The Preacher's Wife Pt. 04

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The Preachers explores her new found power.
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Part 4 of the 15 part series

Updated 04/07/2024
Created 12/13/2023
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Chapter 4

The drive home was so tense. I had a hard time paying attention to the road. I thought of the elders of the church penetrating my butt while my husband watched. I thought of my encounter with a nameless man at the hotel. I thought of how good both felt and the more I thought about it, the more I hoped to find a way for it to continue.

But I would not leave my husband and I couldn't let him leave me. He was too good a father and a great provider and up until yesterday, had been a great husband.

No, this would require some work. But, didn't I hold all the cards. Those men had taken my butt at my husband's direction. True, I had cheated with Calvin first and his action had been retribution, but this was a difficult situation.

When I arrived home, I was still only sure of two things. I was going to be more in control of my own situation. And, I was not going to sacrifice my marriage. How I was going to accomplish this I wasn't sure. I had thought long and hard with still no resolution.

Worse than that, every time I let my mind wander, it wandered to the hotel room and the altar at church and I could still picture and feel every one of the penises. And in their own way, I loved each and every one of them.

The drive home yielded no answers and so I walked in the house in a bad, frustrated mood and my husband greeting me at the door trying to kiss me as if nothing were wrong did little to buoy my mood.

I put my hand up to block his advance and turned his face to the side.

"We have a lot of talking to do first" was all I said as I went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

To his credit, he followed me into the kitchen and sat across the table from me, making himself available to talk without forcing me into conversation before I was ready. I stared into my coffee for several minutes.

"You hurt me a lot" I finally said bluntly.

"I know" he said, "But I was hurt too. You cheated first and with Calvin."

I stared into my coffee for a few more moments.

"I liked it" I admitted.

"What?" he asked.

"All of it. Everything except not having a choice. But even then, once they started on me, I liked that too." I explained.

He stared at me, in obvious disbelief.

"I think I am going to keep doing it" I said thoughtfully.

His face was immediately twisted into a rage that I had never seen before. It was scary, but I was going to hold my ground. I knew I had all the cards. Or, at least most of them.

"You will not!" He shouted.

"I will" I said calmly. "And there will be a few more changes. And, I believe you will happily do as I ask since if you don't, I will tell the congregation what happened. I will tell a lawyer what happened. And I will tell your parents what happened. You'll lose your reputation, your church, your family and, what I think is most important to you and certainly to me, our kids. I don't want them to lose their father. I know you don't either."

"You can't do that" he said, sounding defeated.

"It's all right. I still love you and don't want to lose you. I want you to always be there for our kids. good."

I took out my phone while he watched and dialed Calvin's number.

"Hello" Calvin said after two rings.

"Calvin, meet me at the church at 4." I said.

"Ummm, I don't know....." he stammered.

"Calvin, Joyce will find out about yesterday if you don't." I used the same threat against him as my husband and it worked equally as well.

"See you there" he said quickly and hung up.

I dialed him back and he picked up again.

"Calvin.... Don't hang up on me until I tell you it's OK." I demanded.

"Uhhhh, OK" he said.

"Now you can hang up. Tell Joyce I said hi. And you better tell her." I said with an implied threat.

"OK, bye" he said as he quickly hung up.

"What are you doing?" my husband asked, obviously confused and taken aback.

"I am going to...discuss things with Calvin. After that, I don't know. I haven't decided a lot of things but I do know that everything that happened, I liked. Except, being out of control. So, I am going to be IN control. I just don't know what I want yet."

"You can't....." he started as I turned and quickly left the room.

"Make dinner for the kids when they get home. Oh, and where is the baby?" I asked.

"Upstairs asleep." He replied.

"OK, take care of the kids till I get home." I said.

"What are you going to do?" he asked again.

"Dunno. Yet" I said as I left.

I sat at the church in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. I had on no bra or panties and I was sitting cross-legged on the altar when Calvin walked in. He smiled as soon as he walked in and made eye contact.

I stood and smiled back at him, nodding toward the door.

"Lock it" I said with a grin.

He turned and locked the door and started toward me, but I stopped him.

"Stay there." I commanded and I slowly started walking toward him in as seductive a manner as I could. I had never dome this either, so it felt awkward but as with everything else the last few days, it was very exciting to be doing new things.

With each step, I unbuttoned another button on my shirt, slowly separating it to reveal a little more skin. The third button then the fourth and I was halfway down the aisle. Then the fifth and I was three quarters of the way to him. He started to move and I commanded him to stop again as I opened the last button and let my shirt fall open revealing the inner half of my globes.

I walked with purpose to bounce them and played with the hem of my shirt to tease him.

I stopped directly in front of him, within arm's reach and as he reached out for me, I closed my shirt and took a step back and shook my head no.

He dropped his arms again and I opened my shirt more, revealing more of me and coming closer to him. I took very short steps until my breasts were pressing against his chest. I stood there, leaning into him and looking deeply into his eyes as I pressed him harder. I continued until he reached for me again and I immediately shook my head no again.

He was speechless and motionless, finally, when I took a step back and dropped my shirt to the ground revealing myself to him and again, he started to move and I stopped him.

I put my fingers at the button of my jeans, keeping his eye contact with mine. I stared deep into him and after several seconds, I began to work the button until it was unfastened and I could unzip my pants. I gently pulled the flaps to the side, revealing the skin underneath and this time, he didn't move.

I smiled as I pushed my pants down.

"Get on your knees and help me take them off" I whispered.

He smiled as he dropped and obediently pulled my pants to the floor, eyes focused on my bare vagina. He untied my sneakers and pulled them off, followed by my pants.

He started forward to my vagina, but I stopped him, telling him to follow me. I went to the altar. He started to stand and I told him "On your knees".

He crawled to the altar, watching my butt the whole way. I walked slowly trying to figure out what to do with this newfound power. I had had more enjoyable sex in the past few days than in my entire life previously.

I headed to the large wooden cross on the wall and seated myself in the chair, almost a throne really, at the foot of the cross, and then allowed him to move his face into my vagina. He ran his tongue up and down my outer lips, gently kissing at my clitoris. He did this over and over again before moving to my butt hole.

He kissed it and licked it, giving me new feelings I had never felt before. My body arched, pushing me further into him as he began to pay attention to my vagina again. I put my hands to the sides of his head and guided him back to my ass.

I had never understood the world's fascination with anal sex, but over the last couple of days, I had begun to. Now, with Calvin's tongue exploring my butthole, I understood it completely. It was not the same as vaginal stimulation, but the electricity was amazing.

I began to grind my asshole into his mouth, forcing him to kiss and lick it as his own saliva coated his face.

I let him go and allowed him to drift where ever he wanted and he went to my vagina and up to my navel and then to the area between my breasts, lingering there as he mauled my breasts with his hands. I looked skyward and noticed I was directly at the foot of the cross and I felt a sudden shudder go through my entire body as I orgasmed more violently than at any time in my life.

I used a word I had never used in my entire life. "Fuck me" I nearly screamed.

Within seconds he had his pants down and his erect penis was at the entrance to my vagina, but he hesitated. I put my hands to his waist and pulled him as I thrust my wet vagina into him.

He entered me gloriously. I felt every inch as his penis slid into me, relishing the sensations I had never felt before. I also felt a pang of guilt. It was just a small pang, not enough to make me stop, but enough to make me think in my mind 'Lord forgive me, I don't know why...' but my prayer ended there as a new wave of orgasm violently shook my body. Over and over as Calvin pounded me, I had a new orgasm with almost each stroke, one piling up on the other until I felt I was losing my sanity.

I felt Calvin slow and start to spasm and he began to pull out of me. I pulled him in again and ground my pussy into him as I felt his semen shoot into me. I lay there spent as he collapsed on me.

After a couple of minutes of panting and catching our breath, he started to speak, but I cut him off before the first word was finished.

"Whenever I call." I answered to the unasked question. Now, let's get out of here before someone notices the cars outside and comes in."

Without a word, we got dressed and left quickly. I assume he went home to his wife and I went home to my confused husband.

It was nearly time for my kids to get home from school, so I went about making dinner and making for a normal evening,

That is, until the kids went to bed.

My husband was in the bedroom getting into his pajamas. I assumed he was headed for the guest room, imagining that was where he was sleeping for the time being, but I walked in and shut the door behind me.

He seemed taken aback that I was even in the same room, much less our bedroom, with him, but to his credit, he spoke.

"I am really sorry. I was hurt, but that was no reason. I should never have done that." He offered.

I sat on the bed, patting the spot beside me. He immediately came over and sat beside me, albeit, hesitantly. I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him toward me, looking into his eyes.

"I still love you. You are a great father. We won't split, but there will be changes. We'll discuss them as the time becomes necessary." I began to take my top off and the look on his face was amazing. Such confusion and fear. "Now lay down on the bed. Lay your head on the pillow." I said as I continued to undress.

He looked as If he couldn't believe what I was asking. I comforted him.

"This is going to be good, sweetheart." I said sweetly and he obediently lay down.

I got my clothes off and put one knee to either side of his head, giving him a clear view of my vagina directly above his face.. I started to lower myself over him.

"I want you to lick it." I said. This was new because oral sex had not been a part of our lives.

"But..." he started and I stopped him.

"No, this is one of the changes. I am going to enjoy sex too" I said sternly as I lowered my vagina to his lips.

Hesitantly, he began to lick, but it was unsatisfying. He was inexperienced, having never done it before and I wanted the equivalent of what I had last night. I ground my vagina into his face and could feel myself getting wet. He became more energetic and so I took it one step further.

"I had never done this until last night, but I met a stranger and he came to my hotel room and he was amazing." I said in a sweet voice. He tried to stop and sit up, but I pushed and ground harder into his face. I was sure he was having trouble breathing so I lightened up a little.

He started to speak again, but I clamped back down on him, trying to reinforce the fact that he didn't need to speak.

"No talking." I scolded. "I'll tell you when you can talk."

He continued, as did I.

"I left last night intending to go to my mothers. I stopped because I don't want them to know anything is wrong. So, I ended up going to a hotel. I went to a diner there and there was one guy in the place. He was nice. We hit it off and I invited him back to my room."

He stopped and tried to violently escape.

"Stop, or your parents, the church and everyone else will find out what you did to me." I said.

"I..." he began.

"No talking" I said. "Only satisfying me."

Reluctantly, he began again. As he did, I began to finish my story.

"He started by gently kissing me and it felt electric. He was gentle and sincere. We never exchanged names or anything. But his touch was amazing. He kissed my whole body, gently and after quite a while, he ended up where you are. He was much better than you are, but you will get better. He put his penis in me and it felt amazing. It was like a fountain when he orgasmed in me."

"You let him cum in you? What if you get pregnant?" he asked aghast.

"I always wanted a lot of kids and you wanted to stop having kids when you were forty. Well, you ARE forty." I said.

"Honey, I am going to have someone from the church at least weekly. Probably more. You are going to say nothing and neither will they because I am sure their wives don't know." I said. "Now continue" I said, grinding myself into him.

He seemed to become resigned for the moment as his tongue began to work more earnestly on my labia. I moved my hips to guide his tongue to my clitoris and back down again, loving the sensation of th3 shape of his face beneath me, touching me in different ways.

"I loved the feeling of him orgasming in me. He filled me. I lost complete control. I fell asleep with him inside of me and his arms around me. I lay back into him feeling his closeness and felt his breath on my neck as I fell asleep."

I began to feel the climax building in me. It began deep in my abdomen and radiated outward until it felt like a wave washing over me and I felt I was gushing on his face. I heard a moan escape his lips as I did. And I collapsed over on to the bed leaving him in his own space to collect himself

After a moment with nothing to say either way, I told him to climb under the covers and snuggle with me.

He did, but hesitantly as he said "I don't much feel like snuggling right now."

"You will. Come here." I said climbing under the cover and holding them aloft for him. He climbed under and I put my arms around him and pulled him close.

He was still fully clothed, but I pulled him close, me lying behind him. I lay there for a moment, not feeling fully satisfied so I reached around him and began to loosen his belt buckle.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Shhhh" I whispered. I opened his pants and felt until I had his hardening penis in my hand. "Do you know what was best about Calvin?" I continued to whisper. "I like the fact that he never takes me for granted. He always...and I mean always, is looking at me chest. I found myself opening extra buttons when I came to church." I began to caress his hard penis.

"I made sure he was always able to see more than he should have. I loved him looking. I bought new bras just for him to see. I stroked him a little harder.

"I couldn't wait for him to see me again. I didn't realize until the first time he touched me how much I would like it. I couldn't wait for the next time. Even after the first time we had sex, I felt no guilt, only bliss>"

As the words left my lips, I felt him start to swell. I took my hand away and whispered even more quietly "Aren't you glad I finally felt that? And, I can't wait to feel it again. Calvin has a nice penis. And remember, when I put on sexy underwear and wear clothes that are just a little more revealing than is appropriate, or when you see me open an extra button on my shirt as we walk into church, it is for him. And I hope Joyce suspects, but I will never let her know. That would take control away from me, and I like it this way."

"Now, go to sleep "I said leaving him unsatisfied, "You have to get up early for work tomorrow. I might take the baby to my mothers so I can go out shopping. We'll see" I whispered.

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KittyLover80KittyLover803 months ago

Great read, very enjoyable. Wife has excellent and gentile control skills. Superb plot.

JollyrogeringJollyrogering3 months ago

That is one very well developed 'power-trip'. Nice technique using revenge as a tool of empowerment instead of one of destruction. On we go....!

AmbulAmbul5 months ago

I hope to find out what kind of “shopping” the preacher’s wife has in mind. I hope slutty clothes when she is not around the church wives. I also like how she now controls Calvin, as well as the other men of the church. Their job is to satisfy her. It seems that her husband’s ONLY job is to eat her to orgasm, and her has a lot to learn in that regard. She will be very strict with him. I do hope the author continues this story so we can see how her sexual control plays out. It is a very good and erotic tale. Love it.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is so hot…….I’ve always wondered just how many married women have had babies with someone other than their husband. I’ve fucked several wife’s and sent them home full of cum kinda hoping they would be knocked up. Need a few more chapters!!

AmbulAmbul5 months ago

"You let him cum in you? What if you get pregnant?" he asked aghast.

"I always wanted a lot of kids and you wanted to stop having kids when you were forty. Well, you ARE forty." I said.

"Honey, I am going to have someone from the church at least weekly. Probably more. You are going to say nothing and neither will they because I am sure their wives don't know.”

“Now, go to sleep "I said leaving him unsatisfied, "You have to get up early for work tomorrow”

This horny slut knows exactly what she wants and will not cede any control to get it. It appears that she is quite willing to get pregnant, and cares not that the father will not be her uptight pastor husband. Love it.

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