Supernatural Earth Pt. 07


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Inside the creature, the women were all shaking and screaming as jolts of electricity coursed through their bodies that started with their loins and the tips of their breasts. Then the feeling subsided only for a few moments before they were all shocked again. An angry voice then thundered inside of their heads. DO NOT THINK OF TRYING TO ESCAPE.

There was silence inside of the creature as each woman felt numb from the two doses of electric shock therapy. It was Fiona who got her mind back in the game first. That was... she struggled to get the thought out right. That was Doctor Barents! HIS voice is that of the creature, not the creature itself!

Fine time for an analysis! Kait's voice snapped.

Don't you get it? Fiona insisted. He's the one controlling the biomass. Not the biomass itself. We used the body of a dead Lurker to make this thing. All higher brain functions are gone. This thing can't do anything without our neural input.

What the hell good does that do us? Kim asked.

The discussion degenerated into an all out argument until Mary finally piped up over everyone else. Listen to you all! Mary's mind shouted over them all. No wonder these Hunters got the upper hand. They're more organized than this lot.

You got a better idea? Kaitlyn asked bitterly.

Yes. Y'all need to delegate and we need to figure out how to work this thing instead of the other way around. Now, Kaitlyn, you're the only real "Breeder" in here with us since they took Anna away. Tell us what we need to know about these creatures. Think of us as your students and educate us on these things. After that, Fiona will tell us everything we need to know on how they made this thing.

First off, they're not 'things', they're living beings and we call them Lurkers. We are their "Caretakers". Kaitlyn replied harshly.

Good! That's the first step. Please continue.

There was a mental sigh from Kait. Alright, it's going to take some time.

Go ahead, it's not like we're going anywhere and like we have anything better to do. Mary thought wryly. We're trapped in a living prison while our bellies are inflated and our bodies are made to orgasm over and over while we birth more Seekers for these Hunters. I think it's safe to say that we have time...


Body jerking forward and back. Naked, sweaty, and heavy breasts bouncing back and forth. The rhythmic sound of flesh slapping together. These sounds and sensations became Anna's life day after day. On the weeks that Devon was on duty he'd sleep with her, fucking her relentlessly until he passed out. Then in the morning he'd wake up and fuck her all over again before he had to report for morning chow and roll call. Whenever he had breaks, like right now, he was back in the room fucking her all over again.

"Ahhhhhhh," Devon sighed as his cock twitched inside of her as his balls tightened up. His seed then gushed out into her and made her orgasm at the same time. Her pussy gripped and released his cock as it spat forth his cum, taking it all into her body and up into her waiting, fertile womb.

As her body trembled from the orgasm, Anna was thinking, I'm pregnant... I know I am... I don't even need the damn doctor to come in today to confirm it. While she was thinking that, her body shook hard from the forced climax to the point that she was letting out tiny squeaks while her mouth was wide open in the soundless scream that was becoming so commonplace for her that her jaw ached.

The only redeeming factor in all of this was that she was allowed autonomous control over herself whenever Devon wasn't giving her orders. Anna wasn't allowed to speak unless it was to convey if she was in pain or discomfort. That was so that she'd be able to say if there was something wrong with the baby as it came to term or if she was feeling in any way that might be harmful to it.

It... is that how I'm going to have to refer to the baby as it grows seeing how as I'm nothing more than a human incubator now... Granted, she was one before but she had a life outside of helping the Lurkers. She had a job. She had a boyfriend whom she adored. Now she was just a living, breathing fuckdoll that was designated to pop one out for Devon.

Devon, for his part, seemed like he was going to enjoy every minute up until she gave birth. He pulled out of her, flipped her over to her back, and plunged his hard cock right back into her. Once again he'd had the Viagra-Fertility cocktail and had to tame his raging hard-on. She grimaced in discomfort at the hard and fast penetration but it then subsided as he glided in and out of her pussy with ease. His hands found her ample breasts where they proceeded to maul them. She could tell that he took great pleasure in abusing her already swollen teats.

When will this all end?


CHAPTER 5: Change of Reality.

"What are those things?" Natalia asked as she fired her rifle at yet another scorpion that was trying to advance on the house.

"I don't know," her lover and life partner of ten years, Jasmine, said as she fired on two more. An otherwise peaceful day at Portage Lake turned into an all day siege when the Hunters showed up with these scorpion creatures that seemed hell-bent on getting into the house. "How's our Lurker doing?"

"He's getting his young out through the underwater river, but the passage is too small for him to get through," Natalia replied, getting a status update via mental link. "We need to buy him more time to widen the hole."

Just then, two helicopters flew overhead. "What in the...?" Jasmine asked as she followed the sound over the house. She left her spot in the front room window to rush towards the back. The helicopters each dropped two barrels into the lake. Jasmine wondered what they were until four big explosions sent up geysers of water a few seconds after sinking to the bottom.

Both Jasmine and Natalia screamed in pain as their link to the Lurker severed as it was killed instantly. Jasmine started weeping in sorrow while Natalia wailed in anguish in the front room. "YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!" Natalia then roared as she started aiming further out to shoot the Hunters.

That's when the howling started. Loosed from their leashes, huge, oversized hellhound looking things ran for the house. Jasmine got her wits back about her long enough to start shooting at them as well. The hellhounds nimbly dodged the shots and what few lucky hits the girls got didn't even slow them down.

The hellhounds burst through the windows and doors, surrounding the girls in mere moments before knocking their weapons from their hands and putting them flat onto the ground.


Raymond Tillis frowned as he surveyed the destruction. Another monster was dead but this one came at a high price; a whole squad of Guards along with more Seekers than he could count. It got to the point that he had to send his Hounds in. I guess that I should reward them for a job well done... he thought as he walked over to where the two breeder women were kneeling, bound, and gagged under the watchful eyes of their captors. In fact, what better way to punish the breeders than have the Hounds fuck them? It took six months but finally he could get the brothel up and running in full force now.

"You two!" Tillis snapped at the two Hounds standing behind the girls. "Bend them over and fuck them. Right now."

The two of them looked at each other with uncertainty and then they looked over at the Pack Alpha, who was stalking over to have a word. "We will not," he snarled at Tillis, "be a party to this. If you want them violated, you do it yourself."

"You are under the impression that you have a choice in the matter," Tillis replied dryly, not fazed in the least little bit by the Alpha's bravado. Tillis reached up and hooked the Alpha's silver collar, pulling it so that it made even more contact with his skin. The Alpha yelped in pain as the silver started to burn. "You Hounds will fuck those Breeders right now. Then, because I reward good behavior, your miserable, flea-bitten pack will go fuck three of the breeders in my new brothel under the house. Resist and I will throw your females into the prison creature. Am I clear?"

"Crystal..." the Alpha grumbled. Then he barked something at his pack mates who'd been standing guard. They both looked resigned but pushed the two breeder women over and proceeded to mount them from behind.


Natalia and Jasmine had never seen Werewolves in person before and they were looking apprehensively from each other to Tillis and the Pack Alpha who were having a discussion. Then they rocked back as Tillis injured the Alpha somehow. The Alpha then barked something out towards the two that were standing guard behind them. They looked back and up at their guards who were looking really uncomfortable.

Then they were shoved forward. With their arms bound forearm to forearm behind their backs, all they could do was keep their head twisted as they were pushed down into the grass. "We are sorry for this..." the one behind Jasmine said in his rough and ragged whisper. "We do not want to do this.

"We must do this to protect out pack. Please, forgive us," the one behind Natalia also whispered. The girls got it then as they shared a look of concern. The Werewolves were as much prisoners as they now were. Natalia glanced back and nodded her understanding and consent. Jasmine followed suit. They then braced themselves for the inevitable.

The Werewolves placed their furred hands down on the girls' hips while willing themselves to hardness. Then, being as easy as possible, they positioned their cocks right for their waiting pussies before pushing into them. Jasmine's face scrunched up and she kicked her legs as her Werewolf's cock stretched her tight pussy while he pushed in. Natalia wiggled uncomfortably and let out a tiny moan behind her gag as she was penetrated.

"Do them already!" Tillis snapped from where he was watching nearby with the Alpha. Both of the Werewolves growled their irritation but proceeded to fuck Natalia and Jasmine in earnest.

At least they're being quick about it, love, Natalia thought to her partner as the Werewolf behind furiously humped her. Be brave, it'll be over soon, babe.

I know... Jasmine whined back through their mental bond. Clamp down on them and hit them with pheromones... they might get off quicker.

Good idea!

It worked as both Werewolves came at the same time, their seed splashing the insides of the girls' wombs. They pulled out almost immediately as they looked over at Tillis. Tillis was wearing a maniacal, triumphant smile on his face. "Take them back to the compound and throw them into the pool," he ordered.


Kim was the first taken out of the Prison Creature to be placed in one of the receiving rooms. Oh, this has changed... she observed. Instead of the cold, basement and dungeon feel that the receiving room was before, it was now warm, carpeted, and had a single bed in the center of the room. She also noted that there were two women at the shallows of the pool with two guards. Oh no... more have been caught... she thought with sorrow as she caught a glimpse of them being pushed into the water.

Inside the receiving room, two hunters were there to grab hold of her and shackle her down spread-eagled to the bed. The next room over, she imagined that the same thing was happening to Kait, as she'd reported that her body had been going back to normal as well as opposed to the bloated tits and pregnant bellies that they had all the time now. Mary, two rooms down, was probably going through the same thing.

It didn't take much for Kim to imagine why they were taken out. They'd pieced the puzzle together of the past six months as each girl was taken out to pleasure the guards. The guards like to talk and boast so they were able to figure it out that these brothel rooms were being made so that they could 'entertain' the guards easier. Kim hadn't been immune as Tillis got his rocks off in trying to break her. The guards who shackled her down made a quip about enjoying what she had coming to her before leaving. Whatever...

There was one small solace in the situation; in all of this they had been able to find Anna. She was still being kept upstairs, forced to bear the child of one of the guards. So they knew she was safe. Thus far, only Anna had been taken to breed with anyone.

There were heavy footsteps out in the hall. Whoever was coming was big. Then she saw the hulking brute in the doorway and it nearly took her breath away. It looked like one of those werewolf creatures in that Warcraft game that her son played all the time. This must be one of the Werewolves that Kait was talking about. She figured.

The Werewolf padded into the room already sporting a hard-on. It's huge, pink cock stood tall on end as he walked toward the bed. Kim took some deep, calming breaths, suddenly wishing that she had that mind-control nectar inside of her. I'm not going to scream... I'm not going to show fear... I'm not going to give these bastards the satisfaction... Kim looked the beast in the eyes, put a defiant set to her jaw, and braced herself for impact. I've spent God knows how long inside that... that creature in the pool. I highly doubt being fucked by a werewolf will be any worse...

Much to her surprise, the creature was gentle with her. He gingerly got up on top of her and eased his huge cock inside. Kim's toes curled and her fists clenched as she felt his cock stretch her open wide. The bastards must be making me as tight as a virgin on prom night on purpose... she thought as she clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes closed to endure the discomfort and pain.

She then felt the werewolf's fur as it settled onto her body. Kim first equated the feeling to having a fur rug thrown on top of her. Then a second thought was I wonder if this is every Furry's wet dream? She couldn't help but laugh inside of her head at the gallows humor she'd developed all of a sudden.

I'm glad you're having fun over there... Mary's voice came to her.

Kim's head whipped to the side as if she could see through the walls to her long time political friend as the werewolf over her proceeded to fuck her body. Wait, what? Mary, you heard that?

Yeah... Then Mary's thought paused. But we're outside of the prison... how is that possible?

When we become Caretakers, we're given the abilities to communicate with each other via telepathy, remember? Kait's voice broke in. We've just never been out all at once to see if you all got that ability or not. It appears that you have.

So does that make us Caretakers now? Kim thought wryly.

Might as well declare yourself as one since Tillis and his goons are treating you like one regardless. Kait shot back. Now will you two pipe down, I'm trying to enjoy this.

You're ENJOYING this? Kim and Mary thought at the same time. You're being fucked by a werewolf! Kim added. Right? She put that last part in since she couldn't tell if she was the only one being forced to fuck a monster straight out of a horror movie.

Mmmm... yes... I've always wanted to do one ever since I heard about the other supernatural races. I also want to fuck a Vampire and a Minotaur if I ever get a chance. I've heard that they give mind-blowing orgasms to rival that of the Lurkers.

Aren't you the same one who was bitching about being forced by Tillis' guards not too long ago? Mary asked.

Yeah, but this is different. Kait replied. Tillis' men were doing it because they get off on it. I'm talking with mine here telepathically, I can since we're being intimate, and he tells me that they're being forced to do this as we are. Something about Tillis duping them into wearing those silver collars that forces them to remain in their wolf form and follow all directions given by a human. They were ordered to come in here and fuck us or else their women were going to be tossed in with us.

That revelation caused Kim to slowly turn her head and look up at the werewolf fucking her. He wasn't even looking at her as he just went through the motions. "You're a prisoner?" she whispered, feeling her heart melt and break out of pity for these poor souls that were just as trapped as she was.

The Werewolf's ears perked up as he heard her words and he jerked back in surprise. She saw the truth in his eyes as he seemed to deflate a bit as he gave a short nod. All of a sudden Kim wanted to wrap him up in his arms and fuck him in earnest just to spite Tillis. What's your name? She tried to project right at him.

Uhh... Seff... his voice came back, sounding surprisingly young.

How old are you?

I just turned eighteen.

My god... you're just a boy! Have you done this before?

Uhm... you're my first...

Then relax and maybe we'll both enjoy this then...

It gave her an idea. "Can you undo my shackles?" she asked him, voice scarcely above a whisper. "Don't worry, I'm not going to run on you and get you in trouble or anything. We'd both get punished for it and I think that the silver on your neck hurts me as much as the Prison Creature hurts me when I resist."

He hesitated again and then lashed out with a single claw to both of her wrist shackles and then her ankle shackles, slashing through the leather with ease. With her limbs free, Kim hooked her legs around the Werewolf and rolled in the bed with him until she was riding him. He was surprised by this move and she gave him a sly smile. Kim recalled something that Kait had told them while inside the Prison Creature as they were learning all that they could; Caretakers have the ability to be sexual gods and goddesses thanks to the nectar that they drink from the Lurkers. It was the Lurkers way of thanking their human Caretakers for helping them propagate their species.

Kim channeled her inner slut and tried to project that she was prettier than every single Playboy Bunny ever photographed at any age. Mmmmm... if Don could only see me now... I wonder what he'd think of this? She wondered.

Who's Don? Seff asked in her mind.

Shit... he heard her thoughts. My husband... He's still free back in Newhaven and I hope to see him again someday. She quickly explained. Now hush and enjoy. Part of her should be rebelling at the thought of fucking anyone else but her husband willingly but considering everything that she's had in every orifice over the past... how long has it been now? A year? Well, she figured that he'd understand.