The Renaissance Man Pt. 02


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We entered the restaurant and found our seat. The place was steady but not overly busy. The server a young lady of oriental decent came to our table from behind me.

"Misty, we want a pitcher of beer and an extra-large Scotts special," I said.

"Uncle Scott. What a surprise. It's good to see you. Were mom and dad expecting you?" she asked.

I stood up and hugged her tight.

"No were celebrating a birthday and decided on the lark to come here," I replied.

"Whose birthday?" she asked.

"My girlfriend's mother," I replied. "Misty this is my girlfriend Trish and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Malley."

"You got yourself a girlfriend, gee I was hoping you were waiting for me." Misty giggled. "I will get mom to bring the pitcher and you can surprise her and I will give Dad your order."

Misty came back with the four beer glasses. Her mother following right behind. As she put it down, I said. "Hello Shania, it's good to see you."

I stood up. Trish was surprised to see that Shania looked like us.

"Shania I would like to introduce you to Helen and John Malley and their daughter Trish," I said. "So, you don't have to wonder Trish is my girlfriend."

After exchanging greeting Shania said, "Trish how did you get him to stop running?"

With a smile and a laugh, Trish said, "It took the police captain to handcuff us to each other for six hours."

We were still chatting with her when her husband came out with the special on a large stand. Witt is an army vet who had lost a leg. I had been friends with both of them for years.

"Hi Scott," Witt said. "it's good to see you again. Shania why are you smiling."

"You win, we will be adopting two more as soon as we can make room for them," Shania replied.

"Nah you're pulling my leg." He said. "You told me that we could adopt two more when Scott got a girlfriend because you knew that would never happen."

"Excuse me," Trish said. "You stand corrected because Scott gave me this today."

Trish held out her hand showing the promissory ring to all. Her mother started to cry.

John said, "it's just a ring."

Helen said, "Yes but it says everything."

Witt would not allow us to pay for anything. The two new children they would be adopting would bring their total to eight. It was after eleven before we got out of the restaurant. The future in-laws and Trish had to admit it was the best pizza they had ever eaten.

We were on the way home driving the back roads. Each of us holding an open beer in our hands. Trish's mother was standing up dancing to the music in the front seat. I had my feet outside of the car as Trish and I were necking like teenagers in the back seat. That's when the flashing red lights and siren started. John pulled over and shut the car off as Trish and I quickly sat up.

The officer approached the car with his flashlight on. Checked on the people in the front seat. Saw the open beer cans. The turned the flashlight towards us.

"Jesus Christ Scott it's you," Ted said. "Give me a few I have to talk to the boss about this."

Ted came back and said, "Trish, Beth wants to talk to you." Then he handed her his phone.

"Hi Beth," Trish said. "I guess we went overboard we were having a double celebration."

"Oh really," Beth said, "So that was why Scott and you were making it out in the back seat."

"We were celebrating my mother's birthday and the fact that I got my promissory ring," Trish said.

"Ok we will make this as painless as possible, But Ted had called in to say he was stopping a vehicle. Scott and you dinner at my place a week from Saturday. Who else knows?"

"Nobody." Trish said, "We want to keep it as quiet as possible because we both have things to work out."

"Sounds good to me now let me talk to Ted," Beth said.

He asked John for his driver's license and took it with him. When he came back with it. He had his ticket booklet open.

"I'm giving you a fifty dollar fine for failure to have your load properly secured," Ted said. "I will have to follow you home so keep the beers out of sight and keep the music turned down to a reasonable level."

If there were ever four adults who felt young and foolish, we were it. Let me tell you being followed by cops kind of kills the mood.

When we pulled into the driveway Ted drove on. That's when we lost it and started to laugh.

"Being stopped in a nineteen sixty-four Chevy impala convertible with us all acting like we had no problems in the world and walking away with just a fine," John said. "Is something I will be smiling about for weeks."

"I will pay for the ticket John," I said.

"Oh no you won't I am going to write the cheque pay the fine and frame this and put it on a wall." He said firmly.

Helen turned and looked at us and said. "Thank you for making this a birthday that I will never forget."

"It's not over yet mom we are now going to show you your birthday present," Trish said.

Once we got her inside, we had her close her eyes. John led his wife into the dining room which Trish had entered to turn the lights on.

"Open your eyes Mom," Trish said.

The dining room looked beautiful. It was the first time they had seen it since we had unloaded it weeks before. The china cabinet, the hutch, the table, two captain chairs, and the six normal chairs fit into the room perfectly.

"I can't accept this," Helen said, "it's too much You should keep it for your future."

"Mom, stop," Trish said, "Scott owns the Christmas cottage and its filled with antiques as fine as these."

"Now close your eyes again we will lead you into the front room," Trish said.

Trish went into the front room. The girls had done a real nice job rearranging everything. The old and the new seemed to belong together. John led his wife in. When she opened her eyes, we all heard the gasped sounds coming from her throat. The seventeenth-century furniture was the centerpiece of the room.

"The material is as original as it could be but with one difference," I said. "I had both pieces scotch guarded against possible stains."

Helen walked over to me and hugged me before kissing me on the cheek. Then John and I left them and went back into the kitchen where he noticed the appraisal files. He looked through them in detail before saying anything.

"You knew all along what you had given to Trish." He said. "It's hard to believe that it would cost more to replace them than what they're worth. You've been in love with her since that first day."

"She had captured me when her nose flared just before she hit me for the third time. I knew that she was a lioness who would die to protect her cubs" I said with a chuckle. "For a moment I thought with her temper she would blow flames."

"Well, Son you got a Texas mickey coming for taming the shrew!" John said.

"You will need those files to put a rider on your insurance policy." I said, "they have to be listed like expensive jewelry."

We had heard Trish and her mother go upstairs. When they came down Trish was carrying a large Macy's bag with items in it. I noticed her tap her wrist with her finger. I realized she was telling me it was time for us to go. I stood up and we said our goodnights.

"Where are we going?" I asked as soon as we were out of the driveway.

"Home I got a new bed I want to try sleeping in tonight." She said as she slides over beside me. "Mom is so wound up she will be keeping dad up half the night."

"Dad saw the appraisals on the furniture and decided he's not going to tell your mother, "I said. "because if he did, she would be afraid to use it."

"how much is it all worth?" She asked.

"Even in the depressed market were going through now the couch and sofa because of the quality of the material used is very rare." I explained. "it's appraised at about thirty thousand dollars each, but to replace it would be around fifty thousand each. The dining area furniture as a set is worth about fifty thousand, if pieced out you could get about seventy thousand. Replacement is around eighty thousand."

"You knew what it was worth." Trish said. "why didn't you tell me?"

"If I had of you would never have gotten me to help you." I said. "because you would have not touched it."

John and Helen were getting ready for bed. In her excitement, she had completely let it slip past her what Trish had revealed. Scott owed the Christmas cottage. That place was renowned for the message the Christmas decorations display would imprint on those viewing it. Those in the upper-middle class would use it to base what they would do for Christmas from it. During the season that house was a must-see.

"John I just realized that karma has given back twice as good to Trish and Scott for what they have gone through." Helen said. "it's not if but when they will get married."

John laid there waiting for her to say something else but when he turned to look at her, she was already sleeping. It had been an emotionally exhausting day for her. It wasn't long until he joined her.

As soon as we got home Trish headed up to see her bedroom. Ruby had done a wonderful job. The satin sheets had been turned down to allow her to slide in. the heavy quit was folded and lay at the bottom of the bed. Trish first hung the clothing she had taken from her mother's house. The housecoat and nightwear she had made for marriage plus a few other pieces of clothing. Going into the bathroom she saw it was stocked with everything. Before changing into her full-length nightgown, she removed all the makeup off her face and washed.

When she came back downstairs, she discovered me laying on the couch watching a movie. She joined me. It didn't take long till we fell asleep.

I'm not sure who woke up first, or if we did it together. It was almost nine o'clock. When we finally got off the couch, I started coffee while Trish checked her messages. She had eight from her mother and two from her younger sister. As she dialed her sister first, she put the speaker on.

"Hi sis, just a warning Mom knows you didn't come home last night. She called me because you were not answering your phone." Tina said. "are you alright?"

"Things couldn't be better. I'm with Scott" Trish said. "We just woke up. How is our mom?"

"She's ecstatic. Dad says she keeps walking into the front room and the dining room as if she is trying to convince herself that it's all real." Tina said,

"Are you going to be joining us for our typical birthday lunch at Terry's today?" Trish asked.

"No, I'm working from eleven to seven," Tina said.

"Then I will tell you why moms so ecstatic today. Scott bought me my promissory ring last night. We broke the news to her over dinner." Trish said. "it's beautiful I find myself looking at it constantly."

"Congrats to the two of you. We could talk but it looks like mother is trying to call me so I'm going to shut it off while I shower and get ready for work. Love you bye." Tina said before she hung up.

I handed Trish her coffee which she drank black. She took a sip of it and smiled as I put creamer and sugar in mine. I then leaned over and kissed her before saying, good morning love.

Then Trish's phone rang again. "It's my mom here we go." Throwing on the speaker. I listened.

"Good morning mom, Scott and I just got up. Happy birthday." Trish said.

"Thank you we were wondering if you and Scott could help us move our old furniture over to Terry's and Robert's." Mom said.

I nodded my head and lifted two fingers up and then hit my wrist with them causing Trish to chuckle.

"We can be there around eleven Mom if that's okay." Trish responded. "if that's okay with you."

"That's perfect. Once the boys have loaded, we will order our lunch and go and pick it up." Helen said. "by the time we get there they should have it all unloaded."

I quickly made us a couple of bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches for breakfast. At eleven we pulled into her parent's place. John and I started loading their furniture. John was looking forward to getting his garage back. Once loaded we headed over.

Terry's and Robert's house was fairly modern. It had an island in the kitchen where they could sit six. We would be setting up her parent's dining set after moving her current table and chairs to the garage. Roberts's younger brother was coming to get it. Their couch and chair would go downstairs in the boy's playroom.

There was one big problem Robert told me was the shrine she had in the corner. He explained that she built it to remind them how much an unknown man had done for them all. Over the years every time Mr. Claus was mentioned it was added to.

"Do you want it taken care of good?" I asked.

"Hell, yes you never forget the blessings you been given, and we do try in our own way to pass it on. I just don't need a reminder shoved down my face every day." Robert said.

"Done let me take the fall," I said. "It might be hot and heavy for a while but by the end of the day you will be free of it for good."

Robert and I carried the hutch in and pretended to get into an argument over where we should put it. After saying this was not solving anything, I went over to the shrine in the corner and ripped it down.

"You can't do that." Terry said, "That's my way of paying respect to him"

"No." I said, "You've made a man who can be as big an asshole as me your god. If he was here right now, he would be doing what I am doing because he would not approve of it."

I continued ripping all the stuff up putting it on the kitchen island. Robert and I then continued on as dad passed the chairs down to us and we took it in. Terry had gone to their bedroom in tears.

When we were done moving the furniture, I went back to close up the back of the truck.

Terry followed me and said, "You may be Trish's friend but your no longer allowed in my house."

"If that's the way you want it," I said, fine by me."

Robert, John and I were sitting in the garage drinking a beer when Trish and Helen pulled up. As they walked to the house the stopped and said come on in lunch is here.

"We can't," Robert said. "Since Scott can't go in as long as he is here, we won't be going either. Under the circumstances, it might be best to plan to eat out here."

"What happened," asked Helen

"Scott tore down your daughter shrine," John said. "We are all so glad he did.'

Nobody could understand why Trish started giggling, even her mother looked at her in puzzlement.

"Relax, let me go put my sister in place," Trish said. "She's about to get gum sacked with some truths. Let's go in mom so I can talk to my sister in private while you get things set up for lunch."

No sooner had Trish gone into the house when Terri was on her. I learned later I was given every foul name she could think of. When Trish got tired of the bull shit, she landed a right on her cheek.

"Just shut the 'F' up," Trish said. "I've I had enough of you bull shit. Follow me to one of the bedrooms."

As she did Terry said, "Why there is nothing you can say that is going to change anything."

Once they were in the master bedroom Trish closed the door.

"Scott knows very well what kind of man Mr. Claus is and why he is that way," Trish said. "He lives his life just trying to make sure the good he does outweigh the bad. Nothing more nothing less."

"How in the hell would Scott know how Mr. Claus thinks?" Terry said. "nobody knows who he is."

"Scott does because it's another one of his many disguises," Trish said in complete honesty. "He was the priest that came into your life and he gave you both a second chance. He was the one behind the five-year interest-free mortgage you got. I still don't know how or why he chooses those he helps out. Just be thankful that he does."

Between tears, Terry asked. "Who all knows?"

"A few police officers who work with him, me and now you. When I told him, I knew I had to promise to keep it a secret. Now I expect you to do the same." Trish said. "I want you to make peace with him."

"Sis that will be easy to do," Terry said. "If you do anything to hurt that man, I will kick your ass all the way to Mexico."

Trish followed her sister back into the kitchen to see her reach up to the cupboard above the fridge and pull down a very expensive bottle of scotch. Taking a glass, she put some ice in it and the cracked open the bottle of scotch. After pouring some in she added some water she headed out towards the garage carrying the drink with her. Terry was going to do something she hadn't done for years and that was to apologize to a man.

"What did you say to her?" Helen asked Trish.

"Just the truth she needs to know," Trish replied. "Before her judgment becomes her belief."

No sooner had she said that John and Robert were coming through the door. They explained that Terry wants to talk to Scott alone.

Terri still had tears in her eyes when she spoke. "Trish told me. Why didn't you just tell me?"

She handed me the drink as I responded. "You wouldn't have believed me. You needed to be shocked out of the reality you were in. Sometimes it's the only way one can see the truth."

"You are right. I wasn't ready. It took Trish giving me her right to force me to listen." Terry said. "just so you know you'll always walk on water in my eyes. My husband and I owe you so much. Let's go in and eat."

"Nah it's been a while since I had an argument with one of the Malley women," I said. "Can I milk it a bit more."

"Sure, make fun of me now." She said. "We don't want the food to get cold so let's go."

Trish and her mother had picked up the barbeque for lunch. We had chicken, ribs, baked beans, and fries. Surprisingly for some reason, it was better than normal. When they told me where they bought it, I knew why.

Terry and Robert's sons were with his parents for the weekend. During the meal, they discussed going to the legion dance that night. I asked Trish if she was going and she replied she hadn't gone in years. Then she surprised her father.

"Dad, is it too late to get one more set of tickets?" Trish asked.

"I don't know let me call Stew and ask?" he responded.

We heard John learn that there was none available as they were sold out. I knew better. The legion management always held some back in case important people decided they wanted to come.

"John give me the phone." I said. "let me talk to him."

John handed me the phone and before I spoke, I turned the speaker on.

"Stew, Its Scott. I want you to stop scratching your ass, sit down and pay attention. "I said in my normal loud voice. "The tickets John was looking for were for me and his daughter."

"Nice try Scott but that's bullshit. Tina is too young for you to look at, Terry married, and the ice princess has shot so many men down that it's believed by most that she's a close closet lesbian." Stew replied.

"Stew it's Trish, answer me this. Do you know what is meant when Scott describes a woman as a 'BBBB'?"

"Sorry for shooting my mouth Trish," Stew said. "When we tried to set him up and failed, he would just say she's not a 'BBBB' I'm safe. Why?"

"Because the first day he met me back in early March Scott said I was a 'BBBB' and that meant trouble," Trish said. "Last night I accepted his promissory ring."

"Unbelievable" Stew said in shock. "Give me an hour and swing by and pick up the tickets. My wife is not going to believe this, I'm having a hard time coming to grips with it."

I said, "thanks Stew" and hung up.

Terry looked at her mom and said, "Is this is for real."

Helen replied. "We were having dinner together when we learned about it last night. I have been floating on air since I came home last night."

Both of them started to cry. Robert stuck out his hand and said congrats. I took it and said thanks. Trish had to show Terry her ring.

Just as we were pulling out Robert's brother drove in. Sitting with him in the passenger side of his truck was Linda.