brush really gets those pain sluts going), and eventually his fist. “Enough for you, Slut? Muwa ha ha ha (evil laugh)”

So, this story creeps me out BECAUSE of the descriptions of his thoughts. They are logical, in context, within himself. And I can understand them, hate them yes, but with understanding comes a little sympathy or empathy, which means just a little teeny tiny bit of myself can agree with him. Uugh.

Tootight1Tootight1almost 6 years ago
I gave it a 5

It sure kept my interest. I didn't like the way it went, but that's up to the author. The complete lack of discretion will do her and him in, if he doesn't get out. Cuckolding can be enjoyed by both if just some discretion is employed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
So he handles it by having them arrested

He naturally setup a nanny cam to capture the action. Then he dragged the chair to the telephone and called the police. She was arrested on the spot for illegal restraint, assault, battery, sexual assault and spousal abuse. She's in jail since he won't go her bail. She and her lovers were all convicted and she's now in prison. He gets a divorce and keeps all of the marital assets. Since she shows him by her actions and her words that she has no love or respect for him, then proceeds to demean, degrade and humiliate him, why would he do anything BUT divorce her? Stupid story.

1 star

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 3 years ago

I think you need to call 911 and get your wife arrested for kidnapping and terroristic threatening against you. Divorce her and get her gone while you've still got your mind.

4yourpleasureiam4yourpleasureiamabout 2 years ago

Beautiful story. There is no feeling that compares to seeing and hearing the woman you love experience what you have never given her.

4yourpleasureiam4yourpleasureiamabout 2 years ago

This is the first story of yours I have read. Rest assured I will read many more. I absolutely love this story and so wish It were me in Steve's place. Yes humiliation is so addicting. I have come to want it more than actual sex. Love it when the wife joins her boyfriend in making sure I know what I am.

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My stories are based on the many sexual adventures I had during my marriage of over 20 years. My hot wife (10 years younger) and I explored exhibitionism, swinging, and ultimately cuckolding. We quickly discovered that my humiliation was an extreme turn on for both of us. T...