The President's Advisor


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"You do have a delicious pussy, Eve," Sylvia told her. "I'm only sorry that I didn't enjoy it before now."

"Oh! Thank you," Eve said, reaching over to cup Sylvia's pussy, her fingers finding her wet center between her pussy lips. "You know how much I love eating yours."

"And those long lips of Ann's," Sylvia sighed. "I could suck and chew on them forever."

"Please do," Ann replied with a laugh.

"I think that we're going to be very good friends, aren't we?" Sylvia asked.

"Oh, I sure hope so," Eve sighed. "You both make me feel so good."

"We should try to get some sleep," Sylvia suggested. "We have a full day of skiing ahead of us."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was almost noon before the three women got out of bed and not before enjoying a long, leisurely daisy chain of pussy eating. They each dressed in the ski outfits that had been provided, meeting downstairs where a chef had prepared eggs Benedict for them, along with bagels with smoked salmon and Philadelphia cream cheese. By the time they finally got to the top of the mountain for skiing, it was 2:00.

Sylvia skied as though she had been born on skis and Eve had obviously skied before, seeming comfortable. Ann, her first time on skis, was frustrated by constantly finding herself on her face in the snow, being helped to her feet by the Secret Service agent who had been assigned to her. She was all too happy to call it a day when they finally decided to stop, everyone joining in the lodge for hot mulled wine in front of a roaring fire.

They each managed a couple of hours of sleep before there was another fantastic dinner with all of the Aspen glitterati once again in attendance. After the dinner, Sylvia gave a short talk about her initiative helping children, then Edith took the rostrum to make a plea for donations for the children's initiative fund that Sylvia had caused to be established, taking checks totaling over $2 million before it was over.

"I want to thank all of you so much for your generosity," Sylvia said, taking the rostrum once more. "I can assure you that it will be well used to help the most vulnerable of people, our future, our children. I can also promise that the cost of this wonderful ski vacation will not be borne by the American taxpayer, but that my husband, President Pocksy, will be paying for it personally."

"He is going to blow a gasket," Eve whispered to Ann when Sylvia made this announcement.

They mingled with the guests for another half an hour, drinking champagne. Ann noticed Sylvia in an animated discussion with her head Secret Service agent who seemed uncomfortable before finally nodding his assent to whatever she had said to him.

Finally able to take their leave after thanking Edith and Aaron for a wonderful evening, the three women went back to their chalet with their Secret Service detail of five, heading to the rooftop Jacuzzi and sinking into the warm water with a sigh of relief, Ann's whole body aching from her misadventure on the slopes.

"I have a special surprise for you tonight," Sylvia said after they had soaked for several minutes. "Something that we all have earned and deserve."

"Oh, my god!" Eve gasped, sinking into the water, all but her head as the Secret Service detail appeared, all of them naked, their cocks leading the way.

"Help yourselves," she said as the five men entered the Jacuzzi, standing up to lean over and suck the cock of one of them, while another got behind her and fed his cock into her pussy while Eve stared in shock.

Ann laughed, joining Sylvia, filling her mouth with one cock while another filled her pussy from behind. The final agent, a large, muscular black man, approached Eve who was still crouching beneath the water.

"Don't you want to join the fun?" he asked, reaching down and helping her to her feet, lifting her wide-eyed out of the water, then lowering her, guiding his cock to her pussy and settling her down on it, her legs wrapping around his waist as he began to fuck her standing up.

"God, Sylvia, this is great," Ann gasped as she leaned over on the side of the Jacuzzi next to her, looking out over the ski slopes and the moonlit mountains as two of the agents stood side by side, fucking them in the ass.

"Oh, look," Sylvia said, smiling as she looked back over her shoulder.

Turning, Ann gasped when she saw the black Secret Service agent sitting on the side of the Jacuzzi, Eve on his lap, her back to him, her feet up on his thighs, his cock buried in her ass while another stood in front of her, fucking her pussy, while the third agent stood up on the side of the Jacuzzi, his cock in her mouth.

For over an hour they fucked, Ann pretty certain that each of the men had her at least once, filling her mouth, pussy, and ass with cum over and over again. Finally, Sylvia thanked them, kissing each of them before leading Eve and Ann to the shower where they cleaned themselves up, then retired to her bed for a long, satisfying daisy chain before finally falling asleep, totally sated.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Good morning, Daddy," Eve said the next morning when she arrived at the Oval Office, a bounce to her step and a huge smile on her face.

"You're back," the President said as she took her familiar place next to him, a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, and it was wonderful, all of it," Eve gushed. "I never had so much fun."

"Well, it sure cost me enough," the President groused. "At least $1 million, probably $2 million."

"Oh, Daddy, so what?" Eve said, sighing when she felt his hand slide up the back of her leg to her ass, his fingers slipping into her panties and between her wet pussy lips. "You have enough money. You won't even feel it," she said, placing her hands on the edge of his desk and leaning over just enough to make it easier for him to slide his fingers in and out of her pussy, jumping up when the door to the Oval Office opened and Chris Vanger, Bob Carr, Steve Einstein, Jerry, and Ann entered, her father's hand disappearing from beneath her skirt as he sucked on his gooey fingers.

"Mr. President," Chris Vanger said, "Brock Presser is making an announcement in a few minutes," he said, the President lifting the remote control and turning on the television, the four major networks appearing in their own windows on the screen.

Eve beamed a smile at Ann as they all turned their attention to the television where Brock Presser's image suddenly appeared on all four of the network feeds. The President pressed a button to fill the screen with Faux News' feed just as he began speaking.

"As a result of my recent disclosure of corruption of Republican House members," he began, "the FBI requested that I not release any further information that I might receive about individuals who had committed actionable crimes, but to instead first give my information to them so that they could do their investigations and then make any necessary arrests. They made this request of me as a result of several of the House Republicans taking actions to destroy evidence, which did them no good, as the information which I had received had documentation supporting all of the alleged violations of the law. Accordingly, I turned over to them today a file which I received just two days ago implicating six Republican Senators in serious criminal activity."

"Oh, god, there goes our Senate majority," Jerry said, shaking his head.

"It still takes two thirds to convict if an impeachment is voted in the House," Bob Carr said. "There's no way so many Senators would do such a treasonous thing."

"I'm not so sure," Steve Einstein said slowly. "First and foremost, they want to be re-elected. I wonder how many of them are so willing to sacrifice their careers and chances of re-election if the evidence in an impeachment process is as clear as that which Brock Presser is exposing."

"They wouldn't dare impeach me," the President fulminated. "That would be illegal, a coup."

"I'd bet anything that the House will impeach you, Mr. President," Jerry said. "Whether their evidence will be anything more than hopes and wishes remains to be seen, but they will launch impeachment proceedings. The public pressure is mounting and they won't be able to avoid it. I suggest that you need to start an immediate lobbying of the Senate Republicans to ensure that they toe the line. If only three Senators are forced to resign as a result of Brock Presser's new information, we will lose the majority and the Democrats will control the Senate. They will be the ones calling the shots as to what kind of a trial occurs, even though we should still have the numbers to ensure that there is not a conviction."

"Is that all that you can say?" the President scowled. "That's hardly encouraging."

"Mr. President, if you want a yes man to kiss your ass, let Chris, Bob, or Tony talk," Jerry said. "I'm telling you the way it is, the way I see it. They'd blow smoke up your ass all the way to a prison cell."

"I find myself agreeing with Jerry for a change," Steve Einstein said. "You need to start preparing for the Senate trial. I also think that impeachment by the House is inevitable, especially now. They're going to try to paint you with the brush of corruption because of all of the truly corrupt congressmen, because you've supported them, they've supported you, whether you were aware of their corruption or not. It's guilt by association."

"We need to create some positive imagery," Jerry said, "something to distract people from all of this negative stuff. It's all they're seeing. It's not helping us to get traction with the re-election effort."

"You might do some rallies," Chris Vanger suggested. "You know how much the people love you. There's no way for the fake news to show anything negative from your rallies. You've also got the G7 meeting the end of next week in London. Nothing is more presidential than you being the center of attention with all of the other world leaders around you."

"The people need to see you," Eve said. "They love it when you go to them. I think that it's a good idea."

"Go ahead, set something up," the President said. "I'm sick of this place."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The cheers of the crowd in the auditorium hall in Brooklyn were deafening as the President took the stage, basking in the glow of their adulation. Finally raising his arms to signal for quiet so that he might speak, they quieted.

"The fake news is trying to undo an election that they called wrong," he shouted to cheers. "They're manufacturing a bullshit excuse to impeach me," he said, the cheers rising in volume. "But we're not going to give in to them, are we?" he asked, the crowd going nuts. "This is the best presidency this country has ever seen and they can't stand it because they didn't call it right."

"You're an asshole," a voice cut through from the back of the crowd, eliciting growls.

"Oh, my, a heckler," the President said mockingly, grinning. "Teach that human scum a lesson. Get him out of here."

There was pandemonium on the floor as the heckler was beset upon and knocked to the ground. By the time security was able to push through the crowd to him, he was dead, stomped to a bloody mess by the crazed crowd. People started running for the exits and the Secret Service hustled the President from the stage and out the back into his armored limousine.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"My god!" Ann gasped as she watched the scene on television later that night with Bill. "They killed that poor man."

"At the direction and instigation of the President," Bill said, shaking his head. "The man is totally out of his mind."

"What is going to happen with the latest information you gave to Brock Presser?" Ann asked.

"I imagine that they'll all be arrested," Bill replied. "It was really amazing; insider trading, bribery, solicitation of bribes, campaign finance violations, including accepting money from foreign actors funneled through offshore banks. They'll all go to jail."

"But only six of them," Ann said. "That's not nearly as bad as the House."

"I didn't bother with the ones who hadn't seriously violated the law," Bill said with a laugh. "I could easily force another dozen to resign for all sorts of sexual peccadillos, but getting rid of the six really bad ones will be enough to tip the majority to the Democrats, for now. That'll stop the Republican obstruction of the rule of law. I plan on giving the Democrats the same treatment, House and Senate, in time for the upcoming elections. Hopefully that will give the country a chance to elect new people who aren't carrying so much criminal baggage. If I can, I'll make sure that the Republican Party leadership and the Democratic Party leadership will have information regarding any bad actors running for office in time to stop them rather than having me getting the information to Brock Presser to expose them."

"I hope one day that you get recognized for saving the country," Ann said. "You'll deserve the Congressional Medal of Honor for what you're doing."

"I'd settle for a good blowjob," Bill said with a laugh.

"I thought you'd never ask," Ann said with a smile, reaching for his zipper.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The President is deeply saddened by the loss of life at the rally yesterday in Brooklyn," Stephan Groffs, the Press Secretary announced from the podium in the Press Briefing Room. "He finds such violence regrettable and hopes that it won't be repeated."

"But the President himself told the crowd to 'teach that human scum a lesson', a reporter from CZN said. "How can he deny his own responsibility in such a vicious murder?"

"The President never called for violence," Stephan Groffs replied.

"The New York Attorney General has said that she is going to issue an arrest warrant for the President for incitement to riot and accessory to murder," the reporter from NBC said.

"The President enjoys total immunity," Stephan Groffs replied. "The New York Attorney General has no authority to do anything of the sort."

"Are you asserting that the President has the right to encourage murder with impunity?" the reporter followed up.

"The President enjoys total immunity," Stephan Groffs repeated. "In any event, he had nothing to do with the tragic, accidental death of that man."

"One of the five men arrested for the murder is claiming that he acted at the express direction of the President and that killing a Jew shouldn't be against the law," the reporter from ABC said.

"Your entire statement is total nonsense," Stephan Groffs replied, "and an insult not worthy of response."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Dad, we really need to focus on the re-election strategy," Tommy 'Junior' Pocksy said the next morning in the Oval Office. "If you're re-elected, the Statute of Limitations will protect you. We need to make a major effort to ensure that you win the election."

"But I have total immunity," the President complained. "I'm the President."

"Not entirely, Mr. President," Bob Carr said, clearing his throat and looking decidedly uncomfortable. "You can't be charged while you are the President, but you can be charged upon leaving office, providing that the relevant Statutes of Limitations haven't expired."

"What is the Statute of Limitations for Accessory to Murder?" Jerry asked.

"There is no Statute of Limitations with respect to any type of a murder charge," Bob Carr replied.

"So what are you doing about it?" the President asked, his normal arrogance subdued.

"There's nothing I can do about it, Mr. President," Bob Carr replied. "New York is a sovereign state. Federal agencies have no jurisdiction over their legal processes unless they encroach upon Federal prerogatives. I've asked the New York Attorney General for a meeting to discuss the issue. In my opinion, it's a stretch to try to accuse you of complicity in a murder when it was clearly just an accident that you had nothing to do with. I'm sure that I can make her see reason."

"Steve, what do you think?" the President asked.

"Mr. President, I think that the Attorney General is on drugs," Steve Einstein said to gasps. "You were on national television. The whole country, the whole world has heard you specifically saying 'teach that human scum a lesson'."

"But I told them to get him out of there, not to kill him," the President protested.

"Which is why you will probably be acquitted of accessory to murder if it were to ever come to trial," Steve Einstein said, "but it won't stop the New York Attorney General from bringing the charges. She has her own agenda. You're much more exposed on the incitement to riot charge."

"That fucking bitch wants to be governor," Tommy 'Junior' snorted. "She's grandstanding."

"Yes, she is," Steve Einstein agreed, "but she's in a position to issue an indictment and an arrest warrant, even though it can't be served while you are the President."

"We'll take her to court," the President said. "Find a judge and make sure that it goes away. I'll be President for at least five more years."

"I'll certainly try, Mr. President," Steve Einstein said, "but you need to realize how serious this is. I strongly suggest that you hire a personal attorney, as Tony Pellegrini is not going to be able to help you. He's looking at his own problems. In light of the charges facing him, a judge might not allow him to represent you. I am the White House counsel, not your personal attorney. I am also not a criminal defence attorney, which is what you need for this. I also suggest that you refrain from calling for any action against any protesters or hecklers in the future."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oh, Ann, I just don't know what to do," Eve said when they left the morning meeting and were safely in Eve's office. "Daddy's in so much trouble. It's taking all of his time. He can't even be President. Why do they hate him so much?"

"Are you really that blind, Eve?" Ann asked, staring at her in astonishment. "He's brought this all on himself with his disgusting, divisive rhetoric. It almost seems as though he's hell-bent on destroying the country. Quite honestly, I'm concerned that he's mentally unstable. No sane person would do or say some of the things that he's doing and saying. Anyone who disagrees with him is a traitor in his mind. That's just not right. He is blatantly breaking the law, almost every day. He is filled with hate and rage and it's stopping him from seeing things clearly. I'm sorry if that's hurtful for you to hear, but it's how I'm seeing things."

"He just wants people to like him," Eve said. "Is that so bad?"

"No, of course not," Ann replied, "but calling them names, trying to destroy their lives is not the way to win friends and influence people. His core supporters are the dregs of society, under-educated, racist, homophobic, religious fanatics. This is not a good or healthy situation. I honestly think that the future of our country is being jeopardized. His economic decisions are disastrous. He's destroying whole communities just to prove that he's a tough guy with the Chinese. There's no economic sense to what he's doing. Don't forget, that's why I'm here. These are things that I know. I'm doing the best I can to ameliorate his worst instincts, but he listens to nobody except those who stroke his ego the most. This is a really bad situation and I don't see it getting any better as long as he's the President."

"Do you hate him?" Eve asked, tears coursing down her cheeks.

"No, but he scares me," Ann replied. "I think that he's dangerous. What if he decides to nuke some country who insults him? Look at how many of the top echelon of the military have quit, retired, refusing to have anything to do with his policies, even going to far as to criticize him publicly afterwards, something that is unprecedented in our history. This is not good, Eve, not good at all."
