The Present


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Alyssa moved her body to meet my reach, and seconds later her upper leg bent, totally opening herself to my touch. My finger aligned perfectly with what I found to be a sopping cunt and I easily penetrated into her core in a finger fucking motion. She still hadn't given me any clues about what was good for her in this position, but just when I'd about given up hoping she'd give me some indication, she moved and pulled my hand away. Bending my other fingers away, she left my pointer and middle finger together and positioned them once again at her pussy. Understanding as soon as she'd put two fingers together what she wanted, I slipped both fingers together into her.

I was about to go into sensory overload, finding I was having to really concentrate on one girl at a time to know what I was doing with them. My right hand was working Victoria's pussy and, as my mind came to momentarily concentrate on her, I realized she was really enjoying what I was doing. Leaving my hand in autopilot, my mind went back to Neilah and her pussy dripping her nectar into my mouth. I had to think momentarily as to whether I'd been doing well for her or not, and recognized that I probably had been as her body was telling me she was nearing another orgasm. I didn't even have time to concentrate on me or the wonderful, slow, tantalizing blow job that Crystal was now performing before I felt Alyssa shift, her arm drawing my hand away from her pussy once again, totally distracting me from concentrating on the other girls. Taking my pinky and folding it under my thumb, she moved my now three digit artificial dick back to her pussy. As my fingers penetrated, now with three fingers sliding into her pussy all at the same time, her "Oh god that's nice," all I needed to know I'd finally gotten her where she wanted to be.

My mind freed of trying to pleasure the girls on my tongue and hands, even though I couldn't see her, I became more aware of Crystal playing between my legs and the different things she was doing. Between her breasts and mouth, she was obviously having fun. Not trying to suck me off, just playing. Holding me upright, she'd suck me for a bit, maybe going deep, maybe just licking my head and shaft, and then moments later she'd be rubbing her nipples against the head of my cock. I'd feel her nipple grow harder, she'd lick my head to get it slipperier, and then she'd do the other. A hand would fondle my balls, and then perhaps she'd lean down and suck them into her mouth while her hand ran up and down my shaft. A bit later she'd wrap her mammoth girls around me, titty fucking my cock, and then stop at the top, taking my head into her mouth again. I reveled in the pleasure she was giving me, when suddenly I realized that Neilah was about to cum yet another time. Too late to stop, instead I moved slightly and sucked her clit into my mouth, which is always guaranteed to take her over the top when she's that close. Seconds later I was rewarded by a gush of warm liquid against my face, Neilah's knees clinching my head as she fell forward, catching herself on her arms and the pillow. Knowing to stop before she protested, she normally would have slid down from this position to lie on my stomach – but with the other girls there, and my arms busy, she practically had to get herself un-entangled before she could move. Instead, she just slid her crotch back a bit so she was sitting on my chest, her legs wrapped under my arms and looked down at me.

She gave a big sigh and a smile at me before she glanced left and right over each shoulder, turning a bit further to look at Crystal who at that moment was rubbing her nipples against my cock head. "This is almost it, isn't it?" She asked, turning back to me, referring to the ultimate fantasy I'd described to her several times during our erotic talk and love making. I bobbed my head in a soundless 'yes'. "Umm." She said, a hand coming up to stroke my cheek. "Whose pussy do you want to be on your tongue, Victoria?" she said, glancing toward her.

"Alyssa?" she queried, glancing the other way. I raised my eyebrows in pleasure, once again nodding. "Ok baby," she answered. "Alyssa – Ben wants to taste that sweet pussy of yours."

Initially I'd been finger fucking Alyssa with three fingers, but as we'd moved on, she'd begun masturbating herself on them and at the end she'd been doing as much of the work as I had been finger fucking her. "Oh God yes! It's about time," she responded, instantly pulling herself off my hand. Now able to move my arm I raised it giving Neilah the freedom to begin untangling herself from my chest. I moved the arm that was fingering Victoria, and Neilah came free. Alyssa didn't immediately straddle me, allowing Neilah to move out of the way, and down toward my cock and Crystal.

"I think you've got something of mine," Neilah said to Crystal with a giggle. "Thanks for getting it ready."

"Oh!" Crystal protested, "I get to do the work and you get all the pleasure?" I felt her hand let go of me and begin to move away.

"One more thing," I said as Alyssa was beginning to straddle my chest.

"What's that? " Neilah said, all three girls stopping where they were.

"I want Crystal to guide it in you," I said – hold it for you while you climb on."

"Whatever you want, baby." Crystal didn't say anything, but it was obvious she understood as she reached over and grabbed my cock again, holding it straight upright. Moments later Neilah, positioning herself cowgirl, slowly lowered her hot wet box onto me. She settled down and slowly began some gyrations, exactly the way she always starts when we do it cowgirl.

Alyssa began to slide forward toward my face, but Crystal interrupted. 'Just a minute, Alyssa," she said. I saw her hand touch Alyssa on the shoulder as she repositioned herself on the bed. Leaning down past Alyssa, Crystal kissed me, a big wet sloppy kiss, and then pulled away. "My girls need a little attention first, please."

"Umm, gladly, I answered, but with my arm now pinned beneath her and Alyssa, all I could do is lay there. Crystal leaned a bit sideway, moved her breast up to my mouth, and I extended my tongue catching her nipple on the way in. She pressed it against my mouth, giving me no choice but to suck and tongue her nipple from inside my mouth. I momentarily closed my eyes, just enjoying her nipple, when I felt some further movement. Looking up, she'd taken her hands and turned her other breast to Alyssa, who had unquestioningly slid back a bit so she could suckle her other nipple at the same time.

Crystal's nipple grew firmer to my sucking, elongating similar to the way it had when she'd rubbed it against my cock. From tall and fat to back where they were almost flush in her breast, I'd seen them change several times, but now under continued suckling and tonguing they stayed swollen. At least the one in my mouth did, I assumed Alyssa was having a similar response.

With Crystal leaning forward off of my arm, I again had some movement and gradually worked it out from beneath the two of them until I could also reach Crystals legs. Sliding into the inside of her thigh, I couldn't raise it enough with her over me to reach her pussy, but Crystal recognized what was happening and pulled back slightly so she wasn't quite so much over me until my fingers could now touch her pussy. I found her clit with a fingertip, eliciting a sharp intake of breath to her body, and continued to try and penetrate her, almost as I had been doing to Alyssa moments before. My finger found her fleshy folds, and discovered that all it took was opening them up, she was gushing with wetness once the dam was moved aside. A small puddle of liquid accumulated in my hand, which cupping her mound, I spread back onto her. Pulling away a bit from Alyssa and me, she leaned in again, and gave me another kiss. "I hope I get to try out that tongue that Neilah raves about before this is all done," she said; then winked and moved back. She gently swatted Alyssa's bottom, saying "He's all yours."

Alyssa and Crystal began positioning themselves, and seconds later, my ultimate fantasy had begun. Neilah had been warming herself throughout Alyssa and Crystal's positioning, and being experienced together we knew just what it was going to take to get her, and me, off. Victoria had been slowly accepting my caresses, and although we weren't experienced together, I now recognized the slight tremors and changes of pressures guiding my fingers, telling me where to stroke, when to penetrate, when to rub or just touch her clit. Alyssa, on my tongue for the first time, was obviously experienced in riding a tongue, whether a man's or a woman's she knew what she wanted and how to position her hips to get it.

Crystal, on the other hand (or is that on "my" other hand?) clearly wasn't getting exactly what she wanted. Ignoring the growing sensations in my cock, the obvious growing arousal from Neilah, the almost ready to pop of Victoria and the rapidly increasing movements of Alyssa's pussy on my mouth, most of my attention was focused on Crystal. Her pussy was obviously wet; when my fingers penetrated they were greeted with a drenching wetness. Her clit, although sensitive, I understood from her response wasn't what she wanted me playing with. I tried her thighs, pressing against her Mons, rubbing around her clit, but no matter what I kept sensing she wanted lower. When I slipped my fingers into her pussy that was good, but still, it wasn't right. Almost getting frustrated with myself for not being able to figure my lover out, she suddenly rose up, took my hand and pushed it lower, settling onto my thumb – and suddenly I knew what she wanted. My fingers now in position, they had nowhere to go except against her anus. I squeezed, my middle finger coming against her rosebud, and for the first time she shivered – and I knew I was doing it right.

I still wasn't sure just how much or how far she wanted to go, but as I squeezed and fondled, the harder I pressed against her back door, the more she responded. Her pussy supplied all the lubricant I needed, just moving my thumb and collecting wetness on my fingers allowed me to lubricate that normally dry hole, pressing harder and harder, her tight ass gradually stretching, warming, until suddenly the end of my finger popped through her sphincter. Working it slowly into her, I pulled out to gather more or her juices, lubing every time, gaining more and more opening of her bottom until I had my middle finger completely buried. Pulling out and lubing up once again, now I slid it almost easily into her ass, at least compared to the first time.

Although my conscious mind had been concentrating on Crystal, my unconscious brain hadn't let me down. Now able to shift some attention elsewhere, I realized I'd better slow down on Victoria; her gasps and writing to my fingers had almost reached a point of no return. Moving slightly away from her highest pleasure points, I doubt that she realized it, just that her pleasure wasn't increasing any further.

Neilah was an open book, I recognized her responses, and knew that she knew just exactly what to do to get us off together, or nearly so. Having been sucked off a couple of times so far, I wasn't going to come instantly, which was good for Neilah. She could take her time, build herself at her own pace, and all I had to do was get the other girls there together.

Alyssa was almost as far along as Victoria, just a few subtle changes to my tongue and lips and sucking her clit and she wasn't going anywhere for a while, which brought me back to Crystal. We'd initially started with my thumb in her pussy, but now that I'd shifted to her ass, to move my fingers in and out, I'd had to remove my thumb from her vagina. I'd been concentrating on finger fucking her anus, but still, I needed something else for her. With every other appendage on my body busy elsewhere, I didn't have a tongue or finger to be spared, so it was one handed or nothing. I could feel the dryness setting in on her backside, and after I'd lubed my fingers and her ass again rather than just sticking my finger back in her ass, I added my thumb in her pussy at the same time. Her "Yeah, like that" confirmed what her body had already told me.

"Ok baby," I whispered at Neilah, her physical response telling me she understood perfectly. Having been on the brink for several minutes, all it took was a slight change of pressures, and I could feel an orgasm rapidly arising in me. I knew she was close, I knew Victoria was close... I got a bit more aggressive with Alyssa's pussy, sucking on her clit, and she began to cum immediately. It was all I could do to ignore her quivering on my face, the loss of vision in my own head as my concentration shifted to the only point of my body that was still working. I didn't realize that Victoria had finally gone over the top, just barely became cognizant of her quivering and bucking and grabbing my hand. I don't know whether Neilah came first or I did, but immediately after the first of us went, the other did also. I hadn't even thought about Crystal – but my involuntary gripping of her, my middle finger buried in her ass, my thumb in her pussy, squeezing her like a bowling ball – was all it took.

And, it wasn't what I'd thought.

In my fantasy, I'd always been basking like a God. In my fantasy, the world took a collective gasp of air, an "ooh" of astonishment, and mental applause to the almost impossibility of it. In my mind, the power from a single orgasm doubles, or triples, with multiples. You or your partner cums, that's a one. You AND your partner cums, that's three times as powerful. Add a third at the same time – it had to have been 9 or ten times as much pleasure, nine or ten times as much cosmic release as one. Four at once had to be like forty times as much, but all five of us? Surely the world would scream from the pleasure, the exponential release of sexual energy, and it would all be based around me.

But of course, I forgot that when a guy cums, his focus narrows down to that tiny little opening in the end of his dick, swelling, spitting up, and reclosing again. The occasional mental meeting when you and your partner orgasm together almost disappears to the sensual overload of multiple bodies all climaxing at the same time.

I gradually became aware again of everything that had and was going on around me. Alyssa had leaned back, moving her clit away from my tongue and lips. Until then I didn't even realize that she had leaned forward, forcing it against my mouth. Victoria was holding my hand, it was in her crotch, and she was just holding it so I couldn't touch her. Crystal was rocking on my hand, squeezing first my thumb in her pussy and then my finger in her ass, and although I couldn't see, I could tell she was doing something else.

And of course, all this added awareness came on top of the awareness of my body expanding from the rigid hardness, the concentration of all my energy into spewing my seed into Neilah's womb, the return of the awareness that there was more to me than just the rigid stick buried in my lovers vagina, and the ultimate pleasure of her orgasm happening at the same time as mine.

Alyssa moved back, sliding her body back to my chest. I looked over to Crystal, only to find her rubbing her clit, actually more like rubbing the area around it, her back arching, forcing it against hers and my hands. Squeezing once again, my thumb still in her pussy and finger in her ass, she convulsed again, her hips trying to fuck against my hand, trying to force my thumb deeper into her vagina with each thrust. Five, six – I don't know how many times, before her orgasmic convulsions stopped. Collapsing to the bed, my hand pulled free from her body. Alyssa leaned forward and gave me a little kiss, a lover's thank you, and rolled off me between Crystal and me. Victoria reversed herself, at first snuggling back to my other arm, while Neilah just collapsed forward, onto my chest. Later she rolled off the side, Victoria moved back, and we all fell asleep – two beautiful ladies on either side of me. Despite the letdown of fantasy fulfilled, I still knew it had been a once in a lifetime experience.

There was a little something for everyone in this. I hope you enjoyed, and as always, take the time to click a vote button, add a comment or send me a note.

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tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

and how will the payback work, over indulgence is too hard to pay back. TK U MLJ LV NV

Gary13Gary13about 10 years ago
Nice fantasy.

Many errors, but a good story.

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