All Comments on 'The Right to Rape'

by HungryGuy

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Why Bother

Absolute crap. Why did you bother writing it ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Love the concept

Now my take on the story is that it is a really interesting concept, it is well written and thoughtful. So i for one am glad you wrote it.

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
The future...

Most people think of politics only as how it will affect them in the next few years. It's always a good idea to think about the future. Although this is a little unrealistic, the concept is no different than 1984 (not that I'm comparing this story to Orwell).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
let me see...

Alimony and child support laws protection for those "bad" women who are abused and raped. I gather the amount of women and CHILDREN left in the country is nil. A country that doesn't protect its women and children has no future, but what the heck, there will be more men to then invade other countries. I'm puking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Finally Some Fairness For Men

Enough sublimation to girls, for men should have these inaliable rights returned from the women who cherish them.

In truth most women, especially today, want to be secondary to any man but especially her provider - the possible father of her children and in doing so thereby honoring the true family values of the old village sayings.

A man without a woman is a happy one, but a man with many women is without much of anything of value except his dog or something meaningful like that.

You make a lotta scense writer, so kick off your movement quietly here on the internet so they don't know.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Let down

I gave this a poor score even though I liked it for the most part. I thought it was an innovative concept and the build-up was excellent. But then it didn't go anywhere! It just fizzled out.

There wwere many interesting ways to explore further this concept, this time, this situation... but you did none of it and just ended with a quick resolution which does not even justify the care for the main character that you had built up.


- JT

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Interesting concept; but...

This was interesting concept for a story, but it just didn't develop at all.

We had high expectations, but were disapointed.

hollywouldhollywouldalmost 17 years ago

I kind of liked this actually. Not what I expected but what I enjoyed is that you gave it a nice character led twist. It made me smile so thanks for writing it.

JRavenJRavenalmost 17 years ago

I gave it a 5 just for the interesting concept. Shows imagination. That and it wasn't filled with speling and grammar misteaks?

Could have used a bit more (as in some) sex. Maybe something along the lines of she doesn't bother wearing panties to keep from losing them, just lays there like a dead fish because its the only acceptable form of defiance. Not a very good sex scene. Probably better you left it out...

Interestingly enough, I see only one other commentor had the guts to say who they were.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I liked it.

I thought it was very intresting. It didn't have any sex scenes in it but it wouldn't need to. I want to hear more from you about this subject. I thought it was cute and the ending was clever. Thanks for writting it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Interesting concept. While the idea of legal rape is disgusting the overall story, especially the ending is great. It shows that true love finds a way no matter what.

crazirandi14crazirandi14almost 16 years ago
Good guy

A gentleman, even in a cruel society. Great story, what a twist on rape, adding it's right as an amendment! I wonder though, if that police officer had been raped, would the man have gotten in trouble because she was an officer of the law AND a woman? The world may never know! It's amazing to know what people will do for each other and to be together! :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
You never know what the average person thinks

You never know what the average person really thinks. This imaginative story of the near future points out another facet of the human psyche. Who knows what can become legal for whatever reasons as told within this fictional story of rape becoming legal. In Canada, I remember reading somewhere years ago, at one point, under aged naked pictures was legal to download. The courts ruled that if the pictures were downloaded from a site/person who had nothing to do with taking the picture(s), then it was legal. It was illegal to take the pictures but once the pictures where taken then the pictures themselves were legal to have in one's possession. Downloading those types of pictures had become legal! I am sure this quickly was protested and was re-evaluated, which I am sure it made it to the highest court in Canada. Till a new ruling was given, thousands of people were downloading these pictures while they still can legally. I have no idea what was the end result or any details of this case, as I only remember the browed strokes of what I heard. This shows us that we never know what the average persons thoughts and or actions might be if that person had a right to speak or act on there thoughts without reprecautions. I liked this story because it shows us another facet of the human mind. Is there a mass of people out there who would vote for legal rape? If a politician or an average person seriously tried to get census on what people thought about things like legal rape without reprecautions, I wonder how many people would come out on behalf of legal rape? Would there be enough people to make a dent in our laws if some crazed person used this kind of census to see how far they can go? I forwarded the link to this story to other people and asked them what they thought of the story. I liked the way the story was focused on an average males view point. I have not checked yet if the author has written a females view point, but if the author has not, the author should. I would like to read more about what the average women might go through. The women in this story provided a small window in her everyday life when explaining her average day to the main character. I gave this story 5 stars because of the authors imaginative world, and how the author took us through this world and showed us around.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I would personally love this

I'm a woman by the way. But if a world like this ever did some into being it would give me a chance to feel no guilt about murdering every man I got the chance to. I'm also not a lesbian, I love men. But men who rape need to be murdered. Forget prison, i'd rather gut them and strangle them with their own intestines.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
oh no

I thought it would be interesting with the facts however it lacked depth and passion. BORING.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good setting, but less erotic

I really liked the setting. It's a bit hard on the women, but hey, that's the whole point of fantasy writings. You could have added some more details, i.e. instead of making it too easy for the couple, you could have made the guy experience a few rapes of his gf, and then he could have came up with the gay idea. Also, someone deciding to rape the female police officer would have been hot.

Please write a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

With the right to rape law prostitutes will be out of business so legalizing it would be pointless. I would be very suprised that men with sisters and wives wouldn't be more upset about female relations being raped. Their would be many ways for women to commit acts of civil disobedience such as just laying their so that the men don't enjoy themselves as much or trying to give men std's.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

That was one of the most intelligent and interesting stories I've read! Granted there was no sex scene to speak of, but still a damn good read.

It might be an idea to pad it out with a couple of sex scenes and have two stories on the site?

Very well done all round though! (C++++ lol!)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
intriguing idea really badly written

and improbable, too how half the countries' population would just let this fly, and masking it with "oh it just happened so fast..." or "amidst the chaos..." or "before we knew it...rape was legal." I love rape stories but it'd be nice if you actually didn't see women as helpless little whelps who would go along with this, despite their personal wellbeing be so compromised.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Fail much?

The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote, not the 15th! Get your facts straight, please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great Idea!, I enjoyed your way of time jumping and how you potrayed the difference of 100 years in the future as a slightly dismal period instead of with the US as a rich corporate country because honestly we all know the US is becoming Asia's bitch

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

It would be better if it was longer as you have all the boring politician stuff at the start which is fine-setting the scene and allthat-but then it starts to get interesting and then it ends.but otherwise great. ;)

HellenVessHellenVessabout 10 years ago

I loved the story!

I Just wished that you focused a little more at the rapings, describing positions and the character actually seeing it happen... Also I thing man would rape the woman right where they are, instead of taking then to reserved places xD

Please, writte a continuation of the story (it can be with the same characters, or others in the same universe ^^)

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Intrigued, not satisfied

Great idea, but you didn't think it through. If women are forbidden by law to object, then it is something else than rape IMO - sexual slavery or collective abuse, pick your term. The definition of rape is that it is done against her objections (not counting the cases when she is unconscious). Also, lack of protest takes all the emotion out of the act.

Still, I give this a 4 because it managed to surprise me, and that is really rare in the erotica genre. I took it for granted that Drew would become a casual rapist too. Also, nice touch to use a name that is found in both genders - after all, there is something effeminate about a guy who really cares about her consent.

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 9 years ago
Not so far out

Men's Rights Activists (such as A Voice for Men run by the self-serving git Paul Elam), these dickless wonders, these social sociopaths advocate this very scenario. A truly horrifying scenario.

Interesting tale and solution. What is the rest of the world doing while America loses its sanity? Could have been expanded and fleshed out, but it works as is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I liked the point of view taken on this story. Of course, there is a lot of things that are not consistent, or realistic, as others have pointed out. But this is an erotica, a fantasy, so it doesn't have to be consistent or realistic. I personally liked it !

I would have loved to read another point of view coming from a way less nice guy who would be raping constantly, too, like some others have suggested. But I guess it would have either been very criticized or hated by the people who don't like rape, or loved by the people who do. So a lot of controversy. I don't know if you would have dared to do that.

Anyway, thank you for providing us with a sort of alernate reality. I don't think there is enough of those stories !

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
15th or 19th Amendment?

I believe that the 19th Amendment gave women the right of suffrage, while the 15th gave negro males that right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
ok so what know

u forgot about her job and the people there knowing here her frends and is she never going to work again caus shell need an id saying shes male but i never seeing this as ever being close to a reality where are the mass murders women would never stand for this

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
That was so cute

Oddly enough, I like the guy being different in a corrupted world. But I must say, you title is very misleading. I enjoyed the story. Random question: why did you put your story on this site? Its so cute and innocent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Similar story

Read something similar to this. The world setting I mean. And can't find it now. Anybody suggest some stories with this kind if world set up?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This story is clearly more political then sexual, it's a parody of feminist rape culture none sense as in what a real rape culture would look like. Interesting, I like it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I really enjoyed this story. I expected a terrible turn with any main characters once the law and societal norms changed but not only was I pleasantly surprised I gained a warm, fuzzy feeling through the main male taking the moral 'high-road' in an attempt to care for females with his lack of action. I love this tale. It is wonderful. Thank you for creating in words such a beautiful, positive and hopeful experience. -J.D.

Iamcurious999Iamcurious999about 6 years ago
"Right-to-Rape" Parody Makes Hash of Feminism and Their "Rape Culture" ;-)

I never imagined I would give a 4-star rating to a story, even a satire, celebrating RAPE, but our current gender-equality psychosis has so corrupted and distempered our society that I ended up welcoming this story. It is going to be one of my favorites.

I can't imagine joining a "Right-to-Rape" Party, still less being a candidate on their platform, but I could see myself, after two generations of toxic feminism and gynocentrism, giving some time and $$$ to them!

I would welcome a chance to send feminists (and the "manginas" who front for them) a strong message.

There is no "right-to-rape", but there is no "right" to dispossess, disenfranchise, and marginalize men and boys in the name of a perverse and false "equality" either! An excellent parody!

FrivolousFrivolousabout 6 years ago
To Anonymous on 12-21-17:

I own and have read a novel that describes a world where rape has been legalized, at least for some. It is called The Rainbow Cadenza and it is by J. Neil Schulman.

Another story about a world where rape is customary is The Race by Scarlett Vora.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Write a Story

Is anyone willing to write a story in this world where it’s from the perspective of one of the women in it?

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 4 years ago

Great story. It addresses the central plot hole of the "free use" genre - what if a guy just wants to have a monogamous relationship? Free use makes that next to impossible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Nope, it was the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote. 15th was a Civii War amendment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Not what I expected, but presents some food for thought nonetheless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


usascottwright2usascottwright2about 1 year ago

I would love to see a free-use law on Saturday from 5pm to Sunday at 10am. if you do it every day work will never get work done, and no one under 16

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It's an intresting fantasy idea. (And I happen to know several women who'd be likely to vote for the rape aspect, but not so much the rest.)

It is unlikely to happen in real life, but there's nothing wrong with fantasies. (And I say that from a submissive standpoint. I find the idea tantalising.)

But the morally decent ending makes it a bit... bland.

People are just terrified of accidentally insulting people who very intentionally look for porn labeled as something that would insult them.

If someone doesn't like a story, they should read something else. Not go off on the author.

That said, your story IS rather sweet.

If not what I hoped for.

And aside from the overkill intro (which could have been summarized in the main character watching a newsreport like "...ever since the law of legal rates to rape passed, after (name) won by a landslide in (date)..") the story is actually pretty well-written.

I really would have loved to see more perspectives from this world.

Like... some unfortunate girl who hates it, maybe that ends in tragedy. (Suicide, suicide bomber, jail...whatever)

Someone who meekly accepts it, someone who fights it, someone who joins a resistance.

Some guy who loves it, some guy who hates it. A woman that loves it (yes, they do exist), other options, gays...whatever.

A society is build by different people with different opinions --and that difference makes it intresting.

(And ever so often also sexy.)

Wandering_MinstrelWandering_Minstrelabout 2 months ago


Is anyone willing to write a story in this world where it’s from the perspective of one of the women in it?



I would certainly like to see a story like that.


I have attempted to write fiction of various types, but it all comes out sounding like the dry conference papers I've spent too much time writing.

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