The Power of Touch Ch. 08


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"Yes Master." She said.

Shannon bent over and stepped into her panties, her large heavy breasts swinging pendulously as she moved. She stood up, and slid her arms into her bra, reaching behind her to do it up. Next she put the top on that I selected for her. I could see her bra through the thin fabric. Then came the jeans, which looked as if they were painted on her legs they were so tight.

When she was finished, she turned around and looked back at me, modelling herself for her Master.

"Do you like?" She asked.

"Very nice..." I commented.

I looked down at the bed she used to share with her husband, and saw a pair of pink panties peeking out from under the sheets. I picked them up, and examined them. They were a small pink thong, most likely from Becky or Mallory. I got hard thinking of them fucking Shannon's husband at my command. Such obedient little things, I chuckled to myself. I brought them up to my nose, and sniffed the crotch. Shannon watched me.

"Whose are those, Master?" She asked curiously.

"One of the slaves I sent to service Dan last night." I responded. "Does that make you angry? Jealous?"

"Oddly... No." She replied thoughtfully. "I was with you, my Master last night."

"Good." I replied. "What about the other slaves that I own, and use?"

"Master, I am here to pleasure you. If you have other slaves to give you pleasure, it is not for me to question why."

"Good answer, Shannon." I said, using her name.

"Thank you Master."

"You're welcome."

I looked at the stuffed suitcase, and at her open, empty drawers. We were ready to go. Shannon took her suitcase, and extended the handle to drag her suitcase on its coasters. Once we got to the stairs, I took her suitcase, and carried it down. We exited the front door, and Shannon locked the door, and turned to leave. The driver took her suitcase, and hefted it into the trunk. Shannon and I slid into the back seat and settled in for the ride. I gave the address to Faye's house again, and the car backed gently out of the driveway. I had a task for Faye. The ride was uneventful and quiet, with the exception of my molesting of Shannon's silky thighs.

The car pulled into Faye's driveway, and came to a soft stop. My door opened first, and I got out. I walked around to the other side, and opened Shannon's door while the driver retrieved her suitcase. I watched Shannon's lithe legs swing out, and her stand up. Faye opened the door and gave me a little wave, a wide smile on her face. Debra came and stood beside her new friend. I dismissed the driver and gave him a handsome tip. He thanked me, and drove away. Shannon and I walked to the house, and at the entrance, Faye gave me a kiss on the lips. Debra waited until we were finished, and then moved in to give me a kiss as well. I felt a hand rub my ass, and then my crotch. I looked down, and saw Debra's hand stroking the outline of my penis, while Faye caressed my ass.

"Did you have a good night Master?" Debra asked smoothly.

Shannon responded, smiling. "He had a better morning."

"Oh?" Faye asked, a hint of humour in her eyes.

Shannon returned the look with a smile of her own, and a slight blush.

"Ok, let's dump this suitcase, and get the day started." I said.

"Yes Master." My three slaves said in unison.

We took the suitcase to the master bedroom, and placed it at the foot of the bed. After that, I surveyed the rest of the house, and tried to come up with a sleeping arrangement. We could, tentatively, have one extra bedroom, if we combined the two kids together in one room. That may give us enough space temporarily. Ray and Anissa could share a bedroom without a problem. I'll have to get the measurements of the room, and see what we could fit in there furniture wise.

"OK. Faye and Debra, I have a mission for you today."

"Yes master, what is it?" They asked looking at me expectantly.

"First of all, whose room is bigger? Ray or Anissa's?" "Ray's room is bigger master. Why?" Fay answered. "I'm going to need you two to move Ray's stuff into Anissa's room. We need that room to accommodate everyone."

"Yes master, as you wish." The both said. "Great, I knew I could count on you." I asked Faye where she may have a tape measure, and she went to get one. When she returned, Shannon and I left to measure Ray's room. It turned out to be a good size. I could easily fit a queen size bed in there, maybe a king. With room for a dresser.

We went to seek out Faye and Debra, and found them in the kitchen. The two were chatting like they were old friends.

"Yes, he is a good master. He knows how to take care of his women, that's for sure." I heard Debra's voice.

"Definitely. I'm excited that I'm carrying his baby." I heard Faye say, with pride in her voice. I walked into the kitchen. "Oh, master. We were just talking about you." Faye said. "Would you like a cup of coffee, before you go?"

"That sounds awesome Faye, thank you." I said sitting at the table. Faye brought the steaming cup over to me. "Here you go master, two cream. Just as you like it." Faye said smiling.

"Thank you Faye, you're good to your Master." I said, as I slid my arm around her hips and drew her in.

Her hips were inches from my face, and she pressed them towards me. I ran my hand across the tight fabric stretched across her soft, round ass. I moved my seat back and motioned for Faye to sit on my lap, which she did eagerly. Faye put her arm around my shoulders, and pressed her breast into my chest. I reached up under her shirt, and felt the smooth skin of her belly. I slowly moved my hand up her belly, pushing her blouse with it, up to her bra clad breasts. She was wearing one of the lacy bras and I could feel her hard nipples thorough the flimsy fabric.

"Oh, Master." Faye sighed. My other hand reached up and rubbed her warm back. I could feel Faye melt in my hand, totally relaxed. She felt secure with her Master.

Debra sat across from me at the table. She looked happy, and content with her new role as my slave, but her eyes betrayed a certain sadness. I could tell she was aching to ask me something.

"What's the matter, Debra?"

"Oh... Uhh" she said surprised.

"Umm, well Master..." She looked down.

"Yes?" I asked.

"It's just Jessie. She's my daughter, my baby, and she belongs with her mother." She said finally.

"I see." I said, thinking about the implications with Steve.

"What about your husband?" I asked. "Don't you think he'll be upset?"

"I don't care about Steve anymore, Master. All I want is to make you happy."

I thought of the repercussions from this. Steve was already volatile, and I felt I had to handle him with care. On the other hand, with Jessica back with Debra, I would have a happy slave, who would be much, more willing to serve her Master.

"Ok Debra, I couldn't give two shits about Steve. If it makes you happy, then we can get Jessica back for you. "

Relief swept across my slaves beautiful face, and she stood up.

"Thank you Master!" She said as she walked around the table.

Debra stood on the other side of me, and cupped my chin. She lifted my face towards her, and kissed me deeply.

"You are a good man, a good Master. You know how to take care of your women. I pledge my life to you, and will do whatever you ask."

"I know you will." I said.

My eyes were level with her breasts, and I could see her nipples poking through her blouse.

I removed my hand from Faye's back, and slid it up under Debra's blouse. The soft, warm flesh of her belly felt good on my hand. As with Faye, my fingers found her hard nipple poking out from the flimsy fabric of her bra. My penis was rock hard now. Here I had two married women's breasts in my hands, and they belonged to me and me alone. All the while, Shannon stood by the stove with her hands dutifully clasped in front of her.

I looked at the clock on the stove. It was ten to eleven. I told Allyson I would meet her.

Allyson, make yourself available over your lunch break, we'll say 12:00 I'm heading over to your office. I need your address.

Within seconds I had it.

"Faye, I'm going to need your van."

"Of course, Master." She replied.

I removed my hand from her blouse, and she went to the counter to retrieve the van keys. I gave Debra's nipple a pinch, and removed my hand. Debra gave a quick gasp of pleasure. Faye returned to the table to hand over her keys. I stood up, and drained my coffee. As I took the keys from Faye's hand, I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips. I turned to Debra and did the same. Both ladies flushed, and sighed.

"Alright you two, move Ray's bed and stuff into Anissa's room, and maybe give his room a good cleaning. I'm going to see about getting a new bedroom set."

"Yes Master." They answered dutifully.

With that, Shannon and I left. It was now 11:10. We got into the older model van, and drove off. The van handled like it was well used, I might have to replace it for Faye, I thought to myself. I do like to treat my slaves well, and Faye held a special place in my heart. I noticed that the dashboard had a few lights on, the check engine, and ABS light. Hmmm. Maybe I'll surprise her at some point. It's not as if I couldn't afford it now.

The trip was slow going with the midday traffic, and I found my mind drifting. I was daydreaming about my powers, and the women I had under my control. I was starting to think that my growing collection of women could more or less be classified as a Harem. I chuckled to myself. During my revelry time seemed to pass quickly, and before I knew it we were in front of Allyson's building. I looked at my expensive watch, and noticed it was 11:51. I parked the van, and had Shannon pay for parking. I noticed a coffee shop down the block, and instructed Shannon to get a cup of coffee and a bite to eat.

"I'm not sure how long I'll be." I told her.

"That's ok my Master, I'll wait." She said, then gave me a passionate kiss.

I turned and entered the building. I was so focused on what may lay ahead, that I didn't notice the pick-up truck across the street. It was Steve's. He watched as Shannon walked into the coffee shop.

I walked to the bank of elevators, and pressed the up button. I only had to wait a few minutes. Upon entering the elevator, I pressed the button for the 33rd floor. The elevator ride was smooth, and the elevator music was actually relaxing. I got off on the 33rd floor, and walked toward the room Allyson indicated. "A. Dulac" was the name on the door. I opened the door, and entered. There was a secretary there, who looked up as I entered.

"Good afternoon..." She said quizzically. I obviously did not have an appointment.

"Yes, I'm here to see Allyson." I said with some authority.

"Ummm..." The secretary said somewhat unsure of herself. "Mrs. Dulac is on her lunch break right now..."

"Oh.. She's excepting me.." I said. "My name's Jeff."

I extended my hand. She took it lightly in her hand. She was mine now.

Mrs. Jayne Edwards. 65 years old, married to Owen Edwards. They lived in a 50+ condominium on Becker Street.

I am your Master now, and you will address me as such. You will let Allyson know I am here to see her.

The customary slight nod.

Jayne picks up the phone, and said after a few seconds, "Mrs. Dulac, there's a Jeff here to see you... Very good."

"You may go right in Master." She said as she hung up the phone.

I entered the office, and saw Allyson starting to stand from behind her desk. I motion for her to remain seated. She had a beautiful view out her window of the city sprawling beneath us.

"Master... Thank you coming."

"No problem. What's the matter Allyson?"

Her sweater seemed a little tight across her breasts, and it stuck to her curves beautifully. I wanted to fuck her right there, but decided to hear what was so important.

"Well Master. I appreciate all you have done for me, Hugh and I have sex regularly now. But..."

"But what?" I ask with a smirk starting to form.

"Well... It's just that..." She was having a hard time with this.

I waited patiently.

She looked up at me. "Oh Master. He doesn't satisfy me like you do. Whenever we have sex I never cum. All I think about is you, all day everyday." She complained.

"What would you like to do about this little problem Allyson?" I ask.

"Well... Master, just seeing you right now, has me all wet. I think my panties are soaked." She confesses, with a hopeful look in her eye.

I walk behind her, and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Tell Jayne, that you do not wish to be disturbed until further notice."

"Yes Master." Allyson replied softly.

Allyson picked up the phone and called Jayne.

"Jayne," Allyson said softly, "please hold all my calls until further notice."

"Thank you." She said after a second.

I softly massaged Allyson's soft shoulders. She rolled her head over onto my hand, and moaned.

"How's that Allyson?"

"Mmm, very nice my Master."

I moved my hands down her chest, and gently massaged her ample breasts. I could smell Allyson's hair, it smelled of coconut and fruit. My fingers found the buttons on her blouse, and deftly undid them one by one. When her blouse was completely undone, I spread the fabric apart to see she was wearing one of the see through lace bras I bought her. Her large breasts filled the cups beautifully. I looked down over her shoulders to her cleavage seeing that her big mature breasts looked beautiful in her lace cups. I moved my hands up to her breasts, and started to massage them again.

"Does Hugh do this for you?" I ask her quietly.

"Not like you Master." Allyson whispered.

I stopped massaging her breasts, and she sat forward to remove her blouse, placing it on her desk.

"Take off your bra too, Allyson." I ordered.

"Yes Master." She said as she reached behind her to unclasp her bra.

She pulled her bra off, and her breasts gave a slight jiggle. I turned her chair around so that Allyson was facing me. Once she was turned around, she looked up at me and started undoing my pants.

"Master," she said, "I've been craving your cock for a long time."

She spread my pants apart, and pulled them down past my hips. Her hand started massaging my fully erect penis through my underwear.

"Mmm," she moaned, "someone's happy to see me."

She pulled my underwear down, and took my penis in her hand. Allyson's hand started to softly stroke me. I reached down and held one of her breasts in my hand. Playing with her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

"Pull it out Allyson, I want you to suck your Masters cock."

"Yes Master." She said as was already moving her mouth toward it. She licked her lips, making them nice and moist.

Allyson wrapped her lips around my shaft, I felt her run her tongue along the underside. Her soft hand coming up to gently massage my scrotum. Allyson moved her mouth deeper onto my cock, and started the rhythmic motions. Her head bobbing back and forth, while gently massaging my nutsack.

"Mmm..." Was all I heard from her.

Allyson's eyes were closed, as she was enjoying servicing her Master. She moved her other hand down to her skirt. There she put her hand up her skirt, and started to masturbate herself through her panties. I could see she was wearing nude thigh high stockings. Allyson's hot, wet mouth totally took my cock in, and she was burying her nose in my pubic hair. I heard her gag, but she continued. She had built up a little saliva, and it was dripping out the side of her mouth. Some of it dropped onto her breasts. I stopped playing with her nipple, and caressed her breast, ensuring I was smearing her saliva all over her. I looked down at my finished work. Her left breast now had a wet sheen to it.

I pulled her head off my cock, and she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She missed a spot, so I gently wiped her cheek to clean it up. Allyson looked up at me with a gleam of hope in her eye. I took her hands into mine, and gently lifted her out of her chair. She now stood topless before me. I reached around behind her and unzipped her skirt. Once I helped her skirt past her mature hips it fell loosely to the floor. Allyson reached down and placed her thumbs in her panties, and pulled them down and stepped out of them. I guided Allyson to the floor to ceiling window, and she placed her hands on the glass. She bent over a little to present her vagina to her rightful owner. My cock was rock hard. I've never taken a woman in an office before, never mind her own office. I slowly inserted my penis into her wet and waiting vagina.

Allyson let out a long relieved sigh.

"Ohhhh Master."

I held my cock in her vagina for a few seconds.

Allyson's head rolled back, and her eyes were closed. I reached up and grasped her beautiful, large breasts as I started to slowly fuck the mature pussy that had invaded my dreams as a teenager. Slowly I started to fuck her harder, leaning in and giving her a passionate kiss on the lips. I feel her tongue slip into my mouth. My fingers found her nipples, and I gave them a gentle pinch. Allyson turned her face from me and rested it against to cool glass of the window, creating little smudges where her face was pressing. Allyson pushed her ass back toward me. I felt her knees buckle a little, and her breathing started to get a little heavier. Her beautiful, mature ass rippled with each thrust. I put my hands on her soft hips, and delivered a few powerful thrusts into her sopping wet pussy. Allyson let out a small scream, and her vaginal walls started pulsating around my cock. Allyson let out a long low moan as her orgasm hit her. I was close, so I persisted. A few seconds later, I felt my own orgasm building, so I pulled out, and came on her ass. My cum ran down her ass cheeks, with some dripping onto her nylon covered calves. Allyson rested her forehead against the window, and took deep breaths. After a minute, she turned around, a smile on her face. Her hand came up and caressed my face. She looked me in the eye.

"That was good..." She said breathlessly. "Please Master, take me from him. Take me from Hugh."

I love the way they beg.

"I want to, believe me I do, I just can't at the moment." I explained. "I've got no room for now."

Allyson bent down, and retrieved her bra off the floor. She started to get dressed.

"If you need space, Master, you've come to the right place." She said.

"Oh?" I asked.

"Yes, Master. My company makes property acquisitions for large companies. I'm sure we could find something for you."

"Hmmm... I'll let you know Allyson. Thanks."

Allyson reached for a tissue to wipe my cum off her ass. I shook my head.

"I want you to wear your panties over my cum." I ordered her.

"Yes Master, of course Master." She said.

I watched as she picked her panties up off the floor, and step back into them. She pulled them up, and my cum spread across her ass cheek and the fabric. I was mesmerized as she continued to get dressed as if nothing had happened out of the ordinary. Lastly she put her blouse on, her fingers working their way up from the bottom.

She straightened her hair, and sat up straight.

"Thank you Master. Please though, take me from my husband, take me from Hugh."

"I will Allyson, I've always liked you. I remember as a kid when you came over to visit my mom. As a matter of fact, I believe you were the first woman that I beat off to." Allyson blushed at that statement.

"Thank you, Jeff." She said quietly.

"You're welcome. And, I will be taking you from Hugh. I'll be in touch soon Allyson."

Allyson came over, and gave me a passionate kiss.

"I miss your magnificent cock already, Master." She said slyly.

"I'll be in touch soon." I said again.

I walked out of her office, and past Jayne.