The Síochán Ch. 04


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His light green eyes were appraising her as sensually as she was appraising him and she felt her heart skip a beat as their eyes met. The sexual tension between them was so thick she could almost reach out and touch it. Her breathing quickened as she lost herself in the smoky depths of his eyes, watching his hunger for her build with each passing second. He still wanted her. He still craved her the way she craved him.

"I took Lucas to my bed," she said more loudly than she intended. She was pleased at how calm and level her voice sounded as she announced it. She wanted it out in the open, no secrets between them. If they were going to have any kind of relationship then Nathaniel had to know everything.

She watched him stiffen and a black scowl cross his face. His breath hissed out angrily and he took a step towards her before he halted and glared at her. "You had to choose him, didn't you?" he ground out through clenched teeth. "Out of all of them, you had to choose that bastard to lie with!"

His rage surprised her. It surprised her because she had expected him to be angry that she'd been with someone else, instead he was angry that she'd chosen Lucas as her lover. What was it between those two that provoked such strong emotions?

She watched him warily, seeing the conflicting emotions warring in his eyes. For a moment she thought he might lash out at her but he seemed to get himself under control. He turned away from her but he didn't walk away. She didn't know if that meant something but she hoped it did.

"Why are you angry I slept with Lucas and yet you're not angry that I actually slept with another man?" she asked curiously.

Nathaniel spun around to stare into her face for a long moment and then he suddenly started to laugh softly. The unexpectedness of his reaction to her question confused her greatly. She wasn't aware that she had said anything amusing.

"Oh, that's just priceless," Nathaniel laughed. "You're still human! You have to be to ask me a question like that, Summer." He watched her confusion grow and fought down more laughter. The irony of the situation was just so funny it was hard not to laugh at the Síochán.

"I'm not angry that you chose another lover, Summer," he said quietly. "I was Síochán for millennia before I walked this world as a vampire. I haven't held to the mores of humans for what feels like eternity. I may not be too impressed that you chose Lucas but I don't hold it against you for laying with another man. I have lain with hundreds of women since we were last together." He didn't add that he had thought of her every single time he had sated his lust with another woman. He didn't ask if she had thought of him when she lay with Lucas.

Her sweet scent washed over him and he fought the need to go to her, to take her in his arms and press her softness against him. His hunger flared deep inside him, his need for blood giving him a painful itch at the back of his throat. He couldn't feed now. Not so soon after seeing her again. He couldn't bear the thought of laying with another woman now he knew Summer still lived. It would happen if he fed. He would be unable to contain himself.

His nostril flared as his eyes darkened into a deep shade of green. Summer's breathing was turning ragged, her own eyes darkening with passion as he scented the sweet aroma of her arousal mixing in with her scent of violets and sunshine. He growled and took another step towards her. She was so intoxicating, so hot and wanton in her own passion that it was hard to fight against her irresistible pull.

Summer's heart beat frantically in her chest as Nathaniel's expression turned sensual. She could tell he was aroused. She saw the flash of excitement in his eyes as he continued to scent her as if he had no control over his actions. He wanted her and he was trying to fight it. From the looks of things he was losing that battle because he was taking small steps closer to her with every breath he took.

She knew she should be asking him questions, like what was so funny about her still retaining some humanity? What did that mean for the rest of the Síochán? But all she could think about was how close Nathaniel suddenly was, how beautiful his face was, how hot his eyes were as they burned into her. She could see his hunger clearly now. He was almost at the end of his endurance level when it came to needing to feed, which meant he needed to be with a woman too. It was all she could do not to lean forward, not to press her body against his and beg him to take her.

"How long have you been there, Summer?" he breathed softly, his eyes trapping her in their heated gaze as she watched his nostrils flare and knew he was still scenting her, scenting her attraction to him. "Have you finished your training?" he whispered silkily. "You must have otherwise they would never have allowed you to come down here."

Her breath came out shakily as her senses filled with everything that was Nathaniel and she found it becoming increasingly difficult to breathe. "Over half a century," she answered breathlessly. "My training is complete. This is the first time I've come down to the mortal world."

A soft groan broke from Nathaniel's lips and his head lowered, his breath whispering against the side of her neck as she unconsciously tilted her head back to give him full access to whatever it was he desired. "You're still human, Summer," he whispered softly. "Your training is complete but you still retain some humanity. You have finished transforming. There are no more changes to be expected. The Síochán have ascended a human into their midst. Despite all their manipulations of both you and I, they have made a mistake. You bring Chaos to the Síochán. You bring change and unpredictability. They're not going to know what's hit them when you unleash yourself fully among them."

His closeness was intoxicating, her need for him spiralling out of control as he groaned softly again and kissed the side of her neck gently, his tongue laving at her pulse. She knew her blood was calling to him. She could feel the tenseness within him, his blood lust warring with his sexual lust.

"Nathaniel," she whispered softly. "Please, Nathaniel." She didn't know what she was pleading for. She just needed to be joined with him in some way, any way.

"Summer," he breathed huskily, his lips travelling slowly across her jaw, light teasing little kisses feathering their way to her lips where he paused, keeping her gaze trapped with his. "Enter my mind," he ordered softly. "Take us there, Summer."

She was obeying with even thinking about it, slipping effortlessly into his mind, seeing the room he wanted her to see, reaching to slide her arms around his neck as she shifted them both effortlessly into his bedroom. She under compensated, not knowing the true dimensions of the room and they were falling onto the bed in a tangled heap.

Nathaniel's body covered hers instantly, his hands fisting in her hair, his mouth ravishing hers in a kiss that was so soul destroying that she felt her heart stutter for a moment before it began to pound loudly in her chest. She parted her lips eagerly, desperate to taste him, her tongue dancing against his the moment he swept in to taste her.

Desire shot through every nerve ending, burning her up instantly, dragging a deep moan from the very depths of her soul. Nothing existed except Nathaniel's lips on hers, his hard body pressing restlessly against her. She felt the scrape of his teeth against her bottom lip, felt the urgency in his body and she wrenched her mouth from his. "Feed, Nathaniel," she urged softly, turning her head to expose her neck to him.

Nathaniel let out a tortured groan as Summer exposed the pale white column of her throat to him. His fangs elongated and his hunger cramped his insides so hard he was almost doubled over with the effort to resist the lure of her blood. He couldn't feed from her. She was Síochán. God only knew what would happen to him if he chose to feed on her blood.

He pulled back, forcing his way out of her arms, practically flying from the bed to stand beside the door. His hunger burned his throat as Summer sat up, her beautiful face marred with confusion as she stared at him bewildered. "Nathaniel, what's wrong?" she asked gently.

His breath came out in deep tortured gasps as he examined her face carefully. Was she trying to trap him by luring him with her blood? Would drinking from her somehow lure him back into becoming a Síochán? He searched her face intently, looking for some sign of deception on her part. Was she here to bring him back to the fold? He knew that's what the others wanted. Knew they would not be above using Summer to put a leash around his neck. Was she part of it?

"Nathaniel," Summer said quietly. "Talk to me. I know your hunger is bad. I know you need to feed. Why won't you accept from me?" She rose from the bed, approaching him slowly but determinedly.

He tried to escape her but his hunger was making him sluggish. She was in front of him before he could coax his tired limbs into moving, the intoxicating scent of her blood screaming at him. With a muffled groan Nathaniel reached for her, lifting her high into the air as he twisted one hand in her curls and exposed her creamy throat to his mouth. He turned, pressing her hard against the door his fangs slicing effortlessly through her soft skin, piercing her vein and sucking down her hot sweet blood as it pulsed into his mouth.

Fire exploded through his body as Summer's Síochán blood raced through his veins. His cock throbbed painfully hard as he ground against her, desperate to be inside her beautiful body. He pulled hard on her neck, frantically trying to claw her pants from her body. One moment he was touching material the next his hand was touching bare skin. He growled ferociously, his hand slipping between her legs, his fingers thrusting hard inside her wet body.

Summer cried out as Nathaniel's fingers entered her. She had taken care of their clothing when it became apparent he was lost within his hunger and desperate to join with her. The sweet pull of his mouth at her neck was sending shivers of pleasure through her body. His relentless fingers were thrusting hard and fast inside her throbbing pussy, pushing her ruthlessly towards her orgasm. She was writhing and crying out her release within moments, her hot juices soaking his hand as he continued to move within her body.

Nathaniel growled loudly pressing his rigid cock against her opening, his mouth pulling incessantly at her neck as he fed as if he were starving. She vaguely wondered if he could drain her but before she could really start to worry about it he thrust up sharply and impaled her with his long thick cock, dragging a feral groan from deep within her.

Summer moaned helplessly, holding onto Nathaniel's wide shoulders as he began to drive into her aching body with long, hard strokes. His feeding at her neck began to lessen as his blood lust was finally sated and his sexual lust took dominance. He licked at her neck, sealing the puncture wound he had made, his mouth moving to hers as he concentrated solely on thrusting into her body.

She kissed him desperately, her body on fire as he took her with a ferociousness that made the blood sing in her veins. When they had been together the first time it had been passionate but it paled into insignificance compared to the raw, animalistic joining they were currently engaged in. There was no need for Nathaniel to be gentle with her like the first time. She wasn't breakable anymore. She wasn't the shy, virginal girl he had loved a century ago.

Summer tried to muffle her cries of pleasure but every hard thrust into her body dragged a new one from her throat. Nathaniel's hands and lips were everywhere, squeezing and caressing her, fanning the flames of her passion to new heights. His mouth tugged relentlessly at her swollen nipples, teasing them gently and then sucking them hard as his hips rocked up endlessly as he impaled her over and over again.

The sensations were too much, the pleasure too intense. Summer felt as if she was soaring weightlessly as he held her pinned to the door with his hard body. She fisted her hands into his long black hair and dragged his mouth back to hers kissing him frantically. She has missed him so much, longed for him for so long and now she had him in her arms again she never wanted to let him go.

She was so close to her completion. He was pushing them both hard and fast towards the precipice and she exulted in the pleasure rushing through her body. He thrust inside her hard and her teeth grazed his bottom lip, slicing through the plump flesh and drawing blood. Her tongue snaked out, tasting him without thinking about what she was doing. The instant his blood hit her system she screamed loudly, her body shattering in endless waves of bliss as her orgasm crashed over her.

Nathaniel muffled her scream with his lips, her hot pulsing body tightening around his throbbing cock, his own release sweeping through him like a tidal wave as he ground his cock harder into her body. His hot seed raced up his shaft to bathe her insides as he roared his pleasure, his body shaking wildly at the sheer intensity of his orgasm and the combined pleasure of her release mixing with his own.

He came down slowly from his pleasure, holding Summer gently in his embrace as his heart thundered loudly in his chest and his breath came out in deep harsh rasps. Never had loving a woman been so spectacular. Loving Summer surpassed anything he had ever experienced or would ever experience again. He could feel her blood racing through his veins, he could feel her inside his head, nestled in a quiet corner of his mind, her thoughts hazy and sated.

He stiffened instantly, pulling from her body and lowering her to the floor. His green eyes turned hard as he stared down at the woman who had captured his heart so irrevocably so long ago and still held it. She was in his head! He could feel her there. She was happy, sexually sated, excited to be with him. Loving him.

"What have you done?" he whispered hoarsely staring at her with suspicious eyes.

Summer stared up at him in puzzlement. She could feel him withdrawing from her and she couldn't understand why. Why was he so angry? Why was he in her head, his fury lancing through her mind? She tried to shield from him and then gaped at him in horror. She couldn't do it! She couldn't close her mind from Nathaniel. He was still there, in the corner of her mind, his anger radiating almost as strongly as his hunger had moments earlier.

"Nathaniel," she gasped. "Get out of my head!"

He stared at her with a cold expression on his face. "Don't play the innocent, Summer," he ground out. "You bit my lip. You drank my blood after I drank yours. You knew what would happen when we swapped blood. I can't get out of your head anymore than I can get you out of mine!"

The colour drained from Summer's face as she stared into his cold eyes. They were linked somehow. How she didn't know but Nathaniel believed that she had done this deliberately. It was written all over his face. It was in his thoughts too. She could feel the certainty in her mind. "I didn't know, Nathaniel," she whispered. "I swear I didn't know."

Nathaniel paid close attention to her thoughts and feelings within his mind. He read her confusion, her silent plea for him to believe her. Maybe she hadn't known. Maybe it had just been something that had happened in the heat of the moment. It was a moot point anyway. The connection was there which meant she would be able to track him anywhere. The Síochán had a perfect hook to find him any time they wanted to.

The connection would fade if he didn't drink anymore of her blood and vice versa. He supposed in the grand scheme of things it could be decades before he saw Summer again. By then the link would be broken. Still, it was something he didn't want. It wasn't that he didn't want to be connected with Summer because he wanted nothing more. He just didn't want to be connected with the Síochán and as she was now one of them he couldn't be with her the way he wanted to.

His anger died and his expression softened as he reached out and touched her cheek gently before he turned to find his clothes. They were lying in a heap on the bed where Summer must have transported them when she got them naked. He dressed quietly.

When he turned around Summer was dressed and watching him intently. "This can't be repeated," he said quietly. "You are Síochán now, Summer. I believe that you came looking for me on a personal level. You retain enough of your humanity that they can't corrupt you entirely, but they can use you and they are using you."

"Do you think I don't know that, Nathaniel?" she asked softly crossing to stand in front of him. "I know everything about what happened to you. I know they want to use me to bring your back to them. I've already told them I won't do it."

"They can be so persuasive, Summer," he sighed softly sitting on the bed and pulling her down onto his lap, stroking her glorious blonde curls lightly. "And they never give up when they decide they want something. How long did Lucas wait for you, Summer?"

She stiffened in his embrace. "Half a century," she whispered.

"They will wait millennia to convince you to believe that it's in mine and everyone else's best interest for you to convince me to return, sweet one," he said sadly. "They will convince you eventually, Summer, no matter how hard you try and fight them. You must let me go. It's the only way."

Summer felt tears gather in her eyes as she clung onto him tightly. "But I love you, Nathaniel," she whispered brokenly. "I've loved you for so long. I don't want to let you go. I can't. Please don't make me, Nathaniel."

Nathaniel fought down the sharp lance of pain that ripped through him. He wanted to be with her but there was just no way that could happen. He loved this beautiful woman in his arms but he could never go back to the Síochán and they would never allow her to come to him. They would use her to bring him back and he would go back eventually if he kept seeing her. One day saying goodbye to her would be just too unbearable. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and fought down the tears which threatened to spill down his cheeks.

"Go home, Summer," he said firmly, his voice hard and unyielding. "You are Síochán and your place is with them. Don't look for me again. I will not welcome your company the next time we meet."

"Nathaniel, no!" Summer cried trying to kiss him, trying to stop him from doing what she knew he didn't want to do because she could sense him in her head. But he was determined and he pushed her away from him, standing up and striding towards the door.

"Go home," he said before he slipped his invisibility shield tightly around him and blanked his mind completely. He turned and vanished from the room.

Summer couldn't contain the whimper of denial which escaped her as Nathaniel cloaked himself in his invisibility shield and vanished from her sight. "Nathaniel!" she cried softly, hurrying to where she had last seen him, knowing he was already gone.

Her eyes filled with tears as she turned away, giving up her search for her vampire. Nathaniel may still want her but he wasn't going to allow himself to take what he wanted and it was all the fault of the Síochán. The tears in Summer's eyes dried instantly and her gaze turned wintry. The Síochán had a lot to answer for. Nathaniel was right, she wasn't Temperance, she was Chaos. And she was about to unleash her wrath on the cold hearted men who made up the Síochán.

To be continued...

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JohnBJohnJohnBJohn3 months ago

Amazing story!

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

Marvelous ...... If "chaos - summer" could be connected as well to our religious old mens in every religion, so may hate or terrorism could be eliminated, like equally here "summer" hopefully can turn those old mens brains with her chaos ..... Thats a precious big thought behind this tale ....... Really really outstanding 💝💝💝💝💝⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66over 10 years ago
I agree with sexycelestrian

There is nothing worse than being manipulated and then realizing that the person you love would sacrifice his soul and love rather than go back unwillingly.

Poor Nathaniel and Summer but watch out boys the wrath of a woman scorned is deadlier than a rattle snake bite!!!

Another brilliant story Jaz congrats

grrlslavegrrlslaveover 10 years ago

You are just crazy talented! This story may just be the best yet.

sexycelestriansexycelestrianover 11 years ago
Oh shit!

Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned!!!

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