The Novelist Pt. 03


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"It was wrong of me to give all the credit to Kelly. Tawny was an inspiration as well."

Alexis couldn't help herself and launched into a total fit of laughter. Tom walked toward her and sat on the edge of the bed.

"All I ever dreamed about was having sex with a girl in this bed. It never happened."

"Is that so, Sir?" Alexis said giving him a pouty look. "Poor baby."

She hiked up her skirt climbing onto the bed and struck the same pose as Tawny Kitain in the poster. She started belting out a parody of the song.

"Here I go again on my own. Goin' down on the only man I've ever blow-own. Like a drifter you weren't meant to jerk off alone. So I've made up my mind. I want you to fuck me one more ti-ime." She tossed her hair about as she sang. Then she laughed leaning in towards him and whispered. "Fuck me, Sir."

It was invitation that he couldn't refuse. Tom dropped his pants and looked at the amazing woman sitting on his twin size bed. She was in a giddy mood and seemed so playful. He climbed behind her and pushed her forward fucking her from behind in nice powerful thrusts. She held the footboard at the bottom of the bed and used it to push back into him.

"Oh fuck! Fuck me. Fuck me, Sir." She panted as he drove into her.

Marie appeared in the doorway a short time later with a suitcase packed to the gills. Alexis was looking right at her while Tom pounded her pussy. She was still in a playful mood, and she pretended to be a teenager caught in the act.

"Oh gosh! I'm sorry Mrs. Bolden.... I know I shouldn't be doing this in your house... Unggg! Shit!... it's just that.... Ohgawd... your son has such a big... fucking... cock! Ohfuck. I'm cumming!"

Marie just gave her a mock disapproving look as she walked over. Then she leaned down next to the bed and let Tom slide his hard cock from Alexis' pussy into her mouth. She gave it a quick polish with her tongue. Marie thought about all the times she had come in to wake him up for school when he was a little boy. Never in her right mind did she ever imagine coming to his bedside to suck his cock. She felt her pussy moisten at the thought of it. Then she shook the thought from her mind and stood back up.

"Come on, Sir. I don't want to get caught here like this." Marie said.

Tom knew she was right. He painfully stuffed his erection back into his pants and they left. Alexis hung on his arm on the way out. She could not have been happier in this moment. She loved him. She loved seeing pieces of his life from before they met. Everything seemed perfect to her. She even loved this quiet suburban street tucked away in the trees.

They loaded back into the car, and Tom consciously shifted back to his purely dominant persona. There was something about seeing Alexis in his room that had softened his often-hard exterior demeanor. He could not afford to succumb to his deeper feelings for her. He was here to put an end to the complications that had affected his serene life. He needed to get this done. Tom hadn't gotten any writing done in two days now. He wanted to get home and fall back into the routine that provided him with such comfort.


Frank Donovan finally arrived in Albany. It had been awhile since he had driven in this city, but his old instincts kicked in, as they often do when visiting an old stomping ground, and he soon pulled into the parking garage of the imposing stone building that housed the New York State Bar Association.

Frank didn't think that Albany was a very attractive city. Nor did he miss it very much after his short tenure working for a law firm there. He much preferred the chaotic frenzy of New York City life. When he was offered a position teaching a class at NYU, he jumped at the opportunity. He found a decent firm that allowed him to both practice law and teach two classes a week.

He had plenty of friends left in this city, though. Jason Horowitz, the associate he was going to see now, had taught with him at NYU before accepting a cushy position working for the bar association a few years back. They had been good friends and Frank managed to keep in touch with him throughout the years. It was often the case that someone would need references for capable attorneys in other states. Frank and Jason often called on each other to throw business to their colleagues.

Frank tapped his shoe to the catchy elevator music as the rusty old box jolted upward from the parking level. The doors opened and he stepped into a long, marble hallway lit with dim fluorescent track lighting. After a short distance he turned into a doorway marked with a nameplate for Jason Horowitz.

Frank greeted his ancient secretary who sat hunched over her desk wearing incredibly thick reading glasses. She leaned forward looking at a day planner, which she still used instead of computer calendar, not finding his name listed.

"I'm sorry. You don't seem to be on his schedule, Mr. Donovan." She said looking up at him with a somewhat puzzled expression.

Frank tried to be polite. "We just spoke an hour ago. I was under the impression he could give me a few minutes."

"You spoke to Mr. Horowitz?" She asked confused.

"No." Frank said. "I spoke to you."

She just looked at him blankly for a moment. Then she seemed to have jogged her memory. "Oh right. Yes. Oh my. I apologize." She pressed an intercom button on her desk and stated in her frail voice, "There is a Mr. Donovan here to see you."

The door to the inner office opened and Jason Horowitz smiled at his old friend. "Frank! I couldn't believe it when you called. Come in. Come in. Please. It's great to see you."


Tom dropped the women off at his Aunt Jane's house on the other side of town. He needed to get moving for his two o'clock appointment. He didn't want to be late. His aunt only lived about twenty minutes away. He hadn't told Alexis or Marie where he was going, nor did they ask. They understood that he was here for some ulterior motives.

He had put the address into the GPS on his phone and followed the automated voice as it guided him toward the southern portion of the city into a more blue-collar neighborhood. He slowed the car down and read the numbers on the houses. He finally found what he was looking for. He pulled over and parked on the side of the street, grabbed his pack and headed toward the door.

Tom took a deep breath and reached up pressing the doorbell. He had to wing this, and it worried him a little. He waited for a moment until the door finally swung open. He was staring at a very attractive woman in her mid-twenties. She was wearing a pair of juicy couture pink sweat pants and a tight white spandex work out shirt. He could see the straps of a mismatched purple bra running over her shoulders. She had shoulder length brunette hair and hazel eyes. Tom had to admit he was struck by how good looking he thought she was. He wondered why on earth a woman like this would be fucking his father.

She held a phone in her hand cupping the receiver while she greeted him. "You must be my last minute appointment." She said. "Come on in. My name's Angie." She extended her hand to greet him. "You're about twenty minutes early. You mind waiting here? I'm just wrapping up a call." She directed him to a futon couch in the living room.

"That'll be fine." He said. "Take your time."

Angie disappeared into a hallway while Tom settled himself on the couch in her living room. The house itself was older and in desperate need of a coat of paint, inside and out. Half of living room, like the video he had watched on his mother's phone, was converted into a therapeutic massage set up. He was impressed at how professionally she had everything arranged. In his mind, he pictured her as a young floozy giving hand jobs to her clients and advertising on the internet. In reality, she had a very excellent reputation and worked with a significant amount of rehabilitation clinics that sent her patients. Tom had done his research before he arrived.

The other side of the room, where Tom was sitting now, was hardly what someone would consider a waiting area. The futon belonged more in a dorm room than a home. There was a small tube television sitting on a wicker stand that looked like it was purchased sometime in the late 80s. The rest of the area was stacked in books, piles and piles of them. Tom picked up a thick text off the coffee table. The cover read 'Comprehensive Guide to Sports Injuries and Therapeutic Techniques'. He paged through it briefly as he waited.

After thirty minutes, he stood up and walked around the room wondering what was taking her so long. He stood near the entrance of the hallway and listened to her arguing with someone over the phone. Another ten minutes went by before she finally came back out into the living room apologizing profusely for the delay.

"Oh gosh. I'm so sorry about that." She said. "I'm usually very prompt. I really hate bad first impressions."

Tom smiled. There was something about this girl and this house that he found endearing. It really made this whole situation harder for him to digest. He hoped that she was going to be stuck up or bitchy or something that would make it easy for him to dislike her.

"It's fine. Really." He said sincerely. "I was doing some light reading."

He held up the thick clinical sports medicine book.

Angie chuckled. "Oh, good choice. You went right for the easy read."

"I had options." Tom said gesturing to the piles of books.

"Yeah I know. I've been meaning to clean this up. I'm a real bibliophile. I was the girl that had more books than friends growing up." She looked at him and then asked. "What's your favorite book? I always find that it tells a lot about a person."

"Easy. The Count Of Monte Cristo. Not the abridged version either. That's a cop out. I mean the full text, fifteen hundred beautiful pages."

She laughed. "I wouldn't have guessed that."

"So," Tom said, "Everything okay? It sounded like you were having a tense conversation. I'm sorry if I've come at a bad time."

"Yeah." She sighed. "It's just a guy I've been seeing. It's supposed to be my day off. I've always had problems with guys being suspicious because of my profession. Everyone has this impression of a masseuse sleeping with every client they have."

"Oh." Tom said mocking his disappointment. "So, I guess you're letting me down easy before we get started."

"Very funny." She said giving him a dismissive look.

"Where'd you meet him?" Tom asked knowing the answer already.

Angie's face reddened in embarrassment. "He was a... um... client." She said and then quickly defending herself, "But that was a one-time thing! Oh, don't look at me like that!"

"Oh. Yeah. He has no reason to be suspicious. Just once?" Tom prodded her light heartedly. "Hey, I'm not one to judge. I'm certainly not a perfect person."

"Okay. Maybe twice. But it's not what you think. They were both very nice men. It wasn't a one night stand or anything. They were relationships."

"I guess as long as you like him that's all that matters. Is it worth dealing with a little jealousy?"

"Yeah. I guess it's complicated. But I like him." She said. "What about you? What brings you here?"

"Back problems."

"Auto accident? Sports injury? A fall? Heavy lifting?" She asked getting down to business. "What's the cause?"

"Sex." Tom said.

"Oh, shut up. Now you're just poking fun at me. Really, I need to know how it happened to help you properly."

"I'm being serious." Tom replied. "It was sex."

"So next you're going to tell me that you're some miracle worker in the bedroom? You're so good that you threw out your back in the process? I should be awed by your unparalleled prowess, right?"

"No." Tom said. "I'm in town visiting a friend. I was having back pain. You were the recommended person to come and see. Don't get me wrong. You're very attractive. But, I really need you to fix my back or make it better or whatever magic you can work."

Angie looked at this man with a funny expression. There was something very disarming about him that she liked. He was good looking, but he was also comfortable and confident. She led him over to the massage table. She stepped out while he disrobed before climbing on top of it and covering himself with a towel. Once he was settled she returned.

"So, Don Juan, where does it hurt?" She asked.

Tom explained his faux injury to her, and she immediately got to work. He had to admit that although his back hadn't hurt at all, it certainly felt good to get a massage. The young girl had surprisingly strong hands and she expertly kneaded his muscles.

"What do you do for a living?" She said after a long quiet lapse of time.

"I'm a writer." He said.

"Oh really?" She said. "Anything I'd know."

"Maybe." He said and then listed off his novels.

"No way! Are you being serious?" She was noticeably shocked by his answer.

She had only read one of his books, but she was certainly aware of his reputation as an accomplished author.

"Yes. Why would I lie about that?"

"I dunno." She shrugged. Then she had a realization thinking about the content of his writing. "Wait. So you really did throw your back out having sex?"

Tom chuckled. "Why would I lie about that either?"

"I just thought..." Then she trailed off not knowing how to finish.

Angie was truly confused on how to handle this situation. When she thought about it she realized that he had been honest and pleasant since he arrived. Now she felt like she had been just a little standoffish and made glaring assumptions that he was trying to get into her pants.

"Well this just got awkward." Tom joked.

"No, no. I'm fine. It's fine. Really." She said.

She felt nervous though. For one thing, he was a very successful writer. She was used to older clients that didn't have glamorous careers. She thought maybe it was because he said she was very attractive. Angie didn't really think of herself that way at all. She was an extremely reserved and shy girl.

There was a long awkward silence. Tom felt like he was starting to get the upper hand. Revealing his career had thrown her off. He waited another few moments and then he simply said, "cock."

Angie jumped. "Wh-what?"

Tom laughed playfully. "I thought maybe that would get you to relax. Cock. Say it. I never understood why people get so uptight when it comes to sex. It's a pretty strong theme in my books. I'm used to it."

"V-vagina." She squeaked out playing along.

"Vagina?" Tom said poking a little fun. "You can't say vagina! That's like saying penis or areola or clitoris. Geez. I meant say something nasty like cock or pussy or cunt. Cunt always sounds so harsh."

Angie finally cracked a big smile and then let out a very genuine laugh.

"I'm sorry... I'm not used to someone like you. It's... it's refreshing."

"Well, thank you." He said. "It's too bad we started this whole thing off vowing not to sleep together."

"I don't remember making a vow." She joked back finally starting to lighten up.

"Well just because you changed your mind doesn't mean you can just charm your way under my towel. Besides, we both know you were serious about not being that kind of girl."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" She said feigning insult.

"I bet that with both guys you slept with, that it didn't happen during your session. I bet you let them take you out somewhere first. You got to know them. Then you slept with them. Am I wrong?"

Angie was genuinely surprised at how well he seemed to read her.

"You're not wrong." She answered a little annoyed at letting him have the pleasure of being right. "But you're saying I don't have it in me. That's an unfair assumption."

Tom rolled over on the table being careful not to let the towel slip as he got onto his back. He straightened it making sure he was covered properly. Angie looked at him feeling nervous for a moment. He was wearing his wry smile, and she couldn't deny that somehow over the course of the conversation she had gotten a bit turned on. She wasn't even sure why. It was something about his natural ease that made her feel uncharacteristically comfortable with a conversation she wouldn't normally entertain.

"Alright then," Tom said. "If I'm being unfair then go ahead and whip that towel off."

"What?!" It caught her off guard. "But... I..."

"I'm not asking you to sleep with me. I'm just saying that you don't even have the nerve to pull the towel off." Tom stated simply as he took in her nervous glare. "Aw. It's okay. Let's just get back to the massage. That's something you do very well. It's my fault for talking about sex. Sometimes I just don't realize how uncomfortable shy girls can get."

Angie's face scrunched. She didn't want him to be right again. She could be playful if she wanted. She was never one to live dangerously or act on impulse, but she felt it was a conscious choice not an inability. Before she even realized what she was doing, she reached out and snatched the towel from his lap leaving him naked on the table in front of her.

Angie's eyes took in the cock between his legs. "Whoa." She said in utter surprise.

"Ha!" He said. "I guess I was wrong. You did have it in you."

"Is that for real?" She asked.

"What?" He asked looking at her. "You mean this?" He reached down and grabbed it in his hand. "What's wrong with it?"

"It's gigantic!" She said.

"Oh. I guess. I don't really go around comparing it to other guys." He said nonchalantly. "Can I have the towel back now?"

She just stared at his cock unmoving. "Can I... Can I touch it?" She squeaked out in a soft breathy voice.

Those words were music to Tom's ears. Even he was surprised that he'd managed to talk her into anything. It made him feel more confident. He really did like this girl. She was sweet, and a bit naïve. However, when he looked past that, he saw her for what she was -- the source of all his problems. He just smiled at her and didn't say a word. Angie reached forward without waiting for an answer and wrapped her fingers around his cock. Tom groaned when he felt her pump him slowly. It had grown to its full length and it throbbed in her hand. He looked at her and thought about all the ways he was going to defile her.


Frank had struck a bit of luck in his conversation with Jason. While his friend was not really in a position to help him with Tom's current issue, it appeared that, had he done any research, he was able to help himself.

Their meeting had turned into a lunch at the steakhouse, 677 Prime, down on Broadway. They were joined by Kevin Walsh, a senior partner at Siegal, Barnes, Copeland and Walsh, which was the firm handling John Bolden's case. Kevin was a former student of Frank's. He wasn't personally handling the case in question, but he was certainly able to sway his partners on whether or not to pursue a client.

Jason was in the middle of an animated story. "So, the guy had broken into this house and robbed it blind. The couple comes home in the middle of it. He panics and ties them up at gun point in the living room. He'd basically stolen everything. I mean everything. He even loaded some of the furniture into this big truck out by the street. Who steals furniture? So, he's going back in for a television and he trips on the way out the front door. He drops the TV and his feet kick up and he lands on the brick walkway knocking himself unconscious. The cops find him that way after a neighbor reports some unusual activity and he's arrested and taken to St. Peter's hospital to be treated for a concussion. It should have been an open and shut case, but Frank comes in and sues the couple on a slip and fall for not maintaining their property or posting a caution sign. The guy ends up getting only thirty days in jail for the robbery. Frank convinced the jury it wasn't a robbery if he didn't get away with anything. Then he's awarded a million in settlement for his injuries. It was astounding. Frank was legend after that."