The Milking Factory Ch. 07

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Austin joins an experimental sperm donation program.
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To Austin's delight, Connor and Dr. Klein accompanied him and Dr. Wolfe to the socialization room. Even better, this time Dr. Wolfe did not put a cage on his cock. However, he did lock him into a strap that covered Austin's asshole. Austin was confused by this limitation, but the doctor leaned into his ear and whispered, "They can fuck your mouth, the machine can milk your hole, but I am going to be the one who takes your sweet anal virginity. If you serve me right, boy." He lightly tongued Austin's ear. Austin shivered with delight. He was so used to Dr. Wolfe's clinical, detached speaking style. Hearing his husky voice whisper such dirty things in his ear sent Austin over the edge. He had to make it to Day 7.

Nearby, Connor was caged by Dr. Klein, and Austin saw that the back of his metal jockstap had a circle, spreading Connor's cheeks slightly and allowing access to his hole. While Austin was allowed to walk behind Dr. Wolfe, Connor was on hands and knees crawling behind Dr. Klein, who held Connor's chain leash taut. They entered the room, and once again, a mass orgy was in full swing.

I wonder if this room is ever empty. Do the bull's shifts overlap perfectly so there is always an orgy in progress? I hope so.

The odor in the room was the same as before, the intense smell of sweat, spit, cum, and man mingling in Austin's nose. He took a deep whiff, exhaling with a smile and feeling lightheaded.

This time Dr. Wolfe announced "Switch!" as he led Austin into the room, unleashed him, and stepped back. Dr. Klein followed suit with Connor, carelessly dragging him into the room by his collar and shouting "Submissive!"

This time it was Connor who was descended on by the other bulls in the room. Austin spied 1A eagerly staggering across the mass of fucking bodies, a demented gleam in his eyes. His cock shone with precum, and the thick piercing through his tip dripped stickily onto the writhing, fucking men below him. Other bulls slipped and pushed obediently out of his way as well as they could in the crowded room, many of them moving while still deep inside each other.

Is it an initiation? Does 1A 'take' every new boy?

1A looked at Austin, winked, and said, "Hold him." Austin dutifully pushed Connor to the floor and straddled his thin frame, pinning his hands behind his back. Austin's meaty legs pressed Connor's chest from the sides, restraining his movement. Not that that was necessary, as Connor had no intention of leaving. As he tightly grabbed Connor's wrists, Connor moaned "Yes, restrain me, thank you sir."

Austin got a shiver of pleasure.

Sir? He called me Sir. And I liked it.

He grinned to himself and slowly rubbed his crotch up and down Connor's back, spreading precum between the boy's pronounced shoulderblades. Austin's cock was rock hard and oozing a continuous line of sticky liquid. His balls tingled and sent waves of pleasure through Austin as he rubbed himself across Connor's pinned back. Having power over this boy aroused him, and at that moment he knew Connor would be his.

"You like that you little slut? You like being pinned, being dominated? You're such a stupid boy, and I am going to fuck you hard, and you are going to thank me." Austin heard himself saying the words but did not know where they were coming from. His voice was deeper and gruff, assertive and confident. It felt...natural.

1A grinned at Austin, and said "Well fuck, you're really coming into your role. But remember, I own you. I fuck him first, then, if you're lucky, I'll let you have my seconds."

"Yes, sir." It felt perfectly natural, obeying 1A and dominating Connor. He continued to straddle Connor's back. 1A kneeled behind, grabbing Connor's ankles. he lifted them into the air and spread his runner's legs apart, revealing Connor's smooth, shiny asshole between his bubble butt cheeks. It was a perfect hole to fuck: juicy, pink, and pulsing quickly tight and loose, tight and loose as Connor's body yearned to be filled. His cock and balls were pressed flat against the floor, being pressed under the weight of Austin. The cage dug into Connor's crotch and pushed his balls further back near his ass, a tight bursting sack of cum. 1A admired the view for a second, both boys in front of him straddled, naked, and obeying him. Perfection.

He roughly slapped both of Connor's ass cheeks until they were cherry red, then pushed his cock deep inside the boy. His hole was tight, gripping hard on 1A's cock; Wet from the boy's natural lube but still providing sensation and friction against the dominant bull's engorged member. He pushed hard against the tight hole, and as Connor let out a mangled mixture of a moan and scream, pushed past the boy's tight second sphincter into his rectum. 1A roared with delight as his pierced tip pushed further and further into the boy. He pulled on Connor's legs, lifting Connor's stomach slightly off the floor, and as he pushed the entirety of his cock into the boy, 1A's balls slapped against the boy's smaller sack, and he could see the bulge of his cock in Connor's lifted stomach.

He grunted and heaved, and in one fluid motion pulled his whole cock, well over a foot, out of the boy, and the thick bulge of his tip disappeared from Connor's belly. A loud squelch came from Connor's hole, and his ass ring closed tight again, now empty. But as soon as his hole tightened again, 1A rammed the boy's ass balls deep, his piercing sliding across the pulsing surface of Connor's sphincters and organs, causing Connor to quiver uncontrollably as the masculine bull bulged the boy's stomach once again. 1A continued this pounding, pulling all the way out of Connor's ass, letting it begin to tighten again before ramming his rod stomach deep. Austin pinned Connor hard as he squirmed uncontrollably, holding his wrists tight with one hand and using his second to push Connor's face cheek-first into the floor. A stream of spit flowed from Connor's mouth, and soon half of his face was covered in the saliva, from his chin to his eyelashes, completely covering his right eye.

Connor was constantly moaning, and his voice went up in pitch with each penetration, a weak, submissive whine.

"mmh. Mmh. MMH." With each grunt came the wet slap of 1A's balls on Connor's, and between the slaps was the suctioning squelch of 1A's withdrawal, only to be followed by the next penetration. Connor had a euphoric smile on his sweaty, sticky face and was slightly crosseyed, his mouth open slack.

"Fuck sir, thank you!" Connor moaned, his voice partially muffled by the floor as 1A drove deep into him once again.

"This slut likes to talk. See if there's something you can do about that, boy." 1A nodded toward Connor's head as he continued plowing his ass. Understanding, Austin clambered off Connor's back. Connor quivered more, but made no attempt to end the pounding. Of course, he didn't want to. He was so deep in his ecstatic oblivion he didn't even notice the lack of weight now on his back. 1A roughly grabbed Connor by the waist and flipped him over so he was facing up. A string of drool ran from his mouth to the floor. He once again grabbed Connor's ankles and, kneeling in front of the boy's asshole, pressed them to the dominant bull's chest as he drew close to Connor's oozing hole, forcing the the boy into a tight launch pad sex position. 1A held Connor's ankles tight against his chest as he continued his pounding. The soles of Connor's large smooth feet rubbed against 1A's hairy chest to the rhythm of their sex, stimulating his pierced and erect nipples.

"Yes, sir. Thank you sir! Fuck me like the little slut I am. Pleaaaaghghgh-" Connor's begging ended with a gagging wretch as Austin entered his mouth. Connor's crossed eyes came slightly into focus and widened as he rolled his eyes up to see Austin's powerful frame dominating his face. Austin was sex-crazed, and the wetness of Connor's mouth drove him even madder. He grabbed Connor by the neck and held him tight against the floor as he thrust fully down the slut's throat. Connor spluttered and gagged, but he was a much more experienced fuck toy than Austin and was able to quickly recover. Austin pushed the entirety of his cock down the boy's throat, and seeing the bulge of Connor's neck made him euphoric. His massive balls smothered Connor's face, and the experienced cocksucker drew small inadequate breaths through his nose, filling himself with the smell of Austin's ripe crotch while also becoming more lightheaded.

Austin stayed buried deep in Connor's mouth. He had a moment of clarity where he realized this was the first time he had fucked a boy. Once again, it felt...perfect. He was panting heavily, adrenaline coursing through his veins, and he looked up at 1A. 1A was staring deep into his eyes like when they were being milked, and Austin stared back. The two horny bulls then began to brutally spitroast Connor's holes in tandem.

"Fuck, oh yeah fuck boy that hole feels great"

"You like that cock in your mouth? Huh? I couldn't hear you, I said DO YOU LIKE IT?"


"You deserve this you little slut, this is your life now. You better enjoy it and be grateful."


Slap slap slap slap

"You belong to us! Whatever makes us happy you will do! And what makes us happy right now is to fuck you silly, so get used to it!"

Austin was so maddened by the sex his vision went red and blurry.

This must be what 1A felt like yesterday with me

Both dominant bulls now had the intense insane look in their eyes and they stared deeply at each other as they demolished and degraded Connor. The boy now had streams of tears coming down his face, but they were tears of joy, as he had never been humiliated like this before, and discovered it was his ultimate fantasy. He never wanted it to end.

Austin and 1A took turns spitting on the boys chest as their lustful mouths overflowed with saliva. 1A brutally slap Connor's ass cheeks and balls, which were now inflamed, making Connor whimper and scream through the cock in his mouth. Austin stared at Connor's small but perky nipples, his chest barely defined, and as the urge took him, he began to pull on them, at first softly but then with force to the rhythm of 1A's pounding. They leaked milk like his own, and Austin began to alternate, harshly tugging, then rubbing the sensitive tips. The vibration of Connor's gargled voice on Austin's cock in his throat was orgasmic.


Austin, at first thinking Connor was just moaning nonsense in his delirium, understood, and immediately withdrew. 1A did as well, and they both leaned back, watching the miserable boy as he thrashed on the floor. He hadn't used the codeword because of pain or a desire for it to end though. He was on the verge of cumming. His cock had swelled and now filled the cage fully, the bars pressing into his flesh as the head of his penis throbbed. The entire metallic strap was luminescent with the precum that covered it. Connor rolled and clawed the floor, curing his toes and trying but failing to steady himself on his shaky arms, trying to master himself. At last he collapsed on his back, breathing heavily. But he had not cum, and breaking Rule #1 had been averted. Austin didn't even realize how close Connor had been, or that boys could even cum without having their cock touched. The idea of such submissive and receiving men turned him on.

"Thank you, masters. Thank you. Thank you...Thank...Thank-"

Connor was a wreck, quivering on the floor, eyes rolled, limbs mindlessly caressing the bulls around him, who looked at him with glee and enjoyed his delirium equally.

"He is finished. But I'm not." Austin looked up and saw 1A approaching him on his knees, his cock glistening. Austin lowered his body, opened his mouth happily, and began sucking 1A's cock, savoring the taste of Connor's ass in his mouth as the juice that coated 1A's member slid down his throat. He didn't gag as much, even when the metal ring, wider than Austin's esophagus, forced his throat to stretch and morph. 1A closed his eyes and fingered his ringed nipples, enjoying how thoroughly he dominated the two boys. They would do anything he said, and not only that, but they liked it. He pinched Austin's nose and lodged his cock deep down the boy's throat. Austin gagged as he ran out of air, but did not resist, and continued swirling his tongue across 1A's cock and balls while gagging and his vision got hazy. They had all but forgotten Connor, who was still laying nearby, twitching with the occasional pang of his denied ejaculation.

"You did good boy. You'll make a good dominant to other boys, sluts like Connor." 1A panted as he said this and ran his hands through Austin's hair. "So long as you remember your place."

"Yeth, thir," Austin gagged.

He continued to suck 1A's cock until the buzzer sounded again, and knew his socialization time for today was over again. He reluctantly withdrew, giving 1A's now drenched cock one last whiff. The mix of 1A's precum, Austin's saliva, and Connor's ass juice was heavenly. He turned around and saw that Connor was once again on hands and knees, and as the other bulls filed from the room, maintaining a hierarchical order, Austin walked over to Connor, lifted his face by the chin, and kissed him hard on the mouth. He entered the boys mouth with his tongue and longingly tasted the sex in his mouth, swapping some of the wetness of his own with the boy.

"You did good boy." Austin patted his head, and left Connor on the floor, knowing that would not be his last encounter with the boy. As he was to 1A, Connor would be to him. Dr. Wolfe stood outside, and on seeing the sweaty, panting Austin leave the socialization room, said "I take it you enjoyed your time with Connor and 1A1A?" Austin nodded eagerly. "Yes Sir! Thank you for the opportunity to dominate Connor. It was..." Dr. Wolfe smiled, absentmindedly grabbed Austin by the nipples, and said, "That's great. I've actually already submitted the paperwork." Austin frowned, confused. Dr. Wolfe pulled him closer.

"While you will always report to and obey me, among the bulls you are now officially under the dominance of 1A, and Connor under you. My study into the effect of enforcing bulls' dominance has been officially approved for expansion, and you three will be our first contractual hierarchy. There has, of course, always been structures in place during socialization, but after your efforts and my reports, The Factory has officially decided to move forward with a focus on these systems. Starting with you. A beta test, so to speak. Your milking, exercise, and socialization will be... different going forward."

Austin smiled more, and unasked, hugged Dr. Wolfe and placing his head on his chest. He didn't need more details, or to understand the complex workings of the Factory. It seemed all too difficult for him, and made his head hurt. All he needed to know is that he could continue to spend time with the men that made him happy and he made happy. Connor, 1A, and of course Dr. Wolfe.

What would I do without him?

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JiminNCJiminNC8 months ago

Very nice story so far! Keep them coming, please.

Bigboi2703Bigboi270310 months ago

This took so long but was so worth it. Can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Been waiting so long!! Such a hot story please continue!!

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer10 months ago

What BlueEyes1969 said, ditto! It definitely appears Austin has the best of both worlds coming his way.

BlueEyes1969BlueEyes196910 months ago

Each episode gets hotter and more arousing! Oh, to be Austin! Can't wait for the next chapter!

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