The Sailor's Wife Ch. 05: Extirpation


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The next day Steph started her period, and, as usual, there were a couple of pills left in the casing. She mentally kicked herself, told herself she had to be more careful. But, other than the fact that Glenn's return was still six months away, there were no real problems, were there?

That Friday night came around, Bob was behind the wheel of a station wagon. Teddy was in the front seat, Steph threw her bag into the back, on top of the shotgun cases. She was a little surprised that Cherry or some other woman wasn't with them, but forgot about it when Bob urged her to sit on the bench seat up in front, between him and Teddy. As they left the Bay Area, a doobie being passed around, it felt nice to bump up first against Bob, then against Teddy. It was sort of a feeling of belonging. They stopped for dinner on the outskirts of Sacramento, cocktails and steaks and a couple of bottles of good red wine. Then another couple hours drive, and another joint, and Steph must have dozed, and if Bob's hand rested on one thigh and Teddy's on another, did it really matter?

They pulled into a parking lot of a rustic Best Western, and Bob and Teddy went into register. A few minutes later Bob came back alone, a worried look on his face. "Hey, a little bit of a problem," Bob confessed. "There's some sort of a screw up with the reservation, they had us down for only one room. And the clerk says there's not another room closer than Redding."

"What are we going to do?" Steph asked.

"Well, we got a room with two double beds. We can sleep in one, Teddy in the other. That wouldn't be a problem, would it?"

"Well, I guess not. But that means there won't be much sex, doesn't it?"

"Don't worry," Bob soothed, "we'll send Teddy out for pizza or something."

The room was almost luxurious in a primitive sort of way, and they moved in. "God, that was a long drive," Teddy remarked, "I need something to relax me. How about some coke?" Steph wholeheartedly agreed, she hadn't had any in over a week. The snorts were taken and they relaxed, she and Bob on one bed, Teddy on the other. Bob leaned over, started kissing Steph, feeling her up. She was a little out of it, the drugs and booze had relaxed her, she didn't see any real problem. Fifteen minutes later she slowly discovered that she had only panties on and Bob's dick was in her mouth. She looked to her left, and saw that Teddy was watching them. And then her panties were off, and Bob was on top of her, and they were screwing, and Teddy was observing every move.

Steph wasn't sure how she felt about it, but she figured she wasn't upset. It wasn't really wrong for Teddy to be watching, was it, he'd seen it before? It wasn't like he was going to be next or anything. So she put the turn of events out of her mind, and concentrated on doing what she thought she did best. A few moments later, she felt the orgasm overtake her, and just a little later she knew Bob was filling her up with his seed. They kept going for a little while as they always did; when Bob was popped up on coke, he didn't have any problem maintaining his erection. A while later, she was lying on her side, Bob behind her, his erection filling the gap in her behind, and Teddy was still looking at her from the other bed. He was unclothed, his erection filling his hand, and she could sense the lust in his eyes.

"Why don't you go over and help Teddy out?" Bob quietly suggested into her ear.

"What do you mean?" Steph drowsily responded.

"You know. Like, you can see he wants you. Go on over there and give him what he needs."

She got the idea, and while she didn't feel anger or revulsion at the idea, she still felt there was something about it that wasn't quite kosher. "That wouldn't be right," she said.

"Why not? It's not like you're a virgin or anything. It's only sex."

It was, she realized. Here she was naked with two men, and one had just screwed her silly, and she was married to a man on the other side of the world, and he didn't mind, did he, and . . . While she was attempting to make sense of the situation, Bob gave him a signal, and Teddy came over, knelt beside the bed and kissed her. When she made no protest, he felt her breast, and she suddenly felt a rush of desire. So when Teddy crawled up onto the bed, and Bob moved over to give them room, she still said nothing in complaint, and when Teddy was on top of her, and she spread her legs and he penetrated her, she did nothing, other than move her hips in the ancient rite.

And when they shifted, and she got on top of the second man, and her face was close to contorting from the pleasure Teddy was giving her, she looked at Bob, who was watching her, she smiled at him as if to say, "Look what a big girl I am!" And she welcomed the second stream of sperm that spurted into her.


It was early, hours before dawn, and she realized the men were moving, putting on waterproof trousers and boots and heavy jackets. "Gotta get us some ducks," Bob called, "go back to sleep, we should be back sometime in the afternoon." And she turned over and slept.

Sometime, it must have been noon, she woke again, and in the mirror looked at her naked body. She might have been ashamed of what she'd done in the darkness, but instead she smiled, grasping that she had the power to make not just one man, but two, very happy. She lazed, not really thinking, smoked half a joint, then roused, put herself together as well as she could. Teeth brushed, hair combed, a little lipstick. Damn! She'd forgotten to pack the birth control pills. Oh, well, not a big problem, she'd catch up when she got back home. Then it was on to the restaurant. Bob had told her that she could order anything she wanted, just put the room number on the chit, and she decided a big salad and a glass of wine was in order. She had a Redbook magazine to read, she dawdled.

She went back to the room, finished up the joint, put a bikini on, and headed for the pool. There were a gaggle of kids splashing and fooling around, and the water was too cold anyway, but the hot tub was just right, and for almost forty minutes she plunged herself in the warm bubbling water, just being.

Of course her thoughts wandered to what she'd let be done to her. Was it wrong? Was she being immoral? Maybe not, she thought. Before he left, Glenn had encouraged her to go out and have affairs, hadn't he? So she was just doing what he wanted her to, right? And did it matter if she did it with one man, or two? Of course not, there was no real difference. Was there? Then a jet of water brushed her breast, stimulating the nipple, and she remembered how Teddy had first kissed her there, different from Bob somehow, a little softer. And then she thought about how Teddy had felt inside of her, how a different part of her tunnel had been massaged, how novel he had felt in her arms. It wasn't that Bob wasn't good in bed, no, he was fantastic, but Teddy was pretty good as well. She had enjoyed herself.

What should she do that night? Would Bob want her to make love to Teddy again? She hoped so, she'd like to make love with him. And, of course, Bob too. Yes, she wanted both of them again. And then, well, she came up with a fantasy.

She got out of the tub, noticing as a married man tending his children watched her. Maybe he'd like to join her in the room, screw her before the other guys got back? No, that probably wouldn't work, but it was fun to think about, wasn't it?

She didn't know how much time she had left before the guys got back, but she was determined to make the most of it. She slowly showered, and douched while she was at it, then carefully shaved her legs and underarms, trimmed the bush. She poked around in her suitcase, came up with a sweater she was sure was much too tight, a tiny red skirt and red panties that, she hoped, would blend in if she happened to spread her legs a bit too much in public. Then she spent a good forty minutes on her nails, painting them in a vibrant red, and her face, her brows and lashes sharply lined, her cheeks pink and her lips red. Who wouldn't want this body, she thought. As she was just finalizing her looks, putting on the high heels that made her even taller, squishing her sweater around, wondering if the nipples, unencumbered by a bra, were too evident, the door opened and in walked the muddy men.

"You stink!" she exclaimed.

"You'd stink, too, if you hiked around a marsh and didn't get a good shot at anything. Hey, you look good!"

She vamped for them. "Do I look as good as you look bad?" They both laughed. "Well, I'm not sticking around here, at least not until you two clean up. I left plenty of hot water for you. Meet me at the bar."

She ordered a Pina Colada, and found that it was paid for by a man at the far end. She tipped her glass to him, he came over to join her. Of course he wanted to pick her up and he didn't seem all that concerned when she mentioned her boyfriend, although he did look a little funnily at her wedding ring. He kept trying until Bob finally joined her, giving her a firm kiss on the lips, then the flirter wished them both a good evening.

"You clean up nice," Steph remarked.

"Thanks. You clean up even nicer!" and he gave her the twice-over while he ordered scotch on the rocks. They sat at a table. "If I know Teddy, he'll be a while yet, he was just getting in the shower when I left." He took a long swig, almost the whole glass, waved to the waitress for a refill. "You okay?"

"What do you mean?" She decided to make him squirm a little.

"About last night."

"Last night? Last night . . . last night. . . Oh, that! Sure, I'm okay. Shouldn't I be?"

"Sure you should be. It's just that, well, I didn't think you'd ever done anything like that before."

"Like what?" More squirming was in order.

"You know. Both of us."

"Oh, that. Yeah, I know. But there's no problem, is there?"

"No, none at all."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. You're right, that's the first time I ever did anything like that."

"I thought so."

She looked him straight in the eye. "I've decided I liked it."


"Yeah. And I want to do it again. Tonight. Is that okay with you?"

A broad smile covered Bob's face. "Yeah, just fine."

When Teddy joined them, he offered Steph a kiss on the cheek, but she turned it into a firm kiss on the lips, and made sure she pressed her bosom firmly into his arm. They had one more drink - Steph on her third was starting to get a little tipsy, but she didn't care - then headed for an Italian restaurant that was supposed to be pretty good. After coffee and a desert no one really wanted, she climbed into the middle of the station wagon seat, making sure Teddy got a good look at her ass and long, long legs.

In the room, Steph found a fairly good radio station on the motel room clock, then started dancing. First Bob joined her, and she squirmed and bumped against him, then she got Teddy to join them. First she pulled Bob's shirt off, then turned around and got Teddy's off, then she pulled off her own sweater. The dancing continued, she had a nipple sucked by first Teddy, then Bob, then both of them. Pants came off, the skirt was removed (not that it was doing much to cover her by that point,) and soon she found herself naked on a bed with two enthusiastic men at the same time. She couldn't have told you which one of them entered her first. And when Teddy was below her and Bob was behind her she was amused at how her body accepted them simultaneously.

The boys didn't go hunting the next day, and when she woke Steph happened to find herself in the bed that was also occupied by Teddy. She found that he had a morning hard on, so she climbed on top and helped him with the problem, then she went to the other bed and assisted Bob in much the same way.

On the ride home, she thought what she'd done that weekend and smiled to herself, not the least bit shy or chagrined about her newest breakthrough. Two men! Yes!


In the next few weeks, Steph let Teddy and Bob share her as they wished. Either might come over to the house on an evening, or she might head for the boat on a Saturday or Sunday. Sometimes she'd be with one, sometimes they'd share her. Each time they brought the wonderful white powder over, or perhaps a bag of mary jane, and Teddy in particular was nice to her, giving her a twenty- or fifty-dollar bill to help her through the small financial crises she told him about.

Steph returned to her daytime habit of getting into work a little late, Mr. Donegal warned her time and again that she was on the cusp of something bad happening, but she just smiled at him, figuring that he didn't have the guts to discipline her.

In early February, Bob gave her a call. "Hey, listen, a friend of mine from college came into town for a convention, he doesn't know anyone, and I've got to make some sales calls. I was wondering if you'd like to go over there and let him take you to dinner." Steph didn't see any problem with it, met him at the Top Of The Mark for a cocktail, and found that he was an athletic, very good looking negro. She didn't have anything against africans, of course, but still, she thought Bob could have let her know. Ah, well, might as well make a night of it.

The man took her to dinner at Ghirardelli Square, and she found out that he was very nice. He flattered her, got to know her well, and then, back in the hotel, when he suggested she come up to his room for a drink she accepted. It was she that lit the funny cigarette, and to no one's surprise fifteen minutes later she was on her back, and the fat black cock was splitting her thighs. She spent the rest of the night with him, he must have come three or four times, and when she left he insisted on giving her eighty dollars for cab fare, even though her car was parked in a nearby lot.

Traveling across the Bay Bridge toward Oakland she had to make a decision. Did she turn up at work in her party clothes, only fifteen minutes late, or did she head home, change, and wind up an hour late? She chose to be more or less on time, and Mr. Donegal just shook his head and suggested that a little more modesty should be called for.


As she got back home that night, dog tired, she found in the mailbox next to the advertisements and a package from her mother three letters from Glenn. She made herself a salad, poured a glass of wine, lit a ganja and opened the letters. The first two were traditional, tales of what he'd shot on the Subic Bay golf course when the ship had hit port, the numbing boredom of shipboard life, but the third had a paragraph that was strange.

. Are you okay? I haven't got a letter from

. you in over a week. Maybe it's just the mail,

. but the other guys are getting letters okay.

. Are you busy? Please, try to write a little

. more often, I really miss you and I need to

. know you love me.

She made sure that she wrote him a long, long letter that night.


That weekend she visited Bob's boat for a ride, and found that Teddy had brought Cherry with him again. This time Steph didn't mind when Cherry kissed her, went down on her, and even brought her off before the two guys got involved, everyone screwing everyone. Steph enjoyed the sex, but she didn't come quite as hard as she usually did when she was up on coke.

After Teddy and Cherry left, Steph and Bob sat on the deck, sipped champagne - Stephanie thought it went well with cocaine - and Bob said, "There's going to be a great party in Tiburon Thursday night. You should come."

"Sure. What kind of party?"

"You know, a party kind of party. Lots of great people are going to be there. You've got to look good at that kind of a party." He reached into his pocket, gave her two hundred dollar bills. "Go out and buy a new outfit. Something real sexy."

"Okay. Sexy, huh?"

"Yeah. Something that would make me want to tear your clothes off."

"Got it."


Steph went shopping Sunday afternoon, prowling the stores in the Hayward shopping centers, found nothing she really wanted. Oh, there were the usual assortment of miniskirts and tops, color blocks or paisleys, and she could doll it up with jewelry, but it just wasn't right. After work on Monday she decided to head over to San Francisco and hit the small boutiques on Union Street. There she found exactly what she wanted, a gold minidress, high neck that circled her throat, the hem came just inches down her legs, the bodice fit quite tight over her breasts, she'd never be able to wear a bra with this outfit, but that was okay, wasn't it? There was a matching pair of panties, the smallest she'd ever worn. Accessories included gold boots that headed to her knees, a gold beret that fit on her curls perfectly, a thin gold clutch and gold earrings that dangled down her cheeks. The material was sheeny in a subdued psychedelic pattern, and when the fabric caught the light it glittered blue. And it was thin, she realized that if the light was behind her, people could look right through the skirt and see the gap between her legs - if that wasn't sexy, what was? The price was excessive, eating up most of the money Bob had given her, easily the most expensive outfit she'd ever worn, but, hell, she deserved it, didn't she? Of course she did, and it made her look so damn good! She took it.

Wednesday night she went to the beauty parlor and had her hair cut and permed, curlier than usual, and even spent a few more bucks to get a manicure and pedicure, gold nail polish, of course - now the money she'd spent getting ready for this party was more than Bob had given her. Back at home she put the whole outfit on and thought she looked great, and when she sat, if she didn't cross her legs the panties were completely exposed, and she saw that clumps of pubic hair crept out of hiding. So she did something she'd never done in her life, got a pair of scissors, cut some of the hair down, and with a razor trimmed the edges. 'I'll bet Playboy Bunnies do this,' she thought, and was proud to think she was in their company.

When Bob came to pick her up, he called her 'Fab,' and she knew then she'd gotten it perfect. On the drive up I80, then over the San Rafael Bridge and south into the seaside town, Bob couldn't keep his eyes off her legs, nor his hand out of the gap between her legs - by the time they got to the party house, high on a hill in Marin County, Steph was already wet from the attention.

When they walked into the house, there were maybe forty people in the gigantic living room, more guys than girls, and by the gazes she received, Steph knew she was outshining all the other women. The house was fantastic, the most enormous she'd ever been in, and the owner, an old pudgy guy by the name of Georgie, took her on a tour. At least six bedrooms and four bathrooms, the master bedroom having the largest bed she'd ever seen and couches in the corners. The house featured a wrap around porch on the east and south sides, with a hot tub that a dozen people could fit into; already there were two couples in the bubbling water, one of the girls had breasts that were at least twice as large as Steph's. She was sure because all of the occupants wore nothing.

She admired the view from the Golden Gate Bridge all the way around to the East Bay. Georgie copped a feel first her ass, then around her back to the side of the breast. Steph didn't really mind, she'd worn this outfit so guys would want her, but Georgie wasn't her type, she quickly moved away from him, back into the house.

She got a drink - Bob was chatting with some people over in a corner - and then she found a table loaded with various drugs. She sniffed one line of coke, but it just didn't do it for her, just a little rush, and a good looking guy near her said, "You ought to try this," and handed her a sugar cube.