The Separation Ch. 02: The Reconciliation

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A couple comes back together.
3.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/07/2018
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Chapter 2-Reconciliation

It had been a couple of weeks since that day, with almost no communication from Veronica. I spent most of my free time trying to distract myself with working out and surfing, but that day kept replaying in my mind, haunting me in my dreams, and when I was awake. No matter what I was doing, talking to clients, watching tv, or taking a shower, in the back of my mind I could still hear Veronica's pleasure filled moans.

It was torture knowing that while I sat home obsessing, she was most likely fucking her brains out with this guy, with absolutely no thought of me at all. Then just when I had given up any hope of reconciling ever again, she texted me.

"Can you meet for lunch?"

There she was, always calling the shots.

"Yeah sure"

"Great maple at 12:30?"

"Sounds good" I texted back, as butterflies filled my stomach.

Much to my surprise I almost immediately began to get aroused at the thought of seeing her. I showered and must have changed my shirt 5 times. What was I doing, why did I still care, especially after watching her with someone else? I hated that I loved her still.

Lunch time came and I walked awkwardly into the restaurant. All of my movements felt robotic. I tried to play cool and unaffected, but I was already thinking too much. I saw her seated in a booth so I quickly moved over and sat opposite her. She looked up from her menu, sunglasses still on, and smiled. Not big, not fake, just enough to be nice. I sensed she felt vulnerable. "Hi" I said anxiously. Damn I was nervous.

"Hi" she said nicely.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Just looking over the lunch specials" she said, obviously trying to act as normal as possible to make this less awkward.

"No, I mean why did you want to meet up?"

"Oh, ok. you want to jump right into it? Don't you want to have a drink first?"

"Haha, yeah.....that's probably a good idea" I said, finally breaking a smile.

After we ordered drinks I looked over the menu just so I didn't have to think of what to say. The silence was uncomfortable and felt strange. Once the drinks arrived I must have sucked mine down in a minute and ordered another.

"What are you nervous?" she asked, kind of laughing.

"Huh, no. I mean, maybe a little" I said, also laughing at myself.

"Ok, so, the reason I wanted to meet" she said, clearing her throat.

"Yeahhhhh......" I said, my foot tapping floor.

"I think we should consider trying to work things out"

My stomach was tight, I was blindsided and unprepared to hear anything like that.

"Ok" I stammered, "why, I mean what changed your mind? Only a few weeks ag....."

"I know" she said, cutting me off, "you know how I am. I ran away and tried to get over you."

"And?" I said, slightly frustrated from being cut off.

"And we have too much history, a family. That's not easy to just disconnect from, and having time to myself, well, I was able to consider all that happened. I know it wasn't all you. I think I just needed that time to clear my head. And I think we should at least see if we can't work on this again."

As she spoke I barely heard her. I just stared at her mouth and thought of her lips wrapped around his dick, and how she made him moan. I felt my cock twitch, and at the same time realized she had stopped talking, I needed to say something.

"I agree, but....." I started to say.

"But what?" she said, again cutting me off slightly.

I continued, "A couple weeks ago when I picked the kids up you were, you were on your way out to a third date."

"Yeah, and?" she said, starting to sound annoyed, obviously hoping this wasn't going to be brought up.

"Well, um" I said, feeling pressured to say something quickly. "you said that you were going to get some.......well, did you?"

"Dude, I am trying to move forward, that's the past, and we were separated, it's not relevant to us now what I did then. You and your questions, I swear!" she said even more annoyed.

Here we go, I thought, but I wasn't letting her off that easy.

"Look I understand, but please understand YOU made me aware of that situation, and so I need to make peace with the questions that loom in my head or I'll never be able to move on. I'll always be distracted by them." I said confidently.

She huffed, "Ok fine, I'll do my best so you can move on. what did you want to know?" she said sounding irritated, but less defensive.

"Well, what happened between you two?" I asked calmly.

"That night, or in general?"

"Mmmmmm, both I guess."

"Do you want me to be blunt?" she said sort of daringly, like are you sure you want to go down that road.

"That would help." I quickly responded with a smile. I loved how uncomfortable she already was.

She shifted in her seat and said "We hooked up."

"Haha well according to you that could me anything from a kiss to........" I started to say.

"We fucked.....ok!?" she blurted out.

The words echoed in my ears as I sat silent for a moment, letting it hang between us.

"Yeah, ok. So....just that once or?" I said, trying to remain cool.

"Does it matter?!"

"Obviously it does to me" I said, obviously annoyed. "You need to stop making everything that matters or doesn't matter to you something that I should fall in line with. I am not you. I have different turn ons, tastes, hobbies, opinions, priorities, etc, so please, just because you think or feel a specific way does not mean that should be the norm for me, you do not set the bar for everyone else!" I said back, almost yelling towards the end.

"Wow, relax!! You get so worked up!" she said sternly.

"Yeah because you work me up making me pull teeth and then getting judgie about my persistence in asking." I said shooting back.

"Uhhhhh, fine whatever. Yeah we did it more than once. All in all we hooked up for a couple of weeks." she said sounding like she was finally over trying to be in control.

"Like how often?"

"Maybe every other day at first, then just a couple times a week."

"At your house or his?"

"Both, but the first time at mine, on our third date."

"Yes, I remember how hot you looked when I picked up the kids that day, he must have wanted you pretty bad that night huh?" I asked, my voice starting to shake just slightly.

She just smiled, acknowledging my question with a silent yes.

I felt myself becoming aroused as the images of that night flashed through my mind.

I leaned in closer and asked, "What was it like, be honest, was it really good? I mean it's been a long time since you were with anyone else."

"It was definitely different."

"Are you really going to beat around the bush and make me ask every question more than once? And you ask why I get so worked up" I responded with a laugh.

"Ugh....YES, of course it was good, I mean it was JUST about sex, so sure, it was exciting."

Of course I already knew it was good, I heard her cum her brains out the first time they fucked, but I wanted her to say it, and have to squirm a little. This shit made her so uncomfortable, but right now I didn't care. She owed me this.

"So why did it stop, I mean why didn't it turn into anything?"

"He wasn't you, we didn't connect emotionally. Honestly, it was just sex,"

Geez, girls will never understand, that sounds even worse to a guy.

"You didn't start to have feelings at all?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Nope. You know I'm able to keep emotions out of it, so I didn't even let myself go there."

"So all you did was meet up, hook up, and done?"

"Pretty much. I mean we would go out for drinks, or dinner, but sometimes we just would meet up at my place or his."

My mind was going crazy imagining all the insanely hot sex they must of had.

"Did you ever spend the night?"


"Always use a condom?"


"Did you ever suck him off?"

"Mmmm, well, I gave him blowjobs, but he never came in my mouth, if that's what you mean."

"So always inside you?"

"Yes, always inside me. Look, it was exciting and new, so the sex was hot. Is that what you wanted to hear? It didn't mean anything."

By now I was rock hard and throbbing. Sperm competition at work, I wanted her more than I ever had. Feeling bold I just threw it out there. "Are you turned on right now?"

The annoyance on her face instantly melted away as she softly whispered "yes" as if embarrassed to admit it.

"Are you wet?"


Then leaning in close I looked her in the eyes and said, "Does all this talk of fucking make you want to do it?"

"Yes" she said, almost blushing. I stood up and reached my hand out for hers, "Lets go!"

She looked up at me, her eyes no longer shielded by a protective wall, but rather I saw my wife, the one who loved me, looking back, just waiting for me to receive her back. The corners of my mouth curled up in a slight smile, acknowledging it. She reached out and taking my hand, I helped her out of the booth.

I felt the urgency between us, we hadn't been that sexually charged since we first started dating, and it was exciting! "Your house" I said as we walked to her car. We didn't talk the entire car ride there, but just held hands like there was no tomorrow. Normally she would complain about my grip, but she was squeezing just as tight. A few minutes later we pulled up to her apartment, almost in the same place I did that night. As we walked toward her door I flashed back to that day. I could still remember the anxious feeling I had, and how my curiosity and the fear of completely losing her felt. The one thing that gave me any hope after that night was knowing her ability to emotionally disengage from sex, and thankfully she had.

Her door flung open and we walked straight to her room. Surreal. I stood for a moment, looking down at the unmade bed I was underneath only weeks earlier. After putting her things down she turned to me. We kissed with such passion, not since we first met. We tore at each other's clothes and climbed on the bed, naked. Still kissing, our naked bodies pressed together, hands rubbing and squeezing one another. The intensity between us burned like fire and excited me to no end. We hadn't lost it, the chemistry between us now reignited. I pushed her on her back and looking into her eyes slowly entered her. "So wet" I muttered, as my lips pressed against hers. She grabbed my ass and spreading her legs open, pulled me in deep. Moans all around. God I had missed her. I began to thrust slowly into her wanting body, savoring every pleasure filled stroke.

As I did, images of her affair flashed through my mind. We were laying in the exact same place, only our sex was much different, I could feel it. It was obvious to me now that he was just a distraction from sadness, a release of anger. Whereas now, she lay under me, heart exposed, embracing me as if telling me she would never let go. We were in love. Suddenly she grabbed my shoulders and pushed me over and onto my back. Then looking into my eyes, she sat down, as her soft, wet pussy, swallowed me whole. It was erotic, sensual, and hot.

As she rode me, her hands rested on my chest and her eyes closed. I watched her face contort from pleasure as her perfect breasts bounced to the rhythm of our sex. I couldn't help my mind from wandering back to the last time I saw her like this, riding someone other than me. Surprisingly the thought didn't make me jealous, but almost grateful. Her affair offered me a glimpse of the highly sexual woman she was before becoming a parent, and it aroused me like nothing else ever could. There was an intensity between us we hadn't felt in such a long time, and I got the feeling it would remain a consistent part of our relationship forever. It didn't take long until we both started to cum......hard, and loud.

Veronica's orgasm soaked me as I emptied myself into her. She kept grinding, cumming a second, and third time, milking my throbbing dick. Our orgasms seemed to last forever until finally once spent, she collapsed next to me. Then we just lay there, on wet sheets, panting, sweating.

I don't even remember falling asleep, or how long it had been. The first thing I noticed was our hands clasped together. I smiled and gave her a squeeze. I never felt so connected, so one, and so in love as I had in that moment, and I knew now we were going to be much different.

Weeks had passed and our relationship was amazing. We looked at each other with hungry eyes, excited, and happy. We had a new appreciation for the relationship we had somehow taken for granted, and now knew what a gift it truly was.

I had all but forgotten about 'him', but clearly he hadn't forgotten about her. One night while while I was making dinner, she walked in the kitchen, then setting her phone down said, "He just texted me." She seemed annoyed, and I immediately knew who she was referring to. "And......what did he say? What did he want?" I asked anxiously. Stupid question.

"Ughhhh, I'm so annoyed!! I told him when we got back together, just so he would leave me alone" she said pacing around.

"Ok, well he obviously didn't, so what does he want?"

"He was checking to see if we were still together.......he obviously wants to hook up."

"And by hook up you mean....."

"Yeeeeah, hello?!!" she said quickly.

"So did you reply?"

"No!" she said quickly shooting me a surprised look.

"Are you going to?"

"I don't know, should I even bother?!"

"Sure, I mean, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid, it's just more what he said, I don't know what I could say that I haven't already."

"What? What did he say?"

She handed the phone to me. The text read;

"I miss your tight little body

You are so fucking sexy

Text me"

Then she took the phone and deleted it.

"Wow" I said, kind of surprised at his boldness, but then again what did he have to lose? "So maybe just ignore it then, and wait to see if he texts again?"

"Yeah probably. If he does I'll just block him. Ugh, how annoying" she said, as we sat down to eat.

After dinner we watched a couple of shows and Veronica practically fell asleep in my lap. I turned off the tv and told her to go to bed, and that I would handle everything. She stumbled off as I filled our waters, and plugged in her phone. Just as I did, the screen lit up from a text. My heart jumped, was it him again?! Anxiously I opened it.

"Thinking about you

I want more

I know you miss it too

Text me!!"

My heart raced as I read it, and the impulse rose up in me to respond. I couldn't help it, hearing how much this guy wanted her sexually excited me, and I needed to hear more.

"What do you miss?" I texted back.

Almost immediately he wrote back.

"Fuck, we had the best sex ever...... can't stop thinking about it!!"

"What made it the best? I want to know what you miss so bad" I texted back with hands trembling.

" your hot little body

your perfect tits

your moans

your taste"

My heart was pounding with excitement as my cock began to grow. I watched the text bubble anxiously awaiting another.

"your mouth on me, sucking

You're so smooth and tight, so wet

You fuck me so good and make me cum so hard

I'm stroking my dick right now just thinking about it!!"

My hands were sweaty and shaking as I held her phone, but my cock, rock hard and throbbing. Hearing how much he wanted my wife, viewing her only as a sexual object, made me want her all the more. I reread his texts one more time, my arousal firmly peaked, then texted back, "thanks for that, but you served your purpose. I'm in love with my husband and we are staying together."

And with that I then blocked his number and deleted the texts. I plugged her phone back in, went to the bathroom, then quietly crept back in the room. I crawled in bed and she seemed to be asleep, but stirred as I adjusted myself. Almost immediately she nestled up next to me, leg over mine, her hand resting on my chest. Slowly her hand moved down to my stomach. A moment later slid down until reaching my hard dick. She grabbed it and squeezed, as I moaned in relief. Then after stroking it softly she moved down under the covers. There was a pause, then suddenly a warm, wet feeling began engulfing me as she took me into her mouth. With the intense buildup and her tongue swirling, it didn't take long before I moaned loudly that I was going to cum, giving her a chance to stop. To my surprise she began stroking me faster and sucking even harder. Suddenly I let out a yell as intense pleasure ripped through me. My body stiffened, then an explosion of ecstasy as I began to cum. Such erotic pleasure as she continued to stroke, with her lips tight around me, until I was spent. I lay there, in heaven and disbelief as to what just happened. She quickly got up to use the bathroom to free her mouth of my juices.

When she left I looked over and noticed her iPad was sitting on her nightstand and open. I reached over to close it, but as my hand touched the screen, it lit up. It was opened to iChat. It only took me a second to realize she must had synced it to iCloud, because all the texts from her phone were here. My heart jumped as i realized she must have been watching the texts between him and I when I thought she had gone to sleep. Suddenly I heard her walk back in the room, startling me, as I slammed the iPad closed. She stood in the doorway for a moment watching me squirm, then just as I attempted to stammer out a dumb excuse she slowly walked over to the bed.

"shhhhhhhh........" she whispered. I froze, laying on my back, waiting for what she would say. She just pulled back the covers, and climbed on the bed, straddling me. Then she took her hair out of her clip, and slowly shook her head as her curls fell down over my face and chest. Then with a sultry, seductive tone, she asked almost teasingly, "Did you like that?"

"What?.... You mean the blowjob......Yes um, of course..... it was......" I said, still very nervous about being caught, and what she was up to.

As I spoke she reached down and pulled her panties to the side, then to my complete surprise, began rubbing against my half hard cock. I couldn't believe how wet she was, or what she was even doing.

"And what he said about me, did you like that too?"

"Um, was, was very sexy."

I was almost completely hard now as she teased me with her words and pussy.

"You like hearing him talk about us fucking, and how badly he wants me still don't you?"

"Yes, It was.....soooo arousing, so hot baby......uhhhhhh that feels good" I muttered as her soft lips pressed against my now throbbing dick. And by the feel of how wet she was, it must have been hot for her too.

"What about you?" I asked, feeling bolder now that I knew I wasn't in trouble. "Did it turn you on hearing him describe how hot you are.....and how good you......uhhhhh, yes..... that feels so good, how good you fuck?"

She closed her eyes and rubbed against me quicker, my head slipping between her lips. She was dripping now, soaking me all the way down between my thighs. I was so hard I felt like a ballon about to pop. Seeing how aroused she was made me yearn for it to never end.

"Yessss" she moaned, eyes still closed, as if reliving a sexy scene in her mind.

"Yes what?" I moaned back, anxious as to her reply.

"Yes it turned me on, being wanted just for sex.......and hearing him describe how hot it was."

I groaned hearing her words, and pushed my hips up needing to feel her around me. Then opening her eyes, she looked deep into mine. Her tone changed slightly to a more serious one as she said, "but this is the only cock for me now....."

Then slowly she sank down until I was deep inside, right where I wanted to be...... forever.

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timrivtimrivover 3 years ago

Despite the fact they were separated, she fucked another guy repeatedly, she says it was just sex to placate her husband. He knew it was pretty steamy and woman are more likely to get involved than men. She wanted hubby back because they had kids, and a history don’t remember anything she said about still loving him and missing making love to him. To me he is a sap and a cuckold. If the lover had an ability to give her a better future than what her hubby did she would have never wanted a reconciliation.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 5 years ago
Good Story

I found this one different and entertaining. True, you could have gone much deeper into the whys but I don't have to have everything spelled out. I wish this FICTIONAL family a long happy life and hope you move on to bigger and better stories.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Really good and hot story

No cheating and a mutual reconciliation.

chytownchytownalmost 6 years ago
Good Follow Up****

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great start

Seeing our partners as others see them can be a good reminder of what we have...hope this story continues

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