The Mistress


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To say Emma was furious would be an understatement. She was so mad she saw red. Henry and her had been friends since they were very young. They had been married for over 7 years, an arranged marriage of course. Their parents were business partners and they had wanted their children to continue managing the company as a couple. Everything had been going so well, until about some two years back when their marriage had become unstable.

"You know very well that you're supposed to he spending time with me." She said softly, raising an eyebrow. We're not getting any younger and we need to start having kids, we need to give our parents grandkids."

"Oh wow!" He gasped in mock astonishment. "What happened to we need to make as much money as we can before we decide to have a family."

"Well... I've changed my mind." She said, looking away. "We need to start planning our future."

"Good luck with that." He lost the smile on his face. "When I wanted a family, you said you weren't ready. How many abortions have you had behind my back simply because you said kids were gonna ruin your career?


"I don't wanna have this conversation tonight." He warned, shaking his head. "I'm very tired and all I ask is peace."

With those words, he rushed upstairs, leaving Emma seething. She was really mad.

"We'll see!" She said under her breath. "I know you're seeing someone and once I find out who that person is, I'll make them pay. I swear to you!"


Mateo sat alone, staring at an old photograph of himself and his deceased mother. The weight of unspoken words and missed opportunities hung heavy in the air, as regret gnawed at his heart. He traced the contours of his mother's smiling face, feeling wishing she could have stayed longer than she did, all the moments they could have shared and the bond they had. He wondered if they could have still been closer.

"Hey!" He was gotten out of his thoughts when he heard a voice speak to him.

He quickly raised his face and smiled when he saw a very beautiful lady smiling at him. She had beautiful brown eyes with dark hair that was wavy and sexy. She wore a perfect black dress that followed her curves and her dark chocolate skin was to die.

"Hi Genny!" He greeted, putting the picture away.

She leaned down and kissed his cheek, and took a seat next to him. Mateo had been waiting for her for quite some time. Genevieve had been a good friend who knee about Mateo's situation with Henry Jackson. She understood him and had been with him through most of it. Henry knew about her and hence didn't mind that she knew. They met at school 3 years back and had been wonderful friends ever since.

"What are you hiding?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing, just a picture of my mother."

"Okay, what's going on?" She asked with concern. "You only look at your mother's picture when something major is bothering you. Now.... spit it."

"It's nothing!" He sighed, trying to fake a smile, but he knew he wasn't fooling her. "I'm just glad to see you after so long."

"Really?" She crossed her arms. "We talk almost every day and you..."

"That's nothing compared to seeing each other."

"Well, you're the one that chooses to stay away from me sometimes." She shrugged. "I told you to join me for a party last week but who declined? You had to stay with him."

"You know that's out of my hands. I cannot go against Henry's orders. He gets upset."

"I know..." she nodded. "But have you ever thought about the future. You're a very handsome young man and sooner or later, other men are gonna start noticing too. You need a man of your own, someone that will shower you with lots of love and respect. Someone that will treat you like the prince that you are."

"Don't you think I know that?" He asked in frustration. "But how do I do that? Henry isn't really that bad. He saw me through school and he has done so much for me. My life is comfortable because of me. I don't know how life would have been if it hadn't been for him."

"But you cannot start a family with him." She raised her shoulders. "Sooner or later, you're gonna need to have a family. A handsome husband and wonderful children. No matter what Henry has done for you, you're gonna have to leave him."

The world seemed muted and colorless, sadness draining the vibrancy from his surroundings. But he couldn't let that show, but again, he couldn't fool her.

"Don't you think I know that?" He shook his head, taking a deep sigh. "It kills me every day knowing that I am with someone that I can never truly have. And as my friend, you need to understand that it's not easy for me."

"I understand and I'm sorry. " she apologized, holding his hand sweetly. "So sorry."

"It's okay. Let's not talk about it." He gave a genuine smile. "Let's talk about what you've been up to nowadays. How's baby boo and when's the wedding?"

Genevieve burst into laughter. "Come on, we've not even been engaged yet. But he's very fine though and he was saying hi."

"Was he?" He raised an eyebrow. "I highly doubt it. You know he doesn't like me. He thinks that I'm only but bad influence to you."

"No!" She chuckled nervously. "You know that's not ttue, he likes you."

He looked at her without saying anything but she could laughed at the way he did.

"Even if he doesn't, it really doesn't matter because you're my bitch for life. Friends before bros." They burst until laughter. "Now let's stop talking about all this and order something. I'm starving."

The two friends ordered their food and had a nice time just talking about their time in the university. It was beautiful just catching up and Mateo enjoyed himself without having anything to worry about.


Mateo arrived in his apartment, feeling so happy. He was tired but he hadn't had so much fun in a long time. It was worth it. He had a smile on his face as he opened the door to his room, letting himself inside before...

"Where are you coming from at this time?" A voice spoke, meaning his heart jump.

He saw the man standing near the window with his arms crossed, staring at him with a stern face. He looked so handsome, classy and sexy in the black suit that he wore.

"I went out with a friend, Genevieve." He shrugged, throwing his bag on the bed. "And besides, it's only 8 pm."

"You know very well I was coming here and yet you decided to delay." He sounded frustrated. "I have been waiting for over an hour."

"I am sorry." He sounded surprised. "But you could have called me."

"And since when do I need to call you when I'm coming here?" He snarled as he moved closer, pointing at Mateo. "And your phone was even off. Don't play with my patience, Mateo." He warned.

"I told you I was with my friend whom I haven't seen in a long time." He answered. "You never allow me to."

"It doesn't matter. You know I come here most of the time and I don't care where you are." Hos voice rose. "And no matter where you are, you need to attend to me."

To say Mateo was surprised would be an understatement.

"But..." he took a deep breath and moved closer, pulling Mateo closer to him. A smile popped up his face as his arms wrapped themselves tightly around Mateo's waist. "You're here now and you know what I want."

His hands started moving down Mateo's waist as his face moved closer.

"Henry..." he moaned softly, his eyes closing.

"I know." Henry said as he kissed his neck softly. "I feel it too."

He groaned, opening his eyes quickly. Then like a flash, he pulled away from Henry, leaving him shocked.

"I'm sorry." He sighed. "I'm not feeling too well tonight and I'm tired. I won't be able to have sex with you tonight."

Henry stood there, staring at Mateo as if he'd grown another head. Then he burst into laughter, raising an eyebrow. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Are you serious?" He was still laughing but after a few seconds, he wore a stern face. A frown appeared on his face. "You cannot be serious. I waisted my time coming here and you couldn't have bothered to call or text me."

"I thought you weren't gonna show up." He shrugged, looking away. "We just had sex yesterday."

"I don't care." He snapped, making Mateo move slight backward. "You knew very well that I usually come here and you couldn't have texted? I fucking wasted my time coming here."

"I am sorry, but I cannot tell my body what to feel." He shrugged.

Henry sighed, taking a seat on the bed. He was horny and he wanted a release. Usually, in su h a state, his mood was usually not that good.

"I am sorry." Mateo apologized, sitting beside him. "Maybe we can do something else apart from sex. I can cook and we can have dinner together." He suggested, placing his hand on Henry's shoulder. "I don't think you and I have..."

"Goodnight, Mateo." He rose from the bed and started heading towards the door. "I will be back tomorrow and you better be fine."

Mateo watched as the man left him all alone in the room. He had no idea why he felt hurt and lonely. He didn't wanna have sex with Henry but seeing him leave left him feeling otherwise.


Henry reached his room, feeling extremely tired and a little upset. Hardly did he reach his room than he was already taking his jacket off, throwing it on the bed. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw himself on the bed with his eyes on the ceiling.

It felt like he had been there for hours before he felt a finger tracing down his chest, all the way to his waist. He quickly tried to get up but...

"Shhh..." he heard a voice whisper before he was pushed back to the bed.

It was Emma and she looked so sexy in a black lingerie that showed off her massive boobs and her naked body, all for him. Seeing her, he felt his heart hummed in his chest and shivers began running down his spine. Her hair was wet and her lips were blood red with lipstick. She licked her lips and moaned, squeezing her boobs while she slowly got on top of him.

"You like what you see?" She said with a wink, slowly positioning herself on him. "Didn't you miss all of this?"

"What are you..."

"There's no escaping tonight, Henry!"

Henry, with his unruly dark hair and deep, soulful eyes, was the embodiment of every romantic dream she'd ever had.

Her heart raced at the thought of feeling his cock going deep in and out of her. She placed her hand over his crotch, rubbing on it sensually. She didn't miss the throbbing hardness in pants.

"I've missed you," she groaned, her voice carrying a hint of lust. "I have missed this."

She began unzipping him while she closed the space in between them. Before he could react, her lips met his in a kiss that sent shockwaves through her entire being. It was a kiss that spoke of longing, of passion, of all the unspoken emotions that had been building in her.

She slipped her hands in his pants and released the monster, running her hands up and down. Henry quivered and moaned, breaking the kiss.

"Emma!" He moaned. "Please, not today. I'm tired."

"It's okay." She whispered, smiling at him. "I'll take care of you, baby. There's no way you're running away from me tonight."

Henry knew that escape was gonna be hard so he closed his eyes and let her do her thing. She locked lips with him, kissing him like there was no tomorrow. While some hand was busy caressing his chest, the other hand was busy stroking his cock.

He moaned as she had her way with him. She broke the kiss and began kissing him down the neck, the chest until she reached between his legs. She slowly took off his trouser and began sucking him like there was no tomorrow. Henry cried in pleasure as his hands found the bedsheets, pulling on them harder.

She sucked him until he was solid as rock, leaking so badly and couldn't take it anymore. He flipped her and then slammed his cock so deep in her pussy that she cried out in pleasure.

"Fuck Henry!" She screamed, her legs locking around him. "Right there!"

She was so wet and horny. He fucked her so hard while she cried out and demanded for more. Henry was enjoying himself but contrary to what she felt, in his mind, he was fucking Mateo. It made him so horny that he didn't last long. He came and he came hard, emptying his balls deep inside her. By the time he was done, he was so tired and could barely breathe.

"Whoa!" Emma said as she tried to catch her breath. "And you said you weren't in the mood. Man... you can fuck!"

Henry smiled sheepishly, getting off of her. "I need to take a shower."

Without getting any response from her, he rushed into the bathroom and locked the door him. Emma had a smile of a man that had just won a lottery. She was still recovering from that mind blowing fuck that he'd given her and she didn't wanna recover.

"I knew you weren't gonna resist me, Henry." She chucked, staring at the bathroom door. "You could never."


The cafe was bathed in warm morning sunlight, casting a soft glow over the golden brown wooden furniture and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air. A faint hum of chatter filled the space as customers sipped their drinks and tappes away on laptops.

This was Mateo's favorite cafe. Whenever he felt sad, conflicted or shitty, he always came to this cafe. The smell of the coffee and the taste all together lifted his mood. He sat at a small table by the window, sipping on a latte. He was engrossed in a book, occasionally glancing up to observe the world outside. He just wanted some alone time but while he was busy reading...

"The great Gatsby!" A sweet voice spoke, surprising Mateo. "Man, I love that book and it's good to see someone else reading it apart from me."

When he raised his face, he found a handsome young man staring at him with the biggest smile anyone had ever looked at him with. He had a chocolate brown hair that was made into curtain bangs. His light grey eyes were shining and his pink lips were parted, showing his pure white teeth.

He must have been in his mid 20s and he looked like something pulled out of a magazine.

"Uh, excuse me, is this seat taken?" He asked nervously.

"Not at all." Mateo smiled, slightly pushing the chair with his feet towards the man. "You can take it to your table."

To say the man was surprised would be an understatement. He just laughed and moved took the chair, sitting next to the handsome young man.

"On the contrary, I thought I could keep you company." He said softly. His eyes studied the young man carefully. "I'm Mark, by the way." He extended his hand at the beautiful boy. "May I have the honor of knowing who this beautiful angel before me is."

Mateo couldn't believe what he was hearing. He raised his face and stared at the man, getting shocked when he winked at him. Was this man flirting with him, he thought, glancing behind to see if there was someone there.

"Look, if you're talking to me, I'm not interested." He said harshly, rolling his eyes. "I was doing something before you disturbed me and I wanted to get back to that."

"Wow!" Mark gasped in fake astonishment, placing his hands on his chest. "Handsome and lethal. I like you. I really like you and maybe... just maybe you might like me too."

"No!" He shook his head. "I don't think that's ever gonna happen."

"Who knows?" He shrugged. "Do you mind if I buy you some coffee?"

"In case you didn't notice, I already have my coffee." He said without staring at him. "I came here for some peace and quiet while I indulge into my book."

"It's okay." He said, crossing his arms and sitting comfortably on the chair. "I can just watch you and maybe you'll talk to me as soon as you're done."

Mateo rolled his eyes and continued his reading. But there was something was bothering him. It was the man staring at him while he did. He glanced at him and the man winked, making him feeling extra uncomfortable. He took a deep breath, closed his book, picked up his stuff and rose. With a final look at the man, he started walking away from the cafe. He could hear the man calling to him but he didn't even bother to respond.

He stood outside the cafe, waiting for his driver who for some reason was taking so long.

"Hey again!" He heard a familiar voice, right before Mark came into view. "Look, I don't think it's good for a handsome man like you to be standing in the sun waiting for a taxi when I have a comfortable car. I can take you wherever you want today. I'mma be your driver for the day."

Mateo chuckled. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm not interested."

"Come on!" He said, not losing his smile. "I won't bite... only if you ask me to."

Mateo rolled his eyes and continued standing there as the man bothered him. He didn't say a word until he saw his car coming near him. It stopped right in front of him and he glanced at the man, putting on a smile.

"My taxi is here. You can go and practice your skills on someone else."

With those words, he opened the door and entered his car. As the car left, he glanced behind at the man that stood there with his hands on his waist, obviously looking surprised. He couldn't help but smile...


"Oh hey!" Henry said in his deep manly voice and waited for the man on the other end to reply.

"Yes! The meeting is on tomorrow and we'll sign the documents." He said softly. "My mother is gonna be there because she wants to sign the documents herself." He waited for a bot again. "No problem, see you there."

Henry was seated on the edge of the bed, fully dressed in a black suit that fit him perfectly. He slowly started removing the tie, throwing it on the floor. He took off his jacket and placed it carefully on the bed. He started unbuttoning himself but before he could go any further, he heard the door to the bathroom opening.

He quickly glanced there and saw Mateo standing in the door way. He was dripping wet... his hair looking sexy like it had been wet by the most gorgeous wine... his eyes staring at Henry, literally begging him to take him right there and when he licked his lips, Henry's heart began drumming like cultural night in an African village.

'Shit!' He swore as his member began rising.

Mateo could tell the man wanted him so much from that horny look in his eyes. Moaning softly, he seductively walked to the bed, dropping his towel.

"Fuck!" Henry moaned, staring at the body that had just displayed before him. "You're so fucking gorgeous."

Mateo smiled and used his finger to push the man on the bed. He sexily climbed on top of him and helped him out of his shirt before he began laying kisses all over his chest.


Henry's cock was hard in his pants and he could feel it pulsating and leaking. But he let the boy take control of the situation. He was being slow but in no time, Henry's cock was free and it was leaking badly.

Mateo slowly leaned and leaked at the tip before he took it all in his mouth and began sucking the man. Henry cried out in pleasure, his hands gripping the shits. His breaths came in short, almost as if he couldn't breathe well. He could feel the pressure building in his balls as the boy went up and down his shaft with his hot mouth. This went on until he couldn't take it anymore.

"I want you..." He said breathlessly. "...I want you right now."

And Mateo didn't waste any time. He got on top of the man and mounted him, rocking back and forth until things got all twisted and hot inside and both their beating miles away. By the time they were down, they felt exhausted. But they rested only enough to go at it again, with Henry taking Mateo this time with slow but deep strokes. Neither man could deny that what they felt was incredible and a much-needed relief.

Henry rested for a bit before he got up from the bed, cleaned himself and started dressing up. Mateo who was still naked on top of the bed raised his head and frowned.

"Where are you going?"

Henry sighed without stopping what he was doing.