The Next Door Wolf Ch. 02

Story Info
Vance is infected through sex to become a werewolf.
5.8k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/11/2016
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*Author's note*

So before you begin, let me apologize for the time it took to get this chapter out. I had finished a month ago and was editing it when an update crashed my computer. I recovered all but this chapter and another story chapter for something else. Thank you everyone for the feedback and the requests (got a ton of email for this story to continue). I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.


Waiting is the hardest thing to do. Three weeks and I hadn't heard from my neighbor and it was starting to make me worry. She is a werewolf. A hot, freckled skinned, big breasted, wide hipped woman, who turns into a nightmare. A nightmare that could tear me, your favorite narrator Vance apart if so chosen. Before she had revealed to me that she was a werewolf, I had been spying on her for weeks after she moved into the house next door. Apparently, she had known almost the entire time because our minds were linked.

The night she had confronted me, she had told me what she was and had offered me a choice. Either become her mate or be killed. The choice was easy for me being that I wanted to live and let's not forget, how cool would it be to be a werewolf? My acceptance rewarded me that night with a show of her naked body, a blowjob and her pair of yellow panties.

Three weeks and those panties no longer had her scent in them. I mean, who gives a teenage boy about to graduate high school such a priceless artifact. The first few days and I don't think my dick had been rawer in my life as I masturbated relentlessly while sniffing them. I loved the panties, but when the scent of her had faded out of them, it left me fantasizing about her without something that was tangibly her. Though I did keep the panties close, mostly in fear of my mother discovering them, they were quickly becoming an artifact of unfilled promises.

They were sitting on my desk again, reminding me how much I had sniffed them while stroking the salami. There they sat, right next to my senior year photo. It amazed me how young I looked in it.

Sighing, I closed my laptop on the desk in my room and headed downstairs. Before I left my room, I checked the clock on my wall to see that only an hour had passed since I had gotten home from school. I attended a private school.

"Vance?" my mother called out to me.

"Yeah mom," I replied.

"Hey, what are you doing up there?"

"Nothing. Hold on, I am headed down."

I found my mother in the living room sitting on the couch. She looked to be cutting her nails, something of a weekly ritual for her. My mother worked as an overnight nurse at the local hospital. She worked as many hours as she could, which is how I got so much free time. When my father had left us, my mother had decided that our standard of living wouldn't change. As such, it made me pretty social and gave me a lot of freedom.

"What's up?"

"Have you heard from Katie?"

"No, why?"

"No reason, just thought she would give you a call. Ran into her at the hospital today, she was asking about you."

That was weird. Though, Katie and I had a history. She babysat me a lot when I was younger and she was twenty-one now. What made it weird is that Katie had my number. She could just call instead of asking my mom about me. We had enough history for her to just reach out to me. Especially being that Katie ushered me out of my virginity.

"I wonder why?"

"I've always thought she and a crush on you."

"Too bad for her."

"Already got a girl?"

"Nope," I said, before turning away and heading into the kitchen. There was no need to concern my mother with my love life. Would rather avoid the awkwardness. I poured myself a glass of orange juice before turning to look at my mother. She and stood up and was wearing her scrubs.

"Working tonight?"

She looked down.

"Yeah, a shift opened up. I volunteered."

"Mom, one day they will promote you."

"I know, that's why I try so hard. And to give you the best."

My mother looked sad.

"I know mom, never complained," I said, but it wasn't exactly true. When I was younger it had been easy to blame her for the lack of parent time. That mentality changed for the better as I got older. I think she was just grateful I was pretty upstanding when it came to being a teenager. Worse transgressions on my belt were having sex a few times in the house. Katie had been the one to start that.

"What are your plans tonight?"

"Figured I would lounge around."

Immediately after answering I knew it was a mistake.

"Good. The yard needs cut."

"Ah mom," I said, putting the glass down on the counter.

"Don't you mom me. It needs to be done. Why don't you ask our new neighbor if she would like you to cut hers too," she said, before walking away and heading upstairs.

Inexplicably, my mother had given me the opportunity to go and actually inquire about my neighbor. Grabbing my phone, I had seen indeed that Katie had texted, but I flipped passed any notification to get to my music. I searched for my headphones and as soon as I had them, I put shoes on and popped in the headphones. Serenaded by the sounds of metal, yeah I know, but what can I say, I like music with a good beat.

Normally classical was my choice but in secret. High school kid liking that genre of music at my school, asking to be a target.

While a woman held a high note, I walked out of the house and into the backyard. the grass was long, no doubt growing way to fast. I felt like I had just mowed the lawn. Getting into the storage shed, something my mother had made me build during the summer. Her reasonings being that hard work and building stuff with my own hands would prepare me more for adulthood. Heck, she even had me put in all the shelves in the interior, but I was sure the reason my mom had me build all of this was just because that meant she didn't have to pay someone to do it. With a sigh, I got the mower out and started it up.

It took me an hour just to mow the entire yard. That included a side yard as well as a front yard and by the time I finished, I was drenched in sweat. The mower sputtered to silence while I wiped sweat from my brow. Finished here, my heart began to beat faster as I looked to Ms. Banes home. She had only been to my place, once and I never to hers. What did a werewolf like to have on the inside of a house? I imagine not much being that in the most respectful sense, werewolves were destructive. I can't imagine one having nice things, well maybe not my neighbor. That goddess possessed some very nice things that would make Aphrodite jealous. With I sigh, I trudged over to the house.

The stairs up to the porch announced my presence, but no one came to greet me. Instead, there was just a screen door and a heavy wooden door there. Opening the screen door, I knocked heavily, before letting the screen close. It was then that I saw a doorbell and I cursed myself for not seeing it, but a knock worked too. After a few seconds, the sounds of a deadbolt being thrown was heard.

My neighbor Ms. Banes greeted me with a gorgeous smile. She was wearing a green sweater with a collar that doubled as a scarf. I wanted to grab her and kiss her, and thoughts of her bare breasts again flashed through my mind.

"Yes?" she asked. The question interrupted anything and I stuttered my reply.

"Hey, my mom wanted me to offer to mow your yard."

Laughter drifted from inside the house and she grimaced. If I had to really describe her look, it felt like she was growling a warning.

"That is awfully nice of you to offer, well your mother too. Sure, I would like that very much."

More laughter and then someone said something. The words were muffled but it caused her to look back over her shoulder. Suddenly her head snapped back to me. Probably because my thoughts were on who was in the house. Most of them made my stomach lurch in pain because they centered on her having another lover.

"Awesome, it will be done quickly and look nice," I said.

"We shall see Vance, Better not rush the cut," she responded and then the door was closed. Feeling lucky with the encounter I moved off the porch and back to mowing. I finished her yard quickly. That was in part that most of her side yard and the backyard was fenced. I dare not enter. What if there were more werewolves in the house? Fenced in area was like inviting an attack, but Ms. Banes did look excited to see me.

Finally finished, I moved the mower back to its home in the shed and decided to use the weed eater. The last part of the chore went by quickly. The sun was now setting and a delightful breeze rustled cut grass. Getting the shed locked up, I went back inside and was greeted by dinner.

My mother was a health nut. Normally, we swapped cooking days, but she had a rule that three days a week, there was no meat. Not that there was much to mind about the more healthy options. She was a great cook and tonight happened to be a blend of squash, zucchini, onion, some peppers all basted in spices and a red sauce. One of my favorite dishes.

The house had a dining room, but because it was just the two of us, we never dined there. Instead, we always ate in the kitchen at the bar that was there. Sitting down, I dug in immediately chow while my mother finished her meal.

"Hey, when you get done-dishes," she said. I looked up, but she had cooked dinner. With a shrug, a piece of yellow squash popped into my mouth.

"Also, take care of the trash too," she said getting up and cleaning of her plate. Then she headed upstairs to finished getting ready. By the time she came back down and said her goodbye, I had completed the dishes and was gathering up any trash I could find, which wasn't much being that the house was kept pretty clean by yours truly. Gathering up the bag of trash, I headed to the curb.

The sun was pretty much set. Only a sliver of light could be seen on the horizon and the moon was rising. Street lights beamed brightly and the air was cool. Nice and cool. I reminded myself that I needed a shower. With a heave, the trash was hoisted into the curb container. Turning back to the house, the moon shone itself with a large presence and I stopped to admire. Wouldn't be long that the moon would dictate my life, well, if my neighbor still planned on inducting me into the world of werewolves. It made me think if other mythological creatures existed too. If one, why not others?

"Beautiful isn't it?" a deep voice asked. I practically jumped at the question.

"Over here kid," a male voice said and I looked to the corner of my neighbor's house. There between light and shadow was a tall man. Tall with huge bare arms. Seriously things looked like canon and bigger than my waist.

"Hey," I replied.

"Nice thing you did earlier. Dana was really impressed with the yard."

"I'm glad, not every day my mom volunteers me for chores," I replied.

"It's good for you."

"So who are you?" I asked. Probably not the best way to ask, and that was confirmed when his eyes narrowed at me. Hairs raised on my neck and he laughed.

"You got spunk too, that's good. Name's Rem," he said.

"Rem nice to meet you, I'm-"

"Vance," he said.

Who was this guy? Not that it was weird for him to know my name, but with the way he was built, left me blown away in looks. Not saying he is gorgeous, but women kind of dig the bad act he was putting up. Big guns and a deep voice, dude was something straight out of bikersville.

"Yeah," I said.

He moved off the house and took a step towards me. My first want was to run, but something in me also wanted to fight. If this was it, it was because he was a werewolf. I was sure of that he was. Running would only make it worse anyways. A werewolf would run me down before I could even make it to my door. Then the front door of my neighbor's house opened and a small pert blonde came out.

"Rem, time to come inside, we got to get going," she said.

Rem looked over towards her and then back at me.

"Keep up the good work kiddo, gonna go far," he said with a raise of his hand and he followed the blonde back inside. She hadn't so much as looked my way and the two disappeared behind the closed door. Once that door closed, I was back in the safety of my own house. Locking both the front and back doors made me feel safer, but still, the hairs on my neck were on end. I was being watched. That feeling you get, the pressure on your back, it was there.

While I got some water, I caught a whiff of how I smelled. Almost gagged on the water as raunchy odor hit me. Putting the glass down, I headed for the bathroom upstairs and got in the shower. Hot water poured on taunt muscles and massaged them to relaxation.

What was up with the two people as her house? Was it like some weird fetish thing? Friends? How nuts was that situation over there? I

sighed. An answer would never be provided unless I was able to talk to her. Lathering up soap in my hands, I proceeded to wash.

Inevitably, my thoughts wandered from concern over the man Remi and the blonde girl to more devious ones. As soon as my hand roamed into the groin area, I began thinking yet again of Ms. Banes. More specifically, the soft perky globes of breast that were just a small part of what made her a goddess. I grew hard thinking about sucking on the small pink nipples she had.

I had this fantasy that I would enjoy the firm flesh of her nipples with my mouth. I'd look up into her gray eyes and she would lick her lips in want at me. The sucking would be more gingerly and her eyes would close in pleasure. What set off the fantasy is that she would bite her lower lip and moan. That imagined moan was enough to push me into a finish.

Shaking in release, the water washed away my fantasy until the next time. Hot water sputtered away until it stopped and I got out of the shower. Drying off and feeling refreshed, I headed to my room. When I closed the door and reached to turn on the light, I knew something was off. My window was open. Not the blinds, but the actual window was drawn up, exposing my room to the night. There was a shuffling from my bed and with a beating heart, I turned the light on in my room.

"You should really learn to lock your windows. All of them are unlocked," Ms. Banes told me.

Not going to lie, did not think of that at all. In retrospect, looking at my neighbor lie naked on my bed facing me was a sight worth the danger. The curve of her hip and the just the sight of her brought me back to "full attention."

"My-my, pup what a big rod you have," she said.

"All the better to fuck you with," I said with a wink.

Dana's head tilted a bit before a smile broke out across her face.

"You are full of surprises pup."

"That's a good thing right?"

She laughed.

"Yes it is"

"Whew-was beginning to worry you had forgotten about me," I said.

"I know, I can hear your thoughts remember."

Ah crap, probably including the erotic ones about her.

"Especially those. You know, you make life very difficult for a woman," she said.

"I don't understand," I said.

"Are you kidding? You were so worried I had forgotten about you, but the constant fantasies of yours not only flattered a girl, made her constantly horny. Not a good thing to do to a werewolf you know?"

"I didn't. Why is that such a big deal?"

She rolled and sat up. With a pat on the bed, she signaled me to join her on the full sized bed. With almost a jaunty jog and a jump, I landed on the bed next to her. There was a peel of laughter from her as she jostled about. Warm hands fumbled across me and unbalanced me to until we were both entangled in each other and lying together. Her soft skin felt amazing on mine.

"So pup," she whispered in my ear. "You want to be a werewolf?"

"Like tonight?"

"No, I have to infect you first."

"How do you that?"

"Well, you did promise a big rod to fuck me with," she said,

"I can be infected through sex? I thought you'd have to bite me."

"Oh, I'll bite you, but if I do that with a snout and sharp canines, I'm afraid that there would be a loss of control. I'd tear you apart."

I looked into her gray eyes.

"Also, if we have sex, it has to be slow. Of you pick the pace up too much, my more bestial side will come out."

"That's bad?"

"You ever make a girl orgasm before?"

Heat rose in my cheeks. Sure I had, or at least that's what I had been told.

"You probably have pup, but there is two difference between me and one of those high school girls."

She said high school girls with audible amusement.

"I am a woman for one, so I know what I am going to want, and for two, well, you bring out the beast, same issue as biting you with canines."

"The first part?"

"Mean you have to please a lady. Think of it as a final test."

A test? Make her finish or she finishes me? What a stressful prospect. How does one please a werewolf?

"You start by kissing her and worshiping her body like you do in your fantasies. You have given me much to look forward too."

And crap again. Well, maybe not, but still, might have dug myself a hole.

"You have and you have just the thing to plug it up," she said leaning towards me. Two things happened in that moment. One, her full lips pressed firmly onto mine. The kiss turned from what I assumed would be just a quick one to a passionate activity where her tongue pressed past my mouth and swirled around. Second, soft hands with pointed nails wrapped around my "manhood." Shaking, I tentatively reached out to touch her breasts. She moaned and the proverbial breath let out of me. With a push, she rolled onto her back and I followed to lay on top of her.

Both hands had access to each of her gigantic teats. Rolling around the welcome flesh, I explored their curves, fingers drinking in the firmness. That is until points suddenly pushed against my abs. Pulling back from the kiss, I looked down. Four more breasts were starting to grow and the hard points I felt were the nipples of each hardening point. The four new breasts were way smaller, but as I stared at them, they began to slowly inflate.

"That's cool," I said.

"I am actually pretty relieved."

"Grow a tail too?"

"Probably soon. You have some good hands."

Her hands cradled my face and pulled me back down for a kiss. My hands went to the newcomers and played with those. She began shifting underneath me. When I pinched a pair of nipples, she jumped suddenly like a person would when the electricity from a shock hit them. To say the least, as she writhed it broke our kiss.

"Do they get as big?" I asked.

"They can, just depends on how I am feeling," she said with a sigh. Feeling bold, I shifted so that I could enjoy one of her new breasts with my mouth. Suckling on the smaller nipple sent Dana into fits of moans and gasping. I swapped around, counting that only three of the six mammaries could be played with, but I made sure to give each its proper attention between massaging and sucking on them. I grew concerned when her moans took on more guttural quality.

"You okay?" I asked, fearful that somehow I had pissed her off.

"Yes," she said, her chest heaving. "You are more talented than I expected. Bringing out the wolf before we even leave foreplay. Keep this up, and you won't get laid tonight there pup."

What a compliment, but to push her, I went back to sucking on one of her nipples. There shudder that went through her body was a pleasant one even for me.

"Stop Vance, we ned to stop. Come on, swap places with me."

Shifting around, and she ended up straddling me.

"Aren't I supposed to claim you or something?"

"What gave you that idea?"

"Well, werewolves are like wolves. The male conquers the woman?"

She laughed.

"You are right, but the issues I mentioned earlier. We are just infecting you. So cum quickly so we can get the time rolling on when you can "claim" me."