The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony


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Sonya looked at the people lined up to administer the slaps. Besides Clara, there were the three other regular wives, Sonya had never been told their names. Lined up with them, was Jonathan and four other middle-aged men. All now buck naked and sporting erections as they watched June's humiliation. One of them was tall, powerfully built but still overweight, and sporting a very unimpressive cock. Sonya had never seen him at a previous party, but as they were normally dimly lit, and she was stoned, she couldn't be sure. Looking around, Sonya noticed that only Jonathan had anything bigger than an average cock, but what a beauty it was. Clara finished her punishment of June, then reached into a box and retrieved a strap-on phallus and harness.

Jonathan finished paddling June, passed the bat, as it were, to the next person in line, moved around to the front, rolled the ball gag out of June's mouth, then thrust his cock in. With no consideration of her feelings, or even need to breathe, he began sawing in and out of her mouth. June gave little grunts around Jonathan's cock in rhythm with the paddle swipes. It was one of the most erotic sights Sonya had ever seen. Rushing to the box she'd seen Clara pick from, she looked in and chose a plastic cock about ten inches long. Picking this up revealed an even bigger one. At least twelve inches with a huge girth. She was in a hurry, so rejected this and, without taking her eyes off the action on the chair, put on the smaller one.

She'd just finished when, with a bellow, Jonathan unloaded into June's mouth. With her arms tied, she had no choice but to accept his hand on the back of her head, the tip of his cock at the entrance to her throat and the splashing load over her tonsils. Luckily for her, Jon collapsed exhausted before she passed out.

Sonya was ready. As Jonathan staggered backwards, exhausted, she stepped up to the plate. There was a look of panic in June's eyes as she spotted the ten inches heading towards her. Mercilessly, Sonya grabbed the back of June's head, forced her lips open with the plastic cock, and rammed in. She was like a she-demon possessed, until her conscience spoke. This could have been her being used and humiliated. She was responsible for cleaning the mansion as well. No, no, no. That was only part of why June was being punished. The other part was that she'd slutted around. Sluts should be punished. Hang on, aren't I a slut as well? She stopped thrusting and looked down at the victim of her recent aggression. She saw a tear escape June's eye. Mortified, she withdrew the phallus, dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms protectively around June's face. They stayed like this while everyone else lined up and had their turn punishing June's overused cunt.

Sonya was starting to come down from whatever was in her latest tonic. At one point, she looked up and around. The conclusion she reached was that these people really got off on this stuff. One guy was thrusting into June with an expression of pure sadistic pleasure on his face. His hand was busy, Sonya assumed fingering June's ass while he screwed her. By the whimpers June was making, Sonya also assumed he wasn't using lube. Clara and another woman were bent over June, while being screwed from behind. She didn't remember the name of the guy screwing Clara, but Jonathan was behind the other woman. All eyes were focused on what was being done to June, though. The woman Jon was screwing was arched sideways so she could see what the guy fucking June was doing with his fingers.

Sonya went back to pressing her face against June's, who was whispering to herself constantly, "I'm a slut, I deserve this. I'm a slut, I deserve this."

There was a scream of orgasm from the woman, Jonathan was doing. It caused Sonya to glance up. One of the other women, whose name she'd forgotten, was strapping on a harness and the twelve-inch monster Sonya had seen before. She couldn't allow this abuse of her friend and partner in crime. Disengaging herself from June's head, she walked around and stood between the guy fucking June and the woman lubing up the monster, her intention clear to all. The woman nodded her head towards the cushions on the floor. Sonya docilely moved over to them and lay down on her back but was told that sluts lived on their knees. Obediently, she rolled over and braced herself.

To cut a long story short, it was as bad as Sonya anticipated. The gradual but implacable entry of the strap-on, elicited moans of pain from her. They morphed to whimpers as the woman behind her got into a rhythm. At one point, she looked over her shoulder as sounds of an impending female orgasm got through her overloaded senses. She was just in time to see the woman arch her back and her face screw up in pleasure. There was a guy behind her with his eyes focussed on Sonya's discomfort. Also, as she watched, his hands snaked around her front to viciously squeeze her nipples. Half way through her peak, he unloaded into her. They both collapsed, thankfully dragging the demon out of Sonya. She rolled onto her back and massaged her stretched and used cunt.

Thankfully, that seemed to end the punishments. June was unstrapped, and, staggering herself, Sonya assisted her to the master bedroom, helped shower the almost comatose woman, then helped her to the bed where they both collapsed. Clara followed and expressed the hope they'd both learned their lesson. She poured them both a tonic then retreated, turning the lights out. June, obviously drowsy, mumbled, "That should have been you", confirming Sonya's early thoughts, that her friend had taken the fall for her, partly. She lay in the dark, cuddling up to her friend and fellow slut, glad she'd been able to spare her some of the pain she deserved. Sonya tried desperately to forget how turned on she'd been at one point during the evening. She didn't recognise them as such, but the feelings of having to protect her new best friend were maternal in nature. She was almost in tears for the depth of feelings she felt for the poor, abused woman. She tightened her hold on her but within five minutes, she fell into a deep, sedated sleep.

Down in the massive dining room, Jonathan sat at the head of the table of three other guys and four women, reviewing the progress of their latest project. They were all discussing which items on their checklist could be ticked off.

Silence fell momentarily as the door opened. There was a quiet round of applause as the newcomer, a woman, walked over and took one of the vacant seats. Jonathan, as chairman that week, spoke first.

"Well done, June, that went really well. We're proud of you."

"You speak for yourself, asshole, you damn near made me puke with that huge pole of yours."

Someone poured her a liqueur, then they got back to reviewing progress.

Chapter 3

Sonya wasn't the first target of the group. Their extensive research beforehand, coupled with practice gained with previous victims had made them accomplished.

Once a victim was identified, they were then tempted until they crossed a moral line. Going behind her husband's back and attending a gangbang was Sonya's. Next, they were socially isolated. Wedges driven between husbands, friends, family. In fact, anyone who could offer guidance apart from group members. In Sonya's case, further action became necessary as they learned David, who had so much time and emotion invested in Sonya, was considering forgiveness. A DVD of her greatest hits, anonymously in his letterbox, seemed to do the trick.

Once isolated, the next stage in the process of making a slave is well documented. Keep them busy, keep them physically tired, keep them malnourished. Make them feel like they deserve no better than they're getting. As their treatment gets worse, make them feel worse. In Sonya's case, she would be treated as a slut who deserved punishment at the same rate as she devolved into thinking of herself that way.

The group had started as a bog-standard swinging group. Then they'd needed more to get their jollies. After a year, even the gangbangs had palled. They'd played around a little with BDSM within the group, but none of them were masochists. So, they'd done their research and ensnared a single woman to humiliate and punish. It unleashed a beast amongst some of them. Those it didn't suit, quietly left the group. For the men, it unleashed their instinct to dominate. The women, partly that and partly debasing a younger woman acted as a sap to their fading vigour and youth. Early victims escaped quickly, so it was decided to target those a little older and married. That way, more isolation could be applied quicker.

From his seat at the head of the table, Jonathan smiled at their previous victim. June winning this huge place in the separation from her husband had been a bonus. The man's suicide had made her isolation quick and her guilt, very, very deep. They'd quickly ramped up her punishments to the level that even seasoned members of the group were sexually satisfied at the end of each session. Just as quickly, it became obvious that June was just too compliant. Where was the fun in the victim just lying there and taking her punishment? The plan for Sonya was a full order of self-loathing, hold the guilt. Half the fun would be breaking the new slave to their will. That's why they were already backing off on the medication. When the time came to show her what the group really wanted, they wanted her nice and uncompliant, but not independent enough to escape. They stopped short of holding her against her will. She may not be going to like what they did to her, but she would accept it as her deserved fate.

After giving June the chemical relief she craved, the group retired to separate bedrooms. Each with their favourite partner, hoping that intimacy could replace the pleasure they used to find with members of the opposite sex.

The next week, between work and helping June frantically clean the house, Sonya quizzed June on her attitude to the previous weekend. June replied as she'd been coached, saying she was a slut and deserved everything she received. Sonya became more excited as the weekend drew near. It was her turn again to be in the centre. She confessed to the other woman that the only anal sex she'd ever had was with a strap-on at one of their parties. She told June she was looking forward to more practice at it, so she could finally be DP'd. When June asked if Dave had ever asked for it, the answer was a smiling, 'yes, but he never got it.'

She was well primed by Friday night, when June passed on the message that the weekend's party was cancelled. Most of the guys were away on business and it was too late to book the studs. After debating all the next day, Sonya convinced June that it would be harmless to go to a nightclub that night. And it was, until Sonya ran smack into David on the dancefloor. She attempted to explain herself to him, but he just spat on her and made his escape. Sonya felt humiliated, all over again. She knocked back two top shelf drinks then agreed with June that the best revenge she could get on her soon-to-be ex-husband, was to pick up a couple of guys, take them back to the mansion and have them get what Dave never did. June agreed to ride shotgun and keep an eye out for intruders.

The pick-up went easily, and Sonya found herself in her bedroom, rolling a condom onto one guy, while the other lubed up his sheathed cock. June was in a chair by the door, making sure the guys didn't get too rough. After installing the sheath, Sonya mounted the guy cowboy style and rode him slowly to get some rhythm going. She felt the other guy slide behind her, a hand on her back pushing her forward, before first one, then a second greased finger spread lube up her near-virgin ass. Once the fingers were removed, Sonya forced herself to relax. The guy was gentle, but it still felt uncomfortable. She told him to just hold still until she got used to the sensation. They were holding this tableau, when Jonathan, followed by all seven other members of the group burst in the door.

Sonya looked from them to the two guys she was with and what she was doing. She realised she was in deep shit. She'd known it was wrong but done it anyway. She deserved whatever was coming her way and said that for the benefit of the recorder the group had rigged the room with. Her training was complete. She was enslaved. The group could do whatever they wanted to her. Sure, she would complain at the time, at least they sincerely hoped so, but deep down she'd always know she was getting her just punishment.


They do say that the best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry. The group were justifiably proud of their creation. Well, to be accurate, they were proud of the success of their plan. That night, Sonya was punished in a manner that befitted her crime.

She was whipped, to get the groups libidos flowing, then forcibly sodomised by members of the group, multiple times. They no longer had to be gentle and make sure the recipient enjoyed it. The inner sadists were given free rein. For most of them, it was the most exciting night of their lives. All about the room, mixed pairs, that is, guys and someone else's wife, screwed as they watched the action and awaited their turn.

They didn't think Sonya had any screams left until the final act. With a ball gag in place to prevent biting, Clara got under Sonya and worked a ten-inch strap-on into her cunt. That way she could look into Sonya's eyes as Jonathan none to gently lined up her puckered ring and entered with one quick thrust. The look of pain, fear, and humiliation in the younger woman's eyes, ample reward for the months of hard work she'd put in setting this up.

After Jonathan was done, Sonya was forcibly showered then put to bed. June, recovered from her chemical reward, came in to tend to her.

The first phase of Sonya's punishment lasted ten days. Every day June received a phone call to ask if the slave had recovered enough to be used that night. Every second day, the answer was yes. She tried to stretch it out for three days, at Sonya's begging, but was forced to share her punishment for that.

Things may have continued like that indefinitely were it not for the human drive for escalation. One of the wives, driven partly by what she'd seen in the mirror that morning, compared to the younger, prettier victim, and partly by the fact that after so long and so much activity, she was struggling to get off while watching the action, again, decided to give the group a fresh, vibrant scream from the victim. Unseen by anyone else, whose attentions were fixed on the action, she strapped on the biggie, concealing it with her dressing gown.

She timed it well. When the guy currently sodomising Sonya was nearing his peak, and his wife had just finished coming on Jonathan's cock over in the corner, she applied a fresh coat of lube. The guy grunted and shuddered, before pulling his rapidly shrivelling cock out, followed by a little gush of cum and a low moan from Sonya. He stepped back and another pair took over the vacant premises. Clara and another guy this time. Clara inserted her modest seven-inch strap-on into Sonya's ass, staying still then, while the guy entered her from behind. Once all were joined, Clara set a tempo that would ensure her male partner wouldn't last long. She reached down to finger her own clit, then used her free hand to slap Sonya's ass to elicit the pain response she craved to see. Less than three minutes later, Clara came just before her partner. They both collapsed exhausted.

Pushing the next guy in line aside, the woman grabbed the strap-on, stepped forward and rammed it full length into the recumbent Sonya's rectum. The unholy scream from the prone woman, brought everyone into a close circle. Most of them salivating. June, who was on duty serving drinks, was the first to see the blood, but it took all her strength to get anyone's attention.

With the evening festivities ruined, the group showered Sonya and left her in the care of June. In the early hours of the morning, June called an ambulance. Sonya was delirious with fever, with blood and faeces seeping out of her anus. Tests over the next few hours confirmed she had a torn rectal muscle and peritonitis from a perforated bowel. The bowel would eventually make an almost full recovery, but twelve months later, she bowed to the inevitable and got a colostomy bag fitted. She adamantly refused to press charges against anyone, claiming it was all consensual.

This relaxed the group until they were all contacted by the local health authorities. One of the reasons Sonya's bowel had torn so easily were the syphilitic sores up there. All sexual partners needed to be tested. They were in the middle of the testing process when the second contact came. Test for HIV as well.

The group had very strict testing rules. Group members were tested six-monthly. No group member was to have unprotected sex outside the group or from the pool of well-tested studs. Sonya's second gangbang, on the back seat of a car, outside a seedy hotel, had breached protocols. The group never knew of it. The first guy up her ass that night, gave her syphilis, the third, HIV. That was six weeks before the completion of her enslavement, so she was highly contagious. Due to the violent nature of the sex acts, transmission odds were maximised.

All members of the group were treated for syphilis, complete recoveries all round. Jonathan developed HIV and later AIDS, dying twelve years later. His wealth buying him an extra four years on Sonya. Clara was clean, however, and refused to have sex with Jon ever again. At first, she kept her extramarital affairs secret, but when he had to stop working and stay at home due to AIDS symptoms, she learned to enjoy flaunting it in his face. When he died, he was in a prison hospital. He didn't see the need to waste everyone's time by pleading innocent to her murder.

The woman who administered the fatal strap-on was overcome by remorse from her actions. She developed AIDS as well, but her husband didn't. She took to going to the poor end of town for impromptu gangbangs. She didn't return one night and was never heard from again.

Two of the other women in the group tested positive as well. The carrier was traced to Jon, always popular in the group due to the size of his endowment. Both died divorced and alone.

June, also devastated by thoughts of what she facilitated done to Sonya, responded to an advert in a specialist magazine and joined another group, as the victim. She used some of her late husband's wealth to buy the drugs she overdosed on six months later.

Dave attended Sonya's funeral alone. His wife and three children never having known her.

Sonya's story was used as a case study in the psychology course of the local university for six years, until details of a celebrity who collected and branded other women for her master/lover hit the media. Sonya's ultimate punishment for giving in to lust and breaking her marriage vows, was for her genes and her memory to be forgotten by mankind.

The End

Over the last year there has been a few stories in the media of an actress allegedly recruiting what were effectively sex slaves for her master. Some of these women seemed happy to be branded by a red-hot iron, in their groin. I didn't get it. You know me though, when I don't understand something, I research it. Do you know there are books on how to make a willing slave? 'Enslavement for Dummies', now there's a thought. The technique includes keeping the target isolated, tired and hungry while destroying their self-esteem. Sound familiar?

Now lighten the fuck up.

I was shagging this bird over her kitchen table when we heard the front door open. She said, "It's my husband! Quick, use the back door!" Thinking back, I really should have legged it - but you don't get offers like that every day.