The Principal's Turn -Training Day


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Maggie was stunned and stood speechless. She had come in angered by what she heard, and her mind could not reconcile what she was seeing. Her head darted subtly up, down and side to side trying to comprehend what was happening. Her mind wanted an explanation for what she'd heard, and her eyes wanted to drink in the beautiful sight that stood before her.

Taisha spoke breaking the awkward silence. "I'm so sorry Principle turner, you're early. I didn't mean for you to hear that. I was trying to decide what to tell you..."

"Are you and Sam..."

"No! I would never do that," Taisha said firmly. "I told you I could handle him, but he said some things yesterday and I wasn't sure what to do. I don't want to come between you... Sit down Maggie, we'll talk over breakfast? Please?" Said Taisha retaining her firm tone. She pointed to the dining table.

"Breakfast is not a top priority at the moment Taisha, and why are you dressed like Oshun?" Said Maggie as she sat at the table.

"Fine but you need to hear me out." Said Taisha looking Maggie in the eyes.

Maggie did not like the commanding tone, but something told her Taisha was serious and she sat quietly.

"I'll explain the outfit in a minute. But it was given to me in Africa and I really wanted you to see it, but first let me explain the recording. What exactly did you hear?"

"That's the question of a guilty party trying to figure out what part of the lie they can keep." She started to stand up.

"I need you to sit down and be rational Maggie Turner!" Said Taisha in her best schoolteacher voice.

Maggie's anger was boiling over when Taisha smiled and giggled a little. It put Maggie at ease for a few seconds until the gravity of the situation hit her again. Sensing this, Taisha spoke in a calm voice with a warm smile at just the right instant.

"Principal Turner, I promise nothing happened. You know how Sam is. I handled it; I assure you Mr. Turner is not the object of my desire." She emphasized the word mister. Implying that Mrs. Turner was her object.

Maggie felt the anger soften and was once again befuddled by her feelings for Taisha. The image of the African goddess from the painting stood personified before her with her toned muscular stomach exposed. Her eyes were drawn to it, the smooth dark skin, muscular abs and her low-cut waistline.

The thought of gently kissing her tummy as her hand slid around to her full ass and held her close, appeared in her mind. How good would it feel to just hug her close and press her cheek against her warm body, she wondered. As she felt her mind drifting away, she managed to gather her thoughts and snap herself out of it.

"So, you recorded him yesterday?" Said Maggie, residing herself to the fact she would not get a swim in this morning.

She told herself she would do it later. She would definitely need the stress relief.

Taisha pulled the casserole from the oven. "Please, let's eat and talk about something less taxing over breakfast and I will tell you all about it after."

She scooped out a large portion onto Maggie's plate and a similar amount for herself. Maggie looked at it and thought, no way she could eat all that.

"Taisha, you've put out quite the spread. Thank you." She took a bite. "This is delicious." She took another bite savoring the flavors.

It had been a while since she had a real breakfast. Yesterday's French toast was the first hot breakfast in ages. But this was incredible.

"Amazing, I hope you'll share the recipe." said Maggie taking the third bite.

"It's another of my Bibi's recipes. If I share it, I'll be excommunicated from the family." She smiled. "I might take the risk with you though."

Maggie watched Taisha's eyes move up and down looking at her teasingly. She hated the fact the little once over with her eyes, made Maggie's heart race. She needed to stay strong and try not to encourage her.

Over breakfast Taisha explained, during her study abroad in Africa when she had arrived at a village in Nigeria, one of the elder women was taken by her in a yellow blouse and told her she reminded her of Oshun. She is the woman that did the painting Taisha had given Maggie. After teaching the children they wanted to express their gratitude by presenting her with the outfit she was wearing. They hand crafted everything. When Taisha tried to pay them for it, they refused.

"It was just so moving that a village that was the poorest of the poor by our standards gave me such a beautiful and extravagant gift for teaching their children." Taisha stood up and turned around. "Look at the detail."

Maggie was amazed. As she spun Maggie could see what she thought was an elastic waist was actually a series or strings through the waist bands that pulled together in the back and tied. The top similarly was not elastic but tied. on the right side, under her arm.

The jewelry was intricate, and hand crafted as well. When she saw Taisha's exposed shoulders and lower back, she found herself wanting to touch and caress her ebony skin.

"It's so beautiful and elaborate, it's not something I can wear going out and about, so I just wanted to share it with you."

"I'm so glad you did Taisha. The detail is amazing, and you are the only one I know beautiful enough to do it justice." Said Maggie, trying not to get lost her eyes.

Taisha noticed and began to grow more confident that her plan was working. She maintained eye contact until Maggie swallowed hard and looked down and away.

Changing the subject Maggie asked for seconds. "I can't believe I'm doing this after that giant serving, but can I please have some more?" she asked softly.

Taisha served her another helping. After breakfast Maggie helped clean up and they sat on the sofa. Taisha shared the events of the day before with Sam and eventually played the recordings for her. She helped keep it light and they joked as best they could, making fun of Sam.

Maggie tried to keep the attitude that Sam was Sam and it was not a big deal. She particularly found it amusing how obvious it was Taisha was not actually participating in phone sex and came across almost monotone at certain points.

"Oh My god, listen to you, were you yawning right there?" Maggie laughed as she listened.

Sam on the other hand clearly did make himself cum. Sam being Sam was one thing, but the revelation that he had apparently, routinely, had sex with multiple women over the years, was hard to take.

The hypocrisy of her anger did not escape Maggie. Considering her encounters with Taisha, it was a bit of the pot and the kettle. But, in her defense, she told herself, Taisha was the instigator and Maggie had stopped it.

But even as she told herself this, her eyes scanned Taisha. The contrast of her glistening dark skin against the bright yellow fabric, the shape of her shoulders and neck and the way the large hooped earing bounced against her neck, all seemed to make Maggie want her.

She breathed slowly and steadily through her nose trying to keep control of her emotions. As she did the scent of Taisha's perfume brought back the image of that first encounter in her office. Taisha was rubbing her shoulders and when the scent hit her nostrils. That may have been the moment Maggie lost control. As she recalled how Taisha was able to bring her such pleasure with just one finger, she felt another rush of wetness.

Then it hit Maggie, she was in a speedo and it would not take much to soak through. She quickly stood up breaking her chain of thought. "I think I'll have more coffee, would you like some?" She asked Taisha.

"No thanks. Are you ok Principal Turner?" Taisha looked at Maggie's ass in the speedo and imagined nibbling her partially exposed butt cheeks.

She did not comprehend a word of Maggie's response as she took in the image of Principal Turner's tight little body in the lycra suit. Her breasts were a nice handful with her nipples quite visible through the stretched fabric. Her stomach firm and flat, begged to be touched and kissed. When she turned, she marveled at the arch of her back giving way to the smooth curve of her ass.

She recalled the feel of her neck and shoulders as she had massaged them at that first encounter. She wanted to peel that speedo off and explore her nude body...

... "so many mixed emotions, but thanks for asking." Maggie sighed.

Taisha's mind whipped back into focus as she looked at Maggie's troubled face. She quickly thought of a response that would not give up her complete lack of attention to what was just said.

"Just know I'm here if you ever need to talk about it or... I'm here." Taisha thought, less was more in this case and stopped talking.

Maggie returned to the sofa an took a seat with her back to the corner of the armrest. This placed her a little farther away for safety but facing Taisha a bit more. After sitting for a moment, she realized this position had it's downside. She had a really good view of Taisha's fit stomach against the bright yellow.

She could see her ab muscles even as she sat and could not stop the thought of licking her belly button. Her eyes bounced from her belly button to her eyes.

Those eyes were hypnotic in their own right. Clear bright whites surrounding the intensely dark iris almost undiscernible from her pupils. Her face was almost glowing, the ebony softness begged for her touch.

Maggie remembered how Taisha's full soft lips felt against hers and once again realized she was losing the battle. She thought of a question that could justify her stare and get her mind off the forbidden fruit in front of her.

"How do you get your abs so toned Taisha, I have never been able to get the six pack, or even a one pack."

"I've done at least fifty sit-ups a day for ten years plus, I eat right and run three times a week. Of course, I tried swimming the other day and was ready to quit after four laps. I don't think you have anything to worry about Principal Turner. You have a tight firm beautiful tummy," responded Taisha looking at Maggie's midsection eagerly. "I wish I looked like that in a speedo."

Taisha struggled to focus. Maggie sat with her back in the corner of the arm rest, her right knee against the back of the couch with her calf laying on the sofa and foot dangling over the edge. Her left leg was stretched out and heel rested on the floor. She tried not to stare at the bathing suit crotch but couldn't help but imagine pulling it aside and diving in between Maggie's legs and tasting her again.

They continued talking about workout routines and diet plans, favorite foods and portion control. That made Maggie think how good she was doing with her thought control. Until Taisha warmed her coffee for her and sat back down closer on the sofa, back in perfume range.

Once again, the scent of Rogue, plunged her mind back to the encounter in her office. "So much more to teach you," Taisha had said.

Maggie needed to get out of this situation, or she would falter again. And if she didn't move now, she would soak through her bathing suit for sure. "That coffee is going through me. I better head back to the house. I'm too full to swim anyway, I should get out of this suit." Maggie stood up as she spoke.

"You can use the restroom here, I was gonna show you my photo journal from the village in Nigeria, won't you stay a bit longer. I have some pajama's or something comfy you can put on if you want, shorts and T maybe?" Said Taisha, trying not to sound desperate.

Maggie stood looking down a Taisha trying to decide what to do. She was a professional grown woman in charge of the largest high school in Arkansas. But couldn't control herself around one young woman. She asked herself, "Is this what you are reduced to? Some kind of hormone crazed animal..."

"Ok, yeah, that sounds great, give me a minute." Said Maggie and she went into the bathroom. She pulled down the speedo to her knees and sat. The door to the bathroom had a body mirror on the inside. She had forgotten about that. When they had used the RV, she remembered thinking it had to be a man that designed this. There's not a woman alive who wants to watch themselves while doing their business.

She finished and cleaned herself up. Before leaving the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror and took a few deep breaths, determined to maintain her composure. She opened the door, still looking in the mirror as it opened. The mirror reflected into the bedroom and she caught sight of black stockings and matching braw and underwear laying on the bed.

With the door open it blocked the aisle of the RV acting as a sight barrier to the living area where Taisha was. Maggie left it open and turned toward the bedroom. The stockings were lace thigh highs and the bra and panties were black lace with a touch of sparkle and an elaborate group of black strings for attaching them somehow.

Maggie starred at them imagining what Taisha would look like in that outfit. She wondered why they were laid out on the bed like they were on display. As she starred, she heard Taisha.

"Everything OK Principal Turner?" Asked Taisha.

"Is this supposed to be the something comfier?" Asked Maggie, a bit agitated.

"Oh, no that wasn't meant for you to see, I'm Sorry, I a..." Taisha said sounding flustered.

She had in fact wanted Maggie to see the outfit, but a bit later. But she thought this could work.

"Did you wear that for Sam?" She asked anger growing.

"God no I bought them for you, before..."

Maggie looked back toward the door and saw her reflection. She blushed and felt a tingle between her legs when it hit her, Taisha was going to wear that outfit for her.

"Before?" Maggie asked and paused.

"Before you said we shouldn't... I thought I had put them away, I'm so sorry, please don't think I'm still trying..." Taisha paused to let Maggie react. She had moved closer to the door.

Maggie turned back to look at the outfit and her mind imagined what Taisha would look like wearing it. Her mind pictured kneeling before Taisha and peeling those stockings off her thighs. Her breathing deepened and the silence grew awkward.

"It's OK. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. You're a beautiful young lady and gonna make someone very happy someday. I'm flattered you would have worn that outfit for me." Maggie felt herself getting warmer and wetter and tried to figure out how to gracefully leave.

"I bought it hoping you would wear it actually... Stop it Taisha you're making it worse. Principal turner I'm sorry I..." Taisha rambled.

Maggie gripped the right stocking. She had never worn anything like that before. She had owned at least a thousand pairs of panty hose, but never anything like what she was holding. They were so light and silky, she rubbed them against her face breathing deeply. They smelled of Taisha's Rogue perfume causing her pussy to flush. Suddenly she felt light-headed and sat quickly on the bed.

"...we're ok?" Taisha finished.

"Yes, we're ok." Replied Maggie. "Just give me a minute please."

"Ok." Said Taisha tentatively.

Maggie put on one of the stockings and looked at herself. She extended her leg and turned sideways to the mirror. The look and feel were exhilarating. She never would have bought something like this for herself. She put on the other and stood looking at her legs in the stockings.

Even with the speedo she felt sexier than she could remember. She was getting more excited by the minute and looking at the conglomeration of strings coming from the panties and braw she couldn't resist trying them on too.

"Everything is ok Taisha, I promise. I just need a few minutes to collect myself if you don't mind," she said as she wiggled out of the speedo.

She wished she'd done that before she put on the stockings but managed to get it off over the stockings. She enjoyed looking at herself naked with the lace stockings even more. Taisha opened her mind to so many possibilities, she began to think about her words yet again. "So much more to teach you..."

It took her several minutes to figure out the panties and braw, but it was worth the challenge. They were not quite like anything she had seen before. The panties were a bikini thong, but so unique Maggie quickly put aside her dislike of butt floss.

The waist band was a thin quarter inch elastic ribbon material. But cumming off each side of the top of triangle pantie front, were two additional crisscrossing elastic ribbon straps that formed six diamonds of skin that shown through the straps. Three ribbon straps wrapped around each hip, came back together, and crisscrossed in the back just above her ass crack.

After she figured out the maze of elastic straps, she could not help but look at herself in the mirror. The panties had little sparkling specs interwoven into the black lace and contrasted nicely with her slightly tanned skin. She felt so sexy as she turned sideways and adjusted the three straps high on her exposed hips.

She looked over her shoulder and saw the way the straps converged above her naked ass. She felt proud of all the hours she spent in the pool and at the gym to keep her ass in shape. The black lace stockings seemed to accentuate her ass sending a tingle through her body.

The bra was equally complex, but she figured it out quickly. It was a basic black lace bra with the sparkles interwoven also. It clipped in the back normally, but like the panties, there were three elastic straps that attached at the bottom under each breast, they crisscrossed in front forming the diamond patterns below her breasts. The three straps were connected to a bit of fabric with a triple clasp that connected in the center of her back.

Those three black ribbon straps wrapping around her back made Maggie feel so sexy, because of the clash against her light skin and the way it seemed to accentuate her shape. She looked at herself and spun slowly around. She marveled at Taisha's ability to tap into her most inner desires.

Maggie would have never imagined wearing the outfit Taisha had picked and now that it was on, she had never felt so attractive, or so wanted. She needed to see Taisha's reaction to her wearing it. Her defenses were gone, and she had to know what Taisha could teach her. "A thousand ways to pleasure you..." She said.

At the same time Taisha had inched closer to the door. Resisting the urge to peak over the top or under the door, she listened quietly. Based on the movements and rustling she dared to hope Principal Turner was putting on the lingerie.

She tried to contain her excitement as her dream could finally become reality. She wanted to speak out but needed to play it cool. She had asked for a few minutes and it had been several. She removed her arm bands, bracelets and head piece wanting nothing between them incase...

She could hear Principal Turner breathing and see shadows moving on the floor under the door. She wondered if Maggie was looking at herself in the mirror when suddenly she heard her speak in a breathy sighing voice. "Taisha?"

"Yes Ms. Turner?" Taisha's heart thumped.

Taisha smiled as the silence lingered. After a long moment Taisha spoke with joy. "You like the outfit, don't you?"

Another torturous moment and finally. "Yes, very much." Maggie said softly, butterflies in her stomach. She breathed slowly and deeply.

"Do you want to show me how you look Principal Turner?" Asked Taisha, her confidence growing with each exchange.

"Yes, please." She stood barely able to breath.

Looking over her shoulder at her ass in the thong, she hoped Taisha would not be disappointed. She turned to face the mirror, smiled and took a deep breath. "I love it Taisha, I want you to see me. I want you to teach me..."

"I'm coming in now Principal Turner." Taisha swung the door closed and gazed in amazement. There stood the object of her fantasy for so long, now ready to offer herself. The stockings fit her perfectly giving way to her creamy lightly tanned thighs. She wanted to caress her legs, starting at the silk stockings and on up to her smooth bare thighs.