The Sailor's Wife Ch. 05: Extirpation


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Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday went by, and Steph almost forgot her misdeed until the phone rang. "Hi, it's Bob. What are you up to tonight?"

She meant to play it cool. "Nothing, just making some food."

"Well, forget it. Put it back in the fridge. There's a great Chinese restaurant in Fruitvale, and I'm in the mood. Why don't you eat with me?"

"No, I don't think so. I'm pretty busy."

"Oh, you can put off whatever it is till tomorrow, can't you? This place makes the very best seared beef you've ever had. Come on."

She wavered, gave him a couple more excuses, but he insisted and finally she gave in. "Great, I'll pick you up in half an hour. Put something sexy on."

Since she was only going out for dinner with him and had no intention of anything more, she took a quick shower, didn't shave under her arms, then put slacks and a blouse on. She was just blow drying her hair when the knock came.

"Hi, babe," and he kissed her before she closed the door behind him. "Wow, great apartment. Nice view."

"The Mormon Temple up there lights up the place at night."

"Let me see!" he suggested, and she turned off the side light, kneeled next to him on the sofa, looking backwards at the Tabernacle. Again, she wasn't really surprised when his arm went around her waist, dragged her to him, pulled her face towards him and then, when they were kissing, the breast was clasped. Soon she was sitting, Bob standing over her. He unzipped and demanded, "Give me a blow job, babe."

She didn't want to, but nevertheless she bent and took the rod inside her mouth. He grabbed the back of her head with both hands, forced it forward, and then he was screwing her throat. She was shocked when within forty seconds she felt the pulp coursing from the hole and tried to get free, but he was too strong. The stream hit the back of her mouth, it filled her, she nearly choked, but he simply wouldn't let go of her head. Only when he decided he was done did he release her, and she quickly spat the moisture into a tissue.

"Too much for you, huh?" he bragged. "Yeah, a lot of girls tell me I come like a mother. Thanks, sweetheart, I had a blow on my way over, and I just couldn't wait. You want I should take care of you now? With the coke, I'll be ready in just a few minutes, don't worry, I'll be a Superman."

"No, I'm hungry, you promised me dinner."


She followed him out of the apartment, and into his Triumph TR6. As he drove the few blocks through the streets, she enjoyed the hum of the low sports car. 'This could be fun,' she thought.

The Chinese restaurant wasn't much, she'd had better spring rolls and the General Tsao's chicken didn't have quite the right kick to the spices. During the meal Bob talked incessantly about the celebrities he'd been backstage with, the times he'd won on the craps table in Las Vegas, and the only question he asked her was, "How many times you been in Vegas, babe?"


"Oh, well, we've got to fix that. You'd look damn fantastic in a short little dress hanging on my arm now, wouldn't you? Maybe we'll fly down there for New Year's, what do you say?"

After dinner, she asked, "You think we could put the top down and take a ride?"

"Why not," he replied, and soon he was driving up into the hills on Lincoln, the wind whipping through her hair, not a care in the world. "Get into the glovebox, there, you'll find a joint." She got it out, he lit it at a stoplight, not worrying that almost anyone could see him, and when they shared it she found the euphoria that drugs usually brought. He merged onto Skyline Boulevard and took the curves, perhaps a little too fast, but she didn't care, then headed into Chabot Park. Here, protected from the fog by the ridge, the stars were out and Steph saw a half moon high in the sky. They whipped eight miles through the forested park at high speed until they almost reached Castro Valley, then he made a sharp U-turn and drove even faster the way they'd came. Steph was afraid, a couple of times he skidded and seemed almost to crash into a tree, her heart was pounding with the fright. Suddenly he veered into a small, graveled fire road she hadn't even seen and brought the beast to a stop out of sight of the road. "Now that was a drive!" He turned the car off, all was suddenly dark, the driver's door opened, he took a few steps, then she heard the sound of water hitting the dirt - he was pissing. She didn't know what to do, but wanted to stretch her legs, so she got out of the car as well.

Bob came back, she could tell he was reclining against the hood. "Come over here, babe." When she was beside him, she felt the heat of the engine through the steel of the hood, and when he grabbed at her she made no effort to elude him. They were kissing, his hands were all over her, her breasts, between her legs and she reciprocated. When he tried to lower her slacks she murmured, "Not here," but he ignored the objection, her belly was soon exposed and a finger inserted itself into a hole that had become extremely moist during the solitary race. She was coming, she was astounded and just before she burst he stopped, forced her pants all the way down, turned her around. He bent her over the hot car, spread her legs and she felt the dick enter her from behind. The position was odd, too low for him to be effective, but he held her legs around his waist and somehow got leverage. The friction was what she needed, and in only a few strokes she was again muttering, "Yeah, that's it, that's it, oh, right there . . ." and then she screamed. He didn't stop, he kept pounding, and pounding, and then she turned over until her back was against the warm metal, and he was leaning over her, and she was still coming, and then, with a whoop of glee, he was too, spilling into her, shuddering with the explosion. When he'd regained his breath, he shouted, "God damn, you've got the hottest box in the East Bay." She didn't want to stop, she wanted him to keep on screwing her, but he withdrew, tossed her pants to her, pulled up his trousers.

They were silent on the drive back, not as fast as before, and when he pulled up to the apartment she asked, "You want to come up for some more?"

"Love to, babe, but I've got a poker game. Don't worry about it, though, I'll call you. We've got lots of stuff yet to do, you just wait!" And the sports car made a low rumble as it headed off.


The weekend went slowly past, Stephanie caught up with Joann and they went to a movie and then to a bar. A couple of long haired young men in tie dyed shirts bought them drinks, but when the one asked Steph if she'd like to get some air, Joann steered her away from the scene, protecting her.

Sunday morning Steph was sipping coffee on the patio, reading the newspaper, when she sensed a small cramp, felt the stickiness that indicated the blood was escaping from her vagina. She ran to the bathroom, saw just a trace of red on her panties, inserted a Tampax. When she looked into the medicine cabinet, she saw the wheel of birth control pills still contained six small tablets. "Oh, well," she said out loud to no one, "another month gone, no harm done."


To Steph's anxiety, Bob didn't call her all that week. Was he tired of her? Wasn't she good enough for him? Was it just a one-time thing? And then the call came Saturday morning. "Hey, babe, I know tomorrow's Christmas Eve and all of that, but I was wondering if you'd like to come over to the Yacht Club this afternoon, maybe around one, we could take a little sail around the bay."

"Sounds great," she agreed.

When she got to the boat, she was astounded to see another couple on board, a short man, a little bald on top, that Bob introduced as Teddy and his date, a very large chested blond with too much makeup and jewelry by the name of Cherry. Bob greeted Steph with a kiss on the mouth and a puff of a joint. It wasn't long until they were motoring into the channel, out past the commercial docks on the right and the Naval Station on the left. Two carriers were in, Steph didn't know which ones they were, but she said a silent prayer for her own sailor and promised to write a long letter to him after she got home that night. But he fled from her memory when they breasted into the bay and the boat sped up. It took them an hour and a half to slide under the Bay Bridge, between Angel Island and Marin County, across the Golden Gate and then around the curve of San Francisco before returning to the East Bay. Steph loved the experience, the wind in her hair, the sun bright in her eyes. A drink was continually in her hand and more joints were shared.

Cherry turned out to be a little scatterbrained, but she was happy, and when the boys asked the two girls to stand at the back of the boat, hugging each other so they could get a picture of them against The City, Steph thought nothing of it. Bob often grabbed Steph, even going so far as to cup a boob, and Steph playfully swatted his hand off. When Teddy cupped a handful of her ass, she gave him a dirty look, but didn't say anything.

When the cruise was finished and they were moored at the dock, Bob offered, "You guys want some blow?"

Teddy said, "Sure," and Cherry nodded her head. They headed into the galley, and on the counter Bob laid a mirror, measured the white powder and knifed it into eight straight lines. He was the first to take one of them, then Cherry wolfed her two and Teddy sniffed his. Steph hung back, and Bob encouraged, "Go ahead, it's great." Although she was a little reluctant, Steph wanted to be part of the crowd, and so she stuck the straw into her nose and inexpertly sniffed the dust, taking three sniffs before the line was gone. And her life changed!

The first reaction she thought of was a numbness in her nose and lips, but then she felt an energy build within her, a rush of pleasure. When it subsided just a bit she inhaled the second line, and the jolt was even more pleasurable. Bob took his other line, and Steph stood aside, looking out the window. The world wasn't different, and yet it was. She felt that she could do anything, whatever she wanted. All concern was gone, and she wasn't surprised when Bob stood beside her and kissed her neck. "You just wait, baby, this is going to be great." A couch curved along one side of the cabin, Teddy and Cherry were already on one side of it, pawing at each other. Steph didn't mind at all when Bob pulled her top off and gnawed at her taut nipples; when Teddy glanced at her she just leered back as if to say, "Yes, Bob's going to get a great piece of This!"

The four stripped in the lounge, and Steph found that the cocaine gave her power to feel stimuli more powerfully than ever before; if Bob bit a nipple, she sensed it in her toes. And when she took Bob's rod into her mouth, it was if she sensed every drop of blood that made it hard, every drip of moisture that escaped. And while Bob was kneeling before her, not only did every brush of his tongue on the clit or inside the hole drive her into euphoria, she also seemed to look through Teddy's eyes as he watched her naked body contort; in fact, at one point she brazenly pointed her most sacred section towards him, daring him to visualize that moist flesh.

It came to pass that Bob had her face down on a table while he took her from behind, and she was watching Teddy on top of Cherry. He heard him come, a low howl that permeated the room, but the girl below him seemed to stare at the ceiling, glassy eyed, no apparent desire to do anything more than let the man do what he wished. It made Stephanie want to wriggle even more, driving out Bob's pleasure, and when he made her come, she made sure she was crooning to her man how much she wanted him, that she was moving her bottom in frenzied agitation. In fact the orgasm was so acute that she lost track of her senses. When she came to, she found Cherry lying beside her in a stateroom bed, kissing her forehead, the other woman's hands roaming every inch of the naked body. For a minute or two Steph contemplated the situation, Cherry's caresses were certainly soft and pleasing. But Bob and Teddy were watching the two of them, sitting naked in opposite corners of the tiny room. Steph realized whatever was happening was odd, perhaps even immoral. "Stop," she requested.

Cherry leaned towards her ear, whispered, "The guys want us to do this, don't worry about it, just pretend."

"I don't care what they want," Steph bellowed aggressively, "get off me." Cherry moved away, and after a moment she and Teddy left the stateroom, pulling the door shut behind them.

Bob laid beside her. "Not your thing, huh?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Don't sweat it, like everything else it takes getting used to."

Steph realized he was still hard, perhaps he hadn't come earlier? When he tweaked a nipple, she realized she was still ultra-sensitive, a continuing effect of the drug, and she was more than willing to continue the racy games. Sometime later she heard a rap on the door and Teddy's voice, "Hey, dude, we're out of here, next time, all right?"

Between thrusts Bob replied, "Yeah! Merry Christmas!" and the screwing continued. An hour and a half later, after a sponge bath and another drink, Bob kissed Steph goodbye, and told her he had to head for SoCal and his wife's relatives for a few days, but they'd get together when he got back, okay?

Somehow, Steph made it through the Holiday. Joann went to Mass with her on Christmas Eve, and they shared a bottle of wine afterwards. The big day she had dinner at the home of one of the wives, a gathering of six of them, little gifts exchanged, prayers for their boys in the Gulf of Tonkin, the turkey dinner, some smiles, more wistfulness. The twenty-sixth, Steph showed up for work early, seemed even excited about the job, Mr. Donegal complimented her.


Thursday, when she got home from work, she got a call from Bob. "Hey, babe, listen, you want to do something?"

"I sure do. I want to screw you so bad it's unbelievable. Get your ass over here!"

"Forty-five minutes. Don't start without me."

She took the time to take a shower, make her face up, and put on fancy panties, a sheer robe and high heels. She'd decided that Bob was now her lover, and she wanted him to desire her. And when he got there, twenty minutes late, he didn't disappoint her. "Babe, you're gorgeous. God, do I want some of That!" To her joy, he got out his mirror and laid out four lines, again Steph felt the explosion of the drug, the sensation of invincibility. And then she stripped her new man of his clothing, and the old patterns of foreplay and intercourse were enjoyed as if they were newly discovered.

A long time later, during an interlude and another small snort, he said, "Hey, Teddy thought you were fantastic. He loves your body." She was suddenly embarrassed, thinking of how Teddy had looked at every inch of her. "Don't be like that, didn't you like it when he saw what a great piece of ass you are?"

"I guess so," she admitted, and then the stimulant kicked in. "Hell, yes, I was a lot better than Cherry, wasn't I?"

Bob roared in laughter. "Yeah, I don't know what he sees in her. He even gave her a hundred bucks for the afternoon."

"She's a prostitute?"

"Hell, yes, couldn't you tell?"

"I guess not. I don't think I ever met one before. How much does she make?"

"For an hour's trick at night, fifty bucks. All night, $250."

"Wow, that's a lot of money!"

They went back to doing what they were there for, Steph climaxed hard a couple more times, then, even with the coke, they needed to take a break.

"You think I'd make a good one?" Steph asked.

"A good what?"

"A good prostitute."

Bob laughed again. "You're not thinking of charging me, are you?"

"No, of course not. I was just thinking."

"Well, don't. It's a tough life. Cherry probably makes a grand a week, but she's got to split it with her pimp, and a girl like you, hell, you'd get beat up the first week you were on the street."

"Yeah, but . . ."

"Come here," Bob insisted, "Show me what you'd do with a john." And they went back to pleasure.

It was then that Bob rolled her onto her stomach, placed his hand between her legs, played with her raunchy cunt, and then, for the very first time, she felt her anus being touched. The pressure alarmed her, but at the same time piqued her, she allowed it. And then the finger was pressing past her sphincter, and surprisingly, her body responded, she was in full orgasm, Bob pressed his digit further within her and asked, "You like to be fucked up the ass, don't you?"

"I've never done it."

"Oh, you're going to love it."

Her mind said no, her body seemed to have a desire of it's own. "Not tonight, please, not tonight."

"Okay," he agreed, "but next time . . ." They passed on to other, less odious forms of passion.

When Bob was dressing, getting ready to leave, Steph broached the subject she'd been wondering about. "Hey, you said that we were going to Las Vegas for New Years, and I was wondering . . ."

"I did?" he replied. "Well, I must have been joking around, I guess. No, my wife and I are heading into San Francisco. Sorry about that."

She tried to be upbeat about it, but Bob sensed her disappointment. "Listen," he said, "here's fifty bucks. Why don't you go someplace nice. Maybe, if I can get away, we'll go down there in the spring."

That night, before she went to sleep, she tried to write Glenn a letter, but it kept coming out wrong.


Two days later, Steph found herself on the boat, the coke had been ingested, she was feeling good, and when Bob pushed her into the bedroom she laughed in delight. In moments they were naked, she had his dick in his mouth, and Bob's hand reached for first her cunt, then, as the salmon swims upstream, his finger touched her anus. "So this is a virgin asshole, huh?" She'd had time to think about the coming event, and since she was as high as the tip of a tree, when he rolled her over, pulled her to her knees, she simply caved. When the penis was pressed against her, she steadied herself, and when the hatch was split, somewhat uncomfortably, she steadied herself and let Bob fuck her ass, finding it surprisingly effective, and with a little help from a finger on her clit, she let go seconds before Bob flooded her rectum.

Again, as they were dressing Bob insisted on presenting her with twenty bucks, just because she was so sweet. Steph thought he was a dear to be so kind. And in the future, if he desired the change of pace, Steph was pliable in her presentation of her rear end, although she quickly understood that a touch of lubricant made the adventure more pleasurable.


With the extra money, Steph took Joann for a nice meal at a downtown hotel to welcome in the New Year. At midnight they kissed each other on the cheek, and Steph slept at Joann's that night, talking about their loves and their men until well in the morning. Joann told Steph to be careful about Bob, he just didn't seem right, but she didn't push it. After all, with her boyfriend, she wasn't one to talk, was she?

In the days after the New Year, Bob visited Steph's apartment a few times, she went to the boat a couple of times for a ride around the bay, drugs, and great sex. One Sunday in mid-January he had a suggestion, "Hey, Teddy and I are planning on going up north for some duck hunting the weekend after next. Thought maybe you'd want to go up, we've got a nice hotel. You could lounge around during the day, then at night we'd have some dinner. It'd be a nice time." Stephanie agreed almost immediately.

When he left, Bob gave her twenty bucks. "What's this for?"

"Oh, I just thought you'd like a little extra cash, I know how tough it is, being a military wife."

"Well, gee, thanks."