The Plant Pt. 06 - Ambassador


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"I'm glad to hear that, Marco," he said. "Why don't you and your delegation get settled in. I'm sure you would like to take some time to refresh yourselves and recoup from your long flight. Lunch will be served at 12:00 sharp and we can begin our talks then, if that is acceptable to you."

"It is, Tsod," Marco said. "Thank you." Marco and his delegation followed the orderlies to their rooms, located on the second floor of the huge mansion. Marco was quite taken with his room, which overlooked a garden and a large pool. He hung his clothes up, put his toiletries away and decided to take a nice hot shower. He had just put on a fresh suit when he heard a knock at the door.

"Enter," he said. He heard the door open and turned to see who was coming in the room. He thought it might be one of the orderlies, but was shocked to see a totally naked woman entering his room. He took in her beauty and his eyes were instantly drawn to her shaved pubic region.

"Uh, yes... What can I do for you, miss?" he asked nervously, trying to hide the stirring in his trousers.

"My name is Andromeda, and I'm here to make sure everything meets with your approval," she purred in an accent he couldn't quite place. She noticed his discomfort and glanced at his crotch before smiling.

"Yes. Everything is just fine, thank you for asking," he said, trying to hide his growing erection.

"You are getting excited, I see," she said.

"Well, it's not every day a beautiful, young naked woman comes into my room," he said. "I am a happily married man, by the way."

"Ah, yes. I was told to expect this," she said. "Human males are incapable of controlling their physiological response to visual stimuli. You see a female in her natural state and you automatically assume she seeks sexual intercourse. I apologize. Does my nudity offend you?"

"Well," Marco began. "I am married, after all."

"I see," she said. "As it so happens, I am mated as well. Can't you tell? Or did you think I was a designated attendant?"

"I don't see any ring," Marco said. And what did she mean by "designated attendant," he asked himself.

"A ring can be removed when it becomes inconvenient," she said. "This, however, can never be removed," she added, indicating a strange green mark just above her cleavage. "In fact, with this mark, I am incapable of intercourse with anyone other than my mate."

"Oh?" Marco asked. "How is that possible? What if you find yourself attracted to someone other than your mate?"

"This mark contains a sample of my mate's DNA. With it, I am incapable of being attracted to any other male. My mate also carries a mark with my DNA, and is also incapable of being attracted to any other female. Even the Queen Mother herself, who is quite stimulating."

"Interesting. But what if someone tries to force the issue or take advantage of you? What then?"

"The result would be most... unfortunate," she said. "At least for the one trying to take advantage."

"So what happens if you and your mate split up?" he asked. She chuckled at that.

"When Gingravik take a mate, they do so for life," she said. "The human concept of divorce is completely alien to us. You see, my mate and I are as one. There is no separation without death."

"So, if your mate dies..."

"Then I die as well," she said. "It may not happen right away, but it will happen. Without him, I cannot continue. Without me, he cannot continue. It is our way. It is the way things have always been, and it is the way things will always be. It is much more complicated with us than with you." Marco let that sink in as she paused. "You never answered my question. Does my nudity offend you?" Marco decided to answer her question with a question.

"Does my modesty offend you, Andromeda?" he asked. She raised her eyebrows at that. This was not something she had prepared for.

"Honestly, yes," she said. "But please, do not disrobe for my benefit. This is the way I was made, and it is the way I will remain until my end." She saw the look of confusion on his face. "One day, perhaps you will understand. We have much to learn from each other, you and I."

"Apparently so," Marco said quietly.

"Lunch will be ready soon," Andromeda said. "Please do not keep the Ambassador waiting. We can talk later if you wish."

"I would like that very much," he said. She smiled as she slipped out the door, leaving a confused Marco behind.

Marco and his team met in the hallway before following an orderly downstairs to the main dining room. When they got there, Tsod, Tsuul and a few others were standing behind their seats at the table. Marco noticed that Tsod's place was at the head of the table, while his was on the Ambassador's left. Tsuul stood at the spot to Tsod's right. They took their spots and Tsod motioned for everyone to sit.

When they sat down, orderlies brought out carts and set a covered dish in front of everyone. Another orderly poured tea in the glasses at each setting. When Tsod removed the cover from his plate, the others did the same. Marco found himself looking at what appeared to be a fish salad of some sort with a side dish containing a few greenberries. He took a tentative bite of the salad and found it to be quite delicious.

"This is really quite good, Tsod," he said.

"I'm glad you like it," Tsod said. "The fish were raised right here on NSM. Please, help yourself to the greenberries."

"Thank you, but I may pass on those for the time being," Marco said.

"Ah yes, I heard you had some greenberry wine on the way here," Tsod said with a knowing smile.

"Some of us did," Marco said, looking at his nine delegates. Tsod chuckled before responding.

"I remember the first time I drank it," Tsod said. "My mate and I didn't leave the bedroom for three days." Everyone got a good laugh at that. Marco joined in the laughter before responding.

"You're not quite what I expected, Tsod," he said calmly.

"Oh?" Tsod asked. "What did you expect? Pointed ears? Bangs? Robes and strange hand symbols? Or maybe wild-eyed creatures with big heads."

"Perhaps," Marco said.

"Well, I will be totally honest with you, Marco," Tsod said. "After all, a good relationship is one based on honesty, is it not?"

"Yes, it is," Marco said.

"This humanoid form that you see here... It is not our native form." Marco looked at him strangely. Have I been scammed after all, he asked himself. "We took this form in order to facilitate communication with you. We wanted you to feel comfortable engaging in discussion with us."

"Why couldn't you appear in your normal form?" Marco asked.

"Because you would find it next to impossible to relate to us," Marco said. "Our native language is not something humans can reproduce, and it would take too long to establish the required mental link. Some also felt that you would find it too uncomfortable to establish communication with us in our native form."

"Why not let us decide that for ourselves? Would it be possible to meet one of your kind in your native form while we're here?" Marco asked. Tsod smiled as he nodded his head.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, it is possible," he said. "And we can do so after lunch if you wish."

"I think we would all like that, wouldn't we?" Marco asked, looking at his delegation. All of them nodded their heads in agreement.

"Very well," Tsod said. "In the meantime, I'm sure you have questions."

"I do," Marco said. "The first being, what is it you really want. Why are you here?"

"That's simple," Tsod said. "We wish to survive. You see, our kind are dying. Slowly, by your reckoning, but dying nevertheless, thanks to a militaristic species who sought to conquer our world for sport. They were unsuccessful and managed to destroy themselves, but the damage to our species was already done. We were able to recover somewhat, but were never able to completely reverse the damage that was done.

"We set out to explore the galaxy many of your centuries ago, searching for suitable planets upon which we could re-establish ourselves. Along the way, we found a number of species that could help us in one way or another, but we found yours to be the most... compatible. And aesthetically pleasing. Especially the female of your species." Marco and some of the other men smiled at that.

"All we want is living space -- a place where our kind can germinate and live in peace," he said.

"Lebensraum," Greta said quietly. "Hitler, 1928." Everyone looked at her, shocked. Tsod and his delegation looked at her as well.

"You mean the genocidal dictator with the funny little mustache and wild hand gestures," Tsod said. Greta said nothing but her eyes turned cold and hard as she looked at Tsod. "Actually, Greta, the idea preceded Hitler by a couple decades or more, but it is nothing like that. He took it to extremes. Unlike your Hitler, we are not a militaristic race. We do not seek conquest or war and we do not seek to replace your kind. Yes, we can defend ourselves if necessary, but conquest is not our way. If it were, we would not be having this discussion."

"So, what, exactly, is it you want with us?" Marco asked.

"We seek peaceful coexistence with you," Tsod said. "All we ask is room for our species to grow. In exchange, we will help your kind put an end to the things that have plagued your species from the beginning -- war, poverty, hunger, disease."

"You mean, like the covid?" Marco asked. Tsod nodded his head.

"Yes, like the covid," he said.

"Others have promised what you just did -- an end to all those things. But frankly, the cost was just too high, and the promises were never fulfilled," Philip said. "What will it cost us to help you? And how do we know you're no different from all the others?"

"Those are both very good questions," Tsod said. "Take a good look at the state of your planet right now. Can you honestly say you can maintain the status quo for much longer? We have no desire to rule or dictate anything. We ask for help and friendship. In return, we will help you with what plagues your people. It's a win-win situation for all of us."

"This is not something we can decide right here and now," Marco said. "As I'm sure you're aware, the human race is anything but united right now."

"And we have many questions that demand answers," Franklin said. "For example, what about your record on human rights?" Everyone in Marco's delegation agreed, nodding their heads.

"Human rights," Tsod said quietly. "Well, to borrow a phrase from one of your fictional moving pictures, the very term sounds racist to us." Tsuul and the rest of Tsod's team agreed. "We may appear human to you, but we are not, as you'll soon learn. However, I would gladly stack our record against that of your entire species from the very beginning of your history. For example, at no time in Gingravik history have we ever enslaved others. Are you prepared to make that comparison?"

Everyone on Marco's team looked at each other. No one said anything but they didn't have to. They all knew the history of the human race and what it contained. Could it compare to the Gingravik? None of them knew but at the same time, none of them were willing to commit to a "compare and contrast."

Their thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and a man came in to whisper something in Tsod's ear. Tsod nodded his head and thanked the man before dismissing him.

"I've just been informed that the Queen and her mate have arrived and are waiting to meet you," he said. "You wanted to meet a native Gingravik, and you are about ready to do so. If everyone is ready?"

"Yes, we are ready," Marco said.

"Good," Tsod said. "Follow me, please." He got up and led everyone out the door and down a long hallway where they came to a large set of double doors. Before opening the door, he turned and addressed the group.

"Please remember that you are about to meet a member of Gingravik royalty," he said. "Please do not express yourselves to the Queen unless called upon and I ask that you keep your initial feelings to yourselves. Remember, our ways are quite... different from yours. Any questions?" Everyone shook their head. "Alright, let's go." He turned and opened the doors before letting the delegation inside.

Marco held his breath as he walked inside, not knowing what to expect. After everyone was in the room, the double doors were closed and a curtain was pulled back to reveal a completely naked young woman on what looked like a throne. The only thing that adorned her body was a green circular mark like the one Andromeda had on her chest.

Marco heard a slight gasp from behind him and knew it came from Greta. They were all mesmerized by the sight of the beautiful woman. And by the tall plant that sat on a motorized cart next to her. Marco had seen a lot of plants, but he had never seen anything like this. It was large, leafy and had twelve stalks topped with what looked to him like penises. A large pendant hung from a brightly-colored ribbon placed around his pot.

The penis-shaped appendages seemed to go back and forth, taking in Marco and his delegation. No one on Marco's team had ever seen anything quite like it. Tsod stepped forward and introduced them to the woman.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce Tere, Queen Mother of the Gingravik Prefect of Earth, and her mate, Lord Bernard, High Master of the Grand Order of Marsook," he said before turning to Theresa. "Your Majesty, the delegation from the United Nations, led by Secretary-General Marco Gutierrez." Having made the introductions, Tsod stepped aside.

"It is a distinct pleasure to meet you and your delegation, Mr. Secretary-General," Theresa said.

"It's a high honor to meet you as well, Your Majesty," Marco said, bowing from the waist down. Theresa smiled and held out a hand. Marco knelt on one knee and gingerly took her hand in his and lightly brushed it with his lips.

"Please, stand, Mr. Secretary-General," she said. Bernie shook his leaves, causing everyone to look at him. "Bernard says he is pleased to meet you as well," Theresa said. "I am sure you have questions..."

"You understand his language, Your Majesty?" Marco asked. She smiled.

"Somewhat," she said. "He's teaching me what he can, but most of our communication is mental."

"And he understands English?" Marco asked.

"Along with several other languages," Theresa said.

"How should we address him?" Marco asked.

"You may call me Lord Bernard if you so choose," boomed a voice from a set of speakers placed in front of the large plant. "Master will also do." Everyone on Marco's team looked at Bernie, shocked. The idea of an intelligent plant speaking to them was more than they expected to encounter on this trip. Theresa looked and saw Philip looking at her quizzically.

"Yes, do you have a question for me?" she asked him.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I do. May I ask where you're from, originally?" Philip asked.

"Of course," she said with a smile. "I come from Earth. I was born and raised in the Midwest, in fact."

"And you're really married to... Lord Bernard?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, nodding her head. "Our union is recorded in the Gingravik Hall of Records on the home world." As Philip took that in, Greta looked at Bernie and wondered what it would be like to have sex with something like that. It had been some time since she had been with a man.

"I know you all have a lot of questions, but unfortunately my time here is limited," Theresa said. "I sincerely hope one of you will stay behind, as my personal guest here on New South Marsookia, to help establish diplomatic relations. Perhaps you, Ms. Schultz," she said, looking at Greta. Greta looked at Theresa, shocked.

"Me?" she asked.

"Yes," Theresa said. "You're young, single. Your bio says you look forward to new challenges. Surely there's nothing more challenging than helping establish relations between two species. I promise you will never experience anything quite like it."

"That issue has not yet been addressed, Your Majesty," Tsod said.

"I know, Ambassador," Theresa said. "There's no time like the present to do so, would you not agree?"

"I agree, Your Majesty."

"Good. Then it's settled," Theresa said. "Well, Ms. Schultz? What say you? Are you up to the challenge of making history?" Greta shot a look at Marco, wondering what he thought about this.

"You've been asking for a new assignment for a while, Greta," Marco said. "It's your decision."

"What about all my things in New York?" she asked.

"The Secretary-General and I will make all the necessary arrangements, if you're agreeable," Tsod said. Greta looked at everyone, running it through her mind. Then she looked at Bernie. Maybe, she thought, she might get a chance to experience one of those. That alone would be worth the stay.

"I'll do it," she said. Tsod and Theresa nodded their heads as Bernie shook his leaves.

"Welcome to New South Marsookia, Ms. Schultz," Theresa said with a wide smile. "I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here. Ambassador Tsod will see to your accommodations. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other duties that require my attention. Mr. Secretary-General, it was a distinct honor to meet you and your delegation."

"The honor was ours, Your Majesty," Marco said. "Lord Bernard, I look forward to meeting you again."

"As do I," Bernie said through the speakers. Tsod led Marco and his delegation out of the room, closing the large double doors behind him.

"Would you care to join me out back?" Tsod asked. "I am sure you have many more questions."

"That would be a good idea, Ambassador," Marco said. They followed Tsod through the large mansion and out a large door that led to a well-manicured yard. Tsod motioned for them to sit in the lawn chairs arranged in a semi-circle around a fire pit. Orderlies pushing carts handed out glasses of iced tea.

"I am curious to hear your thoughts now that you have met a native Gingravik," Tsod said.

"For starters, I can see why you chose to approach us in human form, Ambassador," Marco said. "I am, however, very curious to know how your kind got here without being detected."

"A fair question, Marco," Tsod said. "The truth is, we've been observing your species for more than 500 of your years. It has only been in recent years that we have actually been on your planet. In fact, Queen Tere is the first of your kind to successfully mate with a Gingravik."

"Successfully mate?" Philip asked.

"Yes," Tsod said. "Not only has she copulated with Lord Bernard, but she has produced nearly 200 offspring with him. She has truly earned the title of Queen Mother. And she is very highly regarded in the Empire. In fact, images of her delightful form has sparked millions of erections and ejaculations across the Empire."

"Wait, are you telling us she has posed for pornographic pictures for your Empire's amusement?" Franklin asked. His tone of voice made it clear he found the idea offensive.

"Not only has she posed for photos, she and her mate have performed for the benefit of the Emperor and the High Council," Tsod said.

"That's outrageous," Franklin sputtered.

"Is it? Really?" Tsod asked. "Are you saying that your leaders do not engage in sexual activity? Did you not engage in it yourself on the way here?"

"Well, that's different," Franklin said. "We were under the influence of your greenberry wine."

"My colleague makes a good point," Marco said. "Our society regards such activity quite differently than yours."

"Only because you choose to hide it," Tsod said. "Or pretend that it's something dirty to be avoided. We are quite different in that regard. In fact, the Gingravik are known for their superior libido. Unlike you, we do not hide what is a very natural act. Nor do we pretend it is something it isn't. It is far more complex than that, of course. But it is who and what we are. We do not hide from it, nor are we ashamed of it."
