All Comments on 'The Saga of Bass and Sarah Vol. 01'

by carvohi

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Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 9 years ago
Let s see - Wife was a whore - still fucking LOTS of other men-- wife's action lead to death of husbands father-- HEY LETS STAY MARRIED

CONGRATS CARVOHI you are the NEW Matt Moreau

If the story does not prove beyond all shadow of doubt that this particular author has some serious psychological and mental issues .. well I don't know what will.

What is most revolting about the story is the pathetic sad sack clueless loser that is the husband's character. From the very first meeting with Sarah it should have been a warning sign that this is not a person marry. Mr. Stupid is about to get is ass kicked by 3 guys and Sarah stops them by agreeing to FUCK at least 1 of them.

I'm not saying that there are Not really stupid pathetically inept dumb fucktards men out there who think it is their job to save women who are whores and sluts. Those types of guys DO exist but quite frankly nobody wants to read about them. You see these kind of men will ALWAYS end up losing because they have an overpowering character flaw. They see the world in the way they want to see it and they never let things like reality and facts interfere with their reality.

It takes a special kind of stupid for a man to see the situation that Sarah and Bass first met and yet some how to the conclusion that Sarah is a good person with a bright future who would an excellent wife and a great mother and would remain faithful

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 9 years ago
Author stop with the prememptive strike about BTB.

Don't think for a minute that some of us are fooled by the preemptive strike from this author r about throwing "BTB ". That is a tactic or a diversion being used by this author to cause a particular type of reaction from readers .

The problem with the story is NOT the wife-- it has to do with how Bass reacts to the information --how he makes judgments why he gets burned.. how he handles things

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
not bad

A good story and believable. verbose as you stated at the beginning but a good read. Keep it up. I like a different ending, not all bitches have to be burned after all.

Look forward to your stories.

ChagrinedChagrinedabout 9 years ago
So bad!

Not the least of which was just piss poor writing. Change of voice, change of perspective, lack of transition, no one to like or appreciate. Gad, does it come much worse? Oh, yeah, wait a minute, a completely inane ending, "I'm a wimp so sue me?"

No. he's a jackass. You really have hope? Hope for what?

But it is our fault. People keep reading his stuff. Fortunately I suffered until page 2.5 and cut to page 10. Glad I did.

dyonysosdyonysosabout 9 years ago
Loved it

Agreed the BTB people will want to crucify you about this story but i think this story is much more about human values and tells a lot more about the guys she had sex with(blackmail) then about her

I give it a well earned 5 stars and i will put it in my favs

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
it has nothing

to do with being a real man either you have some morals or you don't and i will take the person with morals every time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Wow that coming from Chagrined, hope you're listening carvohi, considering the garbage Chagrined posted last time, really don't think you should listen to him!

As for your writing, its typical of yours, maybe get an editor, would make it a lot better!

dmhackdmhackabout 9 years ago
Really, Chagrined?

You didn't even read three pages and you still had an opinion? I guess your lips got tired, huh?

Personally, I enjoyed the story. While I like a rousing BTB tale I, unlike some, understand that in reality life is rarely black and white. Thanks Carvohi for reminding us of that.

Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Liked the write.

I'm inclined to believe the guy excercised due diligence to ensure no malice was involved, ensured himself the woman was committed to him and decided what was best for him and his family.

Even orphans er God's children.

BriteaseBriteaseabout 9 years ago
What do I think?

I think this is one of the most touching stories I have ever read on Literotica. Makes you realize what a load of crap there is out there. Damaged guys will hate it for sure, but for me, it ended perfectly. I vaguely remember something about 'casting the first stone', and we should all remember that. Nobody is perfect, even if this story comes very close.

Johnny1MJohnny1Mabout 9 years ago
Liked the story but....

I found it very hard to believe that the wife would get prison time or that a PI would think he had to report something like that. Hell there was a case in Vermont or New Hampshire, I forget which, where an adult sodomized an 8 year old boy for 2 years and got probation. Think of the illegal aliens who use false identities. That just doesn't ring true.

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

and only 3 little girls as a positive, can the scales be balanced. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Yea, just another long winded wimp/slut story. Really, author? Your almost as bad as the UKresearcher asshole.

Yikes, 10 pages of wimpville! It sucked.

Jack99Jack99about 9 years ago
Really liked it

I probably couldn't have stayed (tried that in real life, didn't work out so well).

But this is fiction, and I like my fiction to have a happy ending when possible, and I feel it was possible in this case - sunshine, roses and rainbows.

The only way this could have ended better would have involved cutting off the head of the male prostitute that started it all, and then framing his brother for the murder.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Gave you a 5 for effoert

and had to laugh dear annony! It's 10 pages and you read them all!! And, yet, you bitch about the story. Why did you read 10 fucking pages. And don't give us the bull shit you didn't! We all know you read these stories because you fucking love them1

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Awful 9 pages too long

and it's enough to put you off sex

how can the writer be so un - sexy ?????????????????

ugly story crap

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 9 years ago
Great Story

A great story about a small man who is strong and decent and secure in who is and what he is worth. Unlike your critics who are so fragile and unsure of themselves they must play the hard man for fear of ridicule . As if they fool anybody.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
What's he got to lose?

Divorce is a dumb way to punish the adulterer if it ends up punishing the wronged spouse more. He always has the option later, if that becomes the best solution.

The wife's already a whore. She's already cheated, repeatedly, spent a couple of years in prison, and offered to kill herself if that is what he wants. And he still thinks she's his perfect soul mate for life? What the hell. If he thinks he's Napoleon Bonaparte, and everyone treats him like Napoleon Bonaparte, what difference does it make what the reality is? He's happy, she's happy, the kids are happy, why the hell should all that upset me? If Sarah fucks up again there's always Corrine waiting on the side. And Sarah knows this. And at this point she has nothing left to hide. She also now has absolutely no excuses. He might want to keep a piece of garden hose mounted inside a glass case, with the words, "Break In Case Of Reemergency."

You never did explain the "silliness" behavior when Shawn showed up. And according to her friend's description Sarah did not seem too upset nor distressed with Shawn's visits. Did you forget about that? That was distracting.

The plot was clever, interesting, well executed, and obviously very thought provoking. That deserves 5 stars. I just wish the competition was stiffer, to give that rating more meaning. But it is what it is.

Thank you for all your time, effort, and talent. Just don't piss me off with some cuck shit wimp story next. OK? Thanks again.

seekerazseekerazabout 9 years ago
A total waste of time and it's my own damn fault

got really really really when they sat on the captain's trunk. the dialog was unreal. the characters worse. But I knew better and I wasted the time

Please don't subject others to too many more volumes of this drek. Think of their mental well being.

YAWN. and it's my own damn fault.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyabout 9 years ago
Carvohi certainly knows how

To put a story together, how to keep that story moving. how to keep a reader interested, how to write dialogue and how to reveal (and at the proper time) relevant and important information. A wonderful story.......though, for the life or me, and can't guess where parts two and three are going. This reader would have been happy had the story ended right here, but Carvohi, I suppose, NO, I know, Carvohi is able to tell a story that I will want to read!

phill1cphill1cabout 9 years ago
I know i'm a wmp...

"I know I'm a wimp. All the 'real men' out there would have kicked Sarah to the curb..."

Why? This was a flawed woman, but don't her mitigating circumstances mean anything? Basically, she was blackmailed into sex, sex that she didn't enjoy.

I guess it's unclear if she did it of her own free will; she never really said either way. But she made Bass happy. And, really, that's all that should matter.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 9 years ago

This was a very well written, well thought out story. Do I agree with the decisions made by the characters? It doesn't really matter. They were consistent with the characters as we know them. I think the story is one of your better done works. Thank you.

RePhilRePhilabout 9 years ago
No Wimp here

Very Well written and most enjoyable story

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 9 years ago
Gave it a 3.5 for the writing and a.5 for the kids

As for Britease's comment about the "damaged guys". I beg to differ, while I think he's an idiot for keeping her. I would have gotten and life insurance policy that pays on suicide. Most likely when she was in jail, he would have gotten everything in the divorce. But what I'll never understand is why so many men think women are these little docile creatures that need to be saved. He's parent's died, she knows and fucked the guy anyway. Yet you want to save her and condemn the man...interesting.

wonder203wonder203about 9 years ago
Very well written

I enjoyed the story. You could see the conflict between his love and his hate. That he took his wife back is and always will be an individual decision. I would not have but you have to see her past has had a huge impact on her. Will she be faithful in the future? Don't know but the 3 kids deserved at least a try I guess.

Well written. gave it a 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

The fact that she was a whore isn't the problem, it is that she kept right at it even after she was married and "fell in love", she lied and schemed her way into a mans heart by using sex, nothing new but to make her out like a martyr is dumb. plenty of people have hard lives, the ones who take the easy way out always seem to want the most sympathy. I was a whore but i didn't wanna be one, is a sad excuse when plenty of other people in the same situation or worse aren't taking the easy way out. Again i have no issues with her whoring or her past sluttyness it is the disrespect and lies that make her so unattractive, since she's basically a pathological liar. And then to make him take her back is just the rotten cherry on the garbage sundae, how can you have "love" with no trust, absolutely none. This little fantasy fell short because i can't see anyone staying with someone who basically disrespected every vow and promise they ever made with you without a second thought for selfish reasons.

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundabout 9 years ago
Judge the story, not the characters!

I don't get why some people rant on about how the characters in the story are when that's all it is. Someone said they didn't agree with all the decisions taken by the characters but anyway found the story good. I agree with that view. I was riveted when reading it and was pleased with the happy ending. I agree that it's odd that she faced jail for what she did.

I get irritated and confused by flashbacks but realise that they are necessary (sometimes). I did get confused a bit during the flashback sequences while at the same time reaching the hospital ward. But never mind.

As to whether I could have forgiven and settled down with Sarah/Genevieve, I don't know. She seems to have saved herself by at least ensuring that he was the dad of the three girls. How many other women have just about managed to do that? I think getting DNA confirmation of paternity is easier in the US than in the UK. Now that's an issue!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
nice tale

Excellent story and well written. Lot of emotion and tragedy. Thanks for writing and sharing.

Concritic123Concritic123about 9 years ago
I loved the story.....

Yes she was a whore, but look at the environment she came from. She redeemed herself with the help of her husband. It was only through blackmail that she screwed around.

jasonnhjasonnhabout 9 years ago

Well, he KNEW she slept around. The bartender told him she was a loser. He never made any effort to really find out much about her beyond what she told him. The fact that she WAS a hooker before they got together really doesn't matter and the fact that he didn't know about it is as much his fault as hers.

Now on to the cheating. It seems that she was being blackmailed into having sex with these men. It started with the guy from her past but darling brother Rath took advantage and got others involved. Bass got some revenge on his boss and friend. He scared off the loser from her past which seemed tepid at best. But for Rath, the revenge is to see Rath's wife pregnant with someone else's child, wink, wink Bass' (not really). Wow, what a revenge. Not! As executor, I would have made sure he got squat from the estate or had to beg Bass for money any time he wanted any. Bass is a wimp in that he let his brother get away with it. Bass talks himself into thinking he has gotten even. Yup, a wimp's revenge.

Then there is his wife. She is obviously an airhead. She was blackmailed into sex with the others but didn't seem all that concerned about it. Yes, her past is a mess. Yes, she had to do some time for identity theft (really?). After 8 years the statute of limitation had probably expired. She turned herself in. She took only a small amount of money. NOTHING should have happened. I doubt a PI would face any problem for not reporting something that was not open to prosecution any longer. The whole thing was grandiose and silly.

So what should he have done with his wife? Did he tell her that if any cock went in her cunt beside his the next thing going up it would be a grenade? He should have. Even her pea brain should get that. He does love her. The kids are his. The kids need a mother. I'd get a post nup ASAP. Yes, he is a wimp but I can almost accept that he keeps her.

SplitAcesSplitAcesabout 9 years ago

Or survivor? Life's tough. I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am now in life without my Dad being there for me when there was no one else. Anyone who thinks the government is here to help is delusional. The only one watching out for these poor girls is your friendly neighborhood pimp. Getting away from these lowlifes isn't easy either. She clearly never embraced the life, made her escape at first chance and never looked back. With her background, is it any wonder she had trust issues and so was wide open to blackmail? I have far less respect for the coed that fucked half the graduating class.

This is what Carvohi does best; forces us to see that life isn't as cut and dry as we'd like to think. He's certainly dreams up scenarios that make me think; usually that I've just walked a mile in someone's shoes and I'm a better person for having done so.

Benedict12Benedict12about 9 years ago
Heart Rending

A husband discovers his wife's infidelity.In the BTB universe that justifies the husband in hurling the mother of his children into a life of degradation while he remarries the "good" woman conveniently waiting for him. Instead Carvohi uses that scenario to explore the nature of love,forgiveness,and redemption. In so doing he creates a male character who redefines the nature of heroism. Despite being hammered by tragedy and emotional distress Bass finds the inner strength to save his family. A lesser man would have let a poisonous bitterness cost him everything, Bass demonstrates that compassion is not weakness. An Irrelevant Legal Nit. There is no sentence shortening probation in the federal system. As a former federal prosecutor I would never have prosecuted Sarah in these circumstances. I would either have declined prosecution or offered pretrial diversion with no prison time. And yes I know this is fiction so forgive my OCD.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 9 years ago
Interesting -33 comments and not 1 comemnt about BTB fromn ANYONE

yes several comments about how the BTB crowd will hate it. Yet so far... there are NO actual BTB comments.

what makes the guy a wimp and loser is NOT taking the wife back. Its HOW deals with the world & reality

impo_60impo_60about 9 years ago
I must say: You have a way with words!!!

I must say: You have a way with words!!! when I saw it was a long story, My intention was to skip some pages...But I couldn't do it!!! All because you have a way with words, with writing stories!!! In the end all people understood why why this couldn't be a BTB story!!! Her first 20 years were pure hell, would destroy any person!!! She payed her sins beforhand!!! And her 3 daughters were her best trump to forgiveness!!! 4 * and a thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This guy is nothing but a wimp little bitch and his dauthers are gonna be nothing but whores like their grandma and mother

Richie4110Richie4110about 9 years ago

Thanks for this difficult, dramatic, and heart warming story. It felt like watching a fast paced, heart wrenching dilemma that I transposed into and had to participate in the final decision. This one will be difficult to top but I will be looking forward to your next offering.

I was thoroughly entertained.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Well done, albeit depressing story

I don't see him as being a wimp. In fact he had incredible strength just to survive his parents death, his Mother's behavior, his 1/2 brother's behavior and several other people along the way. He reminds me of a palm tree that survives the hurricane by bending but not breaking. I think he demonstrated great courage by not only surviving the storm but keeping his family together. Yes lots of people will want to BTB, but that solution gets old and has been well used. This was cleverly written and held my interest. I didn't mind the ending. Perhaps next time a FEW less words?

gdjohn52gdjohn52about 9 years ago

Your not a wimp, I wouldnt pay a lot of attention to most of the tough "anonymous" guys who comment. That was a great story and thank you for sharing

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 9 years ago
a human story

I'm usually a BTB guy, but I found this guy's reaction to be very honest and true. That doesn't make him a wimp, just human. He remembered the good times shared, dug into the past to better deal with it. I'm not sure I would have been as flexible. Well done, carvohi.


gordo12gordo12about 9 years ago
This story makes Country Music seem positively cheerful!!!

Well done 4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I really

have no clue why you think anything of this is erotic. You are either a masochist or a sadist (depends on the angle you look at it)

so what is fun here ? somebody finds his mothers dead body, smashed in an accident ? the worthless brother and his cow of a wife or 3 kids who suffer because of your so called adults ? good writing style alone makes no good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
on another note

any plans to finish your version of revelations?

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 9 years ago
Convoluted complicated mess

"Saga" is probably a good descriptor. It seems like CarV wanted to set up a BTB story but then show that the woman had been used and abused most of her life. I think if I was hubby I would want her to spend some serious time with a good shrink before deciding anything. Also they need to find out who here biological parents were. I did like the revenge on the half brother. Interesting!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
What a fucking ...

... let down. The last four pages were a steaming pile of shit that stunk of RAAC. Carvohi loves the idea of a disease riddled whore having her cake and eating it, and she did. 0*

carvohicarvohiabout 9 years agoAuthor

Comment on Bass and Sarah

Well I'm getting the 'usual' bullshit from the usual bullshitters. Let's try to think past them. People are complicated, they're seldom rational, and they almost never behave in predictable ways, and even the worst of us are capable of change for good or ill.

Are people basically inclined to be good or evil? Are people like automatons or are they flexible, capable of growth and change. Tecumseh ran away like a coward the first time he was in battle. Did that make him a coward?

Do you believe in the capacity of a person to become better? 'Saul' saw the light! Moses was raised to be an Egyptian elite, but turned his back on the privileged birthright he was raised to assume was his entitlement. Was Lincoln a great man or a neurotic loser who got lucky? (or unlucky) Was it selfish pride or patriotism that lured Washington out of a comfortable retirement in 1787? Could a girl (read Genevieve) be raised in an environment of uncertainty, abandonment, and neglect and still want the 'happily ever after'? Think of the courage and determination she exhibited for eight years to get people to love her. Bass's mom might even have seen it. Could a self deceiving idealist like Bass trust in the eight years he lived with 'Sarah' or prefer the prior childhood and adolescence he'd been told? Had his discovery of his parent's troubles been his road to Damascus? In 1955 MLK was a rising successful minister in a safe stable environment. Why would he foolishly throw that away. The logical, 'mechanical', thing for him to have done would have been to stay home, stay safe. Think of Rhett Butler, "Oh now I know they've really lost I think I'll join up and fight for the Old South." There's Leonidas at Thermopylae, "I don't like the odds. We better do the smart thing, the logical thing. Let's go home."

The anon who immediately preceded this deserves a response. Nellie 'thought' she act silly. That was Nellie's impression. Maybe the silliness she thought she saw was insecurity, uncertainty?

I have a lot of kids. I never tell them what to think, but I do tell them to think. Every story, fiction or nonfiction is different, has its own circumstances, but some comment writers have the same blind socio-emotional inability to see anything but what they want so they massage what they read to fit their hermaneutic. (I may have misspelled that.)

And Harry you remind me of Lenny in "Of Mice and Men." 'Oh here little puppy puppy. I'm going to pet you to death.' So did you read Steinbeck and bitch, "Why did that asshole Steinbeck let Lenny hold that puppy so long." Harry I bet you even look like Lenny, or maybe the Ayatollah from way back in 1979. I love you Harry. You need love. God loves you. God loves Genevieve. Harry you're like Genevieve. Ha ha

Harry I enjoy your comments so keep reading and keep complaining.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Tough guys.

Tough is determined by what you endure and continue to march, not what you do to others. If I was in Bass'es situation, I hope I would do what he did.

mike9698mike9698about 9 years ago
10 pages of shit

i dont give a fuck what anybody thinks. this was shit. she fucks his brother his boss and his best friend. and what does he do. he makes her cry a little bit. its okay because she has mental issues from being a hooker. WTF is that. and yes she was blackmailed, but it wasnt bye any of them. she fucked them because she wanted to. she was blackmailed bye the that other guy she was fucking, and when he went to prison she missed it so she started fucking everybody else. oh and for those saying he couldnt divorce her because of their daughters. bullshit, she was an ex hooker who married him with a fake name. no way in hell she wouldve got custody. so he is gonna let a mentally unstable ex hooker who will fuck anybody raise his kids. that should be considered child abuse.

Tim413413Tim413413about 9 years ago
Very, very good.

Couldn't believe everything that went wrong for Bass in such a short period of time. What does Vol. 1 mean for this story?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
All those naysayers can't fiqure it out, if you burn her they love you.

This was a great story about life and her poor life and upbringing, how the system failed her and drove her too do desperate things to survive. She found mr right but after 3kids and her past catching up to her she was blackmailed into having sex. So much for those wanting to BTB. He loved her found out the facts and realized what a. Shit life was givin her. If we were all human we could forgive her , she was still a good mother and really loved her husband . To bad those naysayers can't read between the lines and hate of all women.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 9 years ago
I liked it

The dissenters be damned,the guy is not a wimp,he isn't a cuck,he is a man who in a very sad,hard world figures out that some things are not black and white.As over the top as this is,it also touches on being human and how we survive despite all the shit we face.He comes to realize that Sarah is not a goddess or a devil,she is a person faced with issues she never should have had,had she been treated like a human being.His brother,the scummy salesman,his so called friends put her in a bad place,the way the system did when it turned her out,and in both cases she did what she needed to survive and he understands that,the way his father did with his wife.

I think that the husband is a decent man who had some empathy and sympathy for a woman who had been knocked around and looked inside himself and saw the good he had and understood the circumstances.Carvohi,this was a surprising tale,maybe even a bit touching,and gives proof that maybe the unforgivable can be forgiven if the forgivee is worth it.

cornballcornballabout 9 years ago
I loved it 5+++++

Very unique story and the author, Carvohi did a great job of writing. For the most part a very emotional roller coaster. I think Bass did a lot of the right things and maybe hedged a little on some others. But I'm happy that he stood with his wife and children. Bass is a man's man. Excellent story by a fine author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Waste of my time.

I wish these wimpy CUCKHOLDS that write these stories would tell us at the beginning "if you don't like wimpy CUCKHOLD stories than don't waste the time reading any further". That way we can find a good revenge story, written by a real men.

retmstrretmstrabout 9 years ago

The fifth anniversary of your submitting stories is coming up, huh? You're doing better all the time. This is a good'un. Both story and writing are quite well taken. I said once under a different pseudonym that a story of yours sucked. To me it did. This one is entirely different. Good show, mate! Cheers!

dsthom1954dsthom1954about 9 years ago

Carvohi I've read most of your stories and this one goes to the top of the list. Congrats. I'll be looking for more of the same quality.

Dragonfire14Dragonfire14about 9 years ago
On Being Human

We all know the old adage "to err is human; to forgive divine". This is great story that strikes at the humanness in all of us. Yes, we are all human and we all make mistakes. Me, you reading this story, all of us. For those of you who think this is a 'cuckhold' story, you've missed the mark. This is a story that has embedded in it all the facets of all our lives. Confronting tragedy, confronting disillusionment, confronting uncertainty and trying to work through the maze of emotions and facts and find that inner goodness to forgive and triumph in the face of adversity. Wonderfully written, lots of plot twists that make us think "what would I do?" I found this story very engaging and engrossing. An absolutely great story. On a scale of 1 to 5, I give it a 10! Thanks for taking the time to write it and share.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanabout 9 years ago
Not sure what to make of this

But I read it through to the very end. So I guess it was a good read.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 9 years ago

Carhovi every post you make like this just shows everyone that I am 100% correct about you. You are a serious goddamn whack job

"Are people basically inclined to be good or evil? " The fact that you actually think it has to be one or the other speaks volumes about your grasp on reality. The wife is NOT evil and after 55 comments no one has even come close to dsying that.

But flawed damage People , regardless of how they got that way..are NOT good marriage material

DUDE this is a LW story... and in your irrational delusional rationalizations you Invoke MOSES LINCOLN MLK WASHINGTON ??

oh. my. god.

carvohicarvohiabout 9 years agoAuthor

Look everybody Harry and I are having a conversation!

No Harry I didn't say people are all good or all evil. We know that's ridiculous. We know people slide along a gradient between good and evil almost on a day to day basis.

Poor Sarah, through no real fault of her own, she slid into a morass. Though nearly helpless she still struggled and got out. Yes she used deception, she used her body; she used the tools she had. What did Delores to Bass at the tavern?

Bass was innocent, naive, he was ready.

Sarah nearly made it. For eight years she had her dream! Then Shawn arrived and nearly pulled her back in.

Tragedy struck. Bass lost both parents and made a series of horrific discoveries about his wife, his brother, his mother, his father. His universe collapsed like a house of cards. He could have succumbed to the evil side of his nature, Freud's barbaric id. We can be sure he wanted to; it would have been the easier thing. He did not. He held the course, kept the faith. He held to the 'light'.

Let's go another route. Who are you Harry; Jean val Jean or Javier? (Did I misspell Javier?)

There's a line from an old Abolitionist poem; it still resounds today in a Methodist hymn. "Truth forever on the scaffold...and on the throne be wrong." Who's to say Harry. Will you be the one to pick up the first stone?

patilliepatillieabout 9 years ago
Wow, what a slog thru the mud

but in the end, I think a most desirable, inviting read. Thx for your efforts and your acumen.

RedPillRedPillabout 9 years ago

I almost stopped reading after the first couple of pages. In particular, when he tried to help her and she went with the three guys, then the next day she comes back and he falls right in love. I don't know any paramedics, I am close to one cop, which seems like it would draw somewhat similar types. I'd think most paramedics might have a desire to help people but also would show more confidence than this guy. Also, for a guy who seemed to plan out everything and be down to earth he never showed curiosity to really find out about her history until he finds her with his brother?

Later, when he finally forces her to tell about herself, including her real identity, he says "So far, what I'd heard was stunning! I never was beyond comprehension. " (page 8) Really? The bartender had already told him that she sometimes seemed slow to respond to the name "Sarah". So Bass was a bit hard to buy into and like.

That said, I found myself enjoying his attempts to come to grips with and respond to things as everything he'd believed about his life came into question. Sarah started out pretty unlikeable also, but one came to feel for her as the story went on and we learned more. I thought that the anon commenter's point about her giddiness after her first extra-marital incident was worthwhile, though Carvohi has responded to that. I still don't find her blameless, but her fear of losing Bass and messed up upbringing are fairly strong mitigating circumstances. Maybe the jail time is sort of karma and serving that is enough to allow her some redemption. I also wondered about that kind of time for identity theft, but I'm no lawyer. I guess in a world where killing a snail darter is probably deemed more serious than rape sometimes (see Darren Sharper),it may be true.

As for his revenge, he did get it. It seems tame compared to breaking some bones, but kept him out of jail. In the end, if your family is more important to you than your ego, perhaps a measured revenge that doesn't risk you going to jail and losing your children is the best one. So, yeah, I can buy the story. But one hopes he makes very clear to her that she's used up all her "get out of jail free" cards and had better walk the straight and narrow for the rest of her life.

sugnasugnaabout 9 years ago

1. A whore with a heart of gold? I think not. Her pure selfishness is in stark contrast with a loving wife and mother. Not possible. It tore the fabric of the plot. Have you ever met a whore? They are either stupid, or sociopaths. Either way, they are not beautiful, wonderful people.

2. Beatrice was a piece of shit, even worse than her husband.

3. Bass's enjoyment of everyone's just deserts was sickening. Getting even does not make you happy, at best it just gets the pressure off you. The slippery, dishonest way he went about it was dishonorable.

4. More should have been made of his choice to support his wife or cut her off at the knees when she went to jail. That would have been the perfect time to divorce and get full custody of the kids. That was a major dramatic point that was missed! Freedom v. love for his kids v. love for his whore wife.

5. Still, with the above criticism, I liked the story and the storytelling - 5*

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307about 9 years ago
An interesting story...

... but, in the final analysis, way too many loose ends. Ten pages and you never gave even the slightest reason why "Sarah" started screwing Rath, Vernon, and Lawton. Sorry, but her feeling sorry for Rath and then him telling the other two that she was easy is not much of an explanation. As in most of these LW stories, the character's feelings just don't match their actions. 3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
pretty wierd

That his brother still has teeth. His brother is the cause of her blackmail and an enemy to him. Too bad he wasnt treated as such. WHATS to keep bro from telling about Sarah to the kids or anyone else later.

No Five from me.

javmor79javmor79about 9 years ago
Great story

Wow. How anyone can think that she deserved to be divorced and destitute after finding all of that out about her is beyond me. The author did give reasons why she was fucking around. Rath found out about her past and was using it to fuck her. He then told people that she was "available". She didn't do it because she wanted to get laid. She was put in a situation that she felt was impossible. Sure she could have just told her husband and been honest, but she was desperately afraid that he would leave her. She was an orphan who was passed around foster homes. Her abandonment issues would go deeper than the normal person. She was ready to kill herself if her husband left her. This fear would keep her quiet and using the only weapon that she felt she had available.

I don't care what anyone says. Any guy who would leave a woman that he loves after finding out all of this about her doesn't deserve to find happiness. He isn't a strong enough person internally.

I liked the story. It could have been shorter and still served the same purpose, but it was nice nonetheless.

kelchakelchaabout 9 years ago
Terribly Good Read

Well worth a top score.


RhomanovRhomanovabout 9 years ago

Extremely well done.

carvohicarvohiabout 9 years agoAuthor
What is a wimp?

I looked it up. It is an acronym. Weakly Interacting Massive Particle

Below you will see who submitted this. Let's read the anonymous comments. Are these anonymous comment people 'afraid'? Could they be weaklings? That's not for me to say. I would like to respond once in a while, but I guess they might be afraid I might say something that would upset them.

bruce22bruce22about 9 years ago
Very Interesting

Someone mentioned that he only read the first two and a half pages and then commented??? I admit that by the third page I was wondering if this guy was an alter-ego for Job. An excellent trip through the world of the unloved.

As usual I agree with everything that NJLauren said in her comment.

What is this volume 1 bit about?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

good story, ignore the haters

Esq2kEsq2kabout 9 years ago
Not a Wimp

I agree ... ignore the haters. Those that think all stories have to be BTB are just bitter. Life is much more complicated. And it take a real man (not a wimp) to consider a situation in it's entirety and decide to stay married. Walking away is "easy" it doesn't take any strength of character. Staying on the other hand, takes a great deal of character -- to stay together because it's the best thing for the children, because you had eight good years with a woman (but for some awful situation) that was a good mother, and a good wife -- that is the hard part. No, a man is not a wimp for staying, he is truly a man for doing so.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 9 years ago
5* story. This is how a man would handle this

Thank you.

Looking forward to your next stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Sorry tale.

That's just the way it is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Good Story

Ignore the trolls.

Personally, I'd have preferred it in separate parts.

But it's a well-told tale


LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 9 years ago
Well, that was easy!

Cinco ... Pyat ... Cinque ... A Nickle ... Funf ... Pente

5* and many thanks!

ptolmetptolmetabout 9 years ago
real man

Bass did not mention the fact that Sarah was blackmailed into what she was doing and there is no discussion of her acting silly like a little girl when she saw the guys at the center. I am not sure if that will come into play later. But the fact is, a REAL man is able to do exactly what Bass did. He has trepidation, but also the strength and faith to look past that to what was really needed for his family.

I think the story is very well written. Thank you. I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Perhaps it is genetic

Being the son of a willing cuckhold must have predisposed him to being one himself.

FD45FD45about 9 years ago
Alright, I'll make a comment

Wow. Why didn't you have his ambulance run over the family dog while you were at it? You emotionally gutted this guy which some people don't recover from. Over the top.

You DID allude to the fact that wifey didn't relish sex with the brother. Bile and sexy don't mix (but you seem to think that taking a dump and kissing a cock does. WAY overdone way to 'show her love'. I was nauseous, not an emotion you want in your readers) But you also made it seem like it was something she did not totally disdain either. She wasn't exactly running out the door the moment she was finished. So I'll put that down to dramatic tension.

A bit overwritten. I got to hear the story from Dolores, and I got to hear the story from the johns...and I got to hear (more) of the story from Sarah...and I got to hear the story ONCE MORE from the detective. Just in case I missed it. The big dramatic revelation: she was a whore, is not as dramatic hearing it three more times.

A lot of the story is this guy looking at his wife, his family, and their interactions (always in love and adoration...more on this later). . It's good to provide some emotion and some self examination but like salt, some is good; too much and you have a reader (se moi) nodding off (though I was reading this late) I don't need an action film, but at least a page of this was filler. How many times do I need to read 'I love and hate you' to get the point?

(Real world example: When I originally typed this message, I wrote 'though I was reading late when I was reading this'. It seemed clunky and long winded so I cut 4 words to make it punchier. Watch the editing scene in 'A River Runs Through It'.)

Here is the plot problem I have: Nellie told Bass that not only Shawn, but a bunch of guys wandered into the Visitor Center, she got all goofy and she dragged them into the back room. And her internal narrative SEEMED to support this. It was her 'bit on the side'. I didn't write this, you did.

While I have no problem with a sinner becoming a saint or a pro looking for her happily ever after, I DO have a problem with her willfully and enjoyably cheating. Some of this sounded as if she was NOT being victimized by blackmail.

It was engaging, but not well written. Some of your writing choices made this a difficult read. POV shifts at odd places. Clunky sentences "Delores told me a lot more." You don't need to tell me this. SHOW me this by having her 'tell me a lot more'.

Here is another example:


I was taken aback by her comment about Sarah. I knew I needed to find out more. I asked, "Is there anybody? I mean anybody else I could...?"


That center sentence is unnecessary. You seem to want to indulge in narration (telling us what is happening) and first person dialogue at the same time. This makes your writing less smooth than it could be and has a tendency to railroad the reader (see his constant looks of love and adoration). Readers don't like that.

Go to JPB's stories. He has a seamless style. He will give us large chunks of information in a few narrative paragraphs. "Lenny told me she was servicing half the neighborhood", but then he shifts gears at appropriate moments back to dialogue, with only a few spare words describing the man's feelings (sometimes TOO spare. His characters come off as a bit emotionless)

This sounds like I am being nasty and hypercritical. I found this a nuanced story (once I got over the overwrought beginning, and the toilet fellatio). Certainly more nuanced than many here. I am trying to help by listing direct examples of how to smooth out the writing, while still using your 'voice' in the style.

Just saying 'badly written' doesn't tell you how or why I feel that way. It is not terribly written. There is some room for improvement.

Now I need to go write just so you can write nasty things about me. ;)

blatheringidiotblatheringidiotabout 9 years ago
Stand up Triple

Come on, baseball has started.

I agree with FD45 about this being a nuanced story.

Many LW stories have the husband using whatever weapons he has at his disposal in keeping whats most important to him. He'll use $, brains, brawn to keep his marriage/family. I'm not sure but her giving into the blackmail wasn't all that different. What weapons did she have to keep those things most important to her? She let some asswipes use her body to keep her family. Yes, truth defeats blackmail. But to lose what she has, tough call. Yeah, the visitor center gbang seems to blow a hole in all this. As an idiot though, it still makes sense to me.

Imo, pretty well thought out plot though as mentioned by others, a bit redundant in places. Vol. 2 could be interesting.

Thank you and I look forward to your next offering.


blatheringidiotblatheringidiotabout 9 years ago

Sorry. There was not a gbang in the story. My mistake. Proof positive that I'm an idiot

BelgiumBelgiumabout 9 years ago

The story didn’t explain why Sarah was having multiple affairs – because that’s what they were - and "bonus sex". The identity theft was then used to wipe out the adultery. Once that was established the author lost the original plot and made it a RAAC story.

sugnasugnaabout 9 years ago
Comment on the Comments

Wow! The comments are more intense than the story! In all the intensity a few basic points seem to have been missed: 1. His wife was a whore, present tense, she was still engage in the sex trade in some form. She had deceived him, and he was unaware of her activities until it was too late. 2. They had kids together.

Okay, #1 is the reason to dump her. A whore is like a public toilet, you may have to use them from time to time, but you don't take up residence in them unless you are a homeless person. #2 is the reason to stay with her, stability for the kids right? How stable is their mother? How good a mother could she really be? Even by today's liberal social standards a mother who is a slut or whore is not a good role model! How about the fact that she is a sociopath? She has lied about her whole life to the man she married and say's she "loves". Is she a good mother? Or just their mother? Is it better for the kids to have her around a the lying whore that she is? Or better for them all to move on and live with the truth? If you really love someone, you at least respect them, you do not lie to them. You do not use them to get what you want and injure them with your lies. Sorry carvohi, we disagree - people do NOT change. Your examples all required God's intervention, and was Paul really that different than Saul? He was still an opinionated prick piling on his own views on top of the Gospel. I have come to count on people NOT changing. I have found that I am never disappointed and it has helped me to earn a living.

overthehillmedicoverthehillmedicabout 9 years ago
FD45 ??

Your comments and others are what I expected to read. I am always interested in what jobs you raeders have. Being a medic for going on 40 years in the Minneapolis area we do around 56000 calls a year. Everything in this story in one shape or another happens to people every day. Lost loved ones and other every day life challanges along with "Screwed up in the head" peple are out there. I would like to think he has a strong back and an "I've seen it all" head on his shoulders, and these are the people that look at the whole picture before they "BURN THE BITCH" To the ground. Now if the kids were not his, then I would help him "BURN THE BITCH TO THE GROUND." The supervisor, partner slaps do happen as I have seen this also. All in all I gave it a 5. -chive on-

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
1 star

Wow 10 pages of wimpy crap and they stay together. Better ending she had aids from being a whore gave it to all the men and they all die.

shaman43shaman43about 9 years ago
Your story you are entitled to the ending you want

Thanks for your energy and creativity. Thought it was a five star effort. I am not certain I could have been that able to let it all go but you gave the protagonist the personality to do so while being able to be heroic in other ways. In spite of what is written in the comments these first responders live with pain and death every week. Their bravery is not in question. Many of the readers mistakenly think acting vengeful and being an asshole is masculine and honorific. Do get tired of the comments made about stories not from an appreciation of the effort. The literary value or even how it makes us understand the human condition. This story had so much in it. How so many people suffer without knowing why. How government institutions let folks down and then run out of money. Working for clients/patients I have seen how half way houses operate and how they close down when the grant is up. If private they just close because not enough money is forthcoming for profit. The PI is really right about what she talks about when government programs are privatized. For those of you who castigate the author because he does not subscribe to your infantile code ..... oh never mind to say what I wanted would sink to your level of non thinking. Although I do dream of smashing faces and breaking bones when I read a couple of the comments. Then I leave the keyboard because I am so angry at your comments. Would that you would get arthritis so you could not type and let the rest of us read in peace.

dyonysosdyonysosabout 9 years ago

You took the words right out of my mouth,the amount of non-thinking frustrated morons all signing as anons is frankly unbelivable,the term sociopaths comes to my mind

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Sad story, but a good read.

Usually like a BTB story, but also recognize a story about how life isn't always a black and white situation . 4 STARS

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsabout 9 years ago
Gave it a 5

I love most of your stories because of the optimism you have built into them. I hope that you will not view your sanguine perspective as limiting. There are enough BTB writers to satisfy most.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsabout 9 years ago

To all the short dick fat sloppy anons out there with their ugly frigid wives, may your life circumstances never change.

starmanfivestarmanfiveabout 9 years ago
One of the best!

Thank you for a thoroughly well written and entertaining story. *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

The usual Carvohi of post 2013. Verbose and detailed . Some very good dialogue , especially with it's everday quality .Some outrageous character behavior.

A good plot . But the protagonist was a little touched in the head , when it comes to his wife. The story includes a mystery about his parents's relationship . That will never be answered and, like real life , has to be left behind . I didn't like the fact that his father reconciled with a cheater and now he reconciles with a cheater .

That doesn't make this a bad story.

I gave you 4*s.You gave him , and the reader, so very much to deal with at one time. Nevertheless , we never got the feeling that this story was bogged down or dragging with unnecessary details.

This was very well put together story . One item you seem to miss. Sarah has issues that need a psychiatrist to address. If only to keep it from affecting or being repeated by their daughters . You seemed to have missed it.

So I liked it . Even without the satisfaction of a cheater paying the price. You earned 4*s.Thank you very much !!

I am very


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

1. Will there be additional volumes about this family ?? Thought I would ask since you do answer comments( you opened that can of worms).

2. I found out that what you describe about Sarah is called a disassociated mental state . From her behavior when she cheated with the buddy, boss, and salesman. But not the brother( that is disgust).

3.Sugna made the same comment that I made , in your previous story! Is that coincidence or a tell about your writing, hmmm??

Thanks again for the story.


carvohicarvohiabout 9 years agoAuthor
To Sugna and Merry Man...

To Sugna: People do change. Sarah grew up...

To Merry Man: Had I written this in the past, and given myself say a ten year gap, from say 2004 to 2014 a sequel might have happened. To get a sequel now it would have to be 2024 or 2025. I doubt I'll be around for that one.

green117green117about 9 years ago
Rather liked this one

for all of the intense pain in the characters.

Disassociative behavior is what is what Sarah seems to show, while turning tricks. I would guess that is one way to deal with turning tricks. During the story, she is turning tricks to keep her family together, to protect her daughters, to shield/hide from her husband. Is she having a good time? "Half the time with Rath she got nothing out of it; nothing except a dirty crotch and a guilty conscience. If only she... " and the other half the time? It is kept rather ambiguous - which is the author doing his thing, I guess...but perhaps she was ambiguous. "Then when she talked all she wanted to talk about was you. Christ it didn't make any sense. That was when I figured she was fucked up. I mean there she was betraying you in the worst way while she was bragging about how great a dad and husband you were. Bass the woman needs help." Disassociative - not putting the pieces together, can't put the pieces together.

The other guys were from the list of those who were clued in by Shawn, or clued in by those who were clued in.

So! Is Sarah evil? Is Sarah sick? Is Sarah just all women? almost certainly not, very probably, only if HIV is all men.

I'm not sure about the clutter of the story - it tended to render the confusion of the main character, faced with all of the, frankly, shit... but it did make it hard to read.


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 9 years ago
Loved it

five stars. Yes, she was stupid for choosing to have sex in order to keep her past covered up. But in a sense, that's all she ever knew (use sex to get your way). It was how she was raised. How she survived. And so, it should not be surprising that in her moment of greatest desperation, when her new perfect life seemed on the verge of destruction, she turned to her old patterns of behavior. She didn't do it because she wanted to cheat. She did it because in her wounded mind she believed it was her only recourse. In all my years of reading Literotica, there have been a great many stories where wives stupidly resorted to sex in order to avoiding exposing hubby to some horrible truth. Most have been quite superficial in their justification. Not so in this story. Excellent work.

calflashcalflashabout 9 years ago

Sarah's early lifestyle was the victim of her surroundings but latter on she weakened to protect the life she had with her husband an children. I've seen people becoming worst under lesser circumstances

KarenEKarenEabout 9 years ago
Sorry, I Like A Happy Ending As Much As The Nex Person, But...

I still would have divorced her ass.

Sarah was crying, "I didn' weren't supposed...I wasn' can't."

I love how they always say “you weren't supposed” to know, like that somehow makes it okay!

She fucked his boss just before going out for Valentine’s Day?!

Did she ever stop to think how SHE would feel if she found out Bass had fucked Corinne?

I hope he doesn’t use the knowledge of his mother’s affairs to forgive Sarah.

It’s NOT her past. Yes, if he knew what she was he probably wouldn’t have taken her with him, and yes, if she told him when her past caught up with her things would have been rough at best. But the deal-breaker is her CHEATING on him in the PRESENT, with his brother as well, for fuck’s sake!

“I didn't say it, but I knew I needed her too. My thoughts slowly started to coalesce around the realization that I didn't care that much about what she'd done before we met.”

Arghh! I sensing a RAAC coming, and I’m not liking it! HE doesn’t get it! It’s NOT about what she did before, it’s what she DIDN’T when Shawn showed up, which is to tell him all, NOT cheat on him!

How could Shawn blackmail her when he had the same past?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Well crafted clever story. Thank You.

What the husband does with Sarah is kind of moot. He needs a companion, housekeeper, cook, mother for his girls, and pussy. And Sarah will provide all that. If he thinks he still loves her, and believes she still loves him, all the better to facilitate the fantasy world he has chosen to live in. Once the girls are adults they will know everything. And while they will have much gratitude their family was held together, they will always wonder why Sarah started fucking other men to hide the past that eventually came out anyway. So, despite her love and devoted motherhood, they will have to accept that their mother was really pretty stupid, cowardly, and really did not trust her husband to understand and forgive her. Happily ever after? Not likely. Older but wiser, we can only hope.

Thanks again for a very engaging and thought provoking story.

sdc97230sdc97230almost 9 years ago
No thoughts one way or the other on the reconciliation

I can see why she was so desperate to avoid Bass finding out about her past; no man before him had ever stood by her - hell, no PERSON before him ever had, except maybe Elmo the pimp, of all people. So whatever Bass decided was ok by me.

However, every one of the men who blackmailed Sarah into sex got off way too easily.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

that all diamonds start out as lumps of coal. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
good story

Well written and an interesting plot.

I always laugh at KarenE when I read her comments.

she would do well as a spokesperson for the fucking taliban.

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