The Plant Pt. 06 - Ambassador

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First official contact and a major announcement.
25.2k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/14/2019
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The Plant Pt. 06 -- Ambassador

The following is the sixth entry in my long-running series, "The Plant," and is set a few months after the end of "The Plant Pt. 05 - Revelation." (The first part was published in June 2019) It may help to read the previous entries in the series to understand the full context of what is happening here.

My apologies for taking so long to get this up, but it was necessary as part of it is loosely based on actual current events. For those who are familiar with my work, this is quite different from what I usually submit...

Many thanks to QuantumMechanic1957 and Kalimaxos for beta-reading this story, and thanks to Kalimaxos for allowing me to mention his works. I would also like to thank those who offered comments and constructive criticism on my previous stories.

And now, the disclaimers:

For those who want to say this or that would never happen, remember this is my universe, a place where nearly anything can, and often does, happen. At least on paper... In addition:

  1. Characters in this story may participate in one or more of the following: Smoking, consumption of adult (meaning, alcoholic) beverages, utterance of profanities.
  2. All sexual activity is between sentient beings 18 years of age or older.
  3. Statements or views uttered by the fictional characters in this story do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the author.

Warning: This story includes discussions of current topics and certain political issues between the characters. If that bothers you, then please refer to disclaimer #3, above, and either move on or continue reading without complaint. You have been warned...

Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc. (Yes, I DO moderate comments) And please remember, this is a work of fiction, not a docu-drama...


A brief synopsis of the story so far:

In part one, we meet Theresa Hemmings, a young, mousy woman whose life is forever changed when she is given a strange plant that sports a dozen small penis-shaped "appendages." What she does not know is the plant is actually an extraterrestrial being, a member of the species known as the Gingravik. Margaret, the storekeeper who gave her the plant, works for the Gingravik as the species' "Facilitator" on Earth.

The plant, which she named "Bernie," grows under Theresa's care and she ends up having sex with it. By the end of the story, she has fallen in love with the plant and has given birth to the first of what would be many "pods" produced by their coupling.

In part two, the Gingravik sends a female spore to Earth to determine if human males can successfully couple with Gingravik females. The experiment ends tragically, however, the female ejects many fertilized spores, giving Margaret hope the species could thrive in the wild.

In part three, we meet April Jennings, a college biology student who comes across a strange plant one day in a local park. She digs the plant up and takes it to her room for study. With the help of her professor, she examines the plant, not knowing that it is the result of a coupling between a human male and an alien female. She also ends up having a sexual encounter with the plant, which is later taken to the Colony.

Theresa, meanwhile, has changed significantly since first meeting Bernie. By now, she is considered the "Queen Mother" of Earth and has taken on a leadership role in the effort to spread Gingravik DNA around the world. Thanks to the Gingravik High Council, a large compound known as the Colony, has been built for the express purpose of building the Gingravik base on Earth.

In part four, April starts her new job as a researcher for the Gingravik Botanical Research facility, unaware that it is really the main alien base on Earth. Here, she is reunited with the plant she found and names him "Jake." The two end up falling in love with each other.

In part five, April learns the truth about Jake and the Gingravik presence on Earth and Jake learns of his extra-terrestrial heritage from Bernie. April was also tasked with performing research on something called "G," a product consisting of dried clippings from Gingravik leaves, after she discovered their mind-opening, aphrodisiac effect.

Theresa used the "G" to enhance an open-air sexual exhibition for the High Council, designed to demonstrate the sexual prowess of Earth women. The Council was quite pleased with video they received of the event.

Toward the end of the chapter, April proposes to Jake, who gladly accepts her request to be mated for life. The Council also announces its plan to present an official ambassador to the United Nations.


The end of "The Plant 05 -- Revelation"

Margaret looked at Theresa after the connection had closed. She wondered what was going through the younger woman's mind. Theresa looked out the large picture window, deep in thought. Then she turned back to Margaret and Bernie.

"Margaret, I want you to put together a team. We will need to start construction of this ambassadorial compound as quickly as possible, and I want our best people on it," she said.

"Yes, My Queen," Margaret said.

"We will need all the trappings of a legitimate government before we can even consider having an official meeting. Put together a committee so we can start planning. And activate our operatives in New York," Theresa said.

"Of course," Margaret said. "Consider it done."

"And Bernie, I will need your help as well."

"That was always my intention, my Queen," he said. She smiled as she looked at him.

"Where would I be without you, my love?" she asked him in her mind. Bernie shook a few of his branches as he responded.

"I think we both know the answer to that," he said.

"Yes, we do," she responded. "Come, sweetheart, we have much to do."


And now, "The Plant 06 -- Ambassador"

Friday, October 8, 2021

April Jennings felt more nervous than she had been at any time in her life. At this moment, she stood totally nude in front of hundreds of spectators. In addition to the spectators in the auditorium, large screens showed a group of highly decorated Gingravik.

This, April was told, was the Gingravik High Council and their guests, observing the ceremony from their home planet many lights years away. Along with them was a very large, highly decorated Gingravik -- a being she knew was the Emperor. Next to him was another Gingravik, a female she knew was the Empress.

Even though April had grown used to public nudity, she never once thought she would be so exposed in front of so many people at one time. And she certainly never expected to be completely naked in front of an audience of such high-ranking extra-terrestrial beings. And there were no telling how many Gingravik were watching the ceremony in the privacy of their own domiciles.

Despite all the attention, today was a special day for her. It was the day she and Jake would be mated for life. In human terms, they would become husband and wife, but the Gingravik had a phrase that went far beyond the human concept of marriage. Not being Gingravik, she was unable to pronounce the term, but she understood the idea, having gone through Theresa's patient counseling.

Had this been a human wedding, she would've had bridesmaids and others prepare her wedding gown, but the Gingravik ceremony required total nudity as a sign that nothing was to be kept hidden from the other. Not even shoes or slippers were allowed. The matrons, led by Margaret, took great care in preparing her for this ceremony.

They spent hours tending to every part of her body. Her hair was styled, her skin given the full treatment, her nails meticulously done and her makeup was applied by artists who had worked in the entertainment industry.

"Why so much attention?" she asked.

"Because," Margaret said, "we want you to look your absolute best. The Emperor himself will be observing. Along with the Empress and the High Council. I've also been told the ceremony is being broadcast throughout the Empire. Today, you will be the focus of millions of beings who have never seen a human female."

"No pressure there, right?" April asked jokingly.

Every inch of her body felt aroused as she stood on the platform for all to see. Cameras moved around her so everyone could take in her nudity on the giant screens posted around the auditorium. She tried, but was unable to hide her sexual arousal. Cameras zoomed in, displaying her smooth, wet vagina and her hard, erect nipples to the appreciative crowd.

Theresa and Bernie appeared on the platform and soon, Jake took his position at her side, all 12 of his penises erect. Theresa normally remained nude at all times, but today, she chose to wear a floor-length cape so as not to distract anyone's attention from April's beauty. This was April's day, after all, and Theresa wanted her to capture all the attention.

"You look so delightfully ravishing, my dear," Theresa cooed with a smile.

"Thank you, my queen," April said softly.

"And you, Jake, look so very fine today," Theresa said, addressing the male hybrid. Jake shook his branches in response as Theresa smiled. The ceremony began with a dialogue between Bernie and Theresa about the full meaning of being mated in the Gingravik way. Members of the Council, along with the Emperor and his mate, could be seen shaking their branches and appendages in approval of what they heard.

"Do you, Jake, accept April as your mate for life?" Theresa asked. Jake shook his branches in the affirmative and April heard him in her mind: "Oh, yes!"

"And do you, April Jennings, accept Jake as your mate for life?" Theresa asked.

"Yes, I do," April said.

"Since the two of you have agreed to mutual exclusivity for the rest of your natural lives, accept this, the public marking of your status as permanent mates," Theresa said. She turned and nodded to Bernie, who pressed a button on the console of his cart.

April knew the marking was much more than an outward symbol of their relationship. Both her and Jake would be infused with a small sample of the other's DNA, connecting them to each other in a way no human could comprehend.

Suddenly, two bright lights erupted from the front of Bernie's cart. One focused on a point midway between April's breasts and the other went to a spot on Jake's main stalk just above the roots. At first, April felt an intense tingling sensation, but remained still as Theresa had instructed her earlier. She was tempted to reach up and scratch, but didn't. Soon, the tingle went away and the light was turned off.

"By the power vested in me by the Emperor and the High Council of the Interstellar Gingravik Consortium, I pronounce you mates for life," Theresa said to applause. "You may bond with your bride," she told Jake. A bed was rolled onto the platform and April climbed on, spreading her legs for her new husband. By now, she was so aroused she didn't care if the entire universe watched Jake fuck her.

Jake wheeled forward, one of his 12 penises now poised to enter her. She guided him in and gasped when he pushed his way inside. For some reason, he felt much larger and harder than normal. Perhaps the idea of having sex in front of an audience made him even more aroused than normal, she thought. She reached out for a second penis and Jake obliged. When she had it in hand, she guided it to her mouth.

As untold millions across the Gingravik Empire watched, the two made tender love to each other until they exploded in orgasm, which prompted wild applause from everyone. Even the Emperor emulated the hand-clapping with his larger branches.

Two matrons helped April get back on her feet after Jake withdrew his penises. She stood, a bit unsteady, as his ejaculate dripped down her legs, and faced Theresa, who offered a wide smile. Everyone's attention was drawn to the large monitor at the front of the auditorium when the Emperor came forward.

"I have witnessed many couplings in my tenure, but never have I seen such... love as expressed by the two of you," he said. "Welcome to the Gingravik family, young April Jennings. I sincerely hope to see many more such couplings between our two species. Live long, healthy and happy lives. And may all your orgasms be blessed."

"Thank you, Excellency," April said.

"You are welcome," he responded. "Now, since today is a holiday, let us celebrate!" Everyone, including the members of the High Council applauded. Theresa turned to April as everyone else began their own mating dance.

"Very well done, April," she said. "I am so proud of you. Don't forget, your flight to New South Marsookia leaves in two hours. Everything has already been arranged and your luggage has already been loaded. The matrons will escort you to the airplane. Enjoy your honeymoon."

"I will, Theresa," April said. "Thank you. For everything."

"You're welcome," Theresa said, giving April a hug. After April and Jake left the platform to mingle with their guests, Theresa turned and saw Margaret wiping her face. "Are you alright, Margaret?"

"Yes," the older woman said. "You know I always cry at weddings."


Three years earlier:

Consider a group of rocks orbiting high above the Earth. To the casual observer, these rocks appear to be no different from the millions of others floating in outer space. Too small to be observed by tracking devices on the planet, they broke orbit and began their descent. Their destination: a point in the South Pacific well outside normal lanes of traffic, both air and sea.

The rocks survived the entry into the planet's atmosphere and splashed into the ocean, where they settled on the sea bed in a pre-determined pattern. Shortly after landing, the sea between the rocks began to churn as changes in the underwater geology started to take place.

Eventually, the sea parted and a new land mass measuring approximately 400 square miles appeared. A small team of engineers and scientists were the first to visit the island. The engineers immediately began building an airfield at one end of the island as the scientists worked to install an array of electronic equipment that includes technology far beyond anything known to exist.

Once completed, the array prevents the island from being spotted by prying eyes -- even those orbiting the planet. It also controls the climate and weather on and around the island to accommodate those who would come later. Even though it was well outside normal lanes of traffic, the occasional ship or aircraft would find itself mysteriously steered away from the area.

With the airfield completed, the second group of scientists and engineers arrived to build the initial base and research facility. Over time, the island's infrastructure was put into place and became a completely self-contained facility very much like the facility where the scientists and engineers originated.

Osmosis plants were established to provide a stable source of potable water. Solar and sea power plants used to generate the island's electrical needs and farms were established to provide food for those to come. Entire communities were designed and built to accommodate the new arrivals.

All of this took nearly a full year, and was almost 100 percent complete by the time the facility's administrator, Dr. Alan Johnson, arrived on site with his designated companion, Lucinda, and a highly-skilled team of scientists. By the time of his arrival, the site had been dubbed New South Marsookia.

Over the next year, he oversaw the growth of the research facility. Acres of land had been set aside for the construction of greenhouses that contained thousands of the strange alien plants -- both male and female. As these plants matured, they were moved, in twos, and transplanted to other parts of the world where it was hoped they would flourish and multiply.

The facility itself had also grown significantly in that period of time. For example, a resort had been built on the northeast coast of the island and was a popular vacation spot for employees looking to take some time off from work.

It was about the middle of the year when he received the sealed packet from Theresa labeled, "Eyes Only." He opened the packet and read the documents and instructions inside. Looking out the window of his office, he knew things had changed significantly, and he realized it was nearly time for The Colony to be closed down.

Remembering his favorite student, he sincerely hoped she would be part of the change. He was aware of her work with the "G" and was quite impressed with the way she had acclimated herself to the culture at the Colony. He picked up his phone and called the Supervisor of Operations.

"Jim, this is Alan Johnson. Please come to my office. I have a high priority job for you," he said.


Theresa woke up late the morning after April's wedding, her head and body sore from the previous day's celebration. Her head hurt from the adult beverages she had consumed and her body hurt from the multiple trysts with Bernie's 12 cocks.

She looked and saw Bernie still hibernating. Although Gingravik do not consume alcohol directly, they have been known to experience what some have called "second-hand inebriation," the result of having sex with drunk humans. Fortunately, the proteins in his ejaculate absorbed most of the alcohol and kept her from getting physically ill. Unfortunately, they were unable to stave off the headache she felt this morning.

She got up, went into her bathroom, showered and prepared herself for the day. By the time she came out, Bernie had started to wake up. She grabbed her kit and sat next to him so she could tend to him as she had done every day for the last few years.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she whispered as she carefully scraped the dew off his large leaves.

"Good morning, my queen," he groaned in her head. "That feels so good this morning," he added as she removed the last of the dew off his leaves.

"You wore me out last night," she said as she picked up the water bottle to spray his leaves.

"Good," he said with a chuckle. She finished tending to Bernie and left the apartment for her office where Margaret, the Facilitator, waited for her with a fresh pot of coffee.

"It's about time you came in," Margaret said with a smile.

"Queen's privilege," Theresa said as she poured a cup of coffee. She stood at the large picture window that overlooked one of the large pools. She sipped on her coffee as she watched a group of designated female breeders copulate with their assigned male plants. "Did you enjoy the festivities last night?" she asked Margaret.

"Very much," Margaret said. "I heard it was a big hit with the GBN." Theresa knew she referred to the Gingravik Broadcasting Network, which provided news, information and entertainment to the billions of beings that make up the Empire. It seemed that anything involving human females was quite popular with the network's audience.

"That's good to hear," Theresa said.

"In fact, the programming director wants to know if we're going to host another exhibition sometime soon."

"Perhaps, once the meeting with the UN delegation has been completed. Anything else?"

"Yes, three messages, actually," Margaret said. "Dr. Johnson reports the Ambassadorial compound on New South Marsookia is nearly complete. He will perform a final inspection over the next day or two. Also, April reported in. She and Jake arrived there at 10:00 pm last night local time."

"Good," Theresa said. "And the third message?"

"That would be from Ambassador Tsod. He requested the privilege of an audience with you this morning," Margaret said.

"Oh he did, did he?" Theresa asked sarcastically. "Why can't he just ask for a meeting like a normal person?"
