The Sabacc Shift


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"A daring rescue. Why would you take such a risk for Lieutenant Haru?"

I sighed. "Believe me, I almost left. But if she really was a Rebel, there's no telling how harsh Beelma's men would have been to her. And that's not even counting what the Empire would do if they got their hands on her. She's a nice girl. I couldn't walk away."

Cassian seemed satisfied with this. "I'm glad you're safe, Lieutenant. Now, what of your mission? Were you able to obtain the hyperdrive unit?"

"Um... no."

"Why not?"

"Because the hyperdrive is mine," I interjected. "I won it, fair and square."

As Cassian eyed me, I could see that Tali's previous descriptions of her superior were correct. He was a rough man who had seen a lot of terrible things, but in spite of this, he was very cerebral. Cassian always seemed to be calculating every possible outcome of a situation, like it was a game of holochess. Good thing she had warned me of his tendencies and advised me on the best way to work with him to ensure the best deal for everyone involved.

"Won it, you say?" Cassian at last replied.

"Yep. Beelma didn't auction it off. He held a Sabacc tournament with the hyperdrive unit as the prize. Tali was good, but I was better."

"I see," Cassian said, thinking for a moment. "I presume you wish for us to purchase it from you?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, but it's not that simple. I've been looking for a hyperdrive like this for years."

"As have we," Cassian shot back.

"You understand my resistance, then. The hyperdrive stays on my ship. Period."

Cassian took a few steps forward, coming right up into my face. "Mr. Grant, you need to understand how much the Rebellion needs this hyperdrive. We struggle to survive each and every day, praying for any little advantage we can gain over the Empire. With this hyperdrive, we would at last have a ship capable of finding every backdoor in the galaxy. We could bypass all the most dangerous Imperial checkpoints as we move our supplies about. We must have it, by any means necessary."

"Are you threatening me, Captain?" I growled.

"No," Cassian smiled. "Just explaining the situation at hand as clearly as possible. We wouldn't want there to be any misunderstandings."

"Good. Because if you were threatening to harm me and take my property by force, you'd be nothing but a bunch of sleazy pirates. And I know a sweet girl like Tali would never have joined up with pirates." After a few seconds of silence to build the tension, I continued, "As it so happens, I have a counterproposal, one that could be beneficial to both of us."

"I'm listening."

"You don't just need this hyperdrive unit; you also need an ace pilot with smuggling experience to make your supply runs. I've got that in spades."

Cassian thought this over for a moment. "You're saying you wish to join the Alliance?"

"Not on your life. No disrespect, of course, but I'm a smuggler. I look out for Number One, with the occasional moment that my conscience gets the better of me, like with Tali. I'm glad to help out, but that doesn't mean I'm down with your revolution."

"Fair enough," Cassian nodded. "Problem is, you're one of the top smugglers in the galaxy. I don't know if the Alliance could afford your standard fees. It's what's stopped us from hiring you in the past."

"How 'bout I cut my fees in half?" I asked.

"Why would you do that?"

I shrugged. "I've got money, for the most part. But I need something else from the Rebellion: protection."

"What sort of protection?"

"In the process of saving Tali's life, I killed Beelma the Hutt, one of Jabba's top underbosses. I'm gonna have a price on my head before too long. But with the Rebel Alliance watching my back, I can go about my business with ease."

"Hmm... I must say, I'm intrigued by your offer," Cassian admitted. "But how do we know you can be trusted?"

"Captain, is that really a fair question?" Tali asked, breaking her silence. "This man saved my life with no thought of reward for himself. And besides, it's standard for one of our own to accompany any of our contractors on their missions. Surely that would be enough to ensure Kyp doesn't go off the reservation, not that I think he would."

"That should work," said Cassian. "We hire you to an exclusive contract and provide you protection from any Hutt retaliation, while you take on one of our people as a shipmate. In return, you can keep the hyperdrive. Is that acceptable, Mr. Grant?"

I nodded. "I'm good with that, provided Tali is my handler."

Cassian looked suspicious at that. "Why her?"

"I have my reasons," I grinned.

"Oh, please. He wants to continue copulating with her!" K-2 said in exasperation.

"SHUT UP, K-2!" Tali shouted. "Captain, I assure you my personal feelings for Kyp will not interfere with my duties. Did we sleep together? Yes. But my ultimate loyalties are to the Rebellion before anything else."

"Relax, Lieutenant. I do not doubt your ability to do your job," Cassian waved her off. "I think we can do that deal, though we'll need your ship to remain here until we square everything away."

"Fine by me," I said. "I could use a bit of down time."

"Excellent." Cassian then asked Tali, "Now, what of your other mission?"

"No luck," Tali replied. "Before I was reassigned to this hyperdrive mission, I'd narrowed down our target's recent whereabouts to the Five Points system, but that was over a month ago."

"Dammit... I'm beginning to think we'll never find her," Cassian muttered.

"Um, maybe I'm out of line, but I was in the Five Points system a couple of months back," I said. "Maybe I'll recognize whoever you're looking for. Got a picture?"

Cassian pulled out a holodisk and displayed an image of an attractive brunette about my age. I studied the image for several seconds; I was almost certain I had seen her before. At last, it hit me.

"Do you know her?" Cassian asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "She said her name was Liana Hallik. Tough girl, definitely has a bit of a mean streak to her, but only when she's threatened. She was planning a heist of some sort and wanted my help with it, but there was little chance of success. We were knee deep in Imperial territory, and the potential payout just wasn't there. No clue what happened to her, but if she went through with it, I'd bet she's either dead or locked up in a labor camp."

Tali glanced at Cassian before saying, "Liana Hallik. That's her alias, the one she uses most often..."


"This woman, her real name is Jyn Erso. We've been searching for her for a few months. She's vital to the survival of the Rebellion."

"I don't get it. Alias aside, she's just a survivor of the streets. What makes her so important?" I wondered.

"That's classified," Cassian said. "But if she was arrested during this heist she was planning, the Empire would have imprisoned her on Wobani. Unless they found out her true identity..."

"I think we need to look into it," Tali told him. "She's too important not to try."

"Agreed. It's a chance we have to take," Cassian nodded. "I'll head to Wobani once I'm done with the paperwork assigning you as Kyp's partner. Until then, you two stay put."

"Will do," Tali smiled. Once Cassian and K-2 had gone, Tali said to me, "You are something else, Kyp. Not many can stand up to Captain Andor like that. He's one of our most intimidating operatives."

"Only because you warned me in time," I replied. "You sure you won't get in trouble?"

"I doubt it. In the end, the Alliance got what they wanted." She then sauntered up to me and planted a steamy kiss on my lips. "Looks like we're going to be working together for the foreseeable future. Think you can keep a working relationship with a bedmate?"

"I'm sure as hell willing to try," I shot back with a grin.

Just as I was about to lean in for another kiss, we both heard a sound coming from beneath the floor. I wasn't sure, but it definitely sounded like a person.

"Tali, your people aren't doing maintenance under my ship, are they?"

"No," she shook her head.

"Then it sounds like we've got a stowaway," I whispered, drawing my blaster.

I crept down the hallway as quietly as I could, knowing a secret compartment for smuggling was near where I had heard the voice. Tali followed behind me, ready to back me up with her blaster if the need arose. I placed a finger to my lips as I knelt down and took hold of the latch on the floor, then yanked it open and readied my weapon.


"EEK! Please, don't shoot!"

I stepped back and relaxed, blaster still ready. "Come out of there."

To my utter shock and awe, out stepped a female Twi'lek with beautiful teal skin. She was almost as tall as Tali, but thin and willowy where Tali was curvy. My mind couldn't comprehend how, but she had found me once again.

"Ayana?! What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked through my smile.

"How did you get out of Beelma's palace?!" Tali agreed, bounding toward her in excitement. "You must tell me!"

"Are you ok? Did you get hurt getting out of there?" I said.

"I am fine!" Ayana said, stepping back for some breathing room. "If I can get a word in, I will tell you what happened!"

"Sorry, I guess we kinda bombarded you," I admitted sheepishly.

"It's fine," she replied with a sweet smile.

"So, what happened?" Tali asked again, pulling Ayana to sit with her on a nearby sofa.

"It all happened so fast," Ayana began. "I was so distraught when the two of you were dropped into the krayt dragon pit that I wasn't even paying attention to how close to the edge I was standing. When your ship blasted through the wall and Beelma's throne gave way, I fell into the pit with him."

"Shit! I didn't even think of that!" I cursed, pissed that I had placed Ayana in danger.

"Do not worry, Kyp. It was for the best!" Ayana smiled. "While the beast was distracted with Beelma, I knew I had to escape in a hurry to avoid his fate. As your ship was about to take off, my only option was to grab onto the landing gear. Once that brought me up into the belly of the ship, I tried to crawl my way out and let you know I was onboard, but the hatch wouldn't open."

"Yeah, it's a compartment that shouldn't exist," I said. "Designed only to be opened from the outside."

"Oh, you poor thing!" said Tali, taking Ayana's hand. "I'm so glad you weren't hurt!"

"Thank you."

"Kyp, will you fetch some food and fresh water? Ayana must be dehydrated by now."

"Will do."

I stepped into the pantry for some energy bars, but hung out on the other side of the wall for a few minutes. I was far enough away to give the girls some privacy, but still close enough that I could hear their conversation. Yeah, yeah, I eavesdropped. So, sue me! Anyway, their little girl-talk was interesting, to say the least.

"What will you do with your newfound freedom?" Tali asked.

"I... to be honest, I don't know..."

"Well, if I may be so bold, why not join us?"

"Join you? The Rebellion?" Ayana asked.

"Of course! We're fundamentally opposed to slavery in any form. You'd be surprised how many former slaves we have in our ranks."

"I suppose... but why would you want me? I have few desirable skills other than my beauty and dancing."

Tali giggled. "Don't sell yourself short. We'll find a good fit for you." After a brief pause, Tali continued, "I might even be able to pull some strings and get you assigned to the Fool's Errand with me and Kyp."

Now, that got my attention.

"Really? That's so kind of you, but... I wouldn't want to come between you and Kyp."

"Oh, please. We've both experienced Kyp as a lover, and I see no reason for either of us to have to step away. I'm not jealous of the way he talks about you, and I'm more than capable of sharing. And besides, I think the two of us could also have a lot of fun together. That is, if you swing that way."

"Oh! Well... you are one of the most attractive females I've ever met," Ayana admitted. "I suppose that could be fun... and it would help ensure equality in our time with Kyp."

Shit. Another raging hardon straining my pants. As excited as I was by this possibility, I knew I had to play my cards right, or this could all come crashing down on me.

"Thank you. That's very sweet of you to say, Ayana. And I happen to agree; I've wanted to get intimate with that luscious little body of yours since I first saw you."

I might have been hidden from view, but I could imagine Ayana blushing at that.

"Um... but what about Kyp? Would he be agreeable to this idea of yours?"

"Please... Kyp's a red-blooded Corellian man. If he objects to this, he needs to be committed. But if you're still unsure, I suppose we could ask him ourselves. He's been listening in this whole time, after all," Tali giggled. "Kyp, darling? Would you join us?"

"Shit. Busted," I muttered under my breath. Taking the snacks in hand, I emerged from the pantry. "Hey, ladies. Whatcha been talkin' about?"

Tali just rolled her eyes. "He really is a dreadful liar."

"Yes, though I rather like it that way," Ayana agreed with a smile. "In any case, I've decided I'd like to join up with the Rebellion. After all, what safer place for a runaway slave than with them?"

"I think that's a good move," I replied. "And you're welcome to fly with me and Tali for as long as you want."

"You really mean that, Kyp?"

"Of course. And don't think that the offer is tied to any relationship between us. Even if all we are is friends, you'll still have a home here, if you want it."

"Did I tell ya, or did I tell ya?" Tali said. "So, what do you think, Ayana?"

After a moment of silence, Ayana answered, "I think... if we're going to be flying missions together for the foreseeable future, we ought to get to know each other much more... intimately."

Without another word, Ayana stood and walked toward my bedroom. Tali only smiled and popped the lone button holding my shirt closed on her chest, letting the garment fall to the floor.

"You heard the lady, Kyp," Tali said before following Ayana.

Yeah, I am one lucky bastard.


After that day, work was pretty steady for us. The Alliance had a lot of smaller bases scattered throughout the galaxy in need of supplies, and the Fool's Errand was the best ship to reach them with ease, thanks to its new hyperdrive. Tali became a hell of a second mate, able to help me and Leecam with repairs and modifications. And, of course, she remains the most intense lover I've ever had in my life. Hell, between her and Ayana, it's a wonder I manage to get any work done at all! The three of us get along pretty well, but I did have to upgrade the size of my bed; my first one was just a bit too cramped.

At first, Ayana thought she might stay only for a while before branching out on her own, but as luck would have it, she was permanently assigned to the Fool's Errand. Since joining the Rebellion, she's discovered a hidden talent in diplomacy, not surprising to me, considering her natural grace and charm. Once we had the various Alliance bases and outposts outfitted and our supply runs became less frequent, we would often be tasked with escorting Ayana to the leaders of various worlds sympathetic to the Rebellion. From what I saw, there was no deal or negotiation she couldn't close.

As of this writing, it's been four years since I started this line of work. To this day, I still can't believe how much one game of Sabacc changed my life. And, though I'd never admit it out loud, I'm proud to work with a bunch of Rebels. They're better than those Imperial goons, that's for sure. Hell, the way things have been going, we might actually win this war. Some farm boy blew up the Empire's ultimate weapon a few years back, sent them packing for the first time in decades. It was touch and go for a while after that, but once we weathered the initial retaliation, the Alliance really came into its own. Rumor is, they're planning something big against the Empire's newest superweapon, and I've been ordered to rendezvous with the entire Alliance fleet near Sullust. I think I smell another Sabacc Shift coming...

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Twisted4everTwisted4ever22 days ago

Amazing story! Wouldn't mind a sequel with the same trio (and droid) post return of jedi. Would beat the horrible disney movies for sure.

Crusader235Crusader235about 5 years ago

Excellent Star Wars adventure, so much better than the current batch of movies they've put out. How exciting would any R rated version of Star Wars be? Five stars, hope you continue with this tale.

R.I.P. Princess Leia, and Chewbacca.

sgtbryan86sgtbryan86about 5 years ago

This should be Star Wars Canon for sure. Introducing a Corellian smuggler at the beginning, and how well I know you write, I knew it was going to be good! Outstanding story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Loved it

You did an excellent job adding to a universe far far away, bringing it closer to the here and now. Thank you.

FormerReaderFormerReaderabout 5 years ago

I just realized you could make a Sabacc game using Beleema's house rules and a standard real card game. It would essentially play like a cross between BlackJack and Sabacc. Loved the final version of the story.

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