The Princess Charming


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'Beautiful, beautiful, no man or woman can resist these.'

'Bur yours are more beautiful and full, I fell in love with them the moment I saw them.'

'They are in good shape because they were getting regular exercise and attention. But yours are in their natural perfection they are as beautiful as an obscure flower in the wilderness, just like the Miranda girl, Prospero's daughter. But what size are they dear?

'Well, thirty four inches, I guess.' Lily said looking at her own breasts and passing her hand over them.

'No dear the cup size I asked'

'I don't know, I have never heart of that.'

'These must be a full D you know, we will chose the right size for you later. Oh God you are a classical feminine figure, with the right kind of hips women will be drooling in Dubai at these bums.'

Regina ran her fingers over the hips and made a smacking sound with her lips.

'Yours is a Dancer's body dear pet.'

Lily sat on the bed unable to stand on her feet as her knees were giving in. Regina kissed her neck, the erogenous region behind her ears, behind the neck under the canopy of her jet black hair which had the aroma of fresh shampoo. The lewd lips softly ran along the collar bone like a whiff of caressing breeze. Lily's breasts were in red alert and seemed to be on the verge of bursting out. Numerous ants seemed to team up on the mounds. The aureoles were puckered and waves of excruciating happiness washed past the tissues. Regina kissed the bottom swell of the celestial valley and the valley itself, soft gossamer hair tickled her tongue. She kissed the bottom of the breasts and with a cruel patience progressed to the nipples but stopped short of attacking them. Again she moved back and trailed her way to the devilishly fascinating armpits. Lily was writhing and crying, she opened her arms to the intruder. There was a mat of fresh fragrant mat of soft silken hair there. Regina licked there despite herself and Lily squealed unabashed.

Again the lips were tormenting their way back. 'If she kisses my nipples, I will die,' lily reasonlessly reasoned from somewhere in the heavens. Indeed, this time Regina reached the apex and chewed the leathery impatient nipples and Lily heard a distant roar of a tsunami. She knew that the world was collapsing, she heard cherubs chorusing in the garden of god. She cried out pushing the breast deep into the mouth of the tormenter. She gasped for breath and thought it was death, sweet welcome death. When she opened her eyes, she found Regina still fondling and softly kissing the breasts. Centuries had come to pass between them.

'What happened to me?'

'You just blossomed into a woman.'

'I never experienced it before.'

'Not even with your husband?'


'He does not know the heaven he is the lucky custodian of, poor fellow. But lay there still, the best is yet to come.'

'Today I discovered me.'

'You have many more vast and exotic territories to explore.. inside of you, we will do it together. And at last we will bid a warm goodbye to the world without a lingering backward glance. '

Regina resumed her exploration down south, carpet kissing each cuticle. She washed the belly button with her vehement tongue, Lily was writhing again. Lily lifted her hips when Regina shucked down the pants. A delectable aroma of fresh guava wafted. Regina could not control herself. She ran her tongue along the swell of the fabric. The gusset was wet and soaked. Lily strained into her mouth. Shortly the panties also were pulled out. Regina devilishly kissed and licked the gusset like a cone of ice cream and grinned. Then she went down to the toes which were quivering for attention. She bathed the toes with her saliva and inched up north dead slow knowing that she had all the time of the world. She kissed the white thighs provoking Goosebumps all along.

'Your aroma is unique and enchanting,' she cooed reaching the periphery of the sweet garden. Rare drops of love trickled down from the core of the garden. Regina kissed the soft turf of grass and nibbled some hair reverently. Then she teased the rim of the labia with her tongue. At last, she slurped up a snot of honey pooled up at the opening. Regina lost her composure and attacked the honey pot, more honey oozed out. Lily bucked and humped against the tongue. Strange things were happening to her, she had reached a point of no return, no matter what. Her body was going to explode into smithereens, but nothing mattered except that moment in time, except that tongue between her legs. She thought she was urinating, she thought feces were coming out. Death was certain she was in her last throes, on the way to heaven, fulminating heaven where sheer bliss shimmered. She heard her crying in death. she heard a sweet enchanting orchestra from a distant universe. When she opened her eyes long later, Regina was still between her lags, softly kissing the sweet opening and caressing the thighs.

'Thank you, I thought I was dying.'

'You were dear, a sweet transient death of sorts, une petite morte as they say.'

'I never knew that women could love women and that such pleasures existed. But I was fascinated to you the moment I saw you. I thought I was sick and possessed.'

'Dear, women love women, all of them. Men also do, all of us need the pleasures hidden in a woman's body. We are all straining to return to the paradise inside of our mothers. It is only natural given the uncertainties and abominations of the world. I cannot think of a life without a woman's love to give pleasure and to take pleasure from.'

'I guess you have enlightened me and I am happy that I came to you defying my reason and apprehension.'

'Still more is to come darling, but it will suffice for today as you have had too much for a beginning.'

They slept together spooning and cuddling. The city and life fleeted bypassing them. It was late in the afternoon when they woke up. Lily gratefully kissed the woman on the lips with tears of gratitude and happiness flowing out.

'Will you permit me to explore this body and admire every part of it taking my time?'

'Sure my pet, my body is waiting for you, it has been waiting for you ever since I met you, during the dance my nipples were erect only for you dear.'

Regina proceeded to remove her gown.

'No let me do it. I want to enjoy it all from the first principles.'

'Sure, thy will be done.'

'Will it be unladylike if I follow my heart over this adorable body?'

'There are no such invisible walls dear. Every woman knows how to make love to another woman, much better than a man does. You just yield to the inner software, you are programmed naturally to enjoy the pleasures embedded in a woman's body. But the body is not a machine, she offers the pleasures to the right admirer when she is loved properly, when there is trust. You have to make love to her mind first. Now that I love you my body is primed to offer the delicious pleasures to you. You can potentially make love to any woman if you take the mental route than the blunt frontal one.'

Lily proceeded to unwrap the lithe and sublime body offered to her like a child opening the choicest toys offered to her on her birthday. When the breasts were at last exposed, she could not help exclaiming, 'Oh Jesus, I have been waiting for this very moment so long. The crowning moment in my life. Let me scan and feed the image on my soul for the rest of my life. Thank you for blessing me with this experience. I never knew that I had such passions for the feminine beauty. I had been afraid to address my inner world.'

'Take YOUR time dear, it is all yours. In love there are no conditions no restrictions, no demands. Remember St. Mathew's gospel.'

'Let me begin from the beginning,' Lily buried her face in the ripe and rich hair, she in haled the fragrance and sighed happily. She nibbled at strange places like a lamb seeking its dam's udder. Regina enjoyed the ministrations from an inexperienced and innocent lass. Her innocence was her charm. The girl showered petal soft kisses on the brows, eyes, cheeks, neck and lips. They were like a floral shower. It took some time for her to reach the heaving furious and impatient breasts. Regina literally purred and writhed when the girl's tongue and subtle agile delicate digits began to worship the breasts.

'Oh dear, oh dear,' Regina kept mewling.

The nipples were in a rage of passion and quivered spasmodically. Few pearly globules of wetness appeared on them. Express trains stormed on the areolas. Regina fondled the head of Lily lovingly. The girl after an eternity etched deep in the heavens, moved down kissing and loving. Her soul was her guide, her heart was her cue.

'Please let me worship your behind.'

Regina rolled over obligingly. Lily squealed with excitement when she took her first glance over the globes. She kissed and smooched on them. Semicircular red rashes appeared on the bum as she kept biting at random, like an excited elephant on a sugar cane farm. Lily dived deep into the cleavage and licked like mad, she had become uncontrollable. Regina tried not to explode. Precious honey was flowing down to the bed.

'Oh pet I cannot stand it anymore,' she rolled over and screamed, her eyes looked like glass beads.

Clean shaved pussy was exposed to the girl. She sniffed and kissed all along the sides of the lips. Then she took the first swipe of the nectar, she rolled it in her mouth and reveled in the taste.

Regina looked down to watch how she enjoyed the honey. Lily was in the last heaven chewing the liquid. The flavor spread in her mouth, the same flavor and aroma of camel milk. Yes, Regina's excited body always exuded that aroma. She realized that the source of that aroma was her pussy. Lily dived down to slurp up more. She struggled not to spill and waste that precious love potion, the real panacea for her whole existential woes. The more she slurped the more the nectar spouted out.

'Watch out dear, watch out,' Regina screamed and exploded filling out Lily's mouth, she struggled to gobble up the entire load. Regina mewed violently, 'mommy oh mommy, mommy,'' and collapsed.

Lily's humble ministrations with her tongue gradually handheld the luscious lady back to the realms of mortals, back from the land of gods and angels. She was still flushed and quivering.

'You are something dear. No woman could ever give me this much pleasure. With this god given talent you will conquer the world.' Regina inferred.

'May I ask you a private question?'

'Oh yes, anything.'

'Why did you call out to your mother when you had your pleasure?'

'Oh that. My mother is my first lover and friend. Her dedicated hands alone shaped my breasts this way, hers was the first love I ever had, hers was the honey I feasted on, she was the guru and mentor that goaded me to this level. She initiated me into belly dance, she herself is a good dancer. Dance is the only art that attunes us to the eternal universal rhythm. It is a process of forgetting the self and becoming the dance. You know, Nijinsky used to fly whenever he ceased to be himself. When you are you are and when you merge you are the absolute, the brahma. She, my divine mom, is Always with me here in my heart.'

'Is she still there in your country?'

'Sure, she is only fifty and in the prime of life. She lives with her Lebanese wife in Beirut. I go back to her time and again to get recharged to take on this terrible cut throat world.'

'Can I SEE A photograph of your wonderful mother? I wish my mother were like her.'

Regina brought out an album and it was full of her mother, with her rich sagging breasts, red halo of hair and a radiant charismatic face which showed no scars of ageing. Regina kissed on the bust of some of the photographs. On another page they stumbled on a photograph of Regina, she was in a sheer translucent gown, front open with no bra and a pair of black lacy panties. Her hair was open and covered her head like a luxurious hood. Like the hood of a cobra. Her face had a simper that taunted the whole humanity.

'Can I have this one, to love you in your absence?'

'Perhaps yes,' she said hesitantly, 'this was taken by a French photographer. She comes looking for me wherever I am on earth and she is a fabulous lover. No, no don't be sad there. You are a perfect lover in a different way. She has her confidence, expertise and experience, you have your innocence and a naïve charm.'

Lily was thoughtful for a while.

'One day I will introduce her to you. She will take you on a long tour to the secrets of paradise.'

'I need only you and this honey from you.' She soul kissed the vagina again.

'No woman can fake this dear, if she loves you she will make this honey for you, no honey implies no love. And money cannot induce honey, only love can. This is the ambrosia she lovingly gives her beloved.' Regina watched a long string of honey connecting her hole and her lover's lips.

'I guessed so much.'

They talked for hours changing positions and exploring each other's body. At last they fell asleep with their faces buries in each other's breasts, dreamily sucking on the nipples they slipped into a sweet dreamless slumber.

It was already evening when they woke up. It was time to hit home, Tom would be waiting for her. They kissed and fondled the breasts for some time more and parted reluctantly. The craving lingered.

'My breasts seem to recognize your presence, they positively demand your lips, look how alert they are,' Regina opened her gown at the door.

'Wish I were always here to take care of those marvelous darlings. I will be back dear angels,' she kissed each nipple and fondled them when they kissed.

'Tonight I have to perform at the Sheraton, but I wish to stay back and bask in the afterglow of this tremendous day. I am addicted to your honey your body and to your mind, everything about you is intoxicating.'

'Thank you Regina, I will be thinking of you and the divine feelings I have for you until we meet. I have taken a new birth, my life will be different hereafter.'

They parted painfully. The driver took her back home. Lily had a feeling that she was floating, light headed she was. Her breasts after many years felt satiated and relaxed. They slept in her bra peacefully as a burped and sleeping child. Her whole body was tingling in a happy way. She felt a motherly love for the whole world. She could forgive anybody and forget anything at that moment. Even at home she was radiant with the afterglow. Life appeared bright and days appeared light as light.

She was very tolerant and docile to Tom, even she suffered patiently his lightning amorous advances. The process was not painful anymore and the result was not altogether obnoxious. She was beaming and radiant. She never had any more the post coitus blues after the occasional sexual intrusions by her husband, there were no more sleepless nights watching over her husband with a tremendous overbearing emptiness inside her. She was full and over flowing.

Both Regina and Lily remained in touch all the time on the whatsapp. Lily took it a point to delete all the risqué and puerile messages then and there. She felt reassured that they were connected and one even distances separated them. During the seedy hours of solitude she would relive the moments they were together. Her breasts and luscious honey filled pussy revolted during those hours and pines for those consoling lips.

Tom promoted the friendship. He wanted her to get more street smart and self-reliant. The friendship had transmuted her miraculously. She was more accessible to him, more friendly too. He hoped that in due course her employability would increase and thus the family income would multiply.

Almost every other day Regina and Lily had their dreamlike redeeming liaisons. Two pairs of perfect and youthful breast were satiated and full only when those loving lips were connected to them. More and more honey flowed into each other's mouth and love bloomed in myriad colours. Their bodies glowed and light radiated from them. Their eyes had all the depth and serenity of the universe. Within weeks Lily had perfectly mastered the art of making love to a woman in more ways than one.

'You changed me so much, now I cannot help getting moist whenever I see a beauty with th e right curves.' One day Lily confessed.

'Let it be, do not fight your feelings. I also crave for your touch, you know. We need it, life is an isolation, life is a helplessness. But the touch of a loving one make us forget it all.'

'You are right, you are always right. '

'I will sent the driver today as usual my doll, be ready for me.' Lily got the message. Usually she would take an elaborate bath to be presentable to her beloved by morning. But on that day she was not in the mood.

'I wish I could. But I am not feeling well, I feel heavy on my bust.'

'Oh pet, what happened?'

'Nothing serious, I am on my period. It is problematic always.'

'You must come to me period. I am sending the driver.

She was confused, her pussy was in a different rhythm, her breasts were heavy and painful. He dreaded her periods. She looked like a flower wilting.

Fresh and fragrant as usual, Regina received her with a warm caring embrace.

'You look wonderful and very edible in that white cute shirt and bra,' Regina kissed her on the lips.

'Thank you my guardian angel.' Lily passionately hugged back and experienced the nipples kissing each other. She had lately switched over to western costumes in place of churidar and saree.

'I am not your good times friend, I am an integral part of you in your thick and thin. I know what my darling girls in your bra need.' She guided the visitor to the bedroom.

'Let us see what my angles say,' she opened the shirt of her lover and unhooked the bra. They were already erect in the presence of their beloved. Lily reclined on the bed and felt loved and cared for.

'Are you unhappy darling?' she asked a nipple and kissed it. Then she softly massaged both breasts for a couple of hours using a copious supply of olive oil. The problems pertaining to menstruation was gone. She felt the pain and heaviness receding by and by, the back pain also vanished to a non-entity after the ministration. She felt safe and bathed in heavenly love. Lily faded into an exquisite slumber. Even when she opened her eyes, Regina was still pampering the breasts, lily's head was on Regina's naked lap. Strong enticing aroma of camel milk emanated from the soft shining pussy. Lily latched herself to one of the beckoning nipples and went back to sleep bathed in that heavenly scent. For the firs t time she had a non-problematic menstruation. When she woke up again, Regina was still feeding her from her breast and fondling her. Lily tried to swallow both the breasts and the valley in between with her greedy eyes. Then she had an idea.

'I want to return the favor,' Lily got up and grabbed the oil bottle. Regina understood what was on her mind and spread out on the bed. Lily applied olive oil on the bust and gently massaged the breasts, beginning from the valley and building up the pressure to the nipples. Then she massaged the sensitive tissues between the breasts and the armpits. It was very erotic, at last she kissed the clean shaven armpits sucking in the fragrance. Regina was ravaged by mighty doldrums of passion. The nipples squirmed and secreted a faint layer of watery liquid. Lily ravenously lapped it up. In the next stage she began the ministration from the rosy toes. She was particularly in love with those buds. Regina spread her legs and kicked with paroxysms of passion. By the time she reached the cool alabaster thighs, Regina's pussy was overflowing. Curd white liquid trickled out for her beloved. Lily immediately claimed that opening to heaven and drank it all with an ecstatic forgetfulness. Once she is there nothing else in the world mattered. Her universe had zeroed down to that fabulous honey pot, that cornucopia of everlasting love. Regina lovingly fed her as if feeding her own child. Shortly Regina had had an earth shattering orgasm, flooding the mouth of the devotee with her anointing holy water.