Supernatural Earth Pt. 07


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His eyes settled onto a plump little dirty blonde named Kirsten. Girl Next Door look won out for him. As he reached up to the monitor to tap the large 'RELEASE' icon at the bottom of the screen, he heard someone clearing their throat.

Xavier turned to see Dr. Barents coming into the control room. "A moment, if you please," he said politely. "I was just informed that you'd arrived and Raymond had told me of his intention to reward you three. If I may?" he indicated the monitor that Xavier was in front of.

"We've been making some astounding leaps and bounds in genetic manipulation," Barents said to a glowering Xavier. "I know that you're eager to claim your prize for the evening but I couldn't help but jump on this chance to experiment. We've added parameter changes to the control software. Within a certain range that the subjects can withstand, we can slightly alter their appearances. As you know, the Creatures' nectar allows their Breeders to remain perpetually young. We've used this to breed our own creatures... the Seekers, for example."

"Get to the point, doc," Xavier snapped. "I'm in a hurry here."

"Right," Barents held up a single finger for him to wait. "So you can set your parameters here. Just tap on the part of the body you want to manipulate, and go from there. For example, I'm sure you don't want her coming out with a belly full of the fluid. So tap here to make the Prison Creature revert her abdomen back to normal. Maybe you want less thighs? Tap here and bring the settings down. More breasts? Touch here and increase the settings. To old or too young for you? You can change that here." he said, pointing out each feature. "The program won't let you do anything that'll alter them too much beyond what they can control. Now, you can make them look younger but the lowest limit on age is twenty one, the maximum age a human can finish puberty, unless they were already younger when they went in."

"Eh," Xavier grunted. "We didn't take anyone under the age of twenty. Boss' orders." he stepped up to the monitor and tapped 'RESET' to get Kirsten's body back to what it was when she went into the prison. Then he manipulated the controls to age her back to twenty-one, make her tits a couple of cup sizes larger, and then to tighten up the girl's pussy so that she was practically virginal. "There we go." he said.

"Excellent choice," Barents said, beaming. "Go ahead and release her and then wait for her in retrieval room one. Now, how about you?" he asked, turning to Charles.

Charles stroked his goatee as he now took a second look at the monitors. "Let's do that one; Dominique." he said, pointing to an ebony-skinned woman. "But make her hair go down past her ass. I want something to wrap my hand in while I fuck her. Keep her preggo and big chested, though. I've always wanted to bang a pregnant black chick."

"Done." Barents said, making the adjustments. "Room Two." Then he looked at Josh. "And you?"

"I want someone with some fight in her. Give me that first breeder chick that we tossed in. Uhmm... Kaitlyn! There! And I want her just as she was when she entered."

"Done. Room Three," Barents said.

"Hey," Charles asked before he walked out the door. "Do we need to wear a rubber or anything? I don't want my own swimmers to knock her up."

"Don't worry about it. The Prison Creature will extract your sperm, scrub them, and store them for future use." Barents explained.

"So I'm gonna be dad to a Seeker?" Josh asked, shocked.

"It'll be prettier than you," Xavier snickered.

"No," Barents smiled and shook his head. "Your DNA will be completely erased. So rest assured, gentlemen, you will not be parenting any little monsters in the future."


Kirsten coughed and sputtered as she came to on the cold tiled floor. One minute she was encased in her cocoon and then the next minute her body was doing funky things. Then her body was being pushed through cold water, through a doorway, and into here. She blinked as she started using her eyes in the first time in... how long had she been in that thing? Time had since lost any meaning to her.

Something was off, though. As she got up onto all fours using shaking arms and legs. Then she tentatively reached up with one hand as her breasts felt heavier and firmer as they dangled underneath of her. She steadied herself to feel her left breast and then her right. They were bigger! At least two cup sizes! Her hand then moved down her belly, up her side, and down to her thighs. She discovered that she didn't have any fat rolls anymore but she was still just as thick and curvy as she had been. More so was the fact that her skin felt smoother.

Then her pussy felt tingly. Unable to resist the urge, she slid her hand over her bare mound and slid a finger inside of herself. She was tight! If it wasn't for the absence of a hymen she'd swear that she was a virgin once again. After having that huge thing up in between her legs for so long, she figured that her poor, abused pussy would be a gaping hole.

The only other door to the room swung open, causing Kirsten to look up in fright. A man in a black military uniform stood there. She recognized him as one of the men that had taken her from her home with those damn scorpion things. What was his name? X, or something?


Xavier looked down at Kirsten, who already had a hand over her twat. "Couldn't wait, could we?" He walked in, pulling a bandanna from his back pocket. Swinging a foot over her body so that he straddled her as she knelt, he placed it over her eyes and tied it tight, blinding her once again. "Let's go!" he snarled.

"Where are you taking me?" she squeaked as she was hauled to her feet. "Please! Just let me go! I want to go home! I won't tell anyone!"

"And you're never going to." Xavier said as he hauled her up three flights of stairs to his room in the south wing of the mansion. He pushed her in and locked his door behind them. Then he crossed the distance to her, grabbed her hair, and forced her to her knees.

"I didn't do anything!" she protested, trying to squirm away from the crotch of his cargo pants the moment he pulled her face toward him. "Please! Don't do this!"

"You don't seem to get it," Xavier said. "You've been classified as a Threat to Humanity. You've already been tried and convicted in the Court of Law and sentenced to life imprisonment in the basement." he explained, whipping his belt off and opening the fly of his cargo pants.

"What? NO! I wasn't at the trial! Who was my lawyer!" Kirsten cried, trying to push away from him.

"You didn't get one. Standard due process is suspended for Threats to Humanity. I assure you, it was quite fair. A judge heard and examined the evidence and sentenced you accordingly. As far as the government is concerned; you no longer exist and we are to punish you as we see fit. Your penance starts today."

"Nooooooo..." Kirsten wailed. It was all she got out before Xavier shoved his cock down her throat and told her to suck.


Five rooms down the hall, a similar scene was playing out between Charles and Dominique. Charles took the time to bend Dominique over the side of his bed, tying her ankles down to the legs so that she'd be spread open for him and then tying her arms behind her back. Then he booted up his laptop, instantly connecting to the mansion's mainframe, and showed her the trial in which she was arraigned, tried, convicted, and sentenced in a matter of minutes. While she was watching with tears in her eyes, he proceeded to whip her ass until she was crying from the pain as well.

Then he grabbed her hips and thrust his hard cock deep into her, making her cry out in pain as he penetrated her tight pussy. It was a bit of a conflict of sensations for her. Her body, for all intents and purposes, look and felt like she was nine months pregnant. Her pussy felt like she was a teenager again as it gripped his cock like a vice. What fucked up world was this now?

Charles wrapped his hand in her long, black hair, wrenching her head back so that she'd lift up off of the bed. His other hand found her huge, plump, left breast that he squeezed roughly while he fucked her hard from behind.

By the time he came inside of her, Dominique wasn't even looking at the laptop anymore or even caring what happened to her. After all, what was the point?


Josh was the last to get upstairs as he had to wait for Kaitlyn to be brought out of the Prison Creature. The moment she was out, she was up and running. Josh barely had time to block her before she then doubled back and dove back out into the pool of water. "BARENTS! She's loose!" he called out to the control room. "Get a Seeker down here!" He wanted a fight but not this much.

"No need, I've already activated the retrieval program," Barents said over the speaker. "Standby Josh, I'm going to make her more pliable for you."

Tentacles snaked though the water and caught Kaitlyn before she made it to the other end of the pool. Josh watched as the four of them wrapped up her arms and legs while a fifth one shot into her mouth and down her throat. There was a single blub that went into her. She jerked as if she'd been shot and then her body went still. "There we go," Barents said. "I've forced some of the mind control agent directly into her stomach. It's similar in nature to the stuff that our Mark Two Seekers now shoot out at their victims instead of trying to physically subdue their subjects like the original Mark Ones did. She'll obey your commands now."

"Thanks," Josh said as he made way for the tentacles to lift her limp body into the room. "Stand up and follow me." he told her once the tentacles let her go. Kaitlyn obeyed at once with blank features over her face giving no indication as to what she was feeling.


At first, Kaitlyn couldn't believe that she was being let go. So she made for the door and then had tried to swim out of there. Then the tentacles of the Prison Creature caught her and injected a blob of nectar down her throat. That's when she lost control of her body. Then the Hunter, Josh from what the Doctor called him over the speakers, commanded her to get up. Her body did so despite her mind screaming for her to do something else. So when Josh gave her the order to follow him, her body complied.

She was led up three flights of stairs into what she assumed was his room where he directed her to lay down onto the bed. As her gaze was fixated straight ahead, all she could do was stare up at the ceiling, waiting.

Her wait wasn't long. Josh had started stripping down the moment they went through the door. She felt the bed shift and he was overtop of her a moment later, spreading her legs and lifting her knees up. To Kaitlyn, this was worse than being inside of the Prison Creature. Inside that thing, she could at least delude herself into thinking that it was a real Lurker instead of the monstrosity that Tillis and Barents created. Then she felt his hands coming up her body to grope her large, full breasts. Her body responded to his touch as she felt her nipples harden and her pussy slicken.

There wasn't anything she could do about it. She couldn't even turn her head away as Josh molested her body.

"Yeah, you like this, don't you; you breeder bitch..." Josh said with an evil grin. He reared back and slapped her across the face, snapping her head to the right. "That's for my buddies getting wounded at Newhaven!" he screamed at her.

Well, at least I don't have to look at him now... Kaitlyn thought even though her left cheek now hurt like hell.

She felt her pussy being spread wide open as Josh guided his cock up to it. Then she felt it burrow into her as he pushed in. "Damn, you breeders are tight..." he breathed as he settled on top of her body. "Feel like I'm fucking an eighteen year old!"

If you only knew how old I really am... Kaitlyn laughed hollowly inside her head. I'd be an old crone to you!

His cock moved within her as he fucked her hard and fast. She felt her breasts bob up and down as her body moved from his violent thrusts. A moment later she felt his cum spill into her and her body responded by giving her an instant orgasm. Wasn't even that good... must be whatever was in that nectar that Barents shot into my stomach that made me come... she thought, analyzing the situation in his mind as her body continued to shake from the small climax.


CHAPTER 3: Breeding.

Patty screamed as she was dragged under the water. Something had snaked around her legs from her ankles all the way up to her thighs. She clawed at the water, arms franticly pin wheeling as she tried to surface for air. As her mouth was open something came at her from out of the water to shoot inside of it and down her throat so hard and fast that she gagged. Her hands latched around the vine-like thing and she tried to pull it out. Two more came out of the darkness to wrap around her wrists, pulling them apart.

Something was glowing in the direction her body was being pulled. It looked pink and puple misshapen thing with multiple huge blue eyes all over the place. No, not eyes... windows... there were people behind blue windows or something. To her horror, she realized that they were all women and they were all naked. She felt herself start to hyperventilate, suddenly realizing that whatever the hell was down her throat was giving her air. Patty screamed again and struggled with the vines that were pulling her in closer and closer to the thing. The vines held her rigidly in place.

As she got closer, she saw that each of the women were spread-eagled with the pink and purple mass covering their legs up to their knee and their arms down to their elbows. Some of the mass was descended down over their eyes and there were tubes that led from the mass down into their mouths. Then there were tubes or tentacles of some sort that were attached to the tips of their very full breasts. Oh my God, are they being milked? Patty wondered with sick revulsion. Then there was the fact that a very fat and thick mass was jammed up between each of their legs just underneath of the women's very pregnant bellies. What the fuck is this thing?

Patty was reeled into a recess where a film of blue glass then covered it up. No, not glass... it's like an eye... or skin of some sort. Holy fuck... is this thing alive? She tried one last time to try and get free but to no avail. The vine tentacles around her legs morphed to become the entrapping mass that covered her legs up to her knees. She felt the things mold over her skin. Even as she tried to kick, the mass would give way only slightly but still contain her. Meanwhile, the tentacles on her arms were doing the same thing so that she was being held in the recess just as spread eagled as the other women.

She then felt something snake around from behind her. Tentacles came out to attach to her breasts, latching on and making her nipples instantly hard to the point that Patty moaned in both pleasure and dismay. She twisted and contorted her body to try and get the vile things off of her but they were now firmly attached to her body.

Then she froze when she felt something sliding up between her thighs. She looked down with horror as one of those fat, thick tentacles was slowly pushing up towards her. Patty screamed and struggled as she felt it make contact with her pussy and her ass. "NOOOOOOOOOOO! GOD NO!" she yelled around the tentacle in her mouth, but it was no use. The thing between her legs divided, pushing up inside of both holes. They burrowed deep up inside of her and she even felt the one inside of her pussy press through the small opening of her cervix, something that she didn't even think was possible. Part of it then molded up over her mound and Patty was filled up more than she'd ever been in her life.

Oh God, Oh God, Oh God... Please, God, No! Let this just be a dream! Let this be a bad dream! I wanna wake up now! Tell me I just fell asleep in the library! Patty thought. But deep down she knew that it wasn't and that scared her all the more. She was trapped inside of a monster straight out of Anime and Hentai and there was nothing she could do about it.

Then the huge tentacle between her legs began to throb and pulse while the two attached to the tips of her breasts started to suck. A single blob traveled down the tentacle in her mouth to blow down the back of her throat, forcing her to swallow some kind of goo that was inside of it. The consistency reminded her of a man's cum as it went down her gullet. It felt like it landed in her stomach with a thud.

That was when her mind went hazy and her body felt warm and tingly all over. All of a sudden she wanted this thing to violate and molest her. Her breasts felt heavy and she found a desire to have them sucked and pumped. What is wrong with me? What is this thing doing to me? Her head swam and she felt loopy as if she'd done a hit of some really good ecstasy. "Mmmmmm..." she moaned as the throbbing between her legs increased. Her pussy and her ass felt on fire as it seemed like two high powered dildos were working overtime on her. Oh my God... this.... this... this is amazing! This shouldn't be right!

Her body went limp and she stopped fighting in as a wave of euphoria hit her. The fat tentacle between her legs started blowing blobs up inside of her pussy that then exploded inside of her womb. She screamed as each blob went into her as each one tore across her clit and started to expand her belly. Her limbs started to shake and tremble inside of their living bonds as her body exploded into a mind-numbing orgasm that seemed to start from both her loins and her breasts. She thrashed about inside of her biomass niche as her throat went raw from yelling out her passion.

Patty's body jerked a few more times as if the life were going out of it before she finally went still. Once the orgasm was over, a tentacle came down over the top of her head to cover her eyes and that was the last thought she had over her body on her own.


"I take it that the researcher is safe in her new home?" Tillis asked the guard, Devon, who'd been tasked with throwing Patty into the creature.

"Yes, Sir," Devon replied. "She's in her cell and has been processed. Her stomach has already been inflated so that she can breed like the others."

"Good," Tillis said. "She's got a mind and a female body that we can use over time." He eyed his guard, who seemed a bit wistful when he mentioned the girl being able to breed. "What's wrong, son?"

"Not my place to say at work, sir," Devon said, shaking his head. "Personal issues at home."

"Well, if there's something that's affecting the way my men operate, I need to know," Tillis said with concern. "What is it?"

Devon ran a hand over his head and sighed. "The problem, boss, is my wife is infertile. We've spent a fortune on testing and now we're looking at doing a surrogate. Further problem is, they're just as expensive and finding the right one so that the kid would, you know, look like us, is just as hard."

"You poor man," Tillis said sympathetically, "I know how it is. It took my wife forever to conceive and we got lucky. Is there anything that I can do?"

Shrugging, Devon sighed again. "Don't suppose you can get our health care to cover fertility, can you?"

"That might be a tall order," Tillis admitted. "Granted, we're rolling in the cash but a lot of that is tied up in research projects." He paused, then smiled as an idea hit him. "But why buy when you can use for free?"

"Sir?" Devon asked, confused.

"Well, we do have twenty breeders and one researcher downstairs that you can use." Tillis motioned Devon towards his study where he activated his computer and brought up the brief bio on each woman inside the Prison Creature. "What were your wife's tastes?"