All Comments on 'The Reluctant Journey Ch. 09'

by Darlin92

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Finally YEAH! Overjoyed to read this wonderful chapter!

I hope you have already started Chapter 10, fingers, ever so tightly, crossed. Love where you are going with this. Just one correction. I am pretty sure the sick-at-the-site-of-blood Malia would not envision her future career as a nurse, teacher sure, nurse not so much.

You have some wonderfully developed characters here. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Best Regards,


Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor

I guess you're right, oversight sorry. :) I was thinking of 'typical' careers and clearly that didn't cross my mind. Thanks for continuing with the story and I have started chapter 10, but it's not very far along :(

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago
Cool beans chapter

Yeah, she wouldn't really want to be a nurse, but her brain was just on auto while she tried to process. Nurse is a common idea and dad being a doctor, even more so for her. The idea would have rolled pasted without real consideration, so you are both right.

Kids in the bed.... I remember getting hit in the eye with my three year old's heal at full flail.....ouch. But the family cuddle is a primal thing.

Cain, Cain, Cain... He set all this in motion, but I am sure starting to feel for him, sorta. :D:D:D. The bike ride was a bit passive aggressive and douchy on his part, but fun, too.

You've adjusted the players on the ready for you to hit the action button again!

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago
Oh! Oh! Oh!

I forgot...

That thing he did....and what she said....and the gooey angst!

I had this chapter SO nailed!

LessGoLessGoalmost 11 years ago

I was so dissapointed that this chapter had to end!! I love the tension! I could have kept reading for ever! I love this storyline, I love the characters. I really like that things aren't cut and dry - there isn't a straight path to happily ever after. Something big has to happen, a threat to Malia? It would be great if Malia could go out and prove her worth. Sheltered as she was, I'm sure she is questioning her value to herself and society and of course Cain. It would be great if he could see her as an equal.

I also really like Cain's new vulnerability. Great chapter!

inspector123inspector123almost 11 years ago
Love this chapter ...

Since this chapter was beautifully written and the plot is developing nicely I try to be "nitpicking" and look for run on sentences. Your middle school would be proud. Not one was found. Also this chapter flows better then the last chapter. Not quite as choppy.

FindmywayFindmywayalmost 11 years ago

Very Nice transition chapter. Love all the tension with all parties involved. I appear to be in the minority - I love Cain. What's not to love....a good looking guy with a troubled feeling all the strain of that past. I think they work well together and give each other what the other needs. It'll fascinating reading the obstacles that will come their way. :D. Don't keep us waiting to long. Looking forward to chapter 10!

lisaisaleftylisaisaleftyalmost 11 years ago
five stars

This was a great chapter. I am really loving the direction that Malia and Cain's story is going. I too didn't want the chapter to end. Can't wait to see where the story takes us! -Lisa

LBGrantLBGrantalmost 11 years ago
Awesome Chapter!

I was so excited when I saw this finally posted today. Loved this chapter. It was great taking a peek into Cain and watching him struggle with his emotions and confusing feelings about Malia. It is going to be fun watching him trying to get on mom & dad's good side. Can't wait for the next chapter!


pheobecharmedpheobecharmedalmost 11 years ago
love me some Cain

As an arlington fan goes without saying cain is my man so yummy. Love this chapter. Great work darling bring on chapter 10

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago

Why are we reading comments and not chapters from you! Grrrrrr! Bad author! Bad, bad author! *begins rolling up newspaper*

MaynessMaynessalmost 11 years ago

Interesting read, enjoyed how you set up mum and dads perspective and was surprised when Malia came clean about her feelings. Am really looking forward to where you are going to take this!

jennyb2492jennyb2492almost 11 years ago
I love it!

I can tell that the tension between Cain and Malia's family, with poor Malia caught in the middle, is going to be fun! I think I secretly want Jack to punch the snot out of Cain...

redyellowgoredyellowgoalmost 11 years ago
Thank you ...

for another "Fucking Fantastic" chapter!!!! Just wonderful!!!! A mother always knows....she will see that her lovely first born has been de-flowered. Can't wait for ch10 and see how Cain is going to pull this one off. I hope Jack kicks his ass up and down each wing of that mansion. Not b/c I don't like Cain, I do and I like that he is human underneath, but b/c I love this story and enjoy your writing. Nothing like extending the fun!

I love the expensive birth control 1 time dose for three months for both women and men. Where can I get some that for the man in my life? Once they make beer birth control for men, the discussion will be over!

What will power Malia has, I would have bit right back on that apple...good for her, stay strong girl!

Oh make me laugh...but for someone with such insight on Cain and Malia....why can you not see Gwen???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Your plot just got introduced to a new level of amazing! Good use of flashbacks to give us, the reader, insight on the family bond. I love where you are taking this. I would like to see something happen with Gwen. She feels out of place and maybe needs her own story(?) with how little is written about her. I look forward to the next chapter!

cassieccassiecalmost 11 years ago
Great Chapter

This was a great transitional chapter. I do like how you are setting things up. This chapter didn't flow as well for me as the others did and personally I could do without everyone else's perspective. I find when I'm reading a story and it starts showing too many people's perspective the chapters feel short and choppy. But maybe that's just me. Still 5 stars, just would love to see more into Cain and Malia and less into everyone else.

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor

FA_JF: Yes kids in the bed is kind of a catch 22, sweet in theory, oftentimes painful and/or uncomfortable in practice, which makes it that much more bitter-sweet when it's gone, at least in the story :). Sorry you didn't like the bike, haha. Action button you say? Time will tell

LessGo: Not a simple path to happily ever after? You're telling me! Gosh sometimes I frustrate myself to where I'm staring at a blank screen wondering how the hell it's all going to work out. Something big indeed is in the works though, never fear.

Inspector123: HAHA I was actually trying to avoid run-ons this time around, simply because you made me aware of them. I'm so glad you approve. I will see if I can keep up the streak.

Findmyway: I'm with you, what's not to like. Cain is deliciously troubled, but as I've said before I'm biased. Glad you liked it.

Lisaisalefty: I'm glad you didn't want the chapter to end. Honestly this was a transition chapter, as FA_JF said, I'm moving my pieces around again, I have to get everyone exactly where I want them. But of course exploring all of the escalating tension along the way is irresistible.

LBGrant: I oftentimes like watching Cain struggle, I believe I've become quite sadistic at times when it comes to him. Cain deserves to struggle a little bit though, at least until he can get his arrogant streak under control. (pssh don't hold your breath) Looking forward to your next chapter my dear, may the muses of inspiration be with you :)

Pheobecharmed: Glad you liked it and continue to read. I've said enough about Cain already, but I'm glad you agree.

Mayness: I'm glad you liked it. I loved writing from her parents' perspective, especially when they got to react with Cain. Their presence is definitely not over in the future chapters.

JennyB: Jack also wants to punch Cain in the face, so we'll see who gets their way I guess.

Redyellowgo: Another for a Jack vs. Cain match? Hmm, interesting thought. Malia's mother will definitely get her time to shine, I assure you. I'm patenting my expensive 3 month birth control pill :) I'm gonna be rich. (Too bad I'm nearly incompetent in the science of chemistry). Mmmm the apple scene. It was really the only semi-sexual point in the chapter, glad you noticed it, even if it was only a tease. Tristan is a puzzle of contradictions; insightful to others, blind to his own merits, quiet and reserved yet charismatic and friendly. He's going to get his moment.

Anon: I was actually seriously conflicted about breaking Gwen and Tristan off from the story and giving them their own story, but I think I've decided against it. I'm going to include it in the future chapters as it is simultaneous and intertwined in Cain and Malia's story. Gwen was originally supposed to be antagonistic, but I thought it would be more interesting making her into an unlikely ally.

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor
Responses Cont.

Cassiec: Sorry you snuck in there. I'm sorry it seemed choppy to you. It may not be a permanent thing, but I needed to use some other perspectives in this one, and maybe the next one too. Malia isn't in the greatest state of mind and isn't really doing anything right now. Honestly I think an entire chapter written in her view would have been incredibly depressing. She's sad and just moving along, going through the motions right now. I promise I will get back to her though. I can't promise I will make less transitions from perspectives, but I will definitely try to keep the flow of the story in mind. Thanks for the support :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Need more :) I agree with whoever said they didn't want the chapter to end.

Literoticareader99Literoticareader99almost 11 years ago
Great Chapter!

Please don't apologize for the lack of sex in this chapter. Your story (and your writing) is so good that it stands on its own without any sex scenes. To be honest, your writing is one of the few I look forward to reading for the quality of the story rather than the sexual content. Keep on writing the way you have been and don't worry about compromising yourself or your writing style.

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 11 years ago
A good chapter, even though it's transitional.

Unfortunately, it just makes me want more! I'll be patient though.

Love the soft side of Cain. I can't wait for him to realize that he loves Malia and that he wants her love in return. He's going to feel so good when he makes her happy, how can he pretend it isn't love?

Malia is going to need to get her fire back. Her parents are going to come at Cain. If I were her parents, I'd punch him and I'm sure Cain will just stand there and take it. Malia will need to step in and protect him.

Once Cain makes Malia happy, she'll love him even more and they won't be able to keep their hands off each other.

Ahhh! I can't wait for all the future excitement.

Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Just a thought here, why do her parents assume the kidnapping was sexual? I mean they meant to get olivia and got malia instead. Surely they don't think a general needs to pick a girl from a unit (who he clearly had never seen before) just to have sex? I understand being mad and apprehensive about him but that logic seemed a little flawed to me.

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago
Begging you pardon, Darlin'

New author alert for those needing more reading:

Erotic Couples.......My N.L.W.: All Play by CeSelle29

Not noncon, but coulda/shoulda been in bdsm. Posted 7/05, so it has rolled off the new screen with the story dump Lit did 7/06...........Go leave some love.

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor

@anon: I reread this part and agree it could have been better stated. It isn't really supposed to be a logical conclusion as much as it is supposed to be a instinctual niggling of fear. Clearly they are only speculating as they have no clue why he kidnapped her. However they have seen her since then, with Cain. It doesn't say that Kristen saw anything or sensed anything in that moment that would have led her to this conclusion, but it is more of a thought that has had time to build. Jack says that she's been to herself and quiet and contemplative, so this moment kind of gives him an insight into her suspicions and fears more than it is any fact-based argument. Her saying this affects his thoughts as well, he becomes very angry at the idea, as if he hadn't really been thinking of that before she said anything. It was supposed to be more mother's intuition, though if I were to rewrite I would include more hinting at her thought processes when they saw Malia the first time.

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago
Re Anon and sexual assault question

Your child, especially a female child is forcibly taken by a large group of armed men out into what you consider the big bad world....the FIRST thing you worry about is sexual assault and torture. It would not matter who those men were or what the stated intent was. Parents worry about their child (even adult child) walking off to the bathroom alone, walking the dog around the block, sleeping in a bedroom with a window.... For parents the boogie man is not just under the bed-he is everywhere. Of course that would occur to them.

lioness_71lioness_71almost 11 years ago
Loved it.

Thank you Darlin92, another great chapter. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I think Cain is not going to be able to go without Malia for long. He's gonna have a hard time with her parents in the manor.

Can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Great story

I discovered your story today and have read all the chapters today. Just wanted to say one of the best stories ever, very complex, very sexy, very emotional. Kudos to you. You are a wonderful author.

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedalmost 11 years ago

Im hoping there will be maybe a spark for Olivia and cain's friend litgods help i can't remember hoods name lol. Anyway can't wait for more.

redyellowgoredyellowgoalmost 11 years ago

PC Finn remember Cain said that his legs were thinner/skinnier/small than his just like his.....

Cain if you look him up in the dictionary you will see the term....piece of work!

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor
My favorite part

@redyellowgo: yes Finn is indeed his name, thank you for mentioning my favorite part thus far (Finn is smaller in every way scene), is it egotistical for me to have reread this and cracked up at my own joke/writing? hmm probably. I find it amusing that there are several requests for me to put Finn and Olivia together. Neither has had an incredibly large part of the story yet and they haven't even met each other. It would be very tidy for me to just match them up, we'll see.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
already dying for the next chapter :)

Great great story! Already read it twice :)

redyellowgoredyellowgoalmost 11 years ago
See in the great book lovers of HEA

yes Cain and Malia, Tristan and Gwen, and Finn and Olivia...

I did not want to say that earlier b/c well its just so dare I say ...predicable. I reason why it would be ok if you wanted to add a spark to the two of them is for these reasons:

1) They will all be together at family gatherings as you had written Finn as a early childhood friend w/close family ties...

2) Olivia will be "scared" in this new world that she left at a young age and would need "support" from a good hearted if not skinny legged fellow.

3) It seemed that Finn/Malia were practically drooling over each other w/the turned quickly away like faces and small (and large) smiles. So one would conclude that Finn might be available and found Malia attractive. Seeing that she and her sister look a like accept for hair and a bit of the body it is easy to jump to the idea that Finn would find Olivia attractive as well. Plus you wrote the guy up, Olivia will be dripping and wanting to drop her panties. Too far.

So yes it is a neat little package (not according to Cain...ass), that would wrap up all concerned parties. I'm just saying...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Loved It!

Really loved this chapter despite the lack of sex. :-) Malia baring her soul to him admitting she loved him and making him feel guilty was great. Jack contemplating murdering Cain...I just love a protective Daddy. Can't wait to see how that goes down. Cain being completely unnerved by Jack and Kristen's presence and obvious hostility toward him was hilarious. Love that they make him sweat it! But probably my favorite part was Cain contemplating Malia's imaginary future husband and wanting to smash his face in! HA HA HA. That was PERFECT!! Now to just introduce someone into the story that he considers a rival for her love, which he clearly wants for himself. ;-) Just not Finn. I said previously and still think he would be perfect for Olivia. And I really can't wait for Tristan and Gwen to connect with each other. He did know somehow through his feverish state that she had been in the room with him. So he is noticing her, despite her thinking otherwise. I really love Tristan. He is such a great man and so deserving of happiness. The installation of Malia's family in the mansion seems to be doing a lot to lift his spirits. And now he has Jack to watch out for his health too. Love all of the pieces you are putting in place. Thank you for a great story and the promise of more to come. Just please hurry! :-) ~K.

redyellowgoredyellowgoalmost 11 years ago
Sorry folks...but need to post info..

Romance, ch 17 Possess Me. Been on the boards there for near 12hours...why have you not read it yet?

Hey Darlin92...I figured that you would not mind as I know you must love that story too!

jerzygirljerzygirlalmost 11 years ago
You Continue To Amaze

5 Stars Baby!!!! For a transitional chapter it was freakin' amazing! It went quickly, way too quickly for me! (can't wait for 10) I love how each character was a little more exposed and I look forward to learning more about Olivia. Tristan, Finn and Gwen. Anytime a story has supporting characters it is a challenge, but you are handling it perfectly. Tristan is such a sweetheart, but Cain, WOW...the man totally does it for me!

I can't wait to see the ultimate confrontation when Mom and Dad find out about about Mila's extracurricular activities! Hehe One good punch to the face from Jack would be appropriate and would let Cain know Jack was pissed without de"man" ifying Cain. I just can't stand physical weakness in Cain, inside a little sure, but he is just too strong to get the shit kicked out of him.

I just really love this story. It has the perfect combination of teasing, sex, emotion, interesting characters and an interesting plot. I would love a Tristan and Gwen romance thrown in there too! Keep up the fantabulous work and I will be here patiently waiting till the next chapter. Is it done yet? J/K

MaynessMaynessalmost 11 years ago

Thanks redyellowgo, forgot to check the romance category! M.

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor

@redyellowgo: Of course I am a fan of possess me, who isn't? The epilogue was up on her blog a few days ago, when I started to read it. However, it is fairly long (not complaining) and I couldn't finish it before I had to leave for work, damn real life right? I haven't gotten back around to finishing it yet, but I'm sure it is just as amazing as the predeceasing chapters were.

@anon: The future husband visualization was my favorite part of this chapter to write. I'm glad you liked it. I think the idea of a jealous Cain is very alluring to me :) Though many sides of Cain are alluring to me, it seems I'm not alone ;)

@jerzygirl: I wouldn't worry too much about de"man"ifying Cain, I'm not even sure it would be possible. ;) He's definitely in a little deep right at the moment though. Glad you liked it.

Thanks everyone for the great and entertaining comments. I'm working away at chapter 10, though it's being difficult, so hang in there, at this rate it could take a while. :(

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedalmost 11 years ago

While yes the matches are pretty predictable, i just can't see it go any other way.although i'm not writing the story so who knows what's going on in darling's head lol :-) Thanks for that RYG i can't believe i couldn't remember his name i probably won't forget it again lol. anyway glad to hear chapter 10 is in the works take your time darling don't rush it. i'll wait as long as it takes

cillerycilleryalmost 11 years ago

About a 3 month shot, they exist:

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor
Re contraception

Yes I was aware there's a shot that lasts that long. I always thought it would be cool if they could combine the shot and the pill. Taking a pill everyday is inconvenient at the least with the consequences of forgetfulness being life changing. But the shot requires you to schedule a doctor's appointment and go in and etcetera. (Wow I just realized how super lazy I sound) My birth control pill has the longevity of the shot and the convenience of a pill. Plus just because I can, I declare there are no unwanted hormonal side-affects. It is also effective on both sexes, so there's also that :)

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor
Re Re contraception

*side effects

one of my own pet peeves, sorry

redyellowgoredyellowgoalmost 11 years ago

love your world...

but you went above and beyond but letting if be useful for men...

funny useful and men in the same sentence....sorry rough day!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
So anxiousss

When will next chapter be posted? The wait is unbearaablee

cassieccassiecalmost 11 years ago
Just now saw your response Darlin

That's so true about the chapter being depressing if it was all from Malia's point of view with the state she's in right now. And it seems you're going to be bringing in more characters love lives so I see the importance of the different perspectives. Maybe to keep it flowing you could do more dialogue and less of their thoughts and perspective. It would give us insight into what they think and feel without bouncing around into too many characters heads. But again, this may just be me and my personal flow of when I read. I absolutely love this story and will continue to read it until the end no matter what way you choose to write it. After all, you're the writer and you know the end game so you just do what you do:).

mickymouse113mickymouse113almost 11 years ago
Next Chapter?

Not that I want to ply you with stress but do you have an ETA on Chapter 10? Have you begun writing, have an outline?

Faithfully reading.

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor
Chapter 10

Well, I have started writing it. Unfortunately I've had a terrible case of writer's block so not much has been written. I have an outline in my head, but writing the actual chapter has been giving me difficulties. I have no idea when it will be ready to be posted. Thank you all for caring enough to ask though. :) Hang in there

redyellowgoredyellowgoalmost 11 years ago
You know that we love you...

You can do it...we all have faith in not beat yourself up like you do every chapter...on the other hand your chapters are amazing so maybe just a small quick amount of self abuse. And then we will shower you w/5* and loving compliments.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I totally love this Darling

I started reading this when you first posted Chapter 1 and have waited for each new post with baited breath. It took me a really long time to warm up to Cain's character. I only began thinking he is kinda, sorta hot after he and Malia did the deed and they had the kitchen post-coital scene. The run in the woods chapter was very hot - I've re-read it a few times. I've always liked Malia's character. She is resourceful and adaptable, yet she has an inner core that seems unshakable, even when she feels like there is little hope. I think Cain has a way to go before winning me over completely. For me, Malia's various struggles - physical, emotional, world view and psychological - have been the key aspects that have drawn me to the story. I'd love to see her draw away from Cain slightly, just so that he can catch a wake-up and seriously chase after her.

Congratulations on producing such a wonderful and engaging piece of work. I hope the literary fairies unblock you so that you can glide through Chapter 10 and put us addicts out of our waiting misery! All the best and happy writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

How's the writers block coming along, any update on the next chapter? I am a huge fan so take your time it will b worth it.

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor
Writer's block sucks ass

Ugh, not so much luck with the block. I have been trying and trying to write this chapter and I need to just stick with a direction, but it's easier said than done. I just can't seem to properly get in any of my character's heads, except for Tristan and Gwen, but their scene of the chapter is already written. @ redyellowgo, I'm afraid I am indeed being predictable again and beating myself up, it doesn't seem to be helping the flow of things though. I am going to force myself to write something tonight though, on this story. It seems my creativity block is only affecting the writing of this story as I have two other stories in my head that I had to start writing or they were going to drive me crazy. However that doesn't really help anyone now. So that is my update for you guys, sorry if it isn't as promising as it should be after a month since the last chapter :( . Thanks for all of your lovely comments

mickymouse113mickymouse113almost 11 years ago
Keep your options open

If your having trouble deciding how to progress then think about how best to just pass time while maintaing the status quo.

Don't fence yourself in.

You might be surprised at how things progress once you start flowing.

Perhaps a few comments about Mailia's room being moved and the boys going all rough and tumble will progress time while not doing anything. Perhaps having parents dicuss what to do about the units and giving up out of frustration because they just go round and round without getting anywhere.

Any help?

redyellowgoredyellowgoalmost 11 years ago

Check you email!!!

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor
email checked

FA/JF: I did get your previous email and must have forgotten to respond, sorry about that. Thank you much for the offer. If I can't get anything written today, maybe I'll take you up on it, but I have a good feeling about today :)

Redyellowgo: Wow, such a scandalous plot idea. I can honestly say the direction you described with Finn and Malia never crossed my mind. You did have me laughing out loud.

You guys are very amazing and supportive fans. Thanks so much. I feel creative already.

redyellowgoredyellowgoalmost 11 years ago
see not just stalker fans

we actually want to help...

another email sent...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I just read your story in one go, and I really love the characters. I also liked that you could make Malia really strong, but just vulnerable enough for the story to progress.

I hope someone will be able to do something about the units (seriously, the children in it never had a choice, and in a few generations they will be only descendants of the first units-dwellers, talk about discrimination).

Malia seems to have enough guts to be on the public scene to talk about it, but maybe not enough tact. Either she's gonna need serious coaching by Tristan, or her parents will have to do the job.

But it seems better to have someone that was totally innocent of any responsibility in choosing to live in an unit and that never rejected someone from the outside (not that her parents had, but they could have known about the situation).

Olivia's probably too young to take on the lashing that is inevitable, as no one seems to have empathy for the unit people.

And Cain's gonna seriously have to avoid the TV for a while if Malia is going to be the public face of the movement...

I hope you can get over your writer's block, your plots and the romances are great. And the woods scene was steaming hot, Malia ordering Cain around was a nice change...

pureintentionspureintentionsalmost 11 years ago
maybe? ?

I think I would eventually like to see a confrontation between malia and molly one day. Even though I love Cain, putting him into a more tough/awkward situation seems fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Love it!

I love this story and can't wait to see what happens next! Keep up the awesome work :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
updates please

Having serious withdrawal from this story, any ideas as to how far away the next chapter is? Love your work BTW.

AMHJ89AMHJ89almost 11 years ago

A virtue I have but it's starting to slip as I go insane waiting for an update.. literally chomping' at the bit for more more more... with that said love the story and the writing. Kudos!

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor

Ask and you shall receive, just remember you asked for it. I'm working on the next chapter slowly but surely, however it is not near publishing yet. This has been the most difficult chapter by far. I have some days off to work on the story though :) Thanks for the comments and the emails, I don't respond via email to anyone but I do read them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Checking daily for new chapter. I know the wait will be worth it but its driving me crazy,,,,,,sending you good writing vibes :D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

You are a great writer! I love it and can't wait to read more of your work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
great story

I love the duplicitous meaning of the title! Not only is Milia taking a " reluctant journey", but Tristan and Cain as well as the entire Yates family. Super story. Keep up the creative characterization. Can't wait to see what Denizen's plans entail.

Ellienora35Ellienora35almost 11 years ago
Another update?t

I really love this story, and it is really getting good. Any more progress on Ch. 10?

Literoticareader99Literoticareader99almost 11 years ago
Looking forward to Chpter 10

This is such a great and original story. Please take your time to make sure it is exactly what you want it to be.

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor

Well summer's over for me :( my life just got substantially busier, so not so much time to write. That's the bad news.

For some better, but not quite good news: Chapter ten is almost there. I've got just a couple more scenes to add and then it's ready. I'm going to try and have it done by this weekend, so there is still some waiting. I'm going to be happy to be done with it and finally post. Thanks for staying patient :)

AMHJ89AMHJ89almost 11 years ago

just happy to get an update... so many of my favorite stories on Lit go unfinished, for months or years, glad to see that you at least keep us in the loop

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Love the story so far! You have great way of building the characters bit by bit.

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor
Email response

I wanted to respond to a very encouraging email I received from my fan from Greece. (I didn't want to use your name in the public comment board when it was sent to me in an email) Emails and comments could never bore me, I assure you, especially ones of praise. Your words were very kind, and from someone currently trying to learn Spanish your English was very impressive. I'm glad that you are enjoying the story and I hope it will continue to improve for you. It is very humbling for me to realize that my story is reaching people so far away from myself and being enjoyed, so thank you for that. Hmm more sexy talk you say? I will certainly keep it in mind next time one of those scenes comes around ;) Thanks again for contacting me, as well as all of my wonderful commenters and emailers. Chapter 10 is very close to being done and should be uploaded very soon, fingers crossed.

mystic5mystic5almost 11 years ago
Awesome Work, Keep it up!

I'm excited to read your next chapter!!!

KayayayKayayayalmost 11 years ago
Not only Greece

You have not only reached Greece, but Denmark as well! And I along with several other people thoroughly enjoy your story. Waiting impatiently for the next chapter :D

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor

That is fascinating to me. Though it isn't included in my profile, I'm from the states (if you couldn't guess). I know it is probably very egocentric of me to assume my readers are geographically close when the site is international, but it puts things in a much more intimidating yet flattering perspective for me.

You should not have to wait impatiently much longer. I posted chapter 10 on Monday, it should be up soon. I was trying my hand at surprise by not posting yet another update, but it seems I'm hopelessly impatient so the secret's out. :)

KittenCuddlerKittenCuddleralmost 11 years ago
Canadian fan here ;-)

Obviously not as geographically far as Greece or Denmark lol but another country to add to your growing list :-) I am so excited to here that I will soon get another chapter from one of my favourite authors! Yay, you have made my day!

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor

So happy to have made your day my Canadian neighbor. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
And you're enjoyed in Africa

I'm from South Africa - the most southern part of it at that. I've been reading this story from the start and really have loved it. Goes to show that sex and romance brings the world together - not the UN ; ) I can't wait for chapter 10 to go public. If this were a published book, you could be doing a world tour!

mickymouse113mickymouse113almost 11 years ago

And you definetly reach the UK. Greece and Denmark don't surprise me much but I'm surprised the Aussies are so quiet. Come on lads lets hear you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
The Netherlands

If everybody is going to name their country I liked to put holland in there ;)

Just want to say that your story is brilliant can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Broadening the geographical horizon!

Well.....from Americas, Europe move over to have fans in Asia as well :)

I am enjoying the story and it is definitely well written...The Reluctant Journey(Darlin92), The Last Tritan(WaterBurn), The Taking of Lena(ablondegoddess) and The Rebellious Slave(HisPet21) are the stories that keep bringing me back to the site. I look forward to see how these stories will unfold and conclude. All these stories are gripping piece of literally work, and not just sexually I mean. Kudos to writers!

Also, there are few stories which started really well and I would like to request their writers to please continue the stories. These stories are:

1) The Devil's Bargain by wishfulthinking

2) The Novice by wishfulthinking

3) Taken in Battle by LadyElaenaBlack

4) Taken by Pirates by scarlett_waters

5) Mr. Bailey by Kelygrl

6) The Captured Princess by HandsInTheDark

@Darlin92....I know this place is meant to comment on your story only but allow me to use this space to collectively praise all the good work I have come across on this website. I like the above mentioned work including yours for the way story is being weaved around(sexual contents score low on my list of priority :P) Thank you for sharing this good work with us :)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Aussie Aussie Aussie

Loving your work Down under Darlin....Have been addicted since you posted chapter 1. Eagerly awaiting chapter 10.

CinderTowerCinderToweralmost 11 years ago
I still call Australia home.....

Mickey you have compelled me to put my hand up for the Great Land Down Under. A raucous shout out from Melbourne Australia. Darlin, I'm absolutely riveted by this story and eagerly await the next instalment. Thank you so much for putting so much time and effort into your postings. Happy writing!

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor

I wake up to find my next chapter has not yet posted :( , yet there seems to have been a geographical comment revolution. It is amazing to see the distances my spur of the moment tale has traveled. All I can say is wow.

LBGrantLBGrantalmost 11 years ago

I was hoping it would post today too, but earlier this week Lit posted a bunch of stories in the afternoon (in boring ole Chicago time :)) and they haven't released very many new stories yet today. It could still hit later, we all hope.

Wish I could say I'm signing in from somewhere more exotic for you so you could keep up your geographical excitement, but its the Windy City for me. If you haven't been yet though, you should visit. It's a great city.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Another asian here and i am desperately waiting for chpt 10! Cain's an arrogant bastard but i love him! :P nd I love Tristan nd malia nd the whole story !!

LBGrantLBGrantalmost 11 years ago
Grrr - Patience is a virtue...or so I'm told

I think I speak for all of The Reluctant Journey fans in my extreme disappointment with Lit that chapter 10 is not posted for our reading pleasure today. I will continue to wait as patiently as possible, Darlin92. Did you confirm in the author's section that it didn't get rejected for some silly reason?


Ellienora35Ellienora35almost 11 years ago
I want it

I am looking over and over for the next chapter.

Darlin92Darlin92almost 11 years agoAuthor
Patience is overrated

My story is still pending, and is not rejected as of yet. Hopefully it will post early tomorrow morning but i was hoping it would post today as well. I am also looking over and over for it hoping they will post it before then. :(

inspector123inspector123almost 11 years ago
My patience is running thin ....

according to your profile you posted on 8/28. Two more days then it will be 7 days and then we can used "report a problem card".

KayayayKayayayalmost 11 years ago

Inspector123, it said 28/7/13 (which is one month ago), but Darlin commented that she posted it the 26th, so tomorrow we could issue the report. But hopefully it will show soon, because damn, am I getting impatient!:D

mickymouse113mickymouse113almost 11 years ago
Deep Zen breathing

Just wait and if your using a PC keep a page open where the address bar reads ch-10 and not ch-09. The as advised previously keep hitting 'refresh.'

Untill then I can only suggest re-reading your favourites, writing your own 750 word flash story or deep zen breathing.

Darlin how about another preview on your bio page so we can have our 'fix'?


cassieccassiecover 10 years ago
This is torture!

I'm obsessively checking and refreshing! I need the next chapter to post!

Darlin92Darlin92over 10 years agoAuthor

okay, it was finally approved

I can rest minimally easier, maybe

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Reluctant Journey

Wow! I feel like i'm on a reluctant journey. Do i continue to read such nonsense to solely find our how it ends or give up trying to figure out what lame plot the quthor is trying to convey?? This story gets dumber by the page. Here's to an hour wasted on nine chapters of junk. Do not quit your day job.

SLWildeSLWildeabout 8 years ago

Unlike the asshole who previously posted, I love this story, am still reading, and can't wait to see how it ends. Everyone's a critic, but at least most critics of writing know how to spell "author" at the very least.


SeaChangerSeaChangeralmost 8 years ago
If he read nine chapters in an hour, it explains his reaction.

It seems real to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This story is one of the best on this site. Good world building and character development. There were some small continuity errors, such as malia saying whenever she got out she’d “be a teacher or a nurse” when her aversion to all things bloody or icky was so stressed. Not major at all of course I’m just a little picky about those things😂. Once again this has been a great series and I can’t wait to read the rest of it!!

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I haven’t posted on here for seven years..but I definitely haven’t stopped writing. I hope you all like some of the random stuff I’ve been working on, it is definitely more planned out than the reluctant journey ever was (a story I now find hard to read myself). Please comment...

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