The Novelist Pt. 03


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Tom lifted her up and sat her down in a kitchen chair. She winced as her ass pressed in to the hard surface of the seat. Fran stirred in front of them. "Have you ever licked another woman's pussy?" He asked.

"No, Sir." She said nervously.

"Well... Fran needs to be cleaned. Be gentle. Show her how thankful you are for yesterday."

Tom scooted her chair up close. He lifted Fran's legs onto the table with her knees spread wide letting her ass hang low over the edge. Marie's face sat inches from her gaping holes. She didn't dare ask a question or show hesitation.


Tom walked back out to the patio. The other women just stared at his presence. He seemed more powerful to them. Now that he had taken a moment to calm himself, Tom wasn't upset with Fran at all. He was thankful to her for snapping him out of his funk, and grateful to have gotten a grip on his emotions. He dismissed the girls so he could have some time alone with Frank.

Frank watched him pour another glass of wine and sip it quietly. There was something about his dominance that seemed woven into his success in life. Frank always assumed that being successful was the driving factor that led him to be a capable Dominant. Now he realized he may have had it backwards. It was being a Dominant that allowed him to be so successful. Or maybe they weren't mutually exclusive at all, and one couldn't exist without the other. Either way, he had watched the young man vent his sorrow with a single assertive act. Now, Tom sat there across from him as if nothing had affected him. It seemed that he could compartmentalize his emotions in a way that was uncanny. For a brief moment, Frank wondered if that ability was something to be envied or pitied.

"I apologize for that." Tom finally said.

He had been angry with himself, but, not dissimilar from other missteps he had made in life, he just made a silent promise to never let it happen again and then moved on.

"Don't. There's no need." Frank replied in earnest. "I'm sorry for not offering to help right away. I should have known that you wouldn't have come to me if you had other options. It's just not how you operate."

Tom looked up at Frank with fire in his eyes. It was a look that not even Frank had seen in him. It made him feel uneasy. Had he not watched Tom falter earlier he wouldn't have known his resolve had been shaken, even if it were only for a brief moment.

"You heard him?" Tom asked.

"I did."

"That's not the man I grew up with. I don't know who that was, but he's a cocky fuck." Tom spat. "It's that little slut, you know. He got a taste of some young, hot thing and he let it change him. He let it go to his head."

"Yes. I think that's it precisely." Frank said. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm going to take it from him." Tom stated simply. "Now, what can I do about his lawyer?"

Frank sat back and thought for a moment.

"I have a friend on the bar association. I'll have to meet him in person. I believe he might be able to convince his lawyer to step aside. We'll see. Look, Tom, you're not going to be able to scare off every lawyer in the state. It's unreasonable. You just need to show him that you have muscle to flex. He's flying high right now. All we have to do is clip his wings. Once he's back on the ground, he'll be vulnerable. That's when you strike. It's about timing."

"I want to be exact." Tom said. "I want him to fall hard."

"He has no idea of your success?"


"How is that even possible?"

"I like my privacy. There was no need to tell him or my mother. She only found out yesterday."

"Well it's just another thing to add to the confusion. You can use that to your advantage."

Tom sat back for a moment and took another sip of his wine. He smirked. "I want to move quickly."

"How quickly?" Frank asked.

"I'll buy a ticket to fly out tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's Friday. I need to meet my old associate at his office. I can only do that on a weekday." Frank thought for a moment. "Can you be ready to go early in the morning?"

"Of course."

"Let me see if I can handle the transportation."

Frank stood up and stepped away to make a call. Tom leaned back into the soft cushions and relit his cigar. He let his mind wander through the possible outcomes. He closed his eyes and thought very carefully. He needed to be exact.


Marie had brought her mouth forward inhaling the scent of Fran's pussy. She had to admit that for someone that never had a lesbian thought a day in her life, she was certainly beginning to enjoy other women. She stuck out her tongue and licked her ass first. She savored the taste of her son's seed. It made her wet to taste it. She leaned forward again and let her tongue dip inside her searching for more.

She looked up when she heard the other women enter the kitchen. They came and sat down at the table with her. Fran was still a bit out it. Abby reached out and touched her face stirring her back to reality.

"Are you okay, Fran?" She asked timidly.

She was still getting used to being so comfortable with her employer. They all looked at her with worried expressions. Fran had taken an awfully brutal fucking.

Fran focused on Abby and Alexis. Then she smiled a funny, crooked smile.

"You see," She whispered weakly, "he's all better now, yes? No more sadness. I fixed it."

"It's more like he fixed you." Anne laughed. "He fixed the shit out of you."

Fran tried to laugh, but her laugh turned into a moan as she felt Marie's tongue run through the folds of her pussy. The coos coming from the attractive woman gave confidence to Marie who wasn't sure if she was any good at satisfying a woman. She closed her eyes and thought of Alexis and Abby licking her slit. She remembered the sensations vividly. Marie let her tongue recreate the images in her mind. Francesca began to squirm in delight at the sensitive, soft touch of Sir's mother.

Alexis stepped away from the bunch. She enjoyed being with these women, but her place was by Sir's side. She wished to be there now. The French doors to the patio were closed. He had asked for privacy, but it pained her to be apart from him. She walked carefully to the door and thought about opening it. Then she dropped down next to it, placed her hands on her knees, and waited for him to return. The others had not even noticed her movement.


The backdoor opened a little while later. Anne and Abby knelt down next to the table, but Marie still had her face buried in Fran's rear. The men walked inside deep in conversation. Tom stopped next Alexis. It wasn't lost on him that she had waited apart from the other women. He reached down pulling her head against his thigh and lovingly stroked her hair. His touch felt like home to her and she leaned into him enjoying the caress.

"So it's either the Schenectady County Airport or the Saratoga County Airport." Frank was saying. "I tried to get in to Albany, but they can't get a flight plan approved in time."

"Saratoga is ideal for me." Tom stated. "That's exactly where I need be, but it's not a far drive from Schenectady so either is fine."

"No, no. If that's easier for you then we'll do that. It doesn't make a difference in the commute to Albany. I'll let them know, and I'll get you the tail number on the plane as soon as they send it."

"That's great. I still need to get in touch with my friend and make sure he can book me an appointment. I'd like to bring Alexis if that's alright."

"I don't see a problem with that." Frank said.

Tom finally brought his attention back to the room. He watched as his mother continued to lick Fran's pussy. He was surprised that she hadn't stopped yet. From the look of it, Fran was a quivering mess on top of the table.

"Marie! I think she's clean." Tom chided her.

His mother looked up at him glistening with saliva and cum. She was a little embarrassed by the way he had said it. She wondered if she had enjoyed fulfilling his request more than he intended her to. She certainly enjoyed it more than she expected.

"Sorry, Sir." She said as she slipped to the floor. Her movements were getting a little more fluid. Although she had nowhere near the grace of Alexis, she had still improved remarkably over the course of the day.

"Fran? How do you feel?" He asked.

Fran couldn't get a word out. She just looked up with the widest, giddy grin he had ever seen. Tom nodded approvingly. It was a good enough answer for him.

"You can still stay the night, but I have to leave early in the morning now. I apologize." He said. "Alexis, take Fran up to my bedroom. Marie, go clean yourself up and get some rest."

"Yes, Sir." They said scrambling to their feet.

"Frank, would you drop Abby off on your way home?"

"Sure." He said.

"Good. I'll see you in a few hours."

With that the room cleared out and everyone went their separate ways. Tom stayed behind for a moment and placed a call to a childhood friend in Saratoga Springs, New York. He had details to work out for the next day, and it was imperative he did this right without delay. He couldn't afford to let this carry on much longer. It bothered him that he let his women see him vulnerable. He needed to eliminate these problems.


Marie looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her face was still covered in Francesca's cum. She didn't recognize the woman staring back at her. It was not the timid, conservative mother that had flown out here a couple days ago. This woman was care-free and liberal and discovering herself in new ways with every passing moment. She reached up and touched her collar. She liked the way it looked. More importantly, she liked the way she felt while she was wearing it.

She twisted the handle on the faucet letting the water run. Marie had never felt so sexually alive in her entire life. It was as if she couldn't think of anything else. She reached up and unbuckled her collar setting it aside on the counter. She inhaled deeply smelling the Italian woman's scent still fresh on her face. How could she have enjoyed that so much, she thought to herself. The longer she stayed in this place the further she seemed to fall into this strange and satisfying lifestyle. She wondered why she didn't just pick up and go. But, the things that she was made to do in the last forty-eight hours—the things she did so willingly—she needed them. More and more she found it harder to question the needs she felt inside. She wished she could rationalize everything that happened since her arrival. It was easier for her to just accept it and not think too much.

Marie thought briefly of the conversation she heard when Frank and Sir had come back inside. They were planning a trip to the very place she so desperately escaped a short time ago. She knew that her husband had said something to Sir tonight that deeply troubled him. It scared her. She didn't want him to make that trip alone, yet he hadn't invited her to come along. She tried to shake the uneasy feeling in her belly that a storm was coming to lay waste to their family structure. It seemed that their discussion this evening was just the surge before the storm itself. She glanced back at the collar and remembered what her place was in her new family. Hers was not to question, but to obey. She let out a deep sigh relieved that it didn't have to be her concern. She trusted her son completely.

Marie washed her face and brushed her teeth. She turned to take a quick shower before bed. It was then that she looked back and saw the bruises on her ass. She gasped softly at how truly angry they appeared. They didn't feel as painful as they looked. The sting had dissipated this afternoon. It was no longer a sharp pain, but a dull sensitive reminder to do as she was told. Marie glanced up at her face noticing her smile. She hadn't realized that she'd been smiling at all. It had been such a long time since she wore a genuine look of happiness. She stepped into the shower and washed off her remaining cares.


After a brief conversation with his friend, Erik, who had been slightly annoyed at the disturbance in the middle of the night, Tom gathered his clothes and climbed the stairs. He was excited at the opportunity to see him. It had been a long while since Tom had gone home. Erik was the type of person that was always available for a friend. Despite a course personality, he never missed calling on a holiday or birthday to offer well wishes.

As Tom reached the upstairs hallway, he was greeted by a prone Alexis waiting outside his bedroom door. He smiled and his heart melted. Part of him felt bad about the bruise across her breasts from the crop this morning. She had gotten swept up in such an unfortunate and confusing set of events. Tom noted how well she seemed to have handled herself though. He was pleased that she had brought his mother to see Stephen. He realized that she was struggling to maintain perfection despite the fact her needs had not been met as thoroughly as usual.

Tom reached down and guided her up. He wrapped his strong arms around her and hugged her tight.

"I can't imagine my life without you in it." He whispered softly in her ear. "Everything is going to work out. It's going to be a bit crazy for a little while longer. I don't want you to question how important you are to me."

Alexis nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. It was exactly what she needed to hear from him. She pulled her head back for a moment looking at him with her blue eyes.

"Sir, can I say something and you'll promise not to get mad or let it change anything?"

Tom could tell by her look that she was scared to say it. Somehow it seemed important for her to get it out.

"I can't promise any..."

Alexis pressed her fingers gently against his lips stopping him before he finished. And then she let it slip out. "I love you, Sir. I mean that I am absolutely in love with you... since... forever."

A flash of nervousness filled her gaze after she said it. She feared he'd think less of her, or that he'd let it affect their life together.

Tom reached up brushing back a lock of her blonde hair that had slipped down covering part of her face. "Lexi..." He said letting her words sink in. "Let me hear you say 'I'm in love with you, Tom.'"

"No!" She said drawing her eyes away from him shyly. "I couldn't."

That name seemed so foreign to her. She didn't feel comfortable saying it in front of him. She felt him reach down and squeeze her hands lightly letting her know it was okay. She slowly lifted her gaze back to his. She fluttered her lashes once and then looked him directly in the eyes.

"Thomas Bolden, since the day we met you've been my one true love. I'm in love with you, Tom, forever and always."

"Even if we were poor? Even if we had to live on the streets in a cardboard box?"

"Even if we had to live in a shoe." She smiled.

"Like Mother Goose? The nursery rhyme?"

"I'll even wear the bonnet and shawl and hunch over like an old British lady from the countryside."

"You'd do that for me? That could be very sexy." He said.

"I'd do anything for you. Anything at all."

Tom just looked at her like his whole world was standing there right in front of him.

"I'm so very in love with you too, Lexi."

In that moment he wondered why the words had never escaped his lips before. It was perhaps the truest and most sincere thing he had ever spoken.

He added softly, "there's no one else in this world that can make me as happy as you do. I'll never let you go."

Alexis leapt onto him wrapping hear legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She leaned in and kissed him with the most intense passion. She pulled her head back and looked at him.

"I've always known it, Sir." She thought her heart would explode out of her chest. Then she said in a flash of seriousness, "Don't let it change anything, Sir. I like our life. I like this life. I love my dominant man."

"Come on." He said setting her down. "We have a very big day tomorrow."

"Sir?" She said nervously tugging him back toward her. "I need to talk to you about something else... something really important."

"Not right now, Lexi. I don't want anything to ruin this moment."

She was filled with such happiness as she followed him into his bedroom, but it was evident that there was still something bothering her.


Francesca was stretched out over Sir's king size bed still wearing that atypical, crooked smile. She had never seen the inside of his bedroom before. To her it felt like the ultimate gift to be allowed into his personal sanctum. She pressed her face into his pillow smelling his scent. It was so masculine and arousing to her. It seemed that yesterday and today had been worth it after all. She felt bad for slapping him, but he had turned around and fucked her better than she'd ever been fucked. The other girls had thought he had injured her. Her pussy and her ass were definitely sore, but, for Francesca it was the most satisfying sexual experience of her life. Tom may have been fifteen years her junior, but he had fucked her like a man -- dominant, confident, forceful and complete.

She knew that he was planning something for tomorrow. He seemed apologetic for having to leave early in the morning. Francesca had been married a few times and slept with more than her fair share of men. None offered her the satisfaction that she got from Tom. They either treated her too nicely or too poorly, but Tom made her submit and earn her pleasure and then he delivered it with adept skill. It was a combination that ignited passion inside her. So, she was satisfied to be granted the pleasure of sleeping next to him for however long it lasted.

The door opened and Tom strolled in with his natural ease. She saw Alexis follow behind him, but it didn't bother her at all. She had a great respect for Alexis. He tossed his clothes into the hamper and then climbed up onto the bed. He bent down bringing his lips to her nipples and sucked them gently. Fran's nipples were extremely sensitive. Tom often used them to punish her, but on occasion he used them to offer her immense pleasure. He nibbled on her nubs biting them just hard enough and then licking them lightly coursing pleasure through her.

"Fran, we can't keep him up late tonight." Alexis said softly. She pulled Tom away from her laying him back on the bed. "Help me take care of him."

Alexis crawled between his legs and sucked his balls into her mouth massaging them lightly with her tongue. Fran joined her taking his limp length into her mouth. It was the only time Fran had ever been able to swallow his entire cock. The two women very gently tended to him. After a few minutes they looked up and saw that he had drifted into sleep. Alexis knew then that he must have been exhausted.

Alexis slipped silently from the bed. She stepped into the closet and began pulling out a set of clothes for him for the next day. She pulled out a bag and dropped in a few necessities including some things for herself. Fran just sat and quietly stared at the sereneness of his sleeping form. She had always seen him move with such purpose. Now she admired how beautiful he looked at rest. She pulled the covers up from the bottom of the bed covering him, and she snuggled up alongside his warm body and rested her head on his chest and slept.


Tom had forgotten to set the alarm. He awoke to Francesca tugging on his balls with her lips. He stirred from his slumber and looked down realizing that he had fallen asleep as they went down on him. He smiled seeing Fran between his legs picking up where she had left off. She looked up at him with her lips wrapped around his sack and then pulled her head back letting them escape her mouth with a small wet pop.

"Good morning, Sir. You need to get going. I just wanted to say thank you." She slid her bare breasts up his torso and planted a kiss on his lips.