The Morrisons Ch. 25


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Janet was tired after her last orgasm and she turned around and flopped down on the lounge beside me and kissed my cheek. She breathlessly said, "Thank you Dan. That was wonderful."

I looked over and saw that Kim was in a sixty-nine with Tom. However after an orgasm, Kim switched around and squatted over Tom's cock and slid down it until she had all of it inside her. She started to move up and down and I saw Tom's face turn into a big smile as he watched Kim. She rode Tom for another ten minutes or so before he warned her he was going to cum.

"Go ahead and cum in me sweetheart," Kim said, "I can't get pregnant. Besides, I love the feeling of hot cum shooting off inside me."

Tom pumped upward and Kim provided the hip rotation to mix up their motions and when she felt Tom explode into her that was the final straw and she had her orgasm at the same time. Both of them were breathing deep and heavy by the time their orgasms subsided.

Kim rose up and Tom's cock fell out of her and like Janet did with me, Kim just laid down beside Tom to recuperate. Faith looked at each of us and said, "And there you have it folks, that's what it looks like to have consensual sex with the other woman's husband. No fuss just plain fun. I want to live like that Tom."

Tom smiled at his wife saying, "Sweetheart, if that's what you want, then you can have it. I want a happy, loving family."

"You look great when you're sucking a cock mom. But I hope you don't mind if I aim my cock at your pussy instead of your mouth." Tom Jr. said with a huge grin on his face.

"Son, you can aim at my pussy when you're ready. You are your father's son and you're hung just like him. I want to take a test drive on your rod of yours, real soon."

"Faith," Tom Sr. said, "later after I rest some, I'd love to find out more intimate details about your body. I'd love to explore your mounds and all your crevasses until I have that beautiful body of yours committed to memory. When the time comes, I'll go a very happy man."

"Oh dad," Faith replied, "I want you to know, you have total access to this body, day or night starting now, until you get tired of exploring it. You don't even have to ask me; just put your hands on my body wherever you choose."

"Damn Dad," Tom Jr. added, "it took me a long time to get into her pants and in a half a day you've managed to get total access. Congratulations."

"I hope this new lifestyle is going to work out for us like it has for Dan and Kim. I love the idea of all the openness and sharing. I love all of you and it chokes me up a little to learn about all this so late in my life. I wish ...."

"Don't worry about a thing darling," Janet reassured her husband, "For the time you have left, we are going to enjoy life to its fullest especially now that we've learned so much from Dan and Kim."

As the afternoon stretched on, the others in our group came down and joined us on the beach. The only people we were missing were the young people who were still out on the yacht. We relaxed in the heat of the afternoon and enjoyed several trips to the water and some dozed off while others contributed to the group conversation.

Beth looked at her watch and said, "It won't be long now, Marsh and Becca will be landing at the airport. I can't wait to see my mother; she was flipping out on the phone for not being here to help plan the wedding. Dan I think you're in a little bit of trouble for pulling another fast one on her."

"Honey don't worry," I said, "You're mother will be just fine. She's going to be here for your wedding and that will make everything all right."

"I don't know," Beth warned, "She's a high spirited woman."

Suddenly we heard the joyful sounds of happy young people and they made their way across the beach to where we were sitting. They had just come back from their ride in the yacht and everyone tried to talk at once. All of them were laughing and giggling as they told their stories about their ride. From what they were saying, it was apparent they had a fun time.

We were listening to them when off in a distance I saw two small dots in the sky and I could hear airplane engines. As I watched intermittently I realized the dots were getting bigger and it looked like they were going to fly right over us. Finally, I pointed my finger but when I went to speak, Audrey was telling one of her yacht stories. I stood up and walked out on the beach and everyone stopped talking and followed me.

As the planes came closer Bob McGrath said aloud, "Why are they flying so low?"

"HOLY SHIT!" Bob yelled, "That small plane is going to crash into the big plane. That big one is a 747 and the other one looks like a Gulfstream. "

"NO! LOOK!" I yelled, "That little plane is upside down! WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING?"

As they approached the beach I shouted, "HOLY SHIT! THOSE PLANES ARE TURNER SECURITY PLANES!"


As we watched, both planes, the small plane had a burst of speed and flew out in front of the larger plane and flew straight up and did a spiral roll as it climbed. The bigger plane continued on its way but the smaller plane flew out over the ocean and then turned and came back at the island again.

Bob McGrath turned to me and said, "Dan, that smaller plane looked like a Gulfstream, but the way that little thing accelerated was NOT like any business type jet I've ever seen. It went straight up vertical, and it was still accelerating like a fighter plane. I swear that thing has afterburners."

"They just buzzed the beach," I said, "That must be Marsh and Becca in the small plane, but what the hell is the big plane for?"

We were still able to just barely see the plane as it turned and came back. It had gained several thousand feet with the vertical climb, but now it seemed to be pointing the nose toward the water again, and it was definitely gaining speed as it came towards us again.

When the little jet looked like it was about to crash into the surf, it leveled off just a few feet above the breaking waves. Before it got to where we were standing on the beach, there was a huge explosion of vapor around the plane, and the deafening crash of a sonic boom. We felt the crash as much as we heard it. The trees around us shook with the resonance of the thunder.

The jet was silent as it passed us, and an instant after it passed we heard the sound of a jet airplane thundering across the water. This time the jet kept going, and we could see it pull up again gently, and continue around the island towards Honolulu, and the International airport.

I looked at Bob, his mouth hung open like I realized mine was also. "Dan," he said hesitantly, "That thing is no ordinary business jet. That plane is really special, and whoever is flying it is a HOT pilot. That was incredible. The way he tucked up under that 747, then pulled up just in front of it, from an inverted position.....He or she is very good. I'll fly with that pilot any day of the year and most nights, too."

Suddenly I realized that Beth and Kim were on either side of me and were clinging to my arms with a death grip. Beth's eyes were wide open and I could see the fear and panic in them as she finally spoke; "Dan, I think my parents are here. I hope my mother is still awake and capable of normal body functions. Didn't Leyanni tell us that Marsh picked up my family in the Gulfstream?"

We stood there trying to let that air show sink in when Joanna ran over to us. "Dan," she said. "That was the same plane that flew over your estate, while you were in Germany. There were a bunch of us in the hot tub, and that thing came flying along at treetop level. It didn't break the sound barrier like it did here, but it made a high speed pass on its side with the wing tip just barely above the tops of your tree wall. It was the night I had Judy/Becca over and she was really quiet when it flew by. Dan, that's gotta be Marsh! Wow that was some flying!"

All of us were still standing on the beach when we heard a golf cart coming. Leyanni was smiling when she brought her cart to a stop before she got off and walked down on the beach to join us. "I guess Marsh wanted to impress you with his flying skills. In case you're wondering, that was Marsh and Becca flying the small plane. They're on the ground in Honolulu as we speak. He asked me if you've eaten dinner yet and I told him I didn't think so but I'd come down and find out."

"No we haven't eaten yet. You told us that Marsh wanted us to wait and we'd all eat at the Lava Pit." I replied.

"That's great, cause when Marsh called me he wanted me to invite you to come up to the Lava Pit in thirty minutes. He said he'd land the helicopter there because they haven't eaten dinner yet either." Leyanni said.

"Do we need to wear anything when we go to the Lava Pit, Leyanni?" Janet asked.

"Oh sweetie," Leyanni said, "You can go just like you are. That beautiful body of yours should never be covered unless you absolutely have to."

"Leyanni, you said we have a little while before they arrive at the restaurant?" I asked

"Yes, you do." Leyanni replied.

"I want to go take a quick shower before I go to dinner. I've been out in the sun all day and I want to smell a lot better before I meet my future mother-in-law."

Everyone agreed a quick shower would be best and then we'd meet at my cabin in golf carts and drive over to the Lava Pit together. Leyanni said "I'll see all of you at dinner in a few minutes. In case you need it, there's a paper map on each table showing where the Lava Pit is located on the resort."

We hurried off to our individual cabins to take a quick shower. Before long the others started gathering again at our cabin. Once everyone arrived we formed a convoy of golf carts with Bob McGrath leading the way. The people we passed along the way stopped and waved at us and we returned their waves. Beth said, "Not only are we in the safest place on the planet, but these folks are friendly as hell, too."

We laughed and talked as we rode and all too soon, we arrived at our destination. Kim smiled as she said to Beth, "I wonder how anyone in your family is going to be able to eat after that ride upside-down."

"I know, right." Beth stated, "I can't wait to hear what my mother has to say about that. My mom was already upset with the last minute notice, turning her plane upside down would be like throwing stones at a wasps nest and knocking it down. The only thing that's going to come out of that is a bunch of really pissed off wasps ready to do some damage."

I laughed and said, "Don't worry sweetheart, your mom will be very happy now that she's got her feet on Hawaiian sand."

Everyone got off the golf carts and we headed towards the door. When we were about ten feet from the door the lights blinked a couple of times and then went out. I looked around but there were no other buildings nearby so everything was dark. "Oh, oh, it looks like someone forgot to pay the electric bill. I hope they've got a generator."

We continued towards the door with Kim, Beth and me leading our group. I pulled open the door and it was dark in there. Leyanni was standing next to the door and said, "Come on in, our staff is getting some candles to light up until the generator comes on."

Everyone in our group moved forward until all of us were inside the dark room. It wasn't totally black; I could see silhouettes of other people in the room but couldn't make out who they were. A voice boomed out, "Dan is that you?"

I recognized the voice immediately and called back, "Yes Marsh, our group is here. I'm glad you made it on the ground after that fly by on the beach. Hey, were you flying that little plane tonight?"

"Hey Dan," Kathy's voice sounded, "What are you doing running off to a far-away place, dragging my daughter with you and then proposing to her? To top it all off, you call me and give us only a couple of hours to notify everyone in the family so they could be here, make arrangements with our hired men to work while we're gone, plus we had to pack some clothes and drive the airport. It's a good thing we have a small airport so we didn't get held up."

"To top it all off, our pilot thought it was funny to roll our plane over and fly upside down leaving us hanging only by our seat belt before he flew the plane straight up. The ride was interesting but it frightened me a little. Dan, are you trying to get on the wrong side of me, or something?" Kathy finished saying.

I laughed, before I said, "Kathy, you knew we were planning on getting married, so when she proposed to me, I couldn't say no to her. But look on the bright side, at least you made it here for the wedding."

Suddenly there was a loud vocal chorus shouting, "WE'RE HERE TOO!"

The lights popped on and we were totally shocked to see all of our friends from home, standing in front of us. I couldn't believe it, I blinked and looked again before we were rushed and everyone co-mingled with greetings and hugs. Kathy and Jake made a bee-line for Kim, Beth and me and each of us got kissed and hugged.

Kathy quickly introduced Kim and me to the rest of her family who we hadn't met yet, while Beth greeted each of her brothers and sisters. Kathy slapped my ass and said, "That's for doing it to us again."

I smiled and hugged her saying, "That felt great, do you want to slap my ass some more."

Kathy raised her hand and unleashed a farmer's strong arm swing and when her hand contacted my ass again, there was a very loud smack causing a severe hot pain to spread rapidly throughout that ass cheek. Everyone stopped to see what was happening and I had to really focus to keep from howling in pain. She looked me straight in the eye and said, "Sonny boy, don't you dare mess with momma."

Everyone broke out laughing as I said, "I promise, I'll give you as much notice as I can. However, I can't promise the notice you'll get, will be any longer than you've already received."

I excused myself, Kim and Beth, and the three of us made our way over to Marsh and Becca. I reached out my hand but Marsh stepped through a handshake and wrapped me in a huge man-hug. After that, hugs and kisses were exchanged all around our little group, and Marsh asked if we would step aside for a little privacy. When we agreed he led us to a small conference room off of the main dining room.

Leyanni followed us into the room. Marsh and Becca stood side by side with an arm around each other. In front of them I stood in the middle of Kim and Beth and we had an arm around each other. There were a few seconds of silence before Marsh spoke up saying, "I'd like to congratulate the three of you for the love you share and the union the three of you will form tomorrow. I can't express how happy I am for all three of you."

"I echo Marsh's sentiments." Becca said, "I also want to congratulate all three of you. I've recently learned that love is more than just a feeling. I'm in love with Marsh and he's asked me to marry him."

"OH MY GOD," Beth exclaimed, as she broke free of Kim and me and rushed over and hugged Becca. "I'm so happy for you! Why don't you marry Marsh tomorrow? Let's make this trip one of epic proportions. Leyanni introduced us to a non-denominational military chaplain who is going to marry Dan and me. That would be so cool to have both couples exchange vows tomorrow."

"Actually," Marsh started, "That's why I asked you to come in here. We've already planned to get married while we're here. The question we wanted to ask you is if it would be ok if we were married at the same time as you and Dan?"

"OH YESSS!" Beth exclaimed, "It will be wonderful to have both of you married at the same time as us."

"Are you really sure? We don't want to interrupt anything you already have planned." Becca inquired.

"Oh no Becca," Beth said, "Please don't feel that way. Tomorrow could only be made more special if you and Marsh were joined in marriage as well. Honey, tell them."

"Beth sweetheart," I said, "I would have already said something but you were doing an excellent job explaining our position. Of course I will join you in welcoming both Marsh and Becca to share such an important day."

"Marsh, Becca," I said as I looked between both of them, "First I want to congratulate both of you on your decision to join your love together and become a couple. Second, we're here in paradise at your resort. Both of you have gone way past that proverbial extra mile to help make our day special. It would be an honor to have both of you stand up with us, beside us, however you want to do it. I'm positive that Leyanni can help you just like she's done with us."

I continued with, "By the way Marsh, did you know how special Leyanni really is? On a mere question she, with the help of others, both of you included, has turned our fantasy into reality. She has gone above and beyond the call of duty and we don't even know what all she has organized for tomorrow. This was supposed to be a weekend for Tom and his family to make lifetime memories, but here we are in the midst of creating a memory that will last a life time for us. It can only be made more special, if you and Becca are married tomorrow as well."

All six of us took turns hugging each other. With his left arm wrapped around Kim's waist, pulling her close to his naked body and his right arm around Becca's waist pulling her close, Marsh said, "I think all of us should re-join our friends and family and toast to our new friendship. Leyanni can you have the dining room set up with a head table for eight?"

Leyanni stepped forward saying, "I can do anything Marsh. However let me add, before the five of you disappear with your friends and family tonight, I need a few minutes of your time."

"You'll have it Leyanni," Marsh assured her, "Let's get out there and have a party."

Loud cheers rose from the large group as Marsh, Becca, Kim, Beth and I re-entered the dining room. Leyanni had people moving tables and setting up the dining room while we co-mingled with everyone. Marsh and Becca introduced us to their guests when we bumped into them and I introduced Marsh and Becca to our guests.

When we neared Tom and Janet, I saw Tom's eyes travel up and down Becca's nude body before we stood next to them. I made the introduction by saying, "Tom this is my new friend, Dr. Marshall Mitchel or as he prefers to be called, Marsh. Marsh is the new owner of Turner Security. This beautiful young lady standing next to him is Rebecca Andrews better known as Becca to her friends. She is the senior Vice President of Turner Security."

"Marsh, Becca I'd like you to meet Tom and Janet Banks the former President of the Board for our company. Tom may have stepped down but he is still the man I'll go to with an important question. Our company suffered a great loss when Tom stepped down." I said.

Tom extended his hand to shake hands with Marsh but as Marsh had done with me, he stepped past the extended hand and gave Tom a man hug. When he stepped back he looked at Tom saying, "I'm a medical doctor and I used to work as an emergency room doctor in Southern California. I want to sit down and talk to you before this weekend is over. I have a friend and classmate of mine named, Dr. Patrick O'Donnell, he is a cancer specialist at LLUMC."

"Thank you and yes, I'd love to sit down and talk. I just found out I have a grandchild on the way and I have so much to live for." Tom said.

"You understand, I can't promise anything but Dr. O'Donnell is one of the leading oncology doctors around. He has a very busy schedule and if you want to go see him, I'll help you get an appointment. But again, we'll talk later, let's join the party." Marsh said.

As we turned to walk away from Tom and Janet, Tom grabbed my hand and squeezed it. When I looked at him he said, "Thank you so much Dan. Thank you!"
