The Rescuer Pt. 03


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They all laugh.

Dad is chuckling as he continues, "If you dance with Kim, watch your hands. Brian can kill from 1,000 yards, and his dogs are VERY protective of Kim. If you dance with Brian, Kim is deadly at 800 yards."

Dad raises his glass of wine, "To the happy couple, Cheers!"

We are up to 3:00 AM telling stories, meeting families, and people congratulating us. I was very uncomfortable, but I know it helps them heal. I am tangible, and it's easier to accept when they see that I am a real human like them.

Kim and I are also very emotional. I made time for everyone to tell me their side of the story. For many, it was the first time they spoke of it. Most of the significant others hadn't a clue. Many have children with them. Either they would have grown up without a parent or the parent would not have been there to make them. Everyone touched our hearts tremendously.

The last to leave are Barry and his new best friend, General George McMichael of the US Army, my U.S. boss with his wife, DeeDee. I can tell they want to be the last to leave. Only our parents, Mary, and her parents are left, and they won't leave until we do.

General McMichael hugs me hard with tears in his eyes, "It was very touching to see a lot of those you saved and their families. I hope you now see how important your work is and why your safety has been a priority. I love that they are cloning you, but you will always be the best. Your ability to consistently hit moving targets places you as the best sniper I have ever seen. You may have a new home, but rest assured, I will never let you go completely. Congratulations as well."

Barry continues, "George will be joining us on our hunting trips. We are starting our own private two-way mentoring program between the two of us. We have common issues, and everyone will benefit. Congratulations you two on getting married. I love both of you with all my heart."

General McMichael hands Barry an envelope, "You have a traitor in your camp. After announcing that Kim was your daughter, a former major that Brian had a run in with sent his DNA test in. He too saw them in the hospital bed and collected samples. His test results WERE different.

"However, he sent it to a U.S. company for analysis. It seems that a former soldier that has his name on Brian's rifle is now with the CIA. It seems he watches out for Brian and saw two different test results. He sent the former major your version. I asked for this version so Brain's dad can see it. Brian, with your mom's questionable past, I wanted him to know that he is responsible for this awesome woman."

He hands the results to dad, and he cries as he reads it.

Dad hugs mom and cries as he says, "I am sorry for doubting you and Barry. I had been wondering if she was mine. I knew Brian was."

Dad sat down, and mom comforts him.

It's 4:00 AM as we are walking out, and we have a 6:00 AM flight. Yikes, I am tired. We all slept on the airplane this time.


Flying mom, dad, Kim, Mary, two rifles, and four dogs on a military airplane to Seattle is no problem. Now getting onto a commercial flight, the gun and four dogs are a little more interesting. Fortunately, two men flash badges, and all questions go away. My military rifle disassembles, I have a hard case for it which makes it less offensive to people. The stewardesses objected to feeding the dogs a fish lunch, but they get over it. The dogs do tricks for the kids, that helps. They are also playful and cute. Even the nasty stewardesses came around eventually.

In Honolulu, we stay at a hotel by the beach. We get in around 3:00 so we spend our first few hours on the beach, the dogs refuse to swim. They do guard my gun and Kim. I go into the water, and a few guys got too close to Kim. Rocky's hair is on end, and he is showing his teeth. No bark but geez, how stupid can you be?

It's obvious the dog is furious. With the guy's hands nearing Kim, Rocky lunges. The guy pulls his hand back. Kim's dogs are baring teeth and are slowly walking towards the guy, salivating to make them more fearful.

The kid is so scared he can't move. One of the agents pulls the kid by his hair, and that unlocks him. The guys run away. A large buffer is now between us and everyone else. Nobody wants to be close to us.

I am furious, I shout at the agent, "He could have slit her throat. Now you see why I work with dogs?"

I made my point, I sit down and leave the guy alone. He screwed up, but he will learn from it. I hope.

Mom, Mary, and Kim are dying to go shopping. I command three dogs and two agents to guard the women, and I keep Rocky and my rifles. We go up under a big umbrella where there is shade and get a few drinks. I do apple juice.

Dad says to me, "I need some help. I want you to do something for me tonight."

I reply, "No problem, what do you need?"

Dad murmurs, "I think your mom is lying. She says she is a slut. I believe she is submissive. Tonight, there will be a one-night re-appearance of Mommy Slut. I will tie her up to your bed, and you can do anything you want to her. I need to know if she is submissive. I suspect neither of us knows much about that, but your kinky mind can guess better than me. Besides, if I am wrong, she won't hate you. If I am right, I will learn how to please her."

Damn, what do you say to that?

I reply, "OK."

Dad continues, "I hear that I should thank and kill you." I give him my surprised and shocked face. "Thank you for turning your mom around and fuck you for the almost two months of torture watching your mother and sister dress so ... provocatively. Watching you fuck them from behind. Watching them touch each other. Watching them kiss each other. Watching them caress each other. The blowjob instructions ... that was awesomely sick.

"I know my heart is strong because I should have died from several heart attacks. They teased me every day, morning, noon, and night, and they both loved it. The two times you tied your mother up was the best sex either of us has ever had. It did something to me, and it drove your mother insane. Her eyes were lustful and hungry for sex. She acted like a slut, something that I had never seen before. She responded like a Ferrari for me. Whatever I wanted, just the slightest movement and she responded, often as I had the thought."

Dad looks at me proud now, "I sure am happy with you and thrilled with how things have worked out. We are going to enjoy having Mary's family around, and I bet they feel the same way. This vacation is awesome. Do you know who is supplying the two agents?"

I smile, "I would bet my friend George, the one at the wedding. He came out to my cabin twice to go hunting. He was infantry and still is a good shot. He knows I don't travel without my dog or my rifle. I trust the dogs more than those agents, but they have their uses as well. Mom and the girls are obvious tourists and easy marks for pickpockets and thieves. Heaven help the poor thief that runs into my dogs."

Dad laughs hard at that. I can see some kid with a purse on the ground. Three dogs are barking and baring teeth at him after they tackle him. Then two agents pull out their guns. I get a text message to meet them for dinner at the motel at 8:00. Dad drank enough for both of us. I force him to have a sandwich and chips for a late lunch.


The women are late for dinner. Two bellboys take all their loot to our room. We initially had issues with the dogs joining us, but that did not last long. We invited the two agents to sit with us. They tried to say no, but we don't take no for an answer.

I asked, "How did shopping go, any issues?"

The agents look embarrassed, and the girls are in a frenzy.

Mom bats her eyes, "Stores around here don't like dogs much, but your two saviors solved the problem every time."

They look sick. Something happened, I know it. They should be beaming with pride.

Kim says with a sly smile, "I can see why you like your two dogs so much, damn they are smart. We are walking down a famous street looking in every window. Some dude comes running up behind us and takes moms purse, and he is hauling ass. My dog and our two friends take off after the kid. Of course, the dog wins that battle. The dog has his teeth on the guy's neck, holding him in place after taking him down. It was a great show."

Mom finishes with anger in her eyes, "Yes it was until a second and third guy pull knives on us."

Mary smiles big and continues, "Kim is soooo smooth. She tells them that the two dogs that are growling and have them surrounded are attack dogs for her brother who is a US Army soldier in Alaska. She says, did you notice these two didn't fall for your friend's decoy trick. Do you think that dog can crush your friend's windpipe? You two want to be next? All it takes is a word, and they will tear you to shreds. "

Kim continues, "I then told them to drop the knife and sit down if they want to live. Fifty people are watching us now, and those two dogs are furious. They were ready to attack, and I have no doubt they could kill. The dog's hair is up on end, teeth showing, snarling, and a lathered hate in their eyes. I know these two dogs, and I have never seen that side of them before. They were intimidating and scary, even to me. I can only imagine what those two punks thought."

I add for the agents benefit, "The dogs go through intense training. Those two men were very much in mortal danger. Sorry guys, humans don't have the same instincts as dogs do. That's why for me, they are the perfect partner. Very few people have ever seen them in action; you are lucky. You guys have no training for these situations, so it's a good learning experience for you."

I am now talking directly at the agents with a commanding voice, "We are staying in the motel for the night. 9:00 AM breakfast, catch up with us here. My guess is you have families, go home. Tomorrow you can suggest some places for us to visit. We'll need a good lunch suggestion and then more shopping."

After dinner, the agents salute us and leave. Based on the salutes, it's just as I suspected, military or former military and they are here on behalf of the general.

Chapter 13 -- Mommy-Slut Returns!

Dad gets up with mom but motions for us to stay seated.

Dad smiles big, "I have a wedding present for you two. Let me set it up, and then I will be back with your key."

Kim very cautiously gives him our key and warns him, "Remember, we have four dogs." Dad laughs.

It's only ten minutes before dad is back with a small present. Mom obviously wrapped it, and she took great care wrapping it. Dad would have used half a roll of duct tape and newspaper to wrap it. We all go upstairs, me, dad, Kim, Mary, my two dogs, and then Kim's two dogs. We must have been quite a sight.

Dad's room is by the elevator, he pulls out his keys, "Have fun kids," smiles, waves, and then slips inside his room.

As soon as we walk into the room, I slip off my shirt, shorts, and sandals. Kim takes off her shirt, shorts, and sandals. Mary walks over to the couch and sits down. She looks sad and lost, like a misplaced puppy dog. If she could, I think she would turn invisible. Meanwhile, my dogs are whimpering in the doorway to our bedroom. Kim is annoyed at them and starts walking towards them.

My guess is they are confused because a woman is bound on my bed and they know that woman. I quickly sit next to Mary and lean back. I call the dogs and Kim to me. They both follow directions perfectly. Kim sits on the other side of Mary. I take Mary's hand, and it is cold and sweaty. I can feel her shaking a bit; she is a bundle of nerves.

I hold out my arms like I want a hug and she starts to reach for me but pulls away when Kim gets up for the hug. Now she is near tears. I use my finger to tell Kim one moment and then draw a surprised Mary to me. She lunges at me and holds me in her arms hard. She sniffles and is trembling. I pat her gently on the back. Kim now understands and sits down next to us again.

I push Mary away a few inches, and she looks confused. I kiss her slowly and tenderly. She stops trembling, her heart is pounding, and she turns into jelly. The kiss breaks, and she set her head on my shoulder and holds me tight. She is crying.

Kim says in a false confident voice, "I am sorry Mary. So much has happened so quickly. We have been sharing him, but we never discussed tonight and beyond. I should have set expectations."

Mary turns around in my lap to listen to Kim talk. My hand slowly works up under Mary's blouse and the bra. I am playing with her bare breasts. Her nipples are fully aroused as I am sure the rest of Mary is as well.

Mary stops Kim by saying, "Stop. You owe me nothing. This is your brother, your lover, and your husband. Other than a horrific experience in college where I lost my virginity at a party, the sharing of your bother is the only sex I have had and all the great sex I have ever had. If I had him once a year, I would be a very happy woman."

Mary is near tears now, "He sensed my feelings tonight, and all it took was his hug to make me feel better. I was feeling sorry for myself and left out, but I know I have no right to him because you have already let me have him many times. You slept in a cold bed because you let him be with me. I don't know how to repay you."

Kim laughs, "I have two fur balls that keep me warm at night, don't you ever think I am sleeping in a cold igloo on a stormy night. They know when I need them. How many guys do you think would have noticed your need tonight? Only someone that truly cares about you would know you needed a hug and comforting tonight. He fell in love with you that night at your place with me watching. I'll continue to share him with you, for his benefit as much as yours. I love you both."

I need to speak up now, "You need to know about our mother and her history."

Kim tries to shush me, "Brian, is now really the best time? I think this story can wait. It's embarrassing."

I know mom is bound to the bed. She can hear us.

I reply, "No, I think now is exactly the right time to discuss it." I look at Mary. "Our mother is a slut and used to fuck half the customers that came through our lodge. Dad lost interest in mom due to her slutty behavior. Recently I've been very domineering. I had mom and Kim dressing in almost nothing, touching each other, and randomly I would bend one of them over a chair and fuck them raw. I tied mom up twice and forced her to strip in public and then fuck dad."

Mary has a look of shock and awe on her face.

I continue, "The public stripping and fucking got them back together. I haven't touched her since then."

Kim's head quickly turns towards me, and she glares at me.

I place the present in front of Kim, "Go ahead, open it up."

Kim looks almost afraid to touch it now. Slowly she opens the box as it might explode. Inside is a set of keys, a strap-on, and a flogger. Kim stands and rushes to the bedroom only to stop in the doorway. Mary and I follow.

On the bed, tied to all four corners of the bed is our naked mother. Ball gag in her mouth. Written on her forehead in lipstick it says, "Mommy Slut." Written in the middle of her chest it says, "Be my master and mistress." Kim is speechless.

Mary is first to speak, "Damn, you are one kinky family. This is the stuff from pay per view and romance novels. This shit isn't real. Yet ... your mother is bound to a bed. I don't believe this."

I add my part, "Believe it or not, this is dad's doing. Part of our wedding present is using mom as a sex slave for the evening. What she doesn't know is that I have special orders from dad. I am going to do stuff and act differently so that we can test a theory about mom. This theory is one he is unable to test himself. It may be uncomfortable to watch. If so, the couch is comfortable. I promised dad I would do this for him."

Kim asks, "What are you going to do?"

I smile, "Oh, but that is the fun part. Nobody knows. Well, I do, but the important part is that mom doesn't, or it will ruin the experience. We are going to start with role-playing. I am Master, and all of you are my pets. My #2 is Kim. To mom and Mary, Kim is Mistress. Mary is #3 making her Mistress to mom. You will all address me as Master, or else something bad happens to you. Mom and Mary will call Kim Mistress, or else.

"If you fail to use my name or misuse it, there will be consequences. Punishment will start with spankings. For this phase of the evening, Kim and Mary, you may skip the humiliation and pain by sitting out. You didn't ask for this and may not like it. Mom only gets one load from me. After roleplay is over, we can do other more traditional stuff."

I am more serious now, "Starting now if you have anything to say it better start with Master. Leave now if you don't want part of this." Pause. "Nobody leaving?"

Mary makes the mistake of saying "Nope." She realizes it.

She strips out of her clothes and then bends over the bed with her ass high up in the air. Did Mary do that on purpose? I gave her five spanks on her right butt cheek.

Mary has a tear in her eye and a smile on her face, "Thank you, Master."

Mary gets up and sits in a chair.

I look at Kim with a huge smile, "Kim my dear, I have made you endure a lot of shit with mom, suffer through me being shot twice, fucking mom, and tying you up. I am going to sit in a chair, and you are now in charge. You only have to say Master if you are addressing me. You may ask me to do things but make sure you say Master first.

"Otherwise you are the director of this porn movie and have the opportunity to use either woman or make them please you. You can punish mom for taking away your crayons and Barbies as a child. Remember, you have a strap-on, flogger, your hand, your sexy bits, and can include mom and/or Mary as your willing sex toys. They will do anything you want. Do as you please."

Kim steps up on to the bed. She straddles Mom around the waist and grabs a full handful of breasts and plays with them. Kim's are very lovely C's, but mom has at least DD's. She grabs from underneath and kneads them like bread. Kim twists them as far as they will go. She smashes them together. She uses her finger to trace the areola's and then sucks hard on the nipples causing some discomfort.

Kim gets up, walks out of the room and then comes back with the flogger. Kim is on mom's legs and has the flogger in her hands with a smile on her face. Mom does not have a smile, she has the gag on still, but the fear is evident on her face. Kim starts whipping the flogger in circles, above her head, she is getting a feel for it. She smiles. Mom is more interesting.

Mom is afraid, but it's not what I expected. She doesn't seem to be dreading what could happen. Would it be different if it were me doing this? Kim brings down the flogger, and it moves her breast, but there is no scream or terror or agony. Not even pink skin. It takes four more hits to register pink skin. Kim is feeling awesome, she is putting her mother in her place, yet mom seems let down.

Kim drops the flogger and pulls out the ball gag. Mom seems happy to lose the gag, but Kim feeds mom her pussy and gives her a five-minute timer to orgasm. Mom won't lick Kim. Kim moves back, picks up the flogger, and this time she uses a lot more force. Mom says "Ouch."

Kim says calmly, "You have lost 55 seconds, now eat me dammit, or there will be more."

Again, mom refuses to eat Kim. This is interesting. Gag back in. Kim backs off, picks up the flogger, and now she uses about the same pressure but four quick strikes. She hits mom's breasts and follows through. Then she hits them again on the return stroke. Two sets of two for mom. Now she is tearing and has a genuine fear of Kim.

Kim says, "Only two minutes nineteen seconds left. Better hurry or you won't be able to wear a shirt for a week."