The Return of Liz & Katie Pt. 02


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I continued licking and sucking her vagina and labia, while flicking and circling her clitoris with the tip of my tongue and entering her with first one, then two, and finally three fingers, until she began shaking uncontrollably and smacking the top of my head underneath her skirt with the palm of her hand.

I didn't want to stop, ever!

I squeezed her voluptuous backside with both hands and entered her vagina as deeply as possible with my tongue, allowing my nose to maintain contact with her clitoris, which I find to be very exciting, and wiggled my face back and forth, until her moans and movements informed me she had reached her climax.

She lowered herself to her knees and kissed my mouth and face fiercely until she regained control of her breathing, then smiled and rubbed her nose back and forth against mine.

"I love you," she said softly.

"I love you, too," I replied. "Should we continue in our bedroom?"

"I might not be able to walk that far," she giggled.

"I'll carry you," I said, lifting her with one arm behind her shoulders and one behind her knees.

Although she is petite, she always thinks I will hurt myself if I try to carry her more than a couple of steps. But, to my surprise, she did not object as I carried her all the way to our bedroom and deposited her onto our king-size bed, where I once again lifted her skirt and buried my face between her legs. After a couple of quick licks to re-familiarize myself with my favorite place, I redirected my attention to her abdomen and breasts, unbuttoning and untucking her blouse and unfastening her bra but leaving her otherwise fully dressed. I was still clad only in her black thong panties, which I diverted to one side in order to perform the undertaking I had in mind, and she reached one hand down and guided me inside of her.

My sexy wife was so wet, and I was so aroused, my orgasm arrived even more quickly than usual. She nibbled my neck and earlobes and entered my ears with the tip of her tongue as goosebumps covered my nearly naked body, and I tried to reciprocate by giving equal attention to her neck and ears.

"Did you tell Liz about your wardrobe deficiency?" I asked when I was finally able to speak.

"I tell her everything," she replied with a sexy smile, reaching her hand down to snap the elastic waistband of my only article of attire to emphasize her final word.

I felt slightly embarrassed to realize Liz, and most likely Katie, knew I wore my wife's thong panties to work, but it also excited me in a kinky kind of way.

I withdrew from my wife's vagina and moved my face down to eat our delicious creampie, which I did not share even though she asked me to. I knew it was to be my last creampie for a while, at least until Liz and Katie ate theirs the following night.

Sleep overtook me while my head was still underneath my wife's skirt, and although I briefly stirred during the night, I never moved my face from her fun zone. I dreamed about my favorite activity, cunnilingus, and woke up imagining Liz and Katie, and their sweet vaginas, which I was secretly very eager to taste but knew I would not except on the lips and tongue of the other. I wondered if my fantasies were normal for a man in a monogamous relationship, or, for that matter, if anything my wife and I had recently done or would soon be doing with her two best friends, could be considered normal by any stretch of the imagination. I consoled myself that we are consenting adults and not hurting anyone, snuggled my face back into my favorite place, and returned to sleep.

The next time I awoke, my wife was moving her hips up and down in her sleep, and I took the opportunity to help her dream, as well as my own, segue into reality. Within moments, my tongue was deep inside of her, and she was holding my head through her skirt and moaning quietly. I licked and kissed her labia slowly, tracing gentle circles around her clitoris with the soft underside of my tongue, until she tightened her legs around my head and began bucking her hips in a rhythmic pattern. Then I entered her with one finger and began twisting my hand back and forth, so my thumb was brushing her clitoris like a windshield wiper, while simultaneously reaching my other hand underneath her shapely backside and lifting her up just enough to tickle her a few times with the tip of my agile tongue.

By the way, I don't lick her there very often, although it really turns me on, and she says it is disgusting, but I really think she enjoys it just as much as I do, because she never tries to stop me or hesitates to kiss me afterward.

She lifted her skirt and pulled my face up to hers when she had calmed down sufficiently from her orgasm, kissing my mouth passionately and sucking on my tongue, despite where it had been. She reached down to release me from the confines of her black thong panties, which felt fantastic, and rubbed her nose back and forth against mine.

She rolled over on top of me, then kissed her way down my body and licked my entire length a few times, circling the tip with her tongue but stopping before either of us could establish any kind of rhythm.

"We better save you for tonight," she said in a sexy voice. "You've got a big job ahead of you!"

"You mean with Liz and Katie," I stated the obvious.

"Mmm hmmm," she nodded, holding me close to her lips but not trying to start anything.

"I should be fine," I said with a grin, "after all, we've been practicing all week!"

"So have Liz and Katie," she said, giving me a quick squeeze and brushing her thumb across the tip.

"Have they really?" I asked.

"You won't last two minutes," she giggled, kissing me gently and sending goosebumps to my neck and all four limbs.

"You're probably right!" I laughed. "But who's counting?"

She laughed with me, then said in a more serious tone, "But no matter what happens, I really do appreciate you agreeing to this."

"It'll be fine," I assured her, pulling her face up to mine and rubbing my nose back and forth against hers.

We shared the rest of the day together, doing laundry and other small chores around the house, and running a few errands. Anyone who saw us would have thought we were just another boring couple, and that is perfectly fine with me. In fact, I know I have mentioned how my imagination can be quite wild at times, and I also have a voyeuristic side. So any time my wife and I are in a public place, I love to make up stories about the other couples we see, especially in the produce section at the market, and the secret things they do when their bedroom doors are closed.

When my stories get too steamy, my wife usually squeezes my arm and whispers, "Quiet, they'll hear you!" But the next minute she will invariably tug on my sleeve and say, "What about that couple over there?"

We picked up some grocery items on our way home, spending a few extra minutes in the produce aisle.

I sliced some fresh peaches to share with our guests, along with a special dip of vanilla yogurt with some softened cream cheese and a "secret ingredient," which happened to be one teaspoon of lemon juice, but keeping it a secret seemed more exotic, and erotic. Plus, peaches always remind me of my favorite thing, because they are fuzzy on the outside, and sweet, juicy, and tangy on the inside, with a little bit of pink in the middle. I figured the sliced peaches and my special dip would be a perfect appetizer for the evening of debauchery we had planned.

Spending time with my wife always gets me very aroused, her beautiful looks, and her enticing smell, and the anticipation of being alone with her and the things we will do, although I have to admit, when we are not together, my fantasies can be equally strong. In any case, by the time Liz and Katie arrived that evening, I was ready to fulfill my role as their creampie maker. However, I was also feeling a fair share of trepidation, call it fear of the unknown. What would it be like, I wondered, to have sex with another woman, two other women actually? And with my wife watching! What if I enjoyed it? I certainly hoped I would enjoy it, but what if I enjoyed it more than I should? I know already, I think too much, it is my curse. Once I got started, I figured it would be like riding a bike, I would know what to do, and it was my wife's idea after all.

I had just finished setting our kitchen table for the light snack I prepared, a variation of peaches and cream, with my secret added ingredient, when our doorbell rang.

"Could you get that?" I called to my wife, who was in our bedroom setting up candles and scented oils for our evening's planned festivities.

I wanted to race to the door and pull it off of its hinges, but thought it would be best to hide my enthusiasm a bit.

From the foyer, I could hear the three women's voices, and my heart raced as my wife led our guests to the kitchen.

I had to make a conscious effort not to hyperventilate as I exchanged pleasantries with Liz and Katie, who both looked stunning in their shorts and sleeveless tops. The crotch of my own shorts had been fighting the battle of the bulge all day just thinking about this moment, but now that it had arrived, the battle was over and the bulge had proven victorious.

"Would you like to sit down for some fresh peaches and cream?" my wife asked our guests, waving a hand toward our kitchen chairs, adding, "The cream has a secret ingredient!"

It did sound exotic, and erotic, to hear her describe it that way.

"Secret ingredient, huh?" Liz repeated, raising one eyebrow toward me and smiling sensuously.

"I'll try some," Katie added, also smiling sensuously.

All three ladies sat down, and I was immediately envious of their chairs.

"It's my own recipe," I said as the ladies started dipping their peach wedges into the cream. "Let me know what you think."

"Lemon!" Katie announced, licking her lips seductively. "It's good, I like it!"

"Mmmmm," Liz concurred, reaching for another peach wedge.

The four of us made small talk as we emptied the plate of peaches and the bowl of dip, then sat for one awkward moment of silence before my wife pushed her chair back and stood up.

"What would you like to do now?" she asked rhetorically.

We all laughed.

She took my hand and led me to our bedroom, with Liz and Katie following close behind, also holding hands.

The window blinds were already closed, the candles and scented oils afire, as each of us undressed our partner in silence. I turned off the overhead light and closed the door, and my wife sprawled out on our king-size bed, pulling me down on top of her.

I turned onto my side and held my wife in a loving embrace, gliding my fingertips up and down her spine and leaning my forehead into hers. She kissed me passionately on the mouth, and I closed my eyes.

"How are you doing?" she asked me quietly.

I really wanted to go through with our plan, despite a sudden onset of insecurity. I wondered if she could sense my apprehension.

I exhaled and held her tighter, but before I could answer, there was a major disturbance in the tranquility of our embrace.

"Move it over, you two," Katie said, diving onto our bed as though into the deep end of a swimming pool, adding, "Come on in, Liz, the water's fine!"

I used to think of her as the quiet one!

Liz joined us on our bed, and she and Katie began kissing and fondling each other, completely disregarding their bed-mates. Soon they assumed the sixty-nine position and began hungrily working each other over, hiding any trace of the compassion and gentleness they had demonstrated on previous occasions.

"They have a bet going," my wife explained as her two friends sucked and licked and munched each other at a furious pace, making audible smacking sounds with their hungry mouths amid their moans. "The one who brings the other to orgasm first gets to eat the first creampie."

"Mmmm hmm," our guests moaned in unison, neither removing her mouth from her partner's vagina.

"So the loser has to have sex with me first?" I asked, feeling a little like a consolation prize.

"Oh no, don't think of it that way at all, ooohhhhh!" Katie moaned, then began bucking her hips and squeezing Liz's head between her thighs. "No fair, I was distracted! Ooohhhhh..."

I thought it was very nice of her to consider my feelings, even in the heat of battle.

She buried her face back between Liz's legs and continued licking and sucking her labia and clitoris and darting her agile tongue in and out of her lover's vagina for all she was worth, despite the inevitability of her own orgasm.

I was so captivated by their lascivious display, I hardly noticed my wife changing her position until her most succulent treat was sticking in my own face, a very pleasant surprise indeed! Needless to say, I dug right in, so to speak, entering her with my tongue and ravishing her external genitalia while tasting and swallowing a flood of exquisite female secretions. She was so wet already, she obviously enjoyed watching Liz and Katie as much as I had. I continued non-stop at a ferocious rate until she joined both Liz and Katie on the orgasm express.

As my wife's breathing returned to normal, she took me into her mouth and sucked me slowly, sending a shiver of ecstatic pleasure all the way to my toes, but ceased before I could reach the summit. By that time, Liz was laying on top of Katie next to my wife and me, in what I would call the missionary position, and I knew why my wife had stopped.

It was showtime!

If I was still feeling any apprehension, I tried my best not to show it as I laid down on top of Katie for the first time.

"Take me, Baby, I'm all yours," she said, winking at me and wrapping her arms and legs around me.

She really is a sweet woman.

I was fully erect but had not yet entered Katie when she lifted her face up to mine and kissed me quickly on the mouth.

Her kiss tasted like Liz's vagina, and I almost shot my full load of semen onto her belly!

"Your mouth tastes incredible!" I said, unable to suppress my lustful desires any longer.

"So does yours!" she replied, engaging me into a passionate kiss and sucking my wife's vaginal secretions from my tongue as I sucked Liz's from hers.

"Are you two going to make my creampie, or what?" Liz asked, feigning impatience.

I don't know which hand belonged to Liz or which was my wife's, but someone spread Katie's labia while the other directed me inside of her tight, smooth vagina.

It felt like I had entered a light socket, with jolts of electricity simultaneously racing up and down every part of my body! The pleasure was so intense, I almost stopped breathing! It felt like cold fire, if that makes any sense, which I realize it does not, but that is the only way I can think to describe the sensation which Katie's sweet vagina awakened in my one-thousand nerve endings! Wow!!

Katie and I continued kissing and sucking on each other's mouth as I erupted like a volcano on my first thrust.

My wife was certainly correct in predicting I would not last two minutes!

No sooner had I rolled off of Katie than my wife was back was on top of me, grinding her dripping wet vagina into my face and breathlessly sucking the final few drops of semen from me, undoubtedly tasting Katie's vaginal secretions in the process, which turned me on as much as anything else that had taken place that evening.

Meanwhile, Liz dove right into Katie's creampie and was smacking her lips and tongue loudly as she consumed the mixture of my semen and Katie's own female exudate.

"Mmmmm, Katie, you taste so sexy!" she exclaimed, sucking and licking her lover until there was no visible trace of our lovemaking remaining.

Liz continued to lick and suck until Katie's legs began shaking uncontrollably and her moans and squeals indicated she had reached her second orgasm of the evening. Then she moved her face up to her lover's and kissed her passionately, allowing Katie her first sample of the creampie taste she would soon be enjoying in full.

But Liz was not finished eating her first creampie yet. Next she laid on her back, as I do when eating a creampie from my wife, and Katie straddled her face, so as to allow gravity to deliver the last bit of semen and vaginal fluid into her hungry mouth.

My wife and I had temporarily delayed our own oral lovemaking while we watched the action next to us on our king-size bed in lustful amazement. I continued ravenously consuming my darling wife's succulent vagina even as Liz and Katie laid on their sides next to us, kissing each other gently and coming down from the high summit both had recently visited. By the time my wife reached her second orgasm of the evening, Liz was laying on her back with her legs spread apart and Katie was licking and kissing her vagina.

"Just getting her ready for my creampie," Katie said, winking at me again and taking one final taste before moving aside.

I kissed my wife as we dismounted from our sixty-nine position, then laid on top of Liz, who was thin like Katie but had larger breasts.

I was feeling much less apprehensive by this time, and kissed Liz's creampie mouth, enjoying the lingering taste of Katie's vagina as I reached down to find the target of my efforts.

"Here, let us help you," my wife said, as once again I felt two hands assist in placing me inside of the desired embrasure.

Liz was every bit as smooth and tight as Katie had been, but I was determined not to ejaculate as quickly as I had inside of her lover.

We kissed each other's lips and mouth, and I fondled her ample breasts with both hands. I will not claim to be any kind of expert in this matter, but they were real! Her quiet gasps let me know she was enjoying our liaison as much as I was. Up to then, my thrusts into her had been deliberately very slow and shallow.

I explored her mouth with my tongue, aroused by the fact that she was tasting my wife's vagina on my kiss, even as I continued to enjoy the taste in her mouth of Katie and the creampie we had made together.

"How did you enjoy your first creampie?" I asked.

"Mmmmm, it was wonderful!" she gushed. "Thank you so much for making it for me!"

"It was my pleasure," I said, beginning to thrust a little deeper and more often.

"How are you doing with Katie's creampie?" she asked.

"It's going to be a good one," I replied, gasping for breath ever so slightly as our rhythm increased.

The tight grip of her sexy vagina felt so amazing, I was aching to ejaculate my biggest load ever and fill her with semen up to her eyeballs, but I desperately wanted to take my time and enjoy the incredible sensation as long as possible.

"You're not tired, are you?" she giggled.

This woman was so sexy! I was surprised I had not fantasized about this moment more often than I had.

"Of course not," I panted. "I'm pacing myself!"

I was actually trying to distract myself! I imagined a rodeo cowboy clinging for his life to the back of a wild bull lest he be thrown off and trampled in the dirt.

"Your wife said you wouldn't last two minutes," she said.

"That's what she told me, too," I replied, trying in vain to keep my breathing under control. "How long has it been?"

"About a minute, I think," she lied, or at least I think it was a lie.

Even one minute would be a long ride on a wild bull!

"I'm actually much better with my tongue!" I said, thrusting myself deeper and quicker into her smooth, tight orifice.

"She told me that, too!" she giggled, beginning to breathe sporadically.

I could feel her hot breath on my neck as I plunged away inside of her.

"Did she really?" I asked.

"She tells me everything," she said, then moaned very softly and tightened her leg muscles around my back.

Although I was trying to make my union with Liz continue much longer, our racy conversation and the noticeable change in her disposition pushed me over the edge, and I bit her lower lip as I pumped her full of semen, moaning more loudly than I had intended with the force of my orgasm.