The Prince's Brother


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Sabina's throat closed up when they were announced, and more than a hundred attendees turned to watch them. There was quiet muttering and hushed whispers. Though it was unsettling, Sabina was grateful not to hear what they were saying about her.

Sabina's eyes darted around. There were no women. Even the servants were male.

The attendees varied in their attire -- military uniforms either black, blue or red, obviously according to rank. Others were dressed as nobles, in rich fabrics adorned with jewels.

Sabina recognised Ambrose, in a decorated black uniform standing in a circle of his peers beside by a table laden with beverages. His head was cradled under one arm, an olive-green domino on his face.

Noticing her staring, he waved and the small group around him exploded with laughter when he almost dropped his head.

"He won't be the last to lose his head over you," Dante drawled, leading her to a waiting group of generals.

Dante introduced her to multiple people. All were gracious to her, despite the awkward truth that she was simply the Prince's trophy. She neatly sipped wine and smiled weakly, her social aptitude stunted by nerves. Wherever she went, eyes devoured her.


Dante rolled his eyes and impatiently turned to meet another young man, who had clearly gone to great lengths to imitate Dante's attire and appeared substantially inferior for his efforts.

"Lord Phallon, a very distant relation with no military honours," he said to Sabina in bored tones.

The other man's chest puffed slightly. "Well, Dante, I am still royalty."

"Hardly," Dante coldly responded, his sharp eyes raking the other man from head to toe with contempt. "You are far from a first cousin, that's for certain. I'm not sure by what means you bribed my father for admittance, but you won't find favour with myself or Sebastian."

The mention of royalty triggered Sabina and she immediately began to curtsy. She drew her skirts but before she could lower, her arm was wrenched up and she found herself twisted against Dante's chest, facing his piercing stare.

"You are my bride," he warned softly, his hand tight on her wrist. "You curtsy to none, but me."

Startled, Sabina nodded.

Dante's eyes darted up to observe their tense audience, and he relaxed. Just for show, he kissed her cheek. "Come, I would like you to meet my lead architect. You will become well-acquainted when he designs your quarters."

Through the course of the evening Sabina glanced around, searching until she found Sebastian. He was taller than most, and from behind she easily recognised his blonde hair, broad shoulders, and gold coat. He was deep in conversation with a lady, her skirts visible from around Sebastian.

He shifted aside and Sabina's eyes widened when she saw he was talking to Estella, who was unsettlingly lovely in a glowing pink satin dress. The men around gave them wide berth and seemed inclined to avoid even looking at her.

Sebastian smiled cynically at Estella's animated flirtation. Sabina felt an unpleasantness jolt through her belly, watching him with the excessively beautiful woman. They appeared comfortable in each other's company, like old friends.

Surprised by her jealousy, she quickly dismissed it as being discomforted by Sebastian's familiarity with a woman who wanted to kill her.

Sabina wasn't the only one bothered. The Prince cursed under his breath and abruptly stalked over to them.

Estella innocently batted her lashes and Sebastian carelessly shrugged as the Prince quietly snapped at both of them, before roughly seizing Estella's arm and escorting her from the room.

Sebastian watched them go, then turned and saw Sabina. His eyes ran over her figure, and he raised his glass in a silent toast. Sabina turned and walked away.


With her hands locked into chains attached to a ceiling beam, Estella shrieked when the Prince brought the lash down, tearing the pink silk from her back in shreds to leave an angry red stripe up her smooth skin. A moment later, her skin repaired to taut softness, ready to be lashed again.

"And you thought you'd be safe at the ball?" Dante growled, casting another hit and watching Estella jump when it landed. He dropped the whip and stood before her. "You knew to stay away from the girl! You know how important this is."

"You told me she was nothing!" Estella snarled, and spat in his face. "You said she was brought here to cheer up the men!"

Dante wiped her saliva from his cheek. "And now you can appreciate the wisdom of my lie." He gripped her face, his eyes staring into hers. "How did you get into the castle?" he demanded. "Was it Sebastian?"

Estella snorted.

"You know my ambitions," Dante said, his eyes falling to her lips, distracted by her. "Do you fear I'll forget you? That I'll leave you behind?"

Estella snapped her teeth at him, and he released her face. "Why would I care?" she sneered. "I hate the living world. Perhaps I'll seduce your father."

The Prince's gaze turned piercing. "You'll what?"

"Or perhaps a few of your generals," Estella laughed wildly, spinning under the chains until Dante forced her to stop.

"My men know they will have me to contend with if they lay a finger on you," he said fiercely. "You should bear this with dignity. I'm not marrying for love."

"You'll have a Queen, and then probably heirs," she said bitterly. "There will be no space for me."

Dante smiled, slowly shaking his head. "You're a fool, Stella. I couldn't forget you, even if I tried. And God knows I've tried." He kissed her, forcing her when she snarled and tried to pull away, until she tasted his passion and gave in to it.

Dante groaned, tugging up her skirts, fumbling with his pants. Estella moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling on the chains for leverage.

Dante's fingers worked quickly to untie the front of her gown and free her breasts. He sucked one nipple, feeling Estella shiver responsively, before moving to take the other in his mouth and suck her nipple to a stiff peak.

"Oh, fuck," Dante gasped, angling his hips as his cock sank into her. She was always so soft, tight, fit to him like they belonged together.

Estella gasped and bucked, lifting herself in motion with Dante's grip on her ass. He leaned back, roughly pushing her skirts aside, trying to see his entry and failing.

"I want to rip this all off you," he muttered, clutching at her skirts. Instead, his hands looped under to grip her ass.

They kissed, panting, thrusting against each other until Estella let her head fall back with a loud moan. It set Dante off, and he fucked her harder, his eyes roaming her suspended body, her delectable breasts bouncing with his rhythm, her arms pulled tight overhead, her fists clenched.

He seized her hair, his fingers clawing through to form a fist and he kissed her, his tongue searching her mouth and sending him over the edge. He groaned; the satisfied sound echoed through the dark chamber.

"Stella," he muttered against her lips, feeling giddy with his release. "I need you."

Estella laughed weakly. "I won't wait for you, Dante."

"There's no one else," he promised. "You'll never lose me. Don't listen to Sebastian."

"But you're going to fuck her."

"She'll be my Queen and I may have heirs, as you said," he muttered, pulling out of her and carefully tucking his cock away. He playfully ruffled her skirts and lifted them to see his cum drip down her perfect thighs before letting the material fall.

"Why do you care about heirs?" she scoffed. "No one can kill your father."

Dante's face set. "He has his domain and offspring. Now, I'll have mine."

"Oh, that's your true ambition? Nothing to do with Sebastian wanting to leave," Estella retorted. "You took the girl to spite Sebastian. You're marrying her to spite me."

Dante quickly turned away, trying to control his emotions and failing. "It should have been you!" he shouted. "Why am I to blame for desiring satisfaction for what transpired?"

Estella pouted, lightly swaying on the chains. "I was young and headstrong. You angered me." She watched him slyly. "It was my fault, Dante."

"Enough," Dante angrily waved his arm. "He knew better."

"Not really," Estella grinned, swinging about with more glee. "He was none too pleased after."

"Stop," Dante said harshly. "I don't seek to punish you. If I could perform the ceremony with you, then I would, even if you couldn't yield an heir."

"And Sebastian?"

Dante smirked to himself, smoothing a crease in his coat. "With him, I do have a score to settle." He looked up at her. "But that is just one advantage. My primary ambition hasn't changed."

Estella shrugged. "I hope this new world is worth the loss. I won't wait, and Sebastian will leave-"

"There will be no loss," Dante snapped. "You won't be going anywhere. When Sebastian told me you'd breached the Castle charm, I ordered a new one to keep you here." He smiled when Estella's beautiful eyes flashed dangerously. "You're trapped, my poisonous butterfly."

Estella was outraged. "I'll find a way out!"

Dante laughed. "You'll remain my consort in the living world, if I have to drag you by your hair and keep you in a cage. And Sebastian will continue his duties, or I'll execute him myself."

"Execute him?" Estella rolled her eyes. "There's no need for the charade with me, Dante. You're obsessed with him."

"I despise him."

Estella smirked. "No one believes it."

Dante's face set forebodingly. "Be mindful of your tongue, Estella."

"You cut it out, it grows back," she dismissed the threat in a singsong tone, her eyes narrowed with glee. "You don't want to kill Sebastian. You want to control him. You've convinced yourself you want to rule the living because that's where he wants to be."

Though Dante grinned, his eyes were angry. "You are very fanciful tonight."

"Fanciful?" Estella cast her eyes thoughtfully to her reddened wrists. "I fheard a rumour that some of the darker soldiers, fresh from the underworld, didn't take kindly to Sebastian's status," she tittered. "And you dealt with those men in a very severe manner. Excessively severe, some thought."

"Ambrose's wagging tongue?" he snarled.

"So, it's true?"

"Conspiring to assassinate royalty is a serious offence," Dante said coldly. "I could not let that slide, no matter how much I'd enjoy their success."

"I heard you searched for his body in the wet abyss," she teased. "Frantically."

"Lies." Dante's eyes blazed.

"Lies that you screamed his name like a babe calling for his mother?" she taunted.

"Stella," Dante warned murderously, his hand tightening on her throat. "I hate him."

"Of course, you do," she cooed.

"I hate him as much as I love you."

"If you say so," she mocked, breaking free of his grip to twirl again.

"I'll admit, I don't like seeing you so jovial with him," Dante said imperiously. "You can flirt with others, but not Sebastian."

"If you say so," she nonchalantly repeated.

Dante circled her ominously, then picked up the whip, sliding one hand up the thick, leather handle. "I should get back to the ball, but I think I can spare the extra time."

Estella looked challengingly over her shoulder. "Do your worst, Sire."

"My worst hardly affects you, witch," he said cynically.

"But you'll still enjoy it," she replied, holding his gaze.

"Perhaps," he murmured. "But not as much as I'll enjoy watching Sebastian's face when I slice Sabina's throat open."


Sabina's smile became forced as a group of generals cornered her.

"Tell us," one insisted. "When most of us left the world, it was not filled with beauty such as yours. Are the woman all lovely like you?"

"Would it matter, Samuel?" Retorted another. "You'd marry Gavin, if he'd have you."

Gavin was considerably overweight with an unfortunate complexion and missing an eye. One side of his face turned bright red at the insult. "If there were not a lady present," he threatened, but was quickly pushed aside by another general.

"If two soldiers wanted to marry one woman, what happens? Do they duel?"

"I...would think..." Sabina faltered, shrinking against the wall and feeling overwhelmed by the attention. "T-The lady should decide."

"Stand down, Jason, you're almost touching her! If the Prince sees you..."

The men reluctantly retreated to give Sabina some breathing room.

"You're safe with us," Jason informed her, still hovering close. "We'd not anger the Prince. We're his best men, you know. When he conquers your world-"

"Enough of that," Ambrose hastily interrupted, his head bobbing high above them, held up by his extended arms, navigating his head to peer down at Sabina cowering against the wall. "There won't be a new world if you smother the chit." The head vanished and Ambrose's headless body elbowed through the small crowd. "Might I be of assistance, my lady?"

Sabina gratefully accepted the hand not carrying the head and was led out from the pack.

"How are you enjoying the ball, Sabina?" Ambrose asked, looking up at her face. "You seemed in need of rescue."

"That has been the case since I was brought here," she said despondently.

Ambrose tutted sympathetically. "Ah, well. Fate never smiles on a woman who snares a royal heart so powerfully that he abandons his responsibilities."

"Snares...?" Sabina said with astonishment. "The Prince is clearly in love with Estella."

"I do not speak of that Prince," Ambrose said pointedly, his eyes serious for the first time.

"What? Who?" Sabina gazed at him, thoroughly confused. She scoured her mind for Ambrose's meaning, then stepped back, her face incredulous. "You can't mean... Sebastian?"

"Ambrose." Sebastian towered over them with a lethal smile. "A word in private."

In his ominous mood, Sabina could see his resemblance to Dante, and instinctively found herself trembling beside Ambrose.

Ambrose quickly recovered from the unpleasant surprise. "But of course, my Lord," he said graciously, his bow interrupted by Sebastian's ferocious grip on his arm, rapidly leading him off.

"If your head weren't already detached..." Sebastian said through his teeth, then they were out of earshot.

Stunned, Sabina stared after them with her mouth open until a pair of soldiers blocked her view. They were twins in blue uniforms, both with untidy tuffs of blonde hair and identical dopey grins.

One's skin was a deathly complexion, almost blue, as though he belonged underwater. The other was very pallid but seemed more normal, except for the large bloodstain across his mid-section. They both smiled engagingly, as if they'd been waiting to approach her.

"Would her ladyship care to dance with us?" they said together.

"I-I'm not sure the Prince would approve," Sabina said uncertainly, still reeling from what Ambrose had disclosed.

"He'll forgive us," the pale one said mischievously.

"We once danced with Lady Estella," the other boasted, as though nothing was more daring.

Sabina considered the glamorous room, so removed from her world; the impossible turn her life had taken since she ran away.

Smiling and undeterred, the young men stared, awaiting her answer. From their cheeky demeanour Sabina had a distinct impression they liked to push the limits of discipline.

Exasperated, she glanced at the wine in her hand, then at the strange twins.

"Oh, why the Hell not?" she muttered and tossed back the entire glass.


Having dealt with Ambrose, Sebastian moved quickly through the crowds in search of Sabina. When his gaze landed on her, he froze with surprise.

She was completely inebriated, sitting with five generals. The enormous room was mostly quiet, with all eyes on them.

Sabina threw back her head and laughed at an officer's joke; Sebastian's jaw dropped when he realised she was sitting in the lap of one. He looked around for his brother, who was nowhere to be found, obviously still punishing Estella.

Sabina wasn't in any real danger. But it wasn't a good look for the future queen to be on such terms with military personnel, no matter how high their ranking.

A servant tapped Sabina's shoulder and she merrily reached to accept a large glass of wine. Sebastian seized the servant's wrist.

"No," he said viciously.

"A-A-Apologises, my Lord," The servant quickly retreated with the glass.

Sabina glared. "That was mine!" she slurred.

Sebastian ignored her, his malevolent gaze moving about the group of nervous men. "You are relieved of your supervising duties," he said acidly, and they immediately scattered, the one holding Sabina frantically sliding out from under her without meeting Sebastian's eyes.

Miffed, Sabina looked around as she was abandoned. "They were my hic friends!" she protested, finally looking up at Sebastian's thunderous frown. "What?"

"You have no friends here," he snarled. "Get up!"

"P-Pardon?" Sabina frowned at him. "No, I won't."

Sebastian looked around. The room was now entirely silent, engrossed by the spectacle. Giving up on appearances, Sebastian bent and lifted Sabina, ignoring her cries of protest.

He carried her struggling figure from the ballroom all the way to her chamber, ignoring the gawking soldiers and servants they inevitably passed.

Once set down, Sabina tried to slap him. Sebastian caught her wrist and held it in a vice grip.

"Do you think that by luring a soldier between your legs you'll be free of this place?" he barked. "That being future Queen will protect you from Dante's cruelty if you harm his pride?"

"Perhaps I've an interest to save my world!"

Sebastian shook his head, catching her when she almost toppled over. "If you tried to slut your way out of this, you wouldn't be freed. You would simply be given to the men and your Hell would be eternal."

Sabina swayed unsteadily in his arms. "Where are the women?"

"What?" Sebastian frowned. "What the fuck does that have to do with-?"

"There are no women," Sabina frowned back at him. "Are there only men in Hell?"

Sebastian fought to control his temper. "No. Sabina, this is important."

"It is important that there are only men in Hell?" she said stupidly.

"Some of the soldiers are women, you just wouldn't know it." Sebastian carefully released her, raking a hand through his hair. "How much did you drink?"

Sabina blinked, struggling through the alcohol to keep track of their discussion. All she could see was Sebastian glaring at her, gorgeous, his eyes burning with frustration.

"What did Ambrose mean about you?" she asked, suddenly remembering their conversation from before. That he had been watching her.

"Ambrose was as drunk as you are currently," Sebastian snapped.

"Stop with your games and tell me the truth!" Sabina shouted, stumbling back when Sebastian abruptly came close. The anger was gone, and she stared, fascinated by the dark expression on his face that was strangely exciting.

Looking into her glazed, beautiful blue eyes, Sebastian struggled with words. He pinched her chin and kissed her instead.

Sabina was stunned at first, but that quickly dissipated. Sebastian's kiss was warm, sensual, very arousing. Within seconds she was eagerly kissing him back, inviting more.

Sebastian's hands settled on her waist then slid higher. Sabina sighed into his mouth, pressing closer and wanting his hands on her breasts. She moaned when he cupped them, her arms went about his neck. She kissed him urgently, thrilled every time his thumbs brushed over her nipples.

Then his arm was around her, crushing them together, his other hand up her neck, his fingers curled through her hair as his kiss turned rough.

Sabina felt giddy, from the wine and the lust combined. She wanted nothing more than to fall deliriously back on the bed and let him take advantage of her.
