The Prince's Brother


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Sabina noticed the city was populated by strange people. All paused to furtively watch them, bowing low to Dante, who stared straight ahead without acknowledging them.

There were more armoured soldiers when they reached the castle, one approaching to take the horse while Dante dismounted and assisted Sabina to her feet, lifting her before she could step any direction.

In black armour, the soldiers stood to attention, their eyes following Sabina.

They went through a great hall, up a very wide staircase, through one room after another, all similar décor and all guarded by soldiers.

Just as Sabina gave up on keeping track of their passage, deciding she could never find her way out, they turned into a room and encountered two men standing conversing before a flickering fire.

One was a senior general, with greying sideburns and wearing a smooth black uniform, no armour.

The other man was dressed similarly to Dante, in black boots and tastefully fitted attire, but no cape. His clothes were a soft brown where Dante was in all black.

He turned and saw Sabina. Tall, strong, the same intense brown eyes that were unusual for his blonde hair. The man's handsome face turned coolly neutral as he looked her over.

Sabina felt a strange vertigo. "You!"

"Who?" the general enquired, looking to his companion, whose sharp gaze darted from Sabina to Dante.

"Is she not divinely lovely, Sebastian?" Dante grinned.

Sebastian looked bored, his unimpressed gaze flickering to Sabina's muddied shoes. "She must be frail if you have to carry her."

"I was surprised not to see you at the border," Dante said, lowering Sabina to the ground but keeping an arm around her waist, his fingers drumming along her side. "What were you discussing?"

"The ball," the General smiled. "I am convincing your brother to attend."

"He takes so well to love in shadow," Dante sneered, his attention on Sebastian. "Explain your absence."

"Do you require my public approval?" Sebastian replied, his eyes raking Sabina from head to toe. "She is comely enough, I grant you. Ready for the altar, I'm not as certain."

"That will be your undertaking." Dante pushed Sabina forward. "I heard a strange rumour you are partial to young peasant women."

"Your ignorance is blatant, if you believe her peasant," Sebastian returned.

They glared at each other, until the general cleared his throat. "I'll take my leave," he bowed and strode quickly down the hall and out of sight.

Standing between the men, Sabina felt both sides of the tension and couldn't decide who she feared most.

"You know your duty," Dante said, motioning to Sabina with his eyes. "See to it."

"I...I'd like to go home," Sabina ventured, flinching when Sebastian's burning gaze landed on her.

"Should I oblige my future queen?" Sebastian queried, crossing his arms with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"The weight of your displeasure does not relieve you of your obligations," Dante countered.

After a last satisfied glance at Sabina, he turned on his heel and walked off, pausing in the doorway. "She's a maiden, Sebastian, in case you were wondering."

"I wasn't, since you've brought her here," Sebastian said casually.

Dante's hardened features lightened with a knowing smile. "Well, don't forget to verify her."

Then Dante was gone, and Sabina slowly met Sebastian's hostile gaze. He looked at her as though she'd just personally insulted him.

"You bought my apples at market," she said numbly.

Sebastian didn't answer. He circled Sabina, appraising her.

"Will you help me?" she asked pitiably.

"No," he said bluntly.

"He...Dante stole me from the woods-"

"Then you are incredibly foolish." Sebastian slowly exhaled; his eyes hard with impatience. "Follow me."

When he turned on his heel, Sabina ran the opposite direction, knowing it was pointless and hearing his faster steps behind. She yelped when she was forced back to the wall.

Two soldiers passing the corridor paused, recognised Sebastian, then continued on their way.

"This is a mistake," Sabina protested, unable to move at all. Very different to Corbett, the man was a wall of muscle. "Let me go!"

Sebastian spoke softly through is teeth. "If you are difficult, I will ensure you regret it. Do you understand?"

"You feel different," Sabina uttered, her hands clasping Sebastian's wrist. His skin was warm, and his pulse thudded under her fingertips. "Not like him."

"He is a Prince of this realm," Sebastian retorted. "Will you walk, or must I carry you?"

Suddenly thirsty, Sabina licked her lips, recalling her travelling supplies lay abandoned somewhere in the forest.

Sebastian noticed. "You need nourishment. Come." He jerked his head for her to walk in front.

There were soldiers and servants everywhere. Most bowed silently to Sebastian without meeting his eyes, whilst others of higher ranking openly acknowledged him.

Sabina backed into Sebastian when a man approached, carrying his head under one arm.

"By the Gods, she is lovely," the head smiled at Sabina. "How did Dante get so damned lucky?"

The man's body was thickset, in the same black military uniform as the General. His face was friendly, with lively green eyes and a lop-sided grin, though this could be attributed to the angle of his head.

"Hello Ambrose," Sebastian replied. "Yes, Dante is very satisfied with himself today, which makes the day unremarkable."

"Oh, don't be sour, Sebastian," Ambrose chuckled from under his bicep. The body lifted his head for a closer look at Sabina.

Alarmed, Sabina pressed back into Sebastian and his fingers curled around her shoulders to keep her from running.

"Ambrose, I present Dante's fiancé. Ambrose is Dante's most valued war strategist," Sebastian said to Sabina. "You've nothing to fear from him."

"Is that so?" Ambrose's head said, eyeing Sebastian with mock offence. "Everything below the neck is in perfect working order, I'll have you know."

"I would rather not know, however it's of little use if you keep misplacing your head," Sebastian replied.

"Oh, my head is never misplaced," Ambrose grinned, rudely licking his lips. "You envy my abilities, Sebastian."

"Perhaps, if I desired to suck my own cock," Sebastian drawled as Ambrose laughed. "If you'll excuse me, Dante's bride is famished."

The headless body bowed to Sabina. "Delighted to meet you, my Lady."

Eventually they entered a room, sleek grey walls, with a ceiling so high Sabina felt she could stare up for hours and never find the top.

After seating her at the enormous, black marbled table, Sebastian poured a glass of water then took a chair at the far end.

"Where am I?" Sabina asked, staring at the food.

Sebastian picked up a silver knife and toyed with it. "The Prince's temporary settlement," he said.


"You're to be married," he answered, glaring like she was stupid. "Dante procured you easily. Are you all so inert in the land of the living?"

"He chased me on horseback!" Sabina protested. "He carried me and-"

"And you are unrestrained without so much as a scratch for your efforts," Sebastian said with disdain. "One might think you came willingly."

"Why would-? I was terrified!" Sabina said, confused for being berated about her predicament. "I cut him, and the wound healed completely!"

Sebastian rolled his eyes, handling the blade in a faster motion. Sabina watched, fascinated that he didn't slice himself.

"You were in my village," she said hesitantly.

He sighed impatiently. "Yes."


Sabina jumped when Sebastian roughly tossed the knife on the table, the clatter echoed loudly through the room. "I have a supervising duty. To prepare you for Queenhood," he disclosed, changing topic.

"Prepare me...?"

"It's a simple undertaking," he said. "But the task cannot be allocated to an inferior rank. I tried to transfer it to the General with little success."

Sabina felt the less she knew about that, the better. She ate in silence for a while, not looking up from her meal while curiosity nagged at her. It was only when she finished that she noticed Sebastian staring fixedly at her.

"And so,'re the Prince's brother," she faltered, at a loss for anything to talk about.

"Half-brother," Sebastian corrected.

Intrigued, Sabina was momentarily distracted from her dire situation. "Does that not make you a Prince as well?"

"I suppose so."

"You don't like him."

"We tolerate each other," he shrugged.

Sabina scrutinised his stony countenance, very different to when he'd been conversing with the general. "You're unhappy that I'm here."

"I have little interest in Dante's ambitions." Sebastian drummed his fingers along the table. "If you have finished, I'll show you to your quarters. You should bathe and rest before the ball."


Sebastian ushered Sabina into a bedchamber. "This is where you will reside until the ceremony," he said, his hand sweeping the rooms.

Sabina took in her surroundings, stunned by the luxury. There was a bed big enough to comfortably sleep six people, a sitting area with a dining table, a smaller adjoining room for bathing.

Sabina went to the window and drew back with a gasp when she realised how high they were. Suddenly grateful Dante had carried her up all the stairs, she looked over the entire kingdom, the sky's brightness muted by the veil encompassing the land. The sun was peeking over the horizon edge, spraying dim shards of light throughout.

"It has been a long night for you," Sebastian said behind her. "I advise you to get some sleep."

When Sabina turned from the window, he was gone. Exhausted, she sat silently on the bed for a while. Then she went under the covers without bothering to undress, curling into a ball. She didn't care about muddying the sheets. The tears came and she sobbed into her palms.

Disturbed and alone, Sabina knew attempting escape was futile. What most upset her was the fact there was no haven to escape to. She didn't miss her mother at all.

Even before her abduction, her future was frighteningly uncertain. Now she could accept it was unlikely she'd have ever reached her friend alive and unscathed. She was a fool.

A long time had passed; the sun slightly lowered from the mid-sky and it was late afternoon when she woke again. Someone had brought fresh water and food, which she morosely consumed.

After splashing her face with water, she went around the large room, inspecting small cupboards and drawers. She searched a small desk equipped with writing implements. Rummaging, she discovered wax, paper, quills, a royal seal. Then she finally found something useful, a paper knife.

Holding the weapon renewed her confidence. She was brave enough to leave her home on a perilous journey. She could survive this.

Sabina pocketed the little blade, sliding it between a fold in her belt where her skirt would conceal it.

She went to the bed, dragging the top sheet off and began to roll it. There was a lot of bedding, and she had to lay parts across the chamber floor to separate them lengthwise. Soon she worked up a loop system, preparing an escape rope.

She was on her knees, furiously pulling a knot tight when Sebastian laughed from the doorway.

Sabina fell back with a shriek and scrambled to her feet. She'd no idea how long he'd been standing there, she was so absorbed in her task.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian grinned for the first time, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. Unsettlingly handsome.

"Nothing," Sabina said lamely, her heart thudding.

Sebastian shook his head. "If you didn't break your neck falling from the window, or if a guard didn't seize you along the descent, there would be many soldiers at the base who would be more than delighted to have a legitimate reason to touch you."

He entered the room, still with his arms crossed. "And then the Prince would serve me a standard lecture about my regal inferiority and failure. Possibly I would be accused of deliberate incompetency, but you would not fare so well."

"You say 'The Prince', when you're both a Prince," Sabina resentfully muttered.

He tilted his head at her. "You have not spent enough time with Dante to gauge his tendencies but believe me, you don't want to rouse his wrath. He is not known for his gentleness."

Sabina looked at the pathetic rolled sheets and felt a fresh wave of humiliation.

"I want to leave!" she cried. "I don't belong here and I understand none of this, least of all you, and I am not going" she stumbled when he closed the distance between them, the bedpost at her back.

"I am here only by obligation," Sebastian said harshly. "I don't want to be in your company any longer than is required." His eyes darted over her head to the massive bedframe. "Get on the bed."

Sabina's mouth fell open. "W-What?"

"Get on the bed. I have to verify your virtue."

"No!" Sabina exclaimed, pushing him with all the force she could muster. He didn't budge. Her gaze travelled down his hard chest and her eyes widened at the noticeable pull in his trousers. "You...You're..." she blushed furiously and strained to distance herself.

"I'm a man," he said curtly, picking her up and throwing her onto the mattress, pinning her down. "After my check, I expect you to bathe. There are no maids to wait on you," he said, easily restraining her. "If you are incapable, I will have to assist you."

"I'll bathe myself!" Sabina shouted, kicking. "Leave me alone!"

Sebastian held her across his lap and fell silent, gazing at where her skirt had flipped up to display her undergarments. He gripped the simple material and ripped it.

Sabina gasped with horror when fresh air swept across her exposed bottom. Sebastian was lightly panting from their tussle, but it was a different, uneven sort of breathing.

Sabina withdrew the paper knife from her waist tie and twisted in Sebastian's lap. He caught her wrist before the blade could strike his chest.

"Really?" he inquired, squeezing until Sabina cried out and dropped the weapon.

Holding up the small blade, Sebastian looked like he wanted to laugh. He twirled it in his hand then threw it, where it shot across the room to pierce the centre of a flower painting.

Then he forced Sabina down, ignoring her cries, his attention back on her bare behind. He touched the soft, curved skin of each buttock. Then he smacked them, one at a time, over and over, holding Sabina down while she shrieked and struggled.

Satisfied by the hot glow of her ass, he massaged the sore flesh and spread her cheeks.

"Don't..." Sabina sobbed, holding fistfuls of the bedding. "Don't..."

"What is your name?" he asked, his fingertips straying down the cleft between her thighs.

"Chloe," Sabina sniffed, then cried out when he dealt a particularly sharp smack.

"I'll try again. What is your name?"

"Sabina," she miserably answered, wiping tears from her face. "You hurt me."

"You tried to stab me, and then you lied," he returned, then slowly guided Sabina onto her back. "If you continue to give me trouble, I have no choice but to continue punishing you until we have an understanding."

Sabina gulped, still lightly resisting when he hitched her skirts completely out of the way and spread her legs. He roughly pushed them apart when she tried to close them again.

"Stop," he growled, lowering onto his belly and pulling her thighs until her pussy was mere inches from his face.

He seemed enormous between her legs. Mortified, Sabina closed her eyes and covered her face with her hands.

Sebastian glanced up and smiled at her reaction, then looked at the pink, glistening flesh in front of him.

"You're wet," he murmured, lightly tracing her folds and grinning when her thighs nervously tensed.

"I don't know what you mean," Sabina mumbled through her fingers, conscious of strangely enjoying the abuse far more than when Corbett touched her.

"It means you are not suffering as you might have me believe," he said, sucking his finger. "Try to relax."

Sabina squealed and almost sat up when one digit found her entrance and slowly pushed inside. It was strange but not unpleasant.

Sebastian paused for her to adjust, feeling her tight walls constrict around his finger. "I won't hurt you," he muttered, letting his thumb gently stroke her swelling clit.

"Oh!" Sabina gasped, taken aback. "What..." she frowned, her cheeks turning red. She didn't want to acknowledge how good it felt.

"You are very responsive," Sebastian said grimly, slightly pulling his finger out before pressing deeper, still massaging her pulsing button with his thumb.

"I...I..." Sabina's jaw dropped, and she arched into the bed as her heartbeat accelerated. She found herself lightly jerking her hips, searching for new friction against his thumb, building to something.

"Yes, he'll enjoy you," Sebastian muttered, watching her helplessly writhe before returning his heated gaze to her delicious pussy. His finger went deeper, withdrawing unnecessarily, coated in glistening moisture. He slowly inserted again, fixated, noticing Sabina's smooth legs spread wider as she softly moaned.

He was close before he realised, his mouth inches away from her flushed sex, his heart suddenly pounding. He quickly removed himself from the temptation.

Sabina's eyes fluttered and she resumed normal breathing, realising Sebastian had retreated. She felt flustered, unfinished as though something was missing.

Embarrassed, she quickly sat up and pulled her skirts down, pressing her thighs tightly together to savour the lingering sensations.

"What happened?" she asked hoarsely, unable to meet his eyes.

Sebastian ignored her question, busy wiping his glistening hand onto a handkerchief. "Why the fuck were you alone in the forest on the Black Eve?"

"I-I was journeying to a f-friend in the next town," she stammered. "I was being forced into an unwanted marriage."

"An unwanted marriage?" Sebastian smiled gravely. "I suppose you might appreciate the irony."

Sabina was distracted, staring at his erection. Sebastian didn't seem to notice.

"Bathe and dress yourself," he said brusquely, pointing to a small adjoining room. "The water is bewitched to a comfortable temperature. You will dine in your chambers and afterward you may amuse yourself here or ask for me."


As much as she'd like to deny it, Sabina thoroughly enjoyed her bath. The tub was very large, the water passed over her skin like warm silk, a delectable scent rising with the steam.

Relaxed, she stepped out from the tub, dried herself, and went back to the bedchamber. Her dirty clothes were gone, and the bed had been remade with fresh sheets.

Opening the big closet, she discovered all kinds of dresses inside, some particularly ornate that she would need assistance with.

She reached out to pinch a yellow gown, feeling the soft material between her fingers. It had dainty white sleeves with gold embroidering, the same at the gown's hem.

Sabina let out a small scream as the dress moved suddenly. It swept up and over her head, breaking apart and forming again at her arms, the white ribbons tightly entwining at her breasts.

Panting with fear, she rushed to the mirror. The gown's sunny colour brightened her face, reminding her of home. Her hair had dried quickly, the gold-brown tresses lay across her shoulders. Even in her disturbed state, Sabina could not deny the clothing flattered her.

The hours passed and Sabina spent a lot of time looking out the window. Fascinated by the mystical town and its occupants, she stared until two soldiers happened to glance up and merrily salute her, then she quickly retreated into hiding.

Sabina wasn't bored. Her quarters were magnificent, fit for royalty, and there was much to admire. There were jewels and silks, interesting puzzles of all kinds, and playing cards.