The Mistress


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"What kind of stupid question is that? Where am I supposed to be at night if not with my family?"

"It's only" Mateo complained, rising from the bed. "Can't you stay a little longer. It gets lonely in this house alone and I was really hoping maybe we could stay together for a while."


Mateo's mouth gaped. "What do you mean? A lot of things that a normal couple would do and..."

"First of all...." He paused and moved closer, staring into the boy's eyes. "...we're not a couple. I want you to get that straight. And secondly, you're only here to satisfy my sexual needs and not cuddle with me or spend some time with me."

Ouch! Mateo felt that right in his heart. He remained standing there like a statue, his eyes becoming glassy. He didn't know if he had any more strength to say anything to the hunk.

"I take care of you and all I ask is for you to satisfy me." He added. "If you're lonely, watch Netflix or something. But let me warn you," He pulled him closer by the waist, their lips touching. "do not let another man touch you. You're only mine and that shall remain like that for good. Do I make myself clear?"

Mateo nodded without uttering a word.

"Good boy!" Henry smiled and pressed a kiss on Mateo's already swollen lips. "I had an amazing time with you. Come with the same fire again and I'll get you something nice."

With those words, he proceeded to finish dressing up. Once he was done, he kissed the boy one more time and left. Mateo was filled with lots of questions about what his life was gonna be about. Henry was someone he had grown to like despite all the guilt he felt. Even though he was only his side piece, he deserved to feel like he was valued and not just something for satisfaction.


2 days later


"What?" Mateo gasped, a frown appearing on his face. "But I thought you said you were gonna come here, Henry. You promised."

'Look, I cannot control how my schedules are sometimes.' Henry sighed on the other end. 'Right now, I am heading to the airport.'

Mateo gripped his hair and took a frustrated breath.

"How long will you be gone for?" He asked softly.

'A month or so.' He responded. 'It could be more than that. There's a new project that I need to oversee while I am over there.'

"I see." Mateo was sad and he couldn't mask it.

'Don't be sad.' Henry said. 'I have sent some money to your account and if you need more, I can send.'

"You think this is about money?" Mateo said harshly. "I don't need money, Henry. I need you, please."

'We talked about this several times, Mateo.'

There was silence between the two of them for a number of seconds.

'I'll talk to you later. And be a good boy while I am gone.' He sounded with warning. 'I might not be there but I have my eyes on you. Take care of yourself.'

Before Mateo could respond, Henry cut the call. He stood there lost in thought, wondering why once again his plan had to be ruined. He had pleaded with Henry to come for dinner and the man had for once agreed. But now, everything was ruined. Of course, he had to be sad.


The club was pulsating with music, flashing lights, and energetic conversations. People were dancing on the crowded dance floor, and the atmosphere was electric. A small VIP section was roped off from the rest of the club, where some people just sat and enjoyed the evening. Mateo sat with her friend Genevive, enjoying their colorful cocktails. Mateo hadn't been at a club in a long time and it was making him a bit nervous.

"Hey," Genevieve shouted, shaking him a little bit. "Relax! You're at a place where you're supposed to be dancing and laughing but you look like you don't wanna be here."

"That's because I don't wanna be here."

"What?" She shrugged. "You'd rather be locked up in your house alone just because Henry said so? Come on, you're young. You gotta experience life, socialize. Now..." She raised an eyebrow. "...are you gonna join me on the dance floor or we're gonna sit here the whole night and look like two lost souls?"

Mateo laughed, glancing at her friend. "Why don't you go ahead? I will join you later."

"Okay." Genevive raised her hands as if she was surrendering.

She went to the dance floor and started moving her sexy body, immediately stealing the spotlight. Mateo watched her with a smile on his face as she glanced at him, throwing kisses towards him.

"Mind if I join you?"

A voice disturbed him and he quickly withdrew his attention from her, directing it towards the voice. What he looked into was a very beautiful smile, baby blue eyes that seemed like that of an angel, a round cute face that made his heart flatter repeatedly. The man winked at him and it immediately registered in his mind where he had seen him.

"You!" He gasped. "What are you doing here?"

The man laughed, taking the empty seat. "I could ask the same thing. I have been to this club several times and I've never seen you. Looks like it's my lucky day. Even fate keeps bringing us together."

"Do you use that punchline on every boy you meet?" He rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his drink. "And does it ever work because it's so cony."

"Ouch!" The man gasped in pretense pain, holding his chest. "I felt that in my heart. And it's Mark, remember? And to answer your question, no, I don't use that on any boy that I meet. Just the boy right in front of me who has captured my heart."

Mateo rolled his eyes again and shook his head.

"Like I said, I am not interested." He said in frustration. "I am not interested. Whatever gave you the impression that I am single lied to you. I am in a very serious relationship."

"Really?" The man leaned on the table getting closer to Mateo. "And I say you're not in a relationship. Either that or your boyfriend doesn't love you. Why would he let such beauty be alone all the time. If you were mine, I'd treat you right, make you happy."

Mateo could feel Mark's breath on his, the cologne he wore and he couldn't help but feel some spark. His heart began racing and he began studying his facial features. He really was handsome.

"Every time I have seen you, I can't help but get drawn to you." He said, licking his lips as he stared at Mateo's. "There's something about you that I like but I can't explain what it is."

The chemistry between them was palpable and undeniable. But Mateo felt something emanating from deep inside, a familiar feeling... fear of the unknown. He took a harsh breath and rose from the table, staring at the man like he'd grown another head. Mark on the other hand stared at him like he wanted to just kiss him... he really wanted to.

"I'd love to get to know you, at least, let me add a name to this beautiful face."

"I have a friend waiting for me." Mateo said sheepishly.

He made a quick turn and rushed to the dance floor, joining Genevive.

"Whoa!" Genevive laughed. "I didn't know you were gonna be joining me at all."

"That's because you know I don't know how to dance."

"Simple!" Genevive said enthusiastically, placing her hands on Mateo's shoulders. "Just follow my moves and you're gonna be fine."


Mateo glanced at the table and Mark was still seated there, his eyes on his body, not leaving him. He took a deep breath and tentatively tried to mimic Genevive's moves.

"See?" She laughed. "You're doing great. Just let go and feel the music."

They danced together, losing themselves to the music.

"So, are you gonna tell me about him?" She finally asked, gesturing towards the table. "The man that can't get his eyes off you."

Mateo gave a nervous glance and the man winked.

"It's nobody..." He chucked nervously. "...nobody important."

"Well, Mr. nobody is still staring." She teased. "Seems like whatever he has seen is something he doesn't wanna let go of."

Mateo hesitated for a second, chuckling nervously at his friend.

"His name is Mark and this is the second time I am meeting him." He had to shout as the music was too loud. "I met him at the café some days ago and he can't seem to stop bothering me."

Genevive took another glance. "Well, Mr. nobody is very handsome. And he seems to know what he's doing... especially in bed." She whispered.

"Genny!" Mateo laughed, slightly hitting her. "Stop saying that."

"What?" She shrugged. "But on a serious note, he seems to know what he wants. The fact that he likes you means business to me. He is handsome and he seems sincere. You can make a very good couple."

"Can we not talk about this, please?" He sighed. "You know the situation I am in and I don't wanna incur Henry's wrath."

"Sure!" She raised her hands like she was surrendering. "I won't bring it up tonight."

The two friends had a lot of fun at the club. The entire night they were there, Mateo did all he could to avoid any other encounter with the man. It worked because the man just sat a distance and he seemed to be with a couple of friends. It worked well for Mateo... for now.


It was morning and Mateo was still in bed, peacefully sleeping and trying to rest from the previous night fun he had with his best friend. The room was quiet until an unmistakable ringtone of his phone shattered the tranquility. He stirred, groaning and fumbled for his phone on the night stand. He didn't even bother to see who it was before he answered.

"Hello!" He answered as he yawned.

'Mateo!' A strange voice chuckled on the other end. 'That's a beautiful name for a beautiful boy.'

Mateo's eyes suddenly opened and he glanced at the phone. The number wasn't saved on the phone but he took a wild guess who was calling him.

"Why are you calling me and how did you get this line?" He said harshly.

'Let's just say there are some friends of yours that like me.' He laughed. 'I got your line from a well-wisher and I also happen to know you're available.'

"Genevive!" He said under his breath, hitting his head with his hand.

He took a deep breath.

"Look, I have already told you everything that I can say to you. What else do you want? Is it by force to date someone?"

'I just like you and I wanna make you happy, Mateo.' He said with so much sincerity in his voice. 'All I am asking for is a chance. Something tells me that you and I could be happy, so happy. Give me a chance... give us a chance.'

Mateo remained quiet as those words slowly sank in him but there was that feeling again, fear of the unknown.

"I am sorry." He simply said. "I have to go."

"Mateo, just...'

He quickly cut the call and sat there, catching his breath. When he was able to think again, he dialed a number and it didn't take long before there was a voice on the other end.

"Hey babe..."

"Really, Genny." He chimed in. "Why did you give him my number? I thought I explained to you that I didn't want to do anything with that man. Now he's just from calling me."

'Oh, that is good.' She laughed. 'He really didn't waste any time.'

"That doesn't answer my question."

'Look, the man was desperate.' She sighed. 'He approached me last night when you went to the men's room. He is a nice guy, Mateo and he seems sincere. He wants you in his life and that is good enough for me.'

"But you..."

'Yes! I know there is Henry but let's face facts here.' Her voice rose a little. 'Henry is a married man and no matter what he does with you, he's never gonna give you the happiness that you deserve. He's never gonna leave his wife for you. As much as you're rich and you live comfortably, you're gonna need a family. I see that in Mark.'

Mateo's shoulders slumped, a heavy burden of sorrow weighing him down, as though the weight of the world rested upon his fragile frame.

'I am sorry for telling you this but it's the truth. It's about time you found yourself a proper man and give love a chance.'

"I understand but..."

'No buts...' She said before he could finish. ' a matter of fact, I want you to do something for me. He gave me an address of where he is usually found when he's not that busy. He'll be waiting for you there.'

"What?" Mateo gasped.

'Yes! And he just wants to have a talk, nothing weird. Listen to this man, Mateo, just talk to him. Then you will decide whether you want him or not. I am not gonna push you but listen to me for once as a friend.'

Mateo was confused. He remained there like a statue, lots of thoughts having a party in his tiny head.


"I I'll give it a thought." He stuttered.

He cut the call and remained there. He knew he wasn't gonna go anywhere because not only was he scared, he wasn't sure if he wanted to go down that path.

But he wished he had stood with that decision. A few hours later, he found himself standing outside an apartment with his trembling finger stuck between deciding to ring the bell or go back into the elevator and forget that happened. He took a deep breath and was about to turn back when suddenly the apartment door opened.

There he was, standing in the door way staring at Mateo with a flirty smile and of course, not forgetting a wink. He was shirtless except for a white apron that seemed to cover part of his chest. He had a really muscular, hairless chest that went with his muscular arms. Intricate tattoos adorned his arms, making him even sexier. The air around him seemed charged with an electric energy, an unspoken invitation to admire the physical embodiment of desire.

"What?" He finally spoke. "Am I sexy?"

Mateo cleared his throat and wore a stern face.

"I wasn't staring."

"If you like what you see, you can tell me." He winked. "There's still a lot of my body that is covered."

Mateo's mouth widened in shock. "What? You know what, this was a mistake."

He turned to leave but Mark grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Wait, I was just kidding. Come on, you should know me by now. I am sorry, can you come inside?"

Mateo rolled his eyes before he nodded. He entered inside and he was captivated by everything that he saw. From the paintings on the wall, the furniture, the colors to the view was just to die for. That was one of the most beautiful apartments he had ever been to.

"Wow!" He finally spoke. "This place is just amazing. Do you own this?"

"Well, it's family owned and I spend most of my time here when I need some privacy." He chuckled nervously. "So, it's practically mine."

"It's beautiful."

"I know." Mark smiled. "But right now, I am in the kitchen fixing something. Would you like to join me or would you like to watch something?"

"I'll join you."

They headed for the kitchen and it was a chef's dream. It featured top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances and sleek granite countertops while a massive island serves as both a culinary workspace and a casual dining area. Crystal pendant lights hang delicately above, casting a warm glow over the scene. Mateo was just wowed. His apartment wasn't even that beautiful compared to that place.

And the aroma coming from whatever was cooking was mouthwatering. They chatted as the man made his food. Mateo found out that Mark was a lawyer by profession but before that, he had gone to culinary school and hence he was good at cooking.

He had 2 siblings, brother and sister that were equally doing well in the business world. The man mostly talked because Mateo was afraid to open up about his past and there was no way he was gonna open his mouth to tell him he was sleeping with a married man.

The food was ready and it was very delicious. Mateo enjoyed every bit of it. After that, they found themselves on the balcony just talking about other things. Mateo saw a side that was calmer, sweet, loving and gentle than the man he had met on those two different occasions. This was a side that he really admired and appreciated.

"Yeah, so that's it about me." Mark said, staring at the man beside him. "Unless you wanna ask any questions. And I hope I have erased whatever impression you must have in your head about me."

Mateo burst into laughter.

"And what impression do you think that is?"

"I don't know." Mark chuckled nervously, scratching his head. "You probably think I am such a flirt and an asshole."

Mateo raised an eyebrow. "That is you giving yourself all those names. On the contrary, I found our first encounter really funny. I thought you were funny and you actually made me smile."

"Really?" He clapped, feeling like he'd achieved something. "Well, I could do that whole day, especially if I really wanna see that smile all day. You're very beautiful, Mateo."

Mateo dropped his eyes to the floor, blushing. He couldn't make eye contact with the man. Mark on the other hand felt his heart beat rhythmically, every fiber of his being urging him to get closer to the boy. And he did.

With a tender smile, Mark gently cupped Mateo's face in his hands, his fingers lightly grazing his skin. Mateo looked up at him, his breath catching as their eyes locked in a magnetic gaze. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that moment.

"I meant every word I have said up to this point." His voice sounded different, passionate. "I really like you and God knows how much I wanna make you mine... hold you..." He paused as his eyes locked on those full, gorgeous lips. "... kiss you..."

Mateo felt a shiver run down his spine and he froze. He tried to open his mouth but no word came out of it.

"I'm dying to do that right now," Mark whispered, his voice a soft murmur that seemed to linger in the air.

Mark slowly leaned in, closing the distance between their lips. Time seemed to stand still as their mouths met in a sweet, lingering kiss. It was a delicate dance of shared emotions, a connection that spoke volumes without a single word... a connection Mateo didn't even know he needed.

The warmth of the kiss enveloped them, creating a cocoon of intimacy that felt both electrifying and comforting. Mateo's hands found their way to Mark's waist, and his arms encircled Mateo, drawing him closer. The kiss deepened, weaving a story of longing and desire.

Both of them moaned as their tongues danced and their bodies caught fire. As the heat intensified, Mark found himself leaning into Mateo, slowly getting on top of him. Things were getting hot but...

"Mateo!" A voice echoed in Mateo's head before an image of Henry appeared.

Just as quickly as the kiss had ignited, a wave of guilt washed over Mateo. He pulled away and pushed Mark off of him, his eyes wide with realization. The silence hung heavy in the air as Mark searched his face for an explanation.

"I... I can't," Mateo stammered, a mixture of regret and guilt in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Mark's brows furrowed in confusion. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I shouldn't have let that happen," he whispered, his voice filled with remorse. "I have to go."

He rose from the couch like the hounds of hell were after him, leaving the man looking confused. As he hurriedly left the apartment, guilt and fear weighed heavily on his shoulders. He couldn't shake the feeling of betraying Henry.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he grappled with the consequences of his actions. If Henry found out, things were gonna go haywire.


The weight of Mateo's actions pressed heavily on his shoulders as he pushed the door open. The dim light in his apartment greeted him as he stepped inside, casting long shadows that seemed to mirror the turmoil in his mind.

Closing the door behind him with a soft click, Mateo leaned against it for a moment, his eyes fixed on a distant point. The silence of the room enveloped him, amplifying the echoes of his own thoughts. The air seemed charged with the consequences of his choices, and he moved through the familiar space with a heaviness in his steps.

"God knows how much I want to kiss you!" Those words lingered in his mind, on repeat as a reminder of his actions earlier.

Images of the forbidden kiss flashed before his eyes, and he winced at the vivid memories. The weight of guilt settled in his chest, and he felt an ache in his heart as the realization of betraying Henry washed over him. Mateo's breaths became shallow, and he closed his eyes, trying to block out the tormenting images.