The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony

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It was only going to be once or twice to try it.
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If you are looking for character development, read no further. I don't think it is necessary, so don't do it as a rule.

This one has some elements of BDSM in it, and really doesn't end well for those that break, if not legal laws, then moral ones. I explain where it came from in an afterword. This story technically includes a rape scene, but it is presented in a non-titillating manner, anything else would be offensive. If you have a 'history' you may choose to stop reading now.

My thanks to CTC. My editor, lover and best friend for the edit. As an editor, she's a bit old fashioned and has edited differently to some of the editors recently seen on this site, in that she actually read the story, fixed spelling mistakes, added missing words and made sure the tense is consistent.

This one scores around 4.8/5 pickaxe handles on the BTBometer.


Sonya looked at the retreating back of her husband and couldn't supress a smile. Her scratch plan had worked brilliantly. She now had at least four hours to do what she'd dreamt of for the last two months. Completely free from restriction. Unbridled. It was going to be sooo good.

Hearing the toot of a car horn, she quickly grabbed her overstuffed handbag and made for the door. Closing it firmly but quietly, she headed for the car in the driveway. Even in the gloom of evening, Sonya could see that both front seats were occupied. She opened a back door and slid into the opulent rear of the Lexus, a little surprised that her friend from work, Clara, was driving. That made the tall, slim front seat passenger, Jonathan, her husband, by deduction. Trying to hide her need to get out of there quickly, she spoke in an uncharacteristically sing-song voice.

"Dave's not coming. Let's go, let's go."

Jonathan nodded at his wife, who slipped the car into reverse and backed out of the driveway while Jonathan introduced himself to Sonya. Once pleasantries were done, Clara asked the inevitable.

"Why isn't Dave coming?"

For this, Sonya was well prepared.

"At the last moment he chickened out. He said he's very happy for me to do this but just couldn't stand to watch the first time. Maybe next time."

Clara glanced sideways at her husband and raised an eyebrow quizzically. They then began a discussion, obviously justifying keeping going with the change of plan. If there'd been an impartial observer, they would have noted that not once did Clara deviate from driving directly to their destination.

Sonya tuned out and tried to relax after the drama of the last thirty minutes. She wanted to enjoy this experience to the fullest. After all, it might be the one and only time.

Sonya had worked with Clara for the last two years and they'd become reasonable work friends. Six months ago, on a Monday morning, Sonya commented that Clara seemed to be walking very gingerly that day. Clara hesitated, then began a conversation that altered Sonya's world forever.

Clara and her husband were members of a group, although, Clara pronounced it, GROUP. It wasn't exactly a swingers group, Clara was adamant about that. Rather, it was a conglomerate of five couples who shared a common interest. All the men liked watching their wives get fucked by other men. All the women liked being spoiled by multiple men at the same time. Sonya breathlessly used the word 'gangbang' at around this part of the story but Clara said they never used that term. The reason for Clara walking gingerly, was that it was her turn to be the centre of attention of five men the previous night. The reason for Sonya's breathlessness was that Clara had stumbled upon the former's favourite fantasy. Since her early twenties, the thought of sex with multiple men had made her gush. Now, at thirty-one, happily married, and on the cusp of going off the pill with the idea of starting a family, it should have been a long-forgotten dream.

And it had been until Clara started talking about her hobby.

The itch re-appeared, then grew exponentially over the ensuing conversations. Little did Clara know of a decision Sonya had made a few months prior. A decision that she'd already started acting upon, and a decision that made her future actions inevitable.

About two months ago, Sonya had decided she wanted some of the action. The huge stumbling block; what her husband would think of the idea. Without coming straight out with it, she'd prodded, probed, and plumbed the boundaries of Dave's open-mindedness. She'd role played some aspects of swinging with him, and if she was any judge, he'd enjoyed it. However, the one time she'd even mentioned thinking about it for real, he'd slammed the door in her face. Marriage for him meant monogamy. However exciting the thought of watching Sonya with another woman was—that's the sales pitch she'd pushed to get her foot in the door—a third person in bed wasn't worth the risk it posed to their marriage. She stopped just short of, 'can we do this?'

Sonya was getting increasingly frustrated. Going into the lady's bathroom at work and masturbating to a knee trembling orgasm every time Clara described her weekend exploits or observations kept the lust monster at bay for only so long.

She was faced with three choices. Put the question bluntly to Dave and hope for the best. Give up on her dreams and never know if group sex was the ecstatic dream it was in her head. Or, somehow cut him out of the picture. She never seriously contemplated asking him, and if he refused, openly going alone anyway. She'd read stories and that never worked out.

Originally, she decided on option three and had told Clara she would attend the party on the previous weekend while her husband was away on a business trip. The party was unexpectedly deferred to this weekend and Dave wasn't scheduled to be away for another few months. Option one was thrust to the head of the queue by sheer impatience and lust.

A natural ditherer, she left the decision too late. Early in the fateful week, after she'd shown her clear venereal disease certificate to Clara and added that Dave was also clear, but they were waiting on the official paper, she told her husband they'd been invited to a party with Clara and Jonathan, but not the nature of the party. That left option one wide open, and option three open, with a slight modification.

Sonya never worked up the courage to put the question bluntly to Dave. Or, if she was honest with herself, she knew that if she did and he refused, then he would be on high alert for her sneaking off some other time. So, she manufactured an argument where he refused to go out for the night. After twelve years of marriage, she knew exactly which buttons to press. When he appeared in smart casual attire, she demanded he change into his best suit as her friend were very well-to-do and she didn't want to be embarrassed. Dave, being an extremely WYSIWYG type of guy, argued the point, allowing her to storm out the door without him.

If she'd been thinking with her brain at this point, the logic might have been, see how the first experience went, then, if it was a good as her dreams, take it from there. Either re-double her efforts to get Dave involved or put effort into coming up with a foolproof cover for her ongoing activities. Marriage and a family were her long-term utopian goals, so nothing she did could risk her marriage.

In the dark rear seat of the Lexus, Sonya smiled the smile of one who has pulled off a difficult manoeuvre. In the front seat, Jonathan shared an equally satisfied smile with his wife.

Before Sonya could dream too much more about the evening to come, they'd arrived at their destination. She hadn't noticed what part of town they were in, but it was certainly a flash house. Just before their host opened the door to let them in, Clara whispered to Sonya that everyone in the group had agreed that as this was her first time, she should be the one and only centre of attention that night. This was beyond Sonya's wildest expectations and she almost fainted from the rush and roaring in her head.

Once inside, she was ushered into a room, seemingly full of cushions. Lounging on the sofas were four women of about Clara's age. In their forties anyway. Clara and Jonathan joined them in the circle of seats after leading Sonya into the room. Standing in the centre were four men. Younger than the women, they could well have ranged from late twenties to early thirties. All were well muscled and barely dressed. The anticipation caused all semblance of reasoning to be wiped from Sonya's head. If it hadn't, then questions like, 'how can these studs be married to these women', might have arisen.

The men closed in around her. One embraced her from the front and kissed her long and deep. One stood behind her and reached under Sonya's dress before sliding her panties to her ankles. The other two groped whatever was left. Normally, Sonya would have been very uncomfortable being stripped bare in front of so many strangers, especially the spectators, but these were far from normal circumstances. For the next two hours, Sonya was all but oblivious of her surroundings. Coming down off one particularly powerful orgasm, she did glance at Clara and Jonathan. They were paying her no mind and quietly talking together. The woman next to Clara was stifling a yawn. That's all that registered until several sets of hands, tongues, and cocks diverted her attention again.

Time had no meaning. The boundary of the definition of, 'It can't get better than this', was pushed back every few moments it seemed. Four sets of hands caressing her, were replaced by four tongues or nibbling teeth. Once, Sonya caught herself looking down to see if her skin was actually on fire. It certainly felt that way. Even before the first cock entered her, the boundary of most pleasure imaginable, had been pushed back to an unimagined distance.

The guys were not only unbelievably skilled but incredibly patient as well. The first hour was taken up with teasing only. Rubbing hands. Stroking fingers. Lingering tongue caresses. All leading towards, but never actually reaching the trigger points she was becoming desperate, frantic almost for. If she'd been one on one with any of them, Sonya would have pushed them back and impaled her needy sex onto a tongue or a cock. Outnumbered four to one, she had no choice but to go where they took her. Similarly, their cocks were kept just out of range of her hungry mouth.

Finally, at a prearranged signal that caught Sonya completely by surprise, her major erogenous zones were attacked simultaneously. Two mouths and sets of teeth latched on to her diamond-hard nipples. A cock was finally presented to her mouth from above, an opportunity Sonya wasn't about to let pass. All nice stuff, but all pushed into the background by the sensations between her legs. A tongue, very long and talented by the feel of it, thrust her inner lips apart and did incredible things. Simultaneously, something attacked her aching clit. Whether lips or fingers, Sonya would never know. Memory joined reason flying out the window. All Sonya was aware of was the most shattering orgasm of her life. Arching her back, she strained against the restraining bodies. Joined in silent union; tongues, fingers, and teeth all bit harder.

Sonya awoke from a faint to find it had all started anew. Caressing and kissing. Bringing her body back from heaven and arousing it again until once more she was screaming for relief.

More detail was impossible to remember as Sonya floated among the clouds. Later, memory provided just little glimpses.

The breath was driven from her lungs at the first entry of a cock in her screaming sex. Was it the same cock that was still thrusting away when the cock in her mouth erupted, causing her to gag as cum shot into the back of her throat? Whatever. She felt the shift change down below half way through blowing the next one presented to her face.

The witnesses saw the four guys lining up her sloppy pussy, one after the other, and emptying themselves in it. They saw their spent members being presented back to the recumbent mouth for re-charging. Sonya was ignorant on any conscious level of just about the lot.

When consciousness did begin to seep back, Sonya realised it was because she was getting numb. Her straining nerve ending had finally been overloaded. She tried to make sense of where she was and what she was experiencing.

She was on her stomach, and there was a grunting man under her. She became aware that her perspiration was dripping onto him. Not that he noticed. He was too busy thrusting upwards into her splayed cunt. Sonya marvelled at the detachment she felt from it all. She'd just started to look around, to see what everyone else was up to, when she felt a pair of hands grasping her hips. They pulled her ass higher, but not enough to detach it from the guy underneath. Suddenly, the hands disappeared, replaced almost instantly by fire. Good fire. No one had ever offered to use their tongue on her anus before. Now, without a choice, she experienced a very talented introduction.

Sonya's last orgasm of the evening came minutes or hours later, she was off with the fairies again. When she came to this time, her hips bore down until she could feel the cock in her numb cunt nudging her cervix, her back arched to what looked like a painful bow, her head back at an impossible angle and a larynx-rupturing scream ripped from her throat. All this drowned the grunting below her as the sweat drenched man emptied inside her again.

She was vaguely aware of hands lifting her hips again, her cheeks being spread and a cock nudging her quivering anus. She turned her head to protest weakly and saw one of the spectating women shaking her head at the guy behind her. The cock and hands were gently removed, and she lay spent on the guy below. She felt his now flaccid cock slither out, followed by a mini tidal wave of cum. She was aware of relief. Despite Dave suggesting it several times, she'd never done anal. She'd realised and accepted before tonight that it would inevitably be included in the orgy sessions but was grateful to the unknown woman for saving her virtue on this occasion.

In the lead-up to tonight, the thought of anal made her a little nervous, terrified almost, that she wouldn't enjoy it. She'd prayed that if it was to happen tonight, it would be unexpected while another cock was busy in her front hole. Thinking about the size of the members involved tonight, she was glad they'd been stopped. There and then, she resolved to explore the practice with Dave before the next time she was spoiled like tonight. Oh yes. There would be a next time for sure. Logic had no part in that decision.

"See, Dave. Even if you don't know it, you're going to win from this too," Sonya thought to herself, as she was helped off the floor and towards a shower,

Despite having been screwed nigh on senseless, Sonya's brain was busy. Perhaps from adrenaline, perhaps from the excitement. Regardless, her brain was in overdrive, already planning. If this was her night to get spoiled and the club met once every two or three weeks, then it would be eight to twelve weeks before she was the centre of attention again. That gave her plenty of time to broach the subject with Dave. If she was economical with the truth, then she could say that they'd been invited to the club by her workmate, but the first few times was just Dave joining some other guys in spoiling the other wives. Once Dave was used to screwing other women, then he might be able to handle seeing Sonya as the centre of attention. Yes. That might work.

She was almost fully recovered by the time she'd finished showering. Making her way back through the house, she came to the same room she'd been gangbanged in. Clara was the only woman in sight and then, she was mostly hidden. The guys from Sonya's session surrounded her. Clara was straddling one, while the other two filled the other available orifices. Sonya found it a very erotic sight. Clara showed no discomfort at all, as one of the guys stroked in and out of her ass steadily. Sonya also marvelled at the way Clara seemed to be able to swallow the above average member in her mouth to the root with seeming ease. She'd have to ask her how to do that and practice on Dave. See, Dave, another win for you.

Sonya was just admiring how Clara went about servicing the three guys with businesslike efficiency, when Jonathan re-entered the room and suggested he take her home.

In the car, there were about a million questions Sonya wanted to ask Jonathan, but instead, she spent the time checking her appearance and inventing stories in case David asked her about the restaurant they'd supposedly gone to. If things went to plan, then he wouldn't get a chance to quiz her. She'd learned that the best tactic with Dave was to attack first. She intended laying into him about making her go out alone and embarrassing her in front of her friend. That way, not only could she avoid details about the evening, but Dave wouldn't pester her for sex and discover a gaping, oozing mess, because, despite having showered, she could feel more cum leaking into her knickers.


The attack being the best means of defence tactic, had worked on Dave before. Ever since Sonya had decided to accede to Dave's increasing demands to start a family but had also decided to explore her sexuality beforehand, she'd become increasingly bold in her activities. Just eight months ago, she'd briefly explored her bi side with a neighbour, discovering, eventually, she probably didn't have one.

On the last occasion, the exploration had been happening in her marital bed. Dave had come home early, but luckily, had made plenty of noise doing it. With the girlfriend in the closet, the reek of female sexual excitement so thick in the air you could almost see it, and her husband's steps on the stair, Sonya had had little choice. Opening the door just before Dave did, she'd blasted him for scaring her. He should have rung before coming home, she'd ranted, rather than scare her to death while she was taking an afternoon nap. The harangue kept her husband preoccupied while the neighbour made her escape.

Sure, the exploration had been fun, but it certainly wasn't worth risking her idyllic life for. Married for twelve years to a man who doted on her, and a job that was more to keep her from getting bored than from economic necessity.

Sonya smiled at the memory. Yes, an attack along the lines of 'how could you embarrass me like that to my friends', would keep his head down, his prick in his own pants, and give her time to plan either to broach the subject of group sex to him or decide how to hide her activities. She briefly thought of employing a tactic a friend of hers had successfully used to get permission from her husband to sleep with other guys. That is, wait until she had the leverage of children to force the issue. She realised she was too impatient for that. Besides, once she was pregnant, she'd decided to be the model housewife. No. The preferred option was still to appeal to her husband's inner man-slut.

She was still smiling when Jonathan pulled up in her driveway. He let it be known that he would stay with his lights shining on the front door until she was safely inside. Sonya eased out of the car and hobbled to the door, walking like a cowpoke who'd just completed a forty-kilometre endurance ride.

Meanwhile, back at the McMansion, Clara dismissed the gigolos with no small hint of annoyance. Getting spoiled by a bunch of studs, as a reward for attracting a new club member, would have been her dream once. Now she needed way more than that to come anywhere near sexual satisfaction.

On the hobble up the driveway, Sonya passed the reflective sign advertising Dave's business. Fuck, it felt like her groin and vaginal muscles were well and truly stretched. Pulling it from her purse, she fumbled her key into the lock. Or tried. It wouldn't fit. Checking it was the right one, the only anodised blue one she had, she tried again. It was totally the wrong shape. With rising panic, she began bashing on the door. No noise, no lights, no nothing to indicate the house was anything but empty. The panic rose higher with every passing second.