The New Neighbors

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The following is intended for people 18 or older. It contains adult material including sex, fighting, human trafficking, and mind-boggling plot twists created by a moron with too much free time on his hands. No animals were harmed in the making of this story, except for an unfortunate herd of oxen and a platypus that had it coming. Thanks to Scalia for editing. Any errors that remain are mine, and mine alone.

Is anyone still reading after all that?

The New Neighbors
by TheEndBegins

edited by Scalia

My name is Jerry Connor and I am a pediatrician. My wife's name is Frannie and she is a gynecologist. Tom and Kate had just moved in our Atlanta neighborhood when Frannie and I first met them. We quickly became the best of friends. Frannie and Kate had a "Girl's Night Out" every week and Tom and I frequently got together to watch whatever game was on in his "man cave" as I believe he called it. Tom had some kind of computer-internet service job (he tried explaining it to me once, but I don't know much about the internet except how to get to the porn sites.) while Kate was an office assistant at CNN headquarters.

I was a bit slow on the uptake when Kate first started cheating on me. It started just before we met our new neighbors, so I figured any change in behavior was based on her new BFF. I couldn't begrudge her a new friend, especially since I had one myself. But Tom and I were both shocked to learn the truth one night when the Braves game was rained out. We went back to Tom's house, and heard voices coming from upstairs. By now, you've probably guessed that Tom's wife was in her bedroom with someone that wasn't him. My heart went out to the guy, until I heard Frannie's voice upstairs as well. Damn!

We went upstairs to confront our wives and their new friends. Tom kicked open the door and to our surprise, Frannie and Kate's new lovers were black! Remember Deebo from that movie Friday? These guys looked like Deebo's big brothers. Tall, well-muscled, shaved heads and a pissed-off look in their eyes, made them dudes we did not want to tangle with. Well, ones I didn't want to tangle with. Tom charged forth bravely and went down quickly. I opted to stay where I was, but looked angrily at my wife, who looked unconcerned with getting caught. Kate, to her credit, looked concerned for Tom, and got off the bed to see if he was all right. He shoved her away. At this point, Thug #1 chose to speak out. "OK boys, let's not get too crazy. We don't want nobody getting' hurt, least not more hurt. These bitches just want some BBC, is all. Ain't nothin' you can do bout it. You cain't stop us, and if you make too much noise, these bitches will rape you in the divorce. Just turn around and walk away. The less you see, the less you gots to deal with. "

Thug #2 chimed in with "but if you fuck with us, we'll fuck your shit up. Your wimpy white asses don't want none of this, believe that. "

Kate decided to try and cool everyone down. "Tyrone, Montell, maybe we should continue this another time. We need to talk to our husbands about this. They'll see that this is the way things are and there's nothing they can do to stop it."

Tyrone and Montell decided to follow Kate's advice, they got dressed and left. Kate suggested that Frannie and I talk about it next door, because she and Tom needed some privacy.

In the background of the night, I heard shouting from next door. It was drowned out by the shouting in my living room. Frannie said that this was just a bit of excitement for her, it had nothing to do with her love for me, and it was nothing to get worked up about. I responded by saying that Tyrone must have literally fucked her brains out, because that was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard, and I was sure a judge would agree with me. She responded that Georgia was a no-fault state, and if I made a fuss about this, she'd call the cops and tell them I abused her. More was said after that, but it was more of the same, with her alternatively trying to downplay her adultery and threatening me if I made any move to terminate our marriage. I ended up storming out of the house in disgust. I started my car up, and went to a cheap motel for the night.

After a restless night of sleep, I called work to let them know I'd be taking the day off. Once Frannie was supposed to be at work, I went home to begin packing, and thinking over every possible way I could protect myself in the coming divorce. But Georgia is indeed a no-fault state, and the current DA was a man-hating witch who felt that anything that made a woman cry was nothing short of rape, so Frannie's threats were nothing to sneeze at. Around 11:00 AM, I got a call from Tom.

"Hell of a night, huh buddy?"

"No kidding. What are you going to do with Kate?"

"That's kind of what I want to talk to you about. You free for lunch?"

We ended up meeting at Rosie's, an Italian place not far from our houses. It turns out that Kate had actually told Tom how this all started, with Frannie introducing her to Tyrone and Montell. She's been having an affair with Montell for a couple of months, and thought Kate might enjoy sampling "dark meat" as she called it. Kate wanted to continue their marriage, but threatened to cry abuse as well if Tom filed. Neither of us could think of a way past the claims. You know how it is, spousal abuse is one of those crimes where just the accusation is enough to ruin you, even if the claims are false.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I believe I can help you."

We looked up to see a middle-aged man dressed in khakis and a blue shirt. "My name is Nico. If you would like to hear me out, pay your bill and follow me out to the parking lot."

I shot a look at Tom, who shrugged his shoulders. What the hell, I thought. It couldn't hurt to hear the guy out. I threw a fifty on the table and we followed him outside.

The parking lot was pretty deserted, so we talked out by Nico's car. "Gentlemen, my associates and I can take care of your wives and their lovers. All we need is $5000 from each of you, and your home address. You will know nothing else, we will not contact you unless absolutely necessary, and they will simply disappear. Unless,, of course, you wish to say goodbye in person."

Wow. This was intense. As much as I hated my wife right now, I wasn't sure I could be a party to her murder. Nico seemed to pick up on my hesitation and clarified "They won't be seriously harmed, simply relocated. It will look as if they ran off with their lovers. After the appropriate amount of time, you can file for divorce under abandonment, and retain all your assets. No alimony, no selling the house, and best of all, no spousal abuse charges to deal with. Think it over gentlemen, and give me a call." With that, he handed us each a business card with only a phone number on it and left us to our own devices.

Tom and I went back to his house to talk out Nico's offer. The more we talked, the more it seemed like we should go for it. We would be facing losing our livelihoods and possibly our freedom if we tried to divorce the girls, but we'd lose our self-respect and sanity if we did nothing. We called the number Nico gave us, and he told us that for the time being, to play along as our wives requested. We both decided we would like to say goodbye to our wives and their boy-toys in person, and the payment would be delivered then. Afterward, I went home to await Frannie's arrival.

Frannie came in around 5:30 that afternoon, and after changing, came down to talk to me. "So, are you calmed down? Are we going to get through this?"

"I'm calmer, but still not happy. We'll remain married in name only. I want nothing more to do with your whoring ass in private. And take your boy-toy somewhere else other than my home. If I have to see it again, you won't need to lie about the spousal abuse charges, I'll gladly turn myself in after putting you in the hospital, and Montell in the morgue."

Frannie's face went white at this, but she then focused on the other things I said. "So, you won't interfere? You'll let me get this out of my system, then we'll go back to normal, so long as you don't have to watch?"

I sighed. "Frannie, we'll never get back to normal after this. For all intents and purposes, you've killed us. All the King's horses, and all that. "

"You're wrong, baby. You'll see when this is over, I'll still love you, you still love me, and we'll live happily ever after, the way we were always meant to." With that, she came up to kiss me, but I got up and left the room.

The next day passed uneventfully, until I got a text from Frannie saying she was going with Montell tonight, and would be home late. I called Tom and learned that Kate and Tyrone would be there as well. Tom said he'd already called Nico and told him it would be the perfect opportunity to end this fiasco. Nico said he'd call us back as soon as he had a location for our traitorous wives.

At 2:00 AM we drove up to the Motel 9 (classy choice there, guys!) and did the "shave and a haircut" knock on room 117. Inside we found Nico and two other guys holding the naked foursome at gunpoint. I was about to start talking to Frannie when Tom asked what would happen to them now. Nico explained they would be sold to some friends of his, who ran whorehouses overseas, and they would never return. Tom asked about the guys, and Nico replied that drug plantations in South America needed people to pick their crops, and that was what Tyrone and Montell would be doing. Tom said he'd heard enough, and then, for some reason, dropped to his knees and covered his ears. I was about to ask what he was doing when-

"FBI! Everyone freeze!" shouted a man dressed in riot gear as he kicked in the door. Half a second later, two more crashed in through the window, each pointing a M-16 at Nico and his associates. I put my hands up in a surrendering fashion, but Tom stood up and pulled a gun out of his jacket and pointed it right at Tyrone.

"You can get dressed now, Agent. I've got Mr. James covered" said Tom, whom I was now staring at in bewilderment.

"Thank you, sir. It was pretty awkward there for a minute" replied Kate, who casually got off the bed and started dressing.

I found my voice and asked "What the hell is going on here?"

Kate decided to address my inquiry. "Tom and I aren't married. We're partners in the FBI. We moved into your neighborhood undercover to find out about this human trafficking ring. We found out about your wife shortly after she started her affair, and positioned ourselves to get involved in it. Turns out husbands have been selling their wives to the slavers in order to protect their assets in a separation. We've caught them red-handed now, with no way out. "

"Uh, excuse me, officers, but can me and Tyrone leave? Fucking married women ain't no crime, so you got nothing to keep us here," interjected Montell, now getting pissed that his tryst was ruined.

"I'll address that." Said Tom, still with the handgun sighted on Tyrone. "No, you may not leave. You're going to prison, not Philadelphia."

"Philadelphia?" I asked, confused. What did that had to do with anything?

"It was their next stop. You see, Jerry, Nico was never going to sell these guys to the cartels. They work for Nico. These vermin actually go around seducing married women for the sole purpose of enraging their husband into becoming customers of Nico. They were getting paid to fuck those women. When an operation was done, they would move to another city several hundred miles away and do the same job for another one of Nico's associates. Philly was the next stop on their tour. So, Nico gets money from the husbands to take their wives away. He gets money from the slavers buying the wives. He gets money from selling off the wives' belongings, which he takes from the house to make it look like the wife ran off with their lover. His only real expenses were food, housing, a couple of bullets and enough to seduce and entice some bored skanky housewife-no offense Frannie."

Frannie just sat there, bare-assed naked, with a look of shock on her face.

Tom and a now-dressed Kate, if those were indeed their real names, escorted Nico, Tyrone, Montell and the other two gunmen outside and into a waiting police van. They then drove off to parts unknown. I overheard Tom ask Kate if she wanted to grab a bite to eat, which she eagerly accepted. It's ironic that they'd faked being married for months now, but were beginning to date for real.

I turned around and looked at the woman I married, the woman who cheated on me blatantly, and the woman whom I just tried to sell to an overseas human slavery ring. What happens to us now? I can't see us staying married, there's just too much hurt on both sides. I guess we'll go ahead and divorce. One of the ads I saw for a lawyer was for a "Miz Sara" who seemed to know what she's doing. I'll give her a call in the morning.


I am not involved in law enforcement, nor am I familiar with divorce laws in the state of Georgia. The characters of Montell and Tyrone are meant to be parodies of the "Black bulls" we so often see in stories in this genre. I hope you've enjoyed my story-TEB

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196919 days ago

I liked it better when it was really human trafficking. :) Adultery is a misdemeanor in Georgia. but the more heinous crime for Jerry would be basically soliciting murder or kidnapping of his wife.

Still a fun story until the twist.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The MC was a conspirator in the crime of Human Trafficking. His new address would be a United States Penitentiary.

silentsoundsilentsound8 months ago

You have interesting plot ideas but need to clean up the details.

An FBI officer would not be fucking for an operation. Well, the current FBI would probably do anything but you know...

BuzzCzarBuzzCzar10 months ago

A decent idea poorly executed.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

I'm not sure why the narrator wasn't also arrested. He was participating in what he thought was the elimination of his wife.

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