The Nude Waitress 03


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"Guess I am high bid huh, Renee?"

I just smiled, not deigning to respond. He didn't care, he just looked me up and down, lingering a little longer on my bush and pussy and then my breasts. Finally, he looked up at my face, and mock frowned.

"Uh, hon, I don't see any place to put your tip," he said as a grin replaced his fake look of consternation.

He snapped his fingers.

"Oh wait, here we go," he said and stuffed the twenty in my mouth, right between my lips. "You can just hold it there. I don't guess you were hired for your conversational skills, anyway. Right?"

The rest of them laughed and looked at my tits and pussy as I couldn't respond with the money in my mouth.

Arnie then grabbed me by the waist and turned me around facing away. Then I felt a sudden entitled pressure pulling me down onto his lap.

As I sat down, I felt the hard cloth-covered log of his erection, perfectly positioned so that if I started to grind, it would be right between my lower lips. My eyes widened at the realization of that as the twenty protruded from my mouth ridiculously. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw several other men high-fiving and laughing. For a moment I just sat there. Then...


The flat of his hand spanked one cheek and I heard him say, "Well come on baby, gimme that lapdance. You gotta earn that twenty."

I shot a look at Ben who was grinning. He just nodded for me to go ahead. Almost involuntarily I started to scoot back and forth. The cheer of scandalous approval was deafening.

"Oh yeah hon, work it," said one.

Arnie grabbed me by the hips and began a exaggerated simulated fucking motion as I rode back and forth on his lap.

"Yeah? Ride 'em, cowgirl," said another.

He let go of my hips just then and reached up grabbing my tits, one in each hand. A second later I felt him squeezing and groping, followed by an obscene thumb and forefinger tweaking that gave way to his pulling on my thick nipples. It wasn't just some little tug either. He was gripping the nipple and areola and pulling way out before letting go and then repeating the process.

"I guess the term 'cow' girl can have more than one meaning, especially when you have a set of milkers like these," he said.

The term and offense was overwhelming. He was a complete jerk and worse, now he was mock-milking my big boobs as I ground my bare pussy up and down on his cock.

It was beyond bad. My nipples are sensitive anyway and having to rub my pussy on him like that at the same time that Arnie was stimulating them was too much. In spite of the crushing humiliation, my body was beginning to react. That only made things worse for me. I kept grinding with the twenty in my mouth as the song wound down and when it finally ended, I bolted off his lap and all but ran to the protection of the kitchen.

Even without looking I could tell from the laughter and hooting that my embarrassment was just another great condiment in the dish of my exposure and exhibitionism. I recalled someone once telling me that it was one thing to see a "whore" naked and a whole different matter seeing a "lady" suddenly stripped. The latter was in the word of the observer, even more "delicious". I pulled the twenty out of my mouth and ran up to the big luxurious marble island in the kitchen. I paused, both palms flat on the surface and leaned forward, almost dizzy with shame.

I was so wrapped up with how degrading my own actions had just been that I didn't hear the door open and close behind me. Just then I felt a light tap on my shoulder. It was Ben. He was smiling.

"That was quite a start," he said.

"Ben, please, I jumped out of the cake and danced," I said. " I did what I agreed to do."

"True. That is true, but I am afraid you did too good a job."

I looked at him querulously.

"What?" I said.

"Yeah uh, Arnie is requesting a little something more."


"Yeah," he looked a little sheepish, but it was all a pretense. I had come to know when he was messing with my head.

My eyes narrowed.

"What now?" I said guardedly.

"Well, you know Arnie has been going through a pretty bad time what with the divorce and all and well," said Ben, "I think it would be a really great thing if he got a blowjob. You know to break his dry spell."

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"You are out of your mind. I am not going to suck his cock!" I exclaimed.

"Well, you know, he is offering a really big tip."

"How dare you, Ben. I am not a whore," I hissed.

"Not saying you are at all, sweetie. It is just that Arnie is pretty worked up and well, you do owe me three more gigs. I could, uh, eliminate two of them if you went back in there and took care of him."

I couldn't believe it. He was asking me to walk back in there stark naked and suck off Arnie in front of all those people.

"Oh Ben, no. Come on. No," I whined.

"Hey, look at this way. Doing that will take care of two more of your obligated tasks."

He shrugged.

I wanted to spit in his face. I wanted to slap him, but in spite of my outrage and the violent shriek of 'NO" in my head, I was actually realizing that this could almost end my contractual obligation.

"You know, you have already dry humped him. He's seen you naked. And he milked your tits"

I stared at him, mortified at the itemization.

"I mean what is a blowjob? It isn't like you are going to fuck him."

"But Ben, in front of all those men????"

He shrugged again.

"Up to you."

He started to walk away then paused at the door and turned.

"I will say that I've already had several requests for you to pop out of a few more cakes so who knows... Of course one never knows what kind of venue it might be next time. No idea who all might be in the audience when you pop out in the altogether."

I looked away. I hated him, as much for the sick logic of that as for the awful choice he was giving me. He knew. He simply waited until I silently nodded. When I looked back at him, I saw a slight smile of satisfaction as if he knew I would agree all along.

"Perfect," he said and then he walked back out to the living room. It was quiet for a minute, as he discussed the arrangement and what I had agreed to do. Then I heard a celebratory cheer. I was still staring traumatically at the kitchen door when it opened and Ben walked back in.

"Jesus, Renee," he said dramatically. "You can't have an expression on your face like that. Remember, this all fun. A blowjob is a happy thing, and you honey are so damned good at it. Give us a smile."

I knew he was right. I nodded and formed that smile.

"Perfect," he said happily. "Now, go suck Arnie's dick."

And with that, he pushed the door open and held it was I walked out.

As soon as I entered, the looks on all those faces told me, I was all but trashing myself in the minds of these men. I walked smiling, over to where Arnie was still seated in his armchair and as I cleared the front I realized something had changed.

He wasn't wearing pants. He still had on his shirt, but from the tops of his hipbones down, he was completely nude. Arnie might be gray headed now, but seeing him like that it was apparent that at one time in his life he had been very redheaded. All around the base of his stiff pink dick was a clown-wig-orange bush that also framed a pair of big pink balls.

At first I just stared at it in shock. Then almost mocking me Arnie waggled his hips making his erection wave back and forth.

"Well, Renee, it isn't going to suck itself," he said.

I looked around the resulting raucous laughter. In some half-assed attempt to curry favor I just returned my awkward manufactured smile and knelt down. Almost immediately I felt Arnie's hands go to my head and begin guiding my face to his big pink rod.

"Okay Renee, show us what you're good at."

I hated him so much for that, but grasped the base and lined up his cock and turned my face slightly to the side. In one too well-practiced a move, I extended my tongue and licked up one side of the shaft, finishing with a slight tickling swirl right under the head.

"Ohhhhh fuck, "groaned Arnie as his cock pulsed and tensed.

I moved to the other side and repeated the action, getting the same response from him.

Then I opened wide and moved up over the mushroom-shaped glans that by now, had a nearly scarlet hue from his excitement.

I lowered my face onto it and started a gentle sucking action without moving my head. From the way the middle-aged car dealer groaned I thought I might get lucky and have found a premature ejaculator so I could get out of there in a hurry.

But I wasn't lucky.

Instead of the hoped for response it just stayed hard so I started bobbing, giving him the Ben treatment. I slurped and bobbed and went deeper and deeper until my face was encountering that wiry orange hair with each suck. I was working him hard to try and end it quickly. The upside was that it might end this obscene show I was putting on. The downside was that I was giving an outrageously good blowjob in front of a bunch of drunk horny guys. They loved it.

"Oh fuck, Arnie," said one. "She's fucking swallowing you whole."

"Yeah baby, someone has had a lot of practice at that!" said another followed by hoarse laughter.

"I am guessing she has had her tonsils out."

This was followed by a howling laughter. And still, I kept sucking. A few minutes later, I was still sucking. And then a few minutes after that. Finally, all those few minutes began to add up and I started to wonder what was going on. I was bobbing from the hips and shoulders. Using my entire body, working my whole being, trying to get this fool off, and he was still just as hard as when I started.

It went on and on. My jaw was actually starting to ache, my neck was stiff, and my breasts were swinging and bumping vigorously and as my hips began to burn from the motion, I heard him say, "You know this always happens when I drink. I just take forever to come."

My heart sank. He was having too much fun with this and I was giving the blowjob from hell.

At long last, he leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "You want to make me cum, Renee? Don't stop sucking just answer me with my dick in your mouth."

It was a humiliating thing to do, but I had no choice.

"Nggghhhmmmmmffff hhhhhnnnggghhhhmmmmf," I tried to say bobbing up and down.

"Then I need you to stick your finger up my ass while you suck."

At that point I was willing to do almost anything. Now, I had never heard of a tantric orgasm at that time in my life. I had no idea what milking or pressing a man's prostate does in term of volume of ejaculate and force, but I was about to be very rudely educated on the matter.

He lifted slightly and I worked a finger into the crack of his ass as I continued to suck and tongue and slobber on his cock. I could feel the hairy crevice and kept groping until I slipped the finger up and in. It was the first time ever that I had done that.

"No. Farther," he said.

I pushed it farther until I felt the soft walnut shape. I knew I was at the right spot because he announced it to the whole room.

"Oh fuck baby, yeah right there, push on my prostate."

Apparently some of the others knew about this because there was a kind of dirty murmur. Arnie gritted his teeth and arched his back and then in low growl said, "Oh fuck that is IT!"

Like I said, I had no idea what to expect, but just a few seconds later I found out. The first shot was like nothing I had ever experienced. It was more like something from a water hose. It was thick and forceful and hit the back of my throat like a water cannon. It also made me gag horribly so much so that I reared back off his cock. With the next jet I realized what a mistake that had been, as the second came almost instantly behind the first with the same force and hit me squarely in the face. It was a completely shameful, limpid bulls-eye. I flinched and winced as it splashed across on cheek, up over my nose and onto my forehead.

Apparently it was just what the guys in that room wanted to see too because they all started cheering.

"Thar she blows," yelled someone as another equally hard blast caught me in the face again.

I sputtered and gasped in distress.

"Fuck I haven't seen face painting like that since the last carnival," said someone else as another thick rope snaked out and landed in my hair and on forehead.

"Hey Arnie, they should call you the make up man, because you sure are giving Renee a new look."

I sputtered and fumed as another shot went up my nose and landed across my lips and teeth. I was being assaulted with jizz and at the same time, I was the reason he was coming like that. It wasn't even human. I lost count but I am sure he shot off at least 7 or 8 jets before his balls were emptied. Even then, his cock spasmed and spasmed as I looked at it through one eye.

After what seemed forever, he finally let up and looked at me. He sat up and leaned forward and with his face very close to mine said, "That was amazing, Renee, but you'll forgive me if I don't want a kiss."

And with that he reached out and gave my right nipple a dairyman's tug. The laughter was crushing, and I stumbled to my feet and with a ridiculous smile, took a step. I couldn't actually see where I was going. Suddenly Ben was at my elbow guiding me to the kitchen.

He led me in through the door and then to the sink where I heard him running water. Then I felt him push my face and head under the gooseneck faucet. The cum was everywhere, in my hair, my mouth, my nose and one eye. There was no way to get clean without just sticking my whole head under there, which was not a great option, but I definitely wanted Arnie's spunk off of me. So I flooded my head. By the time I was done, my make up was completely gone and my hair was soaking and plastered to my scalp. I looked like a big boobed, teeny-bushed drowned rat.

Ben handed me a towel.

"Here," he said, dry your face with this.

I did and when I was finished, I wrung my hair, to little benefit before pulling it back in a wet ponytail. Then I grabbed my sweat suit and pulled it on as I heard the music starting back up in the living room.

I might have washed away all physical evidence of Arnie, I thought as Ben and I walked out to his car, but I feared just at that moment that there was something from the experience of Arnie's party that I would never be able to shed.

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januaryjosephinecunisjanuaryjosephinecunisabout 2 months ago

i love this and i wish something like this would happen to me...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I believe I know who this based on. If it is YOU then I think you should let your readers know that your husband really was guilty and not set up. Kind of changes the whole sympathy angle and I know you are still working for "Ben." Right?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Wonderful! . . .

. . . just discovered this series. Delightful description of cock sucking. Hope that you enjoyed it often. The bathroom scene was exciting too. Keep that activity up & taste the drips.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Waiting for the most beautiful next part

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Still waiting with bated breath for the next installment. Love this story but how's she going to solve this problem. She should be getting paid more than just her HOA dues. Something needs to be done about Ben's coercion.

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