The Morrisons Ch. 25


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At the same time Audrey was bucked her hips and experienced her first orgasm with a cock inside her pussy. The warm cum that spurted into her was all it took to send her over the edge and into orgasmic heaven. Audrey screamed loudly as she squeezed Jenna's hand and I stood watching the incredible sight before me.

Tom finished pumping his semen into his daughter but he kept his hands on her hips to help hold his cock buried deep inside Audrey. She loved the feeling of her father's cock and she told him so.

When Tom withdrew his cock from his daughter, mixed juices and semen coated his cock. Audrey set up and looked down at her father's wilting cock and with a smile she said, "That looks great and it feels great. I can't wait until we do that again."

Both of them rested for a few minutes before Audrey suggested, "We should walk down to the water and get cleaned up."

Tom held out his hand and helped Audrey off the table. She stood next to her father for a few moments before all four of us walked towards the water. Suddenly, Tom asked Audrey, "OH shit honey, are you on any form of birth control?"

"No daddy," Audrey replied, "I'm not taking anything. However, I'm in that part of my cycle where I should be safe. That is, if what I've read is true. This is the first time I've allowed a cock to get this close to me."

Tom looked at his daughter before he said, "I hope you're right. I dumped a rather large load of baby making juice inside you."

Audrey said, "Don't worry too much daddy there's a bidet in the bathroom. I can douche when we get back."

Tom looked at me before saying, "I never would have imagined that would ever have happened, thank you again for arranging this trip Dan."

"No problem Tom," I replied, "Actually this trip is going to be a win-win for both of us. You get to experience things you never dreamed of and I get to marry the other woman in my life that I've been dreaming about. Our family is going to be even closer, I can feel it."

"You bet it is," Jenna added, "I can't wait for the day when Beth announces I am going to have a baby brother or sister. Being the only child is ok but I really want someone to pick on."

"Jenna!" I said in surprise

"Just kidding dad, you know how much I've wanted a brother or sister over the years. I'm gonna love the baby and spoil it so bad..."

"That's one thing I can say about you," I said, "Most children in a one child family are spoiled rotten, but you've always worked hard doing something, even though we gave you a lot."

When they got back to their cabins, Audrey excused herself to go in and douche.


When Tom, Jenna and I returned to the group Leyanni was sitting in the group explaining; "I've made arrangements for a host of beauticians to arrive by helicopter and set up shop in the recreation hall. I would like all of you to come to the rec hall and have your hair done. The bride will be the last one to get her hair done. So I suggest each of you take a shower and wash your hair in the morning to help speed up the process."

"If everyone is going to be dressed the same," Jenna inquired, "How are we going to distinguish the bride from the rest of us girls?"

"Thank you Jenna," Leyanni replied, "After I left here I did some research and found a lovely silk te pāreu that has a white on white pattern with gold trim. The white flowers on the white material will be embroidered into the silk. I ordered one for Beth. Beth, I think you'll look absolutely radiant for your special day."

"How will I ever re-pay you for all that you're doing for us?" Beth asked.

"Oh honey," Leyanni said, "Tomorrow when you stand tall and say those special words, "I DO" that will be repayment enough. I love weddings and helping you plan your wedding is simply heaven for me. Wait until tomorrow; you'll see what we have planned for you. The reception is going to be an old fashioned Hawaiian Luau. I'm so excited for you. As we speak, the pig is already being prepared for tomorrow."

"Leyanni," I started to say, "If there's any expense ....."

"No Dan," Leyanni interrupted me, "If you are going to ask me about paying for anything, I have it directly from my boss, you neighbor, that I will not spare any expense and to call upon whatever services I need to make this event a very memorable one. As we speak, there are at least a couple hundred people planning and working on your wedding for tomorrow. I repeat there will be no charge for anything that happens while you are at my resort."

"Leyanni," I said, "Thank you so much for everything you are doing to set up for our wedding. I really appreciate it. When I see Marsh again, I'll have to thank him personally also."

Beth jumped up and ran over to Leyanni, "May I hug you?"

With their bodies pressed tightly together and Leyanni's hands freely roamed all over Beth's nude body, Beth thanked Leyanni for making her wedding so special. Leyanni in turn said, "You are special my dear. IF we have some time later, I'll show you just how special you are."

Beth leaned her top back but continued to press her hips tightly against Leyanni as she looked directly into Leyanni's eyes. A huge beautiful smile spread her lips as she said, "If you don't mind witnesses, I have time right now."

"Oh girl," Leyanni said, "I don't care who watches us, but at this moment, I'm kinda busy. I have a young lady's wedding to plan. May I have a rain check?"

Beth kissed Leyanni passionately while everyone watched. When the kiss ended Beth breathlessly said, "I'll be ready when you are."

They stepped back from each other and held hands momentarily before they parted and Leyanni hopped into her golf cart. As she moved forward she said, "Oh, why don't all of you head over to the cafeteria, there's some really great food over there. While you're eating, talk about what time you'd like to eat dinner at the Lava Pit and I'll make the reservations for you, not that you need them really, but that way we're sure all of you can sit in one area. Moments later Leyanni was driving away without any further discussion.

I walked over to Beth and hugged her to me and whispered, "I love you!"

We called everyone together and as a group we decided to go over to the cafeteria and get something to eat. We could have taken the carts but we decided to take a walk instead. The cafeteria was only a short ten minute walk from the coconut grove. Faith giggled before she said, "I love walking nude with you honey. You cock is bouncing back and forth with each step you take."

"Sweetheart," Tom Jr. said, "If you look around all the other cocks are bouncing around just like mine. While we're talking about bouncing, there are some really fantastic looking titties doing some bouncing too. Even my mom's titties are swaying gracefully. Mom I hope you don't mind me asking but what size are your titties?"

"I have all natural, double "D" titties. I think I've got the biggest titties of anyone here in our group. And while I'm talking about my titties, my nipples are very sensitive and your father loves to play with them."

I boldly said, "Janet, I'm normally a small tit fan because my grandfather once told me anything more than a mouthful is wasted, but since you have sensitive nipples and they look bite sized, I'd love to try them later, perhaps for desert."

"Dan Morrison!" Janet exclaimed, "Aren't you the man who is going to be married tomorrow? What are you doing trying to make a deal with me to play with my titties?"

"I ....."

Kim interrupted me by saying, "In our home only consenting adults can play. So Dan has to ask you and get your permission before he is allowed to play."

"Let me get this straight." Tom spoke out. "Kim if that's the case, what you're saying is consenting adults in any combination can partake in sexual activities? Doesn't anyone get jealous in your house?"

"Tom," I said, "I know you're learning a lot more about my family in the last twelve hours than you have in all the years I worked for you but please let me explain. Our home is based on love. Kim and I have unconditional love for each other, without question. Our unconditional love extends to our daughter, without question. Kim and I have always wanted more children but the two of us can't have any more. Beth came into our lives and all of us love Beth unconditionally. With all our love being shared, there's no room in our lives for any jealously. Now as for the others who live in our home with us, they've watched and learned from us. All of them, without being asked, have adopted our way of life. As proof of what I'm telling you, ask anyone of them if they've ever seem one iota of jealously in our home."

"So everyone in your home shares their body with everyone else in your home?" Faith quizzed.

Beth spoke up saying, "Normally that's true since all of the females in our home are on the Depo-Provera birth control shot, well except Kim and now me. I didn't go back and get my new shot because I want to get pregnant by my fiancé. Although what Dan said is true, I am reserving my pussy just for him until I confirm I'm pregnant. But all the others only need to be asked and give their consent."

"Kim, if I wanted to have sex with you," Tom started, "All I have to do is ask you and Dan won't be pissed off or jealous?"

"That's right." Kim replied, "The same goes for everyone else."

We saw the cafeteria not far away and Tom asked, "Can we discuss this over lunch or is that too taboo."

"In our home, we discuss whatever needs to be talked about. There are no taboo subjects for any of us. Just ask my daughter Jenna."

"Ahhh... your daughter," Tom said, "Is a very beautiful young lady who doesn't mince words. I've learned, she tells it exactly as it is."

"Tom," Kim said, "We, Dan and I, raised Jenna that way."

"I don't want anyone to take advantage of my daughter either." Janet added. "I like the way Jenna acts, she seems to be very good natured and respectful but at the same time she doesn't hesitate to get her point across."

Faith rubbed her belly and said, "Yes, little one, mommy and daddy will teach you too."

Tom Jr. giggled saying, "Faith read in one of those mothering books that said she should talk to the baby as soon as possible."

"While I was carrying Jenna," Kim stated, "Dan and I would rub my baby bump and both of us would talk to Jenna before we knew she was Jenna."

I reached out and pulled the door open to the cafeteria and immediately the wonderful aroma of food tickled our noses. I let the others pass by me before I followed them in and made my way to Kim and Beth.

The members of our group had stopped just inside the door and looked around. Straight ahead of us was the stainless steel serving counter with a wide variety of fruits, and there were a couple of servers who stepped up to the back of the counter ready to serve us.

For the few moments we stood in place, I noticed several tables of very muscular and very naked men and women. They paused eating and looked at us.

Almost immediately a very beautiful Hawaiian lady with bronze colored skin and long black hair came through a door on the opposite side of the cafeteria and walked towards us. She was trim and wearing only a folded apron, leaving her "B" cup sized breasts uncovered.

As she neared us she extended her hand and I stepped forward and took her hand saying, "Hi, I'm Dan Morrison. Leyanni told us you have excellent food here and she's been right on with everything she's told us so far."

My name is Lynei Moheyla (ei in this case, pronounced ay) and I am the manager of the cafeteria. I want to welcome you to our humble establishment. Leyanni told me you and your group would be here until Monday. We are open twenty four hours a day so if you get the munchies in the middle of the night, please come here and satisfy yourself. We are here to make sure you are well fed with wholesome meals. We also have a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables from around the world. If you want something and you don't see it, ask one of the attendants and we'll get it for you."

"One main difference between our cafeteria and other cafeterias that you may have been in is, the people who come here are really friendly and you can strike up a conversation with any of them. Right guys?"

There was a rousing "Yes!" from the people sitting at the tables.

"There are towels for you to sit on over there in that closet. Please don't be bashful here, make yourselves at home and enjoy the wide selections of food we have to offer. I'll answer any questions you may have."

When there were no questions, Lynei smiled and stepped back. While she made a wide sweeping motion with her hand she said, "Please go and select whatever you want to eat. Enjoy your meal."

As we walked towards the serving counter many of the people sitting in the chairs we passed stopped eating or their conversation to say hi to us. I know I felt welcomed by the friendly people. I couldn't believe the selection of food so I asked for a small serving of almost everything.

After selecting our food, Tom, Janet, Brenda, Tom Jr., Faith, Kim, Beth, Allison, Kelly and I found tables we could move together so we could continue our conversation. Joanna came and joined us after Terri and Hanna decided to sit down near a couple of guys they said hi to on the way by. Jenna, Kevin, Audrey, Frank, Katie chose a table near a couple of tables with both guys and girls. They struck up a conversation with them easy enough.

With everyone being nude Bob, Tom, Sam, Jen, Linda, Jerry didn't stand out as our flight crew and staff. When they finished selecting their food, they sat down at a table near us and talked amongst themselves.

During our lunch Tom, Janet, Tom Jr. and Faith asked us more about our lifestyle. We had their assurances that no information would ever be divulged to anyone else. Kim, Beth and I answered their questions honestly and I could tell they took in the information without being judgmental.

Faith was the one who asked the most questions. She expressed concern about confidentiality to which Kim explained we had a confidentiality statement for anyone who was going to stay or visit our home for any length of time. Kim told Faith she would provide her a copy if she was interested. "Oh yes, I'd like to see it." Faith happily announced.

We finished our meal and were just sitting and talking when the wait staff came over to our table and asked if they could take the dishes off the table for us. After the table was cleared, we talked a little while longer. Just as we were ready to leave, Leyanni walked in the door.

She walked right over to our table and said, "I want you to know, I talked to Marsh a few minutes ago. Beth, Dan, Kim, you'll be happy to know Beth's family is on the Gulfstream and they are screaming towards the island at supersonic speed. From what Marsh told me, they should be here in time for dinner. He asked me to make arrangements for all of you to join him and the Thompson family for dinner at the Lava Pit which is the restaurant I told you about earlier."

Beth grabbed my hand and said, "Oh Dan, this is a dream come true. I can't believe this is happening."

Kim hugged Beth adding, "I can't wait for tomorrow. I'll be so happy for the three of us to become a real family."

"I'm so glad that I'm here to witness all this," Brenda stated. "I've always been happy with the arrangements that Tom, Janet and I had but Beth you're going to surpass me with marrying Dan. I can't wait for tomorrow and I always cry at weddings."

Leyanni broke our revelry by saying, "I want you to know I've already placed the order for everyone's sandals and everyone's te pāreu so I'm ready for tomorrow too. Everything will be delivered tonight and will be ready to distribute tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is going to be a day that no one will soon forget."

Leyanni looked around the room and then in a louder voice she said, "May I have your attention please."

Everyone stopped talking and eating and looked over at Leyanni. When the room was quiet she said, "Ladies and gentlemen, you are all cordially invited to witness the wedding of Dan Morrison and Beth Thompson tomorrow in the flower garden. Pass the word around to others you meet so we have a large crowd. Thank you."

With the announcement completed, everyone went back to what they were doing.

Beth asked, "Leyanni, what time did Marsh say they'd be here?"

"Well, he didn't say exactly, what he did say was you'd know when they arrived. He also wanted me to tell you not to go to dinner without them.

I thanked Leyanni again for everything and she replied, "This is my job. I'm in charge of hospitality and I want to make sure everyone who comes to my resort is comfortable with our accommodations and they get whatever they want, within reason of course."

We got up from our table and Tom walked over to Leyanni asking, "May I hug you? You certainly are making this trip unforgettable."

Leyanni open her arms and Tom stepped forward and Leyanni pressed her naked body against his. She didn't release Tom until after she pulled him tightly against her and held him for almost thirty seconds. Tom kissed Leyanni's forehead and said, "Thank you for all that you're doing. I've been in the business world all my life and I sure wish you had been working for me."

Leyanni looked up into Tom's face and said, "The weekend isn't over yet buddy. You wait until you see what I have planned for tomorrow. And, you can hug me as often as you want."

They stepped back from their hug and we walked out the door leaving some of our group behind because they were busy talking to some of the other people in the cafeteria. We walked towards the coconut grove when Katie ran up behind us. All of us stopped and Katie asked, "Dan, may I speak to you, Kim and Beth privately?"

I looked at Tom and he quickly said, "Go ahead, I think we have something to discuss as well."

Katie looked nervous as she stood with us and watched Tom and most of his family walk away. I turned towards Katie with a good idea what she wanted, but I let her stumble for the proper words. She looked at Kim and then at Beth with puppy dog eyes before she finally said, "Look, I know this is most likely improper since the three of you will all be married tomorrow, but I have to ask anyway."

"Honey, you don't have to worry," Kim said in a motherly tone, "Dan and I have always encouraged our daughter Jenna to say what's on her mind. You're Jenna's age so the same applies for you."

"I'm a virgin; I've never had a real cock inside me .... ever!" Katie blurted out "When Dan helped me on the plane...."

"Yes, Dan told us what happened," Kim interrupted. "You asked him to be your first. Is that what you'd like him to do for you now?"

"OH GOSH!" Katie blushed, "Dan you really do tell your wife everything. Oh WOW, that's so cool; I mean all of you guys really are so cool. I was struggling with myself trying to decide if I should even ask and here you go and say it so simply. Yes, that's what I'm wondering."

"Katie our family lives a little differently than other families." Kim added. "However, I want you to understand; whatever you learn about our family is not to be talked about with anyone not on this trip."

"I promise I won't say anything." Katie said, "After the way Dan treated me on the plane, I decided right then, I wanted him to be the first man to enter my pussy. He could have taken advantage of the situation but he let me decide when and where I'd get my first cock."

"Katie, would you mind," Kim inquired, "If Beth and I were with you when Dan makes love to you?"

"Oh God no!" Katie responded, "That would be so cool. Pardon me for saying this but it would be like having my mother with me. She's my very best friend and we've had open discussions about sex and well everything. May I hug both of you?"
