The Renaissance Man Pt. 02


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She called her younger sister and explained what happened. Told her what Scott wanted Brad to do. Both of them were there when I woke up along with her parents. Brad had brought me plenty of clean clothing. The shooting had happened on Sunday. The following Wednesday while Trish was working, I was released.

She came down after work to discover I was gone. She phoned Brad and Tina who knew nothing and was beginning to panic when her mother called. They had come home to find me working in the garage.

A few minutes later Trish was watching me from the garage door working on the table. I had sanded down the table saving all the wood dust and had been working for hours on healing the wood bringing it back. Using a peacock feather, I bushed a smidgen of the goop into the gash in the table. Then poured a bit of the dust in front of me I blew it softly into the gash using the fine glass straw-like tubes in the same direction as the lines in the wood went. Covering it with a dish towel I ran a hot iron over it.

I talked to the wood as I was working on it as if it was real. For me, it was my way of healing myself. When my dear friend saw me doing that, he said "your probably one of the few that believe anything created by God has a soul." Trish watched me for an hour repeating the process before entering her parents' house. She talked with her parents explaining what I was doing.

Later she knocked on the garage door and said Scott come you have to eat and drink. As I unplugged the Iron and resealed the goop up, she noticed the gash was almost gone.

"If I had not seen it, I would not believe it," Trish said. "Does anyone else know this technique?"

"Not that I know of," I replied. "It's a dying art form. If it had not been for my life's journey, I would not have learned it."

Trish watched me as I ate the three toasted egg and cheese sandwiches with gusto. I had to admit that I had not realized how hungry I had been.

'How much longer do you think it will take you?" Trish asked.

"About an hour or two if everything goes smoothly then two days for it to cure."

"What's in the goop?" Trish asked?

"Boiled down tree sap and a dry industrial hardener mixed in." I said. "the heat from the iron helps the dust, and goop meld into one without tainting anything. The natural sugar of the wood helps in the healing of it."

It took longer than I figured but it was done. After cleaning up I went out and laid down on the lawn falling asleep. Unknow to myself Trish had noticed me and brought out a blanket and a pillow for her. Lying beside me, she covered us both up before falling asleep.

Helen and John Malley were dressed having a quick bite to eat and a coffee before heading out the door to go to work when they noticed us asleep in the back yard.

"When do you think they will realize they're in love with each other," Helen asked.

"Not knowing much about Scott's past that's an unknown" John said. "Both have kept their thoughts to themselves. He trusts her completely because no one else could have convinced him to stay in the hospital."

"Well the sooner the better. The suspense of it is starting to get to me." Helen said. "I don't want them waiting too long because it will end up with one of them walking away."


We had put down three coats of stain and paint. All the wood had now been restored. We had them spread all out over the place. I had spread out the bulk tea leaves over spots where we wanted the touches of Fatima restored. This was the tricky spot. If you over soaked the leaves it would cause running if not enough moisture it was a waste of time. The acid and oil in the leaves would mix into the paint creating a naturally aged look.

Since I was off because of injury Trish took some of her permanent time off earned and used it to be with me. She set the clock timer on her phone to remind her to check on the water level of the leaves. Once we had got the supports up for her parent's patio, I went to work using a drill and wood screws to build it with a few modifications. Her parents had never noticed that in our spare time we had been precutting the wood. In two hours, I had it built.

That allowed Trish to take down the flower boxes off the flat deck. From the side of the porch, I had placed ever four feet a ten-foot pole in an L shape layout which we had added panels of a lattice type. It ended were the patio started. It took half an hour to stain it. When it was dried, we gave it its final coat making sure that it was weatherproof. On the outside, we planted a mixture of spring and fall wisteria. That way her mother could have her favorite flowers blooming all year.

Over the pathway, we laid down a double layer of industrial-grade metal screen mesh eight feet wide. It was designed to allow water to flow through it but would stop anything from growing up. The grass underneath would eventually rot away. Trish set the flower boxes where she wanted them before we laid down the yard stones. Then filled the section with store-bought bags of cedar mulch until we had it completely filled.

Trish and I moved their unfinished picnic table which we had stained to match and then had moved his barbeque equipment in. We were sitting there drinking a cold beer when they pulled into the driveway.

They came around the corner to see it all done. It was one of those things they had spent hours talking about but had never done. Trish was very pleased by her mother's tear-stained eyes and whispered she is trying hard not to lose it.

"Before you say anything, we did it because you refused to charge us rent for the space we used," Trish explained. "Mom you will have to decide for yourself what you want for your flower boxes."

"Scott lets go to the store and pick some fresh stakes for supper," John said.

So off we went. I realized that he had felt that his wife needed some private time with her daughter, when we pulled into the legion, I knew what I thought was right. After a couple, we swung by and got the steaks.

Helen hugged me just a bit too long when we got back before whispering. "over nine years ago the daughter I raised died, thanks to you, for being the way you are she was brought back to me."

For three days we babysat the furniture before we started putting it all back together. I swung by the upholstery shop and picked up the restored pieces which were all wrapped tightly in bubble wrap. It was a labor-intense job because it all had to be hand-stitched. Finally, I packed up all my tools and equipment I had at the house because we were done. Using Murphy's furniture oil, we shinned them all out. Trish was in awe of how beautiful it all looked.

Trish was surprised when her dad's friend the insurance adjuster swung by to do an appraisal for insurance purposes on what we had done. While I was off doing something, the adjuster asked Trish if he could take her picture. She asked him why? Two reasons he explained. I need a permanent record of the protégée of Scott whose getting credit for this restoration. I always keep a permanent record of whatever a restore has done. The quality of what was done proves just how good you are, and my wife wanted a picture of the woman who captured Scott's heart.

"So, what do you think of the restoration?" Trish asked with a growing sense of pride.

"Perfection as always the two of you spared no expense. The material alone on the seventeenth-century French sofa and love seat had to cost at least ten thousand. It was hand-stitched as was the original."

Trish was stunned, she had no clue that I had spent so much.

"Can I ask you what your plans are for it?" he asked.

"Tomorrow's my mother's birthday we will be moving it into their house in the morning. That's why we didn't let them see it as it was being done." Trish explained.

"Young lady that is one hell of a birthday gift." He said.

Friday was a zoo. The three Malley daughters removed all the china and accessories from the dining room as Brad and I removed the living room furniture and the removed the current dining room furniture. We moved the restored stuff in reverse doing the dining room first. We had finished storing the old furniture in the garage when my whole world came crashing down. We had successful lowed the tarps of the tent and packed them on the truck. Brad had just finished loosening the bolts and taking them off on the inside. I in a rush bumped into a pole bringing the whole frame down on me. Trish found me out cold underneath all the aluminum metal out cold.

"Goddammit Scott!" Trish screamed in tears as she reached to hold my head. "You die before me and I will kill you."

Brad and Tina worked at getting the pipes off of me and loaded unto the truck. Trish had got underneath my head and was holding it in her lap.

"Trish, why did you say what you did to Scott?"

"When I saw him lying there, I finally realized I want to spend the rest of my life with him." Trish finally admitted as her tears flowed freely. "He's what no man has ever been before. My one. I love him."

"Have you told him that?" Tina asked.

"I think she just did. Look at Scott's arm." Brad said. "Tina lets go into the house and give them a few minutes alone."

I had reached up and was pulling Trish's head down. I could not help but notice her tear-stained butter cup eyes because they were so consuming.

"I feel the same way, but I needed to hear it from you first," I said.

Tina and Brad had finished putting away all the dishes in the china cabinet. Tina reminded Brad that they could not use one drawer, so they worked it all in. It was now about four in the afternoon. When Trish walked in through the back door.

"Where's Scott?" Tina asked as she took a quick picture of her sister standing there with grass stains all over her clothing and her hair going everywhere. With a huge grin on her tear-stained face.

"He went to my car to get Mom's birthday card," Trish said. "We are going to say the furniture is from the family."

"No!" said Tina "you can't, it was your love that you and Scott put into this that makes it too personal. They will know the truth so don't lie about it."

I walked in and handed Trish the card bag. Brad threw me his keys and said catch. Tina captured a picture of how wild I looked.

"Were so happy that you two finally figured it out," Tina said.

"You two need to go get cleaned up," Brad said. "So, take my car and I can pick it up later from your place on the way home. Were done in here so it won't take long to finish loading the pipes and poles."

I handed him my keys for the truck.

Trish went to say something, but Tina stopped her.

'Look Mom's going to be an emotional basket case tonight when she's seen all of this." Tina said. "The first person dad will call is you, sis. So, go get yourself ready for it."

Trish took out the card and wrote it into it. Then she wrote Mom on the envelope before inserting the card back into it.

We thanked them for their help and head out. I headed for Jayson's Jewelry in downtown Cape.

"Why are we here?" Trish asked.

"To get you your promissory ring," I replied. "Besides I have something I have to pick up."

We found the one she wanted. The clerk processed the purchase and went into the back to pick up the finished order that I had already paid for. Then it was off to her apartment where she had a quick shower and got changed. She got dressed as if we were going out for the night for something special. I thought that when we got to my place, I better do the same. She grabbed her purse and we were on our way

We pulled off the interstate on the exit ramp for Marble Hill or Jackson and turned left to head back into Jackson. Taking the first right we drove about a mile when we approached my house.

"Look!" said Trish "that's my aunt's favorite house in December. The way it's decorated then she says it looks like the perfect Christmas cottage. The way those tall tree's flow in the wind is stunning."

She watched me slow down and take the next driveway in then turn in between the row of trees she had bragged about.

"You own the Christmas cottage?" she said in amazement.

"Yes, what you see from the road is the side of the house," I explained as I drove in parking the car in front of the house. Trish was surprised at how large it was.

We walked into the house together. Stopping at the kitchen I threw Brad's keys on the counter. I was pouring her a glass of wine and was making myself a Scotch and water when Ruby Jackson came down the stairs.

"Hi Scott, I'm almost done then I will be out of here," Ruby said.

I smiled seeing Trish questioning eyes because I could sense a bit of jealousy.

"Ruby I want you to meet Trish," I said. "Trish, Ruby is the captain's wife and they own the franchise for 'Molly's Maids" in this area."

The look of relief and then a great big smile came over her Trish's face. It was fun watching Ruby come to the realization of who Trish was.

"It looks like my husband was right when he cuffed the two of you together," Ruby said.

"Ruby can you plan to make up the second master for Trish and set it up with whatever she uses."

"I can get it done tonight if you can spare Trish for a few," Ruby replied.

"Go ahead I will head up and get myself cleaned up for the evening," I said.

While I was showering and getting changed. Rub showed Trish the second master. It had a huge queen size bed so old it still had the heavy metal frame at the bottom. I had set the queen size box springs and mattress on top of them. A matching dresser with mirror, two full-size dressers and two nightstands to complete the set. On one side was a walk-in closet and a laundry room with its own linen closet. The other side of the bed was the master bathroom with the sunken built-in tub. Trish picked out what she wanted on the bed and told Ruby the basic she had at home in her bathroom. Ruby texted the list to one of her staff and said it would be here in an hour.

"Trish when my husband Roy saw the two of you that day it reminded him of us," Ruby explained. "His captain did the same thing to us. We have been married for over thirty-five years. When we got engaged the captain gave me the cuffs we wore. We had it framed and put under glass.'

"Ruby this is the promissory ring I just got," Trish said as she showed it to her. "Not even my family knows yet."

I had gone to the garage and taken out the fully restored nineteen sixty-four Chevy impala and put the top down. I had it parked in front of the house. I came back into see Ruby giving Trish a tour of the house.

"Trish said "I am amazed at the quality of furniture you have. Did you restore it all yourself?"

"Yes, and a lot more over the last ten years. The two floors beneath this are also filled with what I have restored," I said. "I ship three or four items a year to auction them off it helps to pay a few bills"

Trish got a tear in her eye because she realized that it was his own sweat and tears that provided him the funds to do what he did. For a man who said it was best not to love. By becoming Mr. Claus, he shared his love in a way that could be seen by all.

John and Helen pulled in from work. Tomorrow would be the day the family celebrated her birthday. Tonight, they would go out for a late dinner just the two of them. John was surprised to find the tent was gone. That meant they had completed the work and that all was left was to repair the three holes. Helen had got the back door opened and he followed her in.

He went to the cupboard and prepared to pour them a before-dinner drink. He had just joined her at the kitchen table with the bourbon and cokes as she read the birthday card. Instantly her tears started flowing freely. He took the card out of her hand and read it.

Mom! 'Happy Birthday" Scott and I have ended our former relationship. Your birthday present can be found in the dining room and in the front room. Love you, Trish and Scott. Ps Scott and I are now a couple in love trying to work our hang-ups out.'

No wonder his wife was crying. She was letting go of the personal guilt she had held because of what had happened years ago. She was also getting her ultimate dream her eldest daughter had once again found a way to allow herself to be in love again.

Knowing the only way his wife was going to be able to calm down was having her eldest daughter in front of her. He picked up the phone to call her.

I listened while Trish was on her cell. Her sister had been right. Her mother hadn't even seen the furniture she had just read the card. Trish said we were on the way. I grabbed a twelve-pack of red white and blue. It had been a cheap popular beer back in the day. You could still by it as a specialty beer but only at the retail shop of the plant that made it. Running out to the front door I leaned in and place the beer on the floorboards behind the front seat.

Twenty minutes later we pulled into her parent's driveway. Together we walked into the kitchen through the back door. John looked relieved to see us. Trish went to her mother to start to get her to calm down. John offered us a drink. Instantly her mother started to calm down.

"When did you two work it out," Helen asked.

"I heard a crash, ran outside to see Scott out cold beneath all the tent poles," Trish explained. 'I blurted out Scott if you die before me, I will kill you. Tina confronted me with that thought. I admitted that Scott was my one, and I loved him. Scott awoke to hear me and said he felt the same way."

As we all drank our Bourbons and Cokes we decided to go out for supper. I suggested we go to a family restaurant in Marble Hill that they had never heard of.

"it's an old fashioned pizza place that does pizza the Italian way. The pizza is actually a covered pie. Between the four of us, we will have difficulty eating an extra-large one." I said. "Even on a Friday night, we will get right in."

That sold it, I said that since my car was behind, we will take it, but that John could drive it. So out we went ready to climb in. When Trish's parents saw the Chevy Impala convertible that we were going to go in they had to walk around it before getting in. It was black on the outside with a red interior.

"We double dated with Shelia and Eve Brown back in the day. Eve's father owned one that just looked like this." John said. "We spent hours driving the back roads listening to the hits of the day. The memories you have reminded us of just made this day more special for us."

"Then I don't have to tell you what or where the dimmer switch is if we need it," I respond as I open the back door to let Trish slide in. "Drive to Marble Hill like you would in the old days."

Once we were out of the driveway, I had Trish's Mom open the glove box. "Sirius play the hits from the do-wop days and early sixties"

As we were leaving town, I pulled out two cans of beer and handed them to Helen.

"They still make this." She said. "That's all we drank back in the day. We could get six cans for a dollar."

Trish and I were tight as two bunnies in heat in the back seat watching the show in the front. Trish's Mom was in her glory reliving in spirit those days. She would sing along with each song she knew. Trish and I were caught up in the moment and were sneaking kissing when we could. We thought we were getting away with it, but we were wrong.

"If you two kids could stop what you are doing for a moment and pass us another beer." John said joyfully "it would be appreciated."

We'd been busted by the rearview mirror. As we entered the 'Hill' I made a phone call. As we parked the car a young boy of African American descent approached us.

"Hi uncle Scott," He said "I was surprised to see that you're not driving. Do mom and dad know you're coming?"

"Nope going to surprise them," I said handing him ten dollars. "Watch the car and get rid of the empties."